Sarah Palin is the other whom Yoda spoke about.

calendar   Saturday - November 30, 2019

And the weekly “what were you thinking??” award goes to …

UK PM Boris Johnson: Hey, Maybe Letting Terrorist Out Of Jail Was A Mistake??
2 Dead 3 Wounded In London Bridge Stabbing
Yeah, it was a muzzie terrorist. Of course it was.

Friday’s stabbing attack on the London Bridge that left two people dead and three others wounded had British Prime Minister Boris Johnson arguing afterward that it had been a “mistake” to grant an early release to the suspect, an ex-convict who was shot and killed by police.

Johnson said he had “long argued” against allowing “serious and violent criminals to come out of prison early.”

“It is very important that we get out of that habit and that we enforce the appropriate sentences for dangerous criminals, especially for terrorists, that I think the public will want to see,” Johnson said.

“It is very important that ... we enforce the appropriate sentences for dangerous criminals, especially for terrorists, that I think the public will want to see.”
— Boris Johnson, British prime minister

Following the attack, London police identified the suspect as 28-year-old Usman Khan, who lived in the Staffordshire area and was convicted in 2012 for “terrorism offenses.”

Authorities said Khan had been released in December 2018 “on license,” meaning he had to meet certain conditions or face being sent back to prison, according to Metropolitan Police Counterterrorism Chief Neil Basu.

Police were treating the stabbings as a terrorist attack.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/30/2019 at 04:26 PM   
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Japan: Land of Sexism

Gee, ya thunk, maybe?

Japanese Store “Rethinking” Menstruation Badges For Female Employees
Amazingly, the badge icon was not Godzilla, but “Miss Period”

A department store in Japan is reportedly “rethinking” a new policy of having female employees wear a badge with a cartoon character dubbed “Miss Period” that signifies they’re menstruating.

The Daimaru department store in Osaka introduced the voluntary badges in October following an employee’s suggestion, BBC News reported.

“It was never the intention to share the menstrual information with their customers,” Daimaru spokesperson Yoko Higuchi told the BBC.

Higuchi said the so-called “period badges” were supposed to create empathy among coworkers, including allowing longer breaks and extra help for employees on their period.

Higuchi told the BBC that reactions to the badges were mixed.

No, really? Mixed reactions? Which means what, half the women decided that a roundhouse kick to the nuts was an appropriate response, and the other half went with a karate chop to the throat?

Meanwhile, Japan, not exactly the land of gender equality or anything ...

The controversy comes at the same time local media has reported that some Japanese companies are banning female employees from wearing eyeglasses, with some saying they make women look “cold” or don’t allow people to see their makeup.

That’s right, because grasses not sexry and a woman’s physical attractiveness is the ONLY thing that matters in the workplace.

But it doesn’t end there either ...

In another controversy this year, Japan’s foreign minister ignored a 20,000-signature petition, saying mandating high heels at work is “socially accepted as something that falls within the realm of being occupationally necessary and appropriate.”

Poor Engrish aside, I’m going to assume this means the foreign minister made the high heels statement, and that there wasn’t actually a petition calling for them. But who knows? This is Japan, where weird is the old normal, and weirder still is the new normal. Plus furries and cosplay.

The idea, Daimaru spokeswoman Yoko Higuchi told the BBC, was to “improve the working environment” for staff by sharing the information.
One unnamed Daimaru executive told local media there were then “many complaints” from the public, with “some of them concerning harassment”.
Daimaru are not cancelling the policy, but they are rethinking it.

Ms Higuchi said they would come up with a different way of sharing the information - without alerting the public.

How about, “go fruck you seff, asswad-san”?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/30/2019 at 04:01 PM   
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Free is the best price

OK, we made it through Thanksgiving. We had a great time at her dad’s, had tons of good food and good company, and didn’t get caught in a hurricane or a blizzard on the drive home this time. So, winning!!  Had my mother and brother down here for an extended visit, and fed them 4 or 5 times while cooking up a storm. As always, the bread I took got eaten immediately; didn’t get a chance to have fun with the “panda pee” jokes I had ready. The two kinds of stuffing went quickly too, although one got scorched a bit when the hostess reheated them a bit much. Her oven was running real hot; the turkey was done 2 hours sooner than it should have been. The white wine I brought, a 2015 Poilly-Fume, was quite nice and I managed to get several glasses of it. And her cheesecake was excellent, with or without the fresh raspberry reduction topping. So that was a plus, all around. And we’ve nibbled up most of the leftovers already.

Our breaking toilet didn’t break, and it survived our guests. A small miracle. We spent a couple hours this morning shopping online for a new one, perhaps a better one, but couldn’t quite agree on which one to get. The ADA rules have taken over the toilet industry, and it’s difficult to even find a “standard” height (15” tall) toilet; nearly everything is a “comfort height” “right height” et al ADA-compliant height 17” bowl, which is fine if you’re really old, in a wheelchair, or well over 6 feet tall. For the rest of us, it’s a bit of a balancing act. The one we have is like that, and it’s really too tall for her, seeing as she’s barely 5 feet. So after not zeroing in on one particular model, I looked up a replacement 4215A tank, and when I finally found one it was 80% of the price of an entire regular toilet, or a third the price of a fancy one. So ... what the heck, let me see if it’s under warranty from American Standard. A few web page menus later, a whole lot of “clicking in circles”, and I gave up on trying to get a chat mode session going, and found the actual telephone contact number off in one dusty corner of their site. Called them, went through a whole bunch of “press 1 for ...” steps, and then got in the wait queue. Somebody answered finally, and was really nice, and helpful, and within a minute or two I had a new tank being shipped to me for no cost. Free. It’s going to take about 10 days to get here, so it’ll be super glue and duct tape and prayers until then. But spending nothing but some of my weekend time is a lot cheaper than dropping $450 on a new fancy throne. So I’m happy. Meanwhile, I gave ours a really close inspection, and I think the very slow leak is probably coming from where the float valve thingy screws through the bottom of the tank. So when the new one gets here I’ll make sure to have some fresh washers and a little tube of silicon caulk, so that I can put all the old internals in the new tank and not have the drips.

And we’ve got snow in the forecast for Monday.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/30/2019 at 03:34 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - November 27, 2019

Not your typical baby rattle

But it’s for the children!!

TSA Finds Pistol Magazines In Baby Toy

Authorities for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at Orlando International Airport recently discovered two high-capacity magazines hidden in a baby toy during a security screening at the Florida air hub.

On Monday, TSA officials revealed that the firearm magazines were found concealed in a Prop-a-Pillar infant pillow at Orlando Airport sometime between Nov. 4 and Nov. 17, according to a blog post from the federal agency.

The TSA recently revealed that the firearm magazines were found concealed in a Prop-a-Pillar infant pillow at Orlando Airport earlier this month.

“Officers called a bag check on the toy after undergoing X-ray screening. The toy and box were made to appear to be factory sealed,” the post explained.

Local law enforcement officials responded to the scene and confiscated the magazines.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/27/2019 at 09:54 AM   
Filed Under: • Terrorists •  
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Bowser Bump

Should We Take Bets About The Driver?

A fuel truck struck and damaged two aircraft at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport on Monday morning, prompting an investigation into the cause of the incident.

The truck, believed to be operating for Allied Aviation, was filmed first colliding with the wing of one American Eagle jet, and then crashing into the wing of a second American Eagle jet, before coming to an abrupt stop.

The planes — both Bombardier CRJ-900 aircraft owned by Mesa Airlines, and operating for American Airlines — were said to have suffered significant damage, Business Insider reported. They were removed from service following the incident, American Airlines confirmed.

Footage taken after the accident, and shared by WFAA, shows the damage to one of the plane’s wings. The other aircraft’s wing, meanwhile, was seen pierced through the windshield of the fuel truck, which itself appeared to be severely damaged.

Both planes were removed from service.

Gosh, I wonder if this one was also disgruntled about union contract negotiations?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/27/2019 at 09:51 AM   
Filed Under: • Terrorists •  
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calendar   Tuesday - November 26, 2019

good enuff

Utterly exhausted now, but the whole house is reasonably clean, the kitchen is spotless, all the laundry is done and put away, dishes done, garbage out, shopping complete, bathroom cleaned, cats fed.

Sure, I could vacuum and dust a bit more, but come on. Good enough. I’ll just set the lights to dim and nobody will notice.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/26/2019 at 09:52 PM   
Filed Under: • Holidays •  
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Time to get focused

Ok, I’ve bopped around the internet long enough this morning. Time to get cleaned up, go to the grocery store, and get some last minute housework done because tomorrow is The Day Before and we’ve got guests coming by.

So, enough reading and research into the international donkey shortage and global population decimation. All because of a major rise in China for some traditional folk medicine. They take donkey hides, boil them down, and make gelatin out of them. For snacks, for face cream, and for medicine to improve the yin and yang. Am I the only one who notices that a huge part of their pharmacopeia is all about improving the sex bits? And instead of killing off the wild animals all around the world, why not look into this stuff scientifically and see if a) it actually works, and b) if it does, is there any difference between the donkey killer based stuff and Knox gelatin made with mineral water?

Right, and no more reading up on the hot rod stuff. Yeah, if I had the time, money, space, inclination, and access to some skilled machine shops, I would enjoy building up a Mopar 340 or an old school Pontiac V8. Hell, I can dream of an aluminum 455 SD with modern fuel injection. Torque monster!! And drop it into a 1974 Ventura for the ultimate sleeper rod. Looks like granny’s old grocery getter, runs in the mid 10s. On pump gas. And with a lightweight block it might even handle a bit. Throw in a DNE+5 style trans and some highway gears in the back, and it will probably get 30mpg on the highway too. DNE = Doug Nash Engineering, a custom kind of transmission that is not only super strong, it puts all the gear multiplication in the transmission, European style. This lets you use pitiful numbered highway gears in the back, but the car revs up like it has a 3.75, but when you get to 4th gear it’s kind of game over, and 5th gives you an overdrive on an already numb rear axle, which makes for highway cruising at just over idle speed. That gives you great mpg but you need an engine with good and smooth low low end torque. You also get a top speed in the Indy 500 realm, but who cares? I’m just thinking of ways to have my cake and eat it too, without going to some computer owned sewing machine size mini-mill with lots of turbo bits temporarily attached.

To work then. Woo hoo.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/26/2019 at 10:57 AM   
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calendar   Monday - November 25, 2019

greetings from Poland


Polish model Magdalena Zalejska


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/25/2019 at 10:58 AM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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Stupid Season Begins

Deer Season Opens In Wisconsin, Hunters Shoot Themselves And Each Other

Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources is currently asking for any information, “no matter how insignificant it may seem,” that might lead to the identification of a suspect who shot another hunter during the opening weekend of deer season.

The hunter was one of four people who were shot during separate hunting-related incidents over the course of the opening weekend for hunting with guns.
WDNR reported three other instances of hunters being injured on opening day of the season, two of which involved hunters shooting themselves in the feet – specifically their left feet – when their guns accidentally discharged. Another hunter, in Fond du Lac County, had also accidentally shot another hunter while trying to down a running deer.

Wisconsin’s firearm season for deer opened Nov. 23 and runs through Dec. 1, according to the WDNR.

The incidents detailed by the WDNR follow a similar spate of hunting-related accidents during opening weekend in Michigan, during which a man accidentally shot his own brother after mistaking him for a deer.

Good hunting tip: Don’t use your boot as a muzzle rest, especially when you’re carrying your gun by the trigger with the safety off. Not a good idea.

Better hunting tip: Stay the heck out of the woods if there’s anybody in there you may have had a recent disagreement with.

Best hunting tip: Win the lottery, go buy 2500 acres of semi wooded land (2 miles X 2 miles), and plant oak trees and other kinds of mast, like clover and corn. Tend the area well for a generation, and leave it to your heirs so they’ll have a place to hunt without random idiots suffering from buck fever behind every bush.

PS - I’m not picking on Wisconsin. This kind of thing goes on everywhere. There’s so many hunters in NJ, and so little accessible public land, that they’re like a blaze orange conga line in the forest. And accidents happen, whether they’re accidents or “accidents”.  [ “Man shoots wife wearing brown bathrobe in kitchen. ‘I thought she was a deer!!’ “ ]


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/25/2019 at 09:46 AM   
Filed Under: • Stoopid-People •  
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calendar   Sunday - November 24, 2019

Best Scorsese Film Ever?

I haven’t been inside a movie theater in close to 20 years. I think Return of the King was the last thing we went to see. We haven’t rented a DVD in at least 8 years. So much of what gets made these days is just total crap, and we might watch a few minutes of it when it goes to cable TV a few months later. And I have a particular resentment against all of these comic book movies (aside from the very first Spider-man with Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst) and all the rest of them featuring indestructible teens and young adults with magical super powers ... the whole genre, from Hairy Pothead to Ironman to Fantastic Four to Batman Part 814 to Fast & Infuriating. They all suck chunks and make zillions. They may be entertainment, but they aren’t art. Maybe Bruce Willis in Sin City approaches the line in a film noir way, but such films are pretty rare.

Once in a while we find a beautiful gem of film. Moonrise Kingdom was one; it’s a quirky, surreal, not-quite-connected story about young love and being different. But it shines with an inner light, and is a charming thing to watch time and again. The Shipping News is another art film, but of a far different nature. They’re out there, and you’ve never heard of most of them

We found Hugo tonight, and it was glorious.
I live under a rock, so I had never heard of this 2011 two hour film.

It’s a gentle, loving story about two young preteens having an adventure in Paris in the early 1930s. It is very French, but in the best way. It’s also a film about film, so of course I was instantly hooked. See, I was “poisoned” by a couple cinema classes I took in college, which were given by the outre avant-garde experimental director/producer/writer Ken Jacobs. We saw some seriously strange flicks in his classes, some marvelous and ancient films, and a whole lot of gay stuff. Too much gay stuff, but in those days it was dark and daring. Our weekend homework assignments was to go to the local art house theater or the campus art movie night and see whatever was playing, and then write a couple paragraphs. That’s where I found gems like Like Water For Chocolate, My Father The Hero, The Secret of Roan Innish, Daughters Of The Dust and many others. I learned to love film as art; movies made to move you, not to churn out billions. And Ken was all about the anti-narrative, and film about film. We used to argue a lot, but some of his outlook stuck. And my GPA improved a bit, as his classes were guaranteed A’s.

We watched Hugo tonight, and there were some bits in it that looked quite 3D, but not artificially so. And we got to the end of it and the credits rolled, and it was directed by Martin Scorsese. And instantly I said “of course” and she didn’t understand why. Why? Jean Cocteau. Stan Brakhage. The Lumiere brothers. Because the guy has roots in the art, not just in the shoot ‘em up special effects cash machines. And it tasted like Scorsese, but gently. And that’s about as good as I can explain it.

Hugo hardly turned a profit, relatively. It is not Pulp Fiction by any stretch of the imagination. And it turns out that it was actually shot in 3D, so there.

If you like beautiful art film that the whole family can watch, here you are. Oh, and it features a very young teenaged Chloë Grace Moretz, all innocent and wholesome, who grew up to be a really beautiful woman. 

Here’s a link to Roger Ebert’s review.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/24/2019 at 11:48 PM   
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But of course

We’re doing what we can to clean this place up before people come over for Thanksgiving. Gave the bathroom a good scrub, and noticed a vertical crack in the toilet tank. It’s one of those Champion mega-flush things, which we bought about 4 years ago. POS, figuratively and literally I guess.

Hope it lasts through the holiday, and that no guests need to sit down with force. And we can go toilet shopping on Black Friday, oh joy.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/24/2019 at 02:40 PM   
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New York Gestapo Red Flag Insanity

Cops Go Full SWAT Ninja Over Veteran With One Standard Rifle Magazine

Based On One Facebook Claim That Vet Has PTSD

What transpired on Saturday was exactly what advocates of red flag laws have asked for. A militarized police force, ignoring due process completely, confiscated the property and the civil rights of a U.S. citizen because of nothing more than the opinion of an associate.

If the current legal landscape allows for citizens to have their Second Amendment rights stripped from them without any legal opportunity to dissent, what are the next rights to be taken?  After all, our rights to speech or religion, or even due process itself, have no obligation to be respected by the government without the right to bear arms.

Every gun law, including the ones you agree with, is an infringement on our constitutional rights.


This is how Putnam County NY responds to one “high capacity” magazine and an unverified accusation

On Friday, police showed up to a young man’s workplace and tried to arrest him over social media posts reported to them by an old army buddy of the 28-year-old Afghanistan veteran.  This man, known as Alex and popular on Instagram under the handle of WhiskeyWarrior556, slipped out of the back door, hurried home to check on his family where he found out police had already forced themselves into his home and confiscated his legal firearms after threatening his wife with calling child protective services to remove her newborn child. Alex then barricaded himself inside his own attic, unarmed.  Law enforcement officers followed him, blocked off the road to all traffic and a seven-hour standoff began.

When it was over, the Putnam County Sheriffs, SWAT team and local police, armed with their own automatic rifles with 30 round magazines, arrested Alex for possessing a “high capacity magazine” for his legal AR-15.  In New York, “high capacity magazines” are defined as any magazine that can hold more than seven rounds.

Agreed. I’m against Red Flag laws, period. But if they have to exist, then they have to have some kind of immediate judicial oversight. County judge X is on call 24-7 to render a decision, and the laws must demand more credible accusations than “some guy on social media said so”.

hat tip to Wardmama

On a somewhat related topic, I was reading yesterday that President Trump is pushing hard for national CCW reciprocity. While many may view this as a good thing, others see it from the other side, and argue properly that reciprocity will even further empower state’s control of your rights. “Constitutional carry” is the right answer, across the whole country, but it’s going to cost “the gun show loophole” to get it, if it ever happens.

There has to be a way to keep guns - at least legal ones - out of the hands of mentally imbalanced people and those with significant criminal records. Banning person to person firearms sales without NICS approval might be the way. But why ban it when NICS could easily be involved? There is no reason that it costs anything, or anything much.

Heck, there could be NICS kiosks at the mall. Hand scanners take your fingerprints, along with your personal data that you enter, and run it through all the systems. If it comes back good, the machine prints you out a purchase approval form, with a serial number and an expiration date, then erases all your data other than that which is on the form.

You don’t have to run right out and buy a gun. You can get several of them a day if you want. OK, maybe it should charge you $5 per on your credit card. But if you add the approval form caveat, then the “gun show loophole” evaporates, and you still have your freedom.

All we would have to do is to trust that the kiosk actually is erasing the data afterwards. And yeah, your fingerprints would be in the system somewhere. So? Mine have been since I was in my early 20s. Not that I’d done anything wrong, or even applied for a gun permit. No, someone had planted a bomb in the store I worked in, so we all had to get fingerprinted to remove us from suspicion. Paper records in those days, but who can say if some cop clerk didn’t take every old set of prints and enter them in the system when that department went digital a couple decades later? 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/24/2019 at 11:23 AM   
Filed Under: • Guns and Gun Control •  
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RBG Back In The Hospital

Come On Ruth, Admit That It’s Time To Retire

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was admitted to Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore Friday night after symptoms of chills and a fever.

Ginsburg, 86, was originally evaluated at Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C., before being transferred for further tests, the Supreme Court said in a statement Saturday. Ginsburg is expected to be released from the hospital on Sunday morning,

Maybe the ethical thing for her to do would be to retire? Let’s face the truth: she’s dying. She was just in the hospital a couple weeks ago and missed work because of it. And she was hospitalized not too long before that. She’s got lung cancer and pancreatic cancer, and has had colon cancer since 1999. She’s 86, which can be spry for some, but for her it’s really old. While I appreciate her service to the country, there is a limit.

Yeah, I know, politics. But Trump will be re-elected, and there’s no way she’s going to make it another 4 years, either on the bench or at home. Sorry.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/24/2019 at 11:11 AM   
Filed Under: • Judges-Courts-Lawyers •  
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calendar   Saturday - November 23, 2019

Oh please, don’t be a one hit wonder

Can I make more than one new post? Can I do categories?  Fingers crossed, hold your breath, here we go .....



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/23/2019 at 09:01 AM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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