Sarah Palin is the only woman who can make Tony Romo WIN a playoff.

calendar   Friday - July 01, 2016

Inspector General’s Report on Hillary Clinton: Uncooperative Liar.

Right now I’ve been trying to get settled back in at home (which is hard when we have to be ready to leave at the drop of a hat) and have been working on the big anniversary post that will be coming up. HOWEVER, I promised that I would make a post about the Inspector General’s analysis of Hillary’s e-mails, and I am as good as my word, old news as it may be.

But first, a word of introduction is probably necessary to explain what kind of paper this is. Firstly, this paper is not fundamentally about putting Hillary and her staff alone under a microscope and calling her out for bullshit. It’s easy to imagine why given a lot of the reactions people have had- and particularly the vampire before cross reaction the Klinton Kampaign has had- so it might come as a bit of a disappointment. However, this is less about Hillary Clinton and more about the State Department as a whole.

Namely it’s the IG doing an autopsy of the State Departmen over the last several years and several Secretaries of State. It is sort of a list of “What went wrong under whose tenure?” Which means that it might not have the sheer juiciness that a blog post calling Clinton out specifically has. That, and it is lengthy and *VERY* Dry. 

But the other side of the coin is that it also is very thorough, and it handily refutes Clinton’s expected spin that this is all a horrible partisan hack job unfairly targeting poor Hitlery. While it does seem like- as someone Charitably called it- the State Department has had a hard time transitioning to the modern age and screwups were endemic, Clinton’s rampant breaches of security are in a class by herself.

Read it All. It’s Well Worth It. It’s well worth it, and with the media and White House being what it is, it’s important WE Know the answer. has a nice set of Highlights for your reading pleasure.

To quote the reaction of the Former AF Intelligence friend I mentioned..

I’ll volunteer for the firing squad.
That’s all I can think of reading this report.

Also fuck this Gration guy. Him resigning is NOT how it’s supposed to work.,
That fucker needs to be wearing orange, yesterday.
But no, he’s special, the law doesn’t apply to
All this “Clinton BELIEVED she was complying… TOOK STEPS TO comply...” is horseshit too.

The law rarely gives two shits about your intent. They even have a specific phrase for this!!
“At the time you knew OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN”

I can be held accountable for the ENTIRETY of USC, ALL of the IRS Tax Code, every single environmental regulation, whatever bullshit illegal requirement BATFE decides to fart out..... and that’s just on the FEDERAL level. The same thing applies to the State too.

Because, “at the time I knew or should have known” the law, I was in violation. And the fact that the law exists is deemed sufficient that I should have known it.

So, no, this bitch needs a lead brain transplant.

Well, the United States respects no special citizens. And it’s time that more people understand what the hell has gone on with this. For more people to understand just WHAT Kind of Monster Hillary Clinton is.

So remember to spread these links around. As much as possible.

Posted by Turtler   United States  on 07/01/2016 at 08:04 PM   
Filed Under: • HildabeastHomeland-SecurityInsanityJustice - LACK OFNo Shit, SherlockScary Stuff •  
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calendar   Wednesday - April 27, 2016

File under WHAT THE HELL?: 9/11 Memorial Guards interrupt Choir students signing the National Anthem

I only wish I had nothing today. Because I think Nothing would be a better situation than this.  Choirs are proverbial for purity, honesty, and intelligence. When we talk of the scum of the day, what do we say? “He’s no choir boy.” So who has the nerve to hassle an actual choir?

Oh. That’s right.The people getting paid to guard the 9/11 memorial.

The Waynesville Middle School choir from Waynesville, N.C. was visiting New York City for a three-day trip last Wednesday when they stopped at the 9/11 memorial and decided to sing “The Star-Spangled Banner” out of respect for the dead.

They never got to finish.

Before the song was over, two National September 11 Memorial & Museum guards walked over and told the students they had to stop singing.

Some of these guards didn’t even remove their hats out of respect, as you can clearly see in the video.

So, why might you ask? So glad you did that! Let’s have a look see.

According to the 9/11 memorial’s website, groups wanting to perform must first obtain a permit.

What’s that you say? A Permit? Let’s find out more about this. And indeed, yours truly managed to dig another juicy fact up.... though it is from See-BS. But I think you’ll forgive me when I point out what this means…

Groups wishing to perform at the Sept. 11 memorial are supposed to apply for a $35 permit. The North Carolina group did not.

So, in short this was about monies. That you must apply for a permit to have a performance on public/gubment managed land. Ok, I have my misgivings with the extent the permit system has gotten to but this is a fairly reasonable limitation. HOWEVER....

Let’s look at that wording again. Really, Really, REALLY look at it.

Groups wishing to perform at the Sept. 11 memorial are supposed to apply for a $35 permit. 

Is there ANY INDICATION WHATSOEVER- has ANYBODY ALLEGED AT ALL- that the Choir *WISHED TO PREFORM* at the memorial beforehand? NO, I THINK NOT. What they Came Wishing To DO was to visit the memorial and pay respects to the three thousand~ murdered innocents that this memorial pays tribute to.

“We just wanted to show respect to the people who lost their lives,” another student added.

In short, the time during which they could in any way have been construed as “wishing to preform” must have been after they got into the Memorial itself, with a astonishingly small window of opportunity to file for a permit, pay the money, or solicit profit, publicity, new students, or in short ANYTHING THAT WOULD USUALLY MOTIVATE PEOPLE TO PREFORM. Which is what the law was mostly meant to REGULATE, mind: use of public spaces for premeditated agendas, ESPECIALLY for profit ones (which is a reason why you don’t see as many advertisements filmed at the White House even when a certain Neo-Bolshevik is not in it). And of course to make sure that the government gets its’ fair share (such as it is) for it.

But Wait. There’s more.

According to the 9/11 memorial’s website, groups wanting to perform must first obtain a permit. The Waynesville students didn’t have one, but did get verbal permission from a security guard that day, music teacher Martha Weathers Brown said.

Maybe she’s lying, but the See-BS page also echoes this.

Chorus teacher Martha Brown told Fox that one security guard at the memorial plaza had given the students permission to sing, but another guard told them to stop.

So in short: this started about monies. That you cannot preform certain acts of reverence (like a memorial tune, which just googling “Dirge” will show is one of the oldest forms of human musical expression known) on your own time, for nonprofit without bowing down and kissing the ring of BigGov for the privilege before paying up. Even if doing so would require a rather obscene expenditure for the occasion and- in this case- precognitive abilities. Because some half-wit overwrought bureaucrat somewhere decided that something like THIS could be reasonably viewed as a Performance.

And on the other hand: this is about Gov mugs not being able to get their right hand and left hand on the same page, because if we assume the teacher is honest (which granted may be a question) this NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED- the very thing that got the memorial staff wringing their panties out- unless ONE OF THEIR OWN hadn’t told them it was A-Ok. Only for a few others to go in and contradict it.

If there was one story to epitomize one reason to distrust government abilities and people- not the big, spectacular, horrifyingly damaging ones like Benghazi or Clinton’s email server, but the mundane, every day things- this would be one of them. It ENCAPSULATES just how greedy and incompetent this unfeeling blob that we pour trillions of dollars, many people, and immense trust in can be when given openings to get too big for its’ britches. I just wish it didn’t have to happen like this.

Which brings me to the final snippet.

Brown added that she understands why they were told to stop and used it as a teaching moment about respecting authority, showing students that these rules are in place to protect a sacred space from people who might want to be disrespectful.

I’m sorry, but WHAT?

How can you respect authority that Can’t even make up its’ own mind?

How is a permit based cash grab demand based on a Highly Tortured reading of the term “preform” going to protect this hallowed ground?

Let me emphasize that this land is not private property. This is a NATIONAL MEMORIAL. It belongs to WE THE PEOPLE. And if there is a reason for it to exist AT ALL it is to honor the memories and allow for mourning of the murdered dead (ya know, kinda like this!) And here we have tweedledee and tweedledum interrupting a CHOIR doing that and trying to state that their authority (which is again given in trust to them by WE THE PEOPLE) gives them the right to interpret bureaucratic minutiae like this.

I am not an anarchist. I am not even sure I agree with the saying that “The government that governs best governs least.” I do believe that governmental authority DOES play a highly important role in maintaining and preserving our freedoms and other things.


To quote the thing that empowers these authorities....

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

So now the Memorial staff are saying they’re oh so very sorry, the guy reacted incorrectly, you’re welcome to come back..blah blah blah. Maybe they even mean it. But I think in many ways that it is less important than the fact that this happened at all. That some small cogs in the Federal juggernaut honestly thought that This of all things was worth worrying about or treading on their coffers. And the fact that even the teacher is telling them this is a lesson about “respecting authority.”

If we cannot go to lawfully mourn and remember our dead at the location dedicated Specifically to it- if we are forced to put what is essentially Deeply Inoffensive expression under scrutiny for fear that it will offend some bit of overwritten and invasive statutory or regulatory law- then I do believe we will have lost just a little bit of our freedom, and the terrorists who committed this massacre will have won a victory. A little victory, not the war, not something that gives them the Bag-tinted dystopia they want all over the world. But something that makes that victory Just A Little Bit Closer. And honestly if an invasive state keeps sticking its’ nose in and forcing us to heed it on this invasive level, sooner or later people might think that the change over to caliphate will be a matter of convenience.

What can I even say about this? I’ve written enough… so I’ll just ask that you please, Please read the Fox link. It has the video in all its’ nature. And consider letting our dear *employees* in the government know exactly what we think of this.

Posted by Turtler   United States  on 04/27/2016 at 04:04 AM   
Filed Under: • Big BrotherDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsEducationGovernmentCorruption and GreedHomeland-SecurityJack Booted ThugsJustice - LACK OFNanny StateOutrageousStoopid-PeopleWar On Terror •  
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calendar   Tuesday - March 22, 2016

BOMBING IN BRUSSELS!! Terrorists hit the Belgian Capitol!


A few hours ago, near-simultaneous explosions tore through the Belgian capitol. It seems pretty clear- even with the sketchy information- that there were at last two targets. One was the Maalbeek Metro Station, and the other Brussels Airport. Initial reports indicate that we’re looking at dozens of casualties, including at least a baker’s dozen dead. I don’t think that number is going to go anywhere but up in the next hours. This map is the best one I could find on short notice showing the relative locations of the two.

I’ll probably put more information- pictures I don’t trust putting above the fold, my two cents, and news articles- below the fold. But let’s make one thing ABSOLUTELY clear: This Had to have been a coordinated attack, and a daunting one at that. Half a dozen miles may not seem like a big distance but it can’t be easy to coordinate this kind of attack in a densely urban area like the heart of Brussels is. Which says nothing good about our security or the enemy’s capabilities.

God be with us all… I don’t pretend to know the full story behind this but I do hope that these savages get theirs.

See More Below The Fold

Posted by Turtler   United States  on 03/22/2016 at 05:30 AM   
Filed Under: • DisastersFRANCEGenocideHomeland-SecurityIllegal-Aliens and ImmigrationInsanityInternationalMilitarymuslimsNews-BriefsOutrageousplanes, trains, tanks, ships, machines, automobilesREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLEScary StuffTerroristsWar On Terror •  
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calendar   Thursday - February 25, 2016

Since when did CIA stand for Central Inclusion Agency?

Sorry for the delays. But I’ve been busy for more or less the past week and a half with family stuff, helping someone with travel prep, and getting ready for my Birthday (which is tomorrow on the 25th). So I’m just coming back out of my shell now. But it seems like the news keeps outpacing me. I began working on this analysis on Scalia’s funeral and Obama’s priorities (or lack thereof). Then I received news of a death and started work on an obituary. But now… Now...... I learn of THIS. THIS damn mess.

Yes, apparently the CIA has a “Diversity and Inclusion Strategy.” Heck, not only that, but an ANNUAL one. You want to read all that? I sure don’t. But I think the money quote is really on the first page, coming from John Brennan- the CIA Director HIMSELF. And what does this fine defender of America and secretive public servant go out and write when he comes out to justify the tax dollars he’s been given?

Embracing and leveraging diversity through an inclusive culture that fosters innovation, new ideas, and new insights which is at the heart of what we are charged to do and will drive mission success.”

Soooooo..... see a bit of a problem with this?

The CIA is a damn spy agency. The heart of what it is tasked to do is conducting covert operations against our enemies, try to keep our own stuff secret, and interdict operations and other threats against us. It is meant to Spy. In that line of work, diversity and especially inclusiveness are NOT virtues.

Why? Because spying and intelligence gathering are ultimately based on a bedrock of exclusiveness. Terms like “Need to Know” and “Security Clearance” are inherently exclusive and the very basis for the world these groups operate in, in large part because they need to. From the very start they are dependent on EXCLUDING those who Do Not Need To Know from those who Do. Excluding people who cannot be trusted with given intelligence from those that can. Exclude the people who might be vulnerable to external pressure or compromising things from those who are. On any given issue or operation the former categories will include the VAST MAJORITY of the people on this planet, including the country the agency or operation in question is working for. And all of this is before those select few who people do decide to trust are further shuffled and compartmentalized with their own, even more finely grained “Need to Know” restrictions, security clearances, and other dividers; all so that if there’s a break in one compartment the entire ship doesn’t go down.

This is not merely useful for these organizations, they are integral parts of what they are and what they need to do in order to Survive At All. Now, since we got here by asking why being inclusive and diverse is not always a good thing in the spook business, it’s only fair to ask “Why?” again. Why is this pervasive secrecy and exclusion needed for intelligence services?

Well, I decided to start this off with a snippet of this fascinating alternate history article from the BBC, dealing with a centuries old case. Namely, The Gunpowder Plot. Now, this was not an intelligence operation or something conducted by a government authority. It was in fact a highly murderous terrorist plot devised by people who wanted to utterly destroy a significant chunk of London and thousands of people just to get at the King and Parliament to (regardless of what the average Fawkestard or 4Chan apologist would have you believe) establish an even more repressive and absolutist government. But not only is this the kind of terrorist threat that modern intelligence organizations are supposed to per-empt, but it also featured people operating as spies, planning military (Emphasis in following is mine)

As history actually turned out, there are two very good reasons why the Gunpowder Plot had to fail. The first was that the plotters were caught in the double-bind of most early modern conspirators: in order to make a rebellion work, it had to involve a lot of people, but the more people who knew about the plot, the more it was likely to leak.

In the case of this one, the means of effecting it, by murdering most of the English political élite, was so sensational and so morally disturbing to most people, that the chances of somebody blowing the whistle on it were unusually high.

That is exactly what happened; one of the people brought into the plot in its later stages (probably the unstable Francis Tresham) told an opportunist peer, Lord Monteagle, who tipped off the government.

Whoever sent that letter to Baron Monteagle most likely was not disloyal to the plan or the cause (of establishing a tyranny more in line with the likes of 17th century Spain over the ashes of London). If he had been, he probably would have sent it to someone else. A player in the well-oiled Elizabethan network of spies and informants that James inherited, or actual authorities of the Crown rather than Lord Monteagle. Someone actually in the government rather than just standing in Parliament. The Monteagle Letter (as it’s called now) was probably sent by a sincere, loyal terrorist who wanted to avoid killing someone he thought could be an ally because Monteagle was a fellow Catholic.

So in many ways the Gunpowder Plotters were perversely lucky compared to a lot of modern spy rings, planners, and other operatives. And it still did them in. The letter was the crucial straw that led to the end, and within two weeks of the letter’s delivery the plan had collapsed and most of the group accounted for, and in less than two and a half months all the known conspirators were arrested or dead. 

This example helps demonstrate one of the key concepts of intelligence work, or really using any kind of lie or deception. That you should have as few people in the know as possible in order to make it work. Enough that (hopefully) whatever you have planned should be successful, but no more to avoid the risk that somebody will write something, say something, get caught, or otherwise expose it. It’s the reason why care must be taken in who investigates even the absolutely, gobsmackingly criminal security breaches Hillary made in her private server (which some investigators do not even have the authorization to look at, or didn’t).  In the case of the Gunpowder Plot the result was that Western Civilization and constitutionalism dodged a very nasty bullet, but these kind of breakdowns do not always work in favor of the good guys. All one has to do to see that is observe the resistance martyrs- like those of the World Wars and Cold Wars, but also people as far back as Nathaniel Hale- to see that. Here is just one sobering example out of countless thousands we know about and God only knows how more we do not.

Now, I can understand that overwhelming uniformity also can be a major problem. All I have to do to see that is observe how the Japanese spy rings in North America, the “White Dominions” of the Commonwealth (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc), and India crashed and burned during WWII. * . Part of the reason why the massive “Cambridge Ring” of Soviet spies within the higher echelons of the British Government happened was because the Brits tended to recruit too much from a upper crust students of a handful of “Ivy League” schools, who were the demographic most likely to be radicalized by Communist propaganda or student politics, were the most likely to be able to radicalize others in their orbit, and were likely to have even non-traitors who would defend them. 

But I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that being too diverse or inclusive would be the even greater risk for an intelligence organization, precisely because it runs against the very grain of what it is meant to do. Spying is about trying to manipulate and uncover the enemy without being manipulated or uncovered by them. Having a rainbow coalition of security risks just for the sake of inclusion or diversity will only undercut the ability to try that in a game where there are incredibly high stakes and the slightest trip up could tip the balance. I would hope our spymasters and intelligence dons and donas would understand that. But then, I am just an uninitiated civilian. However, one of my friends who decidedly Wasn’t one of that did have something to say about this, and gave me permission to quote him.

You do want diversity in intel analysis, but moreso diversity of THOUGHT than anything else. Now from a HUMINT** perspective, you do need diversity of race, to whit you need trusted and capable agents of the races which you need to infiltrate.
Beyond that, race is irrelevant.

That is broadly my thought as well. Intelligence is a field where it helps to be able to think outside the box and have a lot of different thoughts and methodologies working together( though with caveats that there is a limit to the use of diversity of thought when you start employing enemy sympathizers like Kim Philby, leader of the aforementioned Cambridge Ring). But I would argue that the explicit focus on diversity and inclusion is a good sign that- like in universities- diversity of thought is going out the window. And in particular trying to intentionally jigger with the race/sexuality/gender quotas is defeating the purpose.

He also had this to say.

Well sure, in that sense yes, if the existence of any restriction at all becomes definitively what can fairly be called “exclusive” then yeah, it’s exclusive. Except that logic doesn’t make sense. Or rather… If the existence of any restriction immediately disqualifies you from being able to be characterized as inclusive, then yeah, it’s not inclusive. Except, see, it doesn’t. You can be inclusive and not be all-inclusive.

And on some level I can understand this. I’m sure that if you ever wanted to spy from within the genocidal Islamist-Arab Supremacist nightmare ruling out of Khartoum you probably wouldn’t want to use a Black agent. Likewise if you wanted to deal with some genocidal Baptists or Transsexuals who want to murder all the “Heretics"/"Cis-Gens" it would probably help if you had somebody who could pass off as the former or was an actual transsexual.

But let’s be clear here. the differences and diversities of these people (no matter how vastly different they might seem in their private lives or as individuals) are not nearly as important in recruiting them as what they have In Common. Bravery, loyalty, discretion, and willingness to answer the call of duty is the common thread that we will rely on.  There have been many, very colorful and diverse heroes, heroines, and martyrs have served the cause of freedom. Take Neil Munro “Bunny” Roger, the camp, publicly gay fashion designer who served through WWII in glory.  Take Julia Child, the very het, very ‘50s celebrity chef who joined the OSS and served for years from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Take my Grandfather’s quasi-namesake “Garbo” the straitlaced, booky Spaniard anti-Communist and anti-Fascist who was turned down by the British and then decided to go work for German intelligence and sell them a line of bull in order to get SIS’s attention.

Are these people diverse enough for you? Yes, in many ways they are. But what makes them noteworthy is not what makes them diverse but what makes them SIMILAR. It is what made them all trusted agents and heroic figures.

Intelligence gatherers must be exclusive because the cost of failing to do so tends to be paid in blood and worse. And there must be limits to their diversity in order to avoid inviting enemy sympathizers, mercenaries, or other untrustworthy vessels into places where they can do incalculable, often irreplaceable damage.

Diversity and inclusion for the sake of diversity and inclusion alone is the death of serious intelligence gathering. When that is our first line of defense against another 9/11 and a new dark age (in whatever shape) that is something we CANNOT afford. I’d like to hope that this is just a PR stunt by the CIA Director while continuing on doing their work, but in this age of Obama I do not trust it. Would you?

Footnotes/snark below the fold. I’ll try and get back on my posting schedule now.

See More Below The Fold

Posted by Turtler   United States  on 02/25/2016 at 01:35 AM   
Filed Under: • DIVERSITY BSHomeland-SecurityMilitaryOutrageousPolitically Correct B.S.Stoopid-People •  
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calendar   Thursday - December 24, 2015

It is America protecting its own people. We are weak by comparison.

Although something on this subject has already been done, I thought this subject was worth revisiting.

First ... because the lady is the least politically correct person in the country, except for LyndonB and myself.
And also cause she seems to be nicer to our side.  That is, the USA. 
She isn’t afraid to unload on anyone anywhere and is an automatic target of the left.  Even when she has nothing to say.

Her name is Kate Hopkins.  Take a look.

Just because Britain’s border security is a Mickey Mouse operation you can’t blame America for not letting this lot travel to Disneyland – I wouldn’t either

By Katie Hopkins for MailOnline


Nothing to see here ladies and gents, nothing to see. Just a family of eleven, off to Disneyland. A lovely big British family, off to the place where magic happens and Mickey Mouse makes dreams comes true. They’d saved hard but were turned away at the gate by ruthless officials from USA Homeland Security who said they were no longer allowed to board. At least, that’s the story you’d be believing if you listened to the BBC or Labour’s blond-bobbed maniac Stella Creasy. But there is another side to this story not being told. This family aren’t exactly conventional. They are two brothers - and 9 children… between 8 and 19 years old. All called Mahmood. I worked at Disney as a security guard, and this family doesn’t sound like the typical visitor.


This lovely big British family aren’t exactly conventional. They are two brothers – and 9 children… between 8 and 19 years old.

I’m sorry? Two brothers and nine children. All called Mahmood.

When was the last time two grown men, took nine ‘kids’ abroad on their own?

And since when was a 19 year old a child?

I was stopped on the way back the UK with my husband and three kids because we have the wrong surnames. And needed two marriage certificates and three birth certificates to make it through.

If I had been playing my usual game of ‘spot the terrorist’ at the airport, (beard -5 points, rucksack – 10 points, sandals – 5 points – be honest, you’ve all done it) I’d have been feeling a little anxious.

Without any way of knowing the truth, this is what I’d have been asking myself; where were the mothers of these 9 children? Was it just that the women’s place was in the home? Were they too female to fly? Or were they not needed for this family’s final destination?

So if Homeland Security were suspicious about the fact there were no mothers in the group, who can entirely blame them?

And then there’s their address in Waltham Forest, a known hotbed of extremism

Anjem Choudary -

Britain’s loudest extremist hate speaker - came from Waltham Forest.

And if it wasn’t enough that two Muslim men from an extremist area of England, plus their nine children were flying together without any women, to set off alarm bells there’s the fact that they have confirmed links with Al Qaeda.

Yup. Intelligence was received about a Facebook page connected to the family address, containing extremist material sympathising with Al Qaeda.

And if I tell you Tariq’s brother was also detained in Tel Aviv for 8 days before being ejected from the country (again ‘inexplicably’ - according to his wife) would you still be comfortable getting on board with them?

So I have a few things to level at Mohammad Tariq Mahmood.

Mo. I put it to you that you and your lovely British family were not off to Disneyland at all. I am not buying your story.

I find it utterly improbable two men with the entire Mahmood clan were travelling without the company of a wife or mother to such a family-orientated destination.

I have worked in Disneyland as a Security Guard. You don’t sound like our typical visitor group.

If Israel had reason to detain your brother, I suspect the good men from USA Homeland Security also had their reasons. They make their policy absolutely clear; no one is automatically admissible to the USA.

‘In order to demonstrate they are admissible, the applicant must overcome all grounds of inadmissibility’.

In other words, you are considered unwelcome unless you can prove them wrong.

Stick my tough old arse in a uniform and call me Nicholas Brody.

An email sent from your computer sympathising with Al Qaeda Mahmood? Computer says no.

The entire Mahmood mafia of two brothers travelling with a brood of 9 without any women? Computer says no.

Detained in Tel Aviv and ejected from Israel. Computer says no.

Neighbours with Anjem Choudary in Extremist Central – Waltham Forest. Computer says no.

So actually, ladies and gents there is quite a lot to see here. And it is not the discrimination of innocents at Gatwick. It is America protecting its own people. We are weak by comparison.

I congratulate the USA Homeland Security Force for a job well done.

My opponents can carry on with their lazy labels. Call me racist (Islam is not a race). Report me for my tweets. (You can’t prosecute the truth) and threaten my life. (Nothing new from the peace-loving liberal left.)

But it will not stop me from giving balance to the total mis-telling of a story about this lovely British family off to Disneyland to make dreams come true.




Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/24/2015 at 10:26 AM   
Filed Under: • Homeland-Security •  
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calendar   Monday - October 05, 2015

hungary in the crosshairs Pt. 1

It might just be me and the pc and software or…? 

Don’t know about others but since the Daily Mail changed things, it takes forever for their pages to load. And … I now get the addition of locked screens on some stories.
This one especially.

So anyway …. I wanted to post about Hungary, who have a 110 mile razor wire fence and now are closing the border with Croatia, and are much in the news. 

This is my third attempt to post this. This time I might make it. In spite of the DM or my computer.  I think it’s an important story, and Hungary is being ravaged by the media.  And not just the left.  The surprise would be if the left had nothing to say.
They are being raked over the coals because they are worried, as well they should,
about the future and the culture of their homeland.

I wouldn’t normally copy this much of a story, but I really think it’s worth it.

Read on.

Racist or just brutal realism? Hungary’s been condemned for building a new Iron Curtain to keep out migrants.

But its PM says he’s done it to avoid multicultural Britain’s mistakes… and his popularity is soaring
· 110-mile-long fence is brainchild of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban
· The 4m-high barrier spans entire length of the country’s border with Serbia
· Waiting on other side of the barricade are squads of Hungarian riot police
· 82 per cent of Orban’s citizens are in favour of tighter immigration controls

By Paul Bracchi for the Daily Mail

The razor-wire fence has become a defining symbol of the migrant crisis. The barricade — 4m high and constructed in six weeks on the back of prison labour — runs the length of the country’s 110-mile border with Serbia.
The Berlin Wall, by comparison, was 96 miles long. This hinterland between Hungary and the Balkans was once the main entry point to the European Union for the diaspora pouring out of the Middle East.

Today, on the Hungarian side, waiting for anyone who breaches the barricade, are squads of police reinforced by SWAT teams from Hungary’s elite Counter Terrorism Centre (TEC).

The role of these officers, in black commando uniforms, is to ‘capture persons that pose a danger for themselves and the public’ — a mission statement that leaves little doubt about the way Budapest views the wave of asylum seekers we have all seen on the TV news.

There is another, more fundamental, sub-plot to Hungary’s brutally effective migrant policy, though.
It is encapsulated in Mr Orban’s inflammatory public statements about ‘Christian Europe’ being under threat. ‘If you’re being overrun, you can’t accept migrants,’ he wrote in a German daily newspaper.

‘We must not forget that those who are coming in have been brought up under a different religion and represent a profoundly different culture.

‘The majority are not Christians but Muslims. That is an important question because Europe and European culture have Christian roots. Is it not already, and in itself, alarming that Europe’s Christian culture is barely able to uphold Europe’s own Christian values? The people want us to control the situation and protect our borders.’

The Crusader rhetoric conjures up an image of Muslim hordes at the gates of fortress Hungary. Indeed, to understand the psychological forces behind the hatred you need to understand how Christian-Muslim conflict is deeply embedded in the Hungarian DNA just as mutual suspicion and hatred have historically existed between Arab and Jew in the Middle East or Catholic and Protestant in Northern Ireland.

Mr Orban is both reflecting — and many, would say, exploiting — this primal fear of ‘outsiders’, especially Muslim outsiders, in Hungary.

The origins of that legacy can be found in Mohacs, a small town on the Danube, near the Croatian border. It was here in 1526 that a heavily outnumbered Hungarian army suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of Ottoman invaders under Suleiman the Magnificent.

The Battle of Mohacs was Hungary’s equivalent of the Battle of Hastings; one defeat led to the Norman conquest of England, the other to 150 years of Ottoman rule in Hungary.

The battlefield on the outskirts of Mohacs is now a memorial site. An inscription inside proclaims: ‘Here began the ruination of a once strong Hungary.’
Mohacs, in fact, marked the end of the old independent Kingdom of Hungary. In the immediate aftermath, Christian churches were converted into mosques, a poll tax was levied on non-Muslims, and Hungarian landlords were dispossessed.

Children in Hungary are taught about this at school, just as British children are taught about 1066. Foreign domination, first by the Ottoman Turks, followed by Austria, then — after World War II — by the Soviet Union, lasted almost five centuries, with Hungary properly emerging only in 1989 as a fully independent republic, following round-table talks which led to the end of communist rule.

Viewed through the prism of history, recent events in Hungary become, if not acceptable, then at least more understandable.
The politician at the centre of the controversy, of course, is Viktor Orban, who insists that Hungarians have ‘the right not to live together with populous Muslim communities’.

One statistic, in particular, has been used to justify the government’s hardline position on migrants. The figure is 291,000 — the number of migrants who entered the country illegally this year before the border was fenced off. Of these, 80 per cent were single young men, according to the latest UN data.

The Hungarian authorities have no idea who these people are. They could be potential terrorists or economic migrants. But one thing is for sure, the Hungarians reason: they couldn’t have been genuine refugees, otherwise why would they have entered the country illegally?

Mr Orban has described this most recent ‘influx’ as an invasion. The figure he quotes (291,000) does not include genuine asylum seekers.

Under the EU’s controversial Dublin regulation, refugees have to claim asylum in the first ‘safe’ EU country they arrive in. Serbia is not in the EU and Greece, which would normally be responsible for registering many of those now crossing the Aegean Sea, is no longer considered a ‘safe state’ because of its austerity programmes.

So the burden has fallen on Hungary, because, geographically, it is first EU country that migrants travelling through the Balkans reach.
This, despite the fact that the country is run by an anti-immigration, Right-wing government. And this is the great irony at the heart of Hungary’s migrant crisis.

Will Hungary back down? Having spent the past week here, I can tell you that the answer to that is categorically no. The migrant crisis is a vote winner for Mr Orban.

Will Hungary be kicked out of the EU? Perhaps that question can be answered with another one. When was the last time anyone got kicked out of the EU? French President François Hollande says: ‘States that don’t respect European values should ask if they belong within the EU.’

We know Mr Orban’s response: ‘I think we have a right to decide that we don’t want to have a large number of Muslim people in our country.

I don’t see any reason to force us into a way of living together in Hungary that we don’t want to see.’ He has no wish to repeat the West’s ‘failed experiments’ in multiculturalism. In Britain, Mr Orban says, we have de facto segregation, with parallel societies in towns and cities.

Anyone who has been to Dewsbury in West Yorkshire, where even the ice cream lady wears a burka, might recognise what he is saying.

In Hungary, by contrast, less than one per cent of the population of just under 10 million is Muslim. There are a mere 15 mosques in the country. They are small, mostly based in converted homes, and are without minarets which, significantly, are not allowed.
The Muslim community is, to all extents and purposes, invisible.
The Hungarian Islamic Community (HIC) is housed in a mosque in an old pharmacy in the back streets of Budapest.
Muslim women from this mosque are reluctant to wear Islamic clothing on public transport. Two Muslim women were threatened on a bus a few days ago by a woman with a knife because they were wearing traditional headscarves.
For its part, Hungary is a predominantly Catholic country. Earlier this month, Pope Francis called on every Catholic parish across Europe to help alleviate the migrant crisis.

The tensions were laid bare in an extraordinary interview given by a Hungarian bishop. ‘They’re not refugees,’ declared Laszlo Kiss-Rigo, Bishop of Szeged-Csanad in southern Hungary.

Like Mr Orban, he called what is happening an ‘invasion’. But he went further. ‘They come here with cries of ‘Allahu Akbar’,’ he said. ‘They want to take over. The Pope doesn’t know the situation. Most of them behave in a way that is arrogant and cynical.’
Back in Roszke, Jozsef Turi, who runs the village supermarket, showed me the bushes outside his shop where migrants used to hide when they saw police.

On other occasions, they came into his store to buy SIM cards for their iPhones and other mobiles. Some female staff were too scared to start work early in the morning in case they ran into them.

Over at Istvan Molnar’s home, there is a discarded blanket near a chicken coop at the back of his house where he once found a migrant sleeping.
Almost every night, he said, huge groups would pass by. Sometimes they would knock on his window and shout: ‘Taxi, taxi.’


Hope you have no problems with the link I have posted.  Sometimes (I finally got lucky) it opens all the way without freezing up.
I suppose also it could be my connection. But then, why not everywhere else as well? 

And by the way.  Speaking of migrants and invaders.  It’s interchangeable.

Groups of 100 strong and armed with sticks and whatever else is handy, and organized by an anarchist group containing some Brits, forced their way into the Chunnel, that is, the rail link that runs under the English channel to France.  They managed to hold up rail movement for some 8 or 10 hours.  They tore down fences, ambushed trucks by throwing stones and when trucks stopped they tried to board.  So those two things were happening at the same time last week.  As usual and especially when anarchists are involved, there’s damage.
There really is a crying need for some sort of military action that should be taken against all these vermin.  Hit squads that have as targets, anarchists wherever they are found, and migrants simply for target practice to hone their skills.

Hungary has posted signs and taken out ads , some in English.  While most invaders especially the younger ones can speak some English, I wonder if they can also read it.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/05/2015 at 05:01 AM   
Filed Under: • Homeland-SecurityIllegal-Aliens and ImmigrationInternationalmuslimsREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLE •  
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calendar   Thursday - December 18, 2014

Defense Yes, But Against Whom?

PPDS? Phloating Phallus Defense System?


DDDDS? Dingus Dirigible Detection Deterrent System?


JLENS. Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System


Aw Hell it even has a big vein on the side

The U.S. military is testing a new cruise-missile defense system by launching a blimp-like airship near Baltimore.

Wednesday’s event at Aberdeen Proving Ground gives the region its first look at JLENS, short for Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System.

By February, two helium-filled airships will be tethered to concrete pads four miles apart, floating 10,000 feet high for the three-year test.

Radar on one ship will scan in a 340-mile radius, roughly from Norfolk, Virginia, to upstate New York. Controllers on the ground will use radar on the other vehicle to pinpoint targets. The airships won’t carry weapons.

The military says the balloons also won’t carry cameras. But privacy advocates are leery of the system’s ability to constantly monitor moving objects, including cars on the ground.


JLENS, which is short for Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System, is a system of two aerostats, or tethered airships, that float 10,000 feet in the air. The helium filled aerostats, each nearly as long as a football field, carry powerful radars that can protect a territory roughly the size of Texas from airborne threats.

JLENS provides 360-degrees of defensive radar coverage and can detect and track objects like missiles, and manned and unmanned aircraft from up to 340 miles away. JLENS can also remain aloft and operational for up to 30 days at a time. This potent combination of persistence and capability give defenders more time and more distance to:

Identify potential threats
Make critical decisions
Conduct crucial notifications

JLENS allows the military to safeguard hundreds of miles of territory at a fraction of the cost of fixed wing aircraft, and it can integrate with defensive systems including:

Standard Missile 6
Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile
National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System

One JLENS system, known as an orbit, can provide the same 24/7 coverage for a 30-day period that 4-5 fixed wing surveillance aircraft (AWACS, JSTARS or E-2C) can provide.

image image

An affordable, elevated, persistent over-the-horizon sensor system, JLENS uses a powerful integrated radar system mounted on two aerostats to detect, track and target a variety of threats. This capability better enables commanders to defend against threats, including hostile cruise missiles; low-flying manned and unmanned aircraft; and moving surface vehicles such as boats, mobile missile launchers, automobiles, trucks and tanks. JLENS also provides ascent phase detection of tactical ballistic missiles and large-caliber rockets.

“Over the horizon” is right; from 10,000 feet up, the line of sight horizon is 122 miles away (a 244 mile circle). For a direct 340 mile horizon, you’d have to be 77,000 feet up, nearly in space.

So what we have here, now flying or soon to be flying over eastern America, is a flying thing with a design that looks borrowed from toilet graffiti that can - if given enough computer power and if the diagrams above can be believed - can track any (every???) moving object as small as an RPG, on land, sea, or air, at any given speed (tanks and trucks aren’t exactly supersonic) in an area from Kingston Ontario in the North to the North Carolina’s Outer Banks in the South, to Columbus Ohio in the West to Cape Cod MA in the Northeast to the edge of TN in the Southwest to a long long way out to sea in the east.

But not to worry; the balloons aren’t armed. No, they’re merely linked in to any and every missile system that we have, along with all the combat ships and aircraft up and down the coast. And all the troops on the ground. And I’m certain that our over-reaching, unitized, universal, all-powerful, unlimited, law-abiding, limited, Constitution, “take care of our friends and punish our enemies”, nearly tyrannical government would never even consider linking in DHS, the FBI or all the police departments, nor ever condone using the tracking abilities inherent in this years long “test” for any “civilian” “law enforcement” operation. It’s just a coincidence that, “for your own good” - to protect us against terrorists and Chinese cruise missiles - that the government also just happens to now have a gun pointed at your head every minute of the day. If they feel like it. And you’ll never know. Probably damn near half the population under that circle. At least a third of us.

He sees you when you’re sleeping
He knows when you’re awake
He knows if you’ve been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake

Additional equipment could offer commanders extensive communications relay capabilities, or even area surveillance of the ground. The JLENS program reportedly deployed a smaller 15 meter aerostat to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. In late November 2003, the Army announced its intention to redeploy the Rapid Aerostat Initial Deployment (RAID) force protection aerostat from Afghanistan to Iraq. RAID, adapted out of JLENS via the Army Rapid Equipping Force, became its own program, involving both flying aerostats and fixed-tower configurations like GBOSS.

A privately-funded January 2013 test mounted similar equipment on a JLENS system, successfully demonstrating its ability to monitor humans walking near roads.

more info -
PS this is the marketing success story of the decade -


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/18/2014 at 11:12 AM   
Filed Under: • Homeland-SecurityJack Booted ThugsMilitaryPolitics •  
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calendar   Tuesday - June 10, 2014

Another School, Another Murder

This Time It Was Only One


Multnomah County Sheriff’s Dept officer on the scene. Note the MRAP behind him.

Also note his M-4 SBR carbine with electronic sights, doubled 30 round magazines. How tactical!

Gunman, student dead after shooting at Oregon high school

Troutdale Oregon, just east of Portland:

One student was killed at the hands of a shooter at a high school near Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday morning, police agencies said.  The suspected shooter is also dead, the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office said. It was not immediately clear how the shooter died.

There was only one shooter involved in the incident, police said. About an hour after the shooting, Oregon State Police said the area was secure and the situation was contained.

The shooting happened at about 8 a.m. (11 a.m. ET) at Reynolds High School in Troutdale, about 12 miles east of Portland, said Sue Strickland of the Troutdale Police Department. A semiautomatic weapon was involved in the shooting, she said.

Classes were in session at the time, Strickland said. It wasn’t clear how many people were injured, and details about what led to the shooting weren’t immediately available. A couple of SWAT teams responded, Strickland said.


another view of the armored vehicle, showing the gun turret on the roof

The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement that the situation is stabilized at Reynolds High School in Troutdale.

Scott Anderson, the chief of the Troutdale Police Department, confirmed the deaths and called the events a “tragic day” for the community. Authorities did not say how the shooter died.

The sheriff’s office said at 8:07 a.m. local time Tuesday, police responded to the reports of shots fired at the school.

Students told The Associated Press they were informed over the intercom that there was a lockdown and to quietly go to their classrooms.

The wife of a vice principal at the school told KPTV that she received a text message from her husband that said there was an active shooter.

More than 100 police and sheriff’s units are reportedly on scene in addition to medical personnel and the FBI, according to KOIN 6.

Doug Daoust, the mayor of Troutdale, told Fox News that SWAT teams are evacuating classrooms one at a time. TV news broadcasts showed students being escorted away from the school with their hands on their heads, The Associated Press reports.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/10/2014 at 12:35 PM   
Filed Under: • CrimeHomeland-Security •  
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calendar   Friday - July 26, 2013

How to avoid drone strikes

With Sen. Rand Paul’s filibuster over drone strikes ended I thought it would be appropriate to inform BMEWSers and BMEWSettes of several ways to avoid drone strikes. This is necessary because I don’t believe anything this misAdministration says.

1. Join the church where Al Sharpton is a preacher. No one knows where it is.
2. If you can’t find it, join the church Obama frequents.
3. If you can’t find that: register as a Republican Senate candidate from New York, New Jersey, or California.
4. Get a federal “green energy” loan, then declare bankruptcy. The U.S. government will cover for you.
5. Proclaim you are a victim of black-on-black crime. The media will render you invisible.
6. Come out as a black conservative. The media will render you unrecognizable.
7. If you are a woman: confess that Bill Clinton or Ted Kennedy once propositioned you.
8. Hide in the back of a Massachusetts senator’s submerged car. It will buy you at least a few hours.
9. Become a member of Obama’s Job Council.
10. Insert yourself in the next 2,000-page bill.
11. Follow Jesse Jackson to an honest day’s work.
12. Get friendly with Sandra Fluke. Nobody has ever been able to find any of those guys.
13. Say “Hi, I’m Jon Huntsman and I’m still running for president.”
14. Pretend you’re a salad; at least the First Lady won’t spot you.
15. Never walk in New York holding a 16oz Styrofoam soda cup.
16. Never drink from a bottle of water in front of a camera. This will put you in the media spotlight 24/7 for days.
17. Get in line at the DMV or another government office; by the time you emerge, drones will be obsolete.
18. Impersonate an American taxpayer.
19. Hide in plain sight in Benghazi; it makes a lot of difference.
20. Camp out at Obama’s shooting range; no one is ever there.
21. Stay where Obama keeps his college transcripts, U.S. passport records, or financial records. You will never be disclosed.
22. Set up in one of Chicago’s highest murder-rate zones. A truckload of fighters with RPGs will go undetected.
23. Hold a sign, preferably bilingual, declaring a “Drone-Free Zone.”

H/T: The People’s Cube


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 07/26/2013 at 02:37 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsHomeland-SecurityHumorObama, The One •  
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calendar   Saturday - December 22, 2012

anyone not an american citizen will understand. come to that, many yanks might too.

The cartoon by brilliant Brit cartoonist Matt, originally just said welcome to UK.
I altered it to be less a joke and make it American.

Trust me, for all the fun and jokes poked at, and all the criticism directed at Brit immigration officials at London’s airports, they’ve nothing on the KGB, the unfriendly and unhelpful people who work for Uncle Sam at LAX. 



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/22/2012 at 06:00 AM   
Filed Under: • Homeland-SecurityJack Booted ThugsUSA •  
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calendar   Sunday - September 30, 2012

‘I have struck a city — a real city — and they call it Chicago, It is inhabited by

Last year sometime, I posted an angry rant with regard to the treatment given my wife by agents of the KGB, working for customs and immigration at LAX.
Stone faced, unhelpful, arrogant and petty in the extreme.  Most regulars of BMEWS know the story so I won’t go into all of it again.  For those who don’t know, perhaps with some help from Drew we can find a link to my original post and include a link here to that old post.  If that’s possible.  ??
I tried and failed to find it. ??  I am hopeless at this sometimes.

Well anyway, I came across an article in the Daily Mail a few days ago and didn’t get a chance to post it and so I am doing it now.
I guess Chicago immigration can be a bit of a challenge too.

Next year we have to return to the states for a short time and do something about a few items in storage, and see to legal matters.
Neither of us are looking forward to it, and the wife especially is really tired of being treated as though she’s a potential threat or trying to sneak into the USA illegally.  Good grief, she collects SS after having been gainfully employed for 39 or 40 years.  So I really well understand the writer’s frustration with what he faced in Chicago.  After what we went thru 2wice bmews, as in twice, I am not even upset in the least by his comments and the desire at first, to just say the hell with it and turn around and go home.  Oh how I wanted to do that, but couldn’t.  I was already home. It was my wife who discovered that her home of some 40 years wasn’t home anymore.  And before anyone suggests dual citizenship, HA!  Check out the rules on that baby.  They make it impossible.
If you don’t feel like surfing through a lot of print, then simply pick up a phone and call immigration and ask about that and how to qualify. Listen to what they tell ya. 

So then .... here’s the article that started me off on another rant.

Why has friendly, beautiful Chicago got the second city blues?

By Martin Samuel

Chicago is feeling a little left out. America’s second city wonders why it attracts a fraction of the millions who visit New York, Los Angeles, Miami or Las Vegas.

It has a memorable skyline, great architecture and one of the world’s finest art galleries. It has a musical heritage second to none and superb restaurants. The lake is gorgeous.

Yet in 2010, while New York received 9.7 million visitors from abroad, Chicago entertained just 1.1 million, scraping into America’s top ten tourist destinations in last place. So where are all the people? Here’s a clue: maybe they’re at the airport.

Those arriving in Chicago on Monday this week took two hours to be processed at O’Hare. Regular visitors in the queue acknowledged this as standard. They reckon the country has no money for Homeland Security.

So we waited, in a soulless, low-ceilinged hall, with no mobile telephone signal to contact the outside world, until the single customs official on duty could be bothered to let us through. At one stage she went away and we were left staring at empty booths.

It was almost like a social experiment. How long could they humiliate people this way before there was a riot? Three hours, four hours? Maybe six? And this line was only for visitors. Passengers in transit and United States nationals had their own territory. They weren’t moving too fast, either.

It wasn’t as if ten planes had arrived simultaneously. This was a lone flight from London plus the residue of another from the east. And by the end of this voyage into tedium, most had decided that (a) America was skint and its politics bankrupt; (b) America was rude, inhospitable and had no respect for humanity; (c) they weren’t coming back, if they could help it.

Which is a pity, because Chicago is a fantastic city, one of the greatest in the world. The people are friendly, the urban landscape quite beautiful. I want to implore you to go.

But would I return? I’m not sure. I certainly wouldn’t change planes there because I don’t enjoy being treated like dirt.

And there is the irony. How can a city that wants to promote itself to the world, and a country that wants to promote its ideas and culture around the globe, allow this to be the first experience of any visitor?

How can it greet you, not with a smile, but the brusque suspicion that you are here to blow the place up? There is no courtesy on entry, none of the eagerness to please that is found beyond.

It is the same at the embassy. Those who have obtained an American visa will know the drill by now. The appointment, the wait, the inconvenience — no electronic devices, even electronic key fobs, allowed on the premises, and nowhere to store them — and then the incredible rudeness of the staff. It is a horrid, dehumanising experience.

Nobody who has been through it would think fondly of Chicago, of any American city, or American democracy. It smacks of what outsiders see as the worst of America: bullying arrogance and a refusal to engage in a civilised manner. Nobody smiles, nobody treats you nicely.

And then you get here and it couldn’t be more different.

Went to the White Sox game on Monday. Fantastic. The following night the local tourist board had invited a friend to dinner at a restaurant called Q. I tagged along.

The hospitality was insane. Tours of the kitchen, stuff on the house, try this, try that. We had the ‘competition ribs’, so called because they had won prizes.

They looked like something out of The Flintstones. The competition seemed to be who could get near finishing them without keeling over.

And all the time I was thinking that, if I’d had the option, I would have turned around and flown home without setting foot in the place.

It should be the easiest sell in the world, Chicago. They should be watching tumbleweed blow past at the tourist board, left with nothing to do, as visitors stampede to the Art Institute (260,000 works including Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks, considered the most recognisable painting by an American artist) or absorb Chicago’s history on the architectural tour.

‘I have struck a city — a real city — and they call it Chicago,’ wrote Rudyard Kipling. ‘Having seen it, I urgently desire never to see it again. It is inhabited by savages.’

He was wrong. Chicago isn’t inhabited by savages.

For some reason, though, its government is happy to let you think that way.


(c) they weren’t coming back if they could help it.
My wife’s thoughts exactly and I don’t fault her.  Twice she was taken on her own to an interrogation room where she was questioned at length and the fact that she was married all these years to an American meant squat. That she has a bank account in Ca., meant squat.  Why should she want to return once we get our other things in order?


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/30/2012 at 12:04 PM   
Filed Under: • GovernmentHomeland-SecurityIllegal-Aliens and ImmigrationJack Booted ThugsUSA •  
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calendar   Wednesday - June 06, 2012

Sure It Did, Right

Spray Tan Sets Off TSA Sensors

Agents Forced To Give Glamor Model Special Private Attention

Uh huh, yeah right. As if 25,000 people a day don’t go through airport security wearing spray tans. It’s just that very few of them look like this:


The next time you fly, you can be sure airport security has you protected from spray tans, based on one model’s tale.

Fitness model Laura Prestin, who hails from Canada, has been featured in magazines like American Curves and Muscle Magazine. She has been a fitness trainer for celebrities and Playboy models.

Prestin says her trip to Cancun ran into some roadblocks when a machine used by airport security to screen travelers showed a “big, red flashing 88%”which caused her to be pulled aside by security guards.

Prestin said the guards brought her “into some room” and began “rummaging through my bag” while also questioning her if she could “think of any chemical that would be so potent or leave such an impact on the screening?”

Initially, she said no, unable to come up with a plausible answer for the government agents.

After thinking about the various cosmetics and hair care products she carried with her, Prestin remembered that she had received a spray tan the night before.

After explaining the tan to the security agents, Prestin said, “they burst out laughing, patting me on the back and putting all my stuff back together.”

Hey, I went through a similar ordeal because my bag had a damp bar of Dial soap in a bag inside. Perhaps TSA’s specialized detectors really aren’t all that specialized after all, and just react to high levels of esters (aromatic substances)? Hmm, I wonder if wearing too much perfume will get you “randomly selected” for “special attention”? Or maybe all it takes is a tight body and a hefty set of bolt-ons ... perhaps the screeners’ own pheremones set the thing off?

This could be her sending a threatening message to TSA. Better investigate right away!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/06/2012 at 12:52 PM   
Filed Under: • Homeland-Security •  
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calendar   Wednesday - March 07, 2012

Europe banned the controversial airport ‘strip-search’ scanners last year.

First of all, if this is factually on the ball then it is scary indeed.
Question comes to mind. If he could do it, then why haven’t the terrorists already come up with it?
More importantly, isn’t letting this stuff out in public only aiding the enemy?
Or will more be done to correct things if he has it right.

How to get ANYTHING through TSA nude body scanners: Blogger exposes loophole in $1billion fleet

Jonathan Corbett claims he could easily smuggle explosives onto a plane
Strip-search scanners banned in Europe over cancer fears


Controversial nude body scanners used at U.S. airports have come under fire again - after a blogger claimed he could easily smuggle explosives through them onto a plane.

Engineer Jonathan Corbett has published a video where he shows how he took a small metal case through two of the TSA’s $1billion fleet in a special side pocket stitched into his shirt.

This is because, he suggests, the scanners blend metallic areas into the dark background - so if an object is not directly placed on the body, it will not show up on the scan.

The metallic box, he claims, would have set off an alarm had he passed through the old detecting system.

His revelation comes just weeks after Europe banned the ‘airport strip-searches’ over fears the X-ray technology could cause cancer.

MailOnline has decided not to publish the video because it details exactly how to circumvent the safety procedure - but it is freely available to watch online.

Corbett, standing in his living room as he speaks to the camera in the video for his ‘TSA Out of Our Pants’ blog, acknowledges the technique could be used by terrorists.

But he believes they would already know about the loophole, and took the steps to show ‘how much danger the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is putting all us all in’.

He said: ‘Here are several images produced by TSA nude body scanners. You’ll see that the search victim is drawn with light colours and placed on a black background in both images.

‘In these samples, the individuals are concealing metallic objects that you can see as a black shape on their light figure.  Again that’s light figure, black background, and black threat items.

‘Yes that’s right, if you have a metallic object on your side, it will be the same colour as the background and therefore completely invisible to both visual and automated inspection.

‘It can’t possibly be that easy to beat the TSA’s billion dollar fleet of nude body scanners, right? The TSA can’t be that stupid, can they? Unfortunately, they can, and they are.’

He said he put his theory to the test by buying a sewing kit to sew a pocket directly onto the side of his shirt. He then took a metallic case and walked through a backscatter X-ray at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport - all of which he recorded on film.

He said: ‘While I’m not about to win any videography awards for my hidden camera footage, you can watch as I walk through the security line with the metal object in my new side pocket.



Posted by peiper   United States  on 03/07/2012 at 01:00 PM   
Filed Under: • Homeland-SecurityTerrorists •  
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calendar   Tuesday - November 08, 2011

Part One … the compassionate, understanding and warm hearted folks at US Immigration.

Pt. one of two

The article by the brilliant MELANIE PHILLIPS in the Daily Mail really hits home due to a recent experience with the KGB, or as it’s known in the USA, US Immigration.
Our ppl appeared to me to be a cross between the Gestapo and the KGB altho I hardly know the difference if there was one, between the two.  One thing I do know for sure.
Our guys don’t have the sartorial good taste in uniforms that the Nazis did.  Just the bad manners and bully boy attitude.

This has been gnawing away at me for more then a month.  While the wife is over it, I’m still greatly bothered. Would it kill anyone at US Immigration to be helpful? OK, forget helpful. They don’t get paid for that.  How about ‘civil?’ I’d settle for that.

As I wrote Drew at the time, I had never met so many stone faced, unhelpful, unkind, unfriendly, unsympathetic, unyielding and moronically aggressive people all at once under one roof. 

There are a few here at BMEWS who know a bit about my circumstances and so some of this is a re-telling. That’s because those who aren’t aware will see our story for the first time and I have to go to the beginning, which is 2004.

My wife was the only daughter of the mil, who with old age could no longer live alone.  She had not yet become bedridden, that was in the near future. She was a burden which later became a curse.  If there’s one thing to be understood, it’s that there isn’t any substitute for an only daughter.  Just ask any mother who has a good relationship with her daughter.  I understood that, and didn’t think twice when it became apparent that the wife and I would have to move to England to care for her mother.  And before anyone asks, no.  It was not even remotely possible to have the old lady move in with us in America.  So in 2004 we pulled up stakes in CA., sold everything and stored what needed saving, and arrived here in the rain and cold on April 28 of ’04.  I kept a journal over the years we cared for the mil, one of these days I may post them.

There are rules and laws and sometimes we may not understand the logic of them, but we always assumed and especially after 9/11, that rules were in place for a good reason. Among our many rights, we never believed it was right to circumvent a law just because it wasn’t convenient.  Not only that, but there are fines and jail and who needs that, for people who flaunt the law.

One of the very strict rules of Homeland Security is that any foreigner who leaves the USA and stays away for a year, must return in that year to simply get their passport stamped. The USA didn’t care if you returned on the next plane, but you must get that passport stamped. Which meant of course that the wife would have to fly to NY to do that at US Customs and Immigration.  Now then …. we applied for and the wife got a years extension on that, which you can get one time only.  And I think we paid for the privilege, altho my memory on that is a bit murky. The wife says we did.

I won’t go into detail here with all we found upon arrival, the things that had to be tossed (secretly) to make room in this small place, and the leaking roof which resulted in the removal of one of the two chimneys.  There was a mountain of work to be done, and for those who do not know, this house was built in 1924, and hadn’t been maintained by the mil to the degree needed for house this old. But again, that’s for another time.  I’m simply trying to convey the idea that things weren’t as simple as just moving in. Far from it. 

At first, the mil could make it into the kitchen on her own with the aid of a walker.
She could use the bathroom with no help. Sadly, that didn’t last long.  By the end of ’04 she could no longer do those things and had a portable potty in her room. By Mid December of 2005, she was entirely bedridden.  We did have help from social services after having to spend down some of her savings, which really weren’t much to begin with.  Depending on which team came to the house, they weren’t always easy to get along with and I posted about them a few years ago.  They changed the old dears diapers twice a day.  My wife, on her own, did the other two changes. And that was not easy on her.

A word is necessary about my wife’s health so you’ll know why she decided to not to comply with the return rule in 2006, when she was due to return to the USA, just to have her passport stamped.  When folks here would ask how my wife was coping, I’d tell them she was “committing suicide by mother” Ha Ha. Dark American humor. Or so they thought. But I wasn’t kidding.

Some years before, the wife had a couple of accidents which resulted in broken bones and torn ligaments.  One was the result of being hit by a small pick up truck carrying fire wood. The kid went through a stop sign and demolished the wife’s car.  She was lucky to be hit on the passenger side. The car was totalled and she had all sorts of damage to herself.  The other accident years before that was in a fall on stage at the Grand Ole Opry.  They used to have these bleachers on stage behind the performers.
It was dark up there, you could hardly see the ppl on stage in the bleachers from the audience.  (No, we didn’t sue the Opry) She was coming down the stairs when her ankle turned on the last step or the one above it. She was badly hurt and in a cast on one leg almost up to her hip for months.  This old scratchy photo was taken during that first recovery. 
She has never fully recovered, has continuous pain, and there’s arthritis as well.


So then, here she is changing diapers, doing the shopping cos I can not drive here, and more or less playing mother to her mother.  By the time 2006 rolled around, she was just not in any shape to be getting in a car or worse yet a bus and making the trip to the airport in London.  She also had the very real worry that her mother could pass away and she wouldn’t be here for her. 
If you try and explain all that to officialdom, you very quickly discover that not only aren’t they listening, they don’t care.  They really do not.  There is no such thing as
Extenuating Circumstances. They wanted her passport stamped. Period.
Since the American Embassy is US soil, we asked if she could go there, given her health and circumstances.  Nope. Can’t do.
And so in 2006, we set ourselves up for the trouble that followed in 2010, and worse this year on our trip back home on Sept. 13, 2011, when she was pulled aside and taken to an interrogation room like some sort of illegal.  And technically, she may have been. 

It’s late, I’m tired and so ....



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/08/2011 at 02:52 PM   
Filed Under: • Homeland-SecurityPersonal •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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