Death once had a near-Sarah Palin experience.

calendar   Monday - August 17, 2020

The Death Of NYC?

This is what happens when you elect a communist as mayor. One who encourages rioting and lawlessness. Riots after weeks of extended lockdown. Retail is dying. Populations are fleeing. Violence is everywhere, at unprecedented levels. It’s anarchy and depression.

Beirut DeBlasio


De Blasio’s New York has finally hit an all-time low: the once bustling city is now on the verge of looking like a demilitarized zone. Between the pandemic and the riots in the city, iconic 5th Avenue now looks more like a dystopian nightmare in a recently shot video posted to Twitter.

The video follows a car driving down a deserted 5th Avenue, with almost all of the area’s high end stores boarded up and shut down. There are few people seen on what is usually a busy street.

“Look at everything. Everything’s boarded up. Even the hotel. Boarded up,” the video’s narrator, who is obviously fed up with how the city looks, says.

He continues: “This is all Manhattan, boarded up. Have you ever seen Manhattan look like this? The media will not report this.”

“Everything boarded up. They don’t want to show this to you people because they’re afraid. Saks 5th Avenue - boarded up from end to end. They put up barbed wire. Everywhere you see boards, windows are gone. Look at New York City - what happened,” he says.

The video runs over 2 minutes and shows dozens of boarded up businesses.

Check the video. Manhattan is boarded up. Block after block of high-end retail closed down and barricaded.

This isn’t exactly new. Similar video from more than a month ago.

No, it’s not a war zone — it’s Manhattan.

Video shows once-bustling Big Apple streets nearly deserted and dotted with boarded-up, spray-painted and bashed-in buildings after days of looting.

The footage taken Tuesday and Wednesday in Midtown and Soho shows the windows of popular stores shattered while others — such as Burberry, Sephora and Sunglasses Hut — are covered in plywood to protect against looters.


Only a handful of masked pedestrians and police officers are seen walking on eerily empty sidewalks. Some plywood panels put up by shops were tagged with graffiti reading, “Justice for George Floyd” — the black man who died after a white Minneapolis police officer pinned him to the ground for nearly nine minutes.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many Big Apple retailers have been closed for months prior to protests over Floyd’s death.

These riots happened at the end of May ...

Sidewalks across the SoHo neighborhood, Union Square and Fifth Avenue were covered in broken glass. Multiple police cars had been burnt to nothing but ashes. Stores, including a Duane Reade, Urban Outfitters and Swatch, were looted. Banks were ravaged. An Equinox gym had been broken in to. Graffiti covered retailers’ logos up and down some of the glitziest shopping districts, which normally would be hosting a hotbed of tourist activity this time of year.

The New York Police Department has since said it arrested almost 350 people Saturday evening, following protests across parts of Harlem, Brooklyn and Staten Island. NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said in a press conference held Sunday that more than 30 officers suffered minor injuries due to clashes with demonstrators.

It’s now the middle of August. More than 11 weeks later. And these businesses are still closed, still boarded up. Whatever stock that wasn’t looted has been sold online.

Do you really think these storefronts are coming back? Even if the beneficent dictator of NYC allows them to open, with 25% customer capacity and ridiculously paranoid levels of isolation and plexiglass protection inside the stores? Somehow, I kind of doubt it.

Greatest city in the world, killed by policy in half a year. This was not an accident.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/17/2020 at 09:11 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsEconomicsPandemic Pandemonium •  
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calendar   Wednesday - August 12, 2020

Walter White Moved To Holland?

Netherlands Cops Find Giant Crack Cocaine Lab In School


Dutch police have uncovered what they described as the biggest cocaine laboratory ever discovered in the Netherlands, leading to the arrest of 17 suspects from Colombia, Turkey and the Netherlands.

The drug lab was hidden at a former horse riding school in Nijeveen, some 75 miles from Amsterdam, police said in a statement Tuesday.

Police raided the riding school on Friday, discovering tens of thousands of liters of chemicals and 220 pounds of crack cocaine. Sleeping quarters and recreation areas were also found at the site.
The facility was equipped to produce up to 440 pounds of cocaine a day, officials said.

The facility was equipped to produce up to 440 pounds of cocaine a day, officials said. (Politie Landelijke Eenheid)

“This is the largest cocaine laboratory ever found in the Netherlands,” police chief Andre van Rijn said in the statement.

Van Rijn said the lab was equipped to produce 330-440 pounds (150-200 kilograms) of cocaine a day, with a street value of $5.3-9.4 million (4.5-8 million euros).


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/12/2020 at 11:29 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - August 11, 2020

Feral Child Killers

The Little White Kid Next Door

A five-year-old boy is dead after a Wilson, North Carolina, man reportedly ran up to the child while he was playing in a neighborhood street and fatally shot the child in the head. According to a report from WRAL-TV, the shooting took place on Sunday.

Cannon Hinnant was playing outside his father’s house on the dusky summer evening when their neighbor — 25-year-old Darius N. Sessoms — charged Cannon, produced a handgun, and shot him in the head.

The child’s seven-year-old and eight-year-old siblings witnessed the murder.

First responders came to the scene and transported the little boy to Wilson Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

Doris Labrant, a neighbor, said she witnessed Sessoms running up to Cannon, putting the gun to his head, and firing the weapon before fleeing the scene into his own home.
Authorities took Sessoms into custody on Monday night and charged him with first-degree murder.

“5 yr old Cannon Hinnant was executed in front of his sisters for accidentally riding a bike on his neighbors lawn,” producer and director Robby Starbuck posted. “There’s no pain our justice system can impose on his killer Darius Sessoms that‘ll equate to justice. CNN & MSNBC haven’t even covered it.”


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/11/2020 at 01:45 PM   
Filed Under: • CrimeRacism and race relations •  
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calendar   Wednesday - July 29, 2020

Today’s BLDMTB Story

Black lives don’t matter to blacks

Black Guy Kills Other Black Guy In NYC Staten Island Bodega

Startling police video shows the moment a man pulls out a gun and shoots a shopper inside a Staten Island, N.Y., deli — all while a different customer stands in the middle of the two.

The New York Police Department released the shocking video on Twitter late Tuesday, showing the gunman walking around the Holland Ave Deli around 9:30 p.m. on July 22 before turning toward his 25-year-old victim, police said.

As the gunman points the gun at his target, another person who stands between them ducks, barely missing the bullet as glass shatters, the video shows.

Police said the victim, identified as Kaseem Scott, was shot in the chest and rushed to an area hospital, but could not be saved.

Scott lived less than 600 feet from where he was gunned down, police said. His attacker is still on the loose.

Murders citywide are up 180 percent year-over-year, with 14 reported between July 20 and July 26, compared to the five murders reccorded during that same period in 2019, according to NYPD data.

Shooting incidents have also spiked by over 175 percent. From July 20 to July 26, there were 47 shootings with 53 victims, compared to the 17 shootings and 19 victims during that time in 2019.

The video is actually compiled from two CCTV feeds inside the store. And this reporting is somewhat misleading. It is hard to tell from the video if the guy in the red shirt was hunting the guy in the white shirt, or if he was working security there and keeping an eye on white shirt guy. ( assume this isn’t so, as news story would have said, right? ) White shirt spins around, whips it out, and pops one off at Red, and it appears that Red fired back at the same instant, his shot blowing out the glass freezer door in front of the shopper caught in the middle. Both men then leave the store, going off camera at the bottom of the screen.

I don’t think the muzzle blast of White’s gun would have shattered the glass down the aisle but done nothing to the glass next to him. You can clearly see that the window was breaking in a cloud of smoke coming from behind the shopper in the middle, a fraction of a second before White fired. Even though it appears that White was in the act of shooting, and he shot just once, Red got the drop on him but missed. And now he’s dead.

But please, Mayor De Blasio, keep defunding the police.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/29/2020 at 03:12 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - July 28, 2020

Well of course it was them

300 - 400 teens riot at Memphis mini-golf

Chim. Pout.

A Tennessee mini-golf center was the scene of mayhem on Saturday, after a reported 300 to 400 teenagers began destroying the establishment because management reportedly did not issue refunds.

According to a police report, parents had dropped off large groups of teens at the family play place without supervision, violating coronavirus orders banning mass gatherings.

Issues began at Golf and Games Family Park in Memphis, Tenn., Saturday evening when there were around 300 to 400 people at the business and an “unknown individual began throwing fireworks in the crowd causing a stampede.”

“When the stampede occurred complainant told patrons inside the business that they were closed and would not be issuing refunds,” according to the report.

The staff at the center was unable to offer refunds at the time, thus prompting all-out chaos, FOX 8 reported.

According to video shot at the center, teenagers, none of whom appear to be wearing masks, begin knocking items off counters and throwing items behind the counter. One of the girls involved is seen pulling the plastic screen, which is used as part of COVID-19 safety policy updates, from the counter and throwing it at staff.

In the same video, she picks up a metal stand and throws it. She also later spit on an employee, witnesses claimed.

Police were called to the scene. Witnesses reportedly told officers the girl seen in the video had become upset because staff would not issue her a refund when some of the machines ate her money. [ wanna bet she was lying? ]

The family park is working with authorities to identify those involved.

Due to the destructive incident, the center has updated its policy, banning all minors from visiting without parent supervision.

[ Editor’s correction: An earlier version of this story referenced faulty machines as the source for the refund demands. It has been updated to reflect the refunds were not given after the business was shut down due to a chaos occurring outside the establishment.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/28/2020 at 07:44 AM   
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calendar   Monday - July 27, 2020

Another Swarm Attack In Brooklynn

10 To 1 Beat-Down In Washington Heights

Victor Martinez Medina chased the America dream from Mexico to Manhattan, only to walk into a nightmare.

Medina, 40, was knocked out cold as he and his 22-year-old daughter were pounded and pelted with beer bottles by half a dozen people [ watch the video: it’s at least 10, not 6 ] in a savage Washington Heights bodega beatdown captured on security video, police said.

Mugshots of three of the suspects were released Thursday by police in the July 7 attack that left Medina with four loose teeth, black and blue gums and no memory of anything until he awoke inside Harlem Hospital.


The one-sided assault on Amsterdam Ave. near W. 164th St. was sparked by ongoing tensions between the daughter and another woman in the neighborhood, a police source said.

The video captured a chaotic scene, with the two women grabbing at each other as several men fired punches at Medina while backing the overwhelmed father against a store refrigerator.
Santo, 39, said she was outside the bodega when the attackers bolted past her to target Medina and his daughter. As they fled the scene, the assailants snatched her cell phone just after Santo dialed 911.

The daughter “was yelling ‘They killed my dad!‘” Santo recounted Friday. “I was in shock. I thought they had killed him. He was covered in blood. There was broken glass everywhere. Oh Lord, Holy Spirit, I was worried they were going to come back.”

Police said the daughter was also punched, kicked and struck in the head with beer bottles during the assault.

Cops identified three of the assailants as Devonte Phillips, 21, Tyquan Dupont, 22, and Tyrone Lawrence, 26, while releasing surveillance images of three other suspects. No arrests have been made.

All three identified suspects had prior arrests in the last 18 months, with Dupont busted for petit larceny, two counts of criminal possession of stolen property and grand larceny; Lawrence for drug possession and aggravated harassment; and Phillips on narcotics charges, cops said.

It was another ghetto swarm, instantly packing the tiny grocery store. This is the common method; an instant army of violent ferals. It was a miracle this family was not shot, knifed, or stomped to death. Over what? “tensions” between two young women. Fighting over some brudda? Who knows? Time for the Medina family to move to Haverstraw, where at least they’ll have racial parity against the ferals up there.


For those from the rest of the country, New York City is a concept; several areas under one government, divided into five somewhat confusing boroughs, each of which has several distinct neighborhoods. The 5 are Manhattan, The Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island. Confusing, because Brooklyn and Queens are actually on Long Island, and Staten Island is actually across the Hudson River in New Jersey, although New York has owned it since forever. Manhattan is a narrow island, itself divided into many neighborhoods. Near the north end is Harlem, and north of that at the very top of the island, split by the highway that is the east end of the George Washington Bridge, is Washington Heights North and South, which is west of The Bronx. The Bronx is not on Manhattan Island. This story took place in Washington Heights South, 6 blocks - half a mile - north of Harlem.

Yonkers is not part of New York City, although it may as well be. It is in Westchester County, just north of The Bronx. People who live in the nicer parts of Westchester - Rye, Tarrytown, White Plains, Sleepy Hollow, etc - pretend otherwise. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/27/2020 at 05:00 PM   
Filed Under: • CrimeRacism and race relations •  
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calendar   Wednesday - July 22, 2020

Anarcho Tyranny

I’ve been waiting for this essay.

After several decades of speaking out against leftism, media bias, PC, thought control, cancel culture, educational indoctrination, and all the other forms and instances of radical leftism, Michelle Malkin appears to have reached her limit.

In case you didn’t know, the other day she and several other speakers were assaulted by BLM/Antifa while trying to speak at a pro-police rally in Denver. The event obviously had plenty of cops in the audience, and plenty more on duty to provide security. Yet when the crazed loonies attacked, they stood around and did nothing.

“To protect and serve” ... their masters, the ones signing their paychecks.

I think Michelle has reached her limit. I know I have.

The America you grew up in is not the America we live in now. One nation under God? Ha.  Land of the free? Ha.  Domestic tranquility? Ha.

Equal protection under the law? Ha.  The right to bear arms? Ha.  Freedom of speech? Association? Peaceable assembly? Ha. Ha. Ha.

It’s not “socialism” or “communism” under which we suffer. Our dangerously chaotic, selectively oppressive predicament is more accurately described as “anarcho-tyranny.”

The toxic combination of “pandemic panic” and “George Floyd derangement syndrome” has thoroughly destroyed the home of the brave. It is a paradise for the depraved and dictatorial.
Where do the police stand in this regime? It pains me to say it, but those of us who have backed the blue so loyally and vocally can no longer do so under the assumption that the blue will back us.

It’s rank-and-file cops who are issuing citations to citizens who want to breathe freely. It’s rank-and-file cops who are standing by while our monuments and courthouses and landmarks are burned and obliterated.

It was rank-and-file cops in Denver who watched as my patriotic friends and I tried to hold a Law Enforcement Appreciation Day this past Sunday and were besieged by Black Lives Matter and antifa thugs who had declared that their sole intent in invading our permitted celebration was to “shut us down.” I livestreamed the chaos as pro-police attendees were beaten, including the organizer Ron MacLachlan, who was bloodied in the face and head just a few feet from me by black-masked animals. One antifa actor wielded her collapsible baton just inches from me.
No cops intervened.

… the message is loud and clear. When push comes to bloody shove in end-stage America, under the rule of the anarcho-tyrants, we, the law-abiding, are the enemy.
Those in uniform sworn to protect and serve will turn their backs on us because their bosses don’t answer to the public. They protect and serve the mob.


They used to say that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged. Malkin is no liberal in the modern sense of the word, never has been. But I think she’s been a believer up until now. And tomorrow?

None of this is anything new. We’ve seen it coming for more than 25 years, even if the term itself isn’t quite that old ...

[ 2004 ] We see the drift in this country, with the Patriot Act and its spawn at airports and in random searches of law-abiding citizens—all because our own overclass will not enforce standing laws against illegal immigration and does nothing to halt the transformation of American society by millions of aliens.

Unwilling to control immigration and the cultural disintegration it causes, the authorities instead control the law-abiding.

This is precisely the bizarre system of misrule I have elsewhere described as “anarcho-tyranny"—we refuse to control real criminals (that’s the anarchy) so we control the innocent (that’s the tyranny).

Because that’s easy. Example: Gun control for the law abiding, but do nothing to disarm the criminal class. I’m an elected politician, so I have to be seen doing something, so let’s pick the low hanging fruit (and hope nobody sees the backroom deals going on that are making me rich.) Nobody is really watching anyway.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/22/2020 at 10:36 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeCULTURE IN DECLINEDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsJack Booted Thugs •  
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calendar   Tuesday - July 21, 2020

you don’t even have to ask

Chicago: 14 shot at funeral for a murder victim by driveby shooters
Funeral goers fired back, drove off the shooters, who crashed and are arrested

Crowd then went out for chicken and waffles and the all-night buffet at Golden Corral. [ just kidding ]

At least 14 people were shot at a funeral on Chicago’s south side on Tuesday.
The shooting came from a vehicle that drove by the funeral.
Attendees at the funeral returned fire.

Cops recovered more than 60 shell casings from the scene.

I absolutely guarantee you that the funeral was being held for a black guy with gang connections who lived a life of crime. It’s a no brainer. And the shooters were black members of some other rival gang.

Because Black Lives Matter.

To white people maybe, but not to black people at all.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/21/2020 at 09:01 PM   
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calendar   Thursday - July 16, 2020

Kentucky Controls The Mob

87 Trespassing Threatening Protesters Arrested In Kentucky

LOUISVILLE, Ky.—Eighty-seven demonstrators who gathered at the home of Kentucky’s attorney general to demand justice for Breonna Taylor have been arrested and charged with a felony for trying to “intimidate” the prosecutor, police said.

Protesters with the social justice organization Until Freedom gathered for a sit-in on the front yard of a Louisville home owned by Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron on Tuesday afternoon, news outlets reported.

They were arrested after refusing to leave and — having been instructed beforehand by protest organizers not to resist — could be seen lining up to await their transfer to jail.

Among those arrested were NFL player Kenny Stills, a wide receiver for the Houston Texans, and Porsha Williams of “Real Housewives of Atlanta.” Several of the protesters were released from jail on Wednesday afternoon.

Taylor, a 26-year-old Black woman, was fatally shot when police officers burst into her Louisville apartment using a no-knock warrant in the early morning hours of March 13 during a narcotics investigation. The warrant to search her home was in connection with a suspect who did not live there and no drugs were found inside.

The shooting set off weeks of protests, policy changes and a call for the officers who shot Taylor to be criminally charged. One officer has been fired, but no charges have been filed. Investigations into the shooting are continuing.

Stills posted on social media Wednesday afternoon that he was “arrested for peacefully protesting. While Breonna Taylor’s murderers are still out on the street.” None of the Louisville officers involved in delivering the warrant at Taylor’s home have been criminally charged.

Cameron, a Republican and Kentucky’s first African American state attorney general, said on Monday that he still has no timeline for when his office will conclude its investigation of the case.

“We are here to hold Daniel Cameron accountable and make sure that he does his job, because he is not doing his job,” said Until Freedom co-founder Linda Sarsour.

Protesters were charged with “intimidating a participant in a legal process,” a class D felony in Kentucky that is punishable from one to five years in prison upon conviction. That charge is related to Cameron’s role as prosecutor of the Taylor investigation.

The protesters were charged with a felony because officers heard them “chanting that if they didn’t get what they want, they would burn it down,” Louisville police said Wednesday afternoon in an emailed statement, referring to Cameron’s house. “That was deemed an attempt to intimidate, persuade or influence the attorney general’s decision,” the statement said.


The protesters were also each charged with disorderly conduct and criminal trespassing, both misdemeanors, said Louisville Metro Police spokesman Lamont Washington.

Cameron said the protest won’t bring justice and “only serves to further division and tension within our community.”

Protest all you want. In the public square. Give your speeches, spread your word. Cool.

Go to somebody’s house, invade their yard, threaten to burn down their home, all to intimidate an official trying to do his job? You’re so busted. I hope every one of these people gets 2 years behind bars. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/16/2020 at 11:00 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeCULTURE IN DECLINE •  
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calendar   Friday - July 10, 2020

Karens Down Under

Major lockdown still in place in Australia. Karens hard at work ensuring adherence.

An all-night KFC gets an order for a lot of chicken at 1:30 in the morning. They rang it up on a credit card, cooked up the food, and tipped off the cops, who followed the delivery guy and then busted everybody at the destination where an illegal gathering of less than two dozen people was taking place. Fined them $18,000. No word on whether they got to enjoy the chicken.

A group celebrating a birthday party in Melbourne, Australia, was slapped with a $18,050 fine for violating coronavirus lockdown rules after police followed a KFC delivery order to its destination.

The partygoers had apparently ordered 20 meals at a KFC in the Melbourne suburb, Dandenong, at around 1:30 a.m. Friday, The Guardian reported.

The group was issued 16 fines for breaking lockdown orders.

Police were reportedly tipped off about the large order. The officials then followed the delivery car to the townhouse that had placed the order and discovered the gathering – despite guests attempting to hide in the backyard and under beds, the outlet shared.

The group was issued 16 fines for breaking lockdown orders.

The Victorian police commissioner, Shane Patton, called the behavior “absolutely ridiculous” in a statement to The Guardian.

The police commissioner did not call the citing of the fine ridiculous, he was referring to a small group of people having the temerity to actually have a party in somebody’s home. HOW DARE THEY.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/10/2020 at 03:32 PM   
Filed Under: • CrimeInternationalPandemic Pandemonium •  
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calendar   Tuesday - July 07, 2020

China Is Asshoe, part 3 million and 4

Got Your Data? So Does China.

FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday warned Americans that the Chinese government’s theft of American information is taking place on so large a scale, suspected incidents make up nearly half of his bureau’s counterintelligence cases.

Speaking at an event hosted by the Hudson Institute in Washington, Wray said that Chinese thefts amount to “one of the largest transfers of wealth in human history,” and that the American people are the victims.

“Of the nearly 5,000 active FBI counterintelligence cases currently under way across the country, almost half are related to China,” Wray said. “And at this very moment, China is working to compromise American health care organizations, pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions conducting essential COVID-19 research.”

In fact, Wray said that most Americans have already been affected.

“If you’re an American adult, it is more likely than not that China has stolen your personal data,” he said.

As an example, Wray noted that in 2014 Chinese hackers stole more than 21 million records from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

On the one hand, China Is Asshoe. They lie and cheat and steal and distort the truth.

On the other hand, this report is from the FBI. They lie and cheat and steal and distort the truth.

I don’t trust either of them. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/07/2020 at 04:48 PM   
Filed Under: • CHINA in the newsCrime •  
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My Perspective on that black thing

The Bearable Whiteness Of Being

I wanted to post this last night, but I was too tired. We were listening to Hannity on FoxNews, going on and on and on and ON about how the police are totally needed to curb the problem of black on black violence in the big cities.

While he is right, that’s a bit of sleight of hand. What is really needed is black people to act responsibly and to curb their base violent tendencies, and reject the idea that drugs, crime, pimps, and gangs are cool.

While Hannity was throwing out numbers, statistics, and pictures of the latest batch of black children killed in the crossfire, I realized that I’d like to offer some of my own personal statistics. Perhaps they don’t count, because “white privilege”, but they remain true regardless.

I live in a condo park. There is another smaller condo park at the top of the hill. Down at the bottom of the hill is a newer small complex of 3 townhouses. The three places together sit on about 85 acres, and that rough measurement includes some woods, and two small ponds. Our park has 438 units, the other condo park has 72 units, and the apartment complex has 36 units. So 546 units total; about 1000 people live here. The two condo parks were built in the late 1970s; the apartments are from about 2015. Until those apartments went in, this place was 98% lily white, but HUD and Obama demanded affordable diversity housing, so the new place has lots of ethnic residents.

There are 640 acres per square mile, so 1000 people on 85 acres is about 7950 people per square mile, a living density in the same arena as many urban areas.

We have not had any crime or problems since “the darkies” moved in. And we had about 0 crime before that. Nobody really cares here if you look or talk different, welcome to the street, keep the music down, and clean up after your dog.

So, here are our statistics

murders in the last 40 years: 0

shootings in the last 40 years: 0

robberies in the last 40 years: 0

rapes in the last 40 years: 0

burglaries in the last 40 years: less than 5, and they happened long before I moved here in 1997. Burglars got caught, residents bought guns and alarm systems, problem solved.

arson cases in the last 40 years: 0

drug busts in the last 40 years: 0

child abductions in the last 40 years: 1, in which a divorced dad kept his visiting daughter a couple days longer than he was allowed. Charges dropped.

car theft in the last 40 years: 0. Ok, maybe 1 temporary one. And that was a repo where the tow truck guys took the wrong Audi from a parking lot that had 6 of them, 3 the same color. Oopsie!

DUI arrests: maybe a couple, ex post facto. About 8 years ago I remember seeing a car parked halfway over the parking spot on the hill going down to the pond. And somebody did miss one of the sharp road corners late one night 5 years ago and took a chunk out of the corner of one of the buildings.

Do we have continuous and intimidating police presence here? Oh hella no. Although the Clinton cops use our road as a shortcut to get to the diner, we’re actually in Union Township, which doesn’t have a police department. The State Police give us what coverage we need, which is just about none. They also use our private road as a shortcut, as we have exits and entrance ramps to the highway near both ends of our village.

So it isn’t the cops that keep our area crime free. It’s the people who live here. It’s their attitude of self-respect and neighborliness. A generally higher level of education and income might have something to do with it, although us condo people are the poor folks in this area. Which doesn’t mean that this place is a run down garbage dump either. It’s in good repair, pretty clean, no junk cars, no public drunks, no vagrants, and only a couple low-res residents.

To me this is perfectly normal. Just people being people. Maybe if Hannity’s people were people instead of dimwitted feral animals, they wouldn’t need tons of policing either.

PS - this part of the state is so Republican that half the time the Democrats can’t even find a candidate for some of the local government positions. They don’t get elected anyway, so why bother? We do have some liberals here, but they keep their yaps shut because the rest of us just laugh at their foolishness. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/07/2020 at 11:14 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeGuns and Gun ControlRacism and race relations •  
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calendar   Wednesday - July 01, 2020

Jihadi Drug Lords

Hey remember when they all laughed at President Bush when he said the terrorists and the drug cartels were working together? What if the terrorists were the drug cartels??

Italy Seizes $1B Of Amphetamines Made By ISIS

Italian police said Wednesday that they had seized a world record 15-ton haul of amphetamines made by ISIS in Syria. The drug, in the form of 84 million Captagon tablets, was worth about one billion euros ($1.1 billion), police said in a statement, describing the operation as “the biggest seizure of amphetamines in the world.”

“We know that the Islamic State finances its terrorist activities mainly by trafficking drugs made in Syria, which in the past few years has become the world’s largest producer of amphetamines,” the statement added.

The shipment was hidden in three containers found in the port of Salerno, just south of Naples.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/01/2020 at 12:29 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - June 24, 2020

How Much More Of This BS Are We Going To Put Up With??

Shoot the bastards already. By the hundreds. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. And first prize is a case of instant terminal lead poisoning. Too freakin’ bad.

Wisconsin Senator Beaten By Statue Toppling Protest Rioters

A Democrat state senator from Milwaukee was pummeled by a group of protesters at the Wisconsin State Capitol late Tuesday during a violent clash that included two statues being toppled, a report said.

Sen. Tim Carpenter told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that he was beaten after taking a photo of some of the protesters.

“I don’t know what happened,” he told the paper. “All I did was stop and take a picture and the next thing I’m getting five-six punches, getting kicked in the head.”

A reporter from the paper posted an image of Carpenter while he kneeled by his car.

Social media posts from the scene early Wednesday indicated that police in riot gear were warning protesters to leave the area after reports that some were trying to break the windows of the capitol building.

NBC 15 reported that protesters toppled the two statues. The paper reported that one of the statues was of Col. Christian Heg, who fought and died during the Civil War on the Union side.

Rich Lowery, the editor of the National Review, tweeted, “It’s now open season on abolitionists who recruited troops for the Union army, ably led them, and died courageously on the battlefield.”

The unrest on Tuesday started after a black man was arrested at a restaurant after police said he brought a bat and a megaphone into the establishment, the report said.

So it was the restaurant’s fault of course. Because blacks are above the law no matter what. Frankly, you can’t carry a bat around outside of the ball field. That’s brandishing, which is just one tiny step less than assault with a deadly weapon. So you know he was up to no good. I don’t blame the restaurant AT ALL for having the cops get this guy out of their establishment before he created a scene and started destroying their property.

So that’s a perfect reason to have yet another protest and destroy things. Riiiight.

W. T. F. ?  How much more of this dogshit are we going to put up with? Arrest these scumbags by the thousands, and beat the living crap out of any who give you the slightest trouble. It’s time to take our nation back. It’s time to stop this insane anarchist protest / rebellion infantile tantrum.

Madison protesters tear down Capitol statues, attack state Senator from Milwaukee as fury erupts again

Fury exploded outside the Wisconsin State Capitol on Tuesday night as protesters smashed windows at the statehouse, attacked a state senator, and tore down two iconic statues — including one of an abolitionist who died trying to end slavery during the Civil War.

The unrest began earlier Tuesday following the arrest of a Black man who was arrested after bringing a megaphone and a baseball bat into a Capitol square restaurant. It followed weeks of mostly peaceful protests of the death of George Floyd, a Black man who was killed by a white police officer.

It prompted Gov. Tony Evers on Wednesday to put the Wisconsin National Guard on notice to protect state buildings, including the Capitol. During the melee late Tuesday, Democratic state Sen. Tim Carpenter was assaulted after filming the protesters.

“I don’t know what happened ... all I did was stop and take a picture ... and the next thing I’m getting five-six punches, getting kicked in the head,” Carpenter told a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporter following the assault.


Protesters, chanting for the release of the man who’d been arrested earlier, also broke glass at the Tommy Thompson Center on West Washington Avenue, smashed windows and lights at the state Capitol, and set a small fire at the Dane County jail before police arrived just before 1 a.m.

The violent demonstrations followed the arrest of Devonere Johnson by Madison police officers after Johnson brought a bullhorn and baseball bat into Cooper’s Tavern, a restaurant on the Capitol square.

“Officers attempted to place him under arrest for his actions inside the restaurant,” the Madison police officers wrote in a report. “Johnson resisted arrest and struggled with officers ... Johnson was able to push past officers and escape from the squad car before being tackled as he attempted to escape.”


In Madison, statues of Wisconsin’s motto “Forward” and of Col. Hans Christian Heg were dragged away from their spots guarding the statehouse.

Heg was an anti-slavery activist who fought and died for the Union during the U.S. Civil War. His nearly 100-year-old sculpture was decapitated and thrown into a Madison lake by protesters.

The original Forward statue was first placed in front of the Wisconsin State Capitol in 1895. Protesters tore down a replica that was commissioned in the 1990s.

Forward is “an allegory of devotion and progress,” according to the Wisconsin Historical Society.

Madison Police Department said 200 to 300 protesters were within the crowd that ultimately became violent.

The group first entered a private condo building in Madison and surrounded a tow truck, forcing the owner to abandon the vehicle before smashing windows and tearing down the Capitol statues.

A molotov cocktail also was thrown into the Madison and Dane County administration building where the county jail sits.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/24/2020 at 09:23 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLE •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
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It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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