Sarah Palin is the other whom Yoda spoke about.

calendar   Friday - November 22, 2013

a multicultural hellhole: a monument to the failure of the state’s experiment in multiculturalism.

This is more or less a followup on a story I posted yesterday with regard to the situation re. gypsies, also known as Romas, and the influx expected next year from Eastern Europe.

Make no mistake and no misunderstanding please.  People have very good reason to be very much worried.  The ones who are already here pose a problem you don’t have in the states.  Well, I suppose you have another minority almost as well protected. But at least you all share a nationality.  The coming infestation here in the name of diversity and multi- culture involve those who do not share in any way, the culture or the language or any sort of tradition of the host country.
Too many will be arriving for the benefits which believe me, are quite well known Europe wide.  Those of them who can not read will have heard stories about the overly generous Brits. 

We live in dangerous times and there isn’t anything interesting about it.

A multicultural hell hole, that we never voted for

PAGE Hall in Sheffield is a monument to the failure of the state’s experiment in multiculturalism.

By: Leo McKinstry

Due to official dogma, this area is rapidly turning into a cauldron of suspicion and squalor. A never-ending influx of Roma people from eastern Europe is fuelling combustible tensions with local residents, many of whom are immigrants from Asia. As complaints about feckless, intimidating behaviour by the Roma intensify, the air is now thick with warnings about ethnic conflict.

The sense of deepening social chaos in Page Hall was vividly illustrated last week by this paper’s reports of two attempts by Roma immigrants to make money from the sale of babies. In one, Colin Barton, the owner of a chip shop, said that he was approached by a teenager who offered him a new-born child for £250. It is almost unbelievable that this could happen in 21st-century Britain but such depraved conduct is part of the world created by the ideology of multiculturalism, where the values of traditional civilisation are constantly undermined.

Page Hall’s descent into social breakdown is just a foretaste of what will happen across Britain next year as the final restrictions on migrants from eastern Europe are removed. From January, 29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to settle here, bringing a large number of Roma to our shores.

Already there are estimated to be 200,000 Roma people living here but that number will be dwarfed once all border controls are lifted. “In January the only thing left will be the goat,” says one Roma father of seven, warning that his entire village plans to come to England.

This wave of mass immigration from two of Europe’s most impoverished countries will be a disaster for Britain, hastening the collapse in national identity, wrecking social cohesion and imposing an intolerable strain on civic infrastructure.

Welfare bills will soar, not least because many migrants are adept at exploiting the laxity of our benefits. Even now a third of all sellers of the Big Issue fundraising magazine are Romanian, since such a role allows them to claim self-employed status and thereby gain access to social security. Incredibly, over the past five years there have been 27,000 arrests out of an estimated population of 87,000 Romanians living in London.

This act of institutionalised self-destruction has been foisted on us by a treacherous political class that selfrighteously preens itself over its devotion to multiculturalism and open borders. The imposition of mass immigration over recent decades has been accompanied by a barrage of official propaganda extolling the joys of diversity and portraying all opposition to this creed as racist bigotry.

But the spin machine cannot maintain the illusion of success.

Even the high priests of political correctness have to admit that something has gone wrong. So last week two of Sheffield’s most senior MPs, Labour’s David Blunkett and Nick Clegg of the Liberal Democrats, attacked the conduct of the Roma in their city.

Blunkett warned that there would be “an explosion” unless there is a change “in the culture of the incoming Roma community”, while Clegg said that the Roma “behave in a way that people sometimes find intimidating, sometimes offensive”. Yet for all its apparent candour, the language of the two men reeks of opportunism and double-standards. In reality they were both responding to grievances expressed primarily by the local Pakistani community.

Would they have used such rhetoric if it was just the white British working-class people complaining about a minority group? I doubt it.

In such a case they would probably have shrieked about the intolerance of the indigenous population. Indeed, Clegg now has the nerve to bleat about the duty of the Roma “to be sensitive to the way of life as lived in this country”, yet he had never taken such a robust line with Muslims in Yorkshire, even as some cling to deeply unBritish practices such as the adoption of Sharia law or the wearing of the burka.

Obsessed with hierarchies of victimhood the Left sees grievances as only being legitimate if they come from a migrant community.

They pose as champions of progress yet their fixation with multiculturalism is dragging us into a new dark age. In many of our cities, social solidarity is being replaced by divisive tribalism, democracy by identity politics.

Real integration is impossible when ethnic groups are encouraged to cling to customs, practices, even languages from their homeland.

Female emancipation has been set back by misogyny imported from the developing world, as re-flected by honour killings, forced marriages and female genital mutilation. There are estimated to be 66,000 cases of such torture in Britain yet not a single prosecution has been mounted. In the name of liberal tolerance, vicious intolerance is flourishing in our midst, repressing free speech and promoting dangerous extremism.

The tragedy is that immigrants wanted to come to Britain precisely because it was a well-ordered and harmonious place. “The gentleness of English civilisation is its most marked characteristic,” wrote George Orwell in 1941. Now, as Page Hall shows, all that is being lost through the multicultural revolution.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/22/2013 at 05:00 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsDIVERSITY BSIllegal-Aliens and ImmigrationUK •  
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calendar   Thursday - November 21, 2013

town council produces but now won’t distribute leaflet telling gypos not to crap or piss in street

Not trying to match Christopher with yet another nanny state story, although this goes a bit beyond that.
I mean to say ... come on folks ... what sort of people actually need a printed leaflet to point out socially accepted and not accepted behavior?
If there are those who don’t understand things, they do not belong in a civilized country and are best deported.  If they won’t leave, shoot em.
They are a waste of resources and space anyway.
However, in this particular story ... seems like the truly stupid aren’t the targeted immigrants but people on the town council with too much time on their hands and not nearly enuff honest work to do.  But hey.  It isn’t their money they are pissing away, so that’s okay then.  It’s all play money.  In other words, the taxpayer’s money.  How it works in every country in the world is.  Ppl pay into this funny money fund called taxes.
The money is then distributed hither and yon, and winds up sometimes in local council offices and becomes “found money”.  Well, one can not simply leave money laying around like that, so they form a ways and means committee to find mean ways to dispose of this largess from .... somewhere.

On second thunk. If some of the ‘migrants’ they are trying to reach come from turd world countries, well.  On thinking a 3rd time tho, how does the council know they can read Engrish?  Doesn’t matter cos authorities will supply interpreters.

But the folks they are worried about are Romas and those from Bulgaria as well.  Welcome to open borders Britain where the country isn’t really being sold down the river.

It’s Being Given Away and to the worst sort of .... of .... I hate using using the word people cos of course they mostly are not that.

Don’t spit or have sex in the street or your neighbours will think you’re dirty: Taxpayer-funded leaflet produced to teach migrants about anti-social behaviour

City chiefs produced leaflets on behaviour for migrants, but won’t release it

They are urged not to spit, urinate or defecate in the street

Migrants also told not to dump rubbish in neighbours’ gardens

The city has seen tensions rise over large influx of Roma

By Sam Webb

A city council has created a guide to teach migrants how to behave in an apparent bid to ease tensions in the community.

The leaflet, drafted by Sheffield City Council, warns new arrivals, including Roma, against a slew of offensive habits - including urinating, defecating, spitting or having sex in the street - that upset locals.

It also contains instructions on claiming benefits and other taxpayer-funded services like healthcare and accessing translators.

There is advice on ‘being a good neighbour’, urging migrants not to dump litter in a neighbour’s garden or allow their children to play there, hang washing on their fence and not to block drains with soiled nappies.

Bizarrely, it also instructs them on how British people usually clean their rugs and carpets and recommends buying or hiring a vaccum cleaner and a shampooing machine.

The city has been riven by racial tension, especially in the Page Hall area, and fear of civil unrest is growing.  To make matters worse there are the first signs of vigilante action against the new Roma arrivals.

“first signs of vigilante action against the new Roma arrivals”.  Well let us hope so. Maybe if enough of the vermin can be eliminated quickly, others will get the message and keep out.  But I somehow doubt it.  These are a life form lower than animals. Some insects are more useful. 

Some residents with strong views about their new neighbours have begun patrolling the streets at night to ‘gather evidence’ of anti-social behaviour and possible criminal activity.

In addition, the local Pakistani community association is running ‘official’ warden patrols between 8pm and 10pm every weekday with the intention of ‘educating’ the Roma population about ‘how to behave in England’.

Which will turn out to be wasted effort and time. Why?  Because Roma are raised as thieves and charlatans. They are like a country except they are mobile and are a law unto themselves.  They are like beasts untamed and no hope of civilizing.  They do not recognize the customs or the laws of any country they infest and infect. 

Sheffield City Council defended their work with migrants and said the guide will not be released.

A spokesman said: ‘Sheffield has a proud tradition of welcoming people from a large number of backgrounds and has done for many, many years. As a council we don’t take a view who should be in this country or not.

‘We give advice to all people visiting or living in the city. This includes more than 55,000 students who come here.’

Then why spend money or time on it to begin with?
Got it. Found money and found time.

‘We have not released this document at all and it is not something which we ever agreed as a council to be used as a leaflet or otherwise.’

The leaflet, which was leaked to the Daily Express, also contains advice on raising children, saying: ‘Babies and young children should never be left at home alone.’

Robert Oxley, Campaign Director of the TaxPayers’ Alliance blasted the unpublished guide as a waste of public money.

He said: ‘Spending taxpayers’ money on this frankly ludicrous guide is not only a waste of money, but there is also a danger it would exacerbate problems caused when communities do not integrate.

‘Councils should not be encouraging the use of interpreters for those wishing to access public services.

‘It’s vital that those coming to Britain are able to speak the language and interact with existing communities before they arrive, rather than taxpayers footing an extra burden for this kind of nonsense guide.’

Alp Mehmet, vice chair of Migrationwatch UK, a non-governmental body that monitors immigration, said: ‘It’s pitiful state of affairs that we have had to resort to this.

‘If they think they can stop the problem by producing leaflets I’ve got news for them: It won’t.

Just weeks ago former home secretary David Blunkett warned British cities could be hit by rioting because of an influx of Roma migrants.

Mr Blunkett called on Roma migrants from Slovakia to ‘change their culture’ because their dumping of rubbish and refusal to send their children to school had caused ‘understandable tensions’ with residents in Sheffield.

Britain is home to more than 200,000 Roma migrants, most of them from Eastern Europe.

The former Home Secretary said ‘frictions’ with local people could lead to race riots.

‘If everything exploded, if things went wrong, the community would obviously be devastated,’ Mr Blunkett said.

Mr Blunkett claimed that the cultural gulf between the community in Sheffield and the Roma was far greater than that between white Britons and Pakistani immigrants.


Here’s more on the subject. And the news ain’t good.

Sheffield has the fastest growing Roma community in the UK, with an estimated 4,000-strong population.

The document, produced by immigration integration officials, says “public services like the police, city council and health services can provide an interpreter”.

It also tells new arrivals: “Your first home will probably be rented from a landlord. It will have running water and a flushing toilet. In the house, only use the flushing toilet for urinating and defecating.

“Do not urinate or defecate outside the house or in the street.

“Do not spit in the street. Spitting is dirty and spreads diseases. Doing these things is against the law, it will upset your neighbours and people will think that you and your family are dirty.”

It adds: “You may share a back yard or garden with at least one other house. Please respect the part of the back yard that belongs to your neighbour.

“Don’t go on it, don’t allow your children to go on it, don’t dump ­rubbish on it and don’t hang carpets, washing or other things on your ­neighbour’s fence without their ­permission.”

It also warns against intimidating people in the street by blocking their way or shouting – problems already raised by locals in Page Hall.

And also says: “Physical sexual relationships of any type are not allowed in public places.”

source is the express for more


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/21/2013 at 10:05 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLETravelers/Gypsies/SquattersUK •  
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calendar   Monday - November 18, 2013

Muslim Brotherhood supporters disrupt London university lecture on Egypt

Well ... I guess finally and I doubt this will be the last time, a group of muzzie vermin managed to drive a speaker off a platform at a college.
They have brought the fight in Egypt here. There was no security and nobody able to stop them as ....  they stopped a speaker who apparent;y was not of their click and who didn’t share the same opinion.  So good muslims that they are, they shouted him down and made themselves masters of the hall that evening.

Coming to a college near you?  Oh yeah.  They will. Because the west is so weak, so appease and accommodation minded, that it will not use the measures necessary for its own survival.  Instead, the west will continue to show the face of fairness by charging one of its Marines with murder, just because he killed a taliban prisoner.  A little thing like that. My gosh.  You’d think he killed something human.

Well anyway .... I didn’t embed the video from my source, which is, Bare Naked Islam.

H/T barenakedislam

You don’t have to view the entire two minutes. I doubt you’ll want to. But by all means go to the link for a taste of what the scum did.

Foaming-at-the-mouth Muslim Brotherhood supporters storm London university lecture on Egypt

A guest lecture at a London university was shut down when Muslim thugs backing Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and deposed president Mohamed Morsi forced the speaker off the stage.

London Evening Standard (h/t Susan K) Speaker Mohamed El-Nabawy had to be ushered off stage by security guards when around 30 demonstrators stormed a lecture theatre at Bloomsbury’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), which is part of the University of London. 
They were said to have targeted the public discussion, focusing on the challenges facing Egypt, because of Mr El-Nabawy’s ties to the Tamarod group which opposed ex President Mohammed Morsi. The movement played a key role in the ousting of Muslim Brotherhood-backed Morsi in June this year.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/18/2013 at 03:43 PM   
Filed Under: • muslimsREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLEUK •  
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just the thing. house hunting?  here ya go.

This could be yours for £400,000

A mere $644,954.76 USD

Such a bargain. Who-ha.

From the outside it looks like your average semi-detached family home - quiet and unimposing

But house hunters viewing this property had a shock when they stepped inside.

Click the photo here and find out why.

It’s pretty okay, I suppose.  But .....



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/18/2013 at 05:00 AM   
Filed Under: • Art-PhotographyUK •  
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calendar   Sunday - November 10, 2013

great find under london street, and it’s only 1,900 years old

This kind of thing excites me no end.  For me, people who are archaeologists and curators of museums are on the same level of hero worship that I hold musicians in. No kidding.  I have been lucky living here over the years, to on the very odd occasion been able to watch them at work. It’s difficult, time consuming and usually a brush stroke and a cup full of dirt at a time.  Yet I watch them in almost the same manner most folks watch a good movie.
I guess I’m fascinated by those things of beauty and accomplishment that I could never hope to master.
Look at the detail in this.  With the tools available at that time, I don’t know how they managed it.I guess that’s what makes them ‘artists’. 

This is really one heck of a great find.

1,900 years old but so pristine it could have been carved just yesterday: Breathtaking Roman sculpture of eagle devouring a serpent is plucked from the London earth

The 1,900-year-old sculpture was found in the City of London by Museum of London Archaeology experts before a site’s redevelopment into a hotel

It is thought to symbolise good triumphing over evil and archaeologists believe it was the centerpiece of a Roman mausoleum

By Sarah Griffiths and David Wilkes

Hidden since the Romans ruled Britain, this extraordinary sculpture was perfectly preserved for 1,900 years beneath a busy street.
The carvings on the 26in high eagle are so crisp that when archaeologists unearthed it last month they feared it was a much later copy rather than an original Roman relic.


But experts at the Museum of London Archaeology confirmed that the sculpture from a high-ranking official’s tomb dates from the 1st or 2nd century AD, and is one of only two statues of its type in the world. The other was found in Jordan in 1937.

Archaeologists also unearthed foundations of a mausoleum on the east London site and believe that the statue, dating from the first or second century AD and made from oolitic limestone from the Cotswolds, once adorned it.

The sculpture was pulled from the site on the Minories, a street in the City of London that is close to the Tower of London.

It came out of the ground ‘covered in soil and unrecognisable’ in September in the last few hours of an excavation that had lasted several months.

It is said to be in such good condition that archaeologists could not believe it is 1,900 years old and were initially hesitant to announce the find until it had been seen by several experts.

Caroline McDonald, senior curator of Roman London at the Museum of London, told MailOnline: ‘What I love about this discovery is what it reveals about London 1,900 years ago.

‘Here is a city of around 30,000 people where the mechanics of life are intertwined with the mythical. One Roman Londoner climbs the social ladder and leaves a family rich enough to mark their passing with an extraordinary piece of art.

‘Meanwhile this magnificent eagle protects the deceased, frozen in an eternal struggle to hold evil at bay. It is money and magic captured in stone.
I can’t wait to see it on display at the Museum of London for the public to see.’



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/10/2013 at 08:00 AM   
Filed Under: • Archeology / AnthropologyUK •  
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calendar   Saturday - November 09, 2013

terror suspect with 20 charges against him, wanted to sue this country.

Surely readers will remember this ..... person, from a previous post.

He walked out of a mosque wearing a burka and authorities are looking for him. But he’s been in custody before and it just makes one wonder who’s in charge here.
Anyway .... here’s an update sure to drive Brits with a working brain crazy.

Here was the headline from a day ago. Now keep in mind he is a terror suspect. Right I know.  Suspect doesn’t mean guilty automatically.
But when there’s as many as 20 charges against him, it’s a bit hard giving the bastard the benefit of any doubt.


Terror suspect who went on run disguised as woman in burka was out on tag despite facing 20 criminal charges

Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed, 27, disappeared from a mosque last Friday
It has now emerged that he was facing 20 charges for breaching terrorism prevention and investigation measures
Warrant issued for his arrest after he fails to turn up to court hearing today
Mohamed is suing the Government but officials may seek to block the case

By Hugo Gye

He is currently suing the Government over claims he was tortured in Somalia, but lawyers today suggested that the proceedings should be blocked while he is still on the run.

Mohamed, 27, was seen leaving a mosque in West London last Friday dressed in a burka, and has not been located since after cutting off his electronic tag.

He was supposed to attend the Old Bailey today for a hearing about previous alleged breaches of his TPIM.

However, after he failed to turn up - leaving his own lawyer in the lurch - Mr Justice Nicol issued an arrest warrant.

The judge also lifted an anonymity order banning reporting of the 20 charges Mohamed faced before he disappeared.

One indictment included six counts of breaching his TPIM by failing to report to Action police station on a number of occasions in December last year.

source for more

Well apparently laws and court orders mean nothing unless it comes from a sharia court. Is that his thinking? Probably so.
Bottom line question is ...

How long before Britain reaches this state?



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/09/2013 at 05:02 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeDaily LifemuslimsREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLEUK •  
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calendar   Thursday - November 07, 2013

another very short one from me, doesn’t need to be long, speaks for itself

This guy said it way back when, in fewer words then I have and with more impact.

This tells you all you need to know, or it tells you how we got to where we are today. Sure, there are lots of other factors but this one is key.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/07/2013 at 08:00 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsSPOOKSUKUSA •  
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so he stabs this woman 6 times in broad daylight but … read this example of justice not

I suppose this is what passes for justice here.  Not that the US is perfect but ....

I do not understand this judgment at all.

What DNA?

He stabbed her in broad daylight. She knows who did it ... why is this not open and shut?

If anybody can make sense of this, would you please explain it to me.  Cos I just don’t get it.

Man accused of attempted murder jailed for lesser charge after police lost vital forensic evidence… and he could be freed within months

Michael Bennison could have faced life in jail for stabbing his ex six times

But attempted murder charge was dropped after DNA evidence was lost

He was jailed for four years but could be out in 12 months after taking into account time already spent on remand

By Daily Mail Reporter

A man found guilty of a frenzied knife attack on his ex-girlfriend could be freed in months after investigators lost vital evidence which could have convicted him of attempted murder.


Michael Bennison, 29, could have faced life behind bars after stabbing the woman once in her side and five times in a broad daylight attack on a street in York.

But the charge of attempted murder would not stick after forensic teams misplaced DNA evidence from two knives.

As a result prosecutors were forced to accept the 28-year-old’s plea to a lesser charge of unlawful wounding, which carries a maximum sentence of just five years.

Newcastle Crown Court heard that on December 14 last year Bennison, of no fixed address, was travelling in a car in York with the female victim, Amy Evans, 27, and another man.

Nick Adlington, prosecuting, said Bennison, of no fixed address had been in a volatile, on-off relationship with Miss Evans and an argument broke out in the car.

When they arrived at their destination they got out and Miss Evans produced a knife. But Bennison took the knife from her and stabbed her six times, once in the side and five times in the back.

He then ran off down an alleyway and went into hiding before he was found two days later.

Describing how the evidence came to be lost by North Yorkshire Police, Mr Adlington said: ‘The swabs went missing from the forensic science service in York. I have been told there has been a full internal review.’

Mr Adlington said as well as the lost evidence, the attempted murder trial faced other problems, including the refusal of an expert witness to come to court.

Jailing Bennison, who has previous convictions for domestic violence on different partners, for a total of four years, Mr Justice Bennison told him he posed a high risk to all women.

After already spending a year behind bars on remand, Bennison could be eligible for parole within just 12 months.

The judge said: ‘Originally you faced a charge of attempted murder but because vital evidence had been lost a plea to section 20 was accepted.

‘You pose a high risk of harm to the victim and to all women. There is clearly a significant risk to female members of the public.

‘There was an intention to commit serious harm.’

The sentence also included a guilty plea for assaulting a man outside a flat in November last year after they got into an argument over noise.

After falling to the floor, the victim was kicked in the head by Bennison before he jumped with both feet onto his back.

The court heard that he had 14 previous appearances at court for 27 offences, that included battery and affray.

John Gregg, defending, said Bennison had ‘wrestled with his own demons’, which included drug abuse, but that he has made progress in prison.


Oh good. Now I understand a bit more.  He made progress in prison.  Progress meaning what? Right. This time he only stabbed the woman instead of jumping on her head or on her back. Good. That good. That’s “progress”.
What a fracked up system in play here.  What the hell ... in a few years they’ll be living under sharia anyway.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/07/2013 at 07:37 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeCULTURE IN DECLINEDaily LifeJudges-Courts-LawyersJustice - LACK OFUK •  
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calendar   Wednesday - November 06, 2013

so he stabs this woman 6 times in broad daylight but … read this example of justice not

I suppose this is what passes for justice here.  Not that the US is perfect but ....

I do not understand this judgment at all.

What DNA?

He stabbed her in broad daylight. She knows who did it ... why is this not open and shut?

If anybody can make sense of this, would you please explain it to me.  Cos I just don’t get it.

Man accused of attempted murder jailed for lesser charge after police lost vital forensic evidence… and he could be freed within months

Michael Bennison could have faced life in jail for stabbing his ex six times

But attempted murder charge was dropped after DNA evidence was lost

He was jailed for four years but could be out in 12 months after taking into account time already spent on remand

By Daily Mail Reporter

A man found guilty of a frenzied knife attack on his ex-girlfriend could be freed in months after investigators lost vital evidence which could have convicted him of attempted murder.


Michael Bennison, 29, could have faced life behind bars after stabbing the woman once in her side and five times in a broad daylight attack on a street in York.

But the charge of attempted murder would not stick after forensic teams misplaced DNA evidence from two knives.

As a result prosecutors were forced to accept the 28-year-old’s plea to a lesser charge of unlawful wounding, which carries a maximum sentence of just five years.

Newcastle Crown Court heard that on December 14 last year Bennison, of no fixed address, was travelling in a car in York with the female victim, Amy Evans, 27, and another man.

Nick Adlington, prosecuting, said Bennison, of no fixed address had been in a volatile, on-off relationship with Miss Evans and an argument broke out in the car.

When they arrived at their destination they got out and Miss Evans produced a knife. But Bennison took the knife from her and stabbed her six times, once in the side and five times in the back.

He then ran off down an alleyway and went into hiding before he was found two days later.

Describing how the evidence came to be lost by North Yorkshire Police, Mr Adlington said: ‘The swabs went missing from the forensic science service in York. I have been told there has been a full internal review.’

Mr Adlington said as well as the lost evidence, the attempted murder trial faced other problems, including the refusal of an expert witness to come to court.

Jailing Bennison, who has previous convictions for domestic violence on different partners, for a total of four years, Mr Justice Bennison told him he posed a high risk to all women.

After already spending a year behind bars on remand, Bennison could be eligible for parole within just 12 months.

The judge said: ‘Originally you faced a charge of attempted murder but because vital evidence had been lost a plea to section 20 was accepted.

‘You pose a high risk of harm to the victim and to all women. There is clearly a significant risk to female members of the public.

‘There was an intention to commit serious harm.’

The sentence also included a guilty plea for assaulting a man outside a flat in November last year after they got into an argument over noise.

After falling to the floor, the victim was kicked in the head by Bennison before he jumped with both feet onto his back.

The court heard that he had 14 previous appearances at court for 27 offences, that included battery and affray.

John Gregg, defending, said Bennison had ‘wrestled with his own demons’, which included drug abuse, but that he has made progress in prison.


Oh good. Now I understand a bit more.  He made progress in prison.  Progress meaning what? Right. This time he only stabbed the woman instead of jumping on her head or on her back. Good. That good. That’s “progress”.
What a fracked up system in play here.  What the hell ... in a few years they’ll be living under sharia anyway.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/06/2013 at 07:37 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeCULTURE IN DECLINEDaily LifeJudges-Courts-LawyersJustice - LACK OFUK •  
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calendar   Sunday - November 03, 2013

perverting and corrupting the genuine meaning of HUMAN RIGHTS.

ONLY in the UK would these utter mad men even be listened to by any Court of Law! ONLY in the UK are there Solicitors and Barristers willing to attempt these despicable methods of perverting and corrupting the genuine meaning of HUMAN RIGHTS! ONLY in the UK are these sorts of legal minds allowed to walk the streets without members of Public they BETRAY exercising their Human Right to give them a sound thrashing for their sickening need for Judas’ silver!

dontvotelabour, landofthedoomed,
What human rights? He decided to plot to kill people then he gave up his human rights. Maybe someone should ask him where his victims’ human rights are.

So what’s this all about?

It’s all about this.  And it’s maddening that anyone like this should even be heard by a court. Any court.  I don’t think he’ll go free. The courts may reject hearing him. Who knows?  And that question is a problem. Who knows? This filthy turd, this garbage in human form should not even be breathing.  This is another example of the west just not doing what it could, to protect itself.

oh btw ... the video this vermin is referring to, is the one HE MADE!

Al-Qaeda liquid bomb plotter asks European court to free him - because publicity over ‘suicide video’ infringed his human rights

· Abdulla Ahmed Ali developed a home-made hydrogen peroxide bomb that could be disguised as a soft drink and taken aboard a plane

· Claims publicity before his trial would have prejudiced a jury’s decision and has appealed to European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg

· Court does not hold power to quash conviction, but a ruling in his favour could lead to a fresh appeal in British courts

· Judges must establish whether he had a ‘fair trial by an impartial tribunal’ as required under Article 6 of the European Convention on Human

By Lizzie Edmonds

The mastermind behind the ‘liquid bomb plot’, one of the most deadly terrorist plans ever to be unearthed in Britain, is making a bid to have his conviction overturned on human rights grounds.


Abdulla Ahmed Ali developed a home-made hydrogen peroxide bomb that could be disguised as a soft drink and taken on board a plane.

He and a group of associates planned to take the bombs aboard seven flights.

The discovery of his suicide plan in 2006 led to urgent changes to international restrictions on carrying fluids on to planes.

However, the al-Qaeda terrorist now claims his human rights were infringed by publicity before he was convicted for life for conspiracy to murder - and has appealed to the European Court of Human Rights.

He argues that the jury would have been prejudiced by coverage of a previous trial.

Although the Strasbourg court does not hold the power to quash the conviction, it would be extremely problematic for the Government if they ruled in the terrorist’s favour.

If Ali wins his case it would allow him and fellow plotters to begin an attempt in British to have their convictions quashed, using the European ruling to convince judges that their convictions were not fair.

Speaking to The Sunday Telegraph, Chris Grayling, the Justice Secretary, said the case highlighted why there was an urgent need for reform to human rights laws.

He also the case was evidence that the Strasbourg court was increasingly willing to interfere in Britain’s justice system.

‘This yet a further example of why things cannot go on as they are’, he said.

‘It is unacceptable to have a situation in which claims to the European Court of Human Rights are actually being used to undermine our justice system.

see more at the source


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/03/2013 at 03:18 PM   
Filed Under: • muslimsREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLETerroristsUK •  
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calendar   Saturday - November 02, 2013

breaking news …. prison riot

There was a rather large article in the papers with regard to crime and the fact that according to the records, if they can be believed, there are 150,000 criminals now locked up (for how long?) who have all committed 15 serious offenses before seeing the inside of prison.
So leaving that for the moment ....

This just showed on my screen.

BREAKING NEWS: More than 180 inmates rioting at Maidstone prison in ‘pre-planned attack on guards’

‘Planned attack on prison guards by inmates to take control of the wing’
Rioting in Kent prison confined to one wing as national resources deployed
Tornado Team specially trained in dealing with riots negotiating at scene
Fears that violent outbreak could spread across prison’s other wings

By Anna Edwards and Aaron Sharp

Nearly 200 foreign prisoners are rioting at a wing in Maidstone prison in Kent in a premeditated attack.

The riot was a planned attack on prison guards by inmates to take control of the wing, according to one report.

Now national resources have been deployed to cope with the violent outbreak, which involves between 160 and 180 inmates in the Category C jail.

The inmates have attempted to destroy the wing by smashing it up, and some prison staff are believed to have retreated to safety, according to the Prison Officer’s Association (POA).

National resources have been drafted in, which is believed to be the prison service’s Tornado Team of officers specially trained in dealing with riots.

HMP Maidstone holds inmates including sex offenders and foreign nationals with more than 18 months left to serve.

The POA’s Vice Chair, Ralph Valerio, said negotiators are at the scene as the rioters smashed and destroyed the wing.

He added: ‘As time is moving on, you’re getting increasingly concerned that force is going to have to be used by tornado teams to resolve the situation.’

He told Sky News: ‘The teams that will be going in there have received extensive training to deal with these sorts of incidents.’

He said he hoped negotiators would be able to subdue the situation but said it ‘could be replicated across the estate very quickly’.

He added that some staff may have been assaulted in the attack but have now retreated to safety.

‘As time is moving on, you’re getting increasingly concerned”

Say what?  As time does what?  How dumb is that.  Why waste any time on these turds?
So far it’s only one wing.
Poison gas.
Riot?  What riot? There isn’t any riot. Now.
And be sure and let the other vermin see what death by gas is like.
But no… the bed wetters and hand wringers and bleeding hearts are going to get all sorts of kind , again, and society loses. Again.

Former prison governor John Podmore said that until the prison service had managed to gather enough staff and resources to quell the outbreak, the next few hours could be dangerous to both the service and the local community.

Speaking to Sky News he said: ‘What the prison service can’t do is try to intervene unless it’s got sufficient staff and resources to quell the riot.

‘Given enough time and staff it’s well trained to deal with these incidents.

A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Justice said: ‘I can confirm there is an ongoing incident involving a number of prisoners and national resources have been deployed. It is confined to one wing.’

Kent Police are not involved with the operation, a spokesman said.

Maidstone, with an inmate population of about 600, is a category C training prison that predominantly houses sex offenders from the Kent and Sussex areas.

Since 2009, it has accommodated around 400 sex offenders with around 200 foreign nationals not convicted of sex crimes in a separate wing.

It is mostly a category C prison, but does house some B category inmates.

East End gangster Reggie Kray married Roberta Jones at the institution on July 14, 1997.

Its website says it aims to ‘create a therapeutic environment that supports, embraces and empowers change with a primary focus on risk reduction and protection’.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/02/2013 at 02:16 PM   
Filed Under: • CrimeUK •  
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calendar   Wednesday - October 30, 2013

a high-profile figure in the Scottish Occupy movement hacks usa military and nasa.

Well here go again.

I guess it’s not too hard for someone like myself, who has a million miles to go to even hope he can understand puters, to be critical of the security exhibited by American military interests. It’s because I have mistakenly had this vision you see, of American tech know how and till recent times our technical invincibility.  My excuse, or a better word would be explanation, is that I’ve had too much pride in our abilities and not really knowing enough about computers and how things work, basics aside, I just assumed that our tech people did.
This is getting way outta hand people, and I confess I’m way frustrated.  I guess our puter ppl are even more so.
Gee whiz ... after that wikileaks snot and faggot Manning and then Snowden ... here we are yet again with egg on our face and an open back door to sensitive info stored on American computers. In fact, this scummy creep who I dearly wish somebody would kill, slowly, drip by bloody drip, has bragged about his attacks and was planning quite a bit more.  Hate doesn’t even begin to describe what I feel.

So here ....  in a nutshell, is the story,

His name is Lauri Love.  For real, that’s his name.

Lauri Love, an activist in the Occupy movement, is alleged to have stolen ‘massive amounts’ of confidential information – including details of military servicemen – by breaking into thousands of computers.

The 28-year-old from Stradishall, Suffolk, is said to have bragged in messages with his co-conspirators:

‘You have no idea how much we can f*** with the US government if we wanted to’.

He seems to brag about infiltrating Nasa networks. He allegedly wrote: ‘lol Nasa. Ahaha, we owning lots of Nasa sites.  I think we can do some hilarious stuff with it.’

In another post, he wrote: ‘This stuff is really sensitive. It’s basically every piece of information you’d need to do full identity theft on any employee or contractor for the [government agency].’ It is claimed that Love, who used the online pseudonyms ‘nsh’, ‘route’, ‘peace’, ‘shift’ and ‘love’, planned to use social media, including Twitter, to publicise the attacks.

In one message he planned to announce an attack ‘so it rolls along the morning news in US and gets Europe for the afternoon and evening.’

Love was a leader in protests at Glasgow University, where he was a student. He helped organise demonstrations including a sit-in as part of a protest against cuts to higher education.

He is also believed to have been a high-profile figure in the Scottish Occupy movement, part of the protests which swept throughout much of the world in 2011, and has been pictured at Occupy marches.

Love, who is believed to have studied physics, maths and computing, was apparently involved in 2011’s ‘Hetherington House Occupation’, in which dozens of protesters took over an unused university building in Glasgow and stayed there for seven months.
The charges against Love were filed at the federal court in Newark, New Jersey, because he allegedly used a server in the state as part of his activities. He also faces charges in Virginia for other alleged intrusions.

Either we need to hire these sorts of scum or else kill them. 

Here’s the headline as it is online. Not posting the whole article ... use link if interested.

British Baptist minister’s son, 28, who ‘keeps to himself’ charged with hacking into top secret US Army databases, Nasa, and other government agencies

Lauri Love from Stradishall, Suffolk arrested by National Crime Agency
Love, 28, described in court papers as ‘sophisticated and prolific hacker’
Charges follow a joint operation by a number of international police forces
He could be extradited to US where if convicted he faces 10 years in jail
Love has previously been a leader in the Occupy protest movement

By John Stevens, Daniel Bates and Hugo Gye


Love could be extradited to the US, where if convicted he faces up to ten years in prison and a fine for twice the damage caused.

The US government said Love worked with two other people in Australia and one in Sweden – who have not been charged – ‘to disrupt the operations and infrastructure’ of the federal government.

From October 2012 until July this year it is claimed he hacked into thousands of government computer systems – including those of the US Army, US Missile Defense Agency and Nasa – and left behind ‘back doors’ through which he could return to get sensitive data.

The hacking ‘substantially impaired the functioning of dozens of computer servers’ and caused ‘millions of dollars in damage’ to government agencies, according to the indictment.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/30/2013 at 06:03 AM   
Filed Under: • Computers and CyberspaceCrimeREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLEUKUSA •  
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calendar   Tuesday - October 29, 2013

these guys are lost without a map or gps. the country is doomed! Doomed I tell ya.

How much dumber does it get?  They have to be crazy to put with this crap. He’s a freekin criminal and besides that, I’m not even certain he’s human.  In American dollars this award works out to very near 40 grand. 
No wonder the scum of the earth are dying to come here. 

Algerian jailed for robbery is given £25,000 compensation because he was waiting too long to be deported

· Aziz Lamari was jailed for 12 months for robbery and detained too long
· Awarded £25,000 damages because attempts to deport him took too long
· Home Office accepted liability for basic and aggravated damages to compensate for 23 days unlawful detention
By Anna Edwards

A foreign national jailed for 12 months for robbery has been awarded £25,000 damages because he was detained too long while attempts were made to deport him.

In June last year, the High Court ruled that Algerian citizen Aziz Lamari should have been released the previous month.
This was based on how there was no realistic prospect of him being removed within a reasonable time frame and medical reports revealed he was suffering from serious mental illness and had twice attempted suicide.

It also found that the Home Secretary Theresa May was in contempt of court because her department failed to release Lamari after it accepted he should no longer be in detention and gave an undertaking to release him into suitable accommodation.

Lamari, 23, who has now returned to Algeria, was detained after his robbery sentence came to an end in December 2010 and his deportation ordered.
After Judge Barry Cotter’s ruling, the Home Office accepted liability for basic and aggravated damages to compensate for the period of 23 days unlawful detention, but denied liability for exemplary damages.

Today, the judge awarded £10,000 basic compensation plus £5,000 aggravated damages and took the exceptional step of saying the case called for an award of £10,000 exemplary damages ‘by way of punishment, to deter and to vindicate the strength of the law’.

He said that the unlawful detention had to be seen in the light of Lamari’s serious mental health problems and the evidence of his significant deterioration, as witnessed by his cellmate, could not be ignored.

‘It had been clearly set out that the continued detention of the claimant was the cause of his mental health problems and had been the likely cause of two serious suicide attempts.

Serious suicide attempts ?  BS!  If he was serious about topping his filthy self he’d have done it right the first time.  If he was mental, then all the better he take himself out. Authorities should have let him.  No great loss.
Read the rest of this and the comments at the link.  Maddening but interesting.
Freekin goofball justice criminal system and goofball judges.  And the shit they claim doesn’t even speak English.
This case and even worse is one reason they are lost without a map or gps. Doomed I tell ya.

source for story


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/29/2013 at 03:21 PM   
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calendar   Monday - October 28, 2013

October Surprise For Peiper

Reader Kevin sends in this ultra super awesome link ... everybody watch and sing along, and make Peiper’s day. Hell, make his week. His month. Oh, this is so freaking awesome it defies description!!

Right on. To the max. And beyond.

Kevin, you are da man! Hero of the first order!!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/28/2013 at 05:39 PM   
Filed Under: • RoPMAUK •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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