Sarah Palin is the only woman who can make Tony Romo WIN a playoff.

calendar   Thursday - November 11, 2004

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Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/11/2004 at 03:12 PM   
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Lower Life Forms Alert

While we’re celebrating the death of Arafuck, a mid-eastern lower life form, we should not forget that in America we have our own form of miserable fucktards who deserve to be shot or die a slow death. Today I draw your attention to this woman below. She is a teacher for “special education” students, i.e. children who don’t have all their faculties. What did she do? Here is an excerpt ....


A 48-year-old teacher in Seminole County, Fla., is accused of torturing her autistic students, including allegedly rubbing a child’s face in vomit and slamming another child’s head so hard that he lost his front teeth, according to Local 6 News. When police investigated, witnesses said she had battered the children who are unable to communicate well. Witnesses told police that Garrett punched a student in the head for wetting his pants and grabbed another student by the back of the neck after he vomited and shoved his face into the vomit.

How does an insane bitch like this fucktard get a job in our nation’s education system? Of course you know the answer. We set our standards way too low for our teachers and hire almost anybody to teach our children. There are millions of good teachers in our school systems. Unfortunately, there are too many of this type of asshat slime too. And while we’re on the subject, why does the NEA and other liberal organizations oppose President Bush’s concept of teacher competency testing. You already know the answer to that one too. They want to destroy the minds of our children. So they will grow up into stupid adults who will vote Democratic. Bastards!

As for this woman, off with her head. I command it!

(-- thanks to Craig C. for the tip on this story)


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/11/2004 at 01:29 PM   
Filed Under: • Education •  
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Another Burial Ceremony

Too bad it’s not permanent ....

Vic Harville, Little Rock, Arkansas—Stephens Media Group


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/11/2004 at 12:43 PM   
Filed Under: • Hollywood •  
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Memo To Arafat: How Are You Going to Explain To God About Munich, 1972?

Alright, the ignorant camel-fucker Arafuck is dead and his past is being swept under the rug, all glossed over by the liberal media. I’l’ be damned if I can let that ride and let them get away with it. This pandering to the Palestinians by the Left and the media is just too much bullshit for any one person to stand. Some of us are old enough to rememeber Arafuck’s bloody history.

You want the truth? Here is the truth ....

What happened?

At 4:30AM on September 5, 1972, five Arab terrorists wearing track suits climbed the six and 1/2 foot fence surrounding the Olympic Village in Munich, Germany. Once inside, they were met by three others who had gained entrance with credentials. Within 24 hours, 11 Israelis, five terrorists, and a German policeman were dead.

Just before 5:00AM, the terrorists knocked on the door of Israeli wrestling coach Moshe Weinberg who opened the door, realized immediately something was wrong and shouted a warning. Weinberg and weightlifter Joseph Romano attempted to block the door while their members escaped, but they were killed by the terrorists. The Arabs then rounded up nine Israelis to hold as hostages.

At 9:30AM, the terrorists announced that they were Palestinian Arabs, and demanded that Israel release 234 Arab prisoners in Israeli jails and Germany release two German terrorist leaders imprisoned in Frankfurt. They also demanded their own safe passage out of Germany. After hours of negotiations, a deal was struck with German authorities and a trip to the NATO air base at Firstenfeldbruck, by bus and then two helicopters was arranged, in order to board a plane for Cairo. German sharpshooters were standing by with orders to simultaneously kill all the terrorists without harming the hostages.

The rescue plan failed and a bloody firefight between the Germans and Palestinians followed, ending at 3:00AM when the Palestinians set off a grenade in one helicopter, killing all aboard, and terrorists in the second helicopter shot to death the remaining, blindfolded Israeli hostages. Three of the Palestinian Arabs terrorists were captured alive and held in Germany.

On October 29, a Lufthansa jet was hijacked by Palestinian terrorists who demanded that the Munich killers be released. The Germans capitulated and the imprisoned terrorists were freed.

Who were the Munich terrorists?

The Munich operation was ordered by Yasser Arafat and carried out by Fatah, Arafat’s faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

The Fatah terrorists called themselves Black September in order to safeguard Fatah’s international image and the PLO’s political interests. Although Salah Khalaf (aka Abu Iyad) officially headed the organization, Black September refrained from publishing official statements, and its leaders kept their identity hidden. Abu Iyad’s book, Stateless, explains that Black September was closely tied to Fatah. Abu Iyad frequently refers to his personal involvement in the organization and drops transparent hints to this effect:

* Black September was not a terrorist organization, but was rather an auxiliary unit of the resistance movement, at a time when the latter was unable to fully realize its military and political potential. The members of the organization always denied any ties between their organization and Fatah or the PLO. I myself am personally acquainted with many of them, and can state with conviction that most of them belong to various Fedayeen organizations.

The mastermind of the massacre, Abu Daoud, admitted his role in his autobiography, Memoirs of a Palestinian Terrorist, published in 1999. Although this was said to be the first public acknowledgment that the PLO was behind Munich, Daoud himself essentially admitted this when under interrogation by Jordanian police in 1972. The Al-Dustur newspaper quoted him at the time as telling them:

* There is no such organization called Black September. Fatah announces its own operations under this name so that Fatah will not appear as the direct executor of the operation.


Following the Munich massacre, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir gave instructions for Israeli agents to hunt down and kill those behind it. She told the Knesset on September 12, 1972:

* We have no choice but to strike at the terrorist organizations wherever we can reach them. That is our obligation to ourselves and to peace. We shall fullfil that obligation undauntedly.

To carry out the Prime Minister’s directive, the Israeli Mossad initiated one of the most ambitious covert counterterrorist campaigns in history, called “Wrath of God”. The Israeli cabinet’s top-secret ‘Committee-X’ authorized the assassination of any Black September terrorists involved in the Munich incident. The Mossad assumed the responsibility for implementing the directive and developed several assassination teams. One unit operated through normal Mossad channels while a second unit recruited staff officers and highly trained specialists anonymously and external to the government, supported financially through covert mechanisms. The assassination team that deployed through normal channels failed to complete their mission and publicly exposed the entire operation. Over a period of years, the second team, it was later revealed, killed five of the Munich terrorists directly and three more in joint Mossad-IDF operations (See “Operation Spring of Youth” in Sources). They also eliminated four other terrorists associated with other crimes against Israel.

Abu Daoud, the leader and planner, remains at large even though he admitted his role in his autobiography. He claims his terrorist agents never intended to harm the athletes and blamed their deaths on the German police and the stubbornness Golda Meir. Daoud was awarded the Palestine Prize for Culture in 1999 for his book.

Besides Daoud, at least one other PLO terrorist linked to the planning of the Munich attack is living freely in the PA areas: Amin al-Hindi, who heads Arafat’s General Intelligence Service. Israel objected in 1995 when Arafat tried to appoint another Munich suspect, Mustafa Liftawi (Abu Firas), as PA police chief in Ram’Allah.

In January 24, 2000, the official newspaper of Yasir Arafat’s Palestinian Authority (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida) urged Arab regimes to boycott the summer Olympic Games in Australia, because a moment of silence was planned at the start of the games in memory of the eleven Israeli athletes murdered by Arafat’s PLO terrorists at the 1972 Munich Olympics.

Sources: Operation Spring Of Youth, Fatah and the PLO.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/11/2004 at 09:49 AM   
Filed Under: • Terrorists •  
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Veterans Day

Today is a day for every one of us to celebrate the service of all of our veterans. While many fought during time of war and many served during peace, all swore to do whatever their country asked of them to maintain peace and prevent war.

Regardless of where they served or what branch they were in, each did his/her very best so you and I can continue to enjoy the liberties and rights we hold so dear to our hearts.

So far, more than 1,100 American military members have died and thousands injured in the war on terrorism. We cannot bring back those who lost their lives in battle, but what we can do is honor them by demonstrating appreciation in everything we do to ensure veterans receive every entitlement and benefit they so richly deserve. By doing so, we pay tribute to their contributions in creating a future world free from fear despite the personal cost to them.

Thank you veterans. Our nation gratefully thanks you for your self-sacrifice.

God bless America!

John Furgess
VFW Commander-in-Chief



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/11/2004 at 09:10 AM   
Filed Under: • Military •  
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The Bullshit Begins

“A Dreamer Who Forced His Cause Onto World Stage” - Washington Post

“ Mr. Arafat, who was the symbol of the Palestinian revolution and aspiration for an independent state for some 40 years, died ..” - New York Times

“Though he never achieved his dream of Palestinian statehood, his people revered him as a founding father.” - Los Angeles Times

“Arafat managed to preserve Palestinian national identity during decades without a state of their own.” - CNN

“Arafat did not represent Fatah or Palestine only, but the voice of freedom against aggression and occupation” - Al Jazeera

French President Jacques Chirac paid tribute to “a man of courage and conviction who for 40 years incarnated the Palestinians’ fight for recognition of their national rights” - BBC

“He closed his eyes and his big heart stopped. He left for God but he is still among this great people.” - CBS News

“Among revolutionaries, Yasser Arafat was a quintessential success story.” - MSNBC

“However, it should be remembered thatYasser Arafat stood firm in the face of extreme pressure and would not sell out for 95% of what he and his people were entitled to, namely the complete and de facto withdrawal of Israeli forces from 100% of Palestinian Territory.” - Pravda

Then again, some media outlets have their priorities straight ....

“Yasser Arafat always said he wanted to die as a martyr but instead he died Thursday of old age in a French military hospital.” - Fox News

“The President and all of us here at the White House today extend our birthday wishes to the United States Marine Corps. Today marks the 229th birthday of the Corps of Marines that was established by the second Continental Congress on November 10, 1775.” - White House Press Release


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/11/2004 at 08:33 AM   
Filed Under: • Media-Bias •  
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He’s Dead!

Finally, the scourge of the Middle East is dead. Brain dead. Liver dead. Kidneys dead. Heart dead. Every component is dead, except for the hair and nails which will continue to grow for a few days .... but if we bury him in enough pig shit even those parts will finally give up.

Sic Semper Bastardis!

Everyone, please feel free to sing your happy song and dance around the room.

A hospital spokesman said he died at 3:30 a.m. Thursday (9:30 p.m. Wednesday ET). Arafat’s body will be taken from France to Cairo, where the Egyptian government will host a state funeral for him. He will be buried outside the Palestinian Authority headquarters compound in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Yasser Arafuck (1929-2004)


Welcome To ....


Hurry up and enter your “OH-BITCH-UARY” for Arafuck in the contest. Prize is $50 US for the winner. Deadline is Friday at midnight. See notice in sidebar for more details.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/11/2004 at 12:37 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - November 10, 2004


More losers are squabbling amongst themselves after the disastrous Liberal defeat on November 2. The AFL-CIO is being threatened by the withdrawal of several of its unions from the national organization that backed Kerry (who, by the way, served in Vietnam) ....

WASHINGTON - With organized labor in disarray, two unions renewed threats Wednesday to break from the AFL-CIO in a deepening feud over how to stem the erosion of membership and revive labor’s economic and political strength.

I predict organized labor will self-destruct entirely within twenty years. They served a great purpose at the turn of the 20th century, improving working conditions and wages but for the last forty or fifty years have been nothing more than a drain on the economy by causing inflated wages, by striking over increased benefits (raising all of our medical costs) and most importantly by getting in bed first with (a) organized crime and later with (b) the liberal leftist Democrats in this country (yes, I realize there is not much difference between those two groups).

You all already know how I feel about labor unions and their foron leaders who siphon off dues to support their lavish lifestyles, dip into labor retirement funds to buy jewelry and try to influence elections with strong-arm tactics. Fuck ‘em! Fuck ‘em all! The sooner they dissolve and go away, the quicker America can remain competitive in the emerging global markets. The unions have almost destroyed entire industries (automobile manufacturing and airlines, to name a few) with greatly overinflated wage demands.

That’s why you won’t see hardly any “Union Labels” on products today. All you’ll see nowadays is “Made In China”. In that country, labor is 100% organized .... kinda what the AFL-CIO and the Democrats would prefer to see in America. Commie bastards!


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/10/2004 at 09:38 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsEconomics •  
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Caption This!

Go ahead, caption this picture of .... um .... erh .... uh .... never mind, just do it ....



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/10/2004 at 09:33 PM   
Filed Under: • Humor •  
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Oh, Say Can You See ….

You just can’t make this shit up, folks. I keep telling all of you that all I have to do is sit back and wait and the stories come to me. I live to laugh and as long as there are liberal forons like this around, I’m in danger of over-dosing.

To summarize, a Puerto Rican group raised the PR flag in Amherst, Taxachusetts recently during a celebration and the flag was later removed (read: stolen) by a town meeting member, Patricia K. Church, who mistook the flag for the Texas flag. She was angry out of her mind that Bush won the election and obviously couldn’t tell the difference between the flag of the largest, greatest state in the lower 48 states and the flag of a small, hispanic-speaking US territory in the Carribbean. The Puerto Rican community in Amherst is incensed and is asking for an apology. Good luck! We rational people of this republic know that fucktard liberals NEVER apologize for anything.

And now, for our liberal Moonbat friends in “Massa-Two-Shits”, here is a little lesson in flags. Try to keep it straight in the future, OK?

Puerto Rican Flag
Texas Flag
Massachusetts Flag


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/10/2004 at 08:54 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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New Global Strategy

In a late breaking breaking news story, the Grand Poobah of global political strategy and diplomat-wannabe, Madonna, has declared that the American troops in Iraq should “just leave”.

“Global terror is in California. There’s global terror everywhere and it’s absurd to think you can get it by going to one country and dropping tons of bombs on innocent people.”

She said American society was “becoming very divided”.

“People are becoming very polarised.

“We have people who don’t want to think, and who just want to guard what is theirs, and they’re selfish and limited in their thinking and they’re very fearful in their choices.”

All this grand, nuanced political strategy from a high-school dropout who makes a living dancing around a stage half-nude, singing pop songs? I’m impressed (NOT). For the record, I do not own any Madonna CD’s, have never wanted to purchase any, and do not plan to every buy any .... and I’m not “very fearful in my choices”.

I have something for Madonna. I urge this two-bit, brainless, meddling, fucktard bimbo to use it at her earliest opportunity ....



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/10/2004 at 08:35 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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One more liberal college professor decides to pack it in and leave America after the Bush victory ....

Nov. 10, 2004—Leora Dowling and her husband thought returning from deep in “red” America to her native New England would make them feel more comfortable, more like the people around them shared their values. Since the election, she’s been contemplating another move. To Italy.

Maybe it’s just me but I have the distinct feling that if all these forons would just go ahead and leave, eventually all the enemies of America would be outside our borders. Now, wouldn’t that be nice?

Let’s help them pack ....


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/10/2004 at 08:27 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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Veterans Day Is Tomorrow

Their Veterans Day was last Tuesday ....

Their Veterans Day

Some said let you apologize,
But that wouldn’t do it in our eyes.

A man astride of each position,
Could we believe your true contrition?

And on deaf ears your words would fall,
To those whose names are on that Wall.

The vindication they now accept,
In settling up this long-held debt.

Is that for them we gave our best,
And denied you, John, your lifelong quest.

We fought for them, fought for our own,
To make you reap what you had sown.

Listen carefully John to what we say,
November 2nd was their Veterans’ Day.

Russ Vaughn
2d Bn, 327th Parachute Infantry Regiment
101st Airborne Division
Vietnam 65-66n


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/10/2004 at 02:03 PM   
Filed Under: • Military •  
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Hump Day Humor


-- I was watching that new reality show today, “Fallujah Extreme Makeover.”

-- As I’m sure you’ve heard, “Operation Phantom Fury” is now underway in Iraq. You know, where are we coming up with the names for these missions? “Phantom Fury”? What is President Bush dipping into his comic book collection now? What’s next “Operation Green Hornet”?

-- As you know, U.S. military forces continue to attack the city of Fallujah, a French military strategist said today that the attack won’t resolve anything. Of course, people are shocked. A French “military strategist”? What the hell is that? Is this the first one?

-- If you saw the footage of Fallujah. Bullets flying through the air. Smoke in the streets. People yelling in foreign languages. It’s like L.A. only with much cheaper gas.

-- The Pentagon said we are making good progress. And that very soon Fallujah will be a red state.

-- This just in. Attorney General John Ashcroft has resigned. He didn’t want to resign, but the Bush White House thought he was just too liberal.

-- I guess he figured once New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey was gone, his job was done.

-- Do you know about this? The Governor of New Jersey gave his farewell address yesterday. McGreevey said yesterday he was not going to apologize for being a gay American. He would not apologize for being a gay American. Fair enough. How about just apologizing for being a corrupt American?

-- Do you know the whole story on this guy? This unbelievable! They try to make it something it’s not. But he had a gay affair with a guy from Israel who he hired to be Head of Homeland Security for New Jersey even though he doesn’t see that guy wasn’t a citizen and could not get clearance. But apparently they are no longer dating. Although the governor did say to him, “No matter happens, we’ll always have Newark.”

-- Did you hear about this? Ralph Nader has requested a hand recount of all the ballots in New Hampshire. So let me get this straight, John Kerry doesn’t demand a recount but Ralph Nader does. Of course the nice thing about a hand recount of all Nader’s ballots, you can count them all on one hand.

-- I’m sure you know, there’s talk of Hillary Clinton gearing up for 2008. Or as Bill calls her…”The Polar Express”.

-- Calls are pouring in from leaders around the world to Mrs. Arafat. French President Jacques Chiraq said he hopes for the best. British Prime Minister Tony Blair sent his regards. And VP Dick Cheney called to ask if Arafat had filled out a heart donor card?

-- This just in, juror number 7 in the Scott Peterson case has been dismissed. They have to start the deliberations all over again. You know how they got rid of her? Scott took her fishing

-- Here’s something interesting - some international airlines have received permission from the U.S. government to use stun guns on their passengers. Well that should stop people from bitching about the food.

-- Wal-Mart is opening their giant mega store in Mexico. See Wal-Mart is smart, this way they can hire illegal aliens before they even get over here. Eliminate the middle man.

-- The NFL season is now half over. Unless you’re a Miami Dolphins fan. Then it’s completely over.

-- Today Miami Dolphins Head Coach Dave Wanstadt quit. Actually, he tried to throw in the towel last week but it was intercepted.


-- I tell you I’ve been thinking of something all day. Let me see what you think. Do you think it’s too soon to hit on Mrs. Arafat?

-- According to Palestinian sources Yasser Arafat is dead but improving.

-- New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey has stepped down. He wants to spend more time embarrassing his family.

-- McGreevey’s three biggest accomplishments were on the environment, improving education, and replacing those hideous drapes in the governor’s mansion.

-- Earlier tonight on CBS it was the 38th Annual Country Music Awards. It was another heartbreaking loss for John Kerry.

-- The Bush’s have a new dog in the White House. The dog is named Miss Beasley. I was thinking the last president also had a dog that licked him under the desk.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/10/2004 at 06:08 AM   
Filed Under: • Humor •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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