Sarah Palin is allowed first dibs on Alaskan wolfpack kills.

calendar   Monday - November 30, 2009

Relative Pettiness

No real blogging from me today. None of it matters to me right now.

This thug Clemmons, the Seattle cop killer, is running around because Huckabee pardoned him, not once but twice? Today I don’t care. The entire justice system is shit to begin with, this is just another turd.

Iran now promising to build 10 reactors or uranium enrichment plants because Obama didn’t genuflect to them fast enough? No surprise to anyone who isn’t brain dead. Not news, and today I don’t care.

Somali pirates hijack a US bound tanker full of crude oil, again, and all our MSM is concerned about is the possible environmental damage? And, as usual, the combined floating military might of the world did nothing? Yawn. Same old same old. Today I don’t care.

Obama’s party crashers are PLO enablers? YAWN.

Chelsea Clinton got engaged? TURBO YAWN.

No, today I have my own RCOB to deal with. Worse than all of that combined, because this is personal. 5 days after the event, I’ve been accused of bad manners. For doing what I’ve pretty much been trained to do, only doing it this time without first being asked, for the first time ever.

We did Thanksgiving at the father in laws. Wife was asked to bring some desert. Instead of bopping over to the grocery store and picking up a pre-made pie, I baked a cheesecake. Not just any cheesecake, but a fancy New York style water bath recipe one, with fresh ($$) blackberries and all the best ingredients. And I researched, hunted down, and brought along a bottle of Italian wine of high quality that goes well with turkey ( a Lugana ), because the FIL’s 2nd wife makes wine in the basement so I always try to bring a bottle of interest. And, as Italians, anything Italian is naturally better than anything else. Including a properly aged grand cru Puligny Montrachet. See me, the WASP, trying to fit in? And then I made up a full batch of my kitchen sink stuffing, made with fresh turkey stock, apples, cranberries, celery, walnuts, onions, butter braised portabella mushrooms, fresh herbs, and 3 kinds of fresh sausage. But I left out the raisins this year because I remembered that somebody won’t eat anything with raisins in it, and I didn’t know if they’d be there or not.

At some point long after dinner was over, I saw the stuffing bowl in the dish drying rack. So I asked if all the stuffing was eaten up. “No, there was some left, I put it in with the [whatever]. Did you want it? No, no, no, you guys enjoy it. I just wondered if it was all gone.

I’ve been going to these events for more than a decade. And always, without fail, leftovers have been forced on us. Take it home, take it home! We’ve got enough extra food to last a week! There’s another 14 deserts out there, take it home! Geez, what am I going to do with all this booze? Here, let me fill you a bag; take 4 scoops of everything! Take more!

So ... I brought home my empty stuffing bowl. And I brought home the wine bottle that had about 3 swallows left in it. There were another 10 open bottles on the shelf. And I brought home the one remaining, somewhat mangled, slice of cheesecake that was stuck to my ring form pan [I should have used a little more specially purchased fancy Plugra sweet butter to rub the pan first. The hand ground graham cracker crust stuck a little]. I’m just helping clean up, taking home leftovers, trying to cut down on the waste and the mess. As I’ve been trained to do. Or so I thought.

This afternoon I get an email from FIL’s wife ...

Subject: [No Subject]


When you bring something over to someone’s house, it is not OK to take it home unless offered.  Consider it their gift from you.


Well, watch me blush reading that one. The only response I could make was “gosh, this seems embarrassing, but I’m not sure what you mean.”
Hey, I left them $20 worth of stuffing. What I took home was measly in comparison. A glug of not-expensive wine and a bashed slice of cake. Bad me.

So while I now fully understand why duels used to happen, I’m wondering which is the worse “fox paws” [faux pas] - my heinously boorish transgression, or having it pointed out to me with a finger wagging lecture in manners nearly a week later?

a) right now if I never see that uppity snot again it will be too soon, and
b) if my wife wants to bring anything to eat to another one of these get-togethers she can buy or cook it herself. My days of extra effort making a first class contribution just ended forever. You want us to bring desert? Fine, here’s some frozen jello she found at Walmart in a disposable plastic tub. But look, we brought Cool Whip™ and it’s only slightly out of code! And
c) I’ll be fucked in the ass with a burning pine cone before I ever leave their house again with as much as a spoonful of muddy water.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/30/2009 at 03:30 PM   
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Some bad bowling news for Drew.  Health and Safety deems it “dangerous.” Kid ya not.

So next time Drew posts info on his bowling night, be aware of the danger he faces.  Serious stuff here.

Elf & safety strikes again: £250,000 study to tell us ten-pin bowling is dangerous

By Steve Doughty
30th November 2009

It’s a peril that only a crack team of health and safety experts could have uncovered.

After two years and £250,000, they found that ten-pin bowling alleys up and down the country could be a ‘very dangerous’ environment for families.

They concluded that it was too easy for children or teenagers to run down lanes and get trapped in machinery that sets up the pins - even though there was no record of any such accident having happened.

The bizarre Health and Safety Executive report found that members of the public would be at risk if they walked along the 60-foot lanes to knock over pins by hand.

Its authors even considered ordering every bowling alley to put barriers across lanes. But they were forced to admit defeat - after realising that bowlers must be able to see what they are aiming at.

Their report said: ‘ Because customers need to see the pins and bowling balls entering the machine, managing the risk of access into the machine from the lanes is more difficult.’

Instead they have told operators to fit photoelectric beams to lanes so that pin-setting machines will cut off automatically if anyone trespasses.

John Ashbridge, of The Ten-Pin Bowling Proprietors Association, said: ‘I have been in this industry for 40 years and I have never known any member of the public injured by a bowling pinsetter. I have never heard of anybody going near the pins.’

Mr Ashbridge said he had watched HSE inspectors examining a bowling centre and he found their attempts to detect possible dangers ‘hilarious’.

He added: ‘Some operators have now fitted photoelectric beams. They don’t cause any problems - they don’t stop the machines because nobody ever goes near the pins.’

The HSE inquiry was begun after a technician was crushed to death in 2006 in Barking, East London, when a pin-setting machine was mistakenly left plugged in.

The two-year investigation also concluded that staff must wear earmuffs to mask the noise of balls hitting pins.

An HSE spokesman said: ‘The investigation revealed that the machinery used nationally in bowling alleys did not have adequate safety features.’

Susie Squire, of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: ‘The HSE has overreacted to a one-off tragedy by wasting a fortune of taxpayers’ money producing a pointless, naval-gazing report.’



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/30/2009 at 01:34 PM   
Filed Under: • Bowling BloggingHealth and SafetyUK •  
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The Swiss say no to minarets, as muzzies and europe left and vatican wring hands and cry foul.

Well, it isn’t any surprise that a number of oh so politically correct freekin idiots, The Vatican, The Times of London and of course the usual suspects,
The muzzies, are up in arms. Again.

The Swiss voted NO to minarets.  Now there’s this howl of righteous indignation, this moral outrage mouthed by donkeys. No, Donks are smarter.

The charge made by all these holier then tho fools is, that the Swiss are violating freedom of religion. The Times editorial says the vote was an attack on religious liberty and even went to far as to say, and I quote exactly here, “ An attempt to restrict freedom of worship.”

“Intolerance of islam “ says the Times.  (The Times spelled islam with a capital ‘I’ which will not do in keeping with the late Skippers dictum)

The Swiss vote DOES NOT restrict freedom of worship in any way shape or form.  Nice of the Vatican and the Times tho, to continue the suck up tradition and comment on the inner workings of someone else’s country. Wouldn’t you think the Vatican had enough problems on its plate at the moment, or has not the latest boy love scandal made news in the states? 

Of course the French had to add their worthless two cents .... once again sounding retreat.

Earlier on Monday the French foreign minister, Bernard Kouchner, said he was “scandalised” by the Swiss decision and said it represented a “show of intolerance” by France’s neighbour.

He said it was a “negative” move because banning the construction of Muslim mosque towers amounts to “oppressing a religion”.

He told France’s RTL radio: “I hope that the Swiss will go back on this decision rather quickly.”

And further word is that there is “criticism throughout Europe.” That may be.  Most likely from the thumb sucking liberal left.  That jerk is sandalized?”
Sure he is.  Like so many he’s playing a PC role and letting the mudslimes know he’s a fair guy and not anti anything.

Naturally the left in Europe is calling for another vote.  That figures.

As the Swiss say no to minarets, I vote we have many more referendums
Why is making decisions for the nation a right of the government and not one of the people, asks Melanie McDonagh.

By Melanie McDonagh

The Swiss have spoken and, oh dear, the government isn’t best pleased. Against all the approved advice, from churches, politicians and business, the people have voted to ban minarets.

The outcome of yesterday’s referendum was entirely unexpected, given that Swiss manufacturers, pallid at the thought of Abu Dhabi saying no to Swatches, had lobbied vigorously against a ban. The government wasn’t keen on reprisals from excitable Islamists. But notwithstanding all the high-level advice, the people were having none of it.

Actually, the notion of building minarets in Switzerland is pretty redundant. They couldn’t be used to call the faithful to prayer because noise regulations, this being Switzerland, don’t permit it. Small Islamic communities all over Switzerland just wanted to make their presence felt. On the skyline.

It was interesting, the nature of the coalition against the minarets. The campaign was led by the populist Swiss People’s Party, but it was supported, unexpectedly, by Swiss feminists because they have issues with Islam’s treatment of women. And – who knows – because of the phallic shape of the structures concerned. In fact, the most notable thing about the poll was that, in favour of the ban, women outnumbered men.

Personally, I blame the Turkish prime minister, Tayyip Erdogan. The opponents of minarets hardly needed to make an argument; all they needed to do was quote, out of context, his pronouncement that minarets are the bayonets of Islam and the job was done. Nice one, Mr E.

Actually, I felt rather cheered when I heard that the Swiss had voted as they did, for the simple and sufficient reason that I like it when people don’t do what they’re told by politicians. I was ecstatic when the Danes voted against the Nice Treaty; I felt a kind of subversive thrill when Ireland turned against the Lisbon Treaty, though it did vote the approved way second time round.

Referendums are brilliant, precisely because they give people a chance to consider what everyone says they ought to think and do, and then do just what they want anyway. It’s the nearest we get nowadays to the full-on democracy of Athens, unless you count reality television.

The sad thing, of course, is that it couldn’t happen here. Whenever anyone suggests having more referendums, politicians say, in a grand way: nope, we are a parliamentary democracy. Finis.

All very well, but it strikes me that we’re asking an awful lot of our general election vote. When we vote – those of us who can be bothered to – we’re required to cram into one little box the economy, Europe, assisted suicide, whether we like the look of Sarah Brown/Samantha Cameron, post office closures, hunting, and whether the local candidate seems an OK individual. In the event, most people simply go for the party that seems least likely to mess up the economy.

I think that’s too limited. I can see that for major issues in the manifesto, such as education and the economy, it’s pretty straightforward; you know how the parties stand, and you let them get on with it. But the party political box doesn’t do all those other contentious subjects justice.

In Ireland, I’ve seen abortion and divorce, two toxic issues, taken right out of the political realm by being put to the people in referendums in accordance with the constitution. It’s so much better that way. You get informed, interested public debate. I mean, I saw my aunt and her gentleman friend in Ireland arguing the ins and outs of the Lisbon Treaty. They knew more about it than I did.

Occasionally, there are local referendums here on matters other than devolution – a few decades back there was one in Wales about Sunday openings for pubs – but they’re tragically few.

So I don’t think we should turn up our noses at the Swiss. Whatever you think about the result, at least they were asked what they think. More than the Brits ever are.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/30/2009 at 10:43 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationPoliticsReligionRoPMA •  
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His Tremendousness Giorgio Carbone.  Fun while it lasted.  RIP Giorgio.

Here’s an obit of a somewhat different nature.  By different I mean of course the individual involved.
Seems kinda loony toonish, but I’d never have thought this fellow would appear in the Telegraph.  Interesting guy however and hey, he hurt nobody and had a bit fun. I hope.


His Tremendousness Giorgio Carbone, who died on November 25 aged 73, was the elected prince of Seborga, a self-proclaimed principality on the Italian Riviera.


Carbone claimed the sovereignty of Seborga (pop. 364) from the Italian government in 1963 and took the title His Tremendousness. A former flower-grower, he produced documents from the Vatican archives to prove that the village was never the property of the House of Savoy and therefore not part of the Kingdom of Italy after 1861. He insisted that Seborga had been a sovereign state since 954, a principality from 1079, and minted its own coins after 1666.

The villagers of Seborga, which lies near the picturesque Ligurian town of Bordighera, were enchanted by Carbone’s quirkiness and he won 304 of a possible 308 votes to represent them. He was re-elected in 1995.

As His Highness Giorgio I, Prince of Seborga, Carbone did not draw a salary, but he could help himself to cheese and ham from the village shop without paying.

He was born in 1936, the son of local flower grower who followed his father into the trade. His grand plans for the principality involved a cabinet of 15 ministers, a dozen members of parliament, and minting a currency, the Luigino. Citizens continued to pay their taxes to the Italian government, however, using the lira and today the euro.

Seborga has its own flag, a white cross on a blue background, a patron saint, St Bernard, and a Latin motto: Sub Umbra Sede (Sit in the shade).

Carbone managed to convince around 20 states to recognise Seborga. “The first state to step forward and recognise us was one of those revolutionary ones: Burkina Faso,” he said. Consular representation was maintained in 10 countries.

Seen widely as a ploy to attract tourists, the principality was never taken seriously by the Italian government, prompting Carbone’s determination to create a social security network that would allow Seborga to be fully detached. He told reporters that he was in negotiations with large insurance companies but little progress was made.

Perhaps tiring of his role, Carbone announced in January 2006 that he would retire upon reaching the age of 70. But a challenge to his authority a few months later appeared to re-energise him.

A woman calling herself Princess Yasmine von Hohenstaufen Anjou Plantagenet wrote to the newly-elected Italian president, Giorgio Napolitano, claiming that she was the true heir to Seborga’s throne and offering to hand it over to Italy. Carbone gruffly dismissed her claim, voicing doubts over her lineage: “I have never seen her,” he said. “We call her the internet princess”.

He leaves no heirs, and Seborga’s royal destiny is uncertain.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/30/2009 at 10:27 AM   
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Not that I think this will take off. But it is bizarre, no, it’s STUPID!batbatbat

First .... Unless it’s some kind of emergency you get exactly ten minutes and often less, when you see a doctor here. That has been my experience anyway.  I can’t see them taking time to give a talk on my carbon footprint.  But the idea that “experts” are suggesting this dumb idea is beyond the pale.  It just show how totally in the Gore camp these idiots have fallen, and the extremes they will dream up to indoctrinate the public.  Starting with the very youngest and I have already seen that right here.

Some (experts again) have suggested that doctors should start treating their patients over the phone so as to avoid ppl driving cars into town or wherever the doc is located. Sure, like doctors are going to open themselves to a possible lawsuit for wrongful diagnosis the result of a phone call.

GPs should treat patients by phone to cut NHS carbon footprint, report says
Patients will be encouraged to stay at home and consult their doctor by phone instead of travelling to GPs’ surgeries under plans for a “greener” NHS.



Doctors should give patients advice on climate change, a leading body of medical experts has claimed.

Nick Britten
Published: 11:53AM GMT 29 Nov 2009

The Climate and Health Council, a collaboration of worldwide health organisations including the Royal College of Nursing, the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal Society of Medicine, believes there is a direct link between climate change and better health.

Their controversial plan would see GPs and nurses give out advice to their patients on how to lower their carbon footprint.

The Council believes that climate change “threatens to radically undermine the health of all peoples”.

It believes health professionals are ideally placed to promote change because “we have ethical responsibility… well as the capacity to influence people and our political representatives to take the necessary action”.

The Council has been recently formed to study the health benefits of tackling climate change and promotes a range of ideas from reducing your carbon footprint by driving less and walking more to eating local, less processed food.

It wants to raise ‘health’ on the agenda of December’s UN Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen.

They believe that offering patients advice on how to lower their carbon footprint can be just as easy and achievable as helping them to stop smoking or eat a healthier diet.

Other proposals include for all developed nations to pay an extra five dollars a barrel on oil and a tax on airline tickets. This would go into a special fund to develop low-carbon alternatives to existing technologies, they say.

Prof Mike Gill, from the University of Surrey, who co-chairs the Climate and Health Council, outlined the plans for the medical journal The Lancet last week.

He said: “Climate change already affects human health, creating problems that will increase if no action is taken.

“Overall, what is good for tackling climate change is good for health. Who better to spell out this message than health professionals? “We have the evidence, a good story to tell that dramatically shifts the lens through which climate change is perceived, and we have public trust.”

He said the health service was often “muted” on the subject of climate change and needed to make its voice heard more.

He added: “To maximise our influence, we must be much clearer than we have been to the public, to patients, and to politicians about the risks of doing nothing and the benefits to individual and global health of effective action.”

Vivienne Nathanson, British Medical Association director of professional activities said the report “clearly shows that taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions can have positive impacts for health.”

She said the BMA was disappointed health had not so far figured significantly on the agenda for the Copenhagen summit and called on world leaders to seek solutions that benefit the environment and individuals.

Andy Burnham, the Health minister, in support of the Lancet report said: “Climate change can seem a distant, impersonal threat [however] the associated costs to health are a very real and present danger. Health ministers across the globe must act now to highlight the risk global warning poses to the health of our communities.”



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/30/2009 at 10:03 AM   
Filed Under: • Health-MedicineStoopid-PeopleUK •  
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H/T LiveLeak

There isn’t anything to add that I might get away with.
Sad state of the world though.  Maybe the future belongs to the muzzies and pirates after all.


UK = Don’t nick pirates, they claim asylum!

THE Royal Navy has been ordered not to arrest pirates — in case they claim asylum.

Warships must simply watch if merchant vessels are attacked, it was revealed yesterday.

Meanwhile crews have been warned that fighting modern-day cut-throats could violate their HUMAN RIGHTS.

Last night seadogs were enraged by the shock decree to our proud fleet — once the scourge of buccaneers across the seven seas.

It comes amid an explosion of piracy off the East African coast, where ships have been hijacked by armed gangs and crews held for ransom.

Earlier this year Colin Darch, 70, of Appledore, North Devon, was freed with his five crew after 47 days when his ship’s owners stumped up £350,000.

Yesterday respected shipping newspaper Lloyd’s List revealed: “Foreign Office officials are understood to have advised the Royal Navy not to confront or arrest pirates in the region, for fear of transgressing human rights legislation or encouraging their seeking asylum once taken to the UK.”

Furious shipping chiefs confirmed the order following a summit with EU anti-piracy officials in Brussels — who said the Navy had been told its presence in the region was simply to act as a “deterrent” to kidnappers.

The European Community Shipowners’ Association demanded “direct action be taken against the pirates” — like the French Navy has been pursuing.

One captain stormed: “As a nation we should hang our heads in shame.” [yeah, you should!]

A dozen ships have been attacked in the past two months — and almost 200 seamen are currently being held captive.

Last night it was unclear who gave the order to the Navy.

The MoD said its rules of engagement were an issue for the Foreign Office.

But the FO insisted: “We don’t give the MoD instructions on how to operate.”


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/30/2009 at 09:30 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEPirates, aarrgh! •  
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In Marseille, unease over mosque project. French are not too happy but helpless to fend off invasion

Polls had indicated before Sunday vote in Switzerland, that the majority would vote AGAINST the right leaning initiative to ban further building of ....

Switzerland voted on Sunday to ban the construction of new minarets, disappointing the country’s Muslims but making those who proposed the nationwide referendum rejoice at its results.

A total of 57.5% of eligible voters and 22 out of 26 cantons backed the initiative aimed at stopping “Islamization of Switzerland” put forward by the rightist Swiss People’s Party (SVP) that the government and parliament had rejected; those opposing the ban said they could go to the Strasbourg court.

Meanwhile, the Telegraph reports that there may well be a muslime backlash against that vote.  Sure. Heaven forbid that the natives who belong there and who go out and vote should get their way.  And the vote in Switzerland just goes to show how far out of touch the people who RULE and the media are, with the average citizen. All the polls said it would fail.  But not liking the vote by the citizens, the govt. is going to appeal to a European court.  So much for the idea that folks can have a say about their own country.  The rulers don’t like the way a vote goes, then see what they can do to nullify it. 

As you can see here, the French aren’t exactly thrilled over what’s happening to their country either. But the muslim steamroller keeps going.

Plans stoke debate about identity and assimilation in French city with growing number of Muslim immigrants

By Edward Cody
Washington Post Foreign Service

MARSEILLE, FRANCE—Notre Dame de la Garde, an elegant Roman Catholic basilica, has stood for 150 years on a promontory just south of Marseille’s Old Port, looking down protectively as fishermen push out to the sea and symbolizing the irrepressible spirit of this fabled Mediterranean city.

But a new and very different symbol is scheduled to rise soon on another promontory, this one on the north side of the Old Port. It is the $30 million Grand Mosque of Marseille, a place for the metropolitan region’s more than 200,000 Muslims to gather and worship and a dramatic reminder of the Islamic heritage that is grafting itself onto France’s cultural landscape.

The mosque, which at 92,500 square feet will be France’s largest, has become an emblem for the many native French people who feel uncomfortable with an immigrant population that, as its numbers rise, increasingly seeks to live by its own religious and cultural rules rather than assimilate into France’s long Christian tradition.

The strain is particularly intense in Marseille, where kebab shops line the once-elegant Canebiere Avenue and North African Arabic seems as prevalent as French on the sunny cafe terraces where residents traditionally do their business and take their aperitifs. But Marseille is not alone; across the wealthy countries of Western Europe, growing communities of Muslim immigrants have created unease among native populations by seeking to affirm their own identities—by building mosques, for instance, or wearing veils in the street.

Polls indicate that the measure will be defeated, but it has underlined the distress of many Swiss people who fear minarets may join cowbells as symbols of their culture.

Similar fears were stoked in Marseille two weeks ago when youths of North African origin twice poured into the streets, some of them destroying cars and boats docked in the Old Port, to vent their feelings over Algeria’s mixed luck in a pair of qualifying matches for the World Cup soccer tournament. France’s team, which qualified with narrow victories over Ireland, did not seem to interest them as passionately, an anomaly described by Immigration Minister Eric Besson as “integration troubles.”

“We must demand that those youths choose,” said Marine Le Pen, vice president of the right-wing National Front, headed by her father, former presidential candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen. “You cannot have two nations in your heart, two allegiances.”

Ronald Perdomo, a right-wing lawyer and Marseille politician, called the planned mosque a “cathedral mosque” designed to be a “symbol of non-assimilation” that will balance off Notre Dame de la Garde and send a message from its 75-foot-high minaret that Marseille’s Muslim residents are “imposing their religious norms.”

After failing in two lawsuits to block a construction permit for the mosque, Perdomo’s Regional Front and three other rightist groups filed a new suit Tuesday alleging that Mayor Jean-Claude Gaudin sidestepped building regulations in granting the permit and thus violated the constitutional separation of church and state.

“It is not reasonable to make exceptions to the law on the pretext that there are a large number of Muslims in France,” Perdomo said in an interview.

A native French retiree polishing his car near where work on the mosque is scheduled to begin in April lamented the project. But the mosque, he said, is only part of what Muslim immigrants have done to Marseille in recent years. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, he said he did not want to be racist, “but you have to, when you see what is happening.”





Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/30/2009 at 06:59 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationInternationalRoPMATerrorists •  
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I didn’t expect this to end the way it did and I honestly find it very disturbing. In fact, we’re worried about her.

Wife and I read this lady regularly and you would have to go into the Mail’s archives for say the last 60 days, to get an understanding of her.
Readers of BMEWS would no doubt wonder about a women who feeds muesli to the rats in her barn, or spends money she can’t afford feeding two pet chickens on a special diet of organic food.  She loves animals poor woman, and it now dawns on us that the love and over the top affection she showers on all those pets she takes in, in some way makes up for the love she does not have and desperately wants in her life. 
At first I just thought she was quite silly.  But not after reading this. There’s more then just silly going on here.  And we are frightened for her.

Tired of London and the lifestyle, she thought she’d find happiness of some kind by getting out and moving to the country where she could also keep horses. A passion since girlhood.  Well, the grass wasn’t greener.  About the first thing she did was turn off the natives by things she wrote in her column about where she’d moved to.  As I said above, to truly appreciate what I am trying to get across, you would really need to see the Mail archives for the last 60 day.  Or perhaps longer.  In fact, there are links to previous stories at the end of the various articles.

Please don’t judge too harshly.  I think this lady is hurting.

Liz is one of the best known and highly rated female journalists writing today. Her columns include a fashion addict column in the Daily Mail and ‘Liz Jones’ Diary’ in the Mail on Sunday’s YOU magazine each week. Liz also writes high profile interviews for the magazine, has a column in the newspaper and writes extensively on women and related topics for Femail in the Daily Mail.
Liz is the author of two books; The first, Liz Jones’ Diary, was published by Quadrille in 2005, while The Exmoor Files, detailing her move from London to a farm in Somerset, was published by Weidenfeld & Nicholson in August 2009.
Formerly Liz was the Editor of Marie Claire and Features Editor for the London Evening Standard.

In which I realise I hate my life here

By Liz Jones
Last updated at 8:01 PM on 28th November 2009

I knew that whatever I had discovered in my T-shirt in the middle of the night would turn up eventually. I spotted Sweetie staring maniacally at my Prada suitcase (a piece of luggage which, incidentally, is no longer what it was thanks to Gracie/Tracie; everything I own now has small teeth marks on it somewhere).
I scooped up Sweetie (she growled at the indignity of being picked up), put her in the hall, and gingerly opened the suitcase. There, sitting in a corner, was a field mouse , with tiny round eyes, a pointy nose and an expression that said, ‘Ye godfathers. I am harassed by 17 cats, find refuge in your T-shirt, and then you fling me to the floor. Since then I have been cowering in your suitcase and, to be honest, I have almost lost the will to live.’

I scooped up the poor mouse in my hands, negotiated various doors and walked, in my bare feet, to the orchard, where I deposited the poor creature in a hedge. It didn’t look remotely grateful, or even give me a backwards glance.

I love the puppies, but the wee and poo everywhere is making me lose the will to live. Mini Puppy is very good, but Gracie is insane. I have just taken her for a long walk, down the hill, round by the lakes, up through the square field and the moment she gets back in the house she squats. I come down every morning to pools of wee. Some days I feel so low I just step over the puddles.

I can’t even go into Dulverton to buy wine or pet food or post a letter because I am so hated, so laughed at and gossiped about.

I am sitting here now, typing, wearing my black Miu Miu jacket while Grace Kelly is chewing on its hem, ripping it to ribbons. I don’t have the energy to stop her. I wish, like a new mum, I was entitled to puppy leave. I think of all the baby things I have given friends – cashmere blankies, blue aran sweaters – and wonder at the fact no one has sent me so much as a packet of Winalot.

I can see now why collies are often abandoned: they are so bright, so in need of stimulation, I can understand how someone in a normal home, ie, one that isn’t a dump like mine, or surrounded by 46 acres, would just give up. It is odd but I have started to lean on Michael, asking for his help with the little ones. ‘What should I do? Were you like this as a puppy?’ I ask him, kissing him on his black and white nose. It is too much to expect of a dog: that they become your husband.

I want to go home. I want to go back to London. I want to go on an exotic holiday. I hate my life here. I can’t even go into Dulverton to buy wine or pet food or post a letter because I am so shunned, so hated, so laughed at and gossiped about. I have no money.

My car is always dirty. I am always dirty. I have no nice things any more. I can’t buy fresh coriander. I realise that last sentence will probably mean more local youths will take pot shots at my house, but it’s a fact. I am used to being able to buy things without ordering them first.

Everything is so hard, even lighting the wretched log fire. I know that makes me sound weak and pathetic, but I don’t care. I don’t even have someone to share things with, to help, to tell me everything is going to be OK. I spent my whole life thinking that, maybe one day, I would be happy.

I thought, maybe one day, I would meet someone, because that is what everyone told me. It is one of the great lies: ‘You will meet someone, just when you least expect it.’ But that never happened. Life doesn’t always turn out OK.

At the moment I wake up in the middle of the night, every night, wracked with self-doubt and fear. I realise I am completely alone in the world. Even members of my own family never phone to see how I am. As long as the standing order to pay for my mum’s full-time nurse keeps being paid, I guess they know I must still have a pulse.

The truth is, every time I go to sleep, I hope against hope that I won’t wake up.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/30/2009 at 05:03 AM   
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Breaking news of the morning.  PINK is dangerous color for girls. HUH? Sorry moms.

OK, I realize it’s very foolish of me to even try and write about and venture an opinion about a subject I’m not at all familiar with. I have no training in this sort of thing but ....


I think it’s more stupid stuff.  The folks who dream up these things really need to go out and find real jobs. Don’t ya think?
I could not resist posting this article it seems so bizarre to me.  okok. Maybe girls do not need globes that are painted pink. 

Another Moonbat sign of our twisted times.

Pink toys ‘damaging’ for girls

The “pinkification” of girls’ toys is damaging their development, according to a mother who has called for a boycott of The Early Learning Centre, the retailer she claims is the worst offender.

By Harry Wallop, Consumer Affairs Editor
Published: 7:00AM GMT 30 Nov 2009

Rows upon rows of pink musical instruments, dressing-up outfits, and pretend kitchens are encouraging an “obsession with body image, which starts younger and younger” and makes girls think “beauty is valued over brains”.


The campaign has been backed by Ed Mayo, the former government “consumer tsar” and author of Consumer Kids, How Big Business is Grooming our Children for Profit.

He said: “There may be worse things to worry about, but I feel this colour apartheid is one of the things that sets children on two separate railway tracks. One leads to higher pay, and higher status and one doesn’t.”

Emma Moore, a mother of two girls, founded the campaign with her twin sister Abi, a mother of two sons, after comparing the products available for their children on the high street. They have dubbed the campaign Pinkstinks.

They say the Early Learning Centre (ELC) is not that much worse than many other retailers, but it has became its primary target after reading the retailer’s mission statement. “It seems so hypocritical to us. The ELC claims its toys are designed to help children explore the boundaries of their imaginations and creativity, to make learning fun and help children be all they can be’,” said Miss Moore.

However, she points out that ELC sells pink toy washing machines, pink cash registers, and even pink globes.

“Why on earth do girls need to have a globe in pink?” said Mr Mayo. “Does it ultimately lead to the 15 per cent pay gap suffered by women further down the line?. That’s far too simplistic, but I feel gender roles are becoming polarised far too early on.”

He adds that before World War II pink was more usually associated with boys, while blue – traditionally the colour of the Virgin Mary – was linked with girls.

Emma Moore said: “Over the last 15 years or so there’s been a neon pink signpost out there we’ve all been happy to follow. It needs to change.

“We want ELC to put its money where its mouth is and to really start encouraging our daughters to be active and happy children instead of passive and preening princesses.”

A spokesman for ELC denied the company was responsible for a “colour apartheid”. She said: Come down to Early Learning Centre and see for yourself the huge range of toys in an assortment of colours. Customers can choose a red kitchen, a blue kitchen, a blue cash register, a yellow dolls house or a gorgeous farm.”


I just happened upon this weird thought. Maybe this is a subject best left to mothers of daughters to talk about. Perhaps males shouldn’t have any opinion.
Still seems odd tho.

OK I have to say this anyway.  If young girls are thinking body image at younger ages, I really don’t understand why pink has anything to do with it. How about moms who push little girls into beauty contests trying to relive their youth thru their daughters?  How about the images that are tossed in our collective faces daily of models (many wearing black) who are thin and scantily clothed. And all you have to do is open the daily paper, any one them here, to see what I’m referring to. And then there’s the “entertainment” and music industries. The list can go on and on with regard to images.
Kids see things on TV and later when older on computers that parents often aren’t even aware of. But come on.  PINK?  Jeesh.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/30/2009 at 04:08 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - November 28, 2009

So now authorities have to worry about upsetting young thugs, by calling them “YOUTHS”

It just gets crazier and more stupid with each passing day.
Oh btw ... children starting age 5 are to be instructed in school about good behavior. Not a bad thing in case parents missed that one.
Also ... boys are to be instructed that they should NEVER hit a girl.
You need school for that?  We were taught that at home but then, in my day before sex was invented and girls weren’t mean as many are today, it was a given.  We always tried to be on good behavior in front of girls. Or else we were making fools of ourselves by showing off. The girls funnily enough were never impressed.  Another funny thing about that long dead world.  Boys were not busy looking for their inner female, and girls were not trying to be boys.  I could go on but you get the idea.

Teen offenders are ‘young persons’ not ‘youths’… it might upset them, say ministers

By Steve Doughty, Social Affairs Correspondent
28th November 2009

It is not a word usually associated with causing offence, even when those referred to have broken the law.

But ‘youth’ has been banned from guidelines on the treatment of criminals aged 16 and 17 - because ministers think it is too demeaning.

Instead, offenders must be referred to as ‘young persons’ in the latest code for prosecutors. The newly fashionable phrase is used 101 times in the document.

The change of wording was mocked yesterday by the Tories, who described it as the ‘bizarre’ invention of a new taboo.

Shadow Justice Secretary Dominic Grieve added: ‘Yet again, ministers have shown that they are more bothered about pandering to political correctness than coming down hard on the crime and antisocial behaviour that blights communities.’

The code for prosecutors on issuing Youth Conditional Cautions to 16- and 17-year- olds has been rewritten following a consultation over an early draft.

Officials at Jack Straw’s Ministry of Justice and Ed Balls’s Department of Children, Schools and Families said: ‘A number of responses suggested the term “youth” had negative connotations and should be replaced by “young persons”.’

Disapproval of language considered to give the wrong impression has been a hallmark of Labour’s years in power.

Its Youth Justice Board has tried to prevent ‘gang’ in case it criminalises youngsters who gather together. It prefers crime committed by such gatherings to be described as ‘group-related’.

Similarly, Scotland Yard refers to ‘group rape’ or ‘multi-perpetrator rape’ to avoid ‘emotive’ language.

Even prison officers have been told to observe correct priorities by addressing inmates as ‘Mr’.

However, ‘youth’ appears likely to cling on for some time in government lingo.

A spokesman for the Youth Justice Board, run by the Ministry of Justice to cut crime among the young, said: ‘We have put a lot of research into branding, and we haven’t heard anything about this. We have no plans to change our name.’


Surrounded by three Saturday papers and reading same between sneezes and coughs, the wife saw a short article in one of the papers and she really caught my attention.  While she’s very critical of this govt., I had never before heard her exclaim, as she did this morning, that someone needs to finally pull the plug and flush what’s left of the country out to sea.
The reason for her upset was an article wherein a minister of the church has said that people should not be wishing other people a Merry Christmas as it is potentially offensive.  Which was one story on top of a couple others that got her goat. 

I really need to find a nice quiet cave somewhere.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/28/2009 at 10:28 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEDaily LifeStoopid-PeopleUK •  
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Not exactly the way Indian women are usually presented.  With the popularity of Bollywood these days, I thought a few Indian beauties might be appropriate. 














“THE GIRL ON THE RED VELVET SWING” That was the title of the TV movie many of you may have seen some years ago, based on her sad life and the trial of her wacko millionaire husband for the murder of Sanford White in 1906. White was America’s leading architect of the age.  Her husband’s lawyer used the insanity defense successfully for the first time (I have read). At sixteen, she had posed for the famous Charles Dana Gibson. At seventeen, she worked as a chorus girl in the Floradora review. She’s 19 or 20 here. Hard to tell.

EVELYN NESBIT ....  Photos circa 1900-1904

image image


See More Below The Fold


Posted by peiper   United States  on 11/28/2009 at 04:46 AM   
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Not the finest hour for the Greek Navy. They sunk a pirate boat. That’s the good news.


A Greek frigate stopped a pirate ship near the Seychelles and sank one of it’s fast boats.
BUT ... They released the crew.  Oh good. Instead of killing the sub human life forms, they let em go so they can do it all over again.
What way is that to fight pirates? What kind of message are the bad guys getting here?

This was apparently an EU naval mission.

The Greek frigate was led to the pirate boat by a patrol aircraft after an attack on a French ship.



Nelson: I didn’t know the half of it!

Back in 2005, I wrote a spoof account of the Battle of Trafalgar, imagining it being fought under modern elf’n’safety constraints. It was inspired by a newspaper photograph of an actor playing Nelson in a 200th anniversary re-enactment being forced to wear a lifejacket over his 19th century Admiral’s uniform and has been doing the rounds on the internet ever since.

At the time, it was supposed to be a joke. Little did I imagine that four short years later, the Royal Navy would refuse to rescue a couple of British hostages hijacked at sea off Somalia because someone might get hurt.

Or that any Somali pirate wounded or captured would be entitled to seek asylum in Britain and could sue for damages under the ‘yuman rites’ act.

Sometimes, even I can’t make it up.

Last week, I told you about the group of students refused a bottle of wine and a packet of candles for a birthday cake by the Warwick branch of M&S because only five out of six of them could prove they were over 18.

It gets sillier. Peter O’Brien writes to tell me that his daughter and her partner, both over 18, were told they couldn’t buy a bottle of vanilla essence from Waitrose, in Buxton, Derbyshire, because only one of them had proof of identity.

Vanilla essence is approximately one per cent alcohol and each bottle contains about enough to fill a thimble. But as far as the cake police are concerned, you can’t be too careful.

More Littlejohn HERE


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/28/2009 at 03:42 AM   
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Some outrageous junk to start the weekend. Good Morning World.

And the Tories are the cons here. Cons. Hmm.  That fits too.

What a way to fight a war.  Why not declare it a police action instead and ..... oh the hell with it.  Bothers me a lot truth to tell. Not the idea that a few Brit soldiers may, I stress “may” have done something wrong. That’s been in the news a lot of late. Now the other story is the abuse by the Brit secret service folks. 
Even the conservatives are practicing the old hand wringing ploy. Gotta match the left in a show of compassion ya know.
Meanwhile, the other side is most likely going, hehe,hehe. snicker,snicker.

And what btw is a pack of lefty American uman rights shits doing sticking their fat nose into things that are the business of Brits?

Tories say they will order an inquiry into UK torture collusion

By James Chapman and Daniel Martin
The Daily Mail

The Tories are poised to order an inquiry into allegations of British complicity in torture if they win power.

Shadow foreign secretary William Hague yesterday piled pressure on the Attorney General to refer claims of collusion in the abuse of terror suspects to the police.

Scotland Yard is already investigating claims that MI5 was complicit in the abuse of Binyam Mohamed - a British resident who says he was tortured while being held in Pakistan, Morocco and Afghanistan. It is also investigating MI6 over the case of a non-Briton.


Mr Hague suggested that a Tory government would agree to demands for a wider inquiry - likely to be an independent probe headed by a judge - if the claims have not been thoroughly investigated by then.

‘The Government should refer all credible allegations of UK complicity in torture to the Attorney General for police investigation if appropriate,’ he told the Daily Mail.

‘The form of any investigation we would institute in office would depend on what has happened between now and then, the outcome of these investigations and whether they have been widened.’

The latest controversy has been prompted by a major study by one of the world’s leading human rights organisations.

It highlighted the cases of five UK citizens of Pakistani origin who alleged they were tortured in Pakistan between 2004 and 2007 with ‘clear’ UK complicity.


The New York-based Human Rights Watch organisation said Britain’s role was in breach of international law and risked undermining its moral legitimacy.

Researchers claim to have spoken to Pakistani intelligence agents involved in torture who say their British counterparts were fully aware of the techniques they were using.

British officials, they said, were ‘breathing down their necks’ for information obtained from the torture of one medical student.

They were also alleged to have been ‘grateful’ that ‘all means possible’ were being employed to extract evidence from a Luton man who claims to have been whipped and threatened with an electric drill.

Four of the individuals met British officials while detained in Pakistan, the report said, at times when ‘clear and visible signs of torture’ including the removal of fingernails, were evident.

Ministers have fiercely denied allegations that UK intelligence agencies were involved in the questioning of terrorist suspects abroad, including supplying questions for interrogators to ask.

David Davis, the former shadow home secretary who first raised the issue in the Commons, said: ‘British Intelligence officers would have had to have been wilfully-blind and deaf not to know what was going on, and their normal procedures would have required them to make it clear to senior officers, who in turn would have notified ministers.’

A Foreign Office spokesman said the Government rejected ‘in the strongest possible terms’ the suggestion that a policy of complicity in torture has been in place.

He added: ‘The report’s allegations are not new and we have responded to them in Parliament. Some of these cases have already been considered and rejected by the UK courts.

‘We have taken a leading role in international efforts to eradicate torture. There is no truth in suggestions that the Security and Intelligence Services operate without control or oversight.

‘There is no truth in the more serious suggestion that it is our policy to collude in, solicit, or even directly participate in abuses of prisoners. Nor is it true that alleged wrong-doing is covered up.’

* An inquiry into alleged war crimes by the British Army may not begin for a year and could cost as much as £13million.Retired High Court judge Sir Thayne Forbes will investigate accusations that troops executed up to 20 Iraqi prisoners and abused nine others after a gun battle in 2004 which became known as the ‘Battle of Danny Boy’.The MoD insist the victims were Iraqi militiamen who were killed in battle.




Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/28/2009 at 02:56 AM   
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calendar   Friday - November 27, 2009

Another Data Masseuse Misses Happy Ending

New Zealand Climate Researchers Caught Bending Data


Bears are falling from the sky
Every time a plane goes by
Temp graphs show we’re gonna fry
Are based on data that’s a lie

Gee, I’m starting to wonder just how widespread this “scientific method” really is. What if all of it has been “massaged” everywhere? has been collecting climate data gathering station info for years now, and long ago found that a serious percentage of those stations were not properly calibrated for their current environments. That old hockey stick graph has been shown to be false for nearly as long. Now we’ve found out that the Hadley folks bent their numbers to push their agenda. And today it looks like a similar group in New Zealand has done the same thing. I don’t want to be a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy believer, but more and more it’s looking like it’s chapeau d’Reynolds Wrap time for real.

image NZ’s NIWA accused of temperature faking

The New Zealand Government’s chief climate advisory unit NIWA is under fire for allegedly massaging raw climate data to show a global warming trend that wasn’t there.  The scandal breaks as fears grow worldwide that corruption of climate science is not confined to just Britain’s CRU climate research centre.

25 November 2009
Are we feeling warmer yet?

(A paper collated by Richard Treadgold, of the Climate Conversation Group, from a combined research project undertaken by members of the Climate Conversation Group and the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition)

There have been strident claims that New Zealand is warming. The Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), among other organisations and scientists, allege that, along with the rest of the world, we have been heating up for over 100 years. But now, a simple check of publicly-available information proves these claims wrong. In fact, New Zealand’s temperature has been remarkably stable for a century and a half. So what’s going on?


the official New Zealand temperature graph

This graph is the centrepiece of NIWA’s temperature claims. It contributes to global temperature statistics and the IPCC reports. It is partly why our government is insisting on introducing an ETS scheme and participating in the climate conference in Copenhagen. But it’s an illusion.

Dr Jim Salinger (who no longer works for NIWA) started this graph in the 1980s when he was at CRU (Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, UK) and it has been updated with the most recent data. It’s published on NIWA’s website at: and in their climate-related publications.

Is the tar warm yet? How’s our feather supply? The same guy - and perhaps others as well - worked for both climate research centers, and now it appears that both places faked their results? Where does Salinger work now, and let’s see that place’s data ASAP!


Straight away you can see there’s no slope—either up or down. The temperatures are remarkably constant way back to the 1850s. Of course, the temperature still varies from year to year, but the trend stays level—statistically insignificant at 0.06°C per century since 1850. Putting these two graphs side by side, you can see huge differences. What is going on? Why does NIWA’s graph show strong warming, but graphing their own raw data looks completely different? Their graph shows warming, but the actual temperature readings show none whatsoever!

About half the adjustments actually created a warming trend where none existed; the other half greatly exaggerated existing warming. All the adjustments increased or even created a
warming trend, with only one (Dunedin) going the other way and slightly reducing the original trend. The shocking truth is that the oldest readings have been cranked way down and later readings
artificially lifted to give a false impression of warming, as documented below. There is nothing in the station histories to warrant these adjustments and to date Dr Salinger and NIWA have not revealed why they did this. One station, Hokitika, had its early temperatures reduced by a huge 1.3°C, creating strong warming from a mild cooling, yet there’s no apparent reason for it.

Here we go again!

Reeling from claims that it has massaged data to show a 150 year warming trend where there isn’t one, NIWA’s chief climate scientist David Wratt, an IPCC vice-chair on the 2007 AR4 report, issued a news release stating adjustments had been made to compensate for changes in sensor locations over the years.

While such an adjustment is valid, it needs to be fully explained so other scientists can test the reasonableness of the adjustment.

Wratt is refusing to release data his organisation claims to have justifying adjustments on other weather stations, meaning the science cannot be reviewed.

Gosh, that response sounds a bit familiar, doesn’t it Dr. Hansen? But at least the folks in NZ aren’t willing to just roll over and play dead. Hella no, they’re mad as hell and they aren’t going to take it anymore! [ and wowzers, how appropriate is this guys name? D. Wratt? Do his friends call him Dirty? ]

New Zealand’s Climate Change minister Nick Smith has been told to make good on his promise to front NIWA scientists for a grilling by members of parliament in the wake of the Climategate and NIWAtemp scandals.

Act party leader Rodney Hide, a minister in the coalition government cabinet, has released a letter sent to Smith this afternoon.

Hide has told his cabinet colleague only openness and honesty about NIWA’s scientific methods will assuage growing public concerns about the integrity of climate scientists and their data.

Rodney Hide has done what Nick Smith has failed to do and asked for ALL the details of the data at NIWA so we can see if they are cheating us or not. Why is it up to the only honest politician to get the scientists to come clean on why data needs to be manipulated at all, which data was manipulated and the exact reasons why it was?

These are all valid reasons, especially no that we have an ETS system that will cripple our economy if maintained. If the science is bogus then the ETS and associated bullshit that goes with it be tossed out and then the prosecutions can begin for the greatest fraud attempted to committed on the global population in the history of mankind.

original h/t to moonbattery, but this story is everywhere this morning
Bok cartoon stolen from Theo’s


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/27/2009 at 09:02 AM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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