Friday - August 19, 2016
Posted by Drew458 on 08/19/2016 at 12:54 PM
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Sunday - July 31, 2016
bias down under?
An Australian mural of US presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in a revealing, stars and stripes swimsuit may be taken down, after it has reportedly been deemed offensive.
The creator of the painting, the street artist who goes by the name Lushsux and who has also painted murals of the likes of Donald Trump and Kim Kardashian, branded calls to remove it “pathetic”.
The provocative mural is on the wall of a small business in the Melbourne suburb of Footscray, and reports say the business has been asked by the local Maribyrnong Council to remove it.
“We believe it is offensive because of the depiction of a near-naked woman, not on the basis of disrespect to Hillary Clinton, in accordance with the Graffiti Prevention Act 2007,” the council’s chief executive Stephen Wall told Fairfax Media on Friday.
Wall said local police had been asked to urgently provide their opinion on the mural, adding that the council intended to issue a notice to the building’s owner to remove it within 10 days.
Lushsux accused the council of being out of control, telling Fairfax the mural was “on par offence-wise” with a deodorant ad.
Speaking on Melbourne radio, Lushsux said he suspected that his Instagram account, which he said had some 110,000 followers, was deleted due to him posting a photo of the raunchy Hillary image.
“It’s hard enough to be an artist… to lose your social media following in this day and age is a big loss,” he told 3AW on Friday.
But the artist shows no sign of changing his style. Asked what he planned next, Lushsux told listeners: “I might paint a big mural of Trump in similar style.”
A couple of points here ...
First, I’d rate this as a D+ in terms of creativity, given that everyone already knows what a money grubbing grafter she is. And also given that the whole Hillary in a flag-ish one piece has already been done as a photoshop all over the internet:
Second, it was no big deal when Sarah Palin was “mocked” in several swimsuits, hooker outfits, tracksuits, etc. Well, except that in general she looked pretty good in all of them, even though most were ‘shopped:
Third, this kind of stuff isn’t limited just to Americans. Either mocking misogyny knows no borders, or guys everywhere find creative ways to share their arousal from powerful women:
So what are we really dealing with here? Maybe Oz is doing a little preemptive favor currying, just in case?
Hey, maybe they should have done like Albania, and put up a statue to her. Granted, it’s a rather manly looking one, but come on.
I guess they were out of Nobel Prize medals in Oslo this week.
No, I’m not making this up. Check out the video. Better yet, peek below the fold and check out the reaction of our news talking heads to Albania’s news talking ... heads.
UPDATE A big “fify”: the artist has reconsidered and repainted and is throwing PC back at everyone , that is, if they know how to notice things like that ...
I can’t wait to see this bit of news on tonight’s Albania Today show.
Posted by Drew458 on 07/31/2016 at 07:32 PM
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Saturday - July 30, 2016
Watch Clinton Cash
(Edit: Turtler has learned the art of Video Embedding, so you can now Watch It here!)
Oh boy, do I have something for you..... well, I and our friends over at Legal Insurrection.
Clinton Cash: The Documentary Film.
The book version of this has been out for quite some time, and has probably been familiar to several of you.
Well, the people behind it decided to put the story into a video format and release it ABSOLUTELY FREE. So now watch it. it clocks in at over an hour, but the knowledge is priceless.
I don’t really have much I can say to add to this, beyond maybe some of my own input. Pencil out some time and watch this. Then link to this post and send the video (download it if you can, just in case it vanishes mysteriously). Send it to as many people as you can. Because this needs to get out. Because there are some people that Truth needs to reach out of its’ shell and bite in the rear to see what we see.
If you really want more of my input, click below the Fold after watching.
Posted by Turtler on 07/30/2016 at 10:42 AM
Filed Under: • Africa • Crime • CULTURE IN DECLINE • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists • Corruption and Greed • Hildabeast • Media-Bias • Tyrants and Dictators •
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Saturday - July 23, 2016
WikiLeaks releases thousands of documents about Clinton and internal deliberations
As Hillary Clinton prepared to announce her 2016 running mate, a trove of nearly 20,000 emails were released by WikiLeaks on Friday, providing an embarrassing inside look at Democratic Party operations on the eve of the Democrats’ national convention.
The emails from the Democratic National Committee include discussions of Clinton’s chief rival for the presidential nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.); details of perks provided to party donors attending the convention; and email exchanges between party officials, journalists and others.
The emails were released with an announcement by WikiLeaks on Twitter that linked readers to a Wikileaks Page inviting visitors to “Search the DNC email database.” A search box sits underneath a one-paragraph introduction:
“Today, Friday 22 July 2016 at 10:30am EDT, WikiLeaks releases 19,252 emails and 8,034 attachments from the top of the US Democratic National Committee — part one of our new Hillary Leaks series,” the introduction says. “The leaks come from the accounts of seven key figures in the DNC,” including Communications Director Luis Miranda (10770 emails), National Finance Director Jordon Kaplan (3797 emails), Finance Chief of Staff Scott Comer and others. The newly released emails cover the period from January 2015 through May 25, 2016.
Got home from a day out with the hubs to this news. Hopped on Twitter to check it out. Apparently the first hashtag, #DNCLeaks was #1 trending for a while before it mysteriously disappeared. Soon thereafter, #DNCLeak started trending. That hashtag disappeared a short time later. #DemExit was trending for a while as well. The comments on the WaPo site are pretty much just what I was expecting. This makes me ALMOST want to watch the upcoming Dem convention. ALMOST....
Posted by Severa on 07/23/2016 at 03:37 AM
Filed Under: • Computers and Cyberspace • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists • Hildabeast •
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Friday - July 08, 2016
trump is right
Yup, the fix is in. Total circle jerk, on purpose.
Fire them all. At least.
If I were to write an essay on this woman and her Nomex™ pantsuits I’d have to play the double entendre and call it “Hillary, what lies ahead?”
FBI didn’t record Clinton interview, did not administer sworn oath
Hillary Clinton did not swear an oath to tell the truth before meeting with the FBI for three and a half hours last weekend, and the interview was not recorded, FBI Director James Comey told House lawmakers on Thursday.
The lack of a sworn oath does not remove the possibility of criminal penalties against Clinton if she lied to the FBI, though he said he had “no basis to conclude” that she was untruthful.
“Still a crime to lie to us,” Comey told the House Oversight Committee.
FBI policy is not to record interviews as part of its investigations.
Yet the revelations will nonetheless raise questions among Republicans, who have been skeptical of the FBI’s investigation and have demanded to see the transcript of the former secretary of State’s interview in downtown Washington on Saturday.
“Well, that’s a problem,” Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.) told Comey when the FBI chief explained the terms of the interview.
“It’s pretty clear ... that the American people would like to see what Hillary Clinton said to the FBI,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) told reporters on Wednesday, a day before Comey’s appearance before House lawmakers.
Under FBI policy — and to the dismay of civil libertarians and staunch transparency advocates — the bureau does not conduct electronic recordings of interviews.
“Under the current policy, agents may not electronically record confessions or interviews, openly or surreptitiously” except in rare circumstances, the bureau said in a 2006 memo.
The FBI did, however, complete a federal form summarizing the interview, known as an FD-302, Comey said.
Oh thank God, they filled out an FD-302. Phew, for a minute there I thought they were totally incompetent. Nope, just brain dead, foolhardy, and paid off. But they managed to check all the boxes and follow official procedure. So let’s give them all maximum bonuses while we’re at it.
The system is totally rigged, top to bottom. It’s one big con from beginning to end. The fix was in from Day One, if not before.
You bastards.
Posted by Drew458 on 07/08/2016 at 09:36 AM
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Saturday - July 02, 2016
Inspector General’s Report on Hillary Clinton: Uncooperative Liar.
Right now I’ve been trying to get settled back in at home (which is hard when we have to be ready to leave at the drop of a hat) and have been working on the big anniversary post that will be coming up. HOWEVER, I promised that I would make a post about the Inspector General’s analysis of Hillary’s e-mails, and I am as good as my word, old news as it may be.
But first, a word of introduction is probably necessary to explain what kind of paper this is. Firstly, this paper is not fundamentally about putting Hillary and her staff alone under a microscope and calling her out for bullshit. It’s easy to imagine why given a lot of the reactions people have had- and particularly the vampire before cross reaction the Klinton Kampaign has had- so it might come as a bit of a disappointment. However, this is less about Hillary Clinton and more about the State Department as a whole.
Namely it’s the IG doing an autopsy of the State Departmen over the last several years and several Secretaries of State. It is sort of a list of “What went wrong under whose tenure?” Which means that it might not have the sheer juiciness that a blog post calling Clinton out specifically has. That, and it is lengthy and *VERY* Dry.
But the other side of the coin is that it also is very thorough, and it handily refutes Clinton’s expected spin that this is all a horrible partisan hack job unfairly targeting poor Hitlery. While it does seem like- as someone Charitably called it- the State Department has had a hard time transitioning to the modern age and screwups were endemic, Clinton’s rampant breaches of security are in a class by herself.
Read it All. It’s Well Worth It. It’s well worth it, and with the media and White House being what it is, it’s important WE Know the answer. has a nice set of Highlights for your reading pleasure.
To quote the reaction of the Former AF Intelligence friend I mentioned..
I’ll volunteer for the firing squad.
That’s all I can think of reading this report.
Also fuck this Gration guy. Him resigning is NOT how it’s supposed to work.,
That fucker needs to be wearing orange, yesterday.
But no, he’s special, the law doesn’t apply to
All this “Clinton BELIEVED she was complying… TOOK STEPS TO comply...” is horseshit too.The law rarely gives two shits about your intent. They even have a specific phrase for this!!
“At the time you knew OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN”I can be held accountable for the ENTIRETY of USC, ALL of the IRS Tax Code, every single environmental regulation, whatever bullshit illegal requirement BATFE decides to fart out..... and that’s just on the FEDERAL level. The same thing applies to the State too.
Because, “at the time I knew or should have known” the law, I was in violation. And the fact that the law exists is deemed sufficient that I should have known it.
So, no, this bitch needs a lead brain transplant.
Well, the United States respects no special citizens. And it’s time that more people understand what the hell has gone on with this. For more people to understand just WHAT Kind of Monster Hillary Clinton is.
So remember to spread these links around. As much as possible.
Posted by Turtler on 07/02/2016 at 12:04 AM
Filed Under: • Hildabeast • Homeland-Security • Insanity • Justice - LACK OF • No Shit, Sherlock • Scary Stuff •
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Tuesday - May 31, 2016
Joe Biden would have made the best President… According to Joe Biden
Well, I’ve gone through one broken computer, one bed lost, a whole bunch of fidgety password recovery time, and a cold bordering on flu I’m stuck in the middle of. But I’m back. It’s been too long, but I’m back.
So, how shall we celebrate?
Well, I’ll think I’ll start with a crowd pleaser on one of our favorite scumbags. And since it has been too long in my books since BMEWS has done it, I would like to propose an awarding of the BARKING MOONBAT AWARD, backdated to the appropriate time/week for this.
No, not Hitlery or Obummer sadly enough, but someone who is less powerful and more feckless but Really, REALLY should get more scorn than he has. And who I think needs to have his statements put under a floodlight given the latest report (which I’ll try and cover in a bit) that might make even the DNC think about a Clinton run.
I am talking about Lyin’ Joe Biden. Who earlier this month decided to put THIS lovely article up through some of the usual lap dogs. Read if you’ve got a strong stomach.
Biden: ‘I would have been the best president
... and it totally unrelated news, I’m going to put this here.
Because I really, Really don’t think it could fit anywhere better than this. Because the world has been way too kind to someone liek Joe Biden in the ways that matter to the public at large (and arguably given the death of his son a bit too harsh in the other ways, but as a citizen of this republic I have to prioritize what matters to The Public Thing than private grief).
We already Knew Biden was stupid and incompetent. This should not be a controversial thing to say; he was the person BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE joked about being Obama’s living anti-assassination insurance, in the same way that Charles II allegedly told his Catholic, tactless brother James. That much is fairly well known and it should be. But he’s so much worse than that, I just didn’t realize how much worse.
I knew that he was a liar since last - and especially since the absolutely DISGUSTING arse covering for Iran in claiming that their kidnapping of American servicemen and international law-shredding humiliation of them was “Standard Nautical Procedure” (Protip: It’s Not. Just imagine what the Golden Age Royal Navy would have done to somebody trying to claim such rights against their ships). That got cemented by his lies against Ted Cruz (which admittedly was all too common in the campaign). But those things? they “merely” establish that he’s inept, corrupt, and dishonest.
It isn’t until I read this article that I realized that in addition to these things, he is also A Fucking Megalomaniac. But apparently having just ONE in the White House with a job title that includes the word “President” wasn’t enough for Democratic National Party. Instead the sheer ARROGANCE has to jump off the page right at you.
“I think I would have been the best president,
Ohhoh! Look out Georgie Washington! Sure, you helped secure Virginia’s colonial frontier, endured terrible hardships to defeat THE MOST POWERFUL EMPIRE IN THE WORLD, helped unite the disparate states and factions of the Founders to crate the United States, the Constitution, and the institutions that endure to this day..... but Crazy Joe Biden is pretty sure he can take you. Seriously… how much of an egotistical PRICK do you have to be to seriously believe this? Almost more importantly: how immensely, gravity-defyingly STUPID do you have to be to declare this belief IN PUBLIC?
While I realize that between two terms of Obama and a race that has seen Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump this is not an election season for the meek, I think that people still realize that on some level that one of the traits that has distinguished many of the greatest American Presidents has been modesty. Whether it’s the (somewhat affected/exaggerated) modesty Washington used even when he was at his most ambitious, to Lincoln making jokes about how ugly his face was, to Cool Caretaker Calvin Coolidge, to Teddy Roosevelt’s troubled childhood and soul-crashing end life. The knowledge of what you are NOT compliments knowledge and confidence in what you are, and some of the smartest things you can say in this life are admitting when you honestly don’t know the truth or aren’t capable of something, and when you ask someone who knows for help.
This is particularly important in a constitutional government, where you are Not the Monarch, you should not be a unilateral lawmaker, you do not have the right to rule unfettered by law, and being the head dog does not mean having a blank check to do whatever you want. It Is also particularly important in command of the most powerful job known because of how high the stakes are. And when you combine the two, well… no prizes for guessing how important this can be.
You are a Public Servant. You are meant to serve the public, and if the Public does not appreciate what you are doing it should retain the right to sack your rear end out the door. And if you try and make yourself more important than the system you damn well SHOULD suffer even harsher penalties. Which is another reason why our system suffers under the control of egotists and megalomaniacs: because they believe that they are the most important thing on the dance floor, and everybody else- hundreds of years of common law, local governance, and the like- can make way. this is also why I do think truly free republics prefer some degree of modesty from Presidents, and absolutely NEED people who will place the common good over their own petty things.
So, how’s crazy Joe on that note? >/br>
but it was the right thing not just for my family but for me,” not to run, Biden said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”
I don’t usually dig into peoples’ family or private lives, because I believe that without Extreme circumstances that should be one thing the gasping, gaping maw of government and public rubbernecking should not go into.
But I also don’t usually have to deal with people who have this degree of runaway ego. And no, I do not think that the tragedy the Bidens have suffered- and I can only imagine what the loss of a son is like- can excuse their patriarch behaving like THIS.
So let’s notice one thing he did NOT spend any time focusing on when talking about how right this was for him, and right for his family.. Where in this sorry, hagiographic article does ANYBODY give a livy-livered DAMN about what is the right thing for America? Apparently not Mr. Wonderful the President we deserve but not the one we’ll have.
let’s get this straight.
Biden the shameless liar, incompetent, and proverbial living job insurance for Obama claims that he would have made the best President if he ran- at least among the people in the race but Very Likely of all time- but that he didn’t run because he had to take care of his Family. Oh no America, you could have had Crazy Joe the President who was better than Washington, Lincoln, Adams, Jefferson, Reagan, both Bushes, any Roosevelt, and the like put together…
.. but you can’t, because Crazy Joe decided not to run. And why is that? Because he decided that things like the common good, the state of the union, the survival of the Republic, protection for its’ citizens, and all of that are *Trifles.* As far as his family matters are concerned, the Union can go get SCREWED.
In the context that this is being said by Joe Biden now, I find it deeply repugnant. And I will get into those reasons later, especially given that he is still Vice President. But even on the surface there is something I find wrong here. It’s one thing to care for one’s family, we should know as the family is one of the cornerstones of Conservative values and Civilization itself. it’s one thing to decide to focus on your family to the expense of political office (such as the many millions of homemakers and parents who never even THINK of running for office because they are too busy).
But I think an already-elected office holding official standing in front of the world and *gloating* that he would have been the best possible outcome in this presidential election but he simply won’t give us that option is something else entirely. It’s Lyin’ Biden looking down at the Rubes that elected his boss and stating they the PEOPLE are not worth it, but by the way he’s going to guffaw about how he would have been So Good And Great And Wonderful IF he had. It is in effect doing the inverse of what great patriots (see that word? Same root as Patriarch, and Father) have done if they TRULY believed it was for the best. It is not only putting the personal baggage of a handful of people over the possible Lives(and yes, let’s take Crazy Joe at his word about this for a bit) of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS.
And to top it off, this also rubbed me of the kind of “I’m too good for you flyover gits” holier than thou nonsense that has permeated far, far too many people over the ages and in politics today, like every iota of Obama’s miserable Presidency. We Are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For, we are the Miracle Workers.... but you all just aren’t Worthy of our miracle working compared to things like my personal, precious emotions. Correct me if I’m wrong, but that is the sort of thing that I picked up.
I never thought I’d say it, but Biden managed to insult and offend me in an announcement about how he was NOT running. And it gets worse.
“No one should ever seek the presidency unless they’re able to devote their whole heart and soul and passion into just doing that.
Finally, something he and I can agree tentatively on. That to be President of the United States is to be the seniormost elected official of the US, the leader of the Free World, and the most powerful person on the Planet. It requires the great holders to be willing to put their petty issues aside and undertake the great task that can sometimes be keeping the system stable and doing nothing (like Coolidge). Let alone bigger conflicts like the Revolution, Civil War, or the global wars against the Central Powers, Axis, and Communists in the 20th century. It may be easy to forget with President Putt-Putt but the office is not always meant to be a golden hog to feast on. It often requires great, terrible sacrifices and it carries even greater responsibility.
So while I am not entirely sure if you truly must devote your whole heart and soul and passion to it (just because you may have to put your family and friends second to the job does not mean not caring about them), I generally appreciate what Biden said here.
But then you realize how this sentence rips a big gash into all of this family posturing, claims that he cannot seek political power, and so on. Because Joe Biden is the one who said it. Vice President Joe Biden.
Now Mr. Vice President, while you were waxing rhapsodical in this whole big long interview did you ever *ONCE* think what YOUR OFFICE TITLE MEANS? It means you the legal successor to the office of President if it is vacant. The Constitution states that if Obama keels over sometime between now and the swearing in of his successor the Vice President would have to step in and carry out all the actions and responsibilities of President until the end of that term. And as things stand, That Would Be You.
So Mr. President, if you truly were saying the truth in this interview, truly believed that you should not seek the Presidency unless you’re able to devote your whole heart and soul and passion ina a way you state you cannot....... WHY THE HECK HAVE YOU NOT TAKEN PAINS TO GET OUT OF THE OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT?
And this is not like this is some kind of super recent development that he was still reeling from and he didn’t have the time to file the paperwork over because he was so busy mourning. Beau Biden passed on a year ago. It was just a few weeks scant of being a year when this turd of an interview got dropped. So he cannot in good conscience claim that it was “Too Soon” or he did not have enough opportunities to lay down the burden. He is still to my Eternal Regret our Vice President. And I REFUSE to accept any given excuse that a year of mourning, disorientation, and sorrow- no matter how bad- is a valid excuse for not doing what someone apparently feels is necessary when people like Lincoln and other great leaders worked through their friends and family DYING. So why on God’s Earth is he still Veep?
Is it because someone so wonderful and Best as you was Reckless or Stupid enough that you never considered this possibility? Is it because you were lying out of your rear end when you said those words and truly are willing to assume the mantle of power? Or were you being honest, but are just willing to stay in for the time even if it meant burdening yourself and the AMERICAN PEOPLE with you in an office You Are Not Up To Assuming Right Now *By Your Own Admission?*
I think I have my own ideas. But which one is it? And perhaps as importantly: how do Any of these possibilities make him good, much less gel with the unreal lauding he gave himself earlier in this very interview?
So what else is there? Well, of course he is confidently pulling for Hillary .... at least in public, considering how the DNC party machine works, the possible dirt Hitlery may have on him, and his urge to stay on the favored side of both. And there is the massive, shit eating quote here at the end where he says.
“My one regret is my Beau’s not here,” Biden said in the ABC interview. “I don’t have any other regrets.”
Like a lot of things coming out of this administration, superficially this looks heartening, feeling-driven, and all that fluffy stuff. While in actuality.... what kind of person on this world does NOT Regret the “reset” with Putin leading to invasion, the ineffectual withdrawal from Iraq, the kidnapping of American servicepeople in the Persian Gulf, colossal inability of the US to win or even break even on things as far afield as the Iranian Sanctions deal, Freedom for Cuba, or stopping the great migrant invasion in this position of power? Because whatever the answer to that question is, it is NOT A good thing. Not in any sense of the word.
Conclusion underneath the Cut. Because while this article is important in a number of ways, it’s not just about Biden. It’s also about us.
Posted by Turtler on 05/31/2016 at 09:13 AM
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINE • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists • Hildabeast • Media-Bias • Obama, The One • Politically-Incorrect • Politics • REALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLE • Stoopid-People •
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Sunday - May 22, 2016
I hate having to defend Hillary
I gather there was a bit of a stink on Tweeter the other day, because Team Hillary put up some pro-gun control graphic that used a Venn diagram. I’ll admit, I haven’t used one of these things a single time since 5th grade, and that was about 4,000 years ago. So I may be a tad rusty.
But the intertoobs were going boinkers over this:
And how stupid and terrible and unknowledgeable her people are, blah blah blah. Fine. Can somebody draw me the proper diagram and point out her error? Thanks. Because the way I see it ...
Posted by Drew458 on 05/22/2016 at 07:24 PM
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Thursday - February 25, 2016
So What? She Was Right
#BlacksBeingUppity #BlackLivesMatter confronts Hillary at a private fundraiser. Wants an apology over her labeling a group of black thugs - lifeless, stone cold criminal killers with rap sheet miles long by their teen years, who commit violent crimes and felonies at a truly frightening rate - labeling them as “super-predators” TWENTY YEARS AGO.
God almighty, I can’t wait for niggatime to be over. I have simply had it the fuck up to HERE and then some.
COLUMBIA, S.C. — Black voters are the linchpin of Hillary Clinton’s strategy for winning the South Carolina Democratic presidential primary, and as a result, her campaign has put racial justice issues at the forefront of her agenda. But at an event on Wednesday night, Clinton was vocally confronted by an activist questioning her past support for policies that had a disproportionately negative effect on African Americans.
Uh huh, I saw dat. Ritin bout blax, usin the word “linchpin”. Linchin? Tawk bout usin code words. What next, “hang our problems out to air”? Raycis!!
Ashley Williams, a 23-year-old activist from Charlotte, interrupted Clinton during a private fundraiser in Charleston on Wednesday night. Williams stood and demanded an apology from Clinton for the high incarceration rate for black Americans, and confronted her with the words of a speech Clinton delivered 20 years ago voicing support for the now-debunked theory of “super-predators.”
Course, maybe if blacks weren’t committing 80% of the crime and “keepin it real” by living as lawlessly as they can on purpose, then just maybe they wouldn’t be arrested so much. It’s all very basic: don’t walk around with pockets full of drugs; if you have a car, keep it in decent condition with the proper papers, pay your bills, and don’t live a life of roadhouse criminality. Try and gain a little bit of emotional maturity; arson, rioting, rape and barbaric murder aren’t justified because someone disagreed with you today. Basic stuff. Seems to me that everyone I know lives this way, and I’m pretty sure that no one I have ever known has gone to jail, and darn few of them ever even arrested.
Williams, who is from Charlotte, North Carolina, said she was motivated to protest because policies during President Bill Clinton’s administration led to an increase in mass incarceration that mostly struck black communities. She pointed to the three-strike federal laws, the elimination of rehabilitative programs and an emphasis on prison construction that were part of the Clinton legacy on crime.
Clinton has distanced herself from these policies and recently issued a detailed agenda on racial justice. But Williams wants more.
“Hillary Clinton has a pattern of throwing the Black community under the bus when it serves her politically,” Williams said in a statement before the event. “She called our boys ‘super-predators’ in ’96, then she race-baited when running against Obama in ‘08, now she’s a lifelong civil rights activist. I just want to know which Hillary is running for President, the one from ’96, ’08, or the new Hillary?”
The Clinton campaign didn’t immediately return a request for comment.
The answer to that last question is “whichever one you vote for”.
Posted by Drew458 on 02/25/2016 at 10:52 PM
Filed Under: • Hildabeast • Racism and race relations •
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Monday - February 15, 2016
Bernie’s Kids
This Must Be Their First Time Voting
Sanders supporters upset at back room DNC business-as-usual wheeling and dealing. Superdelegates. Yeah, the DNC game is rigged. Did you children just notice that?
Bernie Sanders lost by a hair in Iowa and won by a landslide in New Hampshire. Yet Hillary Clinton has amassed an enormous 350-delegate advantage over the Vermont senator after just two states.
Outraged by that disconnect – which is fueled by Clinton’s huge advantage with Democratic superdelegates, who are not bound by voting results – Sanders supporters are fighting back.
Pro-Sanders threads on Reddit have been burning up with calls for action, with some supporters even reaching out to superdelegates (who are typically Democratic governors, members of Congress, and top state and national party leaders) to lobby them on the Vermont senator’s behalf. Progressive groups are also taking a stand: There are currently two petition campaigns designed to urge superdelegates to reflect the popular vote, rather than the sentiment of party elites.
In one of them, activists are targeting undecided and committed Hillary Clinton superdelegates with a clear message: wait until all the votes are counted before throwing support behind a candidate.
The effort, which will begin this week after polls its supporters to pick which superdelegates to petition first, comes amid growing criticism from Sanders supporters who complain that the game is rigged in the former secretary of state’s favor.
As of Sunday, the petition had 112,107 signatures with a goal of 125,000 signatures.
It is to laugh.
OTOH, if they can change the system and make it honest and fair, then more power to them. Well, within what they will have remade the Democrat Party to be ... the new Commie-Lite.
Posted by Drew458 on 02/15/2016 at 03:47 PM
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists • Hildabeast •
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Friday - November 20, 2015
Madame President, Mrs. Fool
This after Paris, this after the border scandal, this after ISIS announces infiltration and plans to hit NY and DC and wherever, whenever ...
Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.
Hillary Clinton
Can one human be this friggin’ stupid? She’s got dumbo enough for a dozen. Perhaps more. Are we being mean and taking poor old Grandma out of context? NO. THIS IS WHAT SHE SAID.
Honestly, I don’t know who is stupider. Her or John F-face Kerry. Even Jumping Joe “lemmee feel up your wife” Biden can’t be this much of a moron, can he? And Obama, well already know he works for the enemy so he doesn’t count anymore ... but HOLY CATS.
Posted by Drew458 on 11/20/2015 at 11:32 AM
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists • Hildabeast •
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Wednesday - April 08, 2015
Even She Isn’t That Stupid
Hillary Clinton’s private email server was a spy magnet for the Russian, Chinese, Iranian and other intelligence services, say current and former intelligence officials.
As secretary of state, Clinton routed all her government-related email through the server, based in her house in Chappaqua, New York. She reportedly hired a Cablevision (NYSE:CVC) subsidiary to run the server, with antivirus protection from Intel’s (NASDAQ:INTC) McAfee. And she registered her domain name,, through Network Solutions.
Intelligence professionals fear that the use of the privately installed server, free of certified government defenses against foreign interception, has been a boon to foreign cyberspies.
“By using her own private server with email — which we now know was wholly unencrypted for the first three months of Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state — she left this easily interceptable by any decent 21st century SIGINT service,” said John Schindler, a former National Security Agency counterintelligence officer. SIGINT is shorthand for signals intelligence, or electronic spying.
“The name Clinton right on the email handle meant this was not a difficult find,” Schindler said. “We should assume Russians, Chinese and others were seeing this.”
“In all, this is a counterintelligence disaster of truly epic proportions, not to mention that, since Clinton admitted she did not use higher-classification email systems at all” — systems like SIPR and JWICS, Schindler said — “we have to assume some bleed-over into her unsecured private email too, which makes this even worse.”
Total. Deliberate. Fail.
Is not purposeful collusion treason?
UPDATE: Machiavelli’s tinfoil hat time: ... what if? ... Knowing that there is no love lost between the Clintons and the Obamas ... what if the top aides of a certain pResident allowed a noob Secretary of State, one with known queenly pretensions, perhaps one a bit too mature to be really into the latest high-tech stuff, to somehow think that setting up her own server was OK? And hey, let’s personalize it, and give it your own name as the domain. or or similar? All the cool kids are doing it! Look how easy it is, a solution practically right out of the Microsoft box! And you get total control over who has email here, and who doesn’t! Hmmm. And then all sorts of sensitive documents get stored there, and emailed in and out. And the hackers glom onto this like flies on a fish head. Par-tay time yo!! And America, at least our foreign policy, is weakened severely in the process. And someday, when it all goes belly up, all the dirt sticks to her and nobody even thinks to look higher up the food chain. And someone’s Legacy is secure, since this dramatically cuts the chances of her getting the Big Job next time, and perhaps repairing, improving, co-opting, or even canceling some of his Great Achievements. Checkmate, cracka.
Posted by Drew458 on 04/08/2015 at 05:33 AM
Filed Under: • Hildabeast •
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Thursday - March 12, 2015
Well of course
I mean, come on. WTH were you expecting?
Stirred by the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was secretary of state, a determined band of hackers, IT bloggers, and systems analysts have trained their specialized talents and state-of-the-art software on, the domain under which Clinton established multiple private email accounts, and uncovered serious lapses in security, according to data shared with Fox News.
… working with publicly available tools that map network connectivity, experts have established that the last “hop” before the mail server’s Internet Protocol, or IP, address (listed as is Internap’s aggregator in Manhattan (listed as
“This is a very strong indication that the server is in Manhattan,” the source told Fox News.
By entering the IP address for the Internap aggregator into existing databases, the experts obtained the exact geolocation coordinates for the aggregator – revealed to be on lower Broadway, at the intersection with Chambers Street, some two blocks north of City Hall. This in turn suggests that the Clinton server itself lies within close proximity – most likely former President Clinton’s Harlem office, and not as far away as the Clintons’ home in Chappaqua, N.Y.
That outside experts could so swiftly unearth such information left them convinced that the server remains, as presently configured, highly “vulnerable” to unauthorized intrusion – even if, as most observers suspect, the server, with so much publicity now attendant on it, is no longer in active use. The hackers further concluded that Clinton’s email operation was likely not much better secured when she was secretary of state.
Perhaps most concerning, private analysts determined that has been running an older model of Microsoft Internet Information Services, or IIS – specifically version 7.5, which has been documented to leave users exposed on multiple fronts. The website, which bills itself as “the ultimate security vulnerability datasource,” is awash with descriptions of serious security vulnerabilities associated with version 7.5, including “memory corruption,” “password disclosure vulnerability,” and the enabling of “remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service.”
The cyberlab technician who discovered the Clintons’ use of version 7.5 marveled at “the vulnerabilities the Clintons are ignoring” in an email to Fox News. “This is a big deal and just the thing real-world hackers look for in a target and will exploit to the max,” the source said.
“Several of these vulnerabilities have been known since 2010 and yet HRC is running official State comms through it.”
All this plus off the shelf generic encryption, when she could have had the very best the NSA could develop. That is, if her email server as Secretary of State was done officially, properly, and legally. Nope. It’s in Bill’s office in Harlem. I’ve got my fingers crossed hoping it’s not out in the hallway or the waiting room, and at least behind a door or two with a lock. Instead of, you know, guarded by a squad of armed U.S. Marines and a hornet’s nest of sensors and alarms.
Golly, in this day and age, it almost makes you wonder if this was set up as Swiss cheese to begin with, just in case she “needed” to have been hacked at some point in the future. Games within games? I wouldn’t put that past Hillary, would you?
And am I the only one who finds this whole thing just too damn convenient, like all those laptops issued to government flunkies that just happen to get stolen the moment they’re somehow improperly loaded up with millions of citizen’s secure records?
Arrest the wicked witch and take away her ruby shoes!!
Posted by Drew458 on 03/12/2015 at 07:07 PM
Filed Under: • Computers and Cyberspace • Hildabeast •
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Tuesday - March 10, 2015
I’m not going to do it.
I’m not. I’ll give you the link, but I don’t need to; I doubt if there’s a news show on TV or a Conservative blog out there that isn’t dwelling on this crock of nonsense today.
Let’s face it, if you haven’t already figured out that Hillary is the biggest, ballsiest liar going, that she has always felt she is Teh Queen Who Is Above Teh Law ("we’re having a great time being President!"),
and if you feel that this latest email thing - in which one of the top people of the Executive Branch has knowingly committed multiple felonies - is just another annoying GOP mud slinger, like Benghazi and Fast & Furious ...
then a) you’re more than likely a Communist, and I don’t want you reading my blog, so go away,
and/or b) a brainless leftwing willfully blind sycophant who only supports the rule of law when it works in your favor. In other words, an infant’s mind and morality in an adult’s body. Also, please go away.
Hillary is a criminal. A thug. A slug. A liar, a cheat, a double dealer, a conniver. She is perhaps the least honest person in American politics in the past 100 years, including FDR, Obama, and her husband. And that’s before we look at her politics, which are Marxist red right down to the bone.
Tar. Feathers. Rail. And somewhere, over the rainbow, a masked man with a big axe and a sturdy tree stump.
Posted by Drew458 on 03/10/2015 at 09:28 PM
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists • Hildabeast •
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.
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- Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
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