Sarah Palin is allowed first dibs on Alaskan wolfpack kills.

calendar   Thursday - December 09, 2010

Islamists raise fears of violent ‘clash of cultures’ in Europe.

‘Crazies’ flock to ‘Londonistan’
In the 1990s, the city became so popular for Islamists fleeing authorities in Muslim countries that some commentators dubbed it “Londonistan.”

Citing the WikiLeaks cables, the Guardian newspaper last week reported that the future U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron told an American official in April 2009 that the former Labour government had “let in a lot of crazies and did not wake up early enough” to the danger posed by Muslim extremists.

This America, is what this side of the Atlantic is living with.  Only weak kneed politically correct, multi-culture morons who think trees and diversity is a religion, welcome muslims with open arms.  Mustn’t be critical because after all, islam is a religion of peace. Didn’t our own president tell us so on 9/11?
Whatever .... the bottom line is that the USA must remain Awake!  Too many Europeans would rather snooze, but there are many who know the threat of these sub-human life forms.  They are I’m sure being watched. Or at least those that the authorities know about. Watched?  Why not deported or shot? Cos they have rights. And they laugh as they cash their benefit checks, courtesy of the txpayers they plan to kill.

It was disheartening to read last week about a mosque being built in Temecula, Ca. Just like rats and poisonous spiders, they are everywhere. And where ever they are, whatever neighborhood they occupy, they are future trouble of major proportions. In fact, possibly deadly. 

I was surprised that this came from MSNBC via Europe News.  Which means many of you may have seen this before I did. ??

By Ian Johnston

LONDON — It is a Sunday night in London’s East End and the self-styled “most hated man in Britain” is holding court, reveling in his vision of a Taliban victory over America and a world under Islamic Shariah law.

The crowd of about 250 listens intently as Anjem Choudary issues a call to arms in the pristine surroundings of the newly refurbished art deco conference center, built to host weddings and business meetings.

“There are many battlefields,” he says calmly into a microphone. “There’s a battlefield outside 10 Downing Street [home to Britain’s prime minister] and in the mountains of the Tora Bora [in Afghanistan].”

Any man who fails to fight, he warns, will face difficulty when the “angel of death” arrives and he is forced to explain to Allah why he did not raise his hand “against the oppressor” out of fear. “Allah will say to him, ‘Am I not more worthy to be feared than them?’” Choudary says.

“Allahu Akbar!” the men shout out in unison, as if a war cry, during his speech. “Allahu Akbar.” God is great.

A group of women, all heavily veiled and sitting in a screened-off area, remain quiet throughout.

As former leader of the banned Islamist organizations al-Muhajiroun and Islam4UK, Choudary was kept off the bill and appeared as the surprise star speaker at the rally.

His groups may be outlawed but, unlike his female followers, Choudary will not be silenced.

His message is one that echoes across Europe, which experts say is home to thousands of people who would wholeheartedly support Choudary’s “ultimate objective” — the “domination of the world by Islam.”

The majority of Muslims are not Islamists, who believe in a society based on Islamic law, and not all of the latter are seeking world domination or are willing to use violence.

But fear of another Islamist-inspired atrocity after Madrid in 2004 — 191 dead — and London in 2005 — 53 dead — remains high.
Image: Scene of suicide bombing in London on July 7, 2005
Sang Tan / AP file
Suicide bombers targeting London’s public transit system killed 53 people on July 7, 2005. Four men detonated devices hidden in knapsacks aboard three subway trains and a double-decker bus, seen here.

Rightly so, according to Dr. John J. Le Beau, a former CIA officer and now professor of strategy and security studies at Germany’s George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies.

“It’s a mathematical certainty there will be a successful attack in Europe at some point,” he told “The amount of attempted plots we see is not decreasing. I think what we have seen is a ... strengthening of attempted attacks that in some cases have come pretty close.”

A backlash is growing. Support for the far-right in normally liberal countries like Sweden and the Netherlands is on the rise. French lawmakers voted for a ban on full face veils. Protest groups, such as the English Defense League which has been linked to soccer hooligans, have made headlines.

Le Beau warned of “an incipient clash of cultures.” The consequences of another terrorist spectacular — intelligence reports recently warned an al-Qaida-linked group was planning to hit Western Europe with a commando-style raid like that on Mumbai, India — could be profound, he suggested.

“I could see that leading to a spontaneous violent reaction on the part of others. Could this spin out of control? Sure,” he said. “I think that would be very dangerous because ... it runs the risk of sectarianizing or ‘Balkanizing’ Western Europe.”



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/09/2010 at 11:22 AM   
Filed Under: • muslimsTerroristsUKUSA •  
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they care this much about school meals? when you care enuff to fight your very best. captions?

And here I thought the student protesters were over the top.

Captions anyone?

Can you imagine this in our senate or house over immigration? Or anything else. 
I’m not sure this solves things but on the other hand ... might feel good to whack some bleeding heart supporter of the aclu and that ilk.

Drew’s Wed. post on immigrant bill and Wardmom’s comment as well of intense interest. I see here what immigration has become as well as something America hasn’t had to face yet on the same scale. And that’s ASYLUM!  You may want to remember that word because my huge worry is that the USA may well end up with the same thing in time. So I can’t help but look at this photo and wonder if in some future time, this could be the USA over immigration but in the streets instead of a room full of senators.

Fight erupts in South Korean parliament over free school meals

A brawl has erupted in the South Korean parliament after an argument over the provision of free meals for students in public schools turned physical.




Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/09/2010 at 10:06 AM   
Filed Under: • Fine-DiningNews-Briefs •  
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calendar   Wednesday - December 08, 2010

On the Razor’s Edge Once Again, Sliding Down

Congress Passes DREAM Act shamnesty bill, 216 to 198.

Voting in favor of blanket amnesty and support for illegal aliens were 8 Republicans:

1 Cao (Louisiana)
2 Castle (Delaware)
3 Diaz-Balart L (Florida)
4 Diaz-Balart M (Florida)
5 Djou (Hawaii)
6 Ehlers (Michigan)
7 Inglis (South Carolina)
8 Ros-Lehtinen (Florida)

Do not forget these names. [redacted reference to lamp posts and piano wire]

The House of Representatives approved a bill that would grant thousands of young, illegal immigrants the chance to become American citizens Wednesday night.

Called the DREAM Act, the proposal would permit young people brought illegally into the U.S. by their parents the opportunity for citizenship. However, that’s contingent on them completing two years of college or military service.

The vote was 216 to 198.

The White House lobbied hard for the bill’s passage, lauding it as a step towards a comprehensive reform of the nation’s immigration laws.

Supporters say the measure would strengthen the U.S. economy and boost military readiness.

Critics contend that the legislation offers what they call “amnesty” for illegal immigrants.

The Senate plans a vote Thursday to try to summon the DREAM Act to the Senate floor. It is expected to fail.

Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), one of the main backers of the DREAM Act, believes this is the last chance he has to pull this legislation across the finish line.

“Once the Congress of the United States changes hands and the House of Representatives is in the hands of the Republican Party, I don’t see any movement on comprehensive immigration reform,” Gutierrez said.

Not expected to pass in the Senate? Yeah, well I had heard it wasn’t going to pass in the House so badly that it wouldn’t even come to a vote. That was 2 days ago. And now it has, and it did.

And it’s just so damn un-PC to be against this, this Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act - (say it with me!!) - It’s for the chiiiiildren!!!!!

I dont’ give a shit. [redacted vulgar hissy fit and call for public violence against the government] No school, no health care. Want relief? Here’s a gallon of water and a rice cake. Now leave. Throw them out, and throw their parents out. [redacted call for public violence] This is war and I say No Quarter. This is not the nation of FREE STUFF FOR THE WHOLE WORLD FOREVER. Well, it shouldn’t be. We have had legalized, quota driven immigration for every nation on earth for well over 100 years now. We are NOT the bottomless money bag that the entire fucking planet is invited to come by and dig into. ENOUGH. We can not afford it, period. And if these people are working, that’s 20 million jobs they are doing that unemployed Americans aren’t getting. Throw them out!!

Don’t even make me start on the violent gang angle. Got a spiderweb facial tattoo, or a couple of gang tears? [redacted call for public violence].

Insane reaction Drew? No, I don’t think so. We have been invaded in slow motion, to the point where 10 percent of the entire population is made up of people who should not be in this land. It is not too late [redacted call for public violence] ethnic cleansing. WTF, it’s Ok for anywhere else in the world to do that from time to time, so why not us?

I want to make a graphic of a finger on a trigger ... “press one for [redacted ethnic group]” ... and post it everywhere.

If this passes in the Senate and O[redacted racist term]er signs it, America is done. Hell, we’re only half a step away as it is. And that half step is already over the edge. We need to make a BIG jump just right to get back to straddling the razor’s edge.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/08/2010 at 09:49 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsIllegal-Aliens and Immigration •  
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Hey ... look. It’s almost 2:30 in the mrning. I have insomnia and it’s close to the end of the day in some places so ...
why not a bit more eye candy to send me off to dreamland?  How ‘bout you?

Have done this lady before but have to say ... hardly get enuff of Amy Adams and so here ya go.



See More Below The Fold


Posted by peiper   United States  on 12/08/2010 at 09:24 PM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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Christianity doomed and a fraud?  Well now, if a bright intellect like this guy says so …

Last year in November, Col Gaddafi invited hundreds of Italian ‘hostesses’ to a villa in Rome for an evening at which, according to Italian reports, he urged them to convert to Islam and told them Christianity was based on a fraud

That’s right boy and girls and you heard it here and prolly not the first time.
and it must be true cos this man says so.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/08/2010 at 09:03 PM   
Filed Under: • muslims •  
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via Drudge, et al

UK: Coldest First Week of December Since ... Almost Forever.

UK: Coldest Last Week of November Since ... Forever.

UK: Global WHAT?????

England has been keeping temperature records since a few decades after Shakespeare died. 1659 to be exact.  The recording station is in the center of the country, so it’s called the Central England Temperature. In all that time, 1879 was the coldest first week of December, and one of only 4 years where the average daily temperature was below 0°C:

1962: 0.1
1952: 0.0
1925: -0.3
1902: 0.8
1889: 0.8
1879: -3.6
1875: 0.1
1871: 0.6
1869: 0.5
1846: 0.7
1844: -0.7
1796: -1.9
1788: 0.9
1782: 0.6

For this past week, the CET number is -1.9. This makes this past week the coldest one since 1879, and ties ( with 1796 ) it as the second coldest one since 1659.

For the last week in November, the coldest CET numbers are

1782: 0.8
1788: 2.4
1801: 2.5
1804: 2.8
1807: 0.3
1816: 2.6
1874: 2.9
1875: 1.3
1878: 2.2
1879: 1.2
1890: 0.2
1925: 0.8
1947: 2.0
1952: 0.5

The CET for the last week of November just past is -1.1. That makes it the coldest last week in November ever, since 1659. Which is about when the damn thermometer was invented I think.

Put together, the -1.1 and the -1.9 mean that the past two weeks have been the coldest fortnight in all of recorded English history for this time of the year. BTW, that history encompasses 2 of the 3 minima of the Little Ice Age, and just barely misses the first minima by 9 years.


The Frozen Thames, 1677

I bet that news makes those euro-peons who scammed themselves out of $7 BILLION buying carbon credit offsets to prevent Global Warming feel really warm and cozy!

I wrote to Peiper asking him about plastic wrap for his windows, or electric socks for his feet. No response. Hope he hasn’t frozen himself to the loo over there.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/08/2010 at 06:37 PM   
Filed Under: • Climate-Weather •  
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eye candy

turning in and leave you with this.




Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/08/2010 at 02:43 PM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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A couple of news briefs of some interest.

First ... CHINA in the news.

Chinese publisher releases erotic fairy tales by mistake

By Malcolm Moore, Shanghai

A Chinese publisher has been forced to recall a collection of Grimm’s Fairy Tales after mistakenly translating an erotic Japanese version of the stories.
The edition of the children’s book which hit the shelves in China in October included a reworking of the story of Snow White in which she romps with the seven dwarves.

Red-faced executives at Beijing Mediatime, the publishing house, said a mix-up had occurred when they could not find the original German version of the book to translate, and had turned to a Japanese version instead.

Around 150 copies of the book were sold in Hangzhou before complaints from customers led to the recall.
“Readers called us to say they did not think the book was healthy for children,” said Li Yong, the deputy chairman of the publisher.

“After that, we pulled all the copies off shelves across the country before last Wednesday.”
Asked how the mix-up had gone unspotted, the publisher said the situation had been “complicated”.

Another executive from Beijing Mediatime, only named as Mr Yuan, told the Zhejiang Morning Express newspaper: “We cannot read Japanese, so we cannot make a comparison, but we trusted the translator, who is a post graduate student.”


no, I spelled it the right way on this occasion.


Elk hunter bags skier in Sweden

Elk hunter accidentally kills skier

A female hunter accidentally shot dead 70-year-old cross-country skier when a bullet she fired ricocheted off an elk and struck the victim, according to reports.

Police were investigating the incident and the account given by the female hunter and her companion about the bullet first striking the elk and then bouncing off to hit the skier, killing the man instantly.

The hunter was in shock and police were not yet able to question her, according to the Expressen newspaper.

The incident occurred Saturday in a forest region near Ljungby, some 155 miles south-west of the capital Stockholm.

Each year, some 300,000 hunt elk, killing 100,000 of the animals. Formerly an exclusively male domain, in recent years more and more women have taken part, with more than 14,600 Swedish women registered for this year’s elk hunt.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/08/2010 at 01:53 PM   
Filed Under: • CHINA in the news •  
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Just Dicking About

I spent a few hours this morning playing around with my collection of gun software. I’ve got pretty much all of it: exterior ballistics, interior ballistics, trajectory calculators, cartridge design programs, you name it. It’s fun stuff to play with, and I’ve learned a lot from it.

Every once in a while I approach the old Poodle Shooter problem, and attempt to find a solution. The what? The who? I could write pages and pages, but to try and be succinct as possible, I’ll say that, in the post WWII period, a gunmaker named Roy Weatherby pushed the idea that really high velocity equated to tremendous killing power. He was both right and wrong. Another gunmaker named Eugene Stoner took that idea, and sold the US Military on the idea of a small caliber high velocity rifle for our combat troops. Thus was born the M16 rifle, which fires the 5.56 NATO cartridge. I won’t repeat the story that you probably already know, but for whatever other great benefits that weapon has, it lacks close range stopping power and long range killing power. 

If you don’t know that difference between stopping power and killing power, go read that post I did on the .600 Nitro Express pistol. Or look up “the caliber of any self defense pistol starts with at least a 4”. That’s stopping power. Delivering such a tremendous kinetic impact that it overcomes the target’s internal hydraulic flexibility and causes massive damage to the nervous system, physical support structure, and (as a secondary issue) massive damage to the major organs. In other words, it pretty much blows the target to shreds, at least internally. Bang. Drop. Dead. Generally you use the biggest bullets you can find to do this. Killing power is the ability of a cartridge to propel a bullet to and through it’s living target at some designated distance so that it leaves a hole at least half an inch across, with sufficient bullet mass and proper bullet and rifle design such that the bullet penetrates in a nearly straight line. Put a hole like that through any creature, and eventually it will die. Be a good hunter and make that hole in the vitals (heart, lung, upper spinal column) and “eventually” becomes “pretty quickly”. Controlled expansion bullets give you the best killing power. Too bad that such bullets are outlawed by the Geneva Conventions/Hague Accords.

Back to shooting poodles. I am not going to have the 6.8SPC vs 6.5 Grendel debate again. Both are great improvements over the 5.56 NATO at any range, and neither one is ever going to be adopted by the military. No, their decision is to go with that futuristic space gun micro-cannon thing that got mentioned here the other day, where computers and lasers in the weapon lob a small bomb out to the target and then set it off. It will cost billions, with the dual advantage that troops won’t need to learn to shoot all that well, and the military will never ever have to admit to the 47 year old mistake that is in our soldier’s hands right now.

Several tons of research by better folks than I have concluded that a mid-range assault rifle needs to accurately shoot a bullet with a sectional density of more than 0.2 and a ballistic coefficient greater than 0.35 at a velocity of 2500-2750fps. 1200 lb/ft of bullet energy at 300 yards/300 meters would be real nice. And to minimize shooter fatigue (ie recoil) this needs to be done with a caliber smaller than 30. But it also needs to be done with a caliber greater than .24.

I’ve designed a whole slew of cartridges on paper that can do the job, but it is just about impossible to do the task with the length and size constraints of the M16 rifle. The cartridge chambering area is simply too thin (in the bolt face) and too short (in the bolt length and cartridge well) unless the cartridge’s working pressure is cranked right up to the danger line. And really high pressures wear guns out really fast.

Hold a AA battery in your hand so that it lays across your fingers. The length of that battery is just 1/4” shorter than the 5.56 cartridge. The body of the cartridge is about the same diameter as the negative (-) terminal, that flat shiny disc on the bottom of the battery. See the little nipple on the positive (+) end of the battery? That’s the diameter of the bullet it fires. Pretty damn tiny, ain’t it? The .600 Nitro Express cartridge is about the diameter of a Churchill cigar, 3/4”, and nearly 4” long. [ or you could just click here and look at the picture. L-R: 7.62 NATO, 5.56 NATO, AA battery ]

Anyway, here’s today’s time waster. I call it the 6.5x39_25, since it’s based on the 7.62x39 Russian cartridge, blown out straighter and with a 25 degree shoulder, and necked down to 6.5mm.


Taking a good chunk of the body taper out of the 7.62x39 gives you more internal volume. More internal volume means more room to fit more gunpowder. It also means the cartridges will stack straighter in a magazine, which can mean easier feeding. The 25° shoulder angle gives more power room as well, without being “Ackley’d” out to a steep angle that makes for difficult feeding. Think of it as a stretched, softened, and necked up 6mm PPC. Taking the caliber down from euro-30 ( the 7.62x39 and the .303 British both use .311” diameter bullets, whereas the American designed .30-06 and the 7.62x51 NATO both use .308” diameter bullets ) to 6.5mm (.264") allows the same approximate weight bullet (120-125 grains) as the Red’s 7.62x39 to have a much greater sectional density and a much higher ballistic coefficient. And that’s nearly double the bullet weight of the 5.56, which will give you much better short range stopping power.

My calculations show that this cartridge can push a 120 grain FMJ bullet at over 2500fps, which would generate a very minor 8.15 lb/ft, 8.66fps worth of recoil in a light 7lb rifle.


The Norma 120gr FMJ has a sectional density of 0.246 and a ballistic coefficient of 0.428. That compares very well with the 7.62 NATO’s 0.226/0.411, the 5.56 SS109’s 0.179/0.397 and the commie 7.62x39’s 0.184/0.275. This means that this is a solid little bullet with great aerodynamic efficiency that should penetrate better than all of those others at similar velocity. It means that this one can be zeroed in at 255 yards and will stay +/- 4.5” out to over 300 yards, where it still carries more than 1000lbs/ft worth of energy. Which means point and shoot out past the point most folks are comfortable using regular sights. The standard 7.62 NATO ("way too much gun!!!") has 1400lb/ft of energy at that range, whereas the 5.56 NATO with it’s “heavy” 63gr SS109 bullet has only 690lb/ft of whack at that distance.  So my design splits the difference right down the middle. Another advantage is that my round will burn up all of it’s powder in a 17” barrel, which makes for less muzzle flash and a quieter bang. It’s very close to being optimized for the really short barrels that the current M4 carbines use. In a full length M16 barrel this one would give you a bit more velocity, a bit flatter trajectory, and a bit more whack (1109lb/ft) at that same 300 yard distance.

Is this the magic cure all? No. It’s a little down in terms of energy at distance compared to the 6.5 Grendel, but it eclipses the 6.8SPC. And it would require opening up the M16’s bolt face diameter by 0.069”, which is doable. Don’t forget that my numbers are all calculated; actually building one and testing it would result in real-world differences (ie lower performance). Too low? Try one and find out.

So I’ve built a solution in search of a problem no one official will admit exists. It would make a very mild 250 yard deer rifle though.

Ok, fun time is over. Let’s go see what Onitwit is up to today. I hear the far-left is PO’d at him now over the tax cut thing. Guy sure knows how to make himself popular, don’t he? LOL


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/08/2010 at 01:06 PM   
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tax cuts USA/UK .. term limits … morons in DC and a flat tax ….

I saw an article in our morning paper with regard to Obama’s U-turn on tax cuts, and the result that apparently the very wealthy will retain their tax cuts.
Hey, I’m ok with tax cuts and I am certainly entirely pro the wealthy class as it’s something we mostly all aspire to. Isn’t it? But I confess again as I’ve done in the past, I am not at all sophisticated where serious economics are concerned.

Heaven knows I am not a Socialist. Good grief I can’t imagine that. Drew wouldn’t speak to me or help with tech things, Wardmom might shoot me. Or would that be Vilmar?  I would at the least be Persona non Grata in my very own house, and that’s a certainty.  But ....

I am confused by the idea of cutting taxes for the the very wealthy, instead of the middle class who I think need the leg up more. Isn’t the middle class and small/med business the engine that runs things?  And don’t think for a minute I want to suggest squeezing the rich. Not at all.  I’m just not very knowledgeable about economics and taxes beyond the superficial.  And isn’t Wardmom correct about a flat tax?

Some of you in the states won’t know, but Kraft bought an English icon when they bought Cadburys. Cadbury makes chocolates.  Cadbury also bought out the very best (imho)when they bought Black and Green Chocolate.  Well ... many here are very upset at the news that Kraft is shutting down the Cadbury UK plant and moving operations away from England.

Cadbury goes Swiss to avoid British tax: Move by U.S. bosses will cost Treasury £60 million a year

The plan has been hatched by food giant Kraft, which took over the iconic British chocolate manufacturer earlier this year after a bitter £11 billion bid battle.

It will see ownership of much-loved Cadbury brands including Dairy Milk, Crunchie and Twirl handed to a holding company in Zürich, where Kraft already has a major base.


So my question is, why can’t a tax deal be made where the UK can still hold on to some of that tax dollar and save Brit jobs and tax income?

Then I looked at Drew’s post this early morning and found Wardmom’s comment on things in the USA which I thought belonged here.

What happened with this current ‘deal’ IS the problem with DC - Every issue must be stand alone. And no more ‘deals’ to get the work done. What is best is what makes America safer, smarter, and more prosperous - anything else is just a waste of money.

Pick a percent and everything - spending is cut by that - and pick a percent under 20% and every single person who works in America pays that percent in tax (i.e. morons in DC - a FLAT TAX that is the most fair, most just and most equal for all.

And then TERM LIMITS and 2 TWO WEEK SESSIONS A YEAR - Make these jobs PUBLIC SERVANTS again rather than a boondoggling , money grabbing, benefits creating, stealing, cheating, lying extravaganza funded by the only working people in the country.

CUT AND BALANCE and then get the he!! out of our business, private life, kitchen, playroom and garden.
Posted by wardmama4


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/08/2010 at 09:23 AM   
Filed Under: • EconomicsTaxesUKUSA •  
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Well Duh



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/08/2010 at 12:01 AM   
Filed Under: • EconomicsGovernment •  
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calendar   Tuesday - December 07, 2010

Some People ARE Nuts!

Never thought I’d be one to say it, but there really can be such a thing as



The Biggest Damn Revolver of all time, chambered in .600 Nitro Express.  The .600 Nitro is not just an elephant cartridge. It’s THE elephant cartridge, against which all others are judged. It throws a 2 1/8 ounce, 60 caliber bullet at 2000 feet per second, generating more than 7,500 pounds of muzzle energy. Even in a gigantic heavy Magumba style safari rifle, it’s an insane amount of firepower.

And don’t give me that .50 BMG derringer BS. It won’t work worth a damn without nearly 3 feet of barrel, at which point it’s no longer a derringer. And the one hand recoil would break your wrist. And your arm. And your elbow. So you could build one, but you couldn’t shoot it. And the .50 uses a “tiny” little bullet of only 750 grains compared to the 900 grain slug this behemoth fires.

Pfeifer-Zeliska .600 Nitro Express Magnum

The worlds most powerful pistol is the Austrian Pfeifer-Zeliska .600 Nitro Express Magnum. It is chambered to fire the British developed .600 caliber rifle bullet originally made by Holland and Holland. This revolver was not originally a full production model but a one-off built especially for a wealthy Swiss gent...Mr. Zeliska.

But if you would like one and I am sure that a few of you licensed rootin tootin gun lovers with a bit of disposable income would, then contact Pfeifer arms (url near bottom of page) and they will make one for you. Priced at EU€13,840. This equates as US$20,560. (Exchange rate December 4, 2009)
The .600 Nitro Express Magnum revolver is a Single Action, 5 shot, old west style gun. A single action revolver is stronger in construction than a double action revolver due to the solid base frame that the cylinder sits in.

The gun weighs in at 13.23 lbs. and consequently is heavy enough to absorb most of the violent recoil. In fact it is on scale to firing the .50 Magnum.

The recoil is not uncontrollable, but instead, tamed by the guns weight. A bi-pod and shoulder stock may be in order though.

Technical Data
Caliber: .600 Nitro Express
Muzzle velocity: 1950 fps with a 900-grain Solid
Muzzle energy: 7591 ft/lbs.
Weight: 13.23 lbs.
Capacity: 5 rounds
Barrel length: 13 inches
Overall length: 21.65 inches

So the pistol weighs just as much as the heaviest safari rifle. Still, it’s going to leave a lasting impression when you pull the trigger. And it has 5 shots, which is 3 more than most rifles that were ever chambered in the big .600.

Ouch. No thanks.

h/t to Carole


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/07/2010 at 05:16 PM   
Filed Under: • Guns and Gun Control •  
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DECEMBER 7, 1941, because we need to remember

There are 110 photos in this collection. Many you may have seen, but there might be some you haven’t. The photos are really HUGE at the link.

Here are just a few, and they’ve been reduced for space. 

This picture, taken by a Japanese photographer, shows how American ships are clustered together before the surprise Japanese aerial attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on Sunday morning, Dec. 7, 1941. Minutes later the full impact of the assault was felt and Pearl Harbor became a flaming target. (AP Photo)









Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/07/2010 at 06:21 AM   
Filed Under: • HeroesUSA War-Stories •  
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calendar   Monday - December 06, 2010

It was only a matter of time

TSA Singles Out Baywatch Actress From Airport Line

For “Special Attention” Going Through Security


rolleyes “I still can’t figure how I caught their eye while others didn’t” rolleyes

Ok, nobody ever said she was a brainwave. But it makes you wonder just how often this kind of thing goes on. Buncha pervs and pedos working at TSA, drunk on their own power?

A former “Baywatch” beauty is feeling overexposed after going through what she says was a humiliating body scan by Transportation Security Administration agents at Los Angeles International Airport.

Donna D’Errico, who was the Playboy Playmate in September 1995, says she got a few leers along with the scan and isn’t happy about it. D’Errico, 42, says the encounter occurred at LAX while trying to catch a flight to Pittsburgh with her son, Rhyan, 17.
After waiting in a long line of holiday travelers, D’Errico and her son finally made it to the moving carrier where all the carry-on bags are placed. That’s when a TSA agent took her by the elbow and told her she needed to “come this way.”

image“I said I was traveling with my son, motioning to him, and the agent said he was to come along with me as well,” D’Errico said. “I immediately asked why we were having to go through an extra search, and no one else was being made to do so, indicating the long line of other passengers in front of and behind where we had been in line. In a very sarcastic tone, and still holding me by the elbow, the agent responded, ‘Because you caught my eye, and they’—pointing to the other passengers—‘didn’t.’”

D’Errico is still wondering how she caught his eye while others didn’t.

And she’s pissed that they ignored her boyfriend, who - in her own words - looks like a terrorist!

“I’m not sure whether they had recognized me or not,” she admitted. “If they did, they didn’t say anything. However, it is my personal belief that they pulled me aside because they thought I was attractive. My boyfriend, as I mentioned before, looks much more like a terrorist than either I or my son do, and he went through security with no problems.”

The TSA rules regarding scans and searches dictate that passengers can select a scan or a search. D’Errico says that was never an option.

“They never even told me what they were doing at all, or that I had any choice,” she said. “It was just, ‘Stand here. Raise your arms above your head like this.’ They never told me that they were going to be conducting a full-body scan, or that I had the option of being searched instead. Had they explained what they were doing, I would have opted for the search. As a matter of fact, my son was made to not only go through the full-body scan, but they also conducted a pat-down search on him as well.

“After the search, I noticed that the male TSA agent who had pulled me out of line was smiling and whispering with two other TSA agents and glancing at me. I was outraged.”

“I posed for Playboy 15 years ago. I was on ‘Baywatch’ 13 years ago. Both of those were controlled environments, with proper lighting, makeup, etc., and were jobs. I contractually agreed to do both of those jobs. I could have stopped or changed my mind at any time. None of those conditions are present when TSA decides for you that you will consent to being scanned or felt up, or you simply won’t be allowed your constitutional right to travel from one place to another freely.”

“This could, and I’m sure does, happen to other women,” she said. “It isn’t right to hide behind the veil of security and safety in order to take advantage of women, or even men for that matter, so that you can see them naked. It’s a misuse of power and authority, and as much a personal violation as a Peeping Tom. The difference is that Peeping Toms can have charges pressed against them.”

Good for you Donna. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/06/2010 at 09:25 PM   
Filed Under: • Homeland-SecurityJack Booted Thugs •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
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  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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