When Sarah Palin booked a flight to Europe, the French immediately surrendered.

calendar   Tuesday - June 28, 2016

still kickin

Just very busy the past few days.

Replanted most of the common area garden. I dug in the front row and put in a couple trays of petunias, then mulched most of the area after a serious watering. We hadn’t had any rain in weeks, so things were super dry. Naturally, two days later and now it’s raining like mad.

I’ve got a window job or two coming up soon. Just condos. Still, it’s pretty quick money, $50 to $75 for an hour or two of light work. I’ll take that, thanks!

Here come the next Ice Ages : the sun is sunspot free again; this is the weakest sunspot cycle in over 100 years. It’s also an indication that we are at or near the bottom of the cycle, so expect activity to increase in the next few years. Cycles last 11 years IIRC.

And Europe continues to go mad over Brexit. Must be a good thing then.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/28/2016 at 11:04 PM   
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Nigel Farage jeered and booed as he tells MEPs they are ‘in denial’ over Brexit

Ukip leader Nigel Farage was jeered by the European Parliament after he told MEPs that they were “in denial” about Brexit and that they had “never had a proper job before”.

His astonishing speech at a special meeting of the European Parliament today ended with boos echoing through the Brussels chamber.

Mr Farage used his speech to declare that Brexit was “a beacon of hope” to other member states but he also infuriated MEPs when he said: “Now, I know that virtually none of you have ever done a proper job in your lives or worked in business or worked in trade or indeed ever created a job. But listen, just listen.”

When MEPs turned their backs to him and Martin Schulz, the president of the parliament, intervened, Mr Farage responded: “You’re quite right, Mr Schulz. Ukip used to protest against the establishment. Now the establishment protests against Ukip. So something has happened here.”

Video and transcript at the link, it’s good stuff. I’d not heard him speak before but damn, that was kinda fun to watch. 


Posted by Severa   United States  on 06/28/2016 at 04:00 PM   
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calendar   Sunday - June 26, 2016

Hah! Liberal Media Gets Punked by 4Chan – Petition for Second Brexit Vote was Spammed

Gateway Pundit

Mainstream media outlets in Great Britain and the US were running news Sunday of a stunning petition that shows 2 million people want a new Brexit vote.

Over “two million” signed the referendum in less than 24 hours!

Unfortunately the poll was a 4Chan prank.

The BBC, The Mirror, France 24, The Telegraph, Manchester Evening News, The Guardian… all reported on the bogus petition.

But they got punked. The poll was manufactured by 4Chan and Anonymous hackers who loaded up the signatures with fake names from The Vatican, Ghana, North Korea and elsewhere.

I was at my childhood home yesterday visiting my parents when I saw this reported on FoxNews (the ‘2 million signed the petition’, not the part about it being a prank) Reading this now with my afternoon coffee gave me quite a chuckle. Well done, kiddos. 


Posted by Severa   United States  on 06/26/2016 at 02:50 PM   
Filed Under: • Media-Bias •  
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family ties

Been helping my mom car shop for the past few days. After her old car bit the dust ...  ... she’s been without a vehicle for several months. Though her old car was 18, it was a true Granny’s Special, a total cream puff in showroom perfect condition with all the options and only 15,000 miles on the odometer. Seriously, her Bonneville wasn’t even dirty in the engine compartment.

So we looked at this one, looked at that one, checked out a minivan and a limo. Little cars, big cars. Figured out that maybe a small SUV / Crossover might be better this time around. Laughed ourselves silly test driving a CR-V with a CVT transmission, trying to pass a Caddy on an steep uphill highway as the little engine just sat there screaming. Really. If you can imagine the sound of a sewing machine being molested, you’d be close. No thanks.

Found the Mazda CX-5 to be a better fit, and with the gorgeous two tone leather in the top trim level plus all the options, it gives her back quite a bit of the luxury she had before. Plus she can get all that awesome digital safety stuff for avoiding collisions. With AWD it’s a perfect height for either of us to just slide into. No climbing up, no squatting down, no bending and twisting to get under a low slung roof. Yup, it’s a real Goldilocks. Just right. And it’s a Mazda, “Zoom Zoom”; the bigger engine adds another 35hp and more low end torque.grin And it still gets better mpg than my Saturn!!

I think she’s going to shop some more, but maybe not. Ford’s Fusion is a sweet ride, but you have to get the Titanium package to get all the good stuff. Which raises the price to the same tight bracket range as every other regular vehicle when tricked out. It’s crazy. An Impala costs the same as a CR-V which costs the same as a loaded CX-5, a loaded Mazda6, a loaded Mazda3, which costs the same as an swanky Avalon, which costs the same as a midsize pickup.  It’s tiring work, and I’ve done it 2 weekends in a row already. Maybe my brother can take her to the next dealership.

Me? Looks like I’ll be keeping the old Satrun going for a few more months. The car I want doesn’t seem to exist, so I’ll have to order it as a 2017, assuming it’s still made.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/26/2016 at 08:47 AM   
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calendar   Friday - June 24, 2016



Stunned Cameron intends to resign
British, German markets plunge

big_uk_flag  big_uk_flag  big_uk_flag  big_uk_flag  big_uk_flag

More later? I have to go to work now. It’s on all the networks, turn on the tube!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/24/2016 at 05:56 AM   
Filed Under: • UK •  
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EU referendum: BBC forecasts UK vote to leave

BBC News

The UK has voted by 52% to 48% to leave the European Union after 43 years in an historic referendum, a BBC forecast suggests.
London and Scotland voted strongly to stay in the EU but the remain vote has been undermined by poor results in the north of England.
Voters in Wales and the English shires have backed Brexit in large numbers.
The pound fell to its lowest level against the dollar since 1985 as the markets reacted to the results.

Watching this from across the pond, I’m not going to even PRETEND I have a clue what’s going on here.
Was this expected to pass? If so, was it expected to pass by a lot or a little?
What does this mean, exactly, in the eyes of my Brit friends? 


Posted by Severa   United States  on 06/24/2016 at 12:03 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - June 23, 2016

Of Course They’re Locals

All right y’all, lizzen up. Billy Ray, Raylene, Bubba - we’re gonna sneak in nice and quiet see? Subtle. Ain’t nobody gonna even notice us. Then we’ll hit ‘em hard and fast, and zoom on the heck outta there, afore we catch some sicko Big City diz-zeaze.

Klown Posse Drives Klown Kar, Gets Kaught!


Three arrested outside NYC after weapons cache, ballistic vests found in vehicle
Three people were arrested when police discovered a weapons cache in a vehicle headed to New York City during a search at the Holland Tunnel on Tuesday, officials confirmed to Fox News.

Port Authority Police Department Superintendent Michael A. Fedorko said that Dean Smith, 53, John Cramsey, 50, and Kimberly Arendt, 20 were taken into custody after they were stopped around 7:40 a.m. in Jersey City, N.J.

Officials found multiple weapons—some loaded—including rifles and handguns in their vehicle, described by a law enforcement source as a “jacked up SUV.”

Fedorko said the weapons found in the vehicle included an AR-15 assault rifle, a 12-gauge shotgun and five semi-automatic handguns.

The group told officers they were on their way to New York to rescue a female friend who is on drugs and being held against her will, law enforcement sources told the New York Post.

The trio, from Pennsylvania, initially was stopped by Port Authority Police at a toll plaza for a cracked windshield, authorities said. An officer saw the weapons in plain view on the passenger side of the vehicle.

The vehicle, a Dodge truck, also bore the name Higher Ground Tactical, an indoor shooting range and gun dealership in Upper Milford Township, Pa., WNBC-TV reported.

A spokeswoman for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Kelly Langmesser, told Reuters that counter-terrorism agents weren’t involved and the case didn’t have a “terrorism nexus.”

“If it’s not terrorism, it’s criminal,” a source told Fox News.

Drugs were also recovered from the vehicle, which has been cleared from the scene but is still being processed for evidence.

Cramsey wrote on Smith’s Facebook page early Tuesday morning that he was driving to New York to “do an extraction” of a 16-year-old girl from a hotel room in Brooklyn after an issue involving drugs. Smith replied, “I’m there.” It was unclear what, if anything, the weapons had to do with their plans.

Cramsey’s 20-year-old daughter died from a heroin overdose four months ago Tuesday and he has since attended town hall meetings around the Allentown area to voice his concerns over the drug epidemic, The Morning Call newspaper in Allentown, Pennsylvania, reported.

“This is a plague and we are losing our brightest and most brilliant minds,” Cramsey told the newspaper shortly after his daughter was found dead of an overdose with another man inside an Allentown home.

Upper Milford Township is only about 32 miles west of here, a bit south of Allentown once you get across the border at the Delaware River. If “Milford” rings a small bell in your memory, that’s because the Milford here in NJ is down on the river, 10 miles from here in a bee line straight to the Township out in PA. Our Milford is the one where that guy who named all his kids after famous Nazis is from.  There isn’t much between the two Milford areas other than forest. A few farms, and a little town called Coopersburg.

I really can’t say what these three were trying to do, but good grief. Couldn’t you find a plain white van to drive? And check it out first to make sure all the bits work and so on? And wouldn’t it have been a better idea, Second Amendment Rights notwithstanding, to just put the guns away for a couple minutes so as to not provoke the security forces you know are out there in Liberal Land, already under orders to consider Bitter Clingers like you as bad as ISIS terrorists or worse??



On Tuesday, authorities in Brooklyn found the 16-year-old whom Cramsey had been seeking to rescue, along with the body of a 19-year-old woman who had fatally overdosed, a law enforcement source told The Daily Beast.

Michelle Plocinik, the mother of Kimberly Walker, 29, who was arrested with Cramsey, says her daughter knew the girl they were going to rescue from a camp for troubled youth.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/23/2016 at 08:37 AM   
Filed Under: • Stoopid-People •  
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calendar   Wednesday - June 22, 2016



Today I‘d like to share my thoughts about the stakes in this election.

People have asked me why I am running for President.

I have built an amazing business that I love and I get to work side-by-side with my children every day.

We come to work together and turn visions into reality.

We think big, and then we make it happen.

I love what I do, and I am grateful beyond words to the nation that has allowed me to do it.

So when people ask me why I am running, I quickly answer: I am running to give back to this country which has been so good to me.

When I see the crumbling roads and bridges, or the dilapidated airports, or the factories moving overseas to Mexico, or to other countries, I know these problems can all be fixed, but not by Hillary Clinton – only by me.

The speech starts off pretty then turns into a MASSIVE beatdown of Hillary Clinton the likes of which I have NEVER seen. PURE.GOLD. Here’s a few highlights:

Hillary Clinton who, as most people know, is a world class liar – just look at her pathetic email and server statements, or her phony landing in Bosnia where she said she was under attack but the attack turned out to be young girls handing her flowers, a total self-serving lie.

Hillary Clinton has perfected the politics of personal profit and theft.

No Secretary of State has been more wrong, more often, and in more places than Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton may be the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency.

Come November, the American people will have a chance to issue a verdict on the politicians that have sacrificed their security, betrayed their prosperity, and sold out their country. They will have a chance to vote for a new agenda with big dreams, bold ideas and enormous possibilities for the American people.Hillary Clinton’s message is old and tired. Her message is that can’t change.

There’s a LOOOOOT more in there. Well worth the read. I voted for Trump here in KY and I’ll be damned glad to pull the lever for him in Nov, the same month I turn 40 (on Thanksgiving Day! Doesn’t get much better than that, huh?) I remember Hillary Clinton in the White House when I was in high school (class of ‘1995) and I SURE AS HELL don’t want that witch back in our House....


Posted by Severa   United States  on 06/22/2016 at 04:54 PM   
Filed Under: • Politics •  
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calendar   Tuesday - June 21, 2016

Just GAK Pure GAK

“Women aren’t the only people who menstruate”

When Thinx launched their line of absorbent underwear for periods, they used a slogan that seemed to make sense: “For women with periods.” But as they heard from more and more customers who felt left out by that branding, they realized that women aren’t the only ones who menstruate.

“We kept getting gentle reminders from people that it’s not just women with periods,” Miki Agrawal, founder and CEO of Thinx, tells Yahoo Canada. In response, the company spent a year developing a boyshort product in consultation with trans men and non-binary people who might use it. The resulting underwear, which resembles men’s boxer briefs but has the same absorbent fabric as their more traditionally feminine underwear, is meant to be worn instead of pads or tampons, or as back-up for those products.

Now the new slogan for Thinx is “For people with periods” and one of their campaigns features model Sawyer DeVuyst, who is a trans man. And the company is working on introducing more gender-neutral products in the future, Agrawal says.

The Thinx campaign is one of few acknowledgements from the sanitary products industry that menstruation doesn’t just happen to cisgender [ ie “normal” ] women. There are trans men who have to deal with their periods as well as non-binary people who menstruate.

“We’re inclusive of everyone with a period—men, women, it doesn’t matter. We wanted to have it be expressed in a ten-foot poster,” Agrawal says. “If you have a period, we’ve got you.”

Josh, a trans man, didn’t continue menstruating for long after starting to take testosterone - about one cycle, he says. But though he didn’t experience serious dysphoria as a result of menstruation, he was fine with seeing it go.

“I was just happy to be done with it and didn’t really have to deal with going to buy tampons while my body was getting more masculine,” he says.

Josh, born a WOMAN, stopped getting her period after saturating her body with male hormones. Duh. “Stevee”, born a MAN, got doped full of female hormones, had implant surgery, cut off his dick and had a rubber pussy sewn on, BUT NEVER HAD “HER” PERIOD because Stevee is a man, and thus has no damn uterus. STFU you freaks.

Yes, I am making “Stevee” up. He’s not in the story. But he’d never need a tampon and he’d never need a panty liner. With or without wings.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/21/2016 at 04:38 PM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINE •  
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flower power

Must go dig in the dirt today.

Must get some annuals in the ground.

Must rewatch Game of Thrones tonight. What an awesome episode Sunday was, “Battle of the Bastards”. Good to see the Stark kids still can’t stick to a plan or communicate with each other.  Or figure out that sometimes you don’t want to run in a straight line. Duh. 

And what do I have to do to see one of these episodes in anything but ultra-dim? I’ve got a superb LED television, brilliant, yet every episode seems to be filmed at night. Especially the scenes in the north. Maybe I can try cranking up the brightness ahead of time. Change the viewing temperature from Cool to Warm or something. But the dim, kind of gritty pixels look is what they use. It’s almost pointless to watch this show in HD. Dudes, get some damn film. You are old enough to remember film, aren’t you. Mr. Director?

Sansa smiles as her last relationship goes to the dogs. Screencap from the official trailer. Dark much??

Playing with the ambient light using graphics tools ... there really isn’t much that can be done because there is no hidden detail to reveal ... “it’s all dark” even though this is afternoon in the show

I knew the bailout was coming. I knew this 3 episodes ago. But was I the only one thinking it was going to be “ ‘the eagles are coming, the eagles are coming’? seems a bit trite, doesn’t it?” What with the Arynn forces being from the Eyrie [ an eagle’s nest ] and all. And that was JRR’s rescue tool from his Battle of 5 armies and this was GRR’s rescue tool from his Battle of 5 armies? [Wildlings + Starks + Arynn vs Bolton + Karstark]. At least he didn’t have to wait for their coming on the fifth day and at dawn look to the East. Gak.

To be fair, she could not have known her own personal cavalry was about to arrive with creepy Littlefinger. But she managed to meet with him before they charged, right, because the camera cut from the battle mayhem to show the two of them standing together on the far side of the field. And Snow? He still knows nothing! “Don’t fall into his trap!” “Don’t do what he expects you to!” “Don’t let him provoke you!” So of course, you know what happens ... after failing to save dialog-deprived littlest little brother, he attacks the whole enemy army. By himself. D’oh!!

But huge kudos for the dead pile scene. I thought I was going to have an asthma attack, feeling the same kind of panicked crushing sensation as the camera drowned under a wall of bodies.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/21/2016 at 10:28 AM   
Filed Under: • Television •  
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calendar   Saturday - June 18, 2016

Throwback Saturday

We haven’t had one of these in years and years, so take a look and take your guess. No fair running to image searching engines ...

Whatsit 2016


While digging around in my mom’s basement, looking for a masonry drill bit of a certain size, I came across this most unusual hammer. My brother has the most eclectic tool collection ever. It’s a light little hammer with a slender handle about 10” long. One face is a straight sided cylinder about 9/16” across. Overall I’d say the head might weight 3 ounces. But what really makes it odd is that one of the hammer faces is a flat triangle. Odder still, that face rotates. Freely rotates. It’s on a little bearing with a set screw and everything.

A 4 ounce rotating hammer.  Maybe it’s for adjusting windmills while they’re running, creating all that wonderful alternate energy.

What on earth?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/18/2016 at 01:46 PM   
Filed Under: • Fun-Stuff •  
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calendar   Friday - June 17, 2016

ginger overload

I had 6 gingers outside this morning making a ruckus. 6! And grumpy old Momcat, aka Scowler. Click any 4 big.

image  image

And just to round things out, here’s a few of Peiper’s favorite former paedo, who grew up quite well rounded herself

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/17/2016 at 09:52 AM   
Filed Under: • AnimalsCat BloggingEye-Candy •  
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calendar   Thursday - June 16, 2016

Obama throws Orlando Victims under the Bus

As if we weren’t already reeling from all this death already. Both on this site and in general. The floor of the Pulse Club at Orlando is still awash in blood, the local hospitals still have people from Mateen’s shooting rampage in them, Israelis are mourning yet more murdered by The Usual Perpetrators, Bangladesh has Jihadis killing Hindus, Peiper has passed on… and honestly you just wish for a time in the world to not cry and cry and cry.

Much less spend hours trying to contact family friends living in that neck of the woods on the off chance things aren’t ok with them. But boy oh Boy, do we have a treat for you....

Have you ever wondered what things might have been like if- in the face of clear and present threats- the government refused to acknowledge the threat by its’ name? Well, we no longer have to because that’s the situation we live in, and have been living in for the *past Eight YEARS.* Now they’ve just made it clear how deep that goes, even when the butchers come for the “LGBTwhatever” community that is supposed to be a preserve- and set of special snowflake clients- for the Left. In the days since the mass murders, Obama has failed the American people so crushingly. Let us count the ways:

1. Not bothered to identify the Orlando shooter- or any of the perpetrators lately- by ideology or name.

2. Refused to give any statements or plans on how we will counterattack said ideological godfathers of this crime.

3. Called for yet more restrictions on our Second Amendment Right, which will make it even HARDER for the supposedly precious LGBTs- and everyone else- to defend themselves against an atrocity like this.

Over at PJ Media they do a good job showing how self-defeatingly stupid This is.

The more incompetent the Obama administration becomes, the less convincing its demand for public disarmament will be. Conversely, the more competence the administration demonstrates, the more likely the public is to entrust its safety to it.

Historically, state failure drives civilian armament, not the other way around. Perhaps the clearest example of this trend is Lebanon, where the inability of the central government to protect the sectarian communities has led each to protect itself. While America is not Lebanon, the same principles hold true: competence inspires confidence, and there is precious little competence in the administration.

Other people have covered this much, much better than I can. So please, I encourage you, check them. Victor Davis Hanson, Neo-Neocon, Ace of Spades, and the incomparable Mark Steyn (as well as Fernandez) have all given incredibly valuable things on this, but linking them all and giving juicy excerpts would probably bulk this post up too much. So I’ll limit my link to some gallows humor (Scimitar Sidebursters?)

Standard Leftist Procedure for after a Jihadist Massacre

But as for where my input comes in.... I have had my misgivings with Trump and still do, but I will say that I have been very, very impressed by how he has preformed here. Both in terms of how he has skillfully covered the issue (I do think he has been a rather sharp political operator lately), but on the moral and ethical issues. He did not HESITATE to identify the ideology that drove this atrocity and call out Obama for both trying to disarm law abiding American citizens using it and the disproportionate anger the manchild in chief had for him over *the man who murdered American citizens.* My recitation here can’t do it justice, so please read it too.

But of course, soon after he pointed it out you had the usual talking heads, apologists, and spin doctors get on their high horses to try and say “What’s the big deal?” That it really really really doesn’t matter if Obama or others use the term “Jihadist”, “Islamist”, “Radical Islam”, or- God Forbid- Islam itself to describe the perpetrator or his motivations. Or to quote Obama’s former rival, Secretary of State, and current (grudging) heir, “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?”

Well, I’ll tell you. Because all of these supposedly genius, big brained individuals are burning a lot of calories and doing a lot of mental gymnastics to try and avoid dealing with something that is really *Very, VERY simple.*

To avoid getting too deep into the linguistics (because I am not sure i know enough about it), words are a medium for conveying meaning. We use them to communicate concepts, ideas, and thoughts. I say “water” and you know I’m talking about what you drink. I say “Moss” and you know to look at green stuff growing on a rock.

I write “Pet” and you look to your pets.

And if I write OR say “cowardly dipshit” you look to the White House.

So the words you use are important for what kinds of concepts you convey, and thus what the nature of your message is. This is also relevant for the words you DON’T use. I’m *PROBABLY* not going to talk about a disaster where a bridge collapsed the exact same way if it was brought down because of construction flaws as if it was collapsed by a Bomb. Both are tragedies and both feature very similar chain of events, but one was an accident or negligence, the other is MASS MURDER.

And likewise, I am not going to blame the construction company for the collapse if it was primarily caused by a terrorist bomb, and I’m not going to call the construction company “terrorists” in the event they were to blame (even if they were massive douchebags whose actions claimed many lives).

Identifying the cause of the tragedy, its’ perpetrators (where there are any), and the motive for why they acted the way they did are CRITICAL to understanding why it happened, how it happened, and HOW IT COULD BE PREVENTED. As well as notifying the public of these facts and educating them on any threats they face, whether from depraved corruption in the meat industry, bad contractors, or totalitarian ideologies that want to murder or enslave us all.

Obama and his minions either don’t get this or are trying very very very hard to pretend they don’t.

But enough of me talking; let’s imagine what might have happened if other Presidents that came before took a similar approach to Obama. Let’s make a game out of it. I’ll stick some Obama-ated historical quotes below the cut. Can you guess A: The enemy it was originally referring to, and B: Who said it? I’m not even going to pick on the low hanging fruit and show how the other party has done it; For the sake of it, let’s limit ourselves to other Democrats.

Go to the comments if you want the answers.

See More Below The Fold

Posted by Turtler   United States  on 06/16/2016 at 02:41 AM   
Filed Under: • Big BrotherCULTURE IN DECLINEDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsPassing on, Death and DisasterFREEDOMGuns and Gun ControlJack Booted Thugsmuslims •  
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calendar   Monday - June 13, 2016

Last Post For Peiper

It is my sad duty to let you all know that Joel Diamond died this morning sometime before 11am Eastern.

Known to us as Peiper, or JayD, or JD, or Jay, or whatever ... he had been released from hospital to a recovery center about a week ago, after being returned to the hospital after a mere 30 hours in the recovery center before that. Prior to that, he was in pretty intensive care since March 29, when he suffered a major thoracic aneurysm. And everything went downhill from there.

His wife Jen left me a message on my answering machine which I did not see until I got home this evening. She is distraught of course.

I can’t write right now. And to think I just started bombarding him with cards and letters, celebrating his second escape from Nurse Ratchett. After all, he was alert, up, and walking around a bit. So it was all Hurrah!!

All that mail should just about be showing up there now. I doubt if he ever even saw one.

I’ll call her tomorrow. I want to send huge flowers. I want this to have not happened.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/13/2016 at 06:20 PM   
Filed Under: • Blog StuffPassing on, Death and Disaster •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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GNU Terry Pratchett

Oh, and here's some kind of visitor flag counter thingy. Hey, all the cool blogs have one, so I should too. The Visitors Online thingy up at the top doesn't count anything, but it looks neat. It had better, since I paid actual money for it.
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