Sarah Palin's image already appears on the newer nickels.

calendar   Tuesday - November 23, 2004

What The Media Finds Important

For days now we keep hearing about that Marine who whacked that wounded terrorist piece of shit.

The media wants us to think we are abhorrent and cruel creatures for killing an wounded man (I am still waiting for the media to get all over Kerry for shooting that kid in the back during the Vietnam War, too, but I am not holding my breath for that to occur.)

Our Marine fired in the heat of battle for fear of getting shot as some of his buddies have been.  OBTW, this is the same Marine who the day before this incident was, himself, shot in the face.

Yet for all that hullabaloo and glorifying of the pacifist, anti-war pinko freak who recorded those scenes little is being said about this story where Marines shot and killed another infidel piece of shit raghead camel fucker who was faking his death and then attempted to engage the marines.

Yep, once again, if it’s bad for our military, run the piss out of the story.  But if our guys are doing the right thing---ignore it.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 11/23/2004 at 06:19 AM   
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calendar   Monday - November 22, 2004

Have You Seen Much Press On This?

Over the weekend I saw on Drudge that President Bush reached into a crowd and pulled one of his secret service agents out who was being harassed by some Chilean “security” assholes.

My!  What a difference from someone like “Wannabe President” Fuckface who cursed out his secret service agents while skiing, eh?

As one who has no TV what I want to know is how much coverage did the press give this on evening news?  After all, here’s our Presdient acting like a “MAN”, confident in who he is, taking some risk in doing what he did.  But because he’s a Republican, acting like a cowboy, somehow that is “embarassing” to the MSM who prefers their male leaders to be emasculated and therefore I suspect it may have gotten only “passing” mention, say for 5 seconds.

Compare that to the media adoration, saturation, and constant bombardment at the top and bottom of every hour for several days straight that would be given Fuckface if he had even ATTEMPTED to do this.

So?  Did it get much play?  Tell me.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 11/22/2004 at 09:43 AM   
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Basketball Assholes

First, this year we had Kobe Bryant involved in an “alleged” rape in Colorado. Now, we have two teams (Indiana and Detroit) crawling into the stands and duking it out with their fans. One of the suspended players, Ron Artest, has been penalized ten times already by the NBA for his temper tantrums.

Here’s a little bit of information for you from a new book entitled “Out Of Bounds” by Jeff Benedict ....

Based on a first-of-its-kind investigation into the criminal histories of 177 NBA players from the 2001–2002 season, Out of Bounds shows that an alarming four out of every ten NBA players have a police record involving a serious crime. They are All-Stars and they are journeymen, involved in crimes ranging from armed robbery to domestic violence to gun possession to rape.

Excuse me, but all the rest of us have to go through background checks before we get hired (in most cases). So what is wrong with our professional sports associations when 40% of its players have a criminal record involving violent crime?

On top of that, every week we hear of another player in one of the major sports being busted for illegal drugs. These people are being placed in front of our children as “role models”? Horse-shit! It’s the media that glorifies these criminals and their antics and our kids just eat that crap up while sitting in front of the boob tube.

And the real heros in Iraq and Afghanistan go unnoticed by that same media unless there is a chance to make them look bad as happened recently with the Marine who shot and killed an “unarmed Iraqi insurgent”. Again, HORSE-SHIT! I’m getting sick and tired of this bias and the glorification of pissant criminals who are only good at dribbling a round ball. Any doofus can dribble. Very few can stand up to enemy artillery fire and keep fighting against madmen while 5,000 miles from home.

It’s past time for the media and that large number of Americans to get their priorities straight. If I were commissioner of the NBA, those players would be permanently banned from the game. After all, what’s good enough for Pete Rose should be good enough for Ron Artest .... if it weren’t for the facts that (1) Artest is black and Rose is white and (2) baseball is much stricter on its players than the NBA.

It’s time to boycott basketball. Send the NBA a message. Let’s get the criminals off the court and into court.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/22/2004 at 09:31 AM   
Filed Under: • Media-BiasOutrageous •  
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calendar   Sunday - November 21, 2004

This Kind Of Crap Pisses Me Off

Yesterday there was a story in the local paper about this assclown out in California (SURPRISE!!) who has a website which apologizes to the rest of the world for the US having re-elected President Bush.

The whining, apologizing, wailing and gnashing of teeth posted as comments is enough to make you want to break out your Uzi, AK, or shotgun and begin gunning down liberals.  Just because you feel like it.

Now, I DO have to give the assclown credit for actually coming up with an idea for making money.  What amazes me is that there are so many retards out there buying the merchandise.  Yet these self-same assholes who spend all this money will tell you the economy is not doing well!  Yeah!  Right!

I was incensed enough to generate this letter to the editor.  I felt better having done so and feel better now doing it again for your reading pleasure.


Dear Editor:

What a pathetic endeavor.  If our choice of President were left to people like this guy in California then right about now we’d be apologizing to everyone in the world.  Meanwhile terrorists would realize we are not serious about exterminating them and would over-run our borders knowing full well we’d do nothing about it.  Except possibly apologize for making it so difficult for them to get in.

There are other reasons we can not vote for nor allow ourselves to be represented by the Democratic Party.  I’ll give you one:  hypocrisy.  The party of love, tolerance, and understanding was primarily responsible for virtually every attack made on Republican and Bush Headquarters prior to the election.  Media coverage? Almost zilch.

Case in point:  20 vans and cars rented by Republicans in Milwaukee had their tires slashed.  After one news cycle the story disappeared.  But the people involved?  AHHHHH, glad you asked!

-----25-year-old Sowande Ajumoke Omokunde, who prefers the name “Supreme Solar Allah"--lives at home with his mother, Gwen Moore, who just got elected to Congress----as a Democrat.
----33-year-old Opel E. Simmons, who worked for the Virginia state Democratic party as a party official and had been dispatched to Milwaukee to oversee Election Day canvassing on the city’s north side.
----Police are still looking for Michael Pratt, who is the son of former acting Milwaukee mayor Marvin Pratt, Kerry’s campaign chairman in the city.

Go ahead, St. Pete Times.  Do some investigating of your own.  Try a little journalistic integrity.  And then maybe you will make better editorial choices for President and not spend so much ink on worthless stories of weakling apologists like this one.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 11/21/2004 at 10:19 AM   
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calendar   Friday - November 19, 2004

Democrats: Dirty Deeds That Are Done Dirt Cheap

From the current issue of The Weekly Standard, here is one story that somehow missed coverage by the MSM (Main Stream Media). Raise your hand if you saw coverage on NBC, CBS, ABC or CNN?

Remember, back on Election Day, how somebody slashed the tires on 20 vans and cars rented by Republicans to get out the vote in Milwaukee? The story was all over the national news--for about 12 hours. And then it pretty much disappeared. Outside of Wisconsin itself, no major daily has since published a single word’s worth of update on the resulting police investigation. This, even though--we’ll call it a SCRAPBOOK exclusive, with apologies and thanks to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel--at least three arrests have now been made in the case. And two of the arrestees have been publicly identified.

On Nov. 5, accompanied by his attorney, 25-year-old Sowande Ajumoke Omokunde was booked at Milwaukee police headquarters. Omokunde--who apparently prefers to be called “Supreme Solar Allah"--lives with his mother, Gwen Moore, who’s just been elected to Congress as a Democrat.

Also arrested: 33-year-old Opel E. Simmons, an official in the Virginia state Democratic party who’d been dispatched to Milwaukee to oversee Election Day canvassing on the city’s north side. Police tell local reporters that a Kerry campaign automobile assigned to Simmons is “linked to the incident.”

Still wanted for questioning: Michael Pratt, son of former acting Milwaukee mayor Marvin Pratt, Kerry’s campaign chairman in the city.

Quite a list of Democrat criminals, ain’t it? Read the description of Omokunde again and tell me how on earth the Dems can claim that we’re the stupid ones. Mheh -heh ..


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/19/2004 at 01:05 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsMedia-Bias •  
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The MSM and Their Love For Terrorists

Quite the little stinkeroo is going on regarding our Marine who killed the wounded terrorist a few days ago.

As I said before, “tough shit” to those sheethead assholes.  Until they can begin to fight a war in accordance with Geneva Conventions, they deserve to be killed on sight.  I don’t care if they are surrendering or injured or whatever.  Total annihilation is in order.  No mercy, no quarter.

Given what you are subjected to daily regarding this story you have to ask yourself this question: “would this evebn BE a story if there were no reporters embedded with the troops?”

The answer, of course, is not only NO! but FUCK, NO!

So we have a bit of a dilemma here but leave it up to our readers who have offered unique solutions.  The one I like most is that our soldiers should EMBED a few bullets into these reporters and they’d soon get the hint.

Number 2 on the list is that since these reporters depend on our soldiers for their lives, then maybe our soldiers ought to “accidentally” forget the reporters were on the scene and abandon them at the fighting location and let the terrorists use them to test the sharpness of their sword blades on those reporters’ necks.

*****I’ll allow you all a few seconds to let that joyful feeling sink in.  Go ahead, bask in the warmth generated in your hearts at the possibilities of those great ideas actually taking place.*****

OK, back to reality.

Here are some stories that ought to not only enrage you but give you a better idea of why these fucktards do what they do.

First we have Reuters blaming our soldiers for the deaths of three of their reporters.

Hmmmmmmm, Great God!  Can it be true?  Are our soldiers actually doing what I talked about above? 

We can only hope so.

But think about it.  We have these shitbirds at Reuters blaming US troops when those reporters would not have died had they not gotten in the way of some bullet.  Why is it Reuters does not blame itself for its bloodthirsty policies of putting its reporters in harm’s way in pursuit of some sensationalism they can peddle as news?

We also have an interesting development regarding the scumbag reporter who broke the story on the Marine who killed the raghead.  Turns out the fucker is a pacifist loony-tunes.  Read this to learn more and also see the comments left him by some readers to his site and blog.

The ragheads are pissed off----- at our soldiers for killing terrorists fucks inside mosques. 

I wonder if the MSM could try a bit harder to find people in Iraq that support what we are doing--ridding that God-forsaken country of the assholes that permeate it and make their lives miserable?  Or why not try to find those Iraqis pissed off at their own kind undertaking sacrilegious acts inside their mosques?  Surely these people exist.  But they are not news-worthy because they’d be seen as supporting our actions---and the MSM can’t stand that.

I guess that’s too much to ask, eh?  As far as I am concerned, if these camel fuckers would demand as much from their terrorist butt-fucking buddies as they seem to demand from our troops then we would not have these problems, would we?  But I guess that’s a point of view not seen by the MSM.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 11/19/2004 at 08:01 AM   
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A Measure Of Satisfaction

My previous post dealt with the crass stereotyping by cartoonists of conservative political figures and that their actions continue unabated without outcry from the race-baiting NAACP types.

This one deals with a bit of justice taken against one of these assholes---by none other than the Washington Post.

Look, I am not holding my breath in anticipation of the Post continuing to do the right thing in the future but I DO admit my toes started doing a “happy dance tap.”


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 11/19/2004 at 06:42 AM   
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Meanwhile, The NAACP Is Silent

As are Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and other race baiters in the US.

About what, you ask?

Try this where political cartoonists are stereotyping Condi Rice as some sort of ignorant, uneducated, ebonics-speaking slave woman.

But since they are liberals, they get a pass.  Let a conservative cartoonist try this while depicted any of the fucktards I listed above and all hell would break loose.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 11/19/2004 at 06:38 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - November 16, 2004

Fallujah Update

Piggy backing on the previous story about the Marine who whacked the wounded raghead terrorist I bring you these two little itty-bitty points:

Read here to get an accounting of what these “rebels” (as the fuckheaded MSM likes to call them) are like when fighting.  We’re dealing with fanatics who will do anything for their cause to include killing their own.  I’d say they were whacked out.  And because of it have GOTTEN whacked.  Seems like about a 40:1 kill ratio.  I like that.  Hell, with that sort of ratio, a battle of attrition is soon won.

The second “itty bitty” point is this:  why is it that when a lowly Marine takes out a dirtbag it’s a HUGE story but when one of our own SENATORS, running for president, ADMITTED in a book he’d done the same it is NOT a story?

I just heard that similar point on Rush a little while ago and it sure makes you wonder “why?” doesn’t it?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 11/16/2004 at 01:16 PM   
Filed Under: • Media-BiasTerrorists •  
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The MSM Stoops to Another Low

Looks like the MSM (mainstream media) is preparing itself for another orgasm blitz about Marines who killed a wounded Iraqi.

If allowed to run its course, we will be faced with 24/7 coverage equating this to Abu Ghraib.

Personally, I could give a flying fuck about that wounded piece of shit terrorist.  First off, the son of a bitch desecrated a mosque by using it as a shelter and shooting at our guys from inside it.  Second, these fuckwads would wave white flags of surrender and as our soldiers approached they’d lower the flag and start shooting.  Third, there have been instances of these dirtballs booby trapping themselves.  Fourth, they are nothing but a bunch of camel fucking, dirty, smelly sheethead terrorists.

KILL “EM ALL and let Allah sort them out!


You can make a difference:  do not watch any of the MSM news channels for ANY news (local, national, international.) Soon they will feel it in their advertising revenue.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 11/16/2004 at 09:43 AM   
Filed Under: • Media-BiasMilitaryTerrorists •  
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calendar   Thursday - November 11, 2004

The Bullshit Begins

“A Dreamer Who Forced His Cause Onto World Stage” - Washington Post

“ Mr. Arafat, who was the symbol of the Palestinian revolution and aspiration for an independent state for some 40 years, died ..” - New York Times

“Though he never achieved his dream of Palestinian statehood, his people revered him as a founding father.” - Los Angeles Times

“Arafat managed to preserve Palestinian national identity during decades without a state of their own.” - CNN

“Arafat did not represent Fatah or Palestine only, but the voice of freedom against aggression and occupation” - Al Jazeera

French President Jacques Chirac paid tribute to “a man of courage and conviction who for 40 years incarnated the Palestinians’ fight for recognition of their national rights” - BBC

“He closed his eyes and his big heart stopped. He left for God but he is still among this great people.” - CBS News

“Among revolutionaries, Yasser Arafat was a quintessential success story.” - MSNBC

“However, it should be remembered thatYasser Arafat stood firm in the face of extreme pressure and would not sell out for 95% of what he and his people were entitled to, namely the complete and de facto withdrawal of Israeli forces from 100% of Palestinian Territory.” - Pravda

Then again, some media outlets have their priorities straight ....

“Yasser Arafat always said he wanted to die as a martyr but instead he died Thursday of old age in a French military hospital.” - Fox News

“The President and all of us here at the White House today extend our birthday wishes to the United States Marine Corps. Today marks the 229th birthday of the Corps of Marines that was established by the second Continental Congress on November 10, 1775.” - White House Press Release


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/11/2004 at 08:33 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - November 09, 2004

In Their Own Words

From the current issue of The Weekly Standard ....

“We’ve been waiting since 1918 for the Boston Red Sox to win the World Series,” Kerry acknowledged. But “if I had a choice between the White House and the World Series this year, I’m going to take the White House. How’s that?”

-- Senator John F. Kerry, at a campaign stop in Taylor, Michigan on August 1, 2004

“What do you think of a voting system like the American one that gives a physician, an intellectual, an astronaut, an intelligent person and the head of the family, a vote that has the same weight as the vote of an ignorant, a fool, an idiot, an imbecile, a hippy, a bum, an unemployed man, who has no diploma, culture, or brains. What is this?!”

-- Saudi Cleric Saleh Al-Munajid, on the upcoming American election while being interviewed October 25 on Al-Majd, a Saudi satellite television network

“Al Gore’s situation is he’s basically got his back to the wall, his shirt-tail on fire, and a bill collector’s at the door.”
-- CBS News anchor Dan Rather, Election Night 2000

“Kerry can still win it but at this point he’s got his back to the wall, his shirt-tail on fire, and a bill collector’s at the door.”
-- CBS News anchor Dan Rather, Election Night 2004

From the above I can conclude:

1- John Kerry made a deal with the devil .... and lost.
2- The Saudis (who cannot vote) don’t understand Democracy at all. Neither do we.
3- Dan Rather needs new cliches. Please send him your spares ASAP.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/09/2004 at 02:10 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsMedia-Bias •  
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Reuters SUCKS!

I just got home for lunch and turned on the TV to Fox News to catch up while I munched a sandwich. I tuned in just as a press conference between Gen. Tommy Metz, on-scene commander in Iraq and the Pentagon press corps was just starting. The question and answer session was by satellite hookup. The first reporter was a fat fuck asshole from Reuters who wore reading glasses and appeared to be looking down his nose at everyone. I could almost predict what was coming.

This jerk asked Gen. Metz for body counts, politely at first. Gen. Metz replied in a gentlemanly, professional manner that US forces have not engaged in body counts in Iraq to date and would not start. The Reuters jerk refused to yield the floor to other reporters and insisted on pressing Gen. Metz for a body count, even if just an estimate. Gen. Metz stood his ground and refused to get into the numbers game with this cretin. The Reuters cockroach still refused to yield the floor and again pressed for a body count, getting downright peevish and accusatory in his questioning tone. Gen. Metz tried to re-state the Pentagon’s position on body counts (still in a professional manner).

Fortunately, someone in the Pentagon press room managed to get control of this fucktard jerk from Reuters at this point and forced him to sit the fuck down and let other reporters question the General. The other reporters continued with fairly decent questions after that.

This is an outrage, people. I am sick and damned tired of these asswipes in the media acting as if they are on a mission from God with no sense of professionalism or courtesy. The media was intended by the framers of our Constitution to be the watch dogs .... not the attack dogs.

For the record, I stopped reading Reuters dispatches shortly after the invasion of Iraq when they started providing so much coverage for the “brave human shields going to protect the peaceful friends of Saddam from the illegal US invaders”.


For the record, if this Reuters creep had tried to pull some stunt like this on General Patton in World War II, Patton would have probably just pulled his ivory handled revolver out and shot the bastard right there on the spot ... and then asked the other reporters “Any more stoopid questions?”


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/09/2004 at 01:29 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsMedia-Bias •  
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calendar   Monday - November 08, 2004

Lest We Forget

The Media Research Center has just published their “Top Ten Media Distortions of Campaign 2004”. Not surprisingly, Dan Rather is at the top of the list .... and at the middle .... and at the bottom. Here is the “short version”. Go read the full story though. MRC has done an excellent job of exposing media bias.

Ten Worst
1. Dan Rather’s Forgery Fiasco
2. Ignoring, then Attacking, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
3. Pounding the Bush National Guard Story
4. Spinning a Good Economy into Bad News
5. The Networks’ Outrageous Convention Double-Standard
6. Swooning Over Edwards’ Image, Ignoring His Liberalism
7. CBS’s Byron Pitts Promotional Kerry Coverage
8. CBS Promotes Fears of a New Military Draft
9. Misrepresenting the 9/11 Commission on Iraq/al-Qaeda Links
10. Equating New Terrorism Warning to LBJ’s “Gulf of Tonkin”


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/08/2004 at 09:29 PM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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