Sarah Palin is the other whom Yoda spoke about.

calendar   Sunday - August 01, 2004

All Is Explained: Indy To Boston To Alabama

Where to begin? The last ten days have been physically exhausting and nerve-wracking to say the least. The road trip began in Indianapolis, made its way to Boston, spent five days behind enemy lines and then made another trip of over 700 miles to Huntsville, Alabama. Let's start at the beginning ....

Leaving Indianapolis: I have been contemplating leaving the Midwest and returning home to the South for some time. Why? I’m tired. It’s time to go home and reconnect with family and old friends. Here’s a news flash for ya: I’ve been running in sixth gear pushing myself to the limits of physical and mental endurance since 1990. In that year I was a Senior Systems Engineer for Tandy Corp. I was installing Unix and Novell systems for small to medium sized companies over the Southeast. I had been doing that kind of work for over ten years, since the early 1980’s (I spent the 1970’s coding COBOL and RPG and IBM Assembler on mainframes using punch cards - BLAH!). In 1990 we were told that Tandy was getting out of the computer business (goodbye TRS-80, Tandy-1000, Tandy 2000, etc.) and all computer centers would be shut down. I had just turned 40 and I decided to give it one last push for the big money.

I had a B.A. from the University Of Alabama, majoring in Music from 1971. Not much to build a future on so I decided to go back to school. I enrolled at Troy State University taking night classes, working toward a B.S. in Computer Science. I transferred all general studies credits from Alabama to Troy State and started in the CIS curriculum. I met a good friend, Don Reeves, who was retiring from the USAF and was also enrolling at Troy State in the CIS department. He had managed to snag a job as a government contractor for Harris Corporation and helped me get on board with Harris too. I still owe him for that and he is probably the best friend I have in the world today. We were both working for Harris on the USAF’s base-level computer modernization efforts, which Harris had the contract to perform when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. Harris was performing the work at the USAF’s Standard Systems Group at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, AL. SSG became overnight a frenzied trailer and satellite farm during Gulf War I. We were both switching back and forth from one project to another in support of various Air Force functions .... and going to school at night and weekends. Sixty and eighty hour weeks? Bah! Those were only when things slowed down. I was surviving on two or three hours of sleep a night from 1991 to 1994. Four years that I just barely remember. I was single, having survived a nasty divorce in 1988. Don had a family and needed help with school. I helped him as much as I could, even to the point of helping him on research projects and term papers. It was the least I could do to repay his earlier help. That’s what friends are for. We both finished the B.S. degree in 1993 and he fell by the wayside to rest and catch up with his family. I kept going .... I enrolled in the Masters program at Troy State and started immediately. I swept aside the GRE and my candidate thesis (on software reliability factors) was approved. Three years later I walked across the stage and accepted my Masters in Computer Science. I thought I could finally rest. Don had finally enrolled in the Masters program and finished two years later (with a lot of prodding and help from yours truly). I was as proud of him as I was of myself. Today, he is a Senior Project Manager for Northrop Grumman.

I, however, was not allowed to rest. The dean of the Computer Science department talked me into coming on board as a member of the adjunct faculty at the University, teaching Computer Science classes at night. I couldn’t turn him down. Dr. Joe Boyett is one of the smartest people in the field .. his specialty is statistical analysis, queueing theory, networking theory and transportation theory. Don’t ask. He earned his PhD. from George Washington University after working on the teams managing convoys during WWII, which is where the whole concept of queueing theory and transportation theory originated. For two years I taught CIS classes for Dr. Joe. At work I had become involved in Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), particularly Oracle databases (Oracle is the largest database software company in the world and is the second largest software company overall (after Microsoft). After working with Oracle databases for the Department Of Defense for over five years, I was building a reputation as one of the top database specialists. At that point, Oracle phoned me and asked me to come to work with them. That was 1996.

I thought about it for about five minutes and accepted. I stopped teaching and went on the road as a Senior Consultant for Oracle Government Services Division. “Have Database Will Travel”. I was a hired gun, on the road 100%, putting out fires and assisting Oracle customers (Department Of Defense, Department Of Energy, the US Air Force, the US Army, the US Navy, the US Postal Service, etc.). One airport after another, one hotel after another, one more fire to put out, one more angry General or Undersecretary to console, one more fast meal on the run .... it lasted over two years and I finally started to run out of gas.

I left Oracle and started independent consulting with customers in Atlanta, New Orleans, Silicon Valley, and a few other cities I forget. Interspersed in there were a few direct hire jobs in Austin, Texas and for NASA in Mississippi. I finally wound up in Indianapolis last year, fifty-five years old and worn out. The less said about the Indianapolis work, the better. I have never seen so many “pretend IT people” in one place in my entire life. I was direct hired by a non-profit organization with some of the worst managers I’ve ever encountered, with no plan and no structure. Within a few weeks of arriving in Indy, I knew it was a losing situation. I started planning back in January about the time Vilmar and I started this blog. The blog is the only thing that has kept me interested and happy. In recent months I have been offered numerous jobs in Chicago, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and have even been contacted by the US Government to come to Washington to work on the House Of Representatives database (ugh!).

Then the contact came from Alabama and I instantly made up my mind to go home. It’s time to coast for a while and finish my books that I’ve been working on for five years. So there you have it.

Boston: I had already contacted the movers to come pick up my household goods when I realized it was going to be during the week of the Democratic Convention in Boston. Just for grins, I contacted a certain un-named Liberal blogger and challenged him to let me come along as part of his convention party. Needless to say, the first answer was “hell no”. The second time I asked, money was brought up but I refused. Finally, he agreed to get me credentials as a member of his blog but I had to agree (1) not to disclose who he is, (2) not to say anything bad about him, (3) and not to blog anything until after the convention. In addition, I was only allowed into the Fleet Center on Monday and Tuesday. I felt like James Bond penetrating SMERSH. I agreed to the terms though since I’ve never been to a political convention and wanted to observe one firsthand. He already had hotel reservations and was not willing to help me get a room. I made a few phone calls to a couple of guys who live in Boston, whom I had the pleasure to work with in 1997 on an Oracle assignment for Defense Informations Systems Agency (DISA). I was in luck .. the second call scored. James was planning on leaving Boston during the convention and taking some vacation time and he was glad to let me babysit his apartment. Unfortunately, he lives way out towards Waltham, which is a long train ride and an even further walk to the Fleet Center and the center of Boston.

Anyway, I girded my loins and set out for Boston early Friday, July 23. Two days later, I rolled into town on Sunday. The town already looked like it was going into lock-down mode. James and I rode around for a while and he showed me what had changed since my last visit (the Big Dig is finished). The town is still nasty and I would never want to live there. We had drinks at a place called “Cheers” that night. Yes, that “Cheers”.

James took off Monday morning and left me to it. I left about noon headed for downtown. I met up with the “un-named liberal blogger” and got my identification papers. Needless to say, I had to endure a lot of ribbing from him and his friends. Talk about Daniel into the lion’s den. Sheesh! We carefully wound our way past the security stations (I had taken the precaution of emptying all metal objects from my body and wearing a plain leather belt - I didn’t bring my laptop either .. all I had was a notebook and pen). As you know by now, the bloggers were seated way up in the nose-bleed section of the hall (which is smaller than you might think). I couldn’t believe the row of bloggers at their laptops (it looked like everyone was on a slow dial-up line). I have also never seen or listened to a more pumped-up, lunatic bunch of people in my life. The Dummycraps may have been trying to put on a kinder, gentler face for the TV audience but the people I listened to were almost literally foaming at the mouth. “Beat Bush”, “Cheney-Haliburton”, etc. I heard all the old tired attacks. I nearly bit my tongue in two.

After an eternity, the hall started to fill up. Warm-up acts were on stage and off and stagehands were desperately working in the shadows. Le Cirque De Soleil came to mind. Just when I was wondering when the ringmaster was going to bring on the elephants and tigers, out came .... Al Grrrrrr. I thought “here we go!”

Zzzzzzzzzzzzz .... who gave Al the Valium? What happened? Beats the f**k out of me. This was not the Al Grrrr we have all come to know and love. No fire-breathing rhetoric and only an occasional jab (lightly). Bummer! Bring on the clowns. The bloggers in front of me were also wondering but a few evidently were in on the “New Democratic Game Plan”. I waited.

Finally, the real show began. The Hildebeast came out and the faithful went wild down on the floor. I almost gagged. It was at that point that I realized this is not politics .. it is pure show business for the TV audience. Nothing more and nothing less. Thank God she was brief.

Suddenly, almost abruptly, she introduced the main act of the evening .... the “Lizard King” himself, Bill Clinton. I was only a few hundred feet away from him. My first thought was ....


The speech was pure “Clinton Bullshit” but you have to admit the man knows how to preach to the crowd. I was reminded why he managed to stay in office for eight miserable years. Smooth tongue and a well-placed phrase. I shivered, just listening to him again. The hall echoed with the memories of past lies and smoothly slipping away from justice. Clinton is without doubt the epitome of the word “populist”. I almost blacked out when he started talking about the tax cut he got now that he is worth millions from book sales. I won’t even go into the whole “Strength and wisdom are not conflicting values” bullshit. The crowd loved it. I was nauseated with the implications of that sound bite. Make no mistake, Bill Clinton is not super-smart, as the Liberals would have you believe. He is what I call “clever” which has nothing to do with intelligence or smarts. That makes him dangerous.

Personally, I prefer a cowboy that everyone “misunderstimates” and who has problems with the word “nucular”. At least you know where Bush stands. I listen to the bloggers who are lapping all this up. They are already counting the votes and have decided Kerry will win in a landslide. “Get rid of Bushitler”, YEAH! I gag and bite my tongue.

Finally, the evening comes to an end and I can break free for a breath of fresh air. I needed it bad. The arrogance and pandering going on the Fleet Center is more than any rational person can stand. What you saw on TV was a carefully orchestrated mask, kids. My ears were ringing by the time I got back to the apartment. I don’t know whether it was my blood pressure or the noise of hundreds of angry Liberals on a short leash.

Tuesday morning I get up early and hit the streets. I want to see the protestors. There are a few weirdos wandering around with crackpot signs. You’ve probably already read about some of the loonies who were on the loose. The only thing that struck me was the fact that there were so few of them. This provided me with definitive proof that the loonies were being kept under control by the party that encourages their Moonbat behavior. I decided to visit “the cage”. But first, I encounter Copley Square and thousands of boots. I thought, “WTF?” I made the mistake of asking one of the smelly creeps standing around the display. I was told it was demonstrating a pair of boots for every serviceman who died because “Bush Lied”. I have never in my life come so close to committing homicide. I could have strangled that SOB standing there with that silly self-righteous grin and never lost a minute of sleep over it. I started to make a comment about “where are the millions of sandals for all of Saddam’s victims” but a little old lady came up to the creature and began questioning him, so I ducked out before I lost it. Damn! These people are brain-dead and so convinced they are right. There is no room in their universe for an opposing opinion. Damn! Damn! Damn!

I go on to “the cage” where the Dummycraps have roped off the protestors next to the Fleet Center. Pardon me, but isn’t that suppressing free speech, placing all dissident opinions in an “internment camp”? There is indeed a “chill wind blowing across this country” as Tim Robbins said. The problem is that it is a Democratic chill wind. The Liberals are the enemy of freedom and common sense. Of course, the protestors are the usual crowd of conspiracy theorists and stoopid slogans. I say we shoot them all .. the Liberals and the protestors. A useless mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Tuesday night: Howard Dean and Al Sharpton. Where the f**k are the dancing bears and jugglers. Sharpton was his usual full-of-shit, ranting, raving self. Dean seems to have lost his “YEARRRGGGGHHH”. Boring. Teresa Heinz Kerry .. I haven’t decided on her yet. She seems to want to stay behind the scenes but occasionally shows signs of becoming the Second Coming Of Hillary. Her accent also scares the f**k out of me. There’s too much German or South African in there. I don’t know what it is but it scares me. I noticed several inconsistencies in her speech but kept my mouth shut. I thought “he’s your gigolo, lady”. I hope he’s worth this boot-licking and lies you’re spouting.

Wednesday night I’m left to my own devices and just wander around downtown, on foot. I missed the Edwards speech but I’m told it was no big loss. I did see the Edwards family. Trust me, Mrs. Edwards ass is as broad as it looks on TV. Whooo, Bertha Butts! (I’m sorry, I know that was tacky but the woman needs to start skipping the mashed potatoes). Good looking kids though. It’s too bad they’ll be raised Dummycraps. Later that night I try to crash the big bloggers party in Charlestown. I was rudely treated and forced to watch from outside. Which suited me just fine. There seemed to be a lot of confident, happy people going in. I wonder how they’ll look in November if their “savior” loses. What will be, will be.

Thursday was spent just resting. My feet are killing me. I decide to stay in the apartment and watch the circus on TV. I went to sleep halfway through Kerry’s speech. I lost nothing.

So, that’s the way it was, kids. I hightailed it out of bandit country early the next morning headed south to meet my household goods in God’s Country. I’ll probably have more observations on the slapstick show in Boston over the next few weeks. I have about forty pages of notes to go through first.

I will watch the republican Convention on TV from home. I have a bad feeling about terrorist attacks. I saw our domestic terrorists firsthand in Boston and there are still foreign terrorists out there too. One or both of these groups will cause serious trouble in New York and I don’t want to be there. Someone else will have to cover the Republicans. I’m tired.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/01/2004 at 08:19 PM    avatar
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A recent vacancy caused by the firing of an employee necessitated a new hire---quick! Which explains why the Minister Of Propaganda absconded so quickly and is now in Alabama.

Read this to find out Allan's new job and why he had to hurry to Alabama!

The question is this though: will he continue in his predecessor's steps and if so, need we fear he try and do the same thing to us?

Update From Caesar (Allan): Vilmar, you must be off your medication again. Take your pills and calm down.

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/01/2004 at 02:53 PM    avatar
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Animal Phone Calls We’d Rather Not Hear

Dog: [*heavy panting*] "Hey, could you put the phone up to your butt for a minute?"

Beaver: "Hello, Ms. Stone? Close your legs, for cryin' out loud! You're giving my kind a bad name!"

Dog: "Can you please page Miss Legtohump, first name Anita?"

Dog: "My name is Humphrey Quentley. Is the bitch of the house in?"

Iguana: "Roy Scheider? This is Liz... Liz Erd. I want my neck back!"

Dog: "Hello, Twin Dragons restaurant? EAT ME!!"

Mink: "Could I speak to the lost and found? I think I left my coat."

Dog: "Is your refrigerator running? Well you better... Hey, Look A Cat!"

Donkey: "Is 'U.R. Ugly' there? ... Why, yes, I *am* an ass."

Dog: "Is there a Hugh Jefirehydrant there?"

Squirrel: "I'd like to speak to Holden... Holden Manuts."

Lamb: "911? Please send an ambulance! My sister is bleating from her mouth!"

Dog: "I am the Viper.... I am the Viper... I vill vipe my butt on your vall-to-vall carpet!"

Sperm whale: "May I speak to Ms. Lewinsky, please?"

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/01/2004 at 02:16 PM    avatar
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A Coup by The Minister of Propaganda

While Allan was in Boston last week enduring the hell that can only be called the Democratic Convention, he was able to infiltrate party headquarters and abscond with a copy of John "The Poodle" Kerry's job application. Seems all dummycraps have to file one of these when they are running in the primaries and must have one on file for review before being nominated.

I consider what he accomplished quite a coup!

For such valiant courage in the face of rabid moonbats, I hereby issue an Imperial Decree pardoning our Minister of Propaganda for any crimes he may or may not have committed. So is it said. And so it shall be.

Here's the application and I share it with you now:

NAME: John Kerry

RESIDENCE: Many mansions, including Washington, DC, worth multi-millions.

EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Law Enforcement. I voted to cut every law enforcement, CIA and defense bill in my career as a US Senator. I ordered Boston to remove a fire hydrant which I considered unsightly, in front of my mansion, thereby endangering my neighbors in the event of fire.

MILITARY: I used three minor injuries to get an early discharge from the military and service in Vietnam (as documented by the attending doctor). I then returned to the US, joined Jane Fonda in protesting the war, and insulted returning Vietnam vets, claiming they committed atrocities and were baby killers. I threw my medals, ribbons, or something away in protest. Or did I? My book; Vietnam Veterans Against the War: The New Soldier shows how I truly feel about the military. I deplore the military!

COLLEGE: I graduated from Yale University with a low C average. Unlike my counterpart George Bush, I have no higher education and did not get admitted to Harvard nor graduate with an M.B.A

PAST WORK EXPERIENCE: I ran for U.S. Congress and have been there ever since. I have no real world experience except that of a gigolo, by marrying rich women and running HJ Heinz vicariously through my wife, Teresa.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: As a US Senator I set the record for the most liberal voting record, exceeding even Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton. I have consistently failed to support our military and CIA by voting against budgets, thus gutting our country's ability to defend itself. Although I voted for the Iraq War, now I am against it and refuse to admit that I voted for it. I voted for every liberal piece of legislation. I have no plan to help this country but I intend to raise taxes significantly if I am elected.

My wealth so far exceeds that of my counterpart, George Bush, that he will never catch up. I make no or little charitable contributions and have never agreed to pay any voluntary excess taxes in MA, despite family wealth in excess of $700 million.

I (we) own 28 manufacturing plants (Heinz) outside of the U.S. in places like Asia, Mexico and Europe. We can make more profit from the cheaper cost of labor in those countries, although I blame George Bush for sending all of the jobs out of Country.

Although I claim to be in favor of alternative energy sources, Ted Kennedy and I oppose windmills off Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard as it might spoil our view of the ocean as we cruise on our yachts.



I ride a Serotta Bike.

My Gulfstream V Jet is called The Flying Squirrel.

I call my $850,000 42-foot Hinckley twin diesel yacht the Scarmouche.

I am fascinated by rap and hip-hop and feel it reflects our real culture.

I own several "Large" SUVs including one parked at my Nantucket summer mansion, though I am against large polluting inefficient vehicles and blame George Bush for the energy problems.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/01/2004 at 09:52 AM    avatar
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Sunday Pin-Ups (sorta)

Three little lovelies for the men today. Ladies, scroll down for yours.

We start with the king of pin-ups, Alberto Vargas.

From the time Esquire first introduced America to the Varga Girl, in 1940, the name Vargas has been synonymous with pin-up and glamour art. In fact, the word "vargas" has actually been applied to almost every kind of pin-up subject - a fitting tribute to the most famous and prolific glamour artist of all time.
Born February 9, 1896, in Peru, Alberto Vargas was the son of a renowned photographer, Max Vargas, who had taught him how to use an airbrush by the time he was thirteen. Vargas' first encounter with America happened about noon at Broadway and Fourteenth Street, when he was suddenly surrounded by a lunchtime crowd of smartly dressed office workers. Mesmerized by their grace, sophistication, and beauty the young artist decided he would spend his life glorifying the American Girl.

Vargas maintained a full schedule throughout the 1920s, working for a diverse group of clients in addition to the Follies and Paramount. Vargas. By 1935, he was working for Warner Brothers and, before the decade was over, for MGM.

Vargas' first calendar jobs were two pastel glamour pin-ups executed for Joseph C. Hoover and Sons between 1937 and 1939. He became an American citizen in 1939.

Vargas continued to paint Hollywood stars while he worked for Esquire. His 1941 movie poster of Betty Grable in Moon Over Miami was a great success; among the other leading ladies he painted were such stars as Jane Russell, Ann Sheridan, Ava Gardner Linda Darnell, Marlene Dietrich, Loretta Young, and Marilyn Monroe.

In 1957, Playboy magazine published a pictorial feature on Vargas' nudes, which drew the attention of publisher Hugh Hefner.Embarking on this momentous association in 1960, Vargas was to paint 152 works for Playboy during this period, adapting to new moral standards and more explicit sexuality.

This one is untitled.

Next we have an artist named Jennifer Janesko

Janesko began drawing and painting female images at a very early age. The Kansas City artist started exhibiting sensual female paintings in galleries after graduating from Stephens College with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in December, 1989. As a fine artist, Jennifer focuses her attention on the female form. As an added effect, Jennifer often uses metallic gold and silver on selected areas of clothing and accessories. The hard, reflective metallic sharply contrasts with the soft, flowing skin for a dramatic effect. Jennifer uses airbrush and paintbrush to create a mixed media painting.

Jennifer Janesko's distinctive art is quickly achieving international recognition. Playboy magazine featured illustrations by Janesko in the June 1998, March 1999, March 2000 and February 2001 issues.

Title: "Fit to be Tied"

Last, we have Drew Posada

He was born in 1969, as Andrew Posada and raised in a very poor household that didn’t have money to buy sporting equipment and video games, etc. but always had pencils and paper.

He became a professional freelance artist in 1985. After graduating high school he freelanced as an artist and worked as a picture framer.

In 1994 he was flown down from Seattle to San Diego to try out for a job as an illustrator at Image Comics. They hired him immediately and he worked for quite a few studios within Image; Top Cow, Wildstorm and Extreme.

Title: Heaven and Hell

Ladies, the last time Allan tried this we heard complaints about the pin-up being too young, blah, blah, blah. So in an effort to ameliorate this situation, we give you this:

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/01/2004 at 09:34 AM    avatar
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Daily Dose

Quote of the Day

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep debating what to have for dinner. Freedom is a well-armed sheep ready to contest the vote! Ben Franklin

On This Day in History

1785 Caroline Herschel becomes 1st woman discoverer of a comet
1790 1st US census (population of 3,939,214)
1834 Slavery abolished in British empire
1944 Adam Clayton Powell elected 1st black congressman from East
1958 1st class postage up to $0.04 (had been $0.03 for 26 years)
1987 Crossbow flight record (2,005 yds 1'9") set by Harry Drake in Nevada


Four days after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Germany and Russia declare war against each other, France orders a general mobilization, and the first German army units cross into Luxembourg in preparation for the German invasion of France. During the next three days, Russia, France, Belgium, and Great Britain all lined up against Austria-Hungary and Germany, and the German army invaded Belgium. The "Great War" that ensued was one of unprecedented destruction and loss of life, resulting in the deaths of some 20 million soldiers and civilians.

On June 28, 1914, in an event that is widely regarded as sparking the outbreak of World War I, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian empire, was shot to death with his wife by Bosnian Serb Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo, Bosnia. On July 28, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and the tenuous peace between Europe's great powers collapsed. On July 29, Austro-Hungarian forces began to shell the Serbian capital of Belgrade, and Russia, Serbia's ally, ordered a troop mobilization against Austria-Hungary. France, allied with Russia, began to mobilize on August 1. France and Germany declared war against each other on August 3. After crossing through neutral Luxembourg, the Germany army invaded Belgium on the night of August 3-4, prompting Great Britain, Belgium's ally, to declare war against Germany.

For the most part, the people of Europe greeted the outbreak of war with jubilation. Most patriotically assumed that their country would be victorious within months. By the end of 1914, well over a million soldiers of various nationalities had been killed on the battlefields of Europe, and neither for the Allies nor the Central Powers was a final victory in sight. On the western front--the battle line that stretched across northern France and Belgium--the combatants settled down in the trenches for a terrible war of attrition.

In 1915, the Allies attempted to break the stalemate with an amphibious invasion of Turkey, which had joined the Central Powers in October 1914, but after heavy bloodshed the Allies were forced to retreat in early 1916. The year 1916 saw great offensives by Germany and Britain along the western front, but neither side accomplished a decisive victory. In the east, Germany was more successful, and the disorganized Russian army suffered terrible losses, spurring the outbreak of the Russian Revolution in 1917. By the end of 1917, the Bolsheviks had seized power in Russia and immediately set about negotiating peace with Germany. In 1918, the infusion of American troops and resources into the western front finally tipped the scale in the Allies' favor. Bereft of manpower and supplies and faced with an imminent invasion, Germany signed an armistice agreement with the Allies in November 1918.

World War I was known as the "war to end all wars" because of the great slaughter and destruction it caused. Unfortunately, the peace treaty that officially ended the conflict--the Treaty of Versailles of 1919--forced punitive terms on Germany that destabilized Europe and laid the groundwork for World War II.

1943 PT-109 sinks; Lieutenant Kennedy is instrumental in saving crew

On this day in 1943, a Japanese destroyer rams an American PT (patrol torpedo) boat, No. 109, slicing it in two. The destruction is so massive other American PT boats in the area assume the crew is dead. Two crewmen were, in fact, killed, but 11 survived, including Lt. John F. Kennedy.

After five hours of clinging to debris from the decimated PT boat, the crew made it to a coral island. Kennedy decided to swim out to sea again, hoping to flag down a passing American boat. None came. Kennedy began to swim back to shore, but strong currents, and his chronic back condition, made his return difficult. Upon reaching the island again, he fell ill. After he recovered, the PT-109 crew swam to a larger island, what they believed was Nauru Island, but was in fact Cross Island. They met up with two natives from the island, who agreed to take a message south. Kennedy carved the distress message into a coconut shell: "Nauru Is. Native knows posit. He can pilot. 11 alive need small boat."

The message reached Lieutenant Arthur Evans, who was watching the coast of Gomu Island, located next to an island occupied by the Japanese. Kennedy and his crew were paddled to Gomu. A PT boat then took them back to Rendova. Kennedy was ultimately awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal, for gallantry in action.

The coconut shell used to deliver his message found a place in history-and in the Oval Office.

Today's Birthdays

10 -BC- Claudius 4th Roman emperor (41-54 AD)
1770 William Clark Charlottsville VA, 2nd lt of Lewis & Clark Expedition
1779 Francis Scott Key composer (Star-Spangled Banner)
1819 Herman Melville US, author (Moby Dick, Billy Budd)

Thanks to The Quotations Page       Famous Birthdays      Snopes

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/01/2004 at 06:49 AM    avatar
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Kerry Statue Unveiled

The Official John Kerry Vietnam Veteran Statue was unveiled today.

Sadly, the artist was only able to capture one of Kerry's faces.

Mysteriously, the inscription on the statue reads "Bob Hope Is On The Way".

Strange ....

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/01/2004 at 01:18 AM    avatar
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Issue A Fatwah Against Michael Moore?

Let's see, the one American I absolutley despise is Michael Moore. He's a fat, useless, lying fucktard.

When it comes to foreigners, the ones I hate most are the Saudis. Seventeen of the nineteen terrorists who crashed the planes on 9/11 were Saudi citizens and the Saudis have sponsored radical Islam in the form of Wahabbism around the world for decades.

Now, it appears the Saudi royal family is mad at Michael Moore for his film "F-9/11".

Who should I side with in this dispute? Hmmmmmmmmm .....

Aw, fuck it! Tell the Saudis to issue a Fatwah against Moore and have him killed. However, after Moore is dead, we bury him and wait a million years. This dead "doposaurus" should create enough oil to power our starships for centuries. Oh .. and in the meantime we force the Saudis to pay reparations to the US for the killing .... say, 20 million barrels of oil per month .... free.

I like it when a plan comes together.

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/01/2004 at 01:03 AM    avatar
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Home From The Hills

Allan (Casear) here. I just wanted to let all loyal centurians and tribunes know that Caesar is well and has arrived in Rome (actually I'm about halfway between Athens and Rome). I've been travelling in my chariot since daylight from Alexandria. (for those keeping track of Caesar's travels, that is Alexandria, Virginia .. Athens, Alabama .. and Rome, Georgia) Caesar has crossed the Rubicon and is currently in a hospice just south of the "City Built on Seven Rockets" (thanks for the welcome from the loyal citizens here).

It's about 10:30 now and I'm exhausted. I'm going to take a long hot soak and retire for the evening. I have decided to rest tomorrow. The last ten days have been a whirlwind and after walking all over Boston last week, my feet are killing me. From Indianapolis to Boston to Huntsville .. over 2000 miles.

I have not completed the "Boston Report" yet but I promise to have it here for you by Monday morning. In the meantime, the first post-convention poll is out. According to the Newsweek poll just released today, the Kedwards ticket got a 4-point "bounce" coming out of the convention. Caveat: the poll has a margin of error of + or - 3%. It would seem the people polled were completely underwhelmed by the convention. I know I was. What went on inside the Fleet Center was nothing but pure f**king "theatre". P.T. Barnum would have been proud .... and based on some conversations I heard outside the convention, Barnum would have been right on the money about "one born every minute".

I have some interesting observations made during my rounds of Boston last week. Stay tuned. All will be explained.

Memo to Vilmar: Caesar will offer a pardon to you if you renounce your accusations of treason. This is a one-time offer. Recant and rejoin the fold of true Conservative Citizens. Or else ....

Memo To Mr. Minority: I'm glad to be back in the South. Swiss, huh? I suppose that's OK. The Helvetians are nice people. Have no fear of Vilmar. He's just a little wound up.

Memo To Barb: Stand firm, Tribune. Caesar is only a two-hour flight from Chicago if the Moonbats start acting up again. I depend on you and your family (except your brother) to keep an eye on the "Daley Delinquents" up there. It's too bad Jack Ryan had to make an ass of himself. I'm still waiting for the courts to unseal John Kerry's divorce records (or for the media to demand that they be released) .... it will probably be a long wait.

Memo to Dottie: Anyone with intelligence can move to the South where (a) people are polite, (b) Republicans are taking over and driving Democrats out, (c) there's a gun shop on every corner and (d) John Kerry will never show his face. Bear in mind that Vilmar has been operating from the BMEWS Florida surveillance complex, hiding in the "Land Of Dangling Chads". Ask him if he mistakenly voted for Pat Buchannen in 2000. MWah-hah-hah-ha-ha-ha .....

One thing remains true no matter where I reside ....


P.S. Yankees suck and Cardinals blow.

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/01/2004 at 12:11 AM    avatar
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calendar   Saturday - July 31, 2004

Things that strike fear…..

Imagine you are a terrorist in Afghanistan, sitting around your camel dung fire, at the mouth of your cave, eating shit (because nothing else is available.)

You get ready to begin a skirmish against the infidels. You squawk your radio, get ready to leave and within minutes this things comes swooping in to make the rest of your life miserable.............

Nothing like the creativeness of our fighting men to strike fear into the hearts of heathens!

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 07/31/2004 at 02:23 PM    avatar
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Stress relief

Thanks to Bob I now have something else other than my Barkus Moonbatus model shotgun to help relieve stress.

I especially like the manic mode.

Go there. Relieve yourself. You'll feel better. Trust me.

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 07/31/2004 at 06:43 AM    avatar
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Daily Dose

Quote of the Day

A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject. Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)

There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval. George Santayana (1863 - 1952)

On This Day in History

1964 The U.S. space probe Ranger 7 transmitted pictures of the Moon’s surface.
1777 Marquis de Lafayette, 19, made major-general of Continental Army
1910 Chicago Cub King Cole no-hits St Louis, 4-0 in a 7 inning game (posted just for Cubcake fans)

1703 Daniel Defoe is put in the pillory

On this day, Daniel Defoe is put in the pillory as punishment for seditious libel, brought about by the publication of a politically satirical pamphlet.

Defoe's middle-class father had hoped Defoe would enter the ministry, but Defoe decided to become a merchant instead. After he went bankrupt in 1692, he turned to political pamphleteering to support himself. A deft writer, Defoe's pamphlets were highly effective in moving readers. His pamphlet The Shortest Way with Dissenters was an attack on High Churchman, satirically written as if from the High Church point of view but extending their arguments to the point of foolishness. Both sides of the dispute, Dissenters and High Church alike, took the pamphlet seriously, and both sides were outraged to learn it was a hoax. Defoe was arrested for seditious libel in May 1703. While awaiting his punishment, he wrote the spirited "Hymn to the Pillory." The public sympathized with Defoe and threw flowers, instead of the customary rocks, at him while he stood in the pillory.

He was sent back to Newgate Prison, from which Robert Harley, the future Earl of Oxford, obtained his release. Harley hired Defoe as a political writer and spy. To this end, Defoe set up the Review, which he edited and wrote from 1704 to 1713. It wasn't until he was nearly 60 that he began writing fiction. In 1719, The Life and Strange Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Defoe's fictional account of a shipwrecked sailor who spent 28 years on a desert island, was published. His other works include Moll Flanders (1722) and Roxana (1724). He died in London in 1731.

1941 Goering orders Heydrich to prepare for the Final Solution

On this day in 1941, Herman Goering, writing under instructions from Hitler, ordered Reinhard Heydrich, SS general and Heinrich Himmler's number-two man, "to submit to me as soon as possible a general plan of the administrative material and financial measures necessary for carrying out the desired final solution of the Jewish question."

Goering recounted briefly the outline for that "final solution" that had been drawn up on January 24, 1939: "emigration and evacuation in the best possible way." This program of what would become mass, systematic extermination was to encompass "all the territories of Europe under German occupation."

Heydrich already had some experience with organizing such a plan, having reintroduced the cruel medieval concept of the ghetto in Warsaw after the German occupation of Poland. Jews were crammed into cramped walled areas of major cities and held as prisoners, as their property was confiscated and given to either local Germans or non-Jewish Polish peasants.

Behind this horrendous scheme, carried out month by month, country by country, was Hitler, whose "greatest weakness was found in the vast numbers of oppressed peoples who hated [him] and the immoral ways of his government." This assessment was Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin's, given at a Kremlin meeting that same day, July 31, with American adviser to the president Harry Hopkins.

Today's Birthdays

1936 Buddy Guy (blues artist)
1965 J. K. Rowling (author - harry potter)
1964 Jim Corr (the corrs - singer, guitarist)
1962 Wesley Snipes (actor)
1912 Milton Friedman (economist)

Thanks to The Quotations Page       Famous Birthdays      Snopes

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 07/31/2004 at 06:31 AM    avatar
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calendar   Friday - July 30, 2004

Caesar: Veni, Vidi, Vomiti

Caesar has left Gaul (Boston). The barbarians in this savage country are impossible to understand. They can only be destroyed. I shall have to return at a later date with more legions to subdue these subhuman creatures. It appears they have a leader now who may be more troublesome than Vercingetorix ever was. A shaggy headed, two-faced creature named Kerri who has rallied several thousand members of the Democratix tribe. Under Kerri, they are making secret plans to invade Rome.

I must return to Rome though. The Imperial Senate, under Vilmarus, has accused me of treason and I must return to answer these charges. I have abandoned my winter camp in Indianapolis and ordered all my servants to pack everything up so that Caesar can return to Rome. I say farewell to the Midwest provinces forever. Although, I do leave the famed CUBS Legion to fight off the savages in Chicago.

I will be setting up permanent camp in the province of Alabama, near the city of Huntsville. This is Caesar's homeland and it feels good to return after many years in the barbarian lands to the North. The savage tribes on the East and West coast are uniting under the leader Kerri and I fear dire days are coming for Rome. Kerri is razzle-dazzling the tribes with his ridiculous "Reporting For Duty" and "Hope Is On The Way" speeches. My spies report the barbarian tribes responded with rabid, insane chants of "Kerri! Kerri!".

Caesar is currently staying overnight at an inn in Alexandria, in the province of Virginia. I am working on my report to the Imperial Senate on the situation in Gaul. It is disturbing .. and quite "galling" if you pardon my pun.

Sometime tomorrow, Caesar will cross the Rubicon River (a.k.a. Tennessee River). At that point there is no turning back. I must settle this nasty business in Rome and unite all Conservative Romans to prepare for the coming battle with Kerri and his barbarian tribes.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 07/30/2004 at 07:58 PM    avatar
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Al Gore Spotted In St. Pete Florida!

Officials suspect it was Al Gore but it could have been Howard Dean. Further testing is required in order to conclusively prove which one it was.

Authorities are fairly certain, though, it was DEFINITELY a member of the "Barking Moonbat" family.

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 07/30/2004 at 05:52 PM    avatar
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WTF?  Could it be?

By now everyone should know the convention is over. John Kerry blew his wad last night. He gave it all he got.

We all know that by day, he's a left leaning, flip flopping socialistic America hating liberal.

But by night...the rallying cry goes out: (Sung to the tune of Mighty Mousesmile

Good socialists all hang around
When they hear this Mighty sound.

"Trust me! Help is on the way"

That means that Poodle Mouse is on his way.

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 07/30/2004 at 01:00 PM    avatar
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My Friday Rant

You know, it really frosts my jaws and gets my knickers in a twist every time I see how our Republican law makers act like a bunch of surrender monkeys when it comes to defending themselves.

A few weeks ago we had that guy in Illinois running for senate who wanted his wife to have sex with others. The outcry was so great he bowed out of the race. Democrats were THRILLED because now that seat is a runaway for them. After all, Democrats have no such sense of high moral grounds. OK, I still think the guy was a dirt bag and should have quit but what he does with his wife in his MARRIAGE is his business. How did the public find out about this? An activist judge in California released his divorce records. Now his opponent is being hailed as a future (and second Black) President of the United States.

Why aren't republican-type lawyers raising ABSOLUTE HOLY HELL within the legal system to demand The Poodle's divorce records be made public? If an activist judge could, through meddling, throw an election, why won't we do the same? In other words, through their lack of pursuing this case we are acquiescing that Dummycraps, who have so sense of morals or ethics, can do what they want through unethical activist judges and we let them.

Another example. People like race baiters Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton can go around yelling HYMIE or making other derogatory comments about Jews. Robert "KKK" Byrd can say NIGGER and these moonbats are still in positions of influence and power. Yet Trent Lott makes a comment on a guy's 100th birthday that had neither NIGGER nor HYMIE in it and he's forced to step down. Republicans basically handed his head on a platter to the Dummycraps. No fight. No struggle. An official in Washington D.C.use the word "niggardly" and is accused of racism (hey, fucktards! it means "cheap!") and that person loses his job. Yet liberal educators can utter epithets at whites or Asians and nothing happens. Same with Newt Gingrich and what his his name, Livingstone? who was to replace him but was cheating on his wife? They both backed down. Yet it took trials and prison sentences to get guys like Democrat Toricelli of New Jersey out.

Why don't republican lawmakers pursue through legal actions and IRS intervention the activities of those self-same liberal educators' unions? Or pursue with all the power in them the activities of teacher's unions and other unions' contributions to the Democratic party?

The past couple of weeks brings us another example. Sandy Burglar, Clinton's NSA stuffs highly classified documents in his pants, in his socks, up his ass, I don't know where else and the outcry is muted. Dummycraps yell, "It's a Republican conspiracy to take away attention from the 9-11 commission report" and republicans stand idly by.

We find out the very people responsible for security of those documents were suspicious of the Burglar and nothing was done. We see Clinton and his minions laughing this off as if it were nothing and exactly that---nothing gets done. We see this is the second Clinton high level appointee involved in illegal activities regarding classified documents and nothing gets done. It's all "an accident", "unintentional", etc.

Then we find out he had the document security folks leave him alone in the room through ruses of having to use the phone or going to the bathroom--during which times he'd stuff his pants with documents. I',I'm sorry, that alone, the stuffing of documents down points, is reason enough to shoot this bastard for treason. He knew better. He understood security procedures dealing with classified documents. He intentionally violated those rules. . Again, you do not "accidentally" or "inadvertently" take code word highly classified documents from the archives. You JUST DON'T DO IT! If you or I were to have taken JUST ONE we'd be writing this to you from Leavenworth or some other high security prison---and that's while we were awaiting trial! This fucktard has been free! This son of a bitch should be clapped in irons and thrown in prison. After a quick trial to prove he HAD the documents and he should be shot for treason. Hell, I'll pull the trigger!

Remember, this son of a bitch was a lobbyist/lawyer for the People's Republic of CHINA! And while he was NSA, the Chinese were finally able to miniaturize their warheads and put them on multiple re-entry vehicles!

Oh, I'm not done. As you recall from reading the news, the DNC is whining that this was a plot by the Republicans to bring this up just before the Democratic Convention. News editors and media types are decrying the alleged "leak" and looking for conspiracies in every corner. Yet this is the same media that LIVES on leaks and loves to find leakers that will give them information to make the President or his administration look bad.

But when the leak makes the Dummycraps look bad, well, that's another story.

How about this for a possible scenario? That the leak was done by a Dummycrap in order to defuse the situation prior to the heart of the campaign season? Rumors are flying that Lanny Davis, one of Clinton's advisors may have leaked the story and when asked point blank (2 times) on the Linda Chavez radio show did not answer the question.

Ask yourselves this: if Berger was under investigation for 6 months why did he wait until now to resign from The Poodle's campaign?


Last weekend I commented to a friend, "you know, I get so pissed off when I see what is going on and it drives my blood pressure up. I know it is not good for me. Then I think, what's the use? Why am I getting worked up? But then am reminded about how if Kerry gets elected, we will begin to see the coming destruction of our country. So I will continue to rant. But if Kerry wins, I'm tossing in the towel. It's not worth it. I will find something else to occupy my time. Take more vacations. Spend lots more of my money on women and drinking."

He then asked me, "but what about your son and your grandchild?"

I told him, "hey, if it gets to the point that Kerry wins, there is nothing I can do. NOTHING. I WILL BE POWERLESS! Not even at the local level will I be able to be effective because unless we are secure in this country from terrorism and the fanaticism of Islam, anything done at local levels will be subverted and overruled by federal mandates PLUS the economic upheaval caused by further terrorist activities won't much matter any more. My son and his generation will have to fight this battle. It will be a battle for their very lives and existence. In 8 years I'll be in my 60s. My life will be near an end. I did all I could."

Americans have got to realize we are engaged in a war for the future of the United States. If Kerry wins, chances are he'll get the Senate, too. Then it will be 8 years of cowering to terrorists while they infiltrate our country and use corrupt trial attorneys to strip us of our rights to defend ourselves.

For more on how Democrats fight dirty (and great ideas for Republicans to start fighting back) read this piece by Mona Charen.

OK, I am beginning to ramble. I will stop now.

I need a drink.

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 07/30/2004 at 08:11 AM    avatar
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