Death once had a near-Sarah Palin experience.

calendar   Wednesday - September 08, 2004

Moore Pork

For some unexplained reason, I simply couldn’t resist this one ....



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/08/2004 at 06:26 AM   
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Memo To Jimmy Carter: “NUTS!”

Jimmy “Peanuts” Carter is pissed at Zell Miller. So pissed that he sent him an angry letter.

In a letter sent over the weekend, Carter also called Miller’s speech “rabid and mean-spirited.”

“By now, there are many of us loyal Democrats who feel uncomfortable in seeing that you have chosen the rich over the poor, unilateral pre-emptive war over a strong nation united with others for peace, lies and obfuscation over the truth and the political technique of character assassination as a way to win elections or to garner a few moments of applause.”

Anybody notice something peculiar about the tone of the letter? Let me give you a hint ....

Does he address any of the points Senator Miller made in his speech at the Republican Convention? Nope! Instead all he can come up with is a personal attack that accuses Zell Miller of “disloyalty”. He obviously didn’t listen to Miller’s speech which began with Miller explaining his presence at the RNC as a decision he made to place family over party. Carter missed the whole point of Miller’s speech. Instead he chose to make an angry attack on the man himself for “deserting the party”.

Do you need any more evidence that Democrats are whining crybabies? Or that Jimmy Carter is a pitiful excuse for a statesman? It’s time for Jimmy to retire to Georgia and keep his mouth shut. The drivel that’s coming out of his mouth lately makes me wonder if he’s totally lost his mind. Judging from his record as President, some might argue that he never had a good mind.

Memo To Carter: Jimmy, don’t take this personally but we would all appreciate it if you would just stay at home and tend to your nuts. If you have any.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/08/2004 at 06:00 AM   
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Media Slut

Dan Rather is at it again. The Democratic Party’s favorite attack dog (jackal? hyena? weasel?) is all set tonight to fire off the next salvo in his unending war against the Bush family. Yes, Rather has a long history of hating the Bush family, starting with the former President, George H. W. Bush and continuing with an ongoing war aginst George W. Bush. Tonight, Rather is going to press the issue that the Bush family pulled strings to get George into the National Guard thirty years ago. If any of you ever thought CBS was unbiased, you better open your eyes. Rather is a dedicated slut in the Democratic Party’s army of media whores.

The George Bush reelection team is bracing itself tonight as it prepares for another primetime assault by CBS News.

Five months after Dan Rather denounced the just-formed Swift Boat Veterans for Truth as “an experienced and successful Republican operation made up of veterans attacking Vietnam war hero John Kerry,” the 72-year-old anchor and avowed Democrat is set to unveil an extensive interview with Ben Barnes, a former Texas Democratic politician who claims he helped a young Bush avoid service in the Vietnam War by getting him into the Texas National Guard in 1968.

Tonight’s Bush attack marks the latest broadside that Rather and his CBS colleagues have launched against the Bush family. Beginning with his infamous ambush of George H. W. Bush during the Republican primaries in 1988 (which CBS beforehand promised would be softball “candidate profile” interview), Dan Rather and his colleagues have had it in for the Bushes.

Later in the same year, on the eve of the Republicans’ convention, Rather was the sole network anchor to report on a lone man who accused the then-veep of lying about his service in World War II.

Despite such efforts, Bush was elected but Rather and his colleagues continued to dog the president whose staff swore he would “never” allow the Texas Democrat to interview him. CBS, meanwhile, repeatedly rejected the administration’s offers to allow other network correspondents to interview the president, insisting “only Dan Rather interviews the president.”

After some time, CBS relented and sent Morning News anchors Harry Smith and Paula Zahn to the White House. Unbeknownst to the White House, however, Evening News producer Susan Zirinsky had tagged along.

Bush’s press secretary at the time, Marlin Fitzwater recounted what followed in his memoirs:

“As the show was about to end, I discovered Susan Zirinsky, Rather’s producer, crouched behind some Rose Garden hedges, shouting into her two-way radio: ‘Ask him about Iran-Contra. Iran-Contra!’ That confirmed everyone’s feelings about the depth of Dan Rather’s hatred for the president.”

And how does CBS and Dan Rather cover the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth?

Given CBS’s patently obvious record of liberal and Democratic bias (which even News Division president Andrew Heyward has acknowledged) and Dan Rather’s personal grudge against the Bush family, we are not holding out much hope that tonight’s 60 Minutes episode questioning President Bush’s Vietnam record will be a fair program or that 60 will even bother mentioning the allegations of hundreds of men who doubt the wartime honesty of Bush’s opponent John Kerry, especially considering that it has not shown any interest in interviewing them during primetime.

“CBS has never contacted any of our members for an interview.” Swift Boat Veterans for Truth spokesman John O’Neill tells “There’s not a chance of it.”

It’s nasty enough to gag a buzzard.

I agree. Rather is just a two-bit whore at the Democratic Party’s beck and call.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/08/2004 at 05:44 AM   
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Background Check

How many of you have had to go through background checks prior to being hired? Probably many of you. I have had to go through background checks on a regular basis due to the fact that a lot of the work I’ve done in the last few decades has been for the Department Of Defense, Department Of Energy or other federal agencies which require a Secret or higher clearance. Drug tests are also a regular part of my life. To date, no one has found any evidence of wrongdoing or drug use. Why should our politicians be any different? Most of them are not required to have a background check until their opponent or the mainstream media or some 527 group decide to go after them.

As you know, our two presidential candidates are having their past history examined in excruciating detail by the mainstream media, and John Kerry is running his entire campaign on what he did 35 years ago. The liberal media is once again poring over George Bush’s past with a fine-tooth comb, just like they did four years ago, hoping to find some new revelations of wrongdoing.

James Taranto at the Wall Stree Journal’s Opinion Journal on-line has an interesting observation ....

Well now! Far be it from us to get all high-mindedly horrified about the prospect of a campaign not based on “the issues.” And there’s something to be said for the drama of a truly vicious campaign, as against the strongerathomerespectedintheworld pap of the Democratic Convention or the petulant whining of the postconvention Kerry.

But dwelling on minor allegations of wrongdoing in the far-off past seems unlikely to bring down an incumbent president. Suppose you’re an employer and you hear that one of your employees, who’s been working for you for about four years, once had a drinking problem and in fact pleaded guilty nearly 30 years ago to a misdemeanor charge of driving under the influence. You actually heard about all this when you initially hired him, and it did give you second thoughts, but in the end you decided to give him a chance. In the four years he’s been working for you, you’ve seen no sign that he’s fallen off the wagon. Is there any cause here to fire him? Even if the revelation about his past were new, wouldn’t it have to be pretty severe to constitute grounds for termination?

Now say someone comes to you looking for a job. Right off the bat, you notice something strange about his résumé: It goes on for page after page about a job he held for four months, more than 35 years ago, but makes only the barest mention of anything he’s done since. You have him in for an interview, and he can’t give you a straight answer to any question about what he plans to do in the job if you hire him. Instead (to borrow a description from Joe Conason), he sounds like a bar-stool bore, with a bad habit of repeating the same lame boasts about that long-ago four-month stint again and again.

Still, you decide to check out his references. (John Edwards: “If you have any question about what John Kerry is made of, just spend three minutes with the men who served with him.") Some sing his praises quite extravagantly, but a greater number describe him harshly as a man of dubious character, and some accuse him of lying on his résumé. He acknowledges a few embellishments but refuses to provide you with documents that would shed light on the other accusations.

Would you hire this man? And would you fire an employee of four years’ standing in order to create an opening for him?

So you see, we have George Bush getting examined over and over again for evidence of wrongdoing and nothing is found while all John Kerry talks about is what he did a long time ago. Who do you trust? I suggest you all take a good hard look at what each man has done over the last, oh, ten years or so. Especially the last four. The question everyone should be asking of both candidates is, “what have you done for me lately?”


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/08/2004 at 05:25 AM   
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Hump Day Ha-Ha’s

Before I head to the airport I just HAD to share these from last night’s Late Shows.

From Leno:

==Here’s an interesting fact, the Republican Convention boosted the New York economy $255 million. But the Democratic Convention in Boston only netted it $14.8 million. People wonder why it was so much less? Sure, Democrats don’t like spending their own money.

==John Kerry has a new theme to his campaign, he says the “W” in George W. Bush stands for “wrong”. The wrong direction, the wrong policy. Gee I wonder if Bush will say the “F” in John “F” Kerry stands for “flip-flop”. Are these guys running for president of the 8th grade?

==Well I’m sure you all heard the good news – President Clinton’s heart operation was a complete success and he’s expected to make a full recovery. He’s really doing well. In fact, he’s up and walking. In fact today Clinton was seen roaming the building with his hospital gown on backwards. He’s baaaaaack!

==The nurses have a nicknamed him “Sponge Bill No Pants”.

==The doctors said, this is an amazing after open heart surgery, that Clinton could leave the hospital in four to five days. Although he told Hillary “I’m gonna be here for about three months.”

==As you know, this whole thing came as quite a shock to most people because when you see Clinton, he looks great, doesn’t he? He’s slim, he’s trim, he looks like the picture of health. Here’s my question – what the hell is keeping Michael Moore alive?

==Today John Kerry rushed to the hospital with chest pains after seeing his latest poll numbers. Oh man, doesn’t look good.

==Bush is up 10 points, 11 points. Doesn’t look good. Not only is Bush ahead overall, he’s also ahead in a lot of key issues like Iraq, terrorism and the economy. But Kerry is ahead on grammar and pronunciation, and overall nuance.

==John Kerry called Bill Clinton Saturday night at the hospital. They said that Clinton talked to Kerry for 90 minutes giving him advice. Clinton reportedly told Kerry to stop talking about Vietnam. Not during the campaign. Just during the phone call. “Will you stop? I’m in the hospital.”

==(Talking about the new Kitty Kelly book) That is quite a claim that Bush did cocaine and marijuana. And you know who’s going to get hurt by this? John Kerry – well sure, this means Bush could carry California.

From Letterman

==There’s a new book out that says President Bush used marijuana while in the National Guard. When President Bush heard the news he said, “See I told you I was in the National Guard!”

==President Bill Clinton is recovering from bypass surgery. The doctors say he’ll be able to have sex in two weeks – and Hillary said, “If he does, I’ll kill him!”

==He’s recovering nicely though. He’s already hit on a chubby nurse.

==Who would have thought that his heart would be the first organ to go out?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/08/2004 at 04:17 AM   
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Daily Dose 08-Sep-2004

Quote Of The Day

“Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”
-- Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001)

On This Day In History

September 8, 1945 - American Troops Arrive In Korea To Partition The Country
U.S. troops land in Korea to begin their postwar occupation of the southern part of that nation, almost exactly one month after Soviet troops had entered northern Korea to begin their own occupation. Although the U.S. and Soviet occupations were supposed to be temporary, the division of Korea quickly became permanent. Korea had been a Japanese possession since the early 20th century. During World War II, the allies--the United States, Soviet Union, China, and Great Britain--made a somewhat hazy agreement that Korea should become an independent country following the war. As the war progressed, U.S. officials began to press the Soviets to enter the war against Japan. At the Yalta Conference in February 1945, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin pledged that his nation would declare war on Japan exactly three months after Nazi Germany was defeated. A few months later, at the Potsdam Conference in July and August 1945, it was agreed that Soviet troops would occupy the northern portion of Korea, while American forces would take a similar action in southern Korea in order to secure the area and liberate it from Japanese control. The occupations would be temporary, and Korea would eventually decide its own political future, though no date was set for the end of the U.S. and Soviet occupations. On August 8, the Soviets declared war on Japan. On August 9, Soviet forces invaded northern Korea. A few days later, Japan surrendered. Keeping to their part of the bargain, U.S. forces entered southern Korea on September 8, 1945. Over the next few years, the situation in Korea steadily worsened. A civil war between communist and nationalist forces in southern Korea resulted in thousands of people killed and wounded. The Soviets steadfastly refused to consider any plans for the reunification of Korea. The United States reacted by setting up a government in South Korea, headed by Syngman Rhee. The Soviets established a communist regime in North Korea, under the leadership of Kim Il-Sung. In 1948, the United States again offered to hold national elections, but the Soviets refused the offer. Elections were held in South Korea, and Rhee’s government received a popular mandate. The Soviets refused to recognize Rhee’s government, though, and insisted that Kim Il-Sung was the true leader of all Korea. Having secured the establishment of a communist government in North Korea, Soviet troops withdrew in 1948; and U.S. troops in South Korea followed suit in 1949. In 1950, the North Koreans attempted to reunite the nation by force and launched a massive military assault on South Korea. The United States quickly came to the aid of South Korea, beginning a three-year involvement in the bloody and frustrating Korean War. Korea remains a divided nation today, and the North Korean regime is one of the few remaining communist governments left in the world.

September 8, 1966 - “Star Trek” Premieres
On this day in 1966, the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise takes off on its mission to “boldly go where no man has gone before,” with the premiere of Star Trek. Although Star Trek ran for only three years (starting in 1966) and never placed better than No. 52 in the ratings, Gene Roddenberry’s series became a cult classic and spawned four television series and nine movies. The first Star Trek spin-off was a Saturday morning cartoon, The Animated Adventures of Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek, which ran from 1973 to 1975 (original cast members supplied the voices). The TV show Star Trek: The Next Generation first aired in 1987 and was set in the 24th century, starring the crew of the new, larger U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D, captained by Jean-Luc Picard (played by Patrick Stewart). This series became the highest-rated syndicated drama on television and ran until 1994. Another spin-off, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, premiered in 1992, featuring a 24th-century crew that lived in a space station rather than a starship. Star Trek: Voyager, which debuted in 1995 and ran until 2001, was the first to feature a female captain, Kathryn Janeway (played by Kate Mulgrew). In this series, the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager is stranded more than 70,000 light years from Federation space and is trying to find its way home. Meanwhile, the cast of the original Star Trek voyaged onto the big screen, starting with Star Trek: The Motion Picture in 1979. The first film yielded disappointing returns at the box office, but its sequel, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, in 1982 was more successful and ensured more movies in the franchise. Subsequent films included Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Star Trek V: The Final Frontier; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; Star Trek: Generations; Star Trek: First Contact; and Star Trek: Insurrection. The Star Trek books have been translated into more than 15 languages, and Star Trek conventions are held all over the United States. In 1992, the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., opened an exhibit honoring the original Star Trek television series. The exhibit featured more than 80 costumes, props, and models from the show, including Mr. Spock’s pointy ears and a replica of the deck of the starship Enterprise.

Today’s Birthdays

Richard I, (1157–99), King of England (1189-99)
Antonín Dvorák, (1841–1904), Czech composer of “The New World” symphony
Peter Sellers, (1925-1980), British actor ("The Pink Panther” series)
Patsy Cline (Virginia Patterson Hensley), (1932-1963), Country singer ("I Fall To Pieces”, “Crazy")

Thanks to The Quotations Page - The History Channel - The Biography Channel.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/08/2004 at 12:27 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - September 07, 2004

FOUND ONE!!!!!!!

As you recall, Fuckface is running a campaign that focuses on Vietnam.  We really did not want to go there but since he insisted, we played his silly game and are currently cleaning his clock with it.

What did we WANT him to do?  Run a campaign that focused on what he did for 19 years as a Senator. 

But The Poodle would not go there because the son of a bitch had nothing to show for it.  No major bills he wrote.  Nothing of special significance he co-sponsored.

BUT HOLD THE PRESSES!!!!!  We found one!!!

Fuckface CO-sponsored Senate Bill 1431 last year.  YAAY!  He DID something!!  Hmmm, “what was it, you ask?”

The Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2003

Hold on a minute, though.  Looks like the “Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight” is about to shoot itself in the foot!

The Poodle was recently given a rifle which, had his bill passed, he’d not be able to accept.


So not only is he ineffectual at getting legislation passed, he also waffles by accepting that which he’d have banned.  Does the man have ANY principles?  Any scruples?  Anything he stands for more than 24 hours?  Obviously not.

That’s not all though.  Inquiring minds want to know how legal that transaction was.  After all, did he complete any of the required paperwork to transfer it to his name?  You bet your ass if YOU had accepted it you’d be sitting in jail right now for doing so--especially if you were from out of state---like Fuckface.

Just another example of why this verminous specimen of humanity is not to be trusted with the nuclear trigger.

And one more thing.  Fuckface said this: 

“I thank you for the gift, but I can’t take it to the debate with me,” Kerry told a cheering crowd as he held up the device.”

Ask yourself this:  just what did he mean by that?  Was he alluding to its possible use to assassinate the President?  And exactly how quiet would you have expected from the compliant, lap-dog press to be had President Bush said that about taking it to the debate with Fuckface?

Are you angry yet?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/07/2004 at 03:43 PM   
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The Real Downside Of Global Warming

Global warming (if it realy exists, rather than a purely planetary cyclic event) can cause real problems. You already know about flooding, tidal waves, etc. from the (really bad) movie ”Day After Tomorrow”. But it turns out there is an even uglier side to this phenomena: dead bodies thawing out and showing up in the foothills of your favorite glacier.

The folks in India recently found the bodies of four tourists, who had been lost for two decades, had melted their way to the top of one of their glaciers.

Even worse than ”Return Of The Living Dead” is .... ”Return Of The Dead Swedish Tourist”. Ugh!

We’re keeping an eye on the glaciers in North America. You never know when Jimmy Hoffa might decide to “re-surface”. Never fear. Geraldo is poised to cover it, though.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/07/2004 at 01:10 PM   
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Mad Mullahs = Hitler All OVer Again

Read this and tell me if you think these people are rational ....

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran have given judo world champion Arash Miresmaeili a $125,000 reward, saying he sacrificed a gold medal at the Athens Olympics by refusing to fight an Israeli, a sports official says.

State television showed Miresmaeili at an award ceremony receiving the same sum as Iranian Hossein Rezazadeh, who took the super-heavyweight weightlifting gold at the second Olympics in succession.

“He would definitely have won a gold medal if he had taken part,” the sports official, who declined to be named, said on Tuesday.

“By refusing to fight, Miresmaeili followed the policies of the country,” the official added.

Get paid $125,000 just for refusing to fight a Jew at the Olympics? I’m telling you folks, the country of Iran and the Mad Mullahs are the reincarnation of Hitler and the Nazis with their racist policies. Yet the world, especially Europe, stands by and lets them get away with it. Does anyone out there remember the 1936 Olympics in Berlin and the racist Nazi propaganda? Does the overall picture sound just like 1939 all over again? It sure does to me. Europe sits by the sidelines and practices appeasement while the enemies of mankind, peace and civilization build up their power in preparation for all-out war. It’s coming. Trust me. Why else do you think the Mad Mullahs are so desperate to build nuclear weapons?

When will the world wake up and realize we have a cancer in our midst .. called Islam. Yes, I’m condemning the entire bunch because I haven’t heard a peep out of the so-called “good Muslims” denouncing these racist policiies on the part of several Arab states. You good people better stock up on ammunition. I guarantee you we’ll be at war with these madmen within ten years .. maybe less. Don’t say I didn’t tell you so.

By the way, if the insane looney Left in America somehow manages to get John Kerry elected in November .... you can revise my prediction somewhat. We’ll be at war within TWO years .. or less. Remember, you heard it here first.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/07/2004 at 12:23 PM   
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A Natural Selection “Four Bagger”

Just caught this from Drudge.....

Students are having a field day killing themselves, it seems.  Four stories of four suicides.

You gotta wonder about the weakness and frail make-up of today’s youth who can’t take “adversity.” They can’t seem to handle reality.  Is it a product of too much TV where all problems are fixed in 20 minutes?  Is it a dependence on drugs to make them feel better?  Is it a function of parents who don’t pay attention to warning signs?  Or is it just a genetic frailty that needs purging?

Something is going on to cause this and as cold as it may sound, their own actions to take themselves out of the gene pool is a good thing for humanity.  We really do not need these people to pro-create and pass on their weak genes.  Call me a cruel, heartless bastard but if these kids can’t handle the stress of being a student or the trappings associated with young adulthood, I shudder to think what would happen if they got into the workforce or, God forbid, started having kids.

I’ve had to deal with people like this in the military and while working in Antarctica.  People who were so insecure about everything.  People who cracked under the tiniest amount of stress. People who were so clingy you thought they had become your newest shirt. People forever running to “counselors” because they couldn’t handle reality. They drained the efficiency, productivity and life out of a group.  They were always calling in sick under some pretense or another.  Everyone else had to cover for them as they sought medical “help.” It took its own toll on co-workers.  Some of these were the sort of people that, in a REAL emergency, you’d probably either have to cold-cock or kill outright in order to assure the survival of the others.

Yep, it’s gonna suck for their family and friends but I am still convinced I am right.....and the Spartans were, too, long, long ago.

The first victim? Female.

The second victim? Female.

The third victim? Female.

The fourth victim? Female.

So what’s up, ladies?  Where’s the “I am woman, hear me roar” stuff?

Help me understand.  Believe it or not I DO feel for those who have had a family member or friend commit suicide.  I have two friends who have gone through this.  One lost her brother and the other lost a close friend (who also happened to be a co-worker of mine.)

But I stand by my above stated beliefs.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/07/2004 at 05:57 AM   
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Tuesday Laffs

From Leno.......last Friday

---Last night John Kerry held a midnight rally in Ohio right after the Republican Convention...John Kerry giving a speech at midnight - how hard was it to stay awake at that?

---Today John Kerry campaigned in 3 states. Anger, denial, and indecision.

---The response to Dick Cheney’s speech was given by John Edwards. You see that, proving once again, wherever there’s a guy in an ambulance, a trial lawyer can’t be far behind.

---There’s the difference between the Democratic and the Republican Convention. You know you’re at the Republican Convention when the largest breasts in the room belong to Michael Moore.

---Earlier in the day, yesterday, President Bush was also in Queens, New York. I think this is where President Bush gets a little confused. Like he told the residents of Queens that while he respects their lifestyle, he’s still against them getting married.

---They said the problem with President Clinton, what was happening was not enough blood was getting to his heart. Gee, I wonder where it was going?

---Anyway, they’re going to bypass his heart. So this could turn him into a Republican.

---You know what’s sad? Clinton was supposed to go on a tour of upstate New York this weekend with Hillary, now he has to spend it in bed with a bunch of nurses around. Ruined his weekend.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/07/2004 at 05:55 AM   
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Daily Dose 07-Sep-2004

Quote Of The Day

“Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.”
-- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

On This Day In History

September 7, 1776 - World’s First Submarine Attack
During the Revolutionary War, the American submersible craft Turtle attempts to attach a time bomb to the hull of British Admiral Richard Howe’s flagship Eagle in New York Harbor. It was the first use of a submarine in warfare. Submarines were first built by Dutch inventor Cornelius van Drebel in the early 17th century, but it was 150 years later before they were first used in naval combat. David Bushnell, an American inventor, began building underwater mines while a student at Yale University. Deciding that a submarine would be the best means of delivering his mines in warfare, he built an eight-foot-long wooden submersible that was christened the Turtle for its shape. Large enough to accommodate one operator, the submarine was entirely hand-powered. Lead ballast kept the craft balanced. Donated to the Patriot cause after the outbreak of war with Britain in 1775, Ezra Lee piloted the craft unnoticed out to the 64-gun HMS Eagle in New York Harbor on September 7, 1776. As Lee worked to anchor a time bomb to the hull, he could see British seamen on the deck above, but they failed to notice the strange craft below the surface. Lee had almost secured the bomb when his boring tools failed to penetrate a layer of iron sheathing. He retreated, and the bomb exploded nearby, causing no harm to either the Eagle or the Turtle. During the next week, the Turtle made several more attempts to sink British ships on the Hudson River, but each time it failed, owing to the operator’s lack of skill. Only Bushnell was capable of executing the submarine’s complicated functions, but because of his physical frailty he was unable to pilot the Turtle in any of its combat missions. During the Battle of Fort Lee, the Turtle was lost when the American sloop transporting it was sunk by the British. Despite the failures of the Turtle, General George Washington gave Bushnell a commission as an army engineer, and the drifting mines he constructed destroyed the British frigate Cereberus and wreaked havoc against other British ships. After the war, he became commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers stationed at West Point.

September 7, 1876 - The Northfield Minnesota Bank Robbery
Attempting a bold daytime robbery of the Northfield Minnesota bank, the James-Younger gang suddenly finds itself surrounded by angry townspeople and is nearly wiped out on this day in 1876. The bandits began with a diversion: five of the men galloped through the center of town, hollering and shooting their pistols in the air. As the townspeople ran for cover, three other men wearing wide-brimmed hats and long dusters took advantage of the distraction to walk unnoticed into the First National Bank. Brandishing pistols, one of the men ordered the bank cashier to open the bank safe. Though the cashier recognized the famous face of the dangerous outlaw, Jesse James, he stalled, claiming that the safe had a time lock and could not be opened. As Jesse James considered his next move, a brave--or foolish--bank teller made a break for the back door. One of the robbers fired twice, hitting the teller in the shoulder, but the man managed to stumble to safety and sound the alarm. The citizens of Northfield ran to surround the bank and mercilessly shot down the robbers as they tried to escape. A 19-year-old medical student killed one gang member, Clell Miller, while the owner of the Northfield hardware store mortally wounded Bill Chadwell, peppering his body with bullets from a rapid-firing Remington repeater rifle. Jesse’s brother, Frank, was hit in the leg, while their criminal partners-Jim, Cole, and Bob Younger-were also badly wounded. Jesse was the last one out of the bank. After pausing briefly to shoot the uncooperative cashier in the head, Jesse leapt onto his horse and joined the rest of the survivors as they desperately fled town. For the next two weeks a posse pursued them relentlessly, eventually killing or capturing four more of the gang members. Luckily for Frank and Jesse James, the two brothers had decided to go their own way, escaping to Dakota Territory. After things had cooled down, they went to Nashville, Tennessee, where they started rebuilding their gang and planning new robberies.

Today’s Birthdays

Elizabeth I, (1533–1603), Queen of England (1558–1603)
Grandma Moses, (Anna Mary Robertson Moses), (1860–1961), American painter
Elia Kazan, (1909-2003), Director, producer, writer, actor
Buddy Holly, (Charles Hardin Holley), (1936-1959), Rock and roll singer, guitarist

Thanks to The Quotations Page - The History Channel - The Biography Channel.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/07/2004 at 05:45 AM   
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calendar   Monday - September 06, 2004

The Arrogant, Fat, Bloviated Bastard Goes Overboard

Michael Moore has decided not to submit “F-9/11” for Best Documentary at next year’s Oscars. This arrogant pig is instead going to submit the piece of sleaze on celluloid for BEST PICTURE. Can you believe the egotistical arrogance of this human jackal? Then again, the “picture” was more fiction than fact anyway. In fact, there was almost no fact in it. OK, let the Hollyweirdos vote on it. It’s for sure they’ll never give Best Picture to “Passion Of The Christ”. But hey, that’s Hollywood for you .. a modern day Babylon.

“For me the real Oscar would be Bush’s defeat on Nov. 2,” Moore told The Associated Press during a phone interview Monday from New York.

The $6 million film has become a sensation that collected $117.3 million in the United States this summer, despite an early roadblock when the Walt Disney Co. banned its Miramax Films division from distributing the political hot-potato.

In the midst of the presidential campaign, Moore’s announcement is a strategic move for his Oscar campaign. Documentaries and animated films have their own categories, but the conventional wisdom in Hollywood is that those niche awards can limit a film’s appeal in the overall best picture class.

Moore said he and his producing partner, Harvey Weinstein, agreed “Fahrenheit 9/11” would stand a better chance if they focused solely on the top Oscar.

I am simply amazed at this ignorant porker’s stupidity. If abortion would keep dipshits like this from growing up, I’d almost be for it. Almost.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/06/2004 at 08:13 PM   
Filed Under: • Hollywood •  
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Trolls Begone

From The Desk Of The BMEWS Secretary Of War

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Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/06/2004 at 05:10 PM   
Filed Under: • Miscellaneous •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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