Sarah Palin's image already appears on the newer nickels.

calendar   Sunday - December 12, 2010

eye candy and the sad state of the human male ….

I read this fellow quite often, he’s pretty darn good even when I may not agree. But he’s a good word smith and his subject matter today really caught my attention.
I don’t think I have ever read anything about the male condition that says it as well in so few words. 

Not only that, but it gives me all the excuse I need to include some eye candy which he gives us by name.  Helena Christiansen
Can’t ask for more then that.

A Russian honeytrap will need all the subtlety of Ivana Humpalot

It doesn’t take much finesse to ensnare the male libido

By Nigel Farndale

There is something pleasingly nostalgic about the news that a Russian honeytrap has been on the loose in Westminster, inveigling the unwary and divesting them of their secrets. It has certainly proved to be a madeleine for Sir Christopher Meyer. The former diplomat has been recalling how, when he was the British ambassador in Moscow, honeytraps, of both genders, were set upon him almost as a matter of routine. He always “resisted foul temptation”, he says, finding the honeytraps so clumsy and crass “I had to laugh”.

Sir Christopher’s reminiscence has reminded me of when I was in Moscow a few years ago with Prince Michael of Kent and his rather urbane private secretary, to write about the prince’s work as an ambassador for British business. We were sitting in a hotel bar one afternoon when we noticed a beautiful, voluptuous woman noticing us.

Now, given that this was Moscow and that Prince Michael looks hauntingly like his distant cousin Nicholas II, the last Tsar, we as a party were used to being stared at. But this was different. To misquote Raymond Chandler, she gave us a smile we could feel in our hip pockets. At this point, the private secretary leaned over and told me — nay, warned me — that this was almost certainly a honeytrap. He’d been on several trips here, sometimes staying at the British Embassy, and though he had never given into foul temptation himself, he knew the score.

If she was a honeytrap, she was clumsy in the way she went about her work – laughably so. But surely the point of a honeytrap is that she doesn’t need to be subtle, subtlety not being something with which the male libido is normally associated. Men are pathetic and predictable, all of us chained to the same lunatic, victims of the same biological imperative. I mean, can you imagine male honeytraps working on women in the same way? I’m not suggesting, as Stephen Fry bizarrely did recently, that women don’t enjoy sex as much, but they do seem to be subtler in the way they seek it out. Men, by contrast – even old, unattractive men who should know better – lose all common sense when flattered by the attentions of a beautiful woman.

Age does not seem to dim a man’s capacity for self-delusion – but it can give him a certain philosophical insight. On another occasion, I was waiting for a friend in the second floor lobby of the elegant Hotel Arts in Barcelona. I was watching the lifts when I noticed, sitting a few yards away from me, an old Spanish gentleman, immaculately dressed in a three-piece suit, watching the lift doors as well. They opened and out stepped a beautiful young woman wearing the shortest hotpants and longest leather boots. It was like being caught in headlights. My eyeballs did that stretching out thing they do in cartoons. Steam blasted from my ears.

She looked a little familiar and as she walked — sashayed — between where the old man and I were sitting, I realised it was the supermodel Helena Christiansen.


She had come to meet Eric Clapton, who I now saw was waiting for her at the bar behind us. At this point, my eyes met those of the old man, who had also been following her stately progress across the room. Guiltily, we both returned our gazes to the lift. Then, without looking at me, he said something in a low, measured voice that I have never forgotten: “To live, my friend, is to suffer.” Such a good line, and one that speaks so eloquently of the male condition.

Nigel Farndale


I thought I might touch all bases for folks who like their girls with guns .... 



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/12/2010 at 12:17 PM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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calendar   Saturday - December 11, 2010

Teachers, riots, studen demands and anarchists who promise more violence

One of the student rioters caught pissing against a famous and revered war memorial, said he was sorry but that he didn’t know what he was pissing on or that it had that significance.
No big deal?  Well, apparently he’s also a history major as I understand the report. School days, school days ....
Most have a very low opinion of the rioters BUT, even the kids who did try to be peaceful need to put their thinking caps on with regard to the increased fees the riots were ‘supposed to be about.’ They are NOT reading everything about it that they should. Why not?
Maybe this is a contributing factor. Ya think? I mean after all, their education had to start someplace and schools seem to be the logical place. Home aside.

One in four trainee teachers is a dunce: Thousands struggle to pass simple literacy and numeracy tests

By Sarah Harris
Last updated at 1:49 PM on 11th December 2010

Almost one in four trainee teachers cannot do simple sums and a fifth have problems with spelling, grammar and punctuation, worrying figures revealed yesterday.

Thousands repeatedly flunk basic numeracy and literacy tests and seek unlimited resits to pass.

Critics fear the poor quality of the next generation of teachers will have a devastating impact on their pupils.

Trainees have to pass basic skills tests in literacy, numeracy and ICT (information and communication technology) before they can qualify as teachers. The pass marks are just 60 per cent.

The latest figures from the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) reveal that in 2008/9 33,517 trainees passed their numeracy and literacy tests.

Some 77.7 per cent passed their numeracy test first time; 9.5 per cent (3,190) made two attempts and 12.8 per cent (4,298) – or one in eight – had at least three attempts.

In literacy, 80 per cent (26,814) passed first time; 11.6 per cent (3,892) had two attempts and 8.4 per cent had at least three.

The figures do not detail how many times trainees resit the tests beyond three. However one is reported to have taken the tests 27 times before achieving the pass rate.

Standards were far higher five years ago when would-be teachers sailed through their tests without relying on retakes.

For example, of the 32,717 trainees who passed their numeracy test in the academic year 2003/4, a respectable 83.6 per cent did so first time.

more here

It is disheartening to read reports like the one published on Wed. in the Mail, comparing Brit schools with other countries.  The subject was dumbing down.
For example.

READING in the top 30 countries.
UK ranked 25

MATHS top 30 countries
UK ranked 28

SCIENCE top 20 countries
UK ranked 16

Would care to take a guess who was FIRST? 

In ALL the above the top scores went to ...  Shanghai-China

Number two in READING was South Korea
Number two in MATHS was Singapore
Number two in SCIENCE was Finland

All other top scores (top 10) were Chinese again (Hong Kong) (Taipei) Finland, Canada, Japan, Netherlands

Well lets get back to the students herein England.  There are always splinter groups making demands for things whenever you have situations like the ones during this past week.
Here are a couple of things some students want.  Or in this case don’t want and say so.

They do not want SPORTS funding to be cut.
They do not want ART funding to be cut. 

There’s a third but I will be darned if I can recall what it is. I must be having a senior moment.

Meanwhile ... while I try to remember what the heck the 3rd was but making no promises, I offer you this.

Tackling bad behavior ‘is not our job’, teachers claim

and you can read the article behind that headline HERE!
And finally ...

Student “leaders” promise more violence in coming weeks AND ... Praise any protester who” landed a blow to a copper -a brick through a window or a dent in car.” They are working class heroes, it is claimed.

They also claim that it was the police who started the riots. They also say, “In order to win, we need more violence on the streets, more hospitalised coppers, and many more attacks on the royals.”

Oh, by the way ... as mentioned under comments elsewhere .....

Some of the rioters were interviewed.  THEY COULD HARDLY SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!!!!


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/11/2010 at 02:11 PM   
Filed Under: • CommiesCrimeCULTURE IN DECLINEJack Booted ThugsUK •  
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calendar   Friday - December 10, 2010

So Lame

Obama calls press conference then cuts out early

Leaving Slick Willy by himself at the podium behind the presidential seal and under the White House banner to continue the talk. Blowjob Bill shoots the breeze for another 45 minutes, while Obama rushes off to a party. He had to leave, as Michelle was getting impatient waiting for him.

Horry clap, what a pussy whipped lazy MoFo this Obo be.

n terms of Washington political drama, Friday was an instant classic.

President Obama ushered former President Bill Clinton to the White House briefing room late Friday for an impromptu press session, then abruptly left the wonky and winsome Arkansan at the podium by himself to defend the Obama administration’s tax deal.

“I’ve been keeping the first lady waiting for about half an hour, so I’m going to take off,” Obama said.

Clinton chuckled, joking, “I don’t want to make her mad. Please go,” and then quickly turned back to the microphone and began taking questions from the White House press corps, which had been given no advance notice of the two presidents’ trip to the briefing room.

Clinton’s main purpose in appearing before the press was to lobby the public, but even more so House Democrats, to accept the deal.

“A lot them are hurting now, and I get it,” Clinton said. “I have an enormous amount of respect for the Democrats in the House … I regret that so many of them lost.”

“I can only tell you that my economic analysis is that given all the alternatives that I can imagine actually becoming law, this is the best economic result for America,” Clinton said of Obama’s deal. “And there is no way you can have a compromise without having something in the bill that you don’t like.”

The former president also said he disagreed that Obama did not fight hard enough for concessions, and said that Democrats cannot play a high-stakes game of chicken with Republicans because the economic recovery is still in a precarious position.

“Look, if we had five percent growth and unemployment was dropping like a rock, maybe you could have the so-called Mexican standoff and you could say: ‘It’ll be you, not me, the voters will hold responsible for raising taxes on middle-class people, if they all go down, you know, next year,’” Clinton said.

“That is not the circumstance we face. The United States has suffered a severe financial collapse. These things take longer to get over than normal recessions. We must first make sure we keep getting over it,” he said.

video clip at teh source.

What the flippity frog knuckles is going on here? Barry boy just can’t cut it, so he bows out to let the Arkansas do-nothing take over? Unbelievable.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/10/2010 at 11:07 PM   
Filed Under: • Obama, The One •  
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Flying Art

Not sure what art category to put this one in. Art Deco, Streamline Moderne? I don’t think Bauhaus or Craftsman fits, but the shape of this lovely creature is so 1930’s it has to be in one of them. Art history majors, here’s your chance to flex that 4.0 GPA.

de Havilland DH-88 Comet


Go back in time about 80 years. Give a boy who is nuts about “aeroplanes” a pencil and have him draw you a racing plane. After he zips out a picture of a stubby Gee Bee, specify non-radial engines and a stable fuselage. And within a minute or two, this is what you would get. Like the Supermarine Spitfire that was to come along a few years later, this is the shape that I think is genetically programmed into boy’s minds of what airplanes ought to look like. Fast. Sleek. Deadly. Possibly a bit phallic. But elegant, if not particularly practical.

The de Havilland DH.88 Comet was a twin-engined British aircraft that won the 1934 MacRobertson Air Race [England to Australia], a challenge for which it was specifically designed. It set many aviation records during the race and afterwards as a pioneer mail plane.

This Comet was one of those transition aircraft, built out of wood and covered in linen and varnish, yet equipped with powerful engines and modern flight equipment. And a gigantic gas tank: the Comet had a range of nearly 3000 miles. Sure, it only went 250mph, but it flew at that speed all day long on a tank of fuel.


The airframe consisted of a wooden skeleton clad with spruce plywood, with a final fabric covering on the wings. A long streamlined nose held the main fuel tanks, with the low set central two-seat cockpit forming an unbroken line to the tail. The engines were essentially the standard Gipsy Six used on the Express and Dragon Rapide passenger planes, tuned for best performance with a higher compression ratio. The propellers were two-position variable pitch, manually set to fine before takeoff and changed automatically to coarse by a pressure sensor. The main undercarriage retracted upwards and backwards into the engine nacelles. The DH.88 could maintain altitude up to 4,000 ft (1,200 m) on one engine.

Three Comets were built and entered in the MacRobertson race. After the Grosvenor House, the red craft shown above, won that race, two more were built. The de Havilland company tried to interest governments in the design as a fighter, but to no real avail. The airplanes were sold off and saw service as airmail carriers.

It’s a lovely plane, but the shortcomings are beyond obvious. The engines and the simple 2 angle, 2 bladed propellers are far too small. The pilot sits behind a gigantic gas tank. The nose is so long that forward visibility is just about non-existent; my guess is that flying along about 5 miles up, the pilot could only see the ground 25 miles in front of him. Takeoffs and landings would be totally blind.

But it’s gorgeous. And a few years later, when WWII broke out, the de Havilland company took that same design, stretched it out, blew out the engine nacelles and put some real horsepower in there, stuck on some proper multi-bladed variable pitch propellers, reversed the landing gear pivot, and put the pilot up in front where he ought to be. And created the Mossie, the Mosquito, one of the most effective, fast, and nimble fighter bombers of the whole war.


I never thought you could actually see nimble, but the picture above proves me wrong.
The center of gravity is right under the pilot’s bottom.
This means the mossie was about as “natural” a flyer as could ever be made. And it too was made out of wood and fabric.

All these decades later, only a few of the DH88 Comets still exist. But the Grosvenor House was still airworthy as recently as May 1987

Height: 10ft Length: 29ft Wingspan: 44ft Engines: two 230hp DH Gipsy 6 R Max Speed: 237mph

The plane lives these days among many friends at Shuttleworth Aerodrome, 4 miles west of the town of Biggleswade, straight up the A1 north of London.

Most source info and pics from Wikipedia. More info here.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/10/2010 at 01:27 PM   
Filed Under: • Art-PhotographyEye-CandyFun-Stuffplanes, trains, tanks, ships, machines, automobiles •  
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student injury but, posted only cos he looks so damn dorky. wonder if he gets hissy fits.

Oh woo-wussy-hoo. Mammas wittle boy get him head bump. He get hurt put on him.  And mommy was attending the protests also. Hey, they family that protests together ... ? ...

Meanwhile ....

Not a hell of a lot of reporting about the injuries sustained by the police. Well of course not.  They were only there to riot and club innocent young students.

Student has emergency brain surgery after ‘being beaten around the head with police truncheon’ during protest

By Daily Mail Reporter


A student was rushed to hospital for emergency brain surgery after he was allegedly hit with a police truncheon during last night’s tuition fees protest.

Alfie Meadows, 20, developed bleeding on his brain when he was hit as he tried leave the ‘kettling’ area outside Westminster Abbey, his mother said.

The Middlesex University student fell unconscious on the way to Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, where he underwent a three-hour operation to save his life.

He was one of 44 people, including six police officer, treated in hospital after London’s most violent night of student rioting over fees.

A further 14 people, including six police, were treated by paramedics at the scene.

Alfie’s mother, Susan Meadows, 55, an English literature lecturer at Roehampton University, said her son had described the blow to his head as ‘the hugest he had ever felt’.

‘Basically he had a stroke last night,’ she said. ‘He couldn’t speak or move his hand.

‘The surface wound wasn’t very big but three hours after the blow, he suffered bleeding to the brain,’ she said.

‘He survived the operation and he’s in the recovery room.

‘He’s an extraordinarily idealistic and committed and political person. He cares passionately about the cause,’ she said, adding that he had been to training sessions at the University of London.

‘They had been given advice on how to stay safe. He would never try to be a martyr.’


‘He would never try to be a martyr.’

Yeah, somehow I think we can tell that.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/10/2010 at 12:37 PM   
Filed Under: • Health and SafetyUK •  
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It Is To Laugh

I saw a promo on the TV last night. A new series about to be broadcast here! Coming soon to US TV, the exciting hard core crime busting antics of

Law & Order: UK


Based onthe Emmy award-winning producer Dick Wolf’s long-running crime series, Law & Order: UK follows the familiar two part format: beginning each episode with a crime, followed by the legal and court proceedings to convict the criminal. All scripts have been taken from the U.S. version to retain the grittiness of the original series, but adapted to fit with the British legal system, providing a uniquely British twist.

Set in and around London, Law & Order: UK stars Jamie Bamber (Outcasts, Battlestar Galactica), as Detective Superintendent Matt Devlin, Bradley Walsh (The Old Curiosity Shop) as Detective Superintendent Ronnie Brooks, Ben Daniels (The Passion, The State Within) as Senior Crown Prosecutor James Steel, and Freema Agyeman (Doctor Who, Little Dorritt) as Junior Crown Prosecutor Alesha Phillips.

The series opens with the discovery of a body after a hospital evacuation. An investigation by Detectives Ronnie Brooks and Matt Devlin leads them to King’s Cross, a suburb of London, undergoing unwelcome changes. The officers believe they have identified the murderer, but the evidence is less than overwhelming. Faced with a skilled defense lawyer, Crown Prosecutors James Steel and Alesha Phillips team up with the detectives to secure enough evidence to prevent the collapse of the trial.

Don’t you believe it, not for a second. It has to be another one of those leftist fantasy shows. If it was “reality based” or even one of those “reality” shows, it would be the most boring thing in the world. Forty five minutes of watching this spin around:



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/10/2010 at 12:14 PM   
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Iceberg, dead ahead!



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/10/2010 at 12:12 PM   
Filed Under: • HumorObama, The One •  
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Israel proposes compensation for Gaza flotilla victims ..

Yes I know it’s dumb to believe too much in anything anymore. But I really did believe the folks in Israel were a bit tougher minded then this story shows.
Why would they cave in? They’re a sovereign state, or so I thought.

Those life forms on that boat armed themselves long before their ship was raided by the Israelis.  They knew before hand they would be in dangerous waters. The Israelis told em as much.  But no.  It’s gotta be Israel that says sorry yet again.

I also have serious reservations over reports (in conservative papers) with regard to Israel’s extremist right religious groups who are calling the shots these days.
That is not good news either.

Israel proposes compensation for Gaza flotilla victims

Israel proposed paying compensation to relatives of those killed during a raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla, in exchange for Turkey’s help in protecting the Israeli navy against lawsuits

By Adrian Blomfield, Middle East Correspondent

The draft, offered at the weekend in Geneva, some $100,000 (£63,000) to each family of the nine pro-Palestinian activists who were shot dead trying to breach Israel’s Gaza blockade in May. They were shot by Israeli marines who boarded the aid-carrying flotilla the Mavi Marmara.

It also offered an Israeli expression of “regret” over the incident, according to Israeli diplomatic sources, but stopped short of Turkey’s demand Israel formally “apologise” for the deaths.

Turkey has thus far refused to resume full diplomatic relations with Israel until it receives an apology for the raid, which remains the subject of investigation by the UN and Israel.

Why oh why can’t the Israelis just say FUK WU to the Turks and anyone else who wants to play armchair admiral. Vas You Der Sharlie? Screw the critics.
Making payments is to my way of thinking, like admitting guilt.  Either they were in the right and defending themselves or wrong from the beginning.
Frankly, I’m tired of the whole issue I think.  It’s been going on my entire life and I don’t see anything positive happening there in my lifetime. Or what’s left of it.  And the religious right won’t give way so what’s that tell you?  Add to that, the recent forest fires in Israel and the refusal to accept help in fighting fires if the help came from Christians, was stupid, bizarre, wrong headed and did nothing to further Israel’s cause or name.  Most don’t agree with the religious right idiots who are as much a part of medieval thinking as islamic fundamentalists.  But unfortunately they seem to have power and are in many ways, in the drivers seat. Well they’re headed for a crash if the fools keep driving in that direction.  For a lot of different reasons, many Christians support Israel and have an honest and sincere regard for the state. Being Christian should not exclude someone from the ranks of friends and anyway, Jews should know better then that, having themselves been excluded for their faith.  This isn’t to say those are in the absolute majority. Yet.  I say yet because like muslims, they have a high birth rate, and they vote. The less religious minded tend not to have large families.

you can read the rest here


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/10/2010 at 11:20 AM   
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fuk wu …. hey, i only report on what the papers say. and they say her name is, fuk wu.

Fuk Wu?
Gee. A boy named Sue comes to mind but no competition. For a winning prize, Ms Fuk has it.  Er, Miss Wu.

I just had to file this partly under humor, as I know of no other way of pronouncing her name.

Woman ‘wanted £3m from tycoon to keep quiet about love child’

Paul Cheston, Courts Correspondent

One of the world’s richest property magnates was blackmailed by a woman who claimed she was pregnant and threatened to tell his wife unless he paid her £3million, a court has heard.

Fuk Wu, 39, warned the tycoon, who owns prime property in the heart of the West End, that she would go to the press if he did not pay up.

She also told him that she would ask his wife for a name for the baby unless he paid her in cash or bought her an expensive flat. Giving evidence at Southwark crown court, the billionaire denied ever having sex with Wu.

The alleged victim, who is in his seventies and cannot be named, said he had given Wu a job assisting his London and Geneva operations in April 2006.

He had been impressed by her “talent for business” and paid her about £50,000, with business expenses, the court heard.

He told the jury that he owned hotels and office space in London, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Switzerland, and regularly completed multi-billion-pound property deals.

He said Wu had proved herself a “top dog” in the business, working as part of his teams of personal assistants.

But he said that in a breakfast meeting towards the end of 2008, she told him he had made her pregnant and demanded that he either buy her a flat for 15million Hong Kong dollars (£1.2million) or pay £3million.

He said that her mother and father would confront him in public at his Hong Kong office if he did not agree to her demands. He added: “[She said] she would tell my wife and ask her to name the baby.”



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/10/2010 at 10:38 AM   
Filed Under: • HumorJudges-Courts-Lawyers •  
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Fleeing arsonist runs into lamppost .

This was presented as recent although the date on the video says 2008. I guess it took this long to convict?
Well hell. The end is funny but not the fire.  People who start fires should be tied to a stake and set alight themselves. Now that’s justice.

Bad enough the country is overrun with white trash criminals ... it needs these folks too?
I have to be careful. Can’t make any obvious racist jokes or ill comments on these pimpleheads. Here’s a quick example of things of that nature.

BIRMINGHAM A former deputy district judge who called a Muslim barrister a ‘tenthead’ has been fined £10,000 by his governing body. Stephen Jones, who has served as a member of the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal he appeared before, also dubbed Saleca Faisal-Parkar ‘Mother Theresa.’

Oh yeah ... he apparently also referred to her as Mother Teresa due to her wearing of a headscarf.
Hurting people’s feeling here can be costly.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/10/2010 at 10:19 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeTerrorists •  
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punks and thugs run riot, attack police. why? because they can and there’s no serious penalty.

This is the kind of shit England tolerates in the name of democracy.

These spoiled selfish bastards can only do this because the penalties aren’t severe enough. ie. Broken bones, smashed heads and maybe a bit of necessary killing. But slowly burning at a stake. Hell, there aren’t any real penalties.  Take a look.  And these are supposed to be students? Of what? These are going to be future leaders? Uh huh. If that’s the case, I know my prediction for this country is correct.  It’s DOOMED!  See link below.

The Cenotaph, Churchill… how young thugs broke every taboo

By Paul Harris
Last updated at 4:39 AM on 10th December 2010

In a grotesque insult to those who championed the very freedoms which allowed them to stage their protest, a baying rabble of masked and hooded troublemakers turned a student demonstration into anarchy yesterday.


They defiled a statue of Winston Churchill by urinating on it, ripped flags from the Cenotaph ­– the nation’s sacred memorial to those who died in the name of liberty – then lit fires and sprayed slogans on the ground in the shadow of the Houses of Parliament.

The physical victims of their violence, inevitably, were the police.

But the casualties of a day when so few were allowed to hijack a legitimate protest were respect and common decency.

From the bottles of urine they hurled aloft, to the scaffolding poles and increasingly dangerous missiles they threw, democracy was held in contempt.

Windows were smashed at the Supreme Court building. Even the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square – a symbol of peace and goodwill – became a focus for senseless vandalism.

Once again, it was the actions of a minority which overpowered all attempts to keep this protest peaceful.

Every symbol of government or establishment became a target. Anything to hand became a missile.

I saw wood, metal, paint-bombs and smoke canisters hurled at male and female officers.

Police horses were beaten with sticks and at least one iron bar when a section of fencing was used to repel a line of mounted officers.

One of them suffered a serious neck injury after being trampled when he fell from the saddle. At least two other officers were badly hurt.

The irony of attacking and defacing monuments to the freedom which allowed this demonstration to take place clearly escaped the mob. In a sinister echo of the anti-capitalist riots ten years ago, protesters donned black balaclavas to carry out their assault.

Just as then, Churchill’s statue on Parliament Green, decorated in 2000 with a Mohican haircut made from vandalised turf, became a focus. And the plinth became a toilet.

Someone climbed up the base and gave a clenched-fist salute to a cheering crowd. Someone else went to spray graffiti on the inscription.


When cops are injured the outcry is a whisper. But let one of these rotten shits get a hair mussed and it’s Nazi Germany Gestapo beating up on helpless unarmed students.  Yeah well, maybe it’s time this country and ours too should take a second serious look at the old Gestapo. Anyone want to guess the outcome of a demonstration like this in Germany 1940? You can’t anyway because it would never have gotten this far. Why?  Because people understood that there might, no would, be a price to pay. And that’s exactly how you end this kind of thing once and for all.  You don’t fight this kind of anarchy with civil rights lawyers and human rights legislation.  You fight it with a ruthless ferocity that takes no prisoners where there’s clear evidence of guilt.  You make certain their friends witness their suffering with an unspoken warning. The rest will get the message.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/10/2010 at 01:13 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeCULTURE IN DECLINEOutrageousUK •  
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calendar   Thursday - December 09, 2010


In People’s Republik of New Jersey, deer hits you!


Almost a year to the day after a deer flung herself under the bumper, I got beaned by another one. Both times while driving my wife’s car. Oops. I hadn’t driven more than a quarter mile from the garage, and I doubt if I was going 20mph. I saw the deer about 30 feet away, coming running right at me. I braked. I swerved. I blew the horn. I was almost stopped. “God dammit, go AWAY!!!” Nope. BAM. The stupid high rise cockroach runs right into the side of the fender. Does the floppy spazzo thing rolling over the hood. Kicks out the headlight and falls to the ground in front of the car. Gets up all wobbly, falls down a couple times, then gets up and limps away.

Limping off to die? I hope not, but what can I do? So now the fender is all bent up, looks like its been punched a few times. Guess I’ve got to go file a claim.

NJ is absolutely overrun with deer. They are everywhere. And in the rut, their mating season, right now, they are even stupider than usual. That’s mighty stupid. They are a plague.

Crap!! I am so pissed off.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/09/2010 at 09:10 PM   
Filed Under: • AnimalsDaily Life •  
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Still Dicking About

In the last Dicking About post, my response to comments from both Docs got me thinking about the great-grandfather of all assault rifle cartridges, the 6mm Lee Navy. That round did the job just fine in the Spanish American War, and was good enough for the Marines. It was about 100 years ahead of it’s time though, way ahead of the gun powder and steel technology of the day, so it got dropped.

Anyway, I took a look at the cartridge, cut it down, blew it out, and thoroughly modernized it to run at modern pressures and to fit in an AR platform. I then optimized the case dimensions to use the 6mm Sierra 100gr BTSP bullet, which was the closest thing I could find to a FMJBT design in that caliber at that weight. A 100gr .243 bullet has a sectional density of .242, which is more than good enough. The Sierra BTSP has a BC of .446, which is great. Heck, they have a 107gr HPBT target bullet with a SD of .259 and a BC of .518, which is trippingly fantastic. Unfortunately that slightly longer bullet tips the scales too far, and shoots much slower in this cartridge at the same pressures, which means it comes up short at longer ranges. Crank the psi up into the top magnum range and it still comes up a tiny bit shy. See? It’s tough working under that itsy bitsy 2.25” OAL constraint!

Running the calculations shows that with the 100gr bullet it will shoot +/- 4” out to 300 yards in an AR platform (sights 2” above bore). The long barrel loading holds onto 1100lb/ft of energy out past 400 yards, while the short barrel loading is 12% less but is powder optimized for even a 14” barrel. That means lots less muzzle flash and less velocity loss from those short barrels.

Either loading carries nearly double the whack of the SS109 5.56 round at extended ranges, yet recoil is an easy 8lbs/ft in a 7lb rifle. It would make a nice 400 yard deer rifle.

It won’t have quite the arm’s length stopping power of the 6.5mm 120gr round I designed yesterday, but it matches that ones performance past 100 yards. And this is exactly what the 6.8SPC vs. 6.5 Grendel debate was all about, except that the 6.8SPC fell flatter at longer ranges. Big heavy bullets do the job at close range, which is why the Army made the .45-70-500 130 years ago. Conversely, a 20 round magazine of this 6mm cartridge will weigh an ounce less than a 20 round magazine of the 6.5mm cartridge, and every ounce counts when you have to lug the stuff around.


I called it the 6mm AWB just to frighten the hoplophobes


Short barrel loading. The vertical pink line shows all the powder is burned up once the bullet has gone a foot down the barrel.


Long barrel loading. Slower burning powder gives you more velocity in longer barrels. So can a bit more pressure.

All of this just goes to show that the AR platform rifle was a bit too optimized for anything more than the 5.56 cartridge. Had the bolt been 0.10” bigger in diameter, and had the mechanism and magazine well allowed for a quarter inch longer 2.5” OAL, the military could have swapped in much more powerful cartridges long ago, even ones that run at markedly lower pressures.  Alas.

UPDATE: I’ve created a monster!!

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/09/2010 at 02:10 PM   
Filed Under: • Guns and Gun Control •  
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one hell of a sad/bad day as German Schools Embrace Islam.

This is some of the worst possible news I could have read today.  The other being the vote in the US on immigration. That wasn’t too encouraging either.

Gee, with so much to be thankful for, and honest, I really am, why am I feeling like the world is coming to an end?
What am I saying?  The world I grew up in sure wasn’t perfect. Far from it.  But it wasn’t politically correct and I hate that term btw. And I hate the people who somehow have gained the power to enforce it. Anyway, the world I grew up in is certainly over. I’m happy about losing the bad parts, but did we also have to toss away the good?

Anyway ... here tonight’s horror story and I’m not trying to be funny.  The fellow who wrote this sure does have it all right.  I hope you will read every line of this editorial.

German Schools Embrace Islam

By Herbert London

There is little doubt west European governments are engaged in a form of social suicide. Rather than increased efforts to integrate Muslims into German society, to cite one example, German students will be taught about Islam. In a sense German educators will be engaged in proselytizing for Islam.

The German state of Lower Saxony will start including Islam in its schools’ core curriculum as part of an initiative to counter growing anti-Islam sentiment in Europe. Dr. Bernd Althusmann, Minister of Education in Lower Saxony, announced that schools in the state will start including Islamic education in their main curriculum. “I think we will be able to start implementation by the academic year after the next,” Althusmann said during a visit to an elementary school in the city of Hanover which offers an Islamic education class.

Justifying this approach, Juergen Zoeliner, Berlin Minister for Education, Science and Research, notes, “For years, society and schools have been faced with a variety of new duties and challenges. One of these big challenges is to have people from different traditions, cultural and religion affiliations living together peacefully and respectfully.”

Of course, whether the program in question leads ultimately to a peaceful result is questionable. One might well ask why did the armies of Europe turn back the Turks at the gates of Vienna 500 years ago when programs, like those instituted in Germany, are handing Islam the keys to the future.

German shame over Nazi atrocities has made Hitler’s heritage the end of German history and identity. But should this shame be replaced by preemptive capitulation to a religion with a relentless imperial impulse?

To be sure the Salafists, with Saudi funding, will follow up on their efforts in the schools. But will the full story of Islam be told including the stoning of adulterers, the execution of homosexuals, polygamy, apostasy as a capital offense and the belief that Jews are the offspring of apes and pigs?

It is instructive that “diversity education” is predicated on the belief that we in the West have on obligation to understand Islam. However, the reverse doesn’t follow. One might presume that Muslims in the West should come to know and appreciate Western Civilization. Moreover, students who are not versed in the history and customs of the polity they find themselves in will be handicapped. Yet curiously integration, that was once the overarching strategy for dealing with immigrants, has been replaced by cultural pluralism, “from the one, many” instead of “from the many, one.”

In Germany and throughout western Europe there is an effort to bend over backwards to accommodate the Islamic population.

In the process, this effort produces results that counter good intentions. First, the Islamic population believes, with considerable confirmation, that Europeans do not possess the will to assert the importance of their own culture and traditions. Second, the insertion of Islam into German schools suggests tacitly that Islam is on the rise and cannot be denied even in non-Islamic nations.

Preemptive capitulation is nothing more than an attenuated form of defeat. It is noteworthy that Islamic leaders recognize it in this way. The aggressive stance taken by Islamic leaders in Europe is based to an extraordinary degree on the flexibility and weakness of those who might defend the West.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/09/2010 at 12:09 PM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEmuslimsOutrageousPolitically Correct B.S. •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
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  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
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It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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