Sarah Palin's enemies are automatically added to the Endangered Species List.

calendar   Friday - September 30, 2011

Random thoughts

––Got a call just this morning. Mind you, I’ve had my cellphone number since 2003. The previous owner, Austin, apparently never told his friends he has a new number. I just got a call from an old ‘Austin’ friend again. She lives in Florida. She also hit on me. I had to hang up when she got ‘pornographic’.

––Listening to Rush Limbaugh. He’s discussing ObamaCare, specifically the provision that ‘children’ can stay on their parent’s healthcare policy until age 26. Children? By age 26 I’d done two years of college, six years active duty in the Navy, and was honorably discharged. I was a veteran by age 26. I certainly wasn’t a child at age 26. And I wasn’t a drain on my parents then.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 09/30/2011 at 01:26 PM   
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Hope for Change

Dig This

Court Rules In Favor of Pebble Mine

An Alaska Superior Court judge has upheld the validity of temporary, revocable land and water use permits for mineral exploration at the Pebble copper-gold-molybdenum project in the Bristol Bay region of southwest Alaska.

Project opponents have waged a lengthy legal and political battle against the massive project, frequently citing risks to salmon and other fishery in the Bristol Bay

Bristol Bay is the large inlet just above where the Aleutian Island Chain connects to the mainland. It is where most of the salmon swim through on their way to their spawning grounds.

Superior Court Judge Eric Aarseth delivered a major blow to the environmental activists who have been using regulations lawsuits and billions of dollars to prevent the Pebble Mine Project in Alaska from helping to provide American energy independence. Judge Aarseth handed down a 154-page ruling in favor of Alaska in the most recent lawsuit aimed at preventing the Pebble Mine Project from even being able to begin the permit process.

Pebble Mine is one of the largest copper deposits in the world. It is in the United States and could release us from our dependence on buying copper from China, which provides 97% of the copper used in the world.

The environmentalist have argued that the Pebble Mine MIGHT impact salmon in Bristol Bay, Alaska, even though the mine is over 200 miles north of the area.

The judge ruled that evidence “did not support the plaintiffs’ claims that mineral exploration activities in the Pebble Project area were significantly impacting or causing long term harm to concurrent uses.”

After summarizing the state’s monitoring of Pebble’s exploratory activity to ensure compliance with the terms of the permits, Aarseth wrote:

“All of these documented efforts support the conclusion that the state was proactive when issuing permits with appropriate restrictions on Pebble’s activity and not merely rubber-stamping the applications. Further, the review process as well as the field surveys/investigations indicate that the State was actively enforcing the permits issued and thus placing itself in a reasonable position to revoke the permits if necessary. Last, by responding to concerns by Nunamta both in the review process as well as in enforcing the [permit] conditions, the State showed a reasonable concern for the concurrent users of the Pebble Area.”

Aarseth found Nunamta did not meet its burden of proof to show environmental harm and concluded, “Moreover, contrary to Plaintiffs’ assertions, the weight of the evidence tends to show that exploration activities are not changing water quality in the Pebble study area.”

He was also persuaded that Pebble has a “successful reclamation program” and there was no evidence of damage to vegetation. Aarseth similarly dismissed claims of harm to caribou or fish populations.

“The evidence shows that more than 20 years after minerals were first discovered at Pebble, the site continues to have pristine water and support wildlife and fisheries resources,” Aarseth wrote. “The harms that Plaintiffs’ witnesses describe are speculative; they are neither harms occurring in fact nor did they show that the harm will necessarily occur.”

The case was Numanta Aulukestai v. State of Alaska, DNR, and Pebble Limited Partnership and the whole decision is here.

There is another similar case, Rosemont Copper, a copper mine near Tuscan Arizona that could employ 1000, also being held hostage in the court system by the EPA and its tree hugging minions.

While this ruling is a significant win for the goal of American energy Independence, it is not the end of the issue. Environmental groups have aggressively fought the Pebble Mine Project for years. This particular lawsuit has been ongoing since 2009. Since Judge Aarseth’s ruling, they say they are taking the case to the Supreme Court.

Want to get involved? Visit Resourceful Earth to see how.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/30/2011 at 11:35 AM   
Filed Under: • Big BusinessEnvironment •  
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MOOvin With MOOchelle


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/30/2011 at 09:12 AM   
Filed Under: • Humor •  
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Remote Controlled Splat: Anwar al-Awlaki meets Predator

All a you snack bar!

Senior Al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki was killed in Yemen early Friday morning by a CIA-led U.S. drone strike, marking the highest-profile takedown of a terror leader since the raid on Usama bin Laden’s compound.

Fox News has learned that two Predator drones hovering above al-Awlaki’s convoy fired the Hellfire missiles which killed the terror leader. According to a senior U.S. official, the operation was carried out by Joint Special Operations Command, under the direction of the CIA.

“AQAP has lost its ideological leader, which is a huge blow,” a former intelligence official who has tracked al-Awlaki for years told Fox News.

Al-Awlaki was a U.S.-born Islamic militant cleric who became a prominent figure with Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the network’s most active branch. He was involved in several terror plots in the United States in recent years, using his fluent English and Internet savvy to draw recruits to carry out attacks. President Obama signed an order in early 2010 making him the first American to be placed on the “kill or capture” list.

The strike hit a vehicle with three or four suspected Al Qaeda members inside, in addition to al-Awlaki. The strike comes after a heavy presence of U.S. drones was spotted in the skies over the region over the last couple weeks, one source told Fox News.

So he’s fried mush, and probably a couple of his lieutenants along with him. Good. Next!

Do I have ethical qualms about our own government assassinating someone who is actually still an American citizen? Hella no. Once you play the terrorist card it can’t be unplayed. Hellfire missile or firing squad makes no difference for traitors.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/30/2011 at 08:56 AM   
Filed Under: • War On Terror •  
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calendar   Thursday - September 29, 2011

We’ll Call It A Draw!


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 09/29/2011 at 10:52 PM   
Filed Under: • CHESSFun-StuffHumor •  
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Today’s Chess Problem 9/29/11

Solution from the the previous chess problem (btw: kudos to Wes, he got the first move right!):

1. … Nc5
2. Rxe8+ Qxe8
3. Qf3 Bg4!

Winning, so the book says since Qxg4 allows Qe1 mate.

Been dealing with the fallout of my bank getting bought out. What a pain! The new bank’s online bill payment software sucks! I couldn’t even verify I had any money for some days. Hence my lack of posting.

Today’s problem:


1. … ? Black to move. White’s back rank is weak.

graphics courtesy of ExaChess. Problems from Combination Challenge by Lou Hayes and John Hall.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 09/29/2011 at 03:25 PM   
Filed Under: • CHESS •  
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This, too, has a name

The Oxford Comma

The serial comma (also known as the Oxford comma or Harvard comma, and sometimes referred to as the series comma) is the comma used immediately before a coordinating conjunction (usually and or or, and sometimes nor) preceding the final item in a list of three or more items. For example, a list of three countries can be punctuated as either “Portugal, Spain, and France” (with the serial comma) or as “Portugal, Spain and France” (without the serial comma).

Opinions vary among writers and editors on the usage or avoidance of the serial comma. In American English, the serial comma is standard usage in non-journalistic writing that follows the Chicago Manual of Style. Journalists, however, usually follow the AP Stylebook, which advises against it. It is used less often in British English, where it is standard usage to leave it out, with some notable exceptions such as Fowler’s Modern English Usage. In many languages (e.g., French, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish), the serial comma is not the norm and may even go against punctuation rules. It may be recommended in many cases, however, to avoid ambiguity or to aid prosody (the voice - tone and meter - of what you are writing).

News to me. Never knew that those extra commas had a name. I seem to recall that I was taught to use them and to realize that they were used correctly by analyzing my sentence and removing the text between the commas; if the sentence still read properly then the commas were used properly. Which I just explained in a big long sentence without a single comma in it that actually needed a bit of prosody just like this sentence does.

While this seems like some funny bit from The Oatmeal’s never ending fight for proper grammar, I got it from You can easily see how it reduces ambiguity. Except in San Francisco.



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/29/2011 at 01:47 PM   
Filed Under: • Humor •  
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Driving the Recovery?

Improve the Economy: Raise the Speed Limit to 80mph

Motorway speed limits could be raised to 80mph to shorten journey times and boost the economy

The current 70mph restriction is rarely enforced, police often turning a blind eye to anyone driving at up to 10mph faster than the limit.

Experts have argued that by having a higher speed limit that is enforced more readily, drivers are more likely to have respect for the rules.

A report in the Daily Mail suggests potential changes could be discussed as soon as this month’s Conservative Party conference.

It states that it is now only a matter of time before the change to the law is brought in, although speed restrictions on motorways will be better enforced.

But the Department for Transport refused to be drawn on the matter, describing the report as “speculation”.

“We need to make sure that we are looking at the right criteria when considering what level speed limits should be set at,” a DfT spokesman said.

“This means looking at the economic benefits of shorter journey times as well as considering other implications such as road safety and carbon emissions.

“Any proposal to change national speed limits would be subject to full public consultation.”

The latest figures from the DfT show that nearly half of cars exceeded the 70mph speed limit on motorways last year.

Sounds like a good idea to me for over here too. But I would want state vehicle inspection standards raised to check somehow if cars were stable at those speeds, had the properly rated tires, and had proper brakes. Then I’d want a major effort from the police to enforce safe following distances. People drive on the highways of NJ at 80mph or better all the time ... right on each other’s bumpers. That is not safe driving.

But it would be nice for many of us to get to work 15 minutes faster, and if such a speed limit were to stay around, new cars could be given a more appropriate top gear so that they’d get the same mileage at that speed as they do at 65mph.

Perhaps a bit better driver training could help us, and the UK as well:

The problem with driving is drivers. Not you, dear reader, obviously – your three-point turns are vehicular ballet. It’s the rest of them. As roads have become busier, and our society more self-centred, drivers have become more volatile. And a ton of speeding metal is a lot with which to entrust an angry idiot. Today, even being a passenger is stressful. Although trains can be unreliable, they rarely get cut up on wet motorways, or honked at impatiently by another train travelling three inches behind them. And I can count on no hands the number of times I’ve seen a train driver mouthing curses at a fellow train driver while attempting to run him into a bollard.

In short, our roads would be lovely places to drive if only people didn’t keep driving on them.

Hmmm, maybe. But on the gripping hand, meting out just punishment for offenses behind the wheel seems to be a universal problem ...

Saudi King Abdullah has overturned a court verdict that sentenced a Saudi woman to be lashed 10 times for defying the kingdom’s ban on women driving.

The revelation was made by a government official, who asked to remain anonymous, and who would not reveal the king’s reasons for intervening in the case.

A day earlier, a Saudi court found Shaima Jastaina guilty of violating the driving ban, and sentenced her to 10 lashes, igniting a firestorm in the conservative Muslim kingdom.

It was the first time a legal punishment had been handed down for breaking the longtime ban in the ultraconservative Muslim nation. No laws prohibit women from driving, but conservative religious edicts have banned it.

I bet the Saudis won’t let women drive because there is no peripheral vision in a burkha. That, and they’re all a bunch of 7th century misogynists. But I’m having a happy moment here, daydreaming of NJ having Sharia-esque traffic police ... tailgating? 10 lashes, right now! Didn’t use your signals? 5 lashes, right now! Pennsyltucky Left Lane Dick? 20 lashes, right now! OGB*? 3 lashes when you finally get to where you’re going!

Ach crivens, it’s pouring again. Our third thunderstorm of the day. I am turning into an amphibian, I swear.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/29/2011 at 01:00 PM   
Filed Under: • Economicsplanes, trains, tanks, ships, machines, automobilesRoPMA •  
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Not Again

More Floods In NJ

Sure, we got hit pretty bad from Irene and then the deluge from tropical storm Lee. But when the flood waters went down, the rains continued. It’s been the rainiest summer I can remember, and it isn’t over yet. With the water tables so high it doesn’t take much to push us back into flooding, but dear old Mother Nature has been extra generous and given us “lots” when we didn’t even want “not much”.

We’re in flood alarm again right now. We’ve had at least 4” of rain since yesterday, and the big cloudburst last night was the proverbial camel’s last straw. So another day of minor flooding, another couple of roads closed, another few days of detours and inconvenience. Great.


a few miles upstream on our local river

In Morris County, a woman waited for rescuers on the roof of her car as an overflowing creek in Flanders breached its banks.

Elsewhere in Morris County, the floodwaters gushed so suddenly they ripped up the asphalt along Schooley’s Mountain Road in Washington Township.

In Sussex County, Sparta High School students learned a new term — flood day — when they were dismissed early because of inundated roads.

Across western and central New Jersey today, already water-weary communities faced a new round of flooding. Just a month after Hurricane Irene drowned parts of the state, overnight rainfall caused waterways to swell and overtake their banks. Residents once again faced road closures, detours and water rescues.

The dangerous conditions are expected to continue tomorrow. This evening, the National Weather Service issued flash flood watches for Morris, Somerset and Hunterdon counties through tomorrow afternoon.

Meteorologists said the heavy rains pummeling New Jersey could bring a second successive month of record precipitation.

The totals are nothing short of epic, said David Robinson, the state climatologist. The average statewide rainfall — about 22 inches since August 1 — appears to be a once-in-a-millennium epochal event.

“What we have recorded recently is so far off the charts that statistically it looks like it’s something that occurs every 1,000 years,” Robinson said of the rainfall totals for August and September.

New Jersey’s precipitation is usually evenly distributed over all 12 months, Robinson said. This year, the state has received the equivalent of two-thirds of its annual rainfall in the last two months alone.

At this rate, New Jersey will likely break the state record of 59.98 inches of precipitation, set in 1996, Robinson said. So far, rainfall statewide has averaged about 51 inches.

And more wet weather is on the way.

I am amazed we haven’t smashed all the old records by now. Don’t forget we had more than double our quota of snow this past winter as well.  Rutgers publishes some monthly precip numbers going back to 1895, but I don’t know where they get their data from. Their numbers don’t show anything atypical about last winter’s snows (we had 42.8" of snow in January alone, after getting half a foot in the blizzard right after Christmas), and their August rain numbers are low by half a foot or more. I guess the numbers are normalized across the state. All I know is that it has been soggy here in one way or another since last Thanksgiving. And I’m really tired of it.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/29/2011 at 10:32 AM   
Filed Under: • Climate-Weather •  
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Color Blind Stupidity In UK

h/t from brand new member kjmerz!

Halloween in UK: witches dressed in black & fairies in pink = RAAAACIST!!!

Who needs Marx when you’ve got the Thought Police? The strongest chains that bind the slaves are the ones they forge themselves and wear with pride.

Dress witches in pink and avoid white paper to prevent racism in nuseries, expert says

Teachers should censor the toy box to replace witches’ black hats with a pink ones and dress fairies in darker shades, according to a consultant who has issued advice to local authorities.

From the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz to Meg, the good witch from the Meg and Mog children’s books, witches have always dressed in black.

But their traditional attire has now come in for criticism from equality experts who claim it could send a negative message to toddlers in nursery and lead to racism.

Instead, teachers should censor the toy box and replace the pointy black hat with a pink one, while dressing fairies, generally resplendent in pale pastels, in darker shades.

Another staple of the classroom - white paper - has also been questioned by Anne O’Connor, an early years consultant who advises local authorities on equality and diversity.

Children should be provided with paper other than white to drawn on and paints and crayons should come in “the full range of flesh tones”, reflecting the diversity of the human race, according to the former teacher.

Finally, staff should be prepared to be economical with the truth when asked by pupils what their favourite colour is and, in the interests of good race relations, answer “black” or “brown”.

They’ve already given up on grading tests with red pens. That’s damaging to frail little egos. Red is bad?
Pink witches? Orange witches? Sand witches? Because black is racist, even though the standard cape and hat in simple black is historically accurate of the last witch burning period (early 1600s)?
Don’t use white paper. White is bad?
Lie about your favorite color. Why not just choose one that has no flesh tone associated with it? Something like blue or green. Though to be fair, reading crap like this makes me blue, and turns me green as I feel the need to vomit. So I guess those aren’t good favorite colors either.

The measures, outlined in a series of guides in Nursery World magazine, are aimed at avoiding racial bias in toddlers as young as two.

According to the guides, very young children may begin to express negative and discriminatory views about skin colour and appearance that nursery staff must help them “unlearn”.

If children develop positive associations with dark colours, the greater the likelihood that the attitude will be generalised to people, it says.

The advice is based on an “anti-bias” approach to education which developed in the United States as part of multiculturalism.

Oh no you don’t. This bull is entirely yours. Don’t go trying to foist it off on the USA.

Horry Clap.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/29/2011 at 07:21 AM   
Filed Under: • Politically Correct B.S.UK •  
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calendar   Wednesday - September 28, 2011


Fast & Furious: High Crimes & Misdemeanors that should topple a government

Media reaction: Yawn. No story here. So, how about those Yankees?

This is objectively the most important political and legal story in America right now.

But despite the revelations from of documents and testimony obtained by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and repeated calls for full disclosure from senators and congressmen, mainstream media organizations have done everything in their power to bury the scandal. This can only be viewed as a partisan media’s attempt to protect a criminal executive branch.

The Gunwalker conspiracy is the kind of story that journalists dream of breaking their entire careers. It is now in the palms of their hands: a story in which they can make a difference, take down the evil and corrupt, and ensure justice is served.

Instead of reporting, however, they are complicit. They have chosen to acquiesce to a clear and obvious evil, an aberration of our most basic values. They are no longer watchdogs, but docile sheep.

Soylndra scam? Scandal? Crime? Crony money laundering scheme? Just plain stupid investment? Never fear, Obama will do it all over again, TWICE AS HARD.

I guess that pesky Solyndra scandal won’t be deterring the corrupt president from doling out more of your money. Why should Solyndra stop him? It’s not as if many in the media are even reporting it.

Facing a Friday deadline, the Energy Department has approved two loan guarantees worth more than $1billion for solar energy projects in Nevada and Arizona.

Energy Secretary Steven Chu said the department has completed a $737 million loan guarantee to Tonopah Solar Energy for a 110 megawatt solar tower in Nevada, and a $337 million guarantee for Mesquite Solar 1 to develop a 150 megawatt solar plant in Arizona.

The loans were approved under the same program that paid for a $535 million loan to Solyndra Inc., a now-bankrupt solar panel maker that has become a rallying cry for Republican critics of the Obama administration’s green energy program.

I’m pretty close to giving up here. “All the news that fits ... our agenda” has never been more true.

Flush the government. Send all the reporters to jail. No textbooks allowed in schools that were written less than 40 years ago. It’s long past the 9th inning IMO.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/28/2011 at 06:00 PM   
Filed Under: • CrimeGovernment •  
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It’s that time again

My wife loves hers. They’re more than just conversation starters, they frighten liberals. Their reactions run from “WTF” to “that’s sick!”. Far more impressive than another Danger Kitty wristband

image image

To get yours, pay a visit to Kevin over at Smallest Minority. No other gun designs available. Act quick, the production window closes soon.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/28/2011 at 03:28 PM   
Filed Under: • Fun-Stuff •  
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fashion trend?

I hear that big hats are making a comeback. I’m all for it. I just love ladies in big hats. I don’t care if the hats are tres chic or swamp rat; it takes a degree of boldness and self-confidence to carry off a big hat and that’s what I admire. Oh, and the freckles.



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/28/2011 at 11:31 AM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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Weak Horse, Strong Horse

Stalking Horse


ha ha, I gotcher nose!

Just days after Iran told the world that their new generation of cruise missiles are deployed, and just after the coincidental assassination of a top nuclear scientist in Syria, comes the latest news that Iran is planning on sending part of it’s navy to the Western Atlantic, to cruise up and down the edge of America’s territorial waters. Tweak. Tweak. Hey Obama, I got your nose!

Syria’s state-run news agency says a nuclear engineer has been assassinated in a hail of bullets in the restive central city of Homs. Engineer and university professor Aws Khalil is the fourth Syrian academic to be assassinated in Homs recently.

... SANA reported Khalil’s killing on Wednesday, blaming it on an “armed terrorist gang.”

Mere coincidence. This has nothing to do with Iran at all. Well, until you stop and recall that Gerald Bull was capped just before the first Gulf War, after designing the SuperGun for Iraq. Which Saddam tried his best to build.

Iran says it’s started large-scale production of a domestically-developed cruise missile designed for sea-based targets and capable of destroying warships. Defense Minister Gen. Ahmad Vahidi says an unspecified number of samples of “Ghader,” or “Capable” as the missile is called in Farsi, were delivered to the Revolutionary Guard’s navy, assigned to protect Iran’s sea borders. His remarks were reported by state TV on Wednesday.

The cruise missile has a range of 124 miles. It can reportedly travel at low altitudes and has a lighter weight and smaller dimensions.

Iran also claims to possess high speed super-cavitating rocket-torpedoes that go 4 times faster than modern high speed torpedoes, but some folks have said that that’s a scam. The Russians do have such a torpedo, and so, presumably, do we. Super cavitation is real, and a bubble curtain around a torpedo can allow it to move through the water at more than 220mph. Steering is a bit of a problem though.

Iranian Navy Plans to Send Ships Near U.S. Waters

The Iranian navy plans to move naval vessels out of the Persian Gulf and into the Atlantic Ocean, “near maritime borders of the United States,” the Tehran Times reported Tuesday. According to the English-language paper based in Tehran, the announcement came from a top Iranian naval officer on Tuesday.

“As the global arrogance (forces of imperialism) have a (military) presence near our sea borders, we also plan to have a strong presence near the U.S. sea borders with the help of the soldiers who are loyal to the vali-e faqih (supreme jurisprudent),” said Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, as quoted and paraphrased by the Tehran Times.

“We’ve been pushing freedom of the seas for years and the Iranian navy can go wherever it wants,” said Pentagon Spokesman Capt. John Kirby.

Iranians might face a challenge in refueling its fleet. Some in the Pentagon have speculated it could gas up in Venezuela, whose President, Hugo Chavez, is known to have a close relationship with Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The Iranians gave no indication of when or what kind of vessels they might deploy, but the announced plan comes just months after Iran sent warships through the Suez following the fall of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. It was the first time Iran had moved ships into the Mediterranean and the move put Israel on high alert.

The naval unit plans to establish direct contact with the U.S. when it hits the Gulf of Mexico, a commander in the Iranian navy said. Officials in the Pentagon strongly denied any planned port visits by the Iranians.

When Bush was president, I don’t think the Iranian Navy ever sailed out of sight of their own sand dunes. It’s tough to put the spurs to a strong horse and ride it, but you can kick a weak horse all you want without fear.




Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/28/2011 at 08:59 AM   
Filed Under: • Iran •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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