Sarah Palin is the only woman who can make Tony Romo WIN a playoff.

calendar   Sunday - July 14, 2024

Once Again, The One And Only Post

July 14, 2024

Has it really been 11 days since my last post? OMG.

Trump survived the assassination attempt by 1/4”. God was watching out for him. Thank you God.

Do I suspect the insane left assclown posse was behind it? Without a doubt. We have a moronic brain addled thug for a “president”, and the MSM, the Wide Latina, and plenty of other commie fuckwad Dimocraps have been calling for his elimination for quite some time.

I’ve watched all the videos from the rally many times now. Whoever the counter terrorist snipers were, they suck. They waited and waited, until the shooter started shooting. One of them took his eye off the scope at just the wrong moment, and the other one cringed down like a fucking pussy. Yeah, they took out the bad guy, Jack Ruby style, but waited until AFTER President Trump had been hit. You failed. On purpose. And if you were “only following orders” like a good little Nazi, then your bosses suck too. All the way up to the top.
And you should all hang for this. All of you. People knew the shooter was on the roof. they could see him. They tried and tried to get the cops, feds, and SS to do something. Nope. And this was the closest roof to the podium. It is utterly impossible that this was an accident. Utterly. Impossible. They set up a hit and let it go down. Good thing just-barely-20 moron was such a crappy shooter under pressure.


When the Medicare ran out, I took mom back to the memory care place. She had been out of there since the 27th of May. They still hadn’t done her laundry. Holy shit. But hey, the only way the rehab place could make sure all her laundry was in her room by her release date was to NOT DO ANY for another week. So she was there 5 weeks ... they did one load. ALL THESE PEOPLE SUCK SHIT. She was dressed in ill fitting crap from the lost and found when I went to pick her up. WTF.

Whatver. I loaded up a great big luggage cart with all her dirty clothes, and left them in the hall for the minions at the memory care place to do. I took all the hangers from the other place (most were hers anyway) and put them in her closet.

We had a pretty good visit. She was coherent, and we could actually talk. Sadly, I was in need of my medicine by the late afternoon, and I hadn’t had anything to eat other than coffee since 5am, so when I had to walk to the other end of the building to notify people that she needed changing, I just kept going. Out to my car and drove home. It took me 2 hours. “Rush hour” my ass.


Ok, time to give kitty her evening pill. Then I’m going to bed.


July 3, 2024

Happy Fourth Of July!

Hello old blog, it’s me again. I know, I’ve been away. Usually about 15 feet away, but away nonetheless. Nothing new here, nothing has changed. Maybe I’ve fallen into a funk, or some seriously low energy period. I can’t seem to get much of anything done anymore. It took me 3 days to get around to doing a load of dishes. I haven’t put the hose reel back together yet that I took apart a week ago. Oh well. At least we have food to eat, the bathroom is reasonably clean, laundry isn’t too far behind, and I get the garbage and recycling out every couple of days. I don’t like that I seem to be slowing down, from slow to damn near comatose. I want my energy and motivation back please.

So anyway, what do I have around here that seems patriotic? Something red white and blue? Ah, I think I might have something over here ...


Seems patriotic to me. I know I’d salute that given the chance.

Enjoy the holiday. Be safe. Try to afford the typical holiday cook out. God bless us, and God bless the USA.

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June 22, 2024

Not a lot of new to report. Wifely and I had Friday off, and for once the demands of senior care placed upon us were absent, mostly. So we were able to get a lot done around the house. We spent most of the day outside getting the gardens and the patio fixed up. It was mighty hot and I got a little bit of sunburn. But we got the last 2 dozen annuals in the ground, after we broke up that ground, worked in some good topsoil, and watered it deeply. It hasn’t rained here in about a week, and it won’t rain again for another several days, so things are getting dried out. Which drove me to to work on the hose reel and get that cleaned up but not repositioned yet. We’ve got it sitting on a slab which isn’t in quite the right spot, and the plastic reel box doesn’t weigh enough to stay in place when we try to pull out some of the 150 feet of hose inside. Needs glue or bolts or something. It lives in a nook between the chimney fascia and the lower end of the patio, keeping out of sight. That slab needs another slab next to it so the reel can move over about 10”. And we need to get moving on putting down anti-weed mat, gravel, and some more paver slabs to pretty up the area. We have a couple rolls of the mat stuff but just haven’t got around to it yet.

We did manage to attach a few hanging plant hangers to the split rail fence at the edge of the gulch beyond the patio, and mixed up some good soil, fertilizer, and potting soil to fill them, then put a couple annuals in each one. So it looks nice.

As part of that hose task I put a two-way splitter head on the patio faucet and got hold of a 10’ hose to go from there to the hose reel. The 6’ was too short, so that’s now the stub hose for the patio for filling watering cans etc. Next part of that project is to scrub down the 75’ hose that was the inner length on the reel. Somehow it has become extremely filthy, caked with mud and maybe mold. So I’ll set up a big bucket of water and detergent, and put a couple pumps of D128 in there, which will kill any mold or fungus. ( D128 is the greatest cleaner/disinfectant ever. It will literally take the stink off of poop, and kills every germ, virus, mold, mildew, fungus etc. A gallon lasts nearly forever. ) Then I’ll give the whole hose a serious scrub and lay it out in the hot sun to dry off, soften up, and work the curls out of it. Not sure if I’ll put it back on the reel or find a spot for it in the garage. We really only need that second length when watering the garbage garden which is across our small parking lot from our garage.

Note to self: find 2 or 3 10” galvanized lag bolts and install them to support the air conditioner’s air handler drain extension. I’ve had it propped up with the sprinkler to keep the sag out of the PVC drain pipe, but after I used the sprinkler for a couple hours the other day and put it back several gallons of water came rushing out. I do NOT want the condensation pan in the attic to overflow, so it’s high time I put in a permanent solution.


Mom isn’t doing too great. She lost another 2 pounds in her time in the hospital, so she’s down to barely 100lb. Skin and bones, hardly any muscle left anywhere on her body. While we did have a nice visit with her Thursday - I dragged my brother along in his wheelchair, as he hasn’t seen her in over a month - she has reached a darker level of dementia. She was off in her own world when we got there, drumming out a tune by bouncing her plastic juice glass on the roll up table on her bed. And spilling juice everywhere. Once we got her attention, reintroduced ourselves, and started feeding her fancy chocolate she was able to focus and be a little conversant for about 90 minutes. We brushed her hair and held her hands and were loving and patient; people in her condition need physical contact and kind attention. And endless patience. I took him because she has reached the angry and violent phase of things. The psych nurse called me up the day before, mom was screaming and thrashing and insanely mad. When I took the phone call I had to ask if it was puppy day, as I could hear barking in the background. No, no dogs. That was my mom. They had no chocolate, which so far has done the trick. So I got up there the next day.

And the day after our visit I got another call from the psych nurse. Mom having another violent angry fit. Tried to kick and bite the nurses. This is not cool. They’re starting her on some Avitan, an anxiety med that’s lighter than Xanax and lasts twice as many hours. This rehab place is really NOT set up for dementia patients, so I’m going to have to call them Monday and arrange a meeting with this one and that one. She’s there for physical therapy, but if she fights against it (she’s done so several times now) then her progress will plateau or even drop, and that’s what fires off the kill switch from Medicare. So it will be back to the memory care home, where she’ll probably become a bedridden resident. That’s pretty awful, as she was making really good mobility progress before she fell and fractured her femur. And there are no TVs in the rooms at the memory home, not that she would watch anyway. And the comfortable double bed there is not a hospital bed so she’d have to be put in a wheelchair to eat or move around. And I’d have to get a wheelchair for her, but Medicare will pay for it if one is prescribed. This is a sad way for her to exist in her final days but not much else can be done. And I’m thinking that the hospice nurse’s evaluation 2 months ago is going to be pretty accurate. She gave my mom 6-9 months to live, based on her 25 years of dealing with thousands of getting-near-the-end seniors.

What happens after she’s gone? That’s the next row to hoe. I’ve been pushing my highly handicapped brother to think things out and come up with a plan. He can barely barely manage on his own in that house, living on just the ground floor and not doing much cleaning. Even with me going there at least once a week to do laundry, some more cleaning, etc., it’s a marginal situation at best. And now he needs cataract surgery and maybe has a prostate situation coming? Great. A couple more things for me to take care of. My needs? Eye exam, replace my falling apart 16 year old glasses frames, my own healthcare, and anything I’d like to do? My knee surgeries that I really need to have done that each have a 12 week recovery? Back burner it all. I am their servant.

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June 17, 2024

It wouldn’t make any difference but someone should try anyway
My delayed response to Sotomayer’s “walks like a duck” dissent on the SCOTUS bumpstock overturn

As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, the other day the Supreme Court threw out the ATF’s ban on bumpstocks because making such a ruling was beyond their jurisdiction. Such rules should be laws, and such laws must be passed by Congress. That’s it, beginning and end.

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that a bump stock does not transform a firearm into an automatic weapon, striking down a federal rule that banned bump stocks.

In a 6-3 decision, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote, “Congress has long restricted access to “‘machinegun[s],’” a category of firearms defined by the ability to “shoot, automatically more than one shot . . . by a single function of the trigger.”

In his opinion for the majority, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote what most people who understand and are familiar with firearms have been thinking all along.

“Semi-automatic firearms, which require shooters to reengage the trigger for every shot, are not machine guns,” Justice Thomas wrote. “This case asks whether a bump stock—an accessory for a semi-automatic rifle that allows the shooter to rapidly reengage the trigger (and therefore achieve a high rate of fire)—converts the rifle into a ‘machine gun.’ We hold that it does not.

“A bump stock does not convert a semi-automatic rifle into a machine gun any more than a shooter with a lightning-fast trigger finger does.”

Thomas further wrote: “We hold that a semi-automatic rifle equipped with a bump stock is not a ‘machine gun’ because it cannot fire more than one shot ‘by a single function of the trigger.’ And, even if it could, it would not do so ‘automatically’. ATF therefore exceeded its statutory authority by issuing a Rule that classifies bump stocks as machineguns.” [ emphasis mine ]

Lead by their lead Affirmative Action hire on the Court, “wide Latina” Sonia Sotomayer’s moronic and unreasoned dissent lead the entire Left cabal of statist Marxists into an apoplectic keyboard meltdown. Perhaps the most egregious of these turbo-stupid rectal oral suction essays was penned over at the beyond-the-horizon leftist rag called Slate. One diarrhea diatribe being deemed insufficient, Slate has now squeezed out three putrid wet ones on the subject. Each stinks worse than the one before it.  Brown stain 1, Brown stain 2, Brown stain 3.

I propose a few video examples to be made that show the complete lack of knowledge of physics and firearms that went into her willfully benighted dissent. The woman, with the support of the other two knowledge resistant leftwing women on the big bench, should not be allowed to publish an opinion on anything, especially anything to do with the 2A or firearms. WTH, the left thinks Alito should recuse himself over anything because his wife flew a flag upside down for a couple days once. 

My examples would use a bumpstock equipped AR-15 and a single shot musket just to highlight that physics works regardless of the device employed.

First a tiny bit of information about bumpstocks. All they really are is a spring loaded stock with a sliding cover around the top of the AR-15 handgrip. They only work (when and because) you use your other hand to continuously apply forward pressure on the forearm grip of the rifle. You pull the trigger but don’t relax your finger pressure afterwards. Recoil pulls the rifle backwards a bit, compressing the springs in the stock AND relieving pressure on the trigger which allows it to reset. Your forward pressure on the forearm pulls the rifle forward after it has cycled a new round into the chamber, and that forward pressure causes your unmoving trigger finger to depress the trigger and fire the next round. And so on and so on, until you a) lift your trigger finger, b) stop pulling the rifle forward, c) run out of ammunition.  You may not have consciously pulled the trigger repeatedly, but physics did it for you. One pull per shot, not matter what.

The Gun Control Acts define a machine gun (operative word “machine") as a firearm that can shoot multiple times from a single pull of the trigger. That’s the definition. Period. The automatic firing part is built into the weapon. It is NOT an add-on accessory, such as wearing a special shooting vest covered in springs. Or putting a rubber band around your beltloop and your trigger finger and shooting from the hip. There are exhibition shooters who can fire guns very rapidly. They are just really quick; they are not machines.

Ok, first experiment. Roll the video.

Take both these rifles, load them, and put them on a sturdy wall hanger. Design the hanger so that it loosely cradles the guns, and has a fixed post (eg a dowel) in the trigger guard ahead of the trigger. Have someone push the rifle from behind. Bang! It goes off, because shifting the weapon forward is the same thing as pulling the trigger back. Basic, right? Repeat this with the bumpstock rifle. Same thing happens.

Reload the musket and return it to the wall hanger. Now stand next to the rifle and pull it forward by the forend. Bang! It goes off, for the exact same reason as pushing it from behind. It’s the forward movement that actuates the trigger being pressed, not the location of the force that moved the guns forward.

Next experiment.

Load the rifles and hold each one one handed, as if each was a pistol. Pull the trigger. Bang! The musket goes off. Pull the trigger on the bumpstock rifle and it goes off too. Once. Wait, isn’t this thing a web-footed machine gun according to Ms Wisdom? What happened? Lack of forward pull is what happened. Without that the bumpstock doesn’t work.

Next experiment.

As machine guns are defined BY LAW as being able to fire repeatedly with a single pull of the trigger, devise a device (similar perhaps to the old school cable used as a remote shutter button for cameras) that presses the trigger very firmly and stays depressed. Maybe it needs a ratcheting clamp, maybe it needs a significant spring. The point is, it pulls the trigger once and doesn’t let go. The trigger stays pulled. On an actual machine gun, the weapon will continue to fire. On the musket the gun will fire once, but that’s moot as the thing only has one shot. On the bumpstock rifle, even when held properly with lots of forward tension, the rifle will fire only once. This is because the trigger is unable to reset, as that action of being reset pushes the trigger a little bit forward. The action will probably cycle in a new round, but the firing pin in the bolt will not be cocked, by design. Because it’s not a machine gun, by design.

Next experiment.

This one relies on gravity, and requires the guns to have a trigger pull force less than the weight of the weapon. This is not hard to achieve; there are special weight gauges to measure trigger pull, muskets are fairly heavy to begin with, and gravity is ever present. You would need to figure out a safe place to point the muzzles downwards so that you wouldn’t get hit with any ricochet from the ground. Maybe use blanks instead of real bullets. 

Turn the wall hanger to a vertical position. Load each weapon and place them on that hanger with the muzzles pointing straight down. Do this very carefully so that the trigger peg is just barely in contact with the trigger but is not pressing it. Release each rifle. Bang! the mass of the weapon and the pull of gravity overcome the trigger resistance, and they go off. Does the bumpstock rifle hang there and shoot off a whole magazine? Of course not ... although it is slightly possible IF the recoil impulse is enough to bounce the gun up enough to allow the trigger to reset and then fall back down on the trigger peg again. Might want to think this one through a bit more first. But it shows the old “common sense” practice works, that you never carry a firearm by the trigger. That’s just stupid.


These videos wouldn’t have made the slightest bit of difference to Sotomayer or her brainless “feelings” minions on the Big Bench, or to Slate. Because feelings trump reason, feelings trump physics, feelings trump reality. Yeah, such wisdom. Such deep reasoning. Such jurisprudence.

Actually, several diagrams, GIFs (possibly animated ones) were presented to the high court when hearing this case. Slate was offended and dismissive of these. Guess it tasted like mansplainin’ to the willfully benighted. Gee, too bad. It’s called reality, the ultimate actual “based”.

Hey, if it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, then it’s a duck. Kill it, pluck it, fry it up nice and crispy, and serve it with a nice helping of HOLY SHIT ARE YOU STUPID sauce.

There. I just felt the need to show that I can actually write a normal blog post once in a double blue moon.

Next thing you know I’ll be back to writing about politics. Crivens!

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See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/14/2024 at 08:58 PM   
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calendar   Monday - August 10, 2020

Still Here

No, nothing to blog about today, sorry.

But I’ve been to everybody else’s blog, leaving comments here and there.

Also, I’ve been looking, once again, at soundproofing materials. I don’t think I have a project here, and it would be very small one if I did. I just find the field interesting, how you can make a room or a machine much quieter through acoustic treatments. Sometimes it’s absorptive materials, sometimes it’s mass loading, plus all the research into shaped surfaces that break up reflections, and the multi-density viso-elastic materials. You can even get sound mitigating PAINT. Plus the usual quiet curtains, acoustic carpet pads, and stuffing the walls with fireproof rockwool insulation, and using thicker or decoupled wallboard. You can even get special wallboard with acoustic decoupling built right in. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/10/2020 at 10:09 AM   
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calendar   Friday - August 07, 2020

Ospreys are up, is Trump in town?

It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane, It’s ... A Frog? *


It’s kind of overcast today, low clouds. There still isn’t much air traffic around here, so when I heard the sound of something flying up there, I looked. It kind of sounded like a helicopter, and it kind of sounded like a jet. Except it wasn’t moving very fast.

And then I spotted a small dark spot moving through the clouds. It came out again, and yup, it was an Osprey, the unusual dual tailed tilt rotor boxy little aircraft that the Marines usually fly. Even far enough away so that it looked 1/4” long, I could still see the giant propellers spinning around. Pretty cool.

The only time I ever see or hear one of these things is when President Trump is visiting his place over in Bedminster, about 15 miles east of us.

Let’s check ...

BEDMINSTER, NJ — President Donald Trump is coming back to Bedminster for the second time in three weeks.

According to the President’s itinerary, he was set to arrive at Morristown Municipal Airport Thursday evening at around 9 p.m. after a day that was to include three separate stops in Ohio, including one at the Whirlpool Corp. manufacturing plant.

Trump was just in Bedminster the weekend of July 24-26. He was returning to Trump National Golf Club Thursday night, but it was not clear whether his stay would last the entire weekend, or whether it would include any tours of storm damage in the wake of the remnants of Tropical Storm Isaias.

Trump is expected in New Jersey this weekend. Temporary flight restrictions have been announced for Thursday through Sunday for Morristown, where Air Force One lands, and for Bedminster, which usually foreshadow a presidential visit.

Heh, this is more fun than bridge spotting. Easier too; all I have to do is listen.

 *   cultural reference if you’re too young to know this line. Scroll down a bit. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/07/2020 at 11:45 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - August 04, 2020

TNB At Mansion Parties Across America

This kind of crap is why our NJ governor King Murphy is stepping back on his re-opening plan. The ferals mess up everything for everyone every time.

[ woo hoo, Firefox saved me! The power went off for a while right in the middle of this. But the post was still there when power was restored, so happy me. Life during a hurricane, no? ]

Commercial Party Houses Out Of Control, Killings, Robberies, And Neighborhood Mayhem

Wild pool party shut down by police at New Jersey mansion

A massive rager at a mansion in New Jersey’s richest zip code was shut down by cops over the weekend — and neighbors say wild Vegas-like blowouts have been regularly held there despite the coronavirus pandemic.

Hundreds of carefree revelers — most without masks — were spotted outside the home on Hemlock Drive in Alpine for what promoters called “The Lavish Experience Pool Party” Saturday night, NBC New York reported.

Cops eventually were called to break up the bash, which spilled out onto the street with zero regard for social distancing rules.

One person was seen taken away in an ambulance, while others were passed out drunk on the front lawn, the outlet reported.

A neighbor told The Post that the wild affairs have been a regular occurrence since May, at the height of the coronavirus crisis. She said she’s seen party buses dropping off people for the bashes — which are brazenly advertised on social media.

“A few months ago, new neighbors moved in, renters,” the neighbor said. “They started having parties one weekend after another. They were bringing in full party buses, at least 100 people or more.”

Another neighbor who didn’t want to be named told NBC New York the house is practically doubling as a “nightclub.”

Several lifetimes ago I worked in Closter NJ, the next town over. Plenty of money in Closter, but Alpine is the home of serious green. Quite a number of famous movie stars, sports figures, and music legends live there, along with the cream of the fiscal crop.

They must be beyond furious that this kind of thing is going on in their extremely exclusive area.

House parties have definitely been an issue in NJ lately, and have been used as a COVID excuse by the government more than once.

But it gets worse ... much worse ...

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Gangsters storm NFL star’s house Beverly Hills party and start robbing everybody, 1 dead, 2 wounded

A SHOOTING at a flashy Los Angeles mansion party held for an NFL star has left one person dead and two fighting for their lives, reports say.

A terrified partygoer filming as multiple shots rang out at the plush Beverly Crest pad said “a bunch of gangsters came in and robbed everybody and started shooting”.

The shooting occurred hours after cops were called to a gated community in Mulholland Drive after complaints from neighbours.

Scores of people were attending the party - prompting the police callout at about 6.30pm because of the ban on large gatherings in Los Angeles County during the Covid-19 pandemic.

But officers attending did not have a warrant to enter the property so were unable to break it up. Hours later, gunshots rang out at around 12.47am, sparking panic as revellers ran for the exits.

Three people were rushed to hospital with gunshot wounds, according to CBS. One person died from their injuries and two others are said to be in acritical but stable condition.

A man in his 30s and a woman in her 40s were among the victims.A fourth person suffered a non-firearm-related injury while fleeing, it’s reported.

Yet again, as always, this was a short term rental property in a really high end area, and the attendees were ... 100% non diverse. And ignoring every kind of anti-COVID rule in existence. And in two weeks they’ll all be sick. I’m really tired of this BS.

Plenty of pictures and much more to the story at the link.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/04/2020 at 10:37 AM   
Filed Under: • MiscellaneousRacism and race relations •  
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Just Mailing It In This Rainy Morning


I’m such a fan of the PO. Vilmar will understand.

Mail in ballots are flat out wrong, an opportunity rife for corruption. Ballot harvesting - an operative comes around your neighborhood to collect them all - is even worse. Guaranteed corruption.

Simple Solution?

Too afraid to vote in person? Hmmm ... I wonder if ... set up the polling place with one of those counters surrounded by plastic walls. Worker behind the desk all gowned gloved masked. Positive ventilation system blows air outwards. You walk in ... one at a time ... with your ballot envelope ... clerk checks the voter rolls, checks your ID / voter registration, you sign the digital screen with the just wiped wand/pen AFTER you’ve been verified and watched your ballot go into the locked and sealed collection bin. CCTV from 3 angles covers the entire event, cameras run all day, data saved to disk or chip.

Such an arrangement could be built in a couple hours for small expense. When the numbered collection box gets full, several people come in to seal up and evidence sign the old one, count the envelopes several times and sign to that, and put in a new box, identifying themselves on CCTV. GoPro vidcam wearing workers follow the box through the building to the evidence locker, past several locked doors and sign it in with a guard as witness.

The whole Deliver Your Vote process takes under a minute, and the collection box exchange and securing takes only a couple minutes.

No mailing, no lost envelopes, no boxes of votes that magically appear at the last second. This isn’t rocket science.

Of course this will be more difficult in the big cities. But any town or small city under ~~ 50K population should be able to do it. The whole idea is Chain of Evidence, just like the cops do. And CCTV and data chips are so cheap it’s just silly.

Yeah, some people really are not able to get out, and get over to the polling places. Prove it, and you can vote by mail. You “can’t” show up because it’s a minor inconvenience? TFB, then you’re not going to vote.

Naturally the voter rolls would be up to date, matched against the tax records, the credit card company and cell phone address lists, coroner data and the III criminal database etc. As I’ve said a hundred times before, registration closes at least 30 days prior, no exceptions.

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Crivens, it is REALLY pouring out there today. Since long before dawn. Thankfully it’s cooler, and so far not a breath of wind.  But if the big wind shows up later, after 8 -10 hours of ground saturating rainfall, we’re going to lose a lot of trees. Not cool.

The tropical storm winds were reaching the state by 8 a.m. Tuesday and were expected to increase quickly as Isaias was moving through at 33 mph, the National Hurricane Center said.

Heavy rain and the potential for flash floods continues to be a significant threat, but that threat has shifted west as the aniticipated track of Isaias shifted west overnight.

The Jersey Shore is expected to be spared the heaviest rainfall though 1 to 2 inches are still possible. The north and western parts of the state, including Hunterdon, Warren and Sussex counties, are still forecast to receive more than 4 inches of rain.
The state got a taste of the storm Monday evening as a patch of thunderstorms moved through. A wind gust of 70 mph was recorded at the Robert J. Miller Airpark in Ocean County, and one of 59 mph was recorded at Neshanic Station, according to the weather service’s Mount Holly office.

Neshanic Station is just across the county line here in Somerset County. It’s a sleepy little crossroads semi-rural kind of place, off the beaten track but only a mile or so from a major highway. Situated on the banks of the South Branch of the Raritan River, just a mile or two of where both north and south branches join and flow down to Rutgers, it was a mill town and a produce shipping point back in the long ago day.

There is a rather rare double span lenticular bridge there in perfect condition, with a very old derelict 2 span Pratt through truss RR bridge on one side, and a high plate girder RR bridge, still used daily, a bit downstream on the other side.

There are only about 100 lenticular bridges in the whole country, many are derelict now, and most of them are single span. Binghamton NY has a 3 span one, and Middlesex County CT has a 5 span one. All of these were built 135 years ago by the Berlin Iron Bridge Company.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/04/2020 at 08:56 AM   
Filed Under: • BridgesGovernmentMiscellaneous •  
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calendar   Sunday - August 02, 2020

Nobody Says The “B” Word. Or The “J” Word.

AirBnB To Restrict Party House Rentals In NJ

Airbnb has cracked down on “party houses” throughout the state of New Jersey as the world continues to attempt to stem the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We stand with Governor (Phil) Murphy, and we support his call to action to stop parties and promote behavior that respects the public’s health,” said Chris Lehane, SVP of Global Policy & Communications for Airbnb. “We ban party houses and will not tolerate irresponsible behavior on our platform. We know that there is still more work to be done, we ask that neighbors contact us as soon as possible through our Neighborhood Support Hotline, to directly communicate any concerns, which will help us continue to effectively enforce our party house ban.”

As part of this, 35 listings across New Jersey that have received complaints or otherwise violated policies on parties and events have been either suspended or removed from the Airbnb platform, officials said.

Additionally, Airbnb recently shared out restrictions on some U.S. guests under the age of 25 from booking entire home listings in their local area. As a practical example, if they identify a 20-year old guest who is located in Hoboken, the systems are set up to restrict that user from booking a house, apartment or other entire home listing in Hoboken for a 1-night reservation the following weekend unless they have a history of positive reviews on Airbnb.

However, if that same 20 year-old is booking a stay to visit family in Ocean City, the restriction would not apply.

This kind of thing has been in the news quite a bit lately. It seems some folks have figured out that they can rent a nice place in suburbia for a night, put out ads in da hood, charge people to attend, and make a pile of quick money.

The party animals descend, cause an all night ruckus, trash the house, mess up the whole neighborhood, and go away. Streets parked solid, cars up on folk’s lawns, all kinds of misbehavior, fireworks, and often as not “random” gunfire.

Far be it for me to mention how certain types were prominent at nearly all of these events. Although if you read the stories carefully and ignore the “representational” picture in the above story ...
“The party was reportedly held as a celebration of Liberian Independence Day and featured free food and alcohol and a twerking contest.”
“Darius Edwards, 24, of Brooklyn, has been charged with two counts of assault by auto, eluding, obstruction and possession of marijuana”
“Yaakov Weiss, 40, of Jackson, who owns the home, and Patience Guanue, 23, and Alicia Hinneh, 22, both of Newark, were issued summonses for violating the governor’s executive order limiting gatherings to 500 people or fewer “
“The party was advertised on Instagram as a “mansion party,” and included free food and alcohol”
“It took all of Jackson’s on-duty police officers, along with help from the Freehold, Howell and Lakewood police departments, New Jersey State Police, the Ocean County Sheriff’s Office and the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office, to clear the crowd”


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/02/2020 at 07:53 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - August 01, 2020

NHL Stands Together

Nobody Kneels. Nobody.

Players from the Philadelphia Flyers, Pittsburgh Penguins, Dallas Stars, and Nashville Predators all stood to honor the playing of the national anthem in recent games.

Not one single player kneeled.

On Tuesday, players for the Flyers and Penguins stood together in solidarity before their exhibition opener in Toronto.

The respective teams stood together on the blue lines to show solidarity — and the Penguins made sure the message was clear.

In a tweet, the beloved Pittsburgh team wrote, “The Penguins and Flyers, two of the fiercest rivals in sports, united in solidarity this afternoon, to stand up against social injustice, racism, and hate.”

On Tuesday, NBC Sports reported that the Boston Bruins and the Columbus Blue Jackets had the same plans for their game Thursday night. And the two teams did, indeed, gather — arms linked — in a circle.

“Over the past several months we have been trying to educate ourselves and learn more about racial injustice in our country and around the world. As a team we have decided to lock arms during the playing of the United States and Canadian Anthems as a sign of solidarity with the Black community,” a spokesperson for the Bruins told the outlet.

“This action is solely intended to be a positive sign of support for the Black community, and a way for us to use our platform to help end racism,” the statement concluded.

I think it’s very important to note that these men are standing up and speaking up, not being disrespectful. And they’re not saying they’re supporting BLM, they’re supporting eliminating racial injustice.

And I’m fine with that. Granted, it’s an empty gesture. Especially in empty stadiums. But it’s better than nothing. Let’s see if they actually do anything more than this.

As long as they don’t go all nutso Aunt Jemima Syrup and AOC on everything. And don’t forget that racism works both ways.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/01/2020 at 12:15 PM   
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calendar   Thursday - July 23, 2020

another downpour

It’s raining again, unbelievably hard. And it’s almost time to leave for bowling. Of course!

Honestly, it’s hard to believe it’s raining this hard. I can hardly see across the backyard. Total deluge. There will be flooding. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/23/2020 at 05:32 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - July 22, 2020

Birthday booze

So it’s Stephanie’s birthday today. Yay Steph. She’s 65. OMG. We’re going up there to visit and celebrate on Sunday, so I’ll do my weekend cleaning Saturday night. I’ve shifted my Thursday cleaning to Wednesday so I can do mini-summer bowling league. I think I like Wednesday better anyway.

It’s my brother’s birthday too, woo hoo. He’s younger than she is by a few. But we were up there this past weekend and did b-day then. Chocolate cake, ice cream, fresh sourdough bread.

I have no idea what to get her for a gift, but I think it’s high time her birthday got prominence. Everyone else’s does, except hers and mine. We always go over there to visit, and she cooks, serves, and cleans up. I know she likes to do that, and she’s a really good cook, but I’d like to give her a bit of celebratory respite, nome sane?

I suggested we get take out lobster, as you still can’t sit down to eat in a restaurant in their state or in mine. Such BS. And late July is THE time to get Maine lobsters. A nice 2 - 2 1/4 pounder would be perfect. With a few dozen steamers, some corn on the cob, blueberry pie and some blueberry muffins. Lots of melted butter. A real Maine clambake, hot coals and stones in a pit on the beach, layers of seaweed, and an old chunk of plywood over the hole. Rinse it down with Schlitz beer. Pure heaven. But no, he’s got gout these days, so no lobster for anyone. Crivens.

I remember that she used to like chocotinis. That was ages ago, easily 15 years. I know that booze is a bit impersonal, but other than new tennis or golf balls, what does she need? She gave up curling years ago, just after I found out where to get the big stone things they use. And I don’t think she does the off road bicycle thing anymore. I don’t think they go fly fishing anymore either. And Frank has a closet full of his fancy scotches, but what’s in there for her? So I’m thinking a broad spectrum chocotini kit just for her. Quality chocolate chips, a bar of high end dark chocolate, some Godiva liqueur, some Baily’s, a decent Triple Sec, a good vodka, Kahlua, white or dark creme de cacoa. Chocolate or vanilla vodka, or is that overkill? Because it turns out that there are as many recipes for chocotinis as there are for chicken. Infinite. So cover the bases? Who makes a chocolate shaver?

Guess I’ll have to find some beer and make pretzels. It’s expected that I show up with some kind of bread product. But I’m getting tired of making my 4 flour sourdough. And I’m not sure if an Entemann’s knock-off is the right thing. I haven’t made one yet, even though I have what looks to be a great recipe, and I don’t want to bring a first time bake anywhere, just in case. The pretzels I could make in my sleep, I’ve done them so many times. And they are world class good, but you have to eat them within a few hours of baking. Don’t know if the “newlyweds” are coming or not. They’re both retired now, so they can’t use the “we have to go down the shore every weekend to our beach shack” excuse anymore. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/22/2020 at 10:49 PM   
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calendar   Monday - July 20, 2020

sap be gone

sometimes the internet is right about things.  I had a bunch of sap drips on my car from parking under the pines. Rubbing alcohol took them off instantly. I used a clean microfiber towel, wet the end, and just rubbed them lightly. 99% gone. I’ve also read that a steam gun can do the job, but I haven’t tried that yet. And “claying” will get anything left. I don’t clay, so that’s out.

But the alcohol thing works pretty great, and it’s cheap. After I was done I went straight to the car wash around the corner, just in case alcohol wasn’t good to leave on the clearcoat for long.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/20/2020 at 10:49 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - July 18, 2020

still here, just busy

Not much to say, just got too many things to do. We started mini summer bowling league Thursday. It’s a no-tap league, which we weren’t aware of. Whatever, it’s still some practice time before winter league starts. It’s being done with social distancing, which makes things kind of strange. But we’ll manage, and as time goes by (fingers crossed) the restrictions will lessen. Yeah right.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/18/2020 at 09:16 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - July 16, 2020

Yesterday’s News Today!!

Been pretty busy around here lately, and I seem to get tired a lot faster than I used to, back in the day.

Bits And Pieces

Here ya go: Tall buildings are sexist. This is what passes as a college professor these days. Ignore the high cost of urban real estate, ignore the efficiency of multistory buildings. Nope, these things are built to celebrate erections. Whacko!!

You should have followed the process. UK removes illegally placed BLM statue after just 1 day. It’s a pretty good statue, although I don’t know if celebrating radicalism is a good thing. Actually, it turns out that Ms. Reid is just a person, one of the thousands who protested. But after the old statue of Edward Colston was torn down and drowned on June 7, she climbed the plinth and stood there looking all Black Power and had her picture taken. So it’s very symbolic. And, of course, by erecting the statue illegally, and having it taken down, more publicity is achieved, and the mantra of oppression and victimhood is enhanced.

I’m interested in how such a detailed and very lifelike statue was made so quickly. It’s resin, so my guess is it was either cast or created with one of those 3D printers, with data points collected by one of those 3D laser scanners. Or perhaps created by laser ablation of a solid block of material . Impressive technology, all of it.


Another college professor spying for China, caught trying to run away with stolen data. China is asshoe. So is Song Guo Zheng.

Song Guo Zheng, 57, was arrested Friday, May 22, 2020 as he landed in Anchorage, Alaska. He was about to catch a flight to China when he was taken into custody.

According to the FBI, Zheng was involved in a scheme to use approximately $4.1 million in grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to bolster China’s research in the areas of rheumatology and immunology. Zheng is also accused of making false statements to cover up his involvement with China while working at multiple universities, including Ohio State.

I didn’t know we had any flights going to China, not even from Alaska. I thought President Trump put a COVID stop to that a few months back.


900 days running with no mishaps and NO CARBON EMISSIONS AT ALL . The Candu [ love the name. Can Do!! ] nuclear reactor works just fine. Wind power, solar power, tidal power just don’t cut it, and our nations have become too built up for any more hydroelectic dam projects. Nuke is the only way forward. We’ll just bury the spent fuel rods somewhere deep and stable, and let the radiation bacteria eat it up.


George Floyd Officer’s Body Cam Footage Released (view by appointment only).. Transcripts of two of the involved officer’s cam footage were released the other day. Floyd was stoned out of his head, uncooperative, COVID positive, multiple co-morbidities, overdosing on fentanyl. Still, the cops should have found some better way to restrain him. Always consider the optics.


Something to read, an essay of the obvious at American Greatness.

In a way never seen before, America has gone mad.

The Democratic Party, having left the likes of Henry Jackson and Daniel Patrick Moynihan far behind, is being steered by the ideology of Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. It’s in thrall to a Maoist mob. It’s tacitly (and sometimes not so tacitly) accepting wholesale destructiveness. It’s in bed with the Black Lives Matter terrorist group, contributions to which end up in party coffers. While the party lets Bolshevik bullies get away with violence, it vilifies decent citizens who try to defend themselves and demonizes cops who simply want to do their job.
We can’t even be sure that the best president of modern times will win reelection over a doddering fool in thrall to our society’s most dangerous elements.


I smell a push for more gun control coming. NJ Governor Alarmed By Increase In Shootings

Gov. Phil Murphy said Wednesday he’s concerned about a sharp increase in fatal shootings amid the coronavirus outbreak.
Col. Patrick J. Callahan, superintendent of the New Jersey State Police, said the state’s fatal shootings have increased 19 percent over last year’s year-to-date number, rising from 84 to 100 victims.

He said there were 39 shooting victims within the past week, with 13 succumbing to their injuries.
Murphy said New Jersey is “not immune to what we’re seeing around the country in terms of this lethal cocktail of being pent up,” with people coming to grips with closures and unemployment amid the hot summer.

Murphy said New Jersey, like the rest of the nation, is dealing with the fallout over the death of George Floyd, and the country is showing anger and frustration over the lingering “stain of racism.”

“The cocktail could not be more challenging,” Murphy said. “You’ve got gobs of people out of work. You’ve got small businesses that have been crushed.”

Murphy said many people also face numerous mental and physical health challenges as they deal with the consequences of the pandemic.

“That’s almost an unprecedented combination of factors,” he said.

Meanwhile, movie theaters in the state lost their bid to reopen, while more states have been added to NJ’s quarantine list. Also meanwhile, the state is investigating a fatal police shooting. Suicide by cop, the Morristown police had to shoot a guy who had sliced himself and was threatening his mother with a gun. OK, it was an Airsoft gun, but those things look totally real. Especially if you paint over the orange band.

The man fatally shot by police on Tuesday in Morris Township was brandishing an “airsoft” pistol that resembled a Beretta firearm, the state Attorney General’s Office said on Wednesday.

Timothy O’Shea, 24, died at 5:41 pm at Morristown Medical Center, according to a statement from authorities.

Police from Morris Township, Morris Plains and Morristown had responded to a 911 call at 4:14 pm reporting a domestic disturbance on Fairchild Avenue. The caller said a person at the residence had cut himself and had a gun.

“Uniformed officers of the three police departments responded to the residence on Fairchild Avenue where Timothy O’Shea lived. Upon arrival, officers encountered the 911 caller and took that person into safety.

“Shortly after, at approximately 4:19 p.m., officers encountered Timothy O’Shea, who was holding a pistol and bleeding. During the encounter, one officer fired his weapon, striking Mr. O’Shea,” the statement said.

Police rendered medical aid until EMS personnel arrived to transport him to the hospital. The pistol that was in O’Shea’s hand was a replica Beretta 9mm airsoft pistol, according to the Attorney General’s Office.

Replica airsoft pistols resemble the real thing, but they fire plastic projectiles. Airsoft weapons use a gas propellant and are similar to BB guns, but their less-harmful ammunition has made them popular for target practice, war games, and police- and military training.

By federal law, imitations of real guns are required to have orange-colored plugs on their barrels to set them apart. It was not immediately clear if this weapon had such a marking.

There was no riot, no protest, and the story hardly made even the local news, because O’Shea was white. Tru dat!


Meanwhile, way down the shore in Wildwood Nj, an obviously edited Rodney King style video is getting people upset. He dindu nuttin, as usual. But the end of the vid does look like police abuse.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/16/2020 at 09:19 AM   
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calendar   Monday - July 06, 2020

Fiat Lux

A Less Than Bright Idea?


I finally got around to changing the bulb in one of the recessed light fixtures in our bathroom. It’s been out for months. With all these 3rd generation LED bulbs, they last so long I don’t even remember where the spares are kept. So after looking through the closets and drawers, I remembered that I’d see a pack of them out in the gigantic mess we call our garage when I was looking for some tool or something last week. So I went out and got them. A little dusty, the generic package unlabeled and slightly water stained. Brought them in the house, took one out and screwed it in. And the instant I did that the lights went out.

Aw crooop, what have I done?

So I spent a few minutes using the flashlight from my cellphone to check all the breakers, and then realized that power was out to the whole place. Power was out to the whole condo park. It had happened at that exact instant.

We had a line squall moving in; the wind kicked up from nothing, clouds sprang up, the sky got dark, the temperature dropped 15° in a couple of minutes ... and then the downpour began. One of those short intense summer rains, it was over in a couple minutes. And then the power came back on. So I checked the bulb, and it was working just fine. Yay me.

But what is this, why is it so yellow? Reach up to check it, and the thing is hot! WTH? And then I figured it out: this was an actual lightbulb. Not an LED, not a CFL, not one of those halogens masquerading as a bulb, but an actual incandescent lightbulb. 60 watts, 770 lumens, Sylvania. How many years has that thing been around? They were dead and gone ages before we moved in here 8+ years ago the day before Hurricane Sandy. They went away under Bush 43, right? 2006 or before? Wow. It felt like a “hey let me take my other car” moment and finding an Egyptian chariot in the garage. Something from antiquity.

It’s a nice comforting light. Let’s see if it lasts. IIRC, those old bulbs had a life measured in hours, not in decades. And there’s only one left in the pack. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/06/2020 at 02:53 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - July 01, 2020

Speed Blogging

Sorry, no time for this today. Here’s a few links to news stories

•   Scientists cure lab mice with Parkinson’s by accident. This could be big, but it will take lots more R&D.

•   Summer snow dumps 6-8” in high rockies. Must be global warming again.

•   CHOP gets the chop in Seattle. Plenty arrests made. I’d treat them as invaders or traitors. Either way, here’s the gallows.

•   Harvey Weinstein buys his way out. $19 million, cases dropped. Did you every really believe #MeToo was about anything other than money??

•   China is asshoe. Hong Kong eaten up like Dim Sum. Life under communism: new “security” law is ex post facto. Bye bye freedom.

•   And the arrests in Hong Kong begin. China reneges on agreement made 20 years ago. And this is a surprise to whom??


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/01/2020 at 11:01 AM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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