Sarah Palin is the only woman who can make Tony Romo WIN a playoff.

calendar   Tuesday - April 14, 2015

Sure Am Glad Bush Built The Border Fence

ISIS Camps Just South Of The Border

ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas, according to Judicial Watch sources that include a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector.

The exact location where the terrorist group has established its base is around eight miles from the U.S. border in an area known as “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Another ISIS cell to the west of Ciudad Juárez, in Puerto Palomas, targets the New Mexico towns of Columbus and Deming for easy access to the United States, the same knowledgeable sources confirm.

During the course of a joint operation last week, Mexican Army and federal law enforcement officials discovered documents in Arabic and Urdu, as well as “plans” of Fort Bliss – the sprawling military installation that houses the US Army’s 1st Armored Division. Muslim prayer rugs were recovered with the documents during the operation.

Law enforcement and intelligence sources report the area around Anapra is dominated by the Vicente Carrillo Fuentes Cartel (“Juárez Cartel”), La Línea (the enforcement arm of the cartel) and the Barrio Azteca (a gang originally formed in the jails of El Paso). Cartel control of the Anapra area make it an extremely dangerous and hostile operating environment for Mexican Army and Federal Police operations.

According to these same sources, “coyotes” engaged in human smuggling – and working for Juárez Cartel – help move ISIS terrorists through the desert and across the border between Santa Teresa and Sunland Park, New Mexico. To the east of El Paso and Ciudad Juárez, cartel-backed “coyotes” are also smuggling ISIS terrorists through the porous border between Acala and Fort Hancock, Texas. These specific areas were targeted for exploitation by ISIS because of their understaffed municipal and county police forces, and the relative safe-havens the areas provide for the unchecked large-scale drug smuggling that was already ongoing.


And here we are with such a porous border. By decree.

Perhaps, in more normal times, there wouldn’t be much doubt that this whole JADE HELM was going to be anything other than a Blackjack Pershing style raid down across the border, a la Pancho Villa, to wipe this ISIS bunch off the map. And any cartel clowns that got in the way ... too bad. Unfortunately, these are not normal times, and this is not a normal government. They’ve armed the cartels. They sure seem to support “radical islam”. And there’s been a severe purge of so many of the old line, old school officers in the military.

I’d be pretty darned concerned if I lived within a thousand miles of this.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/14/2015 at 11:52 AM   
Filed Under: • MexicoWar On Terror •  
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calendar   Monday - March 25, 2013

Diabolical Stupidity

Too Stupid To Be Random Chance

Border Patrol Uniforms To Be Made In Mexico

“Ah, so sorry Senor, the machine she got stuck, and made an extra 250,000 uniforms by mistake. Not to worry, we sold them all for cheap to my cousin Pedro to cover expenses.”

( - U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has granted uniform contracts to VF Imagewear, Inc., an apparel company that relies on manufacturing sites in Mexico for a “significant percentage” of its occupational garments.

The latest contract with the company was awarded on Dec. 20, 2012, to make “uniform and insignia items” for the CBP at an estimated cost of $6,157,997.57, and a ceiling of $8 million.

The CBP, which is responsible for protecting America’s borders, told that items from VF Imagewear, a subsidiary of VF Corporation, are manufactured in a number of locations, “including Mexico.”

“There are no domestic preference regulations or statutes applicable to DHS/CBP that would prohibit the manufacture of uniform items in Mexico,” the CBP said.  “In fact, United States obligations under International Agreements require that the Agency accept items manufactured in Mexico.”

Well, there you go. Effed up regulations and treaties we get the short and dirty end of the stick on. But this is wrong. No, it’s far, far beyond wrong. This is past even typical thoughtless pig-headed stupidity. This smacks of “not enforcing laws we don’t like”. Of subverting the system from within, man. This smells almost like treason. It has the same kind of smarmy stench to it.

Sure, NAFTA and other treaties say we have to buy things from those other companies. But you do your research first, and then you award the contract under the Stimulus Plan, putting Americans back to work. And you have a little talk with the owners of the company ahead of time, just to make sure you have an understanding. No outsourcing this one. No offshoring. No importing. Here, you want an import contract? Here’s the shoelaces contract. Go get them from Honduras.

Effing government. It’s like they’re TRYING to fail. To weaken America. To leave us weak and exposed.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 03/25/2013 at 10:29 AM   
Filed Under: • GovernmentMexicoStoopid-People •  
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calendar   Wednesday - February 06, 2013

Just Stay Home

Despite “excellent security”, tourists in Acapulco raped, robbed, and beaten

MEXICO CITY—Six Spanish tourists on vacation in Acapulco were raped by masked gunmen who burst into their lodgings in the middle of the night, roughed up their companions and made off with cash, laptops and other valuables, authorities said.

The attack early Monday on what was in Mexico a long holiday weekend came as the one-time tourist mecca struggles to salvage its reputation. Acapulco, faded gem of Mexico’s Pacific coast, has become one of the deadliest cities in the country as rival drug traffickers fight for control.

“This is a very regrettable incident that undoubtedly hurts Acapulco,” Mayor Luis Walton Aburto said at a news conference.

Most of the violence has been limited to dicier parts of the city not frequented by tourists. But this attack took place near the beach about six miles south of the so-called Diamond Zone, Acapulco’s newest and most luxurious enclave.

Acapulco’s city government press office said the tourists had rented a bungalow on Enchanted Beach south of the city, alongside small four-star hotels that advertise themselves as places for meditation, relaxation and yoga.

Walton said at least five gunmen entered the rooms where the tourists were sleeping, beat and tied up six men and raped six Spanish women. A seventh woman, a Mexican national, was unharmed, he said. The nationalities of the male tourists were not disclosed.

Right on the beach, in the trendiest part of the most famous and money making chunk of the country. Good going, amigos. Muy bueno.

Oh, and “violence limited to the dicier parts of the city”?? Are you kidding me?? The part of Acapulco that isn’t beachfront tourist area is maybe 2 square miles. And the federales can’t keep that area peaceful and happy, when the entire city has good paying jobs working in the tourista trade. Riiight.

Obviously Mexico can not protect anything, anyone, or anywhere from the narco thugs. Maybe we should invade 150 miles or so “for their own good”, clear out the population, and claim the land down to the next river. Not that we’ve got any use for it, but we should have a buffer zone. Just in case, you know?
In the meantime, stay the hell out of Mexico. Spend your vacation money somewhere else, like in your own home state.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 02/06/2013 at 11:23 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeMexico •  
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calendar   Monday - February 27, 2012

There Goes The Tourist Money

Guess we won’t be taking that luxury cruise down to Mexico after all. Not that we’d do such a foolish thing. But I sort of get the feeling nobody else will be either. The Mexicali Blues Cruise is one carnival we can do without.

Bus Full of Cruise Ship Passengers Robbed In Mexico

Hooded bandits robbed 22 Carnival Splendor cruise ship passengers at gunpoint as they traveled on a bus near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, several days into a cruise that left from Long Beach, Calif., the Los Angeles Times reported Sunday.

The tourists, who departed California on Feb. 19 and returned Sunday, were traveling on a bus after going on a nature hike Friday when the bandits struck near the Mexican port city, according to local media reports.


The company has suspended the nature trail tour from its list of activities for cruise passenger.

Hooded gunmen intercepted the tourists’ bus about 5 p.m. Thursday as it returned from the pueblo of El Nogalito, known for its trail through the jungle, according to the Mexican newspapers El Norte and La Jornada. The gunmen took cameras, money, watches and other valuables before fleeing into the countryside, the papers said.


The Carnival Splendor ship generally carries more than 3,000 passengers and operates year-round weeklong cruises from Long Beach.

As of last fall, one cruise line had decided to suspend stops in Puerto Vallarta, a popular port of call, because of the country’s ongoing drug war. That decision was made by Santa Clarita-based Princess Cruises, which, like Carnival Cruise Lines, is a unit of Carnival Corp.

Carnival itself did not cancel stops on its namesake cruise line in Puerto Vallarta, and Princess Cruises was set to resume visits to Puerto Vallarta this month.

A port north of Puerto Vallarta has also experienced problems. After a February 2011 shooting left two dead in a hotel parking lot in the tourist area of Mazatlan, several cruise lines began canceling stops, including Carnival Cruise Lines.

Yup, it’s starting alright ...

Regular voyages to the Mexican Riviera, long a mainstay of San Diego’s cruise ship business, are likely to end by the fall of 2012 with the decision by Holland America to move one of its key liners to Australia.

The cruise line’s 1,926-passenger Oosterdam and the 2,500-passenger Carnival Spirit are the only two vessels that currently head to the Mexican Riviera on a regular basis, and both are now scheduled to leave San Diego after April of 2012. The Spirit as well will be relocated to Australia.


The redeployment of the Oosterdam, which makes seven-day cruises to Mexico, marks the third ship to leave San Diego waters in the wake of a prolonged economic downturn and rising violence in Mexico.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 02/27/2012 at 09:40 AM   
Filed Under: • Mexico •  
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calendar   Thursday - October 13, 2011

I must be reading this wrong

Drug Smugglers Dig Tunnels Under AZ metered parking spaces

DHS solution: remove the parking meters

In the latest innovation uncovered by law enforcement, smugglers in the border town of Nogales, Arizona were bringing drugs into the U.S. for the cost of a quarter.

The parking meters on International Street, which hugs the border fence in Nogales, cost 25 cents. Smugglers in Mexico tunneled under the fence and under the metered parking spaces, and then carefully cut neat rectangles out of the pavement. Their confederates on the U.S. side would park false-bottomed vehicles in the spaces above the holes, feed the meters, and then wait while the underground smugglers stuffed their cars full of drugs from below.

In all, U.S. Border Patrol agents found 16 tunnels leading to the 18 metered parking spaces on International Street. The pavement is now riddled with neat, symmetrical patches.

The city, advised by Homeland Security, has agreed to remove the parking meters. Nogales stands to lose $8,500 annually in parking revenue, plus the cost of citations.

Yeah, that’ll fix things just fine.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/13/2011 at 04:29 PM   
Filed Under: • Border SecurityCrimeMexico •  
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calendar   Tuesday - June 14, 2011

Suspects ‘would have died’ at hands of lynch-mob, say police.

Well BRAVO to the mob who tried their best to do the correct thing.  People who were just plain fed up to the teeth of being at the mercy of thugs.
This is the result of what happens when “justice” goes missing from the term criminal justice system. Pity it can’t happen more often.  If it did, the courts would soon get their act together and nullify all the left wing hand wringers and bleeding hearts.
I’m sorry the crowd here didn’t get to finish the job.  Maybe they’ll get smart and find ways to get their own tear gas before extra police arrive to use theirs, and see justice done.  For once.

Lynch-mob justice Mexican-style: Hundreds of furious villagers ambush suspected thieves as they cower in police car

Last updated at 11:02 AM on 14th June 2011

Residents in crime-ridden suburb fight back against gangs.

Suspects ‘would have died’ at hands of lynch-mob, say police.

The three men and one woman had been arrested just moments earlier as they allegedly tried to rob an off-licence in an Lorenzo Acopilco, Mexico City.

Fed-up residents say their village is plague by crime and that businesses are constantly extorted by gangs.

The mob took out their frustrations on the suspected thieves and ambushed the police car as they were being taken away on Monday afternoon.

Baying crowds surrounded the patrol car and smashed the windows by hurling stones and bricks at it.

The terrified suspects were reported to be Hugo Manuel Vera, 25 years old, Virginia Luna, 19, Angel Ibarra, 24, and Ivan Sotelo, 41.

They cowered inside the battered shell as just inches away the villagers tried desperately to attack them.


The vehicle was held up for a number of hours as irate locals flooded the roads to prevent the alleged crooks from escaping.

One man climbed onto the bonnet of the car and slammed a brick through the windscreen. Dozens of the others desperately tried to get to the suspected criminals.

Officers wearing helmets and using large shields had to fight back the residents.

Ironically, police said that the suspects would have been killed had reinforcements not arrived to disperse the crowds.

Riot police filed in and used tear gas to force away the mob and allow the police car to leave safely.

Villagers told Mexican news stations that the area is plagued with robbery, rape and extortion of businesses.

see lots more here

See More Below The Fold


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/14/2011 at 08:04 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - February 03, 2011

update to Top Gear story re. Mexico. Mexican student in UK has lawyers, they want to sue. figures.


Posted yesterday .....

Top Gear’s slur on Mexicans (and their cars) as ‘lazy, feckless and flatulent’

We’re not like that, insists ambassador after Top Gear’s slur on Mexicans (and their cars) as ‘lazy, feckless and flatulent’

Sir ... sorry to wake you up but, some of you are like that. Where the hell do you suppose the stereotype came from?
We once had a Mexican fellow doing our lawn when we lived in Riverside,Ca. Been doing it for a few years, there were odd problems but nothing to be upset about. Well, one day he didn’t show up at all. Couldn’t understand why so I called him.  Oh he says in that kind of slow and lazy manner, “I forgot”.
But when he was working he did the job and wasn’t lazy about that.

So, some beaner comes to the UK ... she’s offended ... and her lawyers want a Brit show taken off the air. Was a glorious time in the past when nobody would even think of that and if they did they would be sent packing. 

Well folks, some ppl didn’t let any grass (no pun) grow under their feet.  The BBC is being sued cos of the comments made, one student studying jewelery design here, (she had to come the the UK for that?) is insulted as of course is the Mexican Ambassador. Everyone is insulted AND ...
of course stupid idiot white politicians (well most are) have jumped on the bandwagon castigating the BBC for allowing this awful program to say naughty things about Mexico.  Some members of parliament want the BBC to say sorry for racist comments. Jeesh.  Damn it. Mexico is like a screen door on a submarine and has been for years.  I once had my car searched by Mexican border control and the guard who searched my car wanted a “tip” for his trouble.  That’s how things work in that place I guess. 

The Deputy Prime Minister is due to visit Mexico and I suppose an apology has to be given even if nobody is sorry, cos those folks in Mexico have plenty of time to run riot and make life a tad difficult should he go there without an apology first.

As for the law suit, I think she’s trying for a deep pocket pay out.  She probably never even saw the show. No matter, I hope she walks in front of a bus.

Mexican takes legal action against Top Gear after Hammond calls her nation ‘lazy, feckless and flatulent’

Last updated at 5:16 PM on 3rd February 2011

Lawyers claim it could cost BBC £1m
A Mexican has instructed lawyers to bring a test case against Top Gear after her countrymen were branded ‘lazy, feckless and flatulent’ on the hit show.

Iris de la Torre, a jewellery design student in London, is bringing the claim under a new equality law. Her lawyers claim it could cost the BBC £1million in damages.

They have demanded the hit BBC1 motoring show is taken off the air and an investigation made into the comments.

MPs have also now demanded that the BBC apologises over the ‘ignorant, derogatory and racist remarks’.  In a Commons motion, a cross-party group of six MPs said the comments were ‘unacceptable and untimely’.

They said: ‘This level of ignorance is far below anything expected from anyone in the public eye and illustrates a serious lack of judgment by the programme-makers.’

The group wants the BBC to apologise as a ‘matter of urgency’ before Nick Clegg visits Mexico this month in case the row upsets diplomatic relations.

On Sunday night’s show, Richard Hammond was discussing a Mexican sports car and suggested that vehicles reflect the national characteristics of the country they are from.

He added: ‘Mexican cars are just going to be lazy, feckless, flatulent, leaning against a fence asleep looking at a cactus with a blanket with a hole in the middle on as a coat.’


This is the car Top Gear was talking about btw.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/03/2011 at 02:59 PM   
Filed Under: • Mexico •  
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calendar   Wednesday - February 02, 2011

Top Gear’s slur on Mexicans (and their cars) as ‘lazy, feckless and flatulent’

okay .. this is pretty funny. unless you’re Mexican and can’t take a joke.

seems like these days anything can be racist or sexist or whatever. unless ur attacking Christians of course. open season there.

anyway ... I can not find this on YT yet. just one boring guy who made an audio slamming Top Gear. As one person commented there, the guy doing the commentary audio could put a one eyed person to sleep.

so what I have here is the article from the morning paper. maybe later there will be a video on YT. it won’t be legal tho you bet. BUT ... it’s available
on the BBC iPlayer for a short time.  I haven’t seen it yet.

We’re not like that, insists ambassador after Top Gear’s slur on Mexicans (and their cars) as ‘lazy, feckless and flatulent’

Last updated at 9:13 AM on 2nd February 2011

Mexican food described as ‘like sick with cheese on it’

Jeremy Clarkson predicted no complaints as the ambassador would be snoring in front of the TV
The BBC was embroiled in a new diplomatic row last night after the Mexican ambassador attacked ‘offensive, xenophobic and humiliating’ remarks about his country on Top Gear.

Eduardo Medina-Mora Icaza protested after Richard Hammond branded Mexicans ‘lazy, feckless, and flatulent’ before he and fellow presenter James May insulted the country’s food.

Jeremy Clarkson then claimed that the ambassador to the UK wouldn’t complain because he would be snoring in front of the television at his embassy.

However, the ambassador has made a formal complaint to the BBC and called for the presenters to make a public apology for stirring ‘bigoted feelings against the Mexican people’.

The Japanese embassy also protested recently after Stephen Fry joked on the quiz show QI that a Second World War survivor of both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs was ‘the unluckiest man in the world’. The BBC apologised.

On Sunday night’s episode of Top Gear, which can still be seen on the BBC iPlayer, Hammond was discussing a Mexican sports car and suggested that vehicles reflect the national characteristics of the country they are from.

He added: ‘Mexican cars are just going to be lazy, feckless, flatulent, leaning against a fence asleep looking at a cactus with a blanket with a hole in the middle on as a coat.’

He also referred to Mexican food as ‘refried sick’ while May said it was ‘like sick with cheese on it’.

In his letter to the BBC, the ambassador wrote: ‘The presenters of the programme resorted to outrageous, vulgar and inexcusable insults to stir bigoted feelings against the Mexican people, their culture as well as their official representative in the United Kingdom.

‘These offensive, xenophobic and humiliating remarks only serve to reinforce negative stereotypes and perpetuate prejudice against Mexico and its people.’

It is not the first time Top Gear, with its blend of motoring news, schoolboy humour and audacious stunts, has got into trouble. In 2008 the show was rapped by the BBC Trust for showing Clarkson and May sipping gin and tonic at the wheel during a stunt.

Only last month Clarkson criticised censorship on television.

He said backstage at the National Television Awards that the recent Sky Sports sexism row raised the danger of people being punished for ‘heresy by thought’. He said: ‘We’ve arrived at a stage where you actually can be busted for heresy by thought, which is a terrifying place to live.

‘While we try very hard on Top Gear not to be sexist, if a man wants to think that, that’s fine.

‘You should be allowed to think what you think.’

The BBC has received more than 70 complaints about Sunday night’s episode of Top Gear.


I was once married to a Mexican lady. Feels like a hundred years ago.  But she sure didn’t fit any stereotype I was familiar with. And not lazy at all.
There’s jokes about all of us because there’s also some truth to some of the humor. But often times, the humor can be harsh because the subject fits the shoe.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/02/2011 at 08:43 AM   
Filed Under: • Mexico •  
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calendar   Saturday - November 06, 2010

Close The Damn Border

Mexico’s drug war is within inches of spilling over into the US. Close the border, send in the Army, and let Mexico solve it’s own problems. Failing that, invade and create a 100 mile wide burnt out buffer zone.

Mexico kills top drug lord at U.S. border

Mexican marines killed drug baron Ezequiel “Tony Tormenta” Cardenas in a ferocious gunfight at the U.S. border on Friday, a fleeting victory for President Felipe Calderon that is unlikely to quell raging violence.

Around 150 marines backed by helicopters and soldiers fought running battles with members of the powerful Gulf cartel for hours in Matamoros, across from Brownsville, Texas, terrifying residents and briefly shutting border bridges.

Dodging grenades and coming under heavy fire from gunmen hidden in houses and shooting from trucks, the marines moved in on Cardenas, one of Mexico’s most-wanted traffickers, and killed him on Friday afternoon, the navy said.

“He died in a shootout with us,” a navy spokesman said.

Three marines and four gunmen were killed, the navy said. A reporter was killed after being caught in crossfire, local media reported.

Cardenas, 48, was the brother of former Gulf cartel leader Osiel Cardenas, who was extradited to Texas in 2007. He had a $5 million bounty on his head in the United States and ran the powerful gang with his partner, Jorge Eduardo Costilla, known as El Coss, who is still at large.

Gunfire broke out in Matamoros Friday, leaving at least 47 people dead and causing the closure of all three bridges between Brownsville and Mexico. The fighting reportedly involved members of the Gulf Cartel, the Zetas and Mexican federal police and military.

University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College closed the Fort Brown campus and moved the soccer games scheduled for Friday night to the Brownsville Sports Park.

Gunfire was reported in Matamoros in a number of incidents beginning Friday morning, with at least 30 people dead by around noon, according to a law enforcement official who spoke on condition that his name not be used. In the afternoon, a major confrontation near city hall killed at least 17 more people, the source said.

One of those killed around midday was identified as Carlos Alberto Guajardo, 37, a reporter for the newspaper El Expreso. Sources with knowledge of the incident said Guajardo apparently was killed by soldiers who were chasing narcotics traffickers.

The gunfire was heard by UTB-TSC officials, who were at the men’s and women’s soccer finals of the Red River Athletic Conference Tournament at the campus.

“At first we were not sure if they were fireworks,” said Ronnie Zamora, sports information director for UTB-TSC. “But you could smell the smoke of the gunfire.”
His assistant, Cynthia Hernandez, a junior at UTB-TSC, said she was terrified when she heard the noise.

“I was shocked that this could happen so close to campus,” said Hernandez. “I don’t think the other (out-of-state) teams realized how close we were to the border, what we are dealing with down here.”

Hilda Silva, vice president for student affairs, said she believed the situation had been handled quickly and properly.

As soon as something like this happens, the campus police, Brownsville PD, everybody comes together to decide what needs to happen to keep our students safe,” Silva said.

The first bulletin sent out about 5 p.m. alerted the campus community to stay indoors. About 30 minutes later, all classes were canceled, and faculty, staff and students were asked to leave the campus immediately.

I’d certainly call this situation too close for comfort. What the hell is the government waiting for? 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/06/2010 at 12:22 PM   
Filed Under: • Border SecurityCrimeMexico •  
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calendar   Friday - July 09, 2010

Caught In The Filter

Hey, was I asleep? This happened back on June 1st, and the only way I found out about it was through an intense Googling I did in reaction to some comment over at Human Events. But it fits the MSM meme to a “T”; it should have been headline news for a week. Was this a huge story on all the major networks but not on Fox News? A bit hit across the Leftosphere, but unmentioned by the VRWC? Or is anything and everything that happens down at the border ignored on general principle? Beats me.

June 1st: Laredo Texas cops seize honest-to-God arsenal 3 blocks from the border

In a team effort, the Laredo Police and the Webb County Sheriff’s Departments seize one of the biggest weapon seizures in ten years. Over the weekend, the Webb County Sheriff’s Department received information that there was a vehicle transporting illegal contraband. That contraband was all of these riffles, specifically AK 47’s, fully-automatic.

“It carries high capacity of ammunition and we are very happy to have done this seizure.”, says Sheriff Martin Cuellar.

The total number of weapons seized included 147 assault riffles, 263 high capacity magazines, and 10 thousand rounds of ammunition.

“With this seizure we predict that it was going across since they are having a lot of trouble over there at this point...getting a hold of these arms.”

Texas police say they acted on a tip-off and stopped a truck. Inside, they found 147 assault rifles, 53 bayonets and more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition they believe were heading across the border to Mexico.

“This is one of the biggest cases we’ve ever seen here in this city,” Laredo police officer Alberto Escobedo told Reuters.

“It’s a tremendous blow to drug traffickers and organised crime.”
Drug-related violence in Mexico has left some 23,000 people dead since President Calderon came to office in December 2006 and launched a crackdown on drug gangs.

The first link is to the local TV news and has a video. The two guys in the truck ran away but were later captured. The FBI is involved and the investigation continues. Were the guns actually select-fire AKs? Were they brand new, because they look that way in the video and this picture, many in what look like factory boxes:


The vehicle was stopped heading east on International Boulevard. The passenger of the vehicle, who has not been identified, attempted to flee on foot before being apprehended. Officers then discovered the arms cache inside the van.

In a press conference on Tuesday announcing the seizure, local and federal authorities said this was the largest assault rifle bust in the U.S within the last 10 years.

I pulled up Google Maps, and “east on International” is heading away from the border crossing point in the SW end of Laredo, and away from the local airport, but it’s also heading towards the border crossing point at the NW end of town. So who can say? Gang bangers in the US want these guns just as much as the drug scum down in Mexico.

And while this was a pretty huge bust, it was by no means the only one. Just 3 days before this a Marine Reservist was caught trying to sneak about 60 ARs and AKs across, 100 miles up the road in La Pryor. And 180 miles up Route 277, just 3 weeks later Del Rio police stopped a couple of Mexicans with 15 assault rifles, 4 pistols, 61 loaded magazines and 123 boxes of ammo in the trunk. Now, how did that happen? Are Mexicans even allowed to buy guns in the US?

Some months ago a lot of right leaning blogs denied the claims that the vast majority of assault weapons going to the drug gangs down there came from the US. Couldn’t happen we said. Not possible. Well ... maybe we put too fine a point on it, bitterly clinging to the actual definition of assault weapon instead of the common use one. It looks like we may have been wrong. 3 busts in a month, 225 guns seized. And that’s a) the stories that I found in only a couple of minutes, and b) the shipments that got caught. How many more got through? And while these weapons may not be the “vast majority” it’s pretty obvious that enough guns to arm several small armies are getting through.

I owe the picture and several of the links here to the excellent Borderland Beat Blog. I think this is a new daily read. It will scare the crap out of you.

And no, legalizing any and all drugs is not the answer. Not unless you want anarchy and even more useless lay-abouts. Securing the border, and if necessary burning out the rat’s nest of northern Mexico is only answer I can see. No entrada, no pista, no problemo.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/09/2010 at 08:45 PM   
Filed Under: • Guns and Gun ControlMexico •  
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calendar   Wednesday - June 23, 2010

Who needs Cliff Notes when you’ve got Wikipedia?

Why Mexico Hates Us

A Clarissa Drew Explains It All essay, Wikipedia driven, with only moderate amounts of elitist racism thrown in for humorous intent.

so let’s see
10,000BC - 1492 various natives spend their time stealing territory from each other. Wars of conquest are called “pressure” by historians, causing this tribe or that one to move, die, or rise to short term prominence.

1500s Spanish Conquistadors steal Mexico from the natives, and make vast land claims for New Spain, from Oregon all the way down to the southern tip of Argentina, including all the islands in the sea. They quickly set about Getting Rich Quick by raping, torturing, and murdering most of the indigenous population and stealing their gold, while hiring their cousins for every job opening that comes along. And they do the same. And so on, and so on.

1600-1700s the rest of Europe does what they can to send pirates after the Spanish in the new world. Plunder and booty, arrggh! New Spain is just as corrupt as old Spain, and a very few wind up owning most of everything. Lots of poor mestizos in certain places, few to none in most others. Few to no remaining natives either; most of them died. More than a million square miles of territory, a few hundred thousand actual Spaniards. Maybe less. Most are drunk.

1803 France needs money. France always needs money. They have some little dude in charge and he has big ideas. So Napolean sells off the entire middle chunk of North America, more than 820,000 square miles, for $15 million. And then spends the money to buy guns, boots, and beans. France is pretty much out of the New World Business at this point.

1807 Napoleon takes over most of Europe. Including Spain. Which means he now owns New Spain too, so he puts his brother Joe on the throne of Spain. Which means he’s got to deal with New Spain too. And they just left this damn hemispere! Loyalist rich folks in Mexico don’t like having a frog on the throne, but this is the fact: From 1807-1811 the entire New Spain area belonged to France. With Napoleon’s victory, they now had almost as much land in the New World than they’d just sold. And this chunk you eventually could sail to, without those pesky English in the way.

France was busy in Europe, so while they weren’t looking, Mexicans declare independance 9/16/1810. From Spain. This starts a war, primarily because the Fwench were so damn insulted by the beaners declaring independence from the wrong country that they had to shoot somebody. Meanwhile, even the Spanish were upset at being ruled by somebody called King Joe, so they start the Penninsula War. This goes on forever, and eventually leads to more than 100,000 episodes of Sharp’s Rifles on BBC4. But at least King Joe ended the Spanish Inquisition, which nobody expected. Joe abdicates and moves to New Jersey. Man, talk about a fall from grace.

Finally ousting the French in 1814, and finding themselves broke, in 1816 Spain generously gives the US several pieces of New Spain that they have no use for: Florida, western Louisiana, and a chunk of Colorado that no one had actually ever been to.

1821 Spain is back in control of Spain, but is temporarily tired of shooting people, so gives up New Spain to Mexico. Mexico isn’t sure they actually want it. What they want is to be independant, but still have the king of Spain take care of them. In other words, they are teenage girls. Spain seizes the chance to say No way Jose! for the first time and Mexico finds their own king. This junta based Empire lasts a whole 2 years.

1823 Santa Anna takes over with some other generals, with the help of a sneaky back stabbing pact called The Plan of Casa Mata. He calls his junta a Republic, calls for Hope and Change, and promises to spread the wealth around. He lied.

1830s Santa Anna notices that the United States is growing rapidly. Canada is growing rapidly. Brazil is growing rapidly. Mexico is still trying to figure out how to steal hubcaps. So he gets this idea to ask a bunch of gringos to Come On Down, it’s time to play The Price Is Right!!! and tells them, hey, lots of land, and no taxes. For 10 years!! This creates Texas. It created Texas so well that after a couple years he realises that his request for immigration is more like an invasion, so he tries to close the borders. And we know how well that works! He also changes his mind and reneges on that “read my lips, no taxes” thing. Newly minted Texans are both unhappy and out of Lone Star, so they revolt. But their numbers are too small, so Santa Anna comes in and shoots them all.

1835 This is the good part. The revolt in Texas lasts 4 long months. Santa Anna gets whupped but good by the Texicans. So he gives up, and recognizes Texas as it’s own other country. He goes home to Mexico, where they fire him. This time. But the average Pablo in Mexico doesn’t buy the deal: Santa Anna is gone, so what he said doesn’t count anymore. Mexico makes no move to try and retake Texas, because they aren’t that stupid. But that little twist in their heads is born, and it never really goes away.

1840-something. Having lots of gold somehow, and a hot date with the Westward Ho!, the US tries to buy California and New Mexico. Both areas are pretty much empty of people. Well, people that matter anyway, like white folks. Mexico is still grumpy and sore from the ass-kicking they got in Texas, so they Just Say No.

1845 After nearly 10 years, Texas realizes that they are really Americans at heart. What the heck, twice now their Republic’s President has been this guy Sam from Virginia. So they jump on the red, white, and blue bandwagon, improving both countries with one annexation. Yee ha!

1848 This annexation stuff is great! Plus, the beaners still owe all our people for that immigration dealio they reneged on. So let’s talk about that land again, bandejo. Make a Deal or we shoot!

1848 We shoot. And accidentally take over most of Mexico. We quickly give it back after finding out what happens when you drink the water. Possibly actually guilty of the dreaded American Imperialism for the first and only time, we make that land deal finally, but to our advantage. And pay for it by wiping out all the debt that Santa Anna owed our people from before. Having been perfectly happy taking the land from the natives 350 years earlier by the magical act of just walking through it once and sticking a flag in here and there, the beaners are really sore that they have now lost a whole bunch of land that they never went to or did anything with. And got paid for it with their own money that they never really had either. Nothing for nothing, and we gave them back all of their real country when we didn’t really have to. Which is a pretty good deal in those days. But this is the beginning of a new Mexican swear word, “Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo”, which is right up there with “chinga su madre”.

1853 The US buys a little slice of dirt and rock from Mexico. Again, it’s empty territory. Utterly worthless land. Scorpions and coyotes and sand, oh my. This time we give them gold. Lots of it. $10 million. Don’t tell the Mexicans that most of that gold came from California, the land we got our hands on 5 years ago. And who did we deal with? Santa Anna! Back in power for the nth time, he wanted money to build up his army (sounds familiar?) to attack the US! So we sent this guy Gadsden down to talk to him with a whole trainfull of cash. We wanted that dingusy thingy hanging south off of California, because we realized even then that Baja would someday be a most excellent party spot. And toss in a couple of those northern states, just for fun. But Santa baby wasn’t selling, not even for $50 million. So we bought this little strip of land, just so we could make the borders pretty looking on the maps. And he bit. Mwaaahahahaha, we immediately put in a railroad and some hotels, just like when you play Monopoly, and promptly made millions. Residents of Baja, Sonora, Chihuahua and Coahulla are newly pissed off, because the borders have moved again and they’re still on the wrong side! Santa Anna goes back to Mexico City. Again. Where they fire him. Again.

1860-1865 Americans are too busy shooting each other to bother with Mexico. So France invades Mexico, with some help by the local rich folk who were Citizens Of The World, and highly nuanced, and were tired of the “little people” always having revolutions. The peasants ARE revolting, you know. So in 1865 they supported their fellow elitists, even if they were eurotrash. And France wins!

1867 France loses! In their ultimate wisdom they put one of those spare Hapsburg princes on the Mexi-throne. Some Maximilian dude. Who to his own surprise really liked Mexico. But he left his iron fist in Austria, so when the little people took over again, they applied the lessons they had learned from the Santa Anna revolving door. So instead of firing him, they fired AT him. No more empire!

1867-1910 Who knows? Who cares? Well, actually Mexico went through several governments and managed to do that while shooting very few people. No wait, I’m wrong. They had their own Saddam Hussein, a “democratic dictator” named Profiro Diaz. While he was good for modernizing the country and getting industry rolling, he did it by exploiting the daylights out of the peasants. And the cycle went around again, and again, finally resulting in this guy with a big hat and an even bigger mustache, Pancho Villa. This gave Willie Nelson, who was so young he was actually sober, a chance to write his first song.

1910 Mexico has a bit of a democratic revolution. With shooting. Lots of it. Pancho Villa helps support his candidate Francisco Madero by invading the United States. Huh? 100 years later and still nobody understands that one. The US sends down Blackjack Pershing (and that was his PC name, considering he had served with a certain colored cavalry unit prior to this. He learns that trucks are better than horses, Villa runs around and winds up a national hero, and Madero wins the revolution. He quickly turns out to be just as big a dick as Diaz, coining that classic Mexican expression “meet the new boss, same as the old boss”. The peasants, having lots of revolutionary experience by now, and backed by that catchy and yet annoying Abba tune, revolt again. And again. And again. Finally this guy Carranza is in charge ... and then he gets the Zimmerman Telegram.

The what? See, Carranza was a Man With A Plan. What plan? Why, he was La Hombre de La Raza Numero Uno! While the US was busy looking to the east, watching the Great War devour Europe, a certain Kaiser Bill sent his menschen down South Of The Border to do a deal. They’d do a serious Ollie North and sneak a huge bunch of American guns into Mexico, so Carranza could invade the US and take back all that stolen land that was never really theirs to begin with. And I guess the Jerrys were going to get some oil out of the deal, plus such an invasion would absolutely keep the US out of the war. What the hell, these are the same guys that turned Russia communist just to close down the Eastern Front.

Now, maybe Carranza did have a bone to pick with the US. A few years earlier we’d sort of, um, taken over one of their major cities. In a day. Again. There had been this little communications breakdown, and a bunch of our sailors had wound up in jail. Not because they were drunk and fighting on shore leave! No, they’d gone ashore to pick up some fuel, as they were allowed to do. But the place they went to was right in the middle of a battle during one of those earlier revolutions. So the Mexican soldiers arrested them. Hey, they got let out a day later, apologies all around, but our President, Wilson, a DEMOCRAT, got his nose out of joint and eventually sent the navy down to take over Veracruz. With a 100 ships and several thousand Marines to do the dirty work. Which they did, even better and faster than the army had done 70 years before that. Such a good job that the Corps wound up naming a whole training camp after the leatherneck in charge. But after letting the Marines blow some stuff up, we gave it back. Again. But it was a total bitch slap to Mexico, having to learn AGAIN that we could take over any part of their country whenever we felt like it. So he was out for revenge, and for glory. Lucky for us the English were having a grand old time cracking the Germans code. Thanks England! And that gave away the whole secret scheme. So that had to be a bit of humiliation for Mexico. For Germany too: when the news got out about the dirty deed they had tried, we pretty much declared war on them. And that. Was that.

Between then and now lots of other stuff happened too, but the pattern was carved in stone by 1917. Mostly we got the better end of things, but they did nationalize (steal) all the oil wells we’d built down there in 1938. And FDR let them get away with it. So it hasn’t been totally one sided. These days they’re getting the better of us, but at the cost of their country totally going down the toilet. At least the northern states, what with the drug wars. Maybe they should have sold them to Gadsden after all.

So Mexico has learned two things over the centuries. Rich people suck and take advantage of the peasants. And the US can smack them around at will. Whenever. Always. And in their eyes, we’re all rich. And they’re all peasants.

And Mexico is messed up, and always has been. And we aren’t. Comparatively. They suck, and we don’t. And dealing with us reminds the Mexicans just how much their country sucks, and in turn, how much they suck because even after 25 attempts they still can’t even do Mexican Revolutions right, and the rich always stay in power and the poor get screwed over. And that hasn’t changed in 500 years.

There ya go. That’s why they hate us. It’s a shame, but we’ve never really been friends with Mexico. Not like we try to be with Canada. We pretty much just wave and say “hi” and go about our business. Except when Mexico is actively being our enemy. Then we let the dogs out. But not for long. So given that history, why are we letting millions of them into our country? Why are half the violent gang members in our country from their country? And the drug thing. Doesn’t any of this count as “actively”?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/23/2010 at 10:16 PM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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