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calendar   Saturday - November 06, 2004

On the Subject of “Reaching Out”

By now you’ve probably been saturated with media whores whining about how Bush now needs to reach out and be more conciliatory towards Democrats.  They rationalize it based on some perverse notion that winners should be more gracious.  Even the Europeans are saying it.  But what do you expect from a bunch of losers?

Well, they can rationalize all they want but the era of conciliation needs to end.  To the victors go the spoils. 

When the hated Red Sox beat my beloved Yankees you did not see Yankee fans calling the Bosox general manager asking him to be more warm and fuzzy, did you?  So why should we?

Newspapers are full of editorials doing the same thing:  insisting that the only way to unite the nation is to “reach out and be conciliatory.”

It got bad enough that I wrote both local papers with the following.  I recommned you do the same.  My St. Pete paper was full of letters to the editor all saying ther same thing and only one against.  I am pissed.

So steal this if you want (just don’t send it to the St. Pete Times or the Hernando Today papers.)

As a Republican and a conservative it does not surprise me to see how many main-stream papers who’s liberal editorial boards could not correctly endorse the right man for President and, having chosen incorrectly, think we have an obligation to go around trying to make nice.  Sorry, but if he was not conciliatory in his first term and won MILLIONS more votes for a second term, explain to me EXACTLY WHY it is he needs to be conciliatory now?

These editors want us to make nice with:

--the people in foreign countries who tried to influence our elections;

--the leaders of foreign countries who refused to stand with us in deposing a terrorist threat because their hands were full of his money (France, Germany for two);

--the people that lied about what we, as Republicans, plan to do in the next 4 years;

--the people who tore into Bush’s past but never questioned Kerry’s

--the people that scare our elderly into thinking we are taking their social security;

--the people that stole or defaced our campaign signs;

--the people that injured our volunteers in attacks;

--the people that burned swastikas in our yards;

--the people that fraudulently tried to get the dead to vote;

--the people who fraudulently registered the same folks over and over

(I could go on and on but you get the picture.)

To those newspapers and other liberally biased media minions out there:  don’t come to me with pleas for conciliation.  YOUR PARTY has much to atone for and right now I am not feeling very forgiving.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 11/06/2004 at 06:10 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - November 04, 2004

Raise Your Hands If You Surprised To Read This

The loser newspapers that endorsed Fuckface are now coming out saying President Bush should reach out to democrats and the rest of the world.

OK, who’s surprised?  They can’t choose the right guy and once they lose they think we have an obligation to go around trying to make nice with the insolent fucks who thumb their noses at us.  They want us to make nice with the people that lied about what we plan to do; that scare our elderly into thinking we are taking their social security; that stole our signs; that injured our volunteers; that burned swastikas in our yards; that fraudulently tried to get dead and non-existent people to vote.  (I could go on and on but you get the picture.)

To those newspapers and other media whores out there:  FUCK YOU! You want to reach out?  I got something you can reach out for------those HUGE turds coming out of our elephant’s ass about to smother your donkey.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 11/04/2004 at 02:17 PM   
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Had To Share This

Turned on NPR (best reception) to listen to President Bush’s announcement just now and the liberal fawners over there are making noises about President Bush possibly appointing a DEMOCRAT to one of the expected vacant cabinet posts.  They sounded orgasmic while saying this, too.  Of course, Mara Liason (or however you spell her name) was saying Bush had no mandate and that his percentages were not that big.

Then 11:06 rolls around (one minute past 11:05, the scheduled time) and right away they start whining, “For a White House that prides itself in being on time, it looks like we’re not ready” (or something to that effect.)



Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 11/04/2004 at 11:10 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - November 03, 2004

A Special Election Night Moment

For those who may have missed it, at 3:21am Wednesday morning this exchange took place between Leslie Stahl and Dan Rather during CBS News coverage of the election ....

STAHL: Well, it’s unique, and I don’t know about you, Dan, but it makes me despair, because it’s up in the air. It’s unsettled. I know we all talked about this before we started getting returns. What we all prayed for was a decision that was final, that we could go to the American people and say this is it. Anything that’s left uncertain like this is sure to create more turmoil, it’s just not healthy for our system. It’s not a good thing that we are sitting here telling the American people. We can’t help it, but we want to see healing, and this is not conducive to that, it doesn’t seem to me.

RATHER: Let me say something to you personally. Don’t despair. Despair is not in the American character. The country will be all right whatever happens here, however long it takes to square it away, and I understand you’re saying the heartache we’re going to have to go through, but we’re a big continental country, so don’t despair. Not in our character. We’re optimists by experience and by nature here in this country, so however it turns out, we’re going to be OK.

Well, isn’t that just SPECIAL? Full coverage of Rather’s election night meltdown is here.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/03/2004 at 10:37 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsMedia-Bias •  
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Check out these two headlines and articles and pay attention to the wording.

“Accidental president” sets down stakes for second term.

Criticizing him to the very end they grudgingly admit he got a huge percentage of the vote, something Bill “Suck My Dick” Clinton never did.

Oh how badly those media bastards wanted chaos so as to blame the President for not making voting a smooth process.  Here’s the headline:

Bush’s Florida victory deals a number of surprises, including lack of chaos

Right now NPR is almost weeping as they announce what a sad time it must be for Fuckface and The Breck Girl.  It sickens me.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 11/03/2004 at 02:15 PM   
Filed Under: • Media-Bias •  
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calendar   Friday - October 29, 2004

Angry Eyes

VariFrank is pissed .. big time .. and you should be too. Take a look at what the media and the Dummycraps are sweeping under the carpet in their mad lust for power. Go ahead. Do it NOW!

(-- thanks to Steel T.)


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/29/2004 at 12:05 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsMedia-Bias •  
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Jason Blair’s Replacement



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/29/2004 at 05:13 AM   
Filed Under: • Media-Bias •  
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calendar   Thursday - October 28, 2004

And the point……?

I see this headline and think, “So what?  Am I supposed to care?”

What I see is 100,000 fewer terrorists.

Of course, the media does not care if it’s accurate or not.  Just find some scientist who purports it to be true and publish it.  Even when,

“ The scientists who wrote the report concede that the data they based their projections on were of “limited precision”



Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/28/2004 at 04:04 PM   
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Splendid News

It could not have happened to a better bunch of shitheads!

The Chicago Tribune and the L.A. Times announced they are suffering large drops in circulation.

I still say we need a concerted effort to effect the same result on papers like the NY Times, the Washington Post and others of the same ilk.  The power of the wallet is amazing and conservatives?Republicans need to take the battle to these shitbirds at the newsstand. Maybe then they will get the hint.

Here’s an interesting quote on why the President of Tribune Corporation is retiring:

“I have for quite a few years wanted to retire early and make my second job my first job,” said Fuller, who has written several books while at Tribune.

HEY!!!!!!  Fuller!!!  Maybe if you had dedicated more time to doing your job instead of writing books ON the job you’d not have had these problems, eh????


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/28/2004 at 03:58 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - October 27, 2004

CBS Contradicts Itself

Oh, this is just too precious to hold back. It appears that CBS had a reporter with the 101st when then entered Al-Qaqaa in April of 2003 and the high explosives were already gone, according to CBS at the time. This is so good that I have even provided a link to Instapundit for the first time. My, oh my. What is the world coming to?


What a hoot! I wonder what Senator Fucktard will have to say now ......



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/27/2004 at 05:38 PM   
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Election Shenanigans

Let’s start with this one where a woman is caught on video stealing Bush signs and says it is not political.  The media yawns.

Suspect steals Republican signs and bashes one of her confronters over the head.  The media yawns.

Four Ohio counties have more registered voters than eligible voters. The media yawns.

However, if you read this you will not be surprised to find out why the media is doing so much yawning.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/27/2004 at 06:17 AM   
Filed Under: • Media-Bias •  
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calendar   Tuesday - October 26, 2004

The October Surprise?

By now all of you have heard about the hundreds of tons of explosives missing in Iraq, right?

But did you know it’s been missing since BEFORE the Army arrived in that sector to secure the area?

Do you wonder why it’s taken SO LONG for the media to announce it has been missing?

Do you recall the number of times all the major networks JUMPED on this story in an effort to discredit our President?

Do you recall what Fuckface and his boy-toy said about this?

For answers, read this.

Do you wonder how quickly the media will retract their accusations?

Do you wonder if Fuckface will apologize?

I would not hold my breath for answers to the above two questions


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/26/2004 at 06:06 AM   
Filed Under: • Media-Bias •  
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Having A Re-Run

I don’t think I’ve ever done this before on this blog but elections are next week and the fate of our Republic is at stake so I am re-running a post I placed last Friday evening.  Some of you saw it already and some of you did not.  I don’t think it would hurt to re-read it.  If you agree with what I am saying, please use whatever portions of it you want/need and send letters to your local papers’ editor.

It is obvious the press, the TV media and others want nothing to do with actually telling the truth about where their biases lie.  But sometimes we get lucky and our letters make it in.  All I ask is that if you live in my area and your paper is the St Pete TImes or the Tampa Tribune, please do not send this to them.  I’ve already done so.  To get another letter like mine would tip them off and nothing would get published.  Thanks!

Bias?  or Hypocrisy?

-- President Bush serves in the Air Guard and the media demands he make available ALL his military records.
-- Senator Kerry serves in the Navy and the media utters nary a peep about his records.

-- President Bush owned a ball team and an oil company and the media digs into his financial past demanding copies of his tax returns.
-- Senator Kerry never had a job in the civilian sector, owns 4 mansions, a personal jet, a yacht, pays only 12.4% in taxes.  The media?  Silent about demanding full disclosure of his tax returns.

-- President Bush runs for office in 2000 and the media demanded to know what experience he had for holding the job.
-- Senator Kerry runs for Presdent in 2004, has nothing to show for the past 30 years except 11 pieces of insignificant legislation and the media?  Silent again.

-- President Bush supports 2nd amendment right to own guns and the media goes apoplectic on him demanding a ban on assault weapons.
-- Senator Kerry spends 20 years as a Senator attempting to ban guns but when he goes hunting geese in a blatant effort to curry votes by pandering to NRA types, the media finds nothing wrong with that hypocrisy. And PETA??  Eerily silent, too.

-- President Bush talks about his faith and the media ridicules him; liberals go nuts about separation of Church and state.
-- Senator Kerry talks about his Catholic faith will guide him in his decisions as President all the while pandering to religious folk and the media doesn’t seem to find anything wrong with that.

-- President Bush says we’ll never end terrorism and the media spends days dissecting what he said, what he meant, what he said he meant, and 3000 other iterations on the same theme.
-- Senator Kerry says terrorism should be reduced to a nuisance and the media refuses to take him to task.

-- The war in Iraq does not go like liberals would like it to go and the media revels in writing stories about Senators accusing the President of lying about Iraq and terrorism.
-- Madeleine Albright, on a speaking tour attacked President Bush and uttered, “When Clinton lied, nobody died.” Basically her comment glorifies the act of lying as representative of what Democrats stand for AND she conveniently forgot those who died in Somalia, Tanzania, Kenya, Khobar Towers, World Trade Center’s first attack, the USS Cole.  She lied.  Maybe those deaths don’t matter to her.  The media?  As ever----silent.

-- President Bush has prisoner abuse (NOT WAR CRIMES!) at Abu Ghraib and the media demands the heads of half his cabinet and noises are made about impeachment.
-- Senator Kerry ADMITS to TRUE WAR CRIMES (hacking, slashing, torture, etc.) and the media?  Yep!  Silent.

-- Soldiers die while liberating over 50 million in Afghanistan and Iraq and the media is constantly decrying the “quagmire.”
-- Senator Kerry, when questioned in an interview about the deaths of American soldiers during conflict says this, “If you mean dying in the course of the United Nations effort, yes, it is worth that. If you mean dying American troops unilaterally going in with some false presumption that we can affect the outcome, the answer is unequivocally no.” Remember, Senator Kerry keeps insisting the US acted alone in Iraq!  The media?  Haven’t heard a peep!  Have you?

-- Democrat voters in democrat controlled counties run by democrat supervisors of elections are incapable of voting correctly and the media carries the torch of the Democrats who portray it as being Republican led efforts of disenfranchisement and voter intimidation although no proof has EVER been found..
-- Democrats intimidate voters, ransack Bush/Cheney Hqs, falsify registration forms, purposely (and in violation of federal and state laws) hold off submitting those forms until the last minute in a blatant attempt to swamp supervisor of elections offices, burn swastikas onto lawns of Republicans, bash heads and break wrists of Republican volunteers.  The media?  Complicitly silent about TRUE disenfranchisment and voter intimidation.

So which is it?  Bias or hypocrisy?  Or both?

I report.  You decide.

Note 1:  Over 80% of media types vote Democrat.  You want proof?  Dan Rather and the false documents story; Ted Koppell going to a communist country (Vietnam) to verify Senator Kerry’s war stories and NEVER interviewing ONE Swiftboat vet; Peter Jennings saying, “I’m a little concerned about this notion everybody wants us to be objective” when questioned about media bias.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/26/2004 at 05:40 AM   
Filed Under: • Media-Bias •  
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calendar   Friday - October 22, 2004

Your Weekend Assignment

Take a gander at the following.  If you agree, please use whatever portions of it you want/need and send letters to your local papers’ editor.

I am so damned sick and tired of purposeful bias by the media and am certain that if President Bush loses the re-election it will be the media that caused it.  There is just no other excuse to explain it other than the blatant hypocrisy of the oprganization we USED to rely on to give us the news.

Note:  if you live in my area and your paper is the St Pete TImes or the Tampa Tribune, please do not send this to them.  I’ve already done so.  To get another letter like mine would tip them off and nothing would get published.  Thanks!

Bias?  or Hypocrisy?

-- President Bush serves in the Air Guard and the media demands he make available ALL his military records.
-- Senator Kerry serves in the Navy and the media utters nary a peep about his records.

-- President Bush owned a ball team and an oil company and the media digs into his financial past demanding copies of his tax returns.
-- Senator Kerry never had a job in the civilian sector, owns 4 mansions, a personal jet, a yacht, pays only 12.4% in taxes.  The media?  Silent about demanding full disclosure of his tax returns.

-- President Bush runs for office in 2000 and the media demanded to know what experience he had for holding the job.
-- Senator Kerry runs for Presdent in 2004, has nothing to show for the past 30 years except 11 pieces of insignificant legislation and the media?  Silent again.

-- President Bush supports 2nd amendment right to own guns and the media goes apoplectic on him demanding a ban on assault weapons.
-- Senator Kerry spends 20 years as a Senator attempting to ban guns but when he goes hunting geese in a blatant effort to curry votes by pandering to NRA types, the media finds nothing wrong with that hypocrisy. And PETA??  Eerily silent, too.

-- President Bush talks about his faith and the media ridicules him; liberals go nuts about separation of Church and state.
-- Senator Kerry talks about his Catholic faith will guide him in his decisions as President all the while pandering to religious folk and the media doesn’t seem to find anything wrong with that.

-- President Bush says we’ll never end terrorism and the media spends days dissecting what he said, what he meant, what he said he meant, and 3000 other iterations on the same theme.
-- Senator Kerry says terrorism should be reduced to a nuisance and the media refuses to take him to task.

-- The war in Iraq does not go like liberals would like it to go and the media revels in writing stories about Senators accusing the President of lying about Iraq and terrorism.
-- Madeleine Albright, on a speaking tour attacked President Bush and uttered, “When Clinton lied, nobody died.” Basically her comment glorifies the act of lying as representative of what Democrats stand for AND she conveniently forgot those who died in Somalia, Tanzania, Kenya, Khobar Towers, World Trade Center’s first attack, the USS Cole.  She lied.  Maybe those deaths don’t matter to her.  The media?  As ever----silent.

-- President Bush has prisoner abuse (NOT WAR CRIMES!) at Abu Ghraib and the media demands the heads of half his cabinet and noises are made about impeachment.
-- Senator Kerry ADMITS to TRUE WAR CRIMES (hacking, slashing, torture, etc.) and the media?  Yep!  Silent.

-- Soldiers die while liberating over 50 million in Afghanistan and Iraq and the media is constantly decrying the “quagmire.”
-- Senator Kerry, when questioned in an interview about the deaths of American soldiers during conflict says this, “If you mean dying in the course of the United Nations effort, yes, it is worth that. If you mean dying American troops unilaterally going in with some false presumption that we can affect the outcome, the answer is unequivocally no.” Remember, Senator Kerry keeps insisting the US acted alone in Iraq!  The media?  Haven’t heard a peep!  Have you?

-- Democrat voters in democrat controlled counties run by democrat supervisors of elections are incapable of voting correctly and the media carries the torch of the Democrats who portray it as being Republican led efforts of disenfranchisement and voter intimidation although no proof has EVER been found..
-- Democrats intimidate voters, ransack Bush/Cheney Hqs, falsify registration forms, purposely (and in violation of federal and state laws) hold off submitting those forms until the last minute in a blatant attempt to swamp supervisor of elections offices, burn swastikas onto lawns of Republicans, bash heads and break wrists of Republican volunteers.  The media?  Complicitly silent about TRUE disenfranchisment and voter intimidation.

So which is it?  Bias or hypocrisy?  Or both?

I report.  You decide.

Note 1:  Over 80% of media types vote Democrat.  You want proof?  Dan Rather and the false documents story; Ted Koppell going to a communist country (Vietnam) to verify Senator Kerry’s war stories and NEVER interviewing ONE Swiftboat vet; Peter Jennings saying, “I’m a little concerned about this notion everybody wants us to be objective” when questioned about media bias.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/22/2004 at 06:11 PM   
Filed Under: • Media-Bias •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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