Sarah Palin knows how old the Chinese gymnasts are.

calendar   Thursday - December 01, 2011

Why Marriage Eludes the Modern Woman

Why Marriage Eludes the Modern Woman

This is a wonderful article. I especially like this quote:

“There are two ingredients to a healthy marriage: good food and good sex.”


Was Denken Sie Wardmama?


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 12/01/2011 at 12:52 AM   
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Didn’t even know I was gone did you?

I spent the weekend in the hospital. Again. Apparently just another panic/anxiety attack. While I was obviously in distress, they couldn’t find anything wrong. My heart is fine. My cholesterol is fine. My blood pressure, once I calmed down, is fine. When admitted it was 180/100. It dropped back down to my usual 122/80. And I’m still not diabetic.

But I really got to get a grip on these panic attacks. Read up on panic attacks on Wikipedia. Exactly what I was experiencing when I called 911. I don’t know what causes them.

The fun part is yet to come. I’m unemployed, and uninsured. I filled out all kinds of financial assistance forms. But, if necessary, I’ll raid my retirement funds. Which may cost me taxes and penalties for early withdrawal.

Oh well, I’m alive. And money can be replaced.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 12/01/2011 at 12:19 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - November 30, 2011

easy on the eyes … eye candy

Good evening all



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/30/2011 at 02:55 PM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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law and disorder

Well now isn’t it always or almost always, the way of things with some favored peoples.

As reported yesterday, a woman will appear in court on Dec. 6th to answer charges of (gasp) racism (where the hell does ‘ism’ come from? It’s applied to everything these days.) So anyway, she lost her cool in public and did a fair amount of swearing consisting chiefly of the ‘F’ word.  Be interesting to know when it goes down, what penalty she will get. Probably less for cussing then who she was cussing at.

Now we have this guy.  An altogether different story. As different as night and day.  The woman mentioned above is white, this fellow is of a much darker hue.
As you can see.  Score one for his side.

Teenage rapper who threatened to kill a mother and two children ‘spared jail so he can pursue music career’

Last updated at 7:06 PM on 30th November 2011


An up-and-coming teenage rapper who threatened to kill a mother and her two children has been spared jail so he can pursue his promising music career.

Agassi Odusina, 19, who performs under the name Sneakbo, is signed to the same management company as top London rapper Chipmunk.

Odusina admitted being in breach of an ASBO when he ‘aggressively threatened’ the mother earlier this year, after his sister had an affair with her husband.

Odusina approached the woman and her seven-year-old daughter, neither of whom can be named for legal reasons, and told her to leave his ‘sister alone’, a court heard.

Susan Hulme, prosecuting told Inner London Crown Court: ‘He pointed at where the victims lived and said ‘I know where you live and if you don’t leave her alone I will kill you and your two children’.

‘He then put his forefinger on the woman’s head and the seven-year-old child forehead.

‘The girl was so shocked at the aggressive approach that she cried.’

Hannah Stephenson, in mitigation, told the court her client had lost ‘commercial opportunities’ for his music since being imprisoned after the August attack.

She said: ‘He is signed to the Play Hard management company which also includes successful rapper Chipmunk.

‘His manager describes him as talented and focused and has a real opportunity for a career in music.

UK talent: Odusina is signed to Play Hard, the same management company as successful rapper Chipmunk (pictured)

‘He has been touted by the BBC and MTV as a rapper to watch. He is also discussing a recording deal with Universal/Mercury records.

‘Since going to jail he has missed a number of commercial opportunities.

‘He understands he may go to custody and if that happens he will lose his management deal and his recording contract will have to be cancelled.’

more at the source


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/30/2011 at 02:32 PM   
Filed Under: • Daily LifeUK •  
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another angry woman , another video.

Well, here we go again and again it’s a woman losing her cool in public.
Maybe it’ll catch on and so many will do likewise that there won’t be any jails with room for em all. Cos if everyone who felt this way spoke out this way, there damn well wouldn’t be room.  So to make room, the authorities would be forced to early release ppl already in jail. Like robbers and rapists and killers.
Oh wait ... they do that anyway.

There is a video and it’s at the link.

I don’t really think these women are very good examples to be followed, but as noted yesterday, there really is a boiling rage going on.  And they do really speak for many.  The “outrage” the papers write about is mostly by the left I would think. 

‘You’re in my country now, talk my language’: Second woman filmed ‘hurling vile racist abuse’
Police are investigating and appealing for information
Last updated at 3:06 PM on 30th November 2011

Police are hunting a woman who was secretly filmed appearing to hurl racist abuse at passengers on a train just days after another woman allegedly ranted at travellers.

In the latest YouTube clip filmed on a train between London and Manchester, the woman is seen yelling at a group of passengers: ‘You’re in my country now, talk my language. Don’t f****** talk your ****, talk my language. You ****, ****’

The video has been viewed thousands of times and follows outrage over the alleged racist rant by a woman on a tram in Croydon, South London earlier this week.

In the latest video a dark-haired woman is seen jabbing her finger towards passengers, thought to be Middle Eastern, while several people are heard trying to get her to stop, The Sun said.

During the confrontation she appears to be drunk and is seen mimicking a Middle Eastern accent while another passenger is heard saying ‘Keep your mouth shut’.

Today, British Transport Police (BTP) confirmed they were aware of the video and were appealing for information about the woman.

Okay ... here’s the fun part of the article.  Two years? It happened when?

‘To investigate this properly we need information about exactly when and where this took place, although initial police enquiries indicate that the video was first posted around two years ago. We would also like to hear from anyone who can identify the woman involved.

‘Anti-social behaviour like this is completely unacceptable and we would urge anyone who is the victim of such behaviour, or who witnesses it, to call police.

go here and then scroll down for video.

It must be disquieting to be constantly barraged by foreign languages in your own country.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/30/2011 at 11:54 AM   
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Nice Try Drew

Not a winning night at Greed League. We won the first game by a huge amount, then lost the second, then lost the third badly, so we didn’t even take wood. 2 - 5 for the night.

I threw 24 over the first game, then rolled a 254 in the second and we lost that one anyway. By the third game I was exhausted, and all the aches and pains from the past couple of days ganged up on me, so my approach was short on the last lunge step. Which means that my line was fine but the ball was going short about a foot and coming in way too high, so my score really suffered. What should have been an easy 600 series wound up being in the mid 500s. Meh. But hey, I earned another refrigerator magnet award for the 250+ game. Whoopee!

We’re still holding on in second place, but we’d better start posting some wins if we’re going to keep it.

OK, and I’m off to work. The 2 day job on that house is stretching into 2 1/2 days because of the season. The rain is over, and it’s still pretty mild out for late November, but there just isn’t any darn usable daylight at this time of the year. 7 hours instead of the 10+ you get in the summer.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/30/2011 at 08:55 AM   
Filed Under: • Bowling Blogging •  
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calendar   Tuesday - November 29, 2011

selected by former “Flying Tiger” pilots in China as their “Tiger Girl” EYE CANDY from the past





Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/29/2011 at 01:35 PM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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human rights again trumps common sense and national well being.

Different thug but same old story as Britain continues on path to national suicide.
How much more can I say?  Not much. I think this article pretty well covers it.

Drug dealer Andre James jailed for gun crime wins ‘human rights’ case

Foreign drug-dealer and gun criminal Andre James has been allowed to stay in Britain partly because he would return to a life of crime if he was deported.

By David Barrett and Ben Leach

Andre James convinced judges that deporting him to Jamaica would make him more likely to re-offend - even though the Home Secretary wanted him removed from the country after he was jailed for five years in 2007 for possessing a revolver and ammunition, supplying Class A drugs, carrying a blade in public and being in possession of criminal property.
He was also allowed to stay on the grounds that his human right to a “family life” would be infringed by being forcibly returned, because he has two children in Britain. One of them was fathered while he appealed against his deportation.

The case highlights growing concerns over the use of human rights legislation by foreign criminals to frustrate legislation which makes clear that anyone serving more than a year in prison should be automatically deported.

Coalition ministers have launched a review of the way the crucial element of the law, the controversial Article 8 of the Convention on Human Rights - which guarantees a “right to a private and family life” - is being used.


Is being used did he say?  Should that not be abused?  And it’s been going on for a very,very long time.
There really must be something in the water here.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/29/2011 at 12:56 PM   
Filed Under: • Judges-Courts-LawyersUK •  
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not the sort of thing I’d normally post here

A Brit mom loses it in public. Some very bad language and after this, she could well lose that kid.  I mean, social services could step in and claim she’s unfit.
And she could be. But without defending her public rant and language, I think I can understand the frustrations that would lead someone like her to voice what calmer ppl actually believe.  Which is, this is no longer their country.

Woman charged with racist rant on tram
A woman has been charged in connection with an alleged racist rant that was caught on camera on a busy tram.

By Donna Bowater6:14PM GMT 28 Nov 2011

Emma West, 34, of New Addington, London, appeared before magistrates today charged with racially aggravated harassment.
She was arrested and remanded in custody on Monday night, after complaints were made to police in relation to footage uploaded to Youtube.
A British Transport Police spokesman said: “I can confirm that Emma West of New Addington was charged with Racially Aggravated Section 4a on Monday, 28 November 2011.
“She was remanded in custody overnight. This is in relation to an incident onboard a Croydon Tramlink.”
West was arrested yesterday after the footage was posted on YouTube.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/29/2011 at 12:43 PM   
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Once More


Back at it for another day.

Oh joy, it’s raining. Wonderful. No, actually, I’m not being sarcastic. I got all the outside windows finished on the customer’s house by sundown yesterday, so today it’s inside work. And ... heh heh heh ... it’s hard to tell if I missed a few spots when the windows are getting rained on. Not that I missed any. I think.

Tomorrow’s window jobs are small ones, just doing a couple of the condos here. They take about 2 hours each.

I have to try and go a little faster today so that I can be done and get the car loaded up early enough so that I can get to bowling league tonight.

And away I go!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/29/2011 at 07:54 AM   
Filed Under: • work and the workplace •  
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calendar   Monday - November 28, 2011

eu tightens it’s grip

Have to pack it in for the night.  Drew busy and I don’t envy the load he carries.
And I’m all done in after a fairly weird day which actually started at 5am. But not planned that way.  Had appointment today as sawbones concerned about my low blood pressure.  Jeesh. Me?  Low BP?  Unbelievable the way I swear and rant about things that bother me you’d think it would be high and not low. Whatever.

I got this article in my newsletter today, or maybe it was yesterday. Not keeping track.

I couldn’t help thinking, as I often do on the subject, it’s this sort of thing the American left will happily inflict on to the USA, given the opportunity.  And if you don’t think they haven’t already started the process, you’re asleep at the wheel.

Also read brief TV review about a Brit in a Texas jail awaiting the death penalty.
Some Brit reporter has decided she’s innocent, had a crappy useless lawyer, and now there’s to be a TV documentary on it here in the UK.  There’s the usual slam against the great state of Texas cos they have apparently executed too many ppl to make Brit reporter happy.  Like it’s his business.  So the reviewer goes on to state that Britain gave up the DP 40 years ago, and based on this case, America should too.
Right. And do as they do here. Let em out in a couple yrs so they can do it all over again.  Fact is, lots and lots of Brits want a return to the DP. And all you have to do is read only one months worth of their papers here to see why.

The Totalitarian EU Tightens Its Grip

British Freedom

By Paul Weston


The increasingly dictatorial behaviour of the unelected EU Commissioners rather proves the point made by Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky, who way back in 2006 stated that the political structure of the European Union was similar to that of the Supreme Soviet and the Politburo, and that the similarity was intentional.
The liberal-left are woefully ignorant of history, yet with their various humanities degrees they should know something of human nature, but even this appears to be beyond their intellectual grasp. The mental make-up of all dictators seeks one thing and one thing only – control over all others. Lenin once remarked that Communism was not actually about equality for the worker, but was rather about control. Total control.

Have we not seen this in the last few weeks? Frau Merkel and Monsieur Sarkozy are both on record stating their intention to wrest further EU control from the European electorate in the wake of the Eurozone economic catastrophe (inflicted by EU economic policy) and they are now doing this in spades.

Greek ex-Prime Minister Papandreou rather foolishly suggested the Greek people might like to influence their economic future in a democratic manner, only to be immediately toppled by the EU powers and replaced by Lucas Papademos, a man of impeccable Socialist economic credentials, who went from Governor of the Bank of Greece to Vice President of the European Central Bank (ECB) to Prime Minister of Greece. In other words an EU placeman in a previously democratic country.

In Italy, Silvio Berlusconi was not brought down by his lurid sexual shenanigans or his alleged lifelong corruption, but because he dared to question the validity of the euro. Enter the incensed EU Politburo, and exit the aged yet curiously wrinkle-free lecherous Lothario, to be replaced by unelected former EU Commissioner Mario Monti and a cabinet of bankers and academics, not one of whom represents a single Italian political party.
Is this democracy in action? No, it is totalitarianism, pure and simple.

This should come as no surprise to those who understand the dictatorial machinations of the EU. Countries such as Ireland and Denmark were allowed referendums, but when they refused to accept the EU’s vision of a Utopian Socialist future, they were alternately threatened and bribed until they eventually complied with the wishes of the unelected EU Commissioners.

read more here


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/28/2011 at 02:40 PM   
Filed Under: • Big BrotherEUro-peons •  
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calendar   Sunday - November 27, 2011

still alive

Just about no posts from me this weekend, and not for the next couple days either. Busy making money. After being busy spending it.

Thanksgiving was fine, we did a brined turkey which came out great. Plenty to eat, and my boozy sweet potatoes (this year soaked in Johnny Walker Red) were the bomb.

I made the Peas & Rice and I have to say that a full tiny can of tomato paste and a 14oz can of diced tomatoes is too much. Oh, it was fine, but it was more Spanish Rice than it should have been. Stick with the 1 full tiny can of paste. 2 cans of beans may have been slight overkill too; a can and a half would have been best, and drained perhaps too: there is a full cup of juice in each can. A bit of extra thyme was not a problem.

Morning after T-day we gave in and did Black Friday at the 6th biggest mall in America. Nearly a square mile of retail space, 255 stores. Heck, they have an indoor skating rink and an indoor Ferris wheel in addition to the usual food court, multi-plex, and community center stuff. And it was packed. We lasted about 3 hours and ran away.

Got home to work. More work on the tile project, and I’ve got 3 customers who want to take advantage of this late November heat wave to get clean windows in before Winter. Plus my usual weekend work. And running down to care for the MIL, who is almost confined to a bed at this point. She ain’t doing so good no more, but it’s going to be a long, long, slow decline.

Ok, I have to go move the car, unload the cleaning gear, bring in all the window rags, towels, pads, and tarps, and get them cleaned up. Got a whole house to do, starting in the AM.

PS - I got a belated b-day present over the weekend, the final book in the series by Stegi Larsson, The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest. Yeah, yeah, I know, everybody else read these 3 books 3-4 years ago, so I’m really late to the party. But wow. OMG. Most captivating, suck you in, you ain’t sleeping until you’ve finished the book, magnetic writing I’ve run across in a dog’s age and then some. Murder mystery/detective drama/psycho thriller all rolled into one, set in the social democracy of Sweden. Plus spies and sex. The first two are great but start slowly. The third book begins at 100mph and accelerates to a double climax ending. Outstanding.  Too bad Larsson died shortly after publication. What a talent. Just wow.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/27/2011 at 07:45 PM   
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calendar   Saturday - November 26, 2011


I think we can be fairly sure that there has been a bit of touch up on this lady.  But I’d also bet she might not have needed a lot. Genes?
Anyway, I have to confess I was blown away by this article and the photos.
And even if there a lot more touch ups then I think, still, what’s not to like here?
She’s a knockout and to be honest as well, I’d rather see ppl like her in their glory and have no desires to see what happens to eye candy in later, sadder years.
I want to enjoy the fantasy. When you get to my age guys, fantasy is the limit nature allows.

Not bad for a grandma! She’s 58. Veteran model Jilly Johnson is proving the young DON’T have a monopoly on glamour.


As one of the very first women ever to grace Page 3, model Jilly Johnson has posed in various states of undress more times than she can remember.

Advertising billboards, glossy magazines, newspapers, television — she once even stood in the window of Janet Reger’s Bond Street store and modelled the lingerie queen’s silky scanties to the delight of (mostly male) passers-by.

That was more than three decades ago. Today, she is fast approaching 60 — an age when most women are happier slipping into bedsocks than bustiers.

(photos by Brian Aris)Fabulous then and fabulous now: Jilly Johnson is as trim today as she was as a young model. Now a grandmother to three and a step-grandmother to seven, she will admit to being a size 10 and 128 lbs.




Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/26/2011 at 01:41 PM   
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is the russian army kissing off the new kalashnikov?

Well finally, I’m able to get to what I originally started on.
New on the ‘new’ Kalashnikov.

I am not even close in any way to the knowledgeable folks at bmews, starting with Drew, on things that go bang. I appreciate them, I’m pro gun, but haven’t the technical savvy to carry on a discussion or offer advice.  However, once in awhile I find something gun related I stumble across, and think others will be as interested as I am. With that understanding I offer the following.

Kalashnikov manufacturer targets Russian army with new rifle

By Shaun Walker
The latest model of the legendary Kalashnikov rifle is due to be unveiled in December, with leaked reports in the Russian press suggesting that its key feature will be that all major functions can be performed with one arm.

Other details about the rifle are sketchy. The owners of the factory in the Urals that produces the guns hope the new model will meet approval from the Russian army, which earlier this year said it would stop buying the rifles. But there are already mutterings that the military is not impressed.

The first weapon in the series was designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov, a Red Army tank commander during the Second World War, and entered mass production in 1949. Mr Kalashnikov is still alive and lives in the city of Izhevsk, where the rifles are still be produced.

A newer version, the AK-74, was introduced in the 1970s, followed by a number of updated versions. More rifles based on Mr Kalashnikov’s design have been produced than any other gun in military history and it has been copied by factories around the world.

Earlier this year, the Russian army said it would no longer order Kalashnikov rifles until the plant developed a new model. Nikolai Makarov, Chief of the General Staff, said the army already had too many of the guns stockpiled complained that the technology was out of date.

At the time, members of the designer’s family said they were not telling Mr Kalashnikov about the decision for fear of upsetting him. “It might kill him,” said one.

There may not be better news to give the weapon’s inventor. A source in the Russian General Staff told the newspaper Izvestia the new version is unlikely to impress the military. “From the models we’ve seen, there is nothing principally new there,” he said. He added that the rifle would have the same kickback, which meant it moved from side to side after the first shot, reducing accuracy.

Immediately after the announcement in September, the manufacturer Izhmash announced it was designing a brand-new, “fifth-generation” Kalashnikov, which it hoped to have ready by the end of the year. The rifle will be given to the Russian army for testing in the coming weeks. Izvestia said the new gun will have a unique feature allowing the user to flick the safety catch, pull the trigger, and even change the magazine using one arm, meaning fighters can continue to shoot even if injured.

What the weapon will look like and whether it will feature other upgrades from the AK-74 remains uncertain.
But the newspaper said the weapon would be “recognisable”.


You would think I found this article in one of our two somewhat conservative papers today. But no.  I found it in, of all the unlikely places, in a lefty (by and large) liberal (not so by and large) newspaper. 

Hey .... at least I’m not reading the Guardian.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/26/2011 at 12:22 PM   
Filed Under: • Guns and Gun ControlMilitary •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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