When Sarah Palin booked a flight to Europe, the French immediately surrendered.

calendar   Monday - October 31, 2011

It’s About Time

US To UN: FU !!

$60 Million? Nah, we’ll be keeping that, thanks.

U.S. Will Withhold Funds For U.N. Agency After Vote to Grant Membership to Palestinians

The United States will not pay $60 million to a U.N. cultural and educational agency after it voted Monday to accept the Palestinian mission as a full member, triggering a U.S. requirement to cut off funds.

“We are not going to be able to continue contributing to the budget,” State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said. “Palestinian membership as a state in UNESCO triggers longstanding legislative restrictions which will compel the United States to refrain from making contributions to UNESCO.”

Washington is required by law to cut off funding to any U.N. agency if the Palestinian Liberation Organization is granted membership in any group at the international body.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization voted 107-14 with 52 abstentions on Monday granting Palestinians full membership in the organization. The U.S. voted against the nomination. Eighty-one votes of the 173 UNESCO members were needed for full membership to be approved.

“Long Live Palestine!” one delegate reportedly shouted in French at the meeting.

The U.S. funds about 22 percent of UNESCO’s budget, or roughly $80 million annually. Nuland said the $60 million was scheduled to be sent in November.

Unfortunately, this is only UNESCO, not the whole UN package. But there’s a movement under way to de-fund that bunch of socialist puss-weasels as well:

Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., has also introduced legislation that would withhold U.S. contributions from any U.N. agency or program that “upgrades” the status of the Palestinian observer mission at the U.N, whether full membership or not.

Ros-Lehtinen has previously argued efforts at de facto recognition of a Palestinian state is an attempt to evade a negotiated settlement with Israel.

Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton said the U.N. vote signals weakness in U.S. diplomacy, particularly since some of the United States’ closest allies voted against U.S. wishes.

“So ineffective was Obama administration diplomacy, that France voted in favor of Palestinian membership, and Britain and Japan abstained. U.S. statutes, dating from 1990, now require a full cutoff of U.S. funding, which Congress should insist occur immediately. Should the administration seek changes in the applicable statutory provisions that would eliminate or weaken the funding cutoff, Congress should reject them,” Bolton said.

“UNESCO has made its decision: it prefers Palestinian membership to American participation. Now let the rest of the U.N. specialized agencies make their choice,” he added.

Damn straight skippy. When the ’Stache of Truth speaks, ya’ll better listen up. And gosh, another utter non-surprise: under Obama, our diplomats are effin’ worthless. Strong horse, weak horse, dopey donkey. An ass that needs kicking.

UK out of EU. US out of UN, UN out of US. Let the effers fend for themselves for a decade. Idiots.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/31/2011 at 02:43 PM   
Filed Under: • United-Nations •  
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Just Missed Us

Freak Blizzard: Hundreds of Thousands Still Without Power in NY Metro Area

CENTRAL JERSEY — Trick-or-treating has been postponed until Friday in Bernardsville, Long Hill and at least one other New Jersey town, but Halloween festivities are a secondary concern among officials scrambling to clear roadways and restore power to hundreds of thousands of state residents in the aftermath of a “winter” storm that struck nearly two months before the official start of winter.

Public Halloween activities will be permitted on Friday in Bernardsville, according to a notice posted to its municipal website, while Long Hill is exploring the possibility of allowing trick-or-treating on Sunday. Chester, in Morris County, also has suspended trick-or-treating activities until Friday, while more than 30 Garden State school districts were closed Monday.

More than 400,000 New Jersey households remained without power midday Monday, down from about 750,000 in the immediate aftermath of the storm that moved through Saturday into early Sunday, according to figures released by the office of Gov. Chris Christie. At least 115,000 households in Middlesex, Somerset, Union and Hunterdon counties lost power, and tens of thousands remained without power Monday afternoon. About 95 percent of power restorations were expected to be completed by the end of the day on Thursday, but isolated pockets of outages are expected to persist even longer than that.

Across the state line into New York the situation is about the same. Most of the snow has melted or compacted by now: while the stupid Occupy Wall Street losers only got a 1.4” dusting, large parts of NJ and “upstate” NY were hit with half a foot to a foot and a half. New England got hammered just as hard, so they’re in this same leaky boat too.

My mother hasn’t had power since Saturday. At this point they’re starting to throw out the contents of the freezer. No heat, no light, but at least it’s not freezing out and they can always light the gas stove manually. They don’t expect to have power until Thursday. “Thursday” seems to be the watchword here as well. We live on the west side of town, the uphill end, and for whatever reason we have underground lines and are connected to a different power grid. Our lights were off a few times for very short periods, perhaps 10 - 20 minutes total. Go down a mile into town and there is no electricity. It’s like there’s a line. Or a river, actually; to the west of the South Branch of the Raritan things are fine, but to the east the folks are deep in the caca. Stores are closed, gas stations not open. The local A&P is trying to stay open, but all the frozen food, meat, deli, and bakery goods are going in the dumpster. And the whole store has about 8 lights on. Lucky them that they’re an old store, with an emergency generator and about 5000 gallons of propane tanks out behind the place. Out our way, the Shop Rite up on the hill is perfectly fine and doing a land office business.

Once again we got lucky.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/31/2011 at 02:06 PM   
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Good Grief

World Population Tops 7 Billion People Today

Don’t look at me, I had nothing to do with it.

Demographers say it took until 1804 for the world to reach its first billion people, and a century more until it hit 2 billion in 1927. The twentieth century, though, saw things begin to cascade: 3 billion in 1959; 4 billion in 1974; 5 billion in 1987; 6 billion in 1998.

The U.N. estimates the world’s population will reach 8 billion by 2025 and 10 billion by 2083. But the numbers could vary widely, depending on everything from life expectancy to access to birth control to infant mortality rates.

Huh, if you look at those numbers, it actually means the population growth rate is slowing down a little bit, and the future rate is expected to slow even more. But still, seven billion people? And more than a third of them in China and India alone. Egads.

In Uttar Pradesh, India — the most populous state in the world’s second-most populous country — officials said Monday they would be appointing seven girls born Monday to symbolize the 7 billion.

India, which struggles with a deeply held preference for sons and a skewed sex ratio because of millions of aborted female fetuses, is using the day to highlight that issue.

“It would be a fitting moment if the 7 billionth baby is a girl born in rural India,” said Dr Madhu Gupta, an Uttar Pradesh gynecologist. “It would help in bringing the global focus back on girls, who are subject to inequality and bias.”

According to U.S. government estimates, India has 893 girls for every 1,000 boys at birth, compared with 955 girls per 1,000 boys in the United States.

On Monday, the chosen Indian babies were being born at the government-run Community Health Center in the town of Mall, on the outskirts of the Uttar Pradesh capital of Lucknow.

Six babies were born from midnight to 8 a.m. Monday. Four were boys.

Meanwhile China, which at 1.34 billion people is the world’s most populous nation, said it would stand by its one-child policy, a set of restrictions launched three decades ago limiting most urban families to one child and most rural families to two.

“Overpopulation remains one of the major challenges to social and economic development,” Li Bin, director of the State Population and Family Planning Commission, told the official Xinhua News Agency. He said the population of China would hit 1.45 billion in 2020.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/31/2011 at 01:56 PM   
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the nutty professor on global warming

Drew’s post on things green reminded me of this article I saw but couldn’t post earlier.  Been out and away from pc last couple hours, better late then never I suppose although this won’t come as a surprise to us here.  And the hang wringing left won’t believe it anyway.
Take a look.

Professor Judith Curry, of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, in the U.S., said Professor Muller’s comments were a ‘huge mistake’ and that she planned to discuss her future on the project with him.
She said their data actually showed average world temperatures had ‘paused’ since the late 1990s and a graph published on the project’s website depicting temperatures from 1850 to 2006 appeared to ‘hide the decline’.

Scientist who claimed ‘end of scepticism’ on climate change under fire from colleague over ‘huge mistake’·
Professor claims project director has oversold the results of a study in favour of global warming
Expert says average world temperatures have ‘paused’ since the late 1990s

Last updated at 9:01 AM on 31st October 2011

One of the authors of a scientific study billed as the ‘end of scepticism’ about climate change yesterday threatened to quit after she said the project leader underplayed the fact there has been no global warming for 13 years.

Professor Judith Curry was one of ten experts attempting to compile definitive temperature data going back more than 200 years.
But she claimed it had been ‘tarnished’ by the project’s director ‘overselling’ the results in favour of global warming.

Funded by a number of donors, including sceptics of climate change, the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project concluded global temperatures had risen by around 1c since the 1950s, in line with official estimates from Nasa and the Met Office.

The project’s director, Professor Richard Muller, told the media it showed ‘you should not be a sceptic, at least not any longer’.
He also told the BBC’s Today programme the temperature rise was ongoing, saying: ‘We see no evidence of it [global warming] having slowed down.’

Controversial: Professor Richard Muller, left, and his daughter, Elizabeth Muller, co-founder and executive director of the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/31/2011 at 11:54 AM   
Filed Under: • Climate-Weather •  
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Another Drop In The Bucket

Next Green Failure

This one is almost too small to notice, not even $100 million. Still, it’s your money, and it’s gone, and I bet if you could turn over this rock you’d find Obama donor roaches on the board, scurrying for the shadows. Crony socialsim and a “green bubble”. Any fool with a green scam plan got fat wads of cash from the gov, while proven energy companies got the shaft. Or, as is the case with the oil drilling and the coal mining industry, they got the shaft taken away!

(Reuters) - Beacon Power Corp filed for bankruptcy on Sunday just a year after the energy storage company received a $43 million loan guarantee from a controversial U.S. Department of Energy program.

The move comes about two months after solar panel maker Solyndra also filed for bankruptcy, setting off criticism of the government loan program.

The department guaranteed $535 million in loans to Solyndra, and Congress is investigating whether political influence played a role.

Beacon Power used the government-guaranteed-loan to build a 20-megawatt flywheel energy storage plant in Stephentown, New York.

The company said in documents filed with Delaware’s bankruptcy court that it had $72 million in assets and $47 million in debts.

A flywheel energy storage plant. A flywheel energy storage plant?? Excuse me, am I reading this right? The government handed out a fortune for a perpetual motion scheme? Horry clap. Can you get any more naive than that????


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/31/2011 at 09:53 AM   
Filed Under: • GovernmentCorruption and GreedOil, Alternative Energy, and Gas Prices •  
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Ghost story claimed to be true. You decide.

I came across this story in our paper way back in June.  Held for posting till today.

The ghost that tried to sell me her house: Anne Diamond used to scoff at stories of haunted homes until she had a very spooky encounter


First, I should say that I don’t believe in ghosts. Never have. I’m far too sensible ever to be spooked by the unexplained or mysterious.
But when the postman told me: ‘They found her lying on the living room floor; she’d been dead for two weeks,’ his words sent a chill down my spine.
They still do, more than a decade later, because those words were the final twist in the tale of my very own ghost story.


Heavens above: Anne Diamond had a dead scary encounter while trying to buy a house

It was shortly after my much publicised divorce in 1999 that I began house hunting; looking for a new headquarters for me and my four boys, our nanny, and visiting relatives and friends.

Up until then, we’d been in a huge sprawl of a manor house, complete with 17th-century spiders, and I wanted something altogether more compact, with easy access to shops and bus routes for the boys to attend their various schools.
I really fancied one of those gorgeous Regency terraces in Leamington Spa, but when the agent rang and told me about a large, detached, Victorian family house near Warwick Castle, with its own granny annexe and a picturesque well in the garden, I got ‘that feeling’ that perhaps this was the one.
He said the property was just about to come onto the market - he hadn’t even prepared the details - but, perhaps, I would like to see it straightaway?
As my car crunched on the gravel of the imposing driveway, I was excited.
The castle loomed high on its hill nearby, the shops were near but not too close, and there was a bus stop just a few houses away. The house was shielded by huge fir trees (very Narnia, I thought) and a large double gate had been opened for me to enter.

Anne Diamond never realised house-buying could be so hair-raising

As I approached the door, it was opened by a white-haired elderly lady who was friendly and chatty as she showed me around what was clearly a much-loved home.
She said she’d brought up her children there - but they now lived abroad and were pressing her to sell the house and move into a retirement flat. She said she’d be sad to leave, but happier to think the house would ring to the sound of children’s laughter again.

‘Well,’ I said, ‘I’ve got an enormous family and we love parties!’ and she seemed genuinely touched when I told her about us, where my boys went to school (her son had attended the same) and how we loved the area.

I did rather hope to win her over, because I didn’t want her to put the house on the general market. I wanted to snap it up before others started looking around.
So, as soon as I got home, I rang the agent, told him I loved it, and offered the asking price. Deal done, he and I thought, and I immediately started dreaming of my plans for the place.

So I was devastated when, only a week or so later, the agent rang and told me that the house had been taken off the market, because the old lady had decided not to sell after all.

She sent her apologies, he told me, but said she simply couldn’t bear to leave the place.
Was there anything I could do to change her mind, I asked? No, he replied: this sort of thing happens all the time in his world.

Very often, he added, vendors do it just to see how much money their house is worth while they make retirement plans. 
Disappointed, I started house hunting all over again. But you never really forget a house that you’ve fallen in love with.

Then, out of the blue, about six months later, the agent rang to tell me the house was back on the market. It was now empty and ready for a quick sale for just a couple of thousand pounds more. Was I still interested? If I called around right now, he’d give me the keys and let me show myself around. My mum had been staying with us so I took her with me as she has a keen eye for property. We collected the keys and made our way.
This time, the gates were firmly shut, and I had to open them with the large, jangling bunch of keys I’d been given.

But, as we stood on the doorstep and I fumbled for the front door key, the door opened and the smiling little white-haired old lady was there welcoming us in, just as before. She apologised for the place looking so bare and unfriendly. She beamed when I introduced my mother, and then added: ‘You know the layout, I’ll leave you to show yourselves around . . .’ With that, she shuffled off, a thin, pale figure, towards the kitchen.

The light was fading, I remember, so my mother and I decided to have a look at the upstairs rooms first, and work our way down. The rooms seemed huge without any furniture and the whole place echoed eerily. That was when I tried to switch the lights on, and realised the electricity had been turned off.

We made our way down the stairs and my mother called out to the lady, to ask if she had a torch. But we couldn’t find her anywhere. I remember thinking how odd it was that she’d let us in, and then abandoned us in the dark.
Never mind, we thought, we’ll have a quick peek at the downstairs rooms, and let ourselves out.

Even though there were no curtains in any of the tall, sash windows, there was very little light to see by. Outside, those massive fir trees cast long shadows, and the privacy I’d so valued suddenly became a bit gloomy.
My mum sat down and sighed: ‘We can’t really see anything now, but I can tell it’s a wonderful house. Big, solid, sensible, lots of rooms: you could do a lot with this place.’

‘We bolted for the front door and only felt safe in the car’

And as she chattered on, we both suddenly became aware that she was, indeed, sitting on something. Yet the room, like the rest of the house, had seemed utterly empty just a few minutes ago.

My mother sprang up - and we both peered at the large object she’d been sitting on.
In the dark, it seemed like a large wardrobe lying on its back in the middle of the living room. ‘I don’t like this,’ my mum whispered. ‘It’s the shape of a coffin.’
Neither of us are superstitious, and we both instinctively know that most ‘inexplicable’ things can be explained somehow, and that imaginations run wild in the dark. But we both bolted for the front door, and only felt safe again once in the car, driving away.

Next morning, I called around to the estate agent to return the keys and explain why I’d left without closing and locking the gate.
The agent was adamant: no one could possibly have been there to let us in, he said. There were no neighbours with keys. I had the only set.
He explained that the old lady I had met the first time, the owner, had died quite suddenly, and her children had cleared out the place and put it back on the market.

That had all happened weeks ago. She was dead and buried. No way could it have been her who let us in yesterday.
But what about the huge box in the middle of the floor?
‘The place is totally empty, I assure you,’ he said, by now convinced I was a nutter.
To quell my fears, he offered to take me round to the house then and there. So we revisited it.
Again, the house looked warm and welcoming in the morning sun. And there was nothing in the living room, at all. 
‘Do you still want to buy it?’ he asked.
‘No way, not now,’ I replied.

As I was climbing back into my car, the postman walked past.
‘Are you going to buy that house?’ he asked.
‘No, I don’t think it’s right for me,’ I sighed.
He went on: ‘It’s been with the same family for years and years. But it was very sad how the old lady died.
‘She was in the house for two weeks before anyone found her.
‘In the end, they had to break in - and there she was, just lying dead on the living room floor.’

Half of me is convinced I did the right thing by walking away from that house. The other half will always wonder.

Did that little old lady come back from the dead to make sure I bought it? She’d seemed so keen at the time that her lovely house should go to another big family, to fill it with joy and laughter.

Perhaps she returned, ghost-like, to show me around one last time?
But even that thought still doesn’t explain the box in the middle of the living room. That was just one Gothic step too far.


(from June issue of the Daily Mail)

For those interested in spooky castles like the one mentioned above, see England’s haunted castles and churches


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/31/2011 at 05:35 AM   
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englands’ scariest tree. happy ween bmews



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/31/2011 at 05:30 AM   
Filed Under: • weird stuff •  
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calendar   Sunday - October 30, 2011

Wardmama, you’re a mean, nasty woman…

Yes, mean, nasty, I like it like that.

You gave me a Rodney Atkins video when I posted about my baby niece getting married. That was wonderful. But, I had to check out other Rodney Atkins songs. He did the ‘Farmer’s Daughter’. Well, at least he married her.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 10/30/2011 at 09:05 PM   
Filed Under: • Editorials •  
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I couldn’t resist.

Here’s Captain Kirk getting a piece of the action. Posted below the fold because, well, when I said ‘piece of the action,’ I meant it.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 10/30/2011 at 06:55 PM   
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There’s something else…

What else happens in the Fall. Girls start wearing sweaters…



Posted by Christopher   United States  on 10/30/2011 at 03:25 PM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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This will tick my sisters off

It’s fall! You know what happens in the fall? You don’t? The answer is I start cooking. Specifically hearty soups. So I got ready last night. Thawed out two smoked ham hocks. Had the wife buy me a pound of dried split peas. And here we go!

1 lb dried split green peas
2 cups diced ham (2 smoked ham hocks: trust me, the diced ham doesn’t do it.)
2 quarts ham stock (chicken stock works as well. Don’t have either? Plain old water works.)
1 small onion, finely minced
3 large potatoes, peeled and diced
1 carrot, peeled and sliced
1/2 teaspoon savory
1/4 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon salt

In a 4 or 5-quart crock pot, combine the peas, ham, onion, carrot, potatos, ham stock, savory, thyme, and salt. Cover.
Cook on low-heat for 10-12 hours, or high-heat for 4-5 hours.

You know what I love? She comes home from work and tells me how jealous all the girls are about her having home-made soup. She sticks it in the microwave and the smell just permeates. The only thing that makes this better is a loaf of home-made bread. If anybody’s interested, I’ll post that recipe.


I’m with you Drew. Haven’t tried sourdough. It’s on my list. But this goes well too.

1 1/4 cups / 300 ml warm water (105-115F)
2 teaspoons active dry yeast (one packet)
1 tablespoon runny honey
1 cup / 4.5 oz / 125 g unbleached all-purpose flour
1 cup / 5 oz / 140 g whole wheat flour
1 cup / 3.5 oz / 100 g rolled oats (not instant oats)
1 1/2 teaspoons fine grain sea salt
2 tablespoons butter, melted, for brushing

In a medium bowl, sprinkle the yeast onto the warm water and stir until the yeast dissolves. Stir in the honey and set aside for a few minutes, until the yeast blooms and swells a bit - 5 - 10 minutes.
In the meantime, mix the flours, oats, and salt in a large bowl. Add the wet mixture to the dry and stir very well.
Brush a 8-cup loaf pan generously with some of the melted butter. Turn the dough into the tin, cover with a clean, slightly damp cloth, and set in a warm place for 30 minutes, to rise.
Preheat the oven to 350F / 180C, with a rack in the middle. When ready, bake the bread for 35-40 minutes, until golden and pulling away from the sides of the pan. I finish things up by leaving the bread under the broiler for just a heartbeat - to give the top a bit deeper color. Remove from oven, and turn the bread out of the pan quickly. Let it cool on a rack so it doesn’t steam in the pan. Serve warm, slathered with butter.
Makes 1 loaf.

Yeah, it’s a yeast bread, but you don’t have to kneed it. Just one rise.

I really doubt you can do better than smoked ham hock split pea soup with this bread.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 10/30/2011 at 01:57 PM   
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Now, way over here in this corner, we have …

First Naval Airship In 50 Years Commissioned At Lakehurst NJ


The MZ-3A, a 180 foot blimp, is utterly dwarfed by Hanger 1, built in 1921 to house dirigibles 40 times larger. US Navy photo

The first Navy airship commissioned in 50 years had its public presentation Wednesday inside Hangar 1 in Lakehurst, the scene of so much history in lighter-than-air flight — and a center for its potential renaissance.

The MZ-3A is the Navy’s scientific test platform for surveillance cameras, radars and other sensors, and won’t be deployed outside the United States. But it’s very significant as a return to an older technology, and there have been two years of testing “to prove LTA (lighter-than-air) has a place in our military construct,” said Cmdr. Jay Steingold, the commanding officer of Scientific Development Squadron One.

The airship is a modified A-170 built by the American Blimp Corp., capable of flying at up to 10,000 feet and cruising at around 50 mph. The Navy began the project in 2006 “to use it as a flying laboratory. The airship is a good platform because it’s very stable, and easy to take things on and off,” Huett said. “A lot of times you want to go slow.”
“Airships bring affordability to the game. You can operate an airship for 40 percent of the cost of fixed-wing or helicopters,” said Huett

After 47 years, the U.S. Navy effectively terminated Lighter-Than-Air (LTA) operations, August 31, 1962, with the final flight of a ZPG-2 airship at Naval Air Station Lakehurst. Emblazoned with red, white and blue stripes on her rudders acknowledging the Navy’s Centennial of Flight and earliest days of Navy airship operations, the MZ-3A boasts a proud heritage and now serves as the only manned airship in the United States Navy’s inventory.

Built by American Blimp Corporation, the MZ-3A is propeller-driven by two 180 horsepower Lycoming engines producing a top speed just under 50 knots with an operational payload capability of up to 2,500 pounds.

The manned 178-foot LTA craft can remain aloft and nearly stationary for more than twelve hours, performing various missions in support of technology development for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) concepts.

“Airships offer extreme utility in C4ISR roles and patrol missions where persistent stare and reliable communications are often more important than speed,” said Bert Race, MZ-3A Government Flight Representative and Project Manager. “Our MZ-3A has proven that an airship is a very effective platform for mission system research and development.”

The MZ-3A is government-owned and contractor-operated. The contractor, Integrated Systems Solutions, Inc., employs highly qualified commercial blimp pilots whom the Navy has approved to command the airship.

Scientific Development Squadron ONE (VXS-1), stationed at the Naval Air Station, Patuxent River, Md., is the U.S. Navy’s sole Science & Technology research squadron. Commissioned, December 2004, VXS-1 employs NP-3D Orions, RC-12 Guardrails, Scan Eagle UAS, and most recently, the MZ-3A in its support of NRL-priority airborne research efforts. Since its transfer to VXS-1 in 2009, the MZ-3A has accumulated more than 1,000 mishap-free flight hours in support of the Naval Research Enterprise and recently provided assistance during the tragic Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill in 2010.

The A-170 is the largest blimp model built by ABC. The next generation of Goodyear blimps will be rigid internal framed airships; “real" Zeppelins, built in cooperation with the Zeppelin company. Their first one, an NT model, is due in 2013, and will be half again as long as this Navy blimp, with double the gas volume. Even so, the Navy’s MZ-3A and all the airships Goodyear owns, including the 3 new ones they’re building, could fit with ease inside Hanger One, a building so large that it is said to have it’s own weather inside.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/30/2011 at 12:29 PM   
Filed Under: • Militaryplanes, trains, tanks, ships, machines, automobiles •  
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Today’s Chess Problem

Haven’t done this for awhile. I think Drew solved the last one. If I’m wrong, I’m sure Wes will correct me.

Anyway, here it is! This is problem #17 if you have the book.


1. … ?

Black to move.

graphics courtesy of ExaChess. Problems from Combination Challenge by Lou Hayes and John Hall.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 10/30/2011 at 12:47 PM   
Filed Under: • CHESS •  
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Is pornography art?

There’s an interesting question. I don’t have the answer, but the question came up on a photo, which is below the fold. Serious nudity involved. And when I say it is ‘on the photo’, I mean it’s on the model. Maybe she got away with this with Mom, but I’m betting Dad didn’t like it.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 10/30/2011 at 10:18 AM   
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On: 03/20/21 07:00

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Tracked at Casual Blog
On: 07/17/17 04:28

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On: 07/09/17 03:07



Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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GNU Terry Pratchett

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