Sarah Palin will pry your Klondike bar from your cold dead fingers.

calendar   Friday - December 31, 2004

Memorial Day for Bums

I got this from the Wall St. Journal’s Best of the Web.

Funny how we never really heard much about the homeless (bums) when Clinton was President, eh?  But with Bush?  Hell, did you even know that 125 cities observe “National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day?”

What an absolute crock of shit!

But the reporting out of Honolulu takes the cake.

They report from the homeless coalition that

“there are more than 3.5 million homeless Americans nationwide. An estimated 3,000 died last year, and the homeless coalition expects that figure to rise this year. The No. 1 cause of death was natural causes, followed by homicide, suicide and hypothermia.”

On the surface you’d say, “OK, so what?  3.5 million?  Maybe a little high but then again, Bush is President so it MUST be true.  If it were Clinton we are all sure the numbers would be under 1 million.  Right?”

But here’s where James Taranto and Company get into the “red meat” of the issue:

“The coalition claims that 3,000 out of 3.5 million homeless people died last year. That’s a death rate of 0.86 per thousand. According to the CIA World Factbook, the overall annual death rate for Americans is 8.34 per thousand. That means that if the coalition’s numbers are on the level, the average American is 9.7 times as likely to die in a given year as the average homeless person--this notwithstanding the sky-high rates of substance abuse and severe mental illness among the “homeless.”

Hell, with those kind of numbers I am putting my house on the market and finding a cardboard box to live in.  I’ll probably live to be 130 at that rate.

More likely, though, is that this homeless coalition is full of shit with their numbers yet no reporter bothers to check them.  So much for fair and balanced in the MSM.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 12/31/2004 at 06:34 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - December 30, 2004

The Hatred For The US

Way back in May I posted an article written by Olavo de Carvalho, a Brazilian philosopher and autrhor.  It dealt wiyth assymetric warfare and I found it intersting as hell.  Read it and see how it is applying even now, as I write this and you read it, to the Iraqi war.

Well, as luck would have it I was recently contacted by a gentleman named Ingo who lives in Brazil (man, the reach of BMEWS is long and powerful, eh?) who found our site and sent me another article written by Mr. Carvalho.

If you want to read it, click here. 

It’s a great piece about how seemingly all of Brazil hates America and President Bush and finding anyone who is pro-America in Brazil is an effort in futility.  None in politics, none in the military.  Not even in the Brazilian conservative movement.

This article is, to me, a blueprint for how much of the world has been led to hate both the US AND Israel through efforts of the media.

You’d be remiss to not read it.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 12/30/2004 at 06:36 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - December 22, 2004

A Warrior’s Poem

You media pansies may squeal and may squirm,
But a fighting man knows that the way to confirm
That some jihadist bastard is truly dead,
Is a brain-tappin’ round fired into his head.

To hell with some wienie with his journalist degree
Safe away from the combat, tryin’ to tell me
I should check him for breathing, examine his eyes.
Nope, I’m punchin’ his ticket to Muj paradise.

To hell with you wimps from your Ivy League schools,
Sittin’ far from the war tellin’ me about rules.
And preaching to me your wrong-headed contention
That I should observe the Geneva Convention,

Which doesn’t apply to a terrorist scum
so evil and cruel their own people run from,
Cold-blooded killers who love to behead,
Shove that mother’ Geneva, I’m leaving em dead.

You slick talkingheads may preach, preen and prattle,
But you’re damn well not here in the thick of the battle.
It’s chaotic, confusing, It all comes at you fast,
So it’s Muj checking out, because I’m going to last.

Yeah, I’ll last through this fight and send his ass away
To his fat ugly virgins while I’m still in play.
If you journalist wienies think that’s cold, cruel and crass,
Then pucker up sweeties.  Kiss a fighting man’s ass.

Russ Vaughn
2d Bn, 327th Parachute Infantry Regiment 101st Airborne Division


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 12/22/2004 at 03:22 PM   
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calendar   Monday - December 20, 2004

A Leftist Liberal Rants

Bil Moyers retired.


The guy is a moonbat.

Don’t beleive me?

Read what he ranted about on his last show. Incredible.  Amazing how someone can be so prominent and yet so stupid.

He compares the Pentagon’s tactci to those in Mein Kampf

He describes talk radio as “a freak show of political pornography”

He attacks Sean Hannity, Sinclair Communication and Clear Channel

The guy is clearly a barking moonbat.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 12/20/2004 at 06:56 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - December 15, 2004

Moments When Life Is Good

This brought a nice smile to my face! Any time I hear something derogatory or bad about the Hildebeast I get happy.

The good news?  A GENERIC Republican candidate would clean the Hillarybeast’s clock right now.  Ain’t life sweet?

How about this? The country is now tilting Republican!  WOO-HOO!!

In Gallup’s latest poll this month, those identifying themselves as Republicans jumped to 37% of the public, with Democrats now clearly trailing with 32%.

In October those numbers were 37% Dummycraps to 34% Republicans. 

To me that’s a 10% surge for the Red side and a whopping 13.5% drop on the Blue side.

Ahhh, yes, life is good!

Of course, the MSM could not just publish that.  Somehow they felt the need to discredit this good news by saying that “values” had little to do with the shift when they said this:

“contrary to many press reports, “values” ranked well behind the war in Iraq, terrorism and the economy as a prime concern of Americans.”

Fucking MSM!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 12/15/2004 at 06:24 AM   
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calendar   Monday - December 06, 2004



Frank J. (IMAO) Is Really Ted Rall!

(CBS News) - December 6, 2004
-- by Dan Rather

This reporter has learned today of a shocking development in the so-called “blogosphere”. It appears that one man, a fiendishly evil young whipper-snapper sitting in front of his computer in his pajamas attacking real, honest newsmen like myself, is actually leading a double life. Yes, the so-called “Frank J.” at is actually playing both sides of the political coin. This astonishing news story came about after extensive research by our crack news team discovered similarities between the nonsense spoutings of both the Right-Wing nut case Frank J. and a Left-Wing nut case named Ted Rall.

We have received the evidence below from a reliable source (whom we cannot disclose). Compare the pictures and the drawings from these two “individuals”. We have made note of the similarities below. The evidence is clear: Frank J. and Ted Rall are ONE AND THE SAME PERSON.

At bottom, we have been provided with a letter dictated in 1979 from a noted psychiatrist who was treating Frank J. for bi-polar disorder. This is damning evidence that conclusively proves that we have a modern-day Jekyll and Hyde on our hands in the blogosphere. I have repeatedly made note of the fact that the blogosphere is populated with nut cases of every stripe and none of these flakes should be believed, much less have their words used to stain the reputations of sterling reporters and journalists. I won’t mention any names but recently these children ranting on the blogosphere have managed to smear the reputations of some very fine journalists, even to the point of driving them out of soft, cushy jobs and out into the wilderness of the red states. Argh, the humanity!

This news organization calls upon Frank J. to release all of his medical records and to explain why it is that we never see him and Ted Rall together at any event. That’s a little too much for coincidence, Mr. Frank J. Care to explain that, huh? Huh?

It looks like Frank’s shirt-tail is on fire and the bill collector is at the door, doesn’t it? Frank can run but he can’t hide. He has a lot of explaining to do, like how he can profess to lead the Alliance Of Free Bloggers ( a vast right-wing conspiracy group) while AT THE SAME TIME attacking all right-wing Hitler Youth in his Ted Rall identity. Yesiree, Mr. Frank J. has a lot of explaining to do.

It’s time to come clean, Mr. Frank/Ted. Confess your crimes!

Update: Of course the silly little man denied the charges. Even going so far as to impugn my integrity! Me, Dan Rather! The greatest journalist of all time! It’s not over, Frank J. I’m coming after you and you better come clean and fess up to being Ted Rall or I’ll .... I’ll .... send Hillary Clinton to talk to you! So There!


© 2004, CBS News


© 2004, CBS News


© 2004, CBS News


Posted by Dan Rather   United States  on 12/06/2004 at 12:41 PM   
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calendar   Thursday - December 02, 2004


Check out Ann Coulter’s latest.YOWZAH!!  The woman is livid!

This one has to do with why the MSM is hell bent on minimizing Condi Rice but were orgasming all over themselves when Madeleine NOT-So BRIGHT was SecState.

Is it really all about brooches, high heels, and make up?

She tears into Richard Clark and Warren Christopher.

Vintage Coulter!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 12/02/2004 at 07:08 AM   
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And…………The Media’s Point is?

The MSM liberal media is crying that our military is using psychological warfare against terrorists by passing out false and bad information via them.

They are fit to be tied and have their virtual knickers in a twist.

Even within the Pentagon there are those who agree and say things like:

“The movement of information has gone from the public affairs world to the psychological operations world,” one senior defense official said. “What’s at stake is the credibility of people in uniform.”

Now, I don’t know about you but our troops are not there to worry about their credibility.  They are there to kill the enemy and break lots of things.  The last thing they are concerned with is whether the terrorists will “respect them in the morning.”

Yet the media is hell-bent on making it seem that continued psy-ops will make the world hate us.  They cite this study which says:

“polling in the Arab world ... revealed widespread hatred of the United States throughout the Middle East. A poll taken in June by Zogby International revealed that 94% of Saudi Arabians had an “unfavorable” view of the United States, compared with 87% in April 2002. In Egypt, the second largest recipient of U.S. aid, 98% of respondents held an unfavorable view of the United States.”

My thought on this?  SCREW THOSE RAGHEADS!  Almost 100% of them already hate us.  What’s a few more percent?  Hell, we ought to go for perfection--100% hatred.  Then we can use that as rationale for nuking them into oblivion.

And who gives a crap what the rest of the world thinks about what we are doing?  We are dealing with an unscrupulous enemy who will do whatever it takes to win.  And no, this unscrupulous enemy is not the Iraqis and other terrorists we’re fighting.  It’s the MEDIA!!  That’s who I am talking about.

These fucking morons went around for months spreading lies about President Bush, never investigated the Swiftboat Veterans claims, kept going after the president’s National Guard records while never questioning Kerry’s.  They carried Kerry’s water for month and months.  They lied about what the administration was proposing.  They falsified documents and tried to pass them off as legitimate.

And they accuse the MILITARY of lying, of deception, of false reporting?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 12/02/2004 at 07:01 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - December 01, 2004

Anarchist Money Grabbers?

Who can forget the pictures of the hundreds of thousands of people protesting against American policy and President Bush both here and in Canada just before the elections?

Didn’t you often wonder: “DAMN!  This is on a week day.  Where are all these people coming from?  Don’t they have jobs?  How did they get transported there because surely no city has THAT many people that look like these scumbagged, non-bathing, granola munching, dreadlock wearing, patchouli smelling, toe jam eating, yeast infected anarchist tree huggers.”

Well, the answer is simple: they were paid---to be transported, to be housed, to be fed, to protest.

Fast forward to a couple of days ago:  protests were planned against President Bush in Canada.  At one, 39 people showed up (and 42 journalists.)

There was even one protest where NOBODY showed up!!!

Why?  Again, the answer is simple:  George Soros, Michael Moore and other 527 group supporters took away their money and can’t pay these moonbats so they remain in their parents’ garages, attracting flies and other vermin.  It’s no wonder so many bloggers were saying that the protestors at one event looked familiar when seen at another event.  They were nothing but capitalistic anarchists, not caring what the protest was about but rather, wanting to get money for being assholes.  the fools in all this?  George Soros, Michael Moron and other rich leftists.

Go ahead.  Laugh your ass off.  This is great news!

Sadly, though, the press will never inquire as to “WHY” there were so few or “WHY” there were so many prior to the election.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 12/01/2004 at 07:27 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - November 30, 2004

Why The UN is Absolutely Useless

Imagine the following scenario:

You drive your 1973 Gremlin, dressed in blue jeans and raggedy sneakers, to your local car dealer and find yourself a nice, used 2001 Ferrari Testarossa with only 30,000 miles on the clock.  You talk to the salesman. He looks you up and down, a frown on his face know he’s desperate for a sale.  He needs to prove to his bosses that he can sell a car.  You attempt to convince him to take the car on a test drive by placing $500 on the table in good faith.  Against his better judgment, but desperate, he lets you.

Much to his surprise you appear 10 minutes later with a HUGE grin on your face and 3 cop cars screaming after you.  You glibly talk your way out of a ticket further impressing the salesman.

Now it’s time to get down to brass tacks.  You offer to trade in your Gremlin and the financing department produces a contract for 48 months at $2000 per month.  You know you can’t afford it but......... you also know the salesman is desperate.  So you insist the salesman insert the following line in the contract:  seller acknowledges that this contract is non-binding on the buyer.

Incredible, huh?  Imagine being able to do that?

Well, Iran just did.  The useless piece of shit IAEA, an arm of the UN is crowing about this great deal they had Iran agree to.  What they do not crow about is the “non-binding” part.

NPR has done three stories talking about this success in orgasmic tones.  Never once did they mention that this agreement is non-binding on the Iranians.

Useless?  You bet!!

I found this in an article and bookmarked it. When I went back to verify what I’d read was correct I found the AP had changed the story to get rid of the “non-binding” part.  Guess they, too, are in this cabal that does not want the UN to appear as useless as they truly are. 

So I dug for half an hour until I found this article which I cut and pasted below. Click on the link to see if it’s changed again by the time you read it.

IAEA Passes Milder Iran Nuke Resolution Mon Nov 29,11:45 AM ET by GEORGE JAHN, Associated Press Writer

VIENNA, Austria - The U.N. nuclear watchdog agency passed a toned-down resolution Monday on policing Iran’s commitment to freeze all programs linked to uranium enrichment in an effort to defuse a dispute that had threatened to go to the Security Council.

However, confusion over what the freeze encompassed appeared to give Iran loopholes in interpreting its commitments. The vote by the International Atomic Energy Agency board came after a senior Iranian official seemed to cast doubt on his country’s latest commitment to a total suspension of nuclear activities capable of producing weapons-grade uranium.

The United States, which maintains Iran is trying to make nuclear arms, accused Tehran of representing a “growing threat to peace and security” and said that if it failed to find international consensus to have Iran referred to the U.N. Security Council, it could do it itself.

At issue is whether Iran has promised not to operate any of its centrifuges that spin gas into uranium for fuel or for use in nuclear weapons. European nations say Iran agreed not to operate any centrifuges at all, but Iran has said it wanted to use 20 centrifuges for research purposes.

Diplomats from the European Union and elsewhere said the Iranian commitment - sent by letter to the IAEA in Vienna on Sunday - fulfilled demands that Tehran include centrifuges in its total suspension of uranium-enrichment programs.

The letter commits Tehran “not to conduct any testing with these sets of components,” IAEA spokesman Mark Gwozdecky said Monday, quoting excerpts.

Hossein Mousavian, the chief Iranian delegate to the meeting, told reporters: “We (only) said there would no testing.”

“Definitely we are not going to introduce material or any gas” into the centrifuges, he added, declining to answer whether Iran’s understanding of a freeze matched that of international demands that the devices be left at a complete standstill.

France, Germany and Britain, who negotiated a Nov. 7 agreement with Iran on suspension, went into the IAEA board meeting last week saying full suspension meant that all equipment used for uranium enrichment must not be used. That full suspension would be in effect while the two sides discuss a pact meant to provide Iran with EU technical and economic aid and other concessions. Those talks are set for mid-December.

Delegates and other diplomats with nuclear expertise agreed Mousavian’s remarks did not meet the European definition of suspension.

But they suggested the comments were meant to ease fears among Iranian hard-liners that Tehran gave up too much in exchange for a softly worded resolution on policing its commitment. They said they still believed Iran would not run any centrifuges during the suspension.

In Tehran, government spokesman Abdollah Ramezanzadeh said Iran had agreed not to test any centrifuges “for now.”

In return, France, Germany and Britain accepted Iran’s demand to further water down a draft resolution on policing the suspension - a text adopted Monday afternoon by the IAEA board. It included an extra phrase insisted on by the Iranians emphasizing that suspension is not a legal or binding obligation on Tehran’s part. (emphasis mine)

The United States - which has labeled Iran part of an “axis of evil” with North Korea and prewar Iraq and wants it referred to the Security Council for allegedly violating the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty - was unhappy with the resolution.

Listing a series of open questions about Iran’s past nuclear activities, which only became public about two years ago, chief U.S. delegate Jackie Sanders told the meeting Tehran could not be trusted.

“We believe Iran’s nuclear weapons program poses a growing threat to international peace and security,” she said.

“Any member of the United Nations may bring to the attention of the Security Council any situation that might endanger the maintenance of international peace and security,” she said, alluding to the possibility of a unilateral U.S. push to refer Iran to the Council.

Under the European agreement, the 20 centrifuges Iran had previously wanted exempted would not be placed under IAEA seals but monitored by cameras.

IAEA head Mohamed ElBaradei evaded questions on whether the commitment not to test was enough, telling reporters only that the centrifuges were not operating presently and “we clearly would report to the board should there be any change of status.”

The proposed deal also commits Iran to a pledge not to reprocess plutonium - which it would be able to do in several years’ time, once it completes work on a heavy water reactor in the city of Arak.

With the EU deal envisaging a light-water reactor for Iran - from which extraction of weapons-grade nuclear material is difficult - diplomats said the Europeans hoped Iran would not complete its heavy-water facility. 


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 11/30/2004 at 07:27 AM   
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calendar   Monday - November 29, 2004

Amazing Bias

Has anyone gone to see the movie, “Alexander the Great?”

I’d heard it was rather boring.  Then I heard they threw in these gratuitous references to Alexander being bi-sexual.  Sorry, but that right there was enough to keep me from going.  It’s one thing to make a movie about someone who acknowledges his homosexuality (like Barney Frank---heaven forbid anyone MAKE a movie about him but that’s not the point) yet it is quite another to make said movie when there is no proof and it is thrown into the story line to make a statement and appease some group like GLADD.

So how does the British Press talk about the colossal flop this weekend of Alexander?

“Alexander the (not so) Great fails to conquer America’s homophobes”

Yep, the movie flopped because we are homophobes and not because it is 3 hours long and has hardly any action scenes you’d expect from an epic portraying the life of a famous leader who conquered HUGE amounts of territory before he died.  Let’s not even get into the fact that Angelina Jolie played his mother yet she’s about the same age as the lead actor.

Yessirree Bob, Americans are homophobes and the Conservative Christians:

“have loudly denounced Alexander as “pro-gay” propaganda from Tinseltown, insisting that Alexander was a firmly hetero hero.”

Not only that but this paper opined the movie failed because Americans were not about to go see a movie that had as part of its plot line, a homosexual agenda especially after we were:

“fresh out of a presidential election in which gay rights became a major issue.”

I don’t know about you but as I recall, the Presidential election was about weightier issues than who sticks what in who.  STATE ELECTIONS, however, DID have homosexual marriage on THEIR agendas.

Now, let’s get into the REAL ISSUE here:  BIAS.

Check this out:

“a group of Greek lawyers who are threatening to sue Warner Bros. over the film’s suggestion of Alexander’s bisexuality. They have written to the studio and to Stone to demand that a notice stating the film is a fictional tale is included in the title credits.”

So...............................Americans do not go to a movie because it sucks, has little action, its characters are portrayed in an unreal manner and it is too long.  And assholes like me do not go because of the re-writing of history based on little proof.

But the Greeks SUE THE STUDIOS and they are not the homophobes.

Anyone care to explain this to me?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 11/29/2004 at 09:28 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - November 23, 2004

An Irish Farewell ….

It’s over, at last. He’s gone and here is my farewell song .....

Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
The summer’s gone, and all the flowers are dying
‘Tis you, ‘tis you must go and I must bide.
But come ye back when summer’s in the meadow
Or when the valley’s hushed and white with snow
‘Tis I’ll be here in sunshine or in shadow
Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so.

And if you come, when all the flowers are dying
And I am dead, as dead I well may be
You’ll come and find the place where I am lying
And kneel and say an “Ave” there for me.

And I shall hear, tho’ soft you tread above me
And all my dreams will warm and sweeter be
If you’ll not fail to tell me that you love me
I’ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.

I’ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/23/2004 at 03:20 PM   
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He’s Outta Here!

Dan Blather is going away. Good.

This one is all yours.  Comment away.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 11/23/2004 at 03:14 PM   
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Meanwhile The Media Is Still Asleep

Surely you folks have heard of this, right?  Our troops have discovered about 20 sites in the Fallujah area where torture and killings were done by raghead terrorists.

According to the military:

“(I)n addition to numerous weapons caches, troops clearing the city after a major U.S.-led offensive had found rooms containing knives and black hoods, “many of them blood-covered.  (O)ne room had “handprints on the walls and along the sides of the walls ... There was blood covering the entire wall and along the floorboard area (where) troops had found signs of “torture, murder, very gruesome sights.”

Meanwhile the media is asleep and does not seem to think this is a story.  After all, it makes the military look good and we can’t have that, can we?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 11/23/2004 at 06:23 AM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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