Sarah Palin will pry your Klondike bar from your cold dead fingers.

calendar   Wednesday - April 27, 2016

File under WHAT THE HELL?: 9/11 Memorial Guards interrupt Choir students signing the National Anthem

I only wish I had nothing today. Because I think Nothing would be a better situation than this.  Choirs are proverbial for purity, honesty, and intelligence. When we talk of the scum of the day, what do we say? “He’s no choir boy.” So who has the nerve to hassle an actual choir?

Oh. That’s right.The people getting paid to guard the 9/11 memorial.

The Waynesville Middle School choir from Waynesville, N.C. was visiting New York City for a three-day trip last Wednesday when they stopped at the 9/11 memorial and decided to sing “The Star-Spangled Banner” out of respect for the dead.

They never got to finish.

Before the song was over, two National September 11 Memorial & Museum guards walked over and told the students they had to stop singing.

Some of these guards didn’t even remove their hats out of respect, as you can clearly see in the video.

So, why might you ask? So glad you did that! Let’s have a look see.

According to the 9/11 memorial’s website, groups wanting to perform must first obtain a permit.

What’s that you say? A Permit? Let’s find out more about this. And indeed, yours truly managed to dig another juicy fact up.... though it is from See-BS. But I think you’ll forgive me when I point out what this means…

Groups wishing to perform at the Sept. 11 memorial are supposed to apply for a $35 permit. The North Carolina group did not.

So, in short this was about monies. That you must apply for a permit to have a performance on public/gubment managed land. Ok, I have my misgivings with the extent the permit system has gotten to but this is a fairly reasonable limitation. HOWEVER....

Let’s look at that wording again. Really, Really, REALLY look at it.

Groups wishing to perform at the Sept. 11 memorial are supposed to apply for a $35 permit. 

Is there ANY INDICATION WHATSOEVER- has ANYBODY ALLEGED AT ALL- that the Choir *WISHED TO PREFORM* at the memorial beforehand? NO, I THINK NOT. What they Came Wishing To DO was to visit the memorial and pay respects to the three thousand~ murdered innocents that this memorial pays tribute to.

“We just wanted to show respect to the people who lost their lives,” another student added.

In short, the time during which they could in any way have been construed as “wishing to preform” must have been after they got into the Memorial itself, with a astonishingly small window of opportunity to file for a permit, pay the money, or solicit profit, publicity, new students, or in short ANYTHING THAT WOULD USUALLY MOTIVATE PEOPLE TO PREFORM. Which is what the law was mostly meant to REGULATE, mind: use of public spaces for premeditated agendas, ESPECIALLY for profit ones (which is a reason why you don’t see as many advertisements filmed at the White House even when a certain Neo-Bolshevik is not in it). And of course to make sure that the government gets its’ fair share (such as it is) for it.

But Wait. There’s more.

According to the 9/11 memorial’s website, groups wanting to perform must first obtain a permit. The Waynesville students didn’t have one, but did get verbal permission from a security guard that day, music teacher Martha Weathers Brown said.

Maybe she’s lying, but the See-BS page also echoes this.

Chorus teacher Martha Brown told Fox that one security guard at the memorial plaza had given the students permission to sing, but another guard told them to stop.

So in short: this started about monies. That you cannot preform certain acts of reverence (like a memorial tune, which just googling “Dirge” will show is one of the oldest forms of human musical expression known) on your own time, for nonprofit without bowing down and kissing the ring of BigGov for the privilege before paying up. Even if doing so would require a rather obscene expenditure for the occasion and- in this case- precognitive abilities. Because some half-wit overwrought bureaucrat somewhere decided that something like THIS could be reasonably viewed as a Performance.

And on the other hand: this is about Gov mugs not being able to get their right hand and left hand on the same page, because if we assume the teacher is honest (which granted may be a question) this NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED- the very thing that got the memorial staff wringing their panties out- unless ONE OF THEIR OWN hadn’t told them it was A-Ok. Only for a few others to go in and contradict it.

If there was one story to epitomize one reason to distrust government abilities and people- not the big, spectacular, horrifyingly damaging ones like Benghazi or Clinton’s email server, but the mundane, every day things- this would be one of them. It ENCAPSULATES just how greedy and incompetent this unfeeling blob that we pour trillions of dollars, many people, and immense trust in can be when given openings to get too big for its’ britches. I just wish it didn’t have to happen like this.

Which brings me to the final snippet.

Brown added that she understands why they were told to stop and used it as a teaching moment about respecting authority, showing students that these rules are in place to protect a sacred space from people who might want to be disrespectful.

I’m sorry, but WHAT?

How can you respect authority that Can’t even make up its’ own mind?

How is a permit based cash grab demand based on a Highly Tortured reading of the term “preform” going to protect this hallowed ground?

Let me emphasize that this land is not private property. This is a NATIONAL MEMORIAL. It belongs to WE THE PEOPLE. And if there is a reason for it to exist AT ALL it is to honor the memories and allow for mourning of the murdered dead (ya know, kinda like this!) And here we have tweedledee and tweedledum interrupting a CHOIR doing that and trying to state that their authority (which is again given in trust to them by WE THE PEOPLE) gives them the right to interpret bureaucratic minutiae like this.

I am not an anarchist. I am not even sure I agree with the saying that “The government that governs best governs least.” I do believe that governmental authority DOES play a highly important role in maintaining and preserving our freedoms and other things.


To quote the thing that empowers these authorities....

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

So now the Memorial staff are saying they’re oh so very sorry, the guy reacted incorrectly, you’re welcome to come back..blah blah blah. Maybe they even mean it. But I think in many ways that it is less important than the fact that this happened at all. That some small cogs in the Federal juggernaut honestly thought that This of all things was worth worrying about or treading on their coffers. And the fact that even the teacher is telling them this is a lesson about “respecting authority.”

If we cannot go to lawfully mourn and remember our dead at the location dedicated Specifically to it- if we are forced to put what is essentially Deeply Inoffensive expression under scrutiny for fear that it will offend some bit of overwritten and invasive statutory or regulatory law- then I do believe we will have lost just a little bit of our freedom, and the terrorists who committed this massacre will have won a victory. A little victory, not the war, not something that gives them the Bag-tinted dystopia they want all over the world. But something that makes that victory Just A Little Bit Closer. And honestly if an invasive state keeps sticking its’ nose in and forcing us to heed it on this invasive level, sooner or later people might think that the change over to caliphate will be a matter of convenience.

What can I even say about this? I’ve written enough… so I’ll just ask that you please, Please read the Fox link. It has the video in all its’ nature. And consider letting our dear *employees* in the government know exactly what we think of this.

Posted by Turtler   United States  on 04/27/2016 at 08:04 AM   
Filed Under: • Big BrotherDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsEducationGovernmentCorruption and GreedHomeland-SecurityJack Booted ThugsJustice - LACK OFNanny StateOutrageousStoopid-PeopleWar On Terror •  
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calendar   Tuesday - March 22, 2016

BOMBING IN BRUSSELS!! Terrorists hit the Belgian Capitol!


A few hours ago, near-simultaneous explosions tore through the Belgian capitol. It seems pretty clear- even with the sketchy information- that there were at last two targets. One was the Maalbeek Metro Station, and the other Brussels Airport. Initial reports indicate that we’re looking at dozens of casualties, including at least a baker’s dozen dead. I don’t think that number is going to go anywhere but up in the next hours. This map is the best one I could find on short notice showing the relative locations of the two.

I’ll probably put more information- pictures I don’t trust putting above the fold, my two cents, and news articles- below the fold. But let’s make one thing ABSOLUTELY clear: This Had to have been a coordinated attack, and a daunting one at that. Half a dozen miles may not seem like a big distance but it can’t be easy to coordinate this kind of attack in a densely urban area like the heart of Brussels is. Which says nothing good about our security or the enemy’s capabilities.

God be with us all… I don’t pretend to know the full story behind this but I do hope that these savages get theirs.

See More Below The Fold

Posted by Turtler   United States  on 03/22/2016 at 09:30 AM   
Filed Under: • DisastersFRANCEGenocideHomeland-SecurityIllegal-Aliens and ImmigrationInsanityInternationalMilitarymuslimsNews-BriefsOutrageousplanes, trains, tanks, ships, machines, automobilesREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLEScary StuffTerroristsWar On Terror •  
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calendar   Thursday - February 25, 2016

Since when did CIA stand for Central Inclusion Agency?

Sorry for the delays. But I’ve been busy for more or less the past week and a half with family stuff, helping someone with travel prep, and getting ready for my Birthday (which is tomorrow on the 25th). So I’m just coming back out of my shell now. But it seems like the news keeps outpacing me. I began working on this analysis on Scalia’s funeral and Obama’s priorities (or lack thereof). Then I received news of a death and started work on an obituary. But now… Now...... I learn of THIS. THIS damn mess.

Yes, apparently the CIA has a “Diversity and Inclusion Strategy.” Heck, not only that, but an ANNUAL one. You want to read all that? I sure don’t. But I think the money quote is really on the first page, coming from John Brennan- the CIA Director HIMSELF. And what does this fine defender of America and secretive public servant go out and write when he comes out to justify the tax dollars he’s been given?

Embracing and leveraging diversity through an inclusive culture that fosters innovation, new ideas, and new insights which is at the heart of what we are charged to do and will drive mission success.”

Soooooo..... see a bit of a problem with this?

The CIA is a damn spy agency. The heart of what it is tasked to do is conducting covert operations against our enemies, try to keep our own stuff secret, and interdict operations and other threats against us. It is meant to Spy. In that line of work, diversity and especially inclusiveness are NOT virtues.

Why? Because spying and intelligence gathering are ultimately based on a bedrock of exclusiveness. Terms like “Need to Know” and “Security Clearance” are inherently exclusive and the very basis for the world these groups operate in, in large part because they need to. From the very start they are dependent on EXCLUDING those who Do Not Need To Know from those who Do. Excluding people who cannot be trusted with given intelligence from those that can. Exclude the people who might be vulnerable to external pressure or compromising things from those who are. On any given issue or operation the former categories will include the VAST MAJORITY of the people on this planet, including the country the agency or operation in question is working for. And all of this is before those select few who people do decide to trust are further shuffled and compartmentalized with their own, even more finely grained “Need to Know” restrictions, security clearances, and other dividers; all so that if there’s a break in one compartment the entire ship doesn’t go down.

This is not merely useful for these organizations, they are integral parts of what they are and what they need to do in order to Survive At All. Now, since we got here by asking why being inclusive and diverse is not always a good thing in the spook business, it’s only fair to ask “Why?” again. Why is this pervasive secrecy and exclusion needed for intelligence services?

Well, I decided to start this off with a snippet of this fascinating alternate history article from the BBC, dealing with a centuries old case. Namely, The Gunpowder Plot. Now, this was not an intelligence operation or something conducted by a government authority. It was in fact a highly murderous terrorist plot devised by people who wanted to utterly destroy a significant chunk of London and thousands of people just to get at the King and Parliament to (regardless of what the average Fawkestard or 4Chan apologist would have you believe) establish an even more repressive and absolutist government. But not only is this the kind of terrorist threat that modern intelligence organizations are supposed to per-empt, but it also featured people operating as spies, planning military (Emphasis in following is mine)

As history actually turned out, there are two very good reasons why the Gunpowder Plot had to fail. The first was that the plotters were caught in the double-bind of most early modern conspirators: in order to make a rebellion work, it had to involve a lot of people, but the more people who knew about the plot, the more it was likely to leak.

In the case of this one, the means of effecting it, by murdering most of the English political élite, was so sensational and so morally disturbing to most people, that the chances of somebody blowing the whistle on it were unusually high.

That is exactly what happened; one of the people brought into the plot in its later stages (probably the unstable Francis Tresham) told an opportunist peer, Lord Monteagle, who tipped off the government.

Whoever sent that letter to Baron Monteagle most likely was not disloyal to the plan or the cause (of establishing a tyranny more in line with the likes of 17th century Spain over the ashes of London). If he had been, he probably would have sent it to someone else. A player in the well-oiled Elizabethan network of spies and informants that James inherited, or actual authorities of the Crown rather than Lord Monteagle. Someone actually in the government rather than just standing in Parliament. The Monteagle Letter (as it’s called now) was probably sent by a sincere, loyal terrorist who wanted to avoid killing someone he thought could be an ally because Monteagle was a fellow Catholic.

So in many ways the Gunpowder Plotters were perversely lucky compared to a lot of modern spy rings, planners, and other operatives. And it still did them in. The letter was the crucial straw that led to the end, and within two weeks of the letter’s delivery the plan had collapsed and most of the group accounted for, and in less than two and a half months all the known conspirators were arrested or dead. 

This example helps demonstrate one of the key concepts of intelligence work, or really using any kind of lie or deception. That you should have as few people in the know as possible in order to make it work. Enough that (hopefully) whatever you have planned should be successful, but no more to avoid the risk that somebody will write something, say something, get caught, or otherwise expose it. It’s the reason why care must be taken in who investigates even the absolutely, gobsmackingly criminal security breaches Hillary made in her private server (which some investigators do not even have the authorization to look at, or didn’t).  In the case of the Gunpowder Plot the result was that Western Civilization and constitutionalism dodged a very nasty bullet, but these kind of breakdowns do not always work in favor of the good guys. All one has to do to see that is observe the resistance martyrs- like those of the World Wars and Cold Wars, but also people as far back as Nathaniel Hale- to see that. Here is just one sobering example out of countless thousands we know about and God only knows how more we do not.

Now, I can understand that overwhelming uniformity also can be a major problem. All I have to do to see that is observe how the Japanese spy rings in North America, the “White Dominions” of the Commonwealth (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc), and India crashed and burned during WWII. * . Part of the reason why the massive “Cambridge Ring” of Soviet spies within the higher echelons of the British Government happened was because the Brits tended to recruit too much from a upper crust students of a handful of “Ivy League” schools, who were the demographic most likely to be radicalized by Communist propaganda or student politics, were the most likely to be able to radicalize others in their orbit, and were likely to have even non-traitors who would defend them. 

But I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that being too diverse or inclusive would be the even greater risk for an intelligence organization, precisely because it runs against the very grain of what it is meant to do. Spying is about trying to manipulate and uncover the enemy without being manipulated or uncovered by them. Having a rainbow coalition of security risks just for the sake of inclusion or diversity will only undercut the ability to try that in a game where there are incredibly high stakes and the slightest trip up could tip the balance. I would hope our spymasters and intelligence dons and donas would understand that. But then, I am just an uninitiated civilian. However, one of my friends who decidedly Wasn’t one of that did have something to say about this, and gave me permission to quote him.

You do want diversity in intel analysis, but moreso diversity of THOUGHT than anything else. Now from a HUMINT** perspective, you do need diversity of race, to whit you need trusted and capable agents of the races which you need to infiltrate.
Beyond that, race is irrelevant.

That is broadly my thought as well. Intelligence is a field where it helps to be able to think outside the box and have a lot of different thoughts and methodologies working together( though with caveats that there is a limit to the use of diversity of thought when you start employing enemy sympathizers like Kim Philby, leader of the aforementioned Cambridge Ring). But I would argue that the explicit focus on diversity and inclusion is a good sign that- like in universities- diversity of thought is going out the window. And in particular trying to intentionally jigger with the race/sexuality/gender quotas is defeating the purpose.

He also had this to say.

Well sure, in that sense yes, if the existence of any restriction at all becomes definitively what can fairly be called “exclusive” then yeah, it’s exclusive. Except that logic doesn’t make sense. Or rather… If the existence of any restriction immediately disqualifies you from being able to be characterized as inclusive, then yeah, it’s not inclusive. Except, see, it doesn’t. You can be inclusive and not be all-inclusive.

And on some level I can understand this. I’m sure that if you ever wanted to spy from within the genocidal Islamist-Arab Supremacist nightmare ruling out of Khartoum you probably wouldn’t want to use a Black agent. Likewise if you wanted to deal with some genocidal Baptists or Transsexuals who want to murder all the “Heretics"/"Cis-Gens" it would probably help if you had somebody who could pass off as the former or was an actual transsexual.

But let’s be clear here. the differences and diversities of these people (no matter how vastly different they might seem in their private lives or as individuals) are not nearly as important in recruiting them as what they have In Common. Bravery, loyalty, discretion, and willingness to answer the call of duty is the common thread that we will rely on.  There have been many, very colorful and diverse heroes, heroines, and martyrs have served the cause of freedom. Take Neil Munro “Bunny” Roger, the camp, publicly gay fashion designer who served through WWII in glory.  Take Julia Child, the very het, very ‘50s celebrity chef who joined the OSS and served for years from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Take my Grandfather’s quasi-namesake “Garbo” the straitlaced, booky Spaniard anti-Communist and anti-Fascist who was turned down by the British and then decided to go work for German intelligence and sell them a line of bull in order to get SIS’s attention.

Are these people diverse enough for you? Yes, in many ways they are. But what makes them noteworthy is not what makes them diverse but what makes them SIMILAR. It is what made them all trusted agents and heroic figures.

Intelligence gatherers must be exclusive because the cost of failing to do so tends to be paid in blood and worse. And there must be limits to their diversity in order to avoid inviting enemy sympathizers, mercenaries, or other untrustworthy vessels into places where they can do incalculable, often irreplaceable damage.

Diversity and inclusion for the sake of diversity and inclusion alone is the death of serious intelligence gathering. When that is our first line of defense against another 9/11 and a new dark age (in whatever shape) that is something we CANNOT afford. I’d like to hope that this is just a PR stunt by the CIA Director while continuing on doing their work, but in this age of Obama I do not trust it. Would you?

Footnotes/snark below the fold. I’ll try and get back on my posting schedule now.

See More Below The Fold

Posted by Turtler   United States  on 02/25/2016 at 06:35 AM   
Filed Under: • DIVERSITY BSHomeland-SecurityMilitaryOutrageousPolitically Correct B.S.Stoopid-People •  
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calendar   Friday - April 11, 2014

Obama’s Priorities?

Let’s not secure the borders and make America safe from hostile invaders. Let’s make the desert scrub safe for a tortoise while we persecute a family who has ranched here since the 1870s.



Posted by Christopher   United States  on 04/11/2014 at 08:37 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsGovernmentCorruption and GreedIllegal-Aliens and ImmigrationJack Booted ThugsObama, The OneOppressionOutrageousScary StuffSelf-DefenseTyrants and Dictators •  
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calendar   Wednesday - January 15, 2014

if those old slave traders could have seen today, would they still?

This is a bit of info I grabbed from the net to give you some idea of who this total jackass is. This jerk. This disgusting bag of poo.

What person, and from what kind of culture, would believe this to be an appropriate portrait and an official one at that. Ppl like this scag look in the mirror and see ... what the hell do they think they see?

And get this folks.

This gross “portrait” is we are informed .... taxpayer funded.  Now if that isn’t one huge insult, what is?

sick - sick - sick and stupid too.

First, the background.

Diane Abbott is a British Labour Party politician who has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for Hackney North and Stoke Newington since 1987, when she became the first black woman to be elected to the House of Commons.[1] In 2010, Abbott became Shadow Public Health Minister after unsuccessfully standing for election as leader of the Labour Party but was removed in a reshuffle three years later.

She was Race Relations Officer at the National Council for Civil Liberties (1978 to 1980).

In 1988 Abbott claimed, at a black studies conference in Philadelphia, that “the British invented racism."[46]

In 1996, Abbott attracted widespread criticism when she claimed that at her local hospital “blonde, blue-eyed Finnish girls” were unsuitable as nurses because they had “never met a black person before”.  The secretary of the all-party Finland group of MPs, Conservative Ian Bruce responded by accusing her of using racial stereotypes, adding: “All Scandinavian countries have people from African and Caribbean countries living there. It shows ignorance to make such remarks.” Abbott’s apology came as Marc Wandsworth, executive member of the Anti-Racist Alliance, who is himself half Finnish, pointed out that the present Miss Finland, Lola Odusoga, is black, of Nigerian and Finnish descent. “She’s a black Finn like me” he said. Abbott’s position was supported by fellow Labour MP Bernie Grant “Bringing someone here from Finland who has never seen a black person before and expecting them to have to have some empathy with black people is nonsense. Scandinavian people don’t know black people - they probably don’t know how to take their temperature”.

Abbott referred to David Cameron and Nick Clegg as “two posh white boys from the Home Counties” in May 2010.[50]

On 4 January 2012, Abbott tweeted that: “White people love playing ‘divide and rule’ We should not play their game”, which again led to widespread criticism including accusations of racism.[51] Only after being told by the Labour Party leadership that the comment was unacceptable did she apologise for “any offence caused”, claiming that she had not intended to “make generalisations about white people”. The Deputy Prime Minister called her comments a “stupid and crass generalisation”. Nadhim Zahawi, Conservative MP, said: “This is racism. If this was a white member of Parliament saying that all black people want to do bad things to us he would have resigned within the hour or been sacked.”

Now here was the headline and she wasn’t alone in this but .... she sure looks the worst.

Parliament of posers: Taxpayer billed £250,000 for MPs to order paintings, statues and photographs of each other

Since 1995, two dozen politicians have been captured on canvas
Tony Blair, John Major and Paddy Ashdown among those chosen
Ex-Commons Speaker Betty Boothroyd has been featured 3 times
John Bercow spent £22,000 on a painting and another £15,000 on a frame

By Matt Chorley, Mailonline Political Editor and Gerri Peev

Here’s a link to the whole story But FIRST, I want you to know what the taxpayer shelled out for her portrait.

Think about people.  What sane person would allow themselves to be viewed this way, and at a cost of, in American dollars to make it easy for ya ....




And yet they demand we must see them as, just everyday ordinary people.  Yeah. Well maybe in some jungle someplace and not even then.

How sad to read the above about, “ All Scandinavian countries have people from African and Caribbean countries living there”.
I’ll bet they do. And I bet they have a higher crime rate than they used to.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/15/2014 at 06:09 PM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsDIVERSITY BSOutrageousPolitically-IncorrectUK •  
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calendar   Monday - December 30, 2013

this fool thinks she’s eye candy. photo below the fold.


‘My bottom is 7ft wide and I’m proud of it!’ Woman with backside so large she once broke a toilet and can’t fit through doors says she hopes to inspire larger ladies

Sarah Massey, 33, from Chicago, has a bottom that measures 7ft around
The mother-of-two weighs 32st and says she loves her unusual figure
But her record-breaking rear end has left her with limited mobility

By Daily Mail Reporter

She has to wear extra large trousers and once managed to crack a toilet bowl just by sitting on it but Sarah Massey, 33, says she is proud to have one of the world’s largest posteriors.

The Chicago mother-of-two’s derriere measures an impressive 7ft in diameter and sometimes proves too large to fit through doorways.

But despite being proud of her record-breaking rear end, 32-stone Ms Massey admits that living with a super-sized bottom isn’t always easy and receives £750 in disability benefit each month as a result of having limited mobility.

That translates into 438 lbs ppl. Yikes. And you should see this elephant in a bathing suit.

This is a gross and disgusting thing. NO way I am going to put some of the pix on our front page.  And they’re quite mild compared to the rest at the link.

Darn .... I should have sent this to Drew first to get even for what he sent me.  Maybe I can fool him. Oh Drrrrew. Come see the pretty lady. LOL.

So I’ll post what I grabbed from the article that could not be avoided, under the fold. AND .... if you visit the link you will see far worse.
Just have a barf bag handy.

Nightmares could follow.

Think I’m joking?

Take a quick look.

And if you’ve the stomach for more, this be the link to gross-out. uv been warned.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/30/2013 at 11:20 AM   
Filed Under: • Moonbat Award to:Odd-StrangeOutrageousStoopid-People •  
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calendar   Saturday - October 12, 2013

pisslam … as usual. and it won’t end in our lifetime.

It’s come to this in France.  Wonder which state is next.

H/T Islamist Watch ...

which gave me the heads up to an article I had not seen in the Daily Mail.  Odd that since we receive the paper Mon. thru Sun.
Better late than never I guess, and it is surprising seeing as there are so many real problems posed by this protected group.
I keep saying it and I do believe it.  The west just will not protect itself and take measures necessary to that end.  The powers that be are more concerned with being labeled racists or suffering islamaphobia.

Ivan Rioufol is a leading figure of the French Press. A constant theme of his wise columns in the right-of-centre Le Figaro newspaper is how mass immigration of Muslims has changed France’s national identity.

Last week, he was investigated by a judge for allegedly defaming Islam. This was not under any racial hatred laws, but under the draconian law that regulates the French media. This is a timely object lesson of what would happen to our freedom of expression if the British press becomes state-regulated.
Simon Heffer

French journalist is prosecuted under 19th century press law for questioning Islam during a radio debate

Ivan Rioufol was summoned to court under France’s strict press laws
Objected to Collective Against Islamophobia In France poster campaign
Says law has been used to ‘penalise criticism and intimidate journalists’

By Peter Allen

A French journalist is facing a criminal trial under the country’s strict press laws for remarks made during a radio debate about the influence of Islam.

Ivan Rioufol, 61, believes the way he is being treated is an example of how writers are criminalised when the state is able to control the media.

He was summoned to court under strict press laws which date back to the 19th Century following a complaint from a pressure group called the Collective Against Islamophobia in France (CCIF).

‘In seeking to undermine liberty of expression, a sacred principle of our civilisation, the Collective against Islamophobia in France (CCIF) takes the risk of appearing like a menace to democracy,’ said Mr Rioufol.

‘This is essentially what I hope to be able to explain in court, because I will have to appear in a few months before the 17th Criminal Court in Paris.’

Mr Rioufol, who has written for Le Figaro newspaper for almost 28 years, made some allegedly defamatory remarks on November 15th 2012 during an RTL radio programme called ‘We Reshape the World.’

Mr Rioufol particularly objected to a CCIF poster campaign which showed pictures of predominantly bearded and veiled Muslims under the slogan


The journalist said that this was against the spirit of France’s inclusive, secular republic – something which CCIF objected to.

Mr Rioufol said that France’s 1881 Press Law was being used to ‘penalise criticism, intimidate journalists, censor the media’ and even ‘to reintroduce the offence of blasphemy’.

A spokesman for CCIF said it had a duty to challenge ‘Islamophobia’ and the press laws were a logical way of challenging journalism it objected to.


yabon banania, Paris, France

Using “phobia” to disqualify your intellectual opponent… Soviet heritage.
The most interesting thing is that CCIF (which means “sword” in arabic if you read it like “sif") hardly has any supporters and lives off rich emirati money. Just like ALL French anti-racist associations live off taxpayer’s money and not on their supporters, who amount to just a few hundred people.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/12/2013 at 02:48 PM   
Filed Under: • Daily LifeFRANCEOutrageous •  
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calendar   Tuesday - September 24, 2013

just another example of how wrong the world has become. not to mention stupid!

Where’s the penalty in this?
Where’s the punishment that makes an impression that might cause this miserable bastard to think 2wice before doing it again?

Why is 12 years of age too young to be named?

This little shit raped a 6 year old girl, then tells cops .... “I don’t care”.
Why can’t he be made to care?  Cutting off his pecker might go a long way to convincing the scum that he does indeed care.

What a gross miscarriage of justice. Oh wait ... he was fined.

It this sort of thing that has me convinced the F****** world is mad.  What the F*** was the judge thinking?  Or, maybe she wasn’t. This judge perhaps has nothing to think with.  Good grief.  The little girl is almost a baby.  Even in my far away day at age 12 I knew and so do you at any age, right from wrong, good from evil.  I think we all know it even before our parents teach it.  But the born criminal, the bad seed, that life form knows as well but just does not care.

Schoolboy, 12, who showed no remorse after raping six-year-old girl walks free from court and is ordered to pay her just £300

The boy told probation officer ‘I don’t care how she feels’ when asked about victim

He was given a 12 month referral order at Ipswich Youth Court

He was also banned from contacting the victim or her family for 12 months

By Steve Nolan

A schoolboy who raped a six-year-old girl twice has walked free from court despite telling a probation officer ‘I don’t care’ when asked how his young victim felt following her ordeal.

The boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, admitted forcing the girl to carry out a sex act on two occasions, Ipswich Youth Court heard.

But during a meeting with a court official, who was compiling a pre-sentence report, the youth showed no remorse for his victim.

Prosecutor Simon Newell said the boy was asked what he felt about the impact of his crimes on his victim and replied: ‘I don’t care how she feels.’

District Judge Celia Dawson told him that she was not sending him to a secure youth offending unit because she did not want him to be in the company of ‘older and more sophisticated criminals’.

The boy, who lives on the Suffolk and Norfolk border, was given a 12 month referral order and a 12 month restraining order banning him from contacting the victim or her family.

He was also ordered to pay £300 in compensation to the girl, having admitted two counts of rape at an earlier hearing.

The court heard that the boy’s parents took him to a police station when they heard about the sex attack allegations where he admitted what he had done straight away.

Judgee wudgee then went on to make the following erroneous statement.

‘I hope you are aware if you don’t change your attitude you may have very serious problems in the future.’

District Judge Celia Dawson

No you fucking idiot!  The people with the serious problem are his future victims.
If we’re lucky judge --- maybe it’ll be someone close to you.  There’s always hope. Wonder what your judgement will be then. ??



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/24/2013 at 03:17 PM   
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calendar   Saturday - August 03, 2013

UPDATE!  on dinner lady article ….  appease,appease,appease and for what?

This is an update to the dinner lady story of yesterday, and part of it came as a surprise.

Note to LyndonB.  I was mistaken. They apparently are not converts but muslims to begin with. Reads that way.

Yesterday I posted a story about a lady called a dinner lady.  These are folks who serve lunch for young kids at school. This story involved a woman who in error put ham on the plate of a 7 year old muslim girl.  She pointed at it when asked what she wanted and the dinner lady put it on her plate.
The head teacher spotted the error and immediately took the plate away from the child, and gave her something else.
But not being happy with that, she told the kid’s family what happened.  They in turn demanded that the school sack the dinner lady, which they did.
As LyndonB so aptly put it;

This sacking of the dinner lady is likely to cost them (ie us) dear as I bet she sues for unfair dismissal. Typical councils run by bed wetters who think pandering to the mad mullahs is what people want. If muslims send their kids to state schools then they should give them packed lunches or expect to be served “dirty” pork. Don’t like it? Then sod off back to to pisspotistan.

Which, it has now been announced, the family is doing.  But first, the vermin just had to demand the dinner lady lose her job.  Which she says, she would not take back if they offered. She is sorely disappointed and I’d say, pretty damn angry.

Here’s the update.

And have a GOOD read on what daddy had been up to.  Not exactly an upstanding citizen even by muslim finance rules according to the koran.

Brits will be better off without this scum living among them.

Family who got dinner lady fired after she accidentally served their child gammon are emigrating to Muslim country

Zahid and Rumana Darr asked for Alison Waldock to be dismissed

Miss Waldock accidentally served pork, forbidden by Islam, to their daughter

The Darrs are now moving to the conservative UAE


The parents involved in the sacking of a school dinner lady who mistakenly served gammon to their daughter are to emigrate to a Muslim country.

Alison Waldock, 51, was accused of gross misconduct and says she lost her job after Zahid and Rumana Darr asked that she be dismissed.

Today it can be revealed that Mr and Mrs Darr and their three children are emigrating to the United Arab Emirates later this month. The family have chosen to move from their home in Cambridge to Sharjah, where alcohol is banned and there are the strictest decency laws in the emirates.

Mrs Darr, 33, wrote on her Facebook page: ‘So we’re leaving the country end of August for good … We’re moving to Sharjah. We want to go relax in a nice hot Muslim country where the kids know their identities as Muslims.’

The move comes after Mr Darr’s recruitment firm was closed down in June when he was found to be working as a company director illegally.

Following an investigation by the Insolvency Service, he was banned from holding company directorships after he was caught pocketing over £500,000 owed in tax in 2008.

His firm Interecruit (UK) went into liquidation after Mr Darr, 36, ‘diverted’ money owed to the taxman in VAT, income tax and national insurance to another of his companies.

The nine-year ban was imposed in February 2011 but in May this year he was found to be operating a similar company named Interecruit (GB), which supplied agricultural workers.

As well as working as a director when disqualified, Mr Darr was not paying staff the minimum wage and failing to provide holiday pay. He had his gangmaster’s licence revoked by the licensing authority.

Yesterday Miss Waldock said she does not want to return to the canteen at Queen Edith Primary School in Cambridge, where she had worked for 11 years, even if she is reinstated by Lunchtime UK, which runs the service.

She told the Mail: ‘I’m just hoping to clear my name. I wouldn’t want my job back – look at the way I have been treated. I could not work for that company again and could not be in the school environment. It would be uncomfortable.’

see more


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 08/03/2013 at 04:08 PM   
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calendar   Saturday - June 01, 2013

secret courts,secret arrests.welcome to a place that rants about lack of justice in other countries

This is an article so bizarre, so terrifying to contemplate, that I had to stop everything else and share the lunacy.

I understand court orders must be obeyed but this ongoing bit of Stalinist court power just should not exist in our world. At least not in a case like this one.

I am posting most of the article instead of only a short bit.  You really need to read this.

If America has the same system, and I have never heard that we do, then we really need to be looking over our shoulders and be very careful.

Actually, thanks to a book Drew mentioned a week or so ago, (Gold Coast, by Nelson Demille), I got the clearest picture yet of how even our own law enforcement can act against people they want to stick it to.  That reminds me to say to Drew;

It’s your damn fault I lost sleep staying up trying to finish 638 pages even trying to hold my eyes open which in the end didn’t work.
Scary stuff.  I’ve read Demille before but missed this one. 

I don’t suppose I’d be surprised if American courts could do this also.  Makes me uncomfortable to think about it.

I guess I want stability in an unstable world.

Secret court jails father for sending son 21st birthday greeting on Facebook after he was gagged from naming him

Garry Johnson breached gagging order stopping him publicly naming son

46-year-old brought up his son and still lives with him

Judge sent father to prison for contempt at a closed-doors family court

Case certain to fuel concerns about Britain’s network of secret courts

By Sue Reid

A father has been jailed at a secret court hearing for sending a Facebook message to his grown-up son on his 21st birthday.

Garry Johnson, 46, breached a draconian gagging order which stops him publicly naming his son, Sam, whom he has brought up and who still lives with him.

In a case which is certain to fuel concerns about Britain’s shadowy network of secret courts, a judge sent the former music executive to prison for contempt at a closed-doors family court hearing in Essex at the beginning of last month.

He was not arrested by police or even represented by a lawyer.

The order silencing Mr Johnson – which follows an acrimonious divorce eight years ago – means he cannot mention either of his boys, 21-year-old Sam and Adam, 18, in public, even by congratulating them in a local newspaper announcement when they get engaged, married or have children in the future.

The extraordinary gag is set to last until the end of his life, although his boys are now adults. Last night they condemned their father’s jailing as ‘cruel and ludicrous’.

After their parents’ divorce, the two boys chose to live with their father, following a series of rows with their mother over her new boyfriend.

But within a year of the divorce, Mr Johnson’s ex-wife made allegations to Essex social workers that he was neglecting the children and not feeding them properly at his smart family home.

An investigation by social workers cleared him of any wrongdoing and said the boys were fine.

A year later, in 2006, she made further allegations to social workers that he was mentally unfit to care for the boys.

Medical documents shown to the Mail by Sam and Adam reveal that Mr Johnson was examined three times by a local psychiatrist hired by social workers. The doctor wrote to social workers saying:  ‘There is no evidence of mental illness. I cannot understand why there are concerns about Mr Johnson’s mental health.’

Social services refused, as a result, to get involved.

In 2007, the ex-wife started private care proceedings to remove the boys from their father. A judge put the boys under a ‘living at home with parent’ care order.

It meant they would continue to live with their father, but under supervision by social services.

This care order was accompanied by the gagging order to stop an increasingly anguished Mr Johnson talking about the case publicly.

Even naming his sons in the most innocuous circumstances – such as on Facebook – became a contempt of court.
Much-loved: Gary Johnson wished his son, Sam a happy birthday on Facebook. Sam is pictured when he was 15 in 2007

The care order on Sam expired on his 18th birthday three years ago. The one on Adam in October last year when he reached 18. Normally, a gagging order imposed by a family court judge on a parent expires at the same time as a care order on the child. This one did not.

Mr Johnson was imprisoned at the height of the Mail’s campaign against jailings by this country’s network of secret courts.

The secretive family court system, which jailed Mr Johnson, deals with custody wrangles, children’s care orders and adoption.

Mr Johnson received a letter in late April from Chelmsford County Court officials ordering him to go to Basildon Magistrates’ Court building on May 2 for a hearing regarding his children.

He was not warned he might face imprisonment or that the hearing was about his Facebook message, posted on Sam’s birthday a few days earlier on April 23.

On arrival, he was escorted by court security guards to a private room in the building for a half hour hearing under family court rules before His Honour Judge Damien Lochrane.

He was not warned that he might need a lawyer.

At the private hearing, Mr Johnson learned he had breached a gagging order, imposed by the family courts in 2007, by sending the Facebook message.

He informed the judge that he had had four heart attacks and was awaiting a triple by-pass operation. But he was sentenced to 28 days’ jail and sent down to a court cell to await transport to Chelmsford prison.

In the court cell, he had a heart attack caused by the shock. Rushed to a local hospital by ambulance, he was then shackled and handcuffed to a bed while on oxygen and receiving morphine.

A team of prison officers were put on 24-hour shifts beside his bed to make sure he did not escape.

He recovered and was sent to prison two days later, serving two weeks of the sentence before being released. Details of the horrifying case were made public to the Mail by his sons, who are not subject to any gagging order according to their Essex-based lawyer, Alan Foskett.

The jailing provoked a horrified response from MPs last night. John Hemming, the Lib Dem MP who has campaigned against the secret courts, said: ‘This is yet another example of how the secret courts are stopping freedom of speech. I have never heard of a gagging order of this kind going on into adulthood. This is a surreal case.’

Mr Johnson’s local MP, John Baron, said: ‘I have helped Mr Johnson and his sons – who always wanted to live with him – over several years. To find he has been imprisoned for sending a birthday message to one of them is troubling.

Sam, a telesales manager and former professional footballer, said last night: ‘My dad is a good father and has never been in trouble with the police. He was treated like a criminal. This ludicrous gagging order should not exist and must now be lifted.

Both Adam and myself are adults. This cruel ruling is now hanging over my father to silence him about the sons he loves for the rest of his life. That is a terrible thing in what is meant to be a free country.’

Mr Johnson was imprisoned a day before senior judges, on May 3, reacted to the Mail campaign by saying they planned to stop courts jailing defendants in secret for contempt.

Because of the controversial secrecy rules, some have been sent to jail for discussing their case with MPs or charity workers advising them.

read more

So in other words, a person can not even speak to say their congresscritter or senator if this should be a rule in the US. Wow. Here’s the Mail’s comment on the subject.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/01/2013 at 09:56 AM   
Filed Under: • Judges-Courts-LawyersJustice - LACK OFOutrageousUK •  
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calendar   Monday - November 26, 2012

a one sided suicide pact

I’m looking for words again. They just won’t come to me.  When I see something like this, I really believe it’s possible for the sky to fall.
If ever Germany and the west needed some backbone you’d think it might be now. But no.
If it weren’t for those damned mistaken fools in the 1930s, we would not be seeing this kind of thing today.
This is depressing.

A One-Sided Suicide Pact


Soeren Kern, writing for the Gatestone Institute in his November 16th article, “IslamNeeds a Fair Chance in Germany,” reported a significant development in Germany that portends dire consequences for that benighted nation and for all of Europe: the city of Hamburg signed a “treaty” with organizations representing its Islamic population.

The “treaty” features a series of concessions, not by the Muslims to secular authority, but by the secular government of Hamburg to the Muslims. The “treaty,” which requires ratification by the city’s Parliament, grants Muslims “rights” and “privileges” enjoyed by no other religious group there.

The November 13 agreement, signed by Hamburg’s Socialist Mayor Olaf Scholz and the leaders of four Muslim umbrella groups, is being praised by the proponents of multiculturalism for putting the northern port city’s estimated 200,000 Muslims on an equal footing with Christian residents....

The most controversial part of the accord involves a commitment by the city government to promote the teaching of Islam in the Hamburg public school system. The agreement grants the leaders of Hamburg’s Muslim communities a determinative say in what will be taught by allowing them to develop the teaching curriculum for Islamic studies.

Moreover, Muslim officials will also be able to determine who will (and who will not) be allowed to teach courses about Islam in city schools. In practice, this means that only Muslims will be allowed to teach Islam and that pupils will not be exposed to any critical perspectives about the religious, social and political ideology of Islam.

It is noteworthy that all the concessions will be paid by non-Muslim Germans as a form of jizya, or “protection” tax. Germans will not “retaliate” against Islamic aggression, for political correctness will silence them for fear of being accused of racism or bigotry.

Islam, however, is first and foremost, from top to bottom, a totalitarian ideology. Its doctrine requires that Muslims and their spokesmen advocate Islam’s own kind of racism and bigotry.

Islam is a nihilist ideology, as well. It is the enemy of all human values. In exchange for submission to it, it promises a paradise after death. Life on earth is merely transitory and not important. The Hamburg “treaty” is an extension of that nihilism; it requires its secular signers to aid and abet the piecemeal annihilation of their values and their culture. The Islamists know what they are doing. Their secular cosigners do not. It seems the “right” thing to do, per a Kantian categorical imperative to pursue an end regardless of, but especially because of, its selfless nature, in the name of what Mayor Scholz called “the strengthening the societal foundation” of Hamburg.

Which is tantamount to injecting the bubonic plague pathogen into a human body in order to “strengthen an individual’s well-being.”

Do the opponents of the treaty take a principled stand against it? No. They remain as clueless about the implications as Mayor Scholz.

t is noteworthy that all non-Muslim school children attending public schools will be indoctrinated in Islam by Islamic teachers. This is necessary to forestall any future opposition to Islam’s incremental takeover of Hamburg, and then Bremen, and then all of Germany.

full and unedited version here


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/26/2012 at 07:56 PM   
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calendar   Monday - October 29, 2012

girl seduces older man who says he couldn’t fight her off. problem is, the girl is 7

I’m not sure if this article tells us enough. I don’t mean I want more but that something seems missing. However, I find it impossible to believe that a seven year old girl could do what he claims.  Which is basically, she forced herself on him and seduced him.  WTF???
That is unreal, but you ain’t heard nothin’ yet.

He is suing the young girl for making false accusations against him.
BUT .... he pleaded guilty to sexual assault.  Now has had second thoughts and claims he had bad legal advice.

I blame the hand wringing libtard leftists who all over Europe as well as here, ended the death penalty. I blame a system that appears to many to be way too soft and, understanding of criminals.

Recently, in a totally unrelated story, a fellow named Mustafa something er other, raped a woman who’d been drinking and left her in an alley.  Along came someone else who saw her helpless and crying and, he raped her as well. The report says he was found and arrested but then let go.  Don’t know why.
Mustafa, the first rapist, got 7 years.  Seven freekin years for rape.  Where’s the justice in that?  Where there is clear and honest evidence of a crime like that, the victim should be allowed to determine the penalty. Even if she requests a dull razor with which to perform surgery.
In the case of the rapist Mustafa, his lawyer says that this was really unlike him, and he acted out of character in a one off crime.

First, kill the lawyers.

Now back to the original story about a grown man sexually assaulted by a 7 year old.
God damn sick bastard.

Paedophile, 61, ‘plans to sue his seven-year-old victim for making up allegations against him’

John Thompson, 61, claimed he could not fight off victim and that she ‘flirted’ with him but still admitted the sexual assault

Now he denies it and plans to sue the girl, Teesside Crown Court heard

By Martin Robinson

A paedophile is planning to sue his seven-year-old victim despite admitting sexually assaulting her and being sentenced for his attack earlier this year, a court heard.

Manipulative John Thompson, 61, was spared jail in July after he insisted he was unable to fight off the young girl, claiming that she ‘flirted’ with him, pinned him to a bed and forced her tongue into his mouth.

He was given an eight-month suspended sentence, provoking condemnation from child protection officials who called his claims ‘outrageous’ and said he should have been jailed.

At his sentencing, Thompson, of Hartlepool, was also given a treatment order, supervision and a ban on contact with under-16s.

Within a month of his court appearance, Thompson failed to turn up at a meeting with a probation worker and when he attended others he was said to be uncooperative and hostile.

Nigel Soppitt, prosecuting, told Teesside Crown court on Friday that officials from the Probation Service consider the order to be unworkable because of Thompson’s attitude.

He has now said he is innocent, had received bad legal advice before he admitted the offence and is threatening to sue the schoolgirl for making the allegation against him.

udge Gillian Matthews, who passed the original sentence, told Thompson he was spared jail in the summer only because she wanted him to go on the treatment course.

She said: “Your approach to the Probation Service has been absolutely have to engage with them.

‘If you do not, you will go to prison.

‘I am not having this attitude you have displayed at appointments. You have got
one more chance - that’s it.

‘If you do not turn up with a better attitude, you will then go to prison.’

Judge Matthews will have an update in a month, during which time Thompson, of Hartlepool, will have had another opportunity to take part in the programme.

She said: “He is already complaining about his legal team, saying he should not
have pleaded guilty and that he will sue the complainant - all classic traits of a paedophile.’

Lorraine Mustard, for Thompson, said he client struggled to understand the terms of the suspended sentence order, but that he was now in no doubt what would happen if he failed again.

She said: “He understands that the Probation Service have to confront him with some very difficult issues and the fact he feels uncomfortable about them is neither here nor there.

‘There seems to be some misunderstanding which has been underlined to him today, and the onus is upon him to apply himself.’



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/29/2012 at 05:56 PM   
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calendar   Monday - October 15, 2012



Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama finally provide
a Marine guard to our Ambassador and compatriots.



Posted by Christopher   United States  on 10/15/2012 at 03:32 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - September 12, 2012

appeasing the vermin and you know who they are.

Puter fans running on the loud side. No rattle but more like a rushing sound. Had not heard before. But also they seem to be running and then slowing and running again.
So I have to do this fast and get outta here.  It’s very late (for me) anyway.  Another long day.

If you have the time and I hope you do or you will make the time, you will find this of some interest.
Nuff said.  Video runs about 70 minutes. Link below.

So now they dictate what people here will see on TV.  Some may call it compromise but we know better. Don’t we?
Take a look.

Channel 4 cancels Islam documentary screening after presenter threatened 12 September 2012

Historian Tom Holland’s Channel 4 film Islam: The Untold Story sparked more than 1,000 complaints when it was broadcast. Holland was threatened online with a torrent of abusive messages on Twitter.

A Channel 4 spokeswoman said: “Having taken security advice, we have reluctantly cancelled a planned screening of the programme Islam: The Untold Story. We remain extremely proud of the film which is still available to view on 4oD.”

The private screening was due to take place at the broadcaster’s London headquarters on Thursday before an audience of historians and “opinion formers”.

The documentary is due to be repeated late on Thursday night and can be viewed online.

The investigation into the origins of the religion claimed that there is little written contemporary evidence about the prophet Mohammed.

It examined claims that rather than Islam’s doctrine emerging fully-formed in a single text, the religion instead developed gradually over many years with the expansion of Arabic empires. (...)


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/12/2012 at 06:57 PM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
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  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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