Sarah Palin knows how old the Chinese gymnasts are.

calendar   Friday - September 10, 2004

Daily Dose

Quote Of The Day

“The history of our race, and each individual’s experience, are sown thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told well is immortal.”
-- Mark Twain (1835-1910)

On This Day In History

September 10, 1813 - The Battle Of Lake Erie
In the first unqualified defeat of a British naval squadron in history, U.S. Captain Oliver Hazard Perry leads a fleet of nine American ships to victory over a squadron of six British warships at the Battle of Lake Erie during the War of 1812.The battle was closely contested for hours, and Perry’s flagship Lawrence was reduced to a defenseless wreck. He then transferred to the Niagara and sailed directly into the British line, firing broadsides and forcing the British to surrender. Perry had won a complete victory at the cost of 27 Americans killed and 96 wounded; British casualties were 40 dead and 94 wounded. After the battle, Perry sent a famous dispatch to U.S. General William Henry Harrison that read, “We have met the enemy, and they are ours.” The Battle of Lake Erie forced the British to abandon Detroit, ensuring U.S. control over Lake Erie and the territorial northwest.

September 10, 1897 - The First DWI
Even without Breathalyzers and line tests, George Smith’s swerving was enough to alarm British police and make him the first person arrested for drunken driving. Unfortunately, Smith’s arrest did nothing to discourage the many other drunk drivers who have taken to the road since. Although drunk driving is illegal in most countries, punished by heavy fines and mandatory jail sentences, it continues to be one of the leading causes of automobile accidents throughout the world. Alcohol-related automobile accidents are responsible for approximately one-third of the traffic fatalities in the United States - 16,000 deaths each year, and also account for over half a million injuries and $1 billion of property damage annually.

Today’s Birthdays

Arnold Palmer, (1929- ), American golfer
Roger Maris, (1934-1985), NY Yankees baseball player
Charles Kuralt, (1934-1997), CBS journalist

Thanks to The Quotations Page - The History Channel - The Biography Channel.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/10/2004 at 04:45 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - September 09, 2004

A Letter To All Veterans

I received the following from a Vietnam veteran who is a good friend of Vilmars. He asked me to consider posting it and to edit it if I felt like it needed it. For the most part I’ve left it untouched .... because the letter touched me so strongly in its simplicity and honesty. I will only add to what is said below that my own father served two tours in Vietnam. It was the end of a thirty year career in the US Army and US Air Force that started on December 8, 1941. He came back home and retired .. a broken, tired man who had seen way too much in his lifetime. He passed away in 1978 from leukemia. Some said it was caused by the Agent Orange that my dad and many other aircraft mechanics were handling on a regular basis. It didn’t matter to dad. All he cared about was his family and his country. I’m sure he would have agreed with everything said below ....

Hi, everyone. My name is Steel Turman. I’m near 56 and did some serious ‘Nam time. In the navy. On the ground.

I asked to go there and I asked to stay there. And I was 17 when I went in, so the draft was not an issue.

I want to speak today to all the vets, especially the ‘Nam vets. AND to everyone else.

So lend an ear to an old dude who ain’t so good with words but who knows how to speak the truth.

A Letter To All Vets.

The recent dust-up of late about Kerry’s service or lack of it and Bush’s service or lack of it are ... seriously important issues to us.

Why? Well, let me tell you what I remember ....

I can remember the slackers and the gung ho guys that got ya dead. Either one was capable of it and you had to be on your toes all the time.

I can remember coming home and being despised.

I can also remember Kerry making us all out to be animals without souls ..... with words that hurt all of us, the ones of us who came home and the ones who were staying at the Hanoi prison camps.

And so can you.

Now is a different time. Been a few generations since then.

What’s fresh in our mind is not what is even in the mind of most today.

Today, half the people alive in this country are less than 35 years old.

35 years. Think about that.

I believe in my heart of hearts that Kerry is unfit because of his entire lack of character and was evidenced by his attempt to bring dishonor on all of us.

On the other hand, I’m sure Bush was a maximum slacker.

But these things mean little to the folks today.

Folks today, are not old enough to remember or care.

I say give the kids today something they care about.

They care about not getting blowed up. They care about knowing their babies won’t get blowed up.

So why don’t we give them the reasons WHY Bush is better and won’t get them blowed up?

We are, after all, the generation they look to for guidance. As long as we don’t drool. 

Don’t we have the responsibility to pass on the knowledge?

Kerry needs to be framed in the context of his unwillingness to protect this country as evidenced time and time again by his voting record.

Bush needs to be framed in the context of his willingness to do anything to do so, as evidenced by the last four years.

We need to help people understand these two men .. despite their past. What Kerry did to us is between us and him. The rest of the country just needs us to help them put it all in perspective.

I’m telling you, half the country don’t care about what happened yesterday but ALL the country cares about what will happen tomorrow.

Steel Turman
Reno, NV


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/09/2004 at 03:52 PM   
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Late Night Humor


More and more news coming out about President Clinton’s successful heart operation. Doctors said today that during Clinton’s surgery they stopped his heart for 73 minutes. In fact at one point Clinton’s entire life passed before him. In fact, at first he didn’t recognize his life because it was nothing like he wrote in his memoirs. There was no resemblance to his book at all.

President Clinton got 10,000’s of thousands of get well messages. Which was nice. President Bush said a prayer for him, Jesse Jackson went to see him in person, Rush Limbaugh sent over pain pills. I thought that was nice. Everybody did what they could.

Doctors held a press conference about the operation and were asked over and over again when Clinton would be able to start campaigning for John Kerry. “When can you start campaigning?” “When can you start?” Finally, they turned to Kerry and said, “Will you shut up?!”

As you know, Kerry is now behind Bush in the polls, so he’s trying to reach out to more people. I guess the Kerry campaign has been experimenting with new slogans. They sound kind of familiar. Have you heard his latest one? “Did somebody say Vietnam”?

More of President Bush’s National Guard records have been found that suggest he was absent from duty. That’s so unfair. Have you ever considered he might have been on a super-secret undercover National Guard mission?

John Kerry said at a recent campaign rally that the middle initial “W”, in the president’s name, stands for “wrong”. And President Bush fired back in his typical manner. He said “the middle initial “f” in Kerry’s name stands for phony.”

According to a new poll out today Ralph Nader is down to 1% of the popular vote. Now it seems to me if you’re at 1% can you still call it the popular vote? Isn’t the pretty much the “what the hell are you doing in this race vote?”

The “New York Daily News” says that Bill O’Reilly has been telling friends that he’s thinking of running for office. Now, a couple of months ago Al Franken said he was thinking of running for office too? Wouldn’t it be great if they both ran for the same office? How much fun would that be?

An official at the U.S. State Department said today that the U.S. is close to capturing Osama bin Laden...and we’d be even closer if Bush were behind in the polls.


Pundits say John Kerry’s message is garbled. You know it’s bad when you’re running against Bush and your message is garbled.

Former President Clinton is now wide awake and alert. I wish we could say the same for the current president.

This is interesting. For 73 minutes during the surgery Clinton had no pulse and no heart beat. Just like Kerry campaign.

You know since Clinton’s surgery Americans have been lining up for heart checkups. You know he has that effect on people. During his impeachment Americans were lining up for oral sex.


Former President Clinton is doing very well and getting better every day. In fact yesterday they took him off his respirator and today they took him off a nurse.

According to a new book coming out when on National Guard duty President Bush would sneak off to smoke marijuana. When President Bush heard this he said, “That’s ridiculous, I never showed up for National Guard duty.”


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/09/2004 at 02:46 PM   
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(S)ure (H)appy (I)t’s (T)hursday - Fun Stuff

Dog shoots owner before owner can shoot him. Dog pleads self-defense. John Edwards agrees to take the case and represent the “persecuted pooch”.

In Germany, the color of a tomato will soon decide the penalty for a man who threw one at a politician. Red=$100 fine, Green=Life In Prison, but Yellow? Ah, for yellow you get .... spanked by Morgana the S&M Mistress Of Darkness, you naughty boy! Jawohl!

Elsewhere in Germany, the Economics Minister now says that beer is so healthy that it should be available as part of the country’s socialized medicine plan. Prescriptions for Pilsner? Doc, I have this pain in my stomach, can you write me a prescription for a case or two?

Next from Russia (pay attention carefully to this one): Russian beauty queen gets pissed at rich boyfriend, hires hitman to kill him, hitman fails, police stage sting operation to trap beauty queen, get the goods on her, then police drop charges after boyfriend refuses to press charges. In the end, the (un)happy couple get married. Got all that? Never mind, I wanna know who shot J.R. Ewinsky. Stay tuned for next week’s episode of “Moskva”.

In Jolly Ol’ England, the Brits are a dying breed because their women prefer housework to sex? We have the same problem here in America except our women prefer shopping to sex. We’re all doomed, I tells ya unless we go back to keepin’ our women “barefoot and pregnant”. ----------------- I really didn’t say that, did I?

Finally, you can make up your own punch line for this one about an Indiana man who decided to hide his crack in his baby’s crack. No, really. And they gave him 15 years for it. The diapered bagman (bagbaby) was keeping mum on his involvement.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/09/2004 at 02:12 PM   
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The Silent Poodle

The poodle is keeping the reporters at arm’s length for some reason. He hasn’t held a press conference or talked to reporters following his campaign in over a month. Hmmmm. What’s the problem, Senator Waffles? Afraid one of them might actually ask you a substantive question that would require you to tell the truth for a change? Or maybe you’re happier letting all your 527 attack organizations carry the water for you with all of the bullshit personal attacks on President Bush?

What about what you said a few months back ....

“I’m going to have a press conference at least once a month to talk to the nation about what I’m doing, because I don’t have anything to hide,” Mr. Kerry told a Wisconsin audience Aug. 3.

Looks like Senator Fuckface is flip-flopping again. But that’s what we’ve come to expect from him. It’s too bad there are so many Moonbats and forons out there who will vote for the poodle just because he’s not George Bush. I have a message for them: GET A CLUE YOU F**KING RETARDS!

No matter what their reasons for hating Bush, it doesn’t justify electing this moronic lying gigolo.

Speaking of gigolos, the poodle seems to have convinced his rich moneybags wife that he is brilliant and the rest of us are “idiots”.

Kerry’s proposal includes health care subsidies for children, the unemployed, small companies and more; and government assistance to insurers and employers that keep premiums for workers down.

If Kerry is elected, Heinz Kerry predicts that opponents of his health care plan will be voted out of office. She says, “Only an idiot wouldn’t like this.”

Who the fuck does this woman think she is calling me an idiot? I don’t buy into this socialized medicine crap that Senator Waffles and the rest of the Dummycraps are preaching and I never will. Teresa may have come under the spell of this lying svengali (look that one up) but I ain’t buying it at all. Never have, never will. Period. You know how the poodle is going to finance this gargantuan medical plan don’t you? Everyone repeat after me, “RAISE OUR TAXES”. The Dummycraps and Hillary especially have already told us that is their plan: raise our taxes to provide socialized medicine - the same kind of socialized medicine that the people of France, Britain, Canada and a few other countries have proven just doesn’t work worth a flying damn. Ask any (sober) Canuck how he feels about their wonderful socialized medicine plan.

Damn! I’m glad it’s almost Friday. The Dummycraps are wearing me down with all their lying bullshit, attack ads, whining hypocricy and just generally childish, spoiled-brat behavior. I feel the need to visit my local rifle range this Saturday. I’ll have to find a suitable picture to paste over the 10-ring .... just for inspiration .... I wonder what I could use .... hmmmmm ....


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/09/2004 at 01:18 PM   
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Please Pass This Along

You all know by now that this is “Bash Bush’s National Guard Record” week at all the major media, including CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, The NY Times, etc.

Well, I want you all to please do me a favor. Byron York has posted an editorial that explains Bush’s Guard service in excruciating detail from 1968 to 1972. What you may not know by listening to all the liberal media whores is that they are all concentrating on only two months of Bush’s service. In fact, they’re concentrating on the last two months of Bush’s service when he requested an early change from active to reserve status so he could go to school and get his MBA.

I would like for you all to read York’s article and get the whole picture. The entire four years of Bush’s service. Then pass it around to everyone you know. We need to combat the bullshit coming from the Left with the whole story. Their lying spin doesn’t even come close to telling about the fine record Bush accumulated during nearly 48 months of full-time training and service .... which is 44 months longer than Kerry spent in Vietnam getting band-aids applied to his arm.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/09/2004 at 10:49 AM   
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Zell Miller Drugged?

Now if that don’t beat all. The Democrats are now contending Zell Miller was drugged and forced to make that speech at the RNC.

Frothing-at-the-mouth Democrat attack dog James Carville is accusing Republican Party officials of drugging Sen. Zell Miller for media appearances after his speech to the GOP convention last week.

“They probably shot him up with something,” the wild-eyed Ragin’ Cajun insisted Wednesday during an interview with radio host Don Imus.

Carville leveled the bizarre charge after claiming that Republicans had written Miller’s speech, even though it contained lines Miller had used before and echoed much of the criticism of Democrats outlined in Miller’s recent book, “A National Party No More.”

But Carville insisted the renegade Democrat’s speech was strictly a put-up job.

“They got that poor man in the twilight of his career and just used him,” the former Clinton adviser insisted. “They said, ‘Look, go up there and say this,’ and they handed him a bunch of documents.”

Carville claimed Miller didn’t know “what he was talking about” in post-speech interviews, saying that’s why he grew angry when challenged by MSNBC host Chris Matthews.

When Imus noted that the Georgia Democrat sounded “fine” when he interviewed him the next morning,” Carville shot back: “They probably shot him up with something, you know. He just likes screaming at people.”

Is it just me or does anyone else think the Dummycraps have started to lose what little minds they have? These people are about one good drink of water away from being institutionalized. I wonder what drugs Carville and his Dummycrap friends are on? Rational people don’t make wild-ass statements like this. They must be drugged.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/09/2004 at 06:58 AM   
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Already 11 dead in the Caribbean. Currently a strong category 4 hurricane with winds of 145 mph. Time for Floridians to do the “I-95 Shuffle” again.



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/09/2004 at 02:46 AM   
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Daily Dose 09-Sep-2004

Quote Of The Day

“Laws are like sausages. It’s better not to see them being made.”
-- Otto von Bismarck (1815 - 1898)

On This Day In History

September 9, 1863 - Union Army Captures Chattanooga
Union General William Rosecrans completes a brilliant campaign against the army of Confederate General Braxton Bragg when his forces capture Chattanooga, Tennessee. The capture of Chattanooga followed a campaign in which there was little fighting but much maneuvering. On June 23, Rosecrans marched his troops out of their camp in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, just south of Nashville. Bragg, who hoped his defensive line could keep Rosecrans out and protect the rich agricultural resources of south central Tennessee, had his army arrayed northwest of Tullahoma. When Rosecrans moved his army to Bragg’s right flank, the Confederates found themselves in a dangerous position and so Bragg pulled his forces further south to Tullahoma. But Rosecrans then feinted toward Chattanooga, forcing Bragg to give up Tullahoma and retreat into Chattanooga. At the cost of only 560 Yankee casualties, Rosecrans had taken south central Tennessee from Bragg. Approaching Chattanooga from the west on September 8, Union forces began crossing Lookout Mountain above the city. Again, Bragg was outmaneuvered and was forced to leave Chattanooga with only minor skirmishing. On September 9, triumphant Union troops entered the city. Bragg finally gathered his troops and dug in his heels in northern Georgia, just south of Chattanooga. The two armies collided again at Chickamauga on September 19 and 20, when Bragg finally sent Rosecrans in the other direction. The Union force then retreated back into Chattanooga.

September 9, 1942 - Japanese Bomb U.S. Mainland
On this day in 1942, a Japanese floatplane drops incendiary bombs on an Oregon state forest-the first and only attack on the U.S. mainland in the war. Launching from the Japanese sub I-25, Nobuo Fujita piloted his light aircraft over the state of Oregon and firebombed Mount Emily, alighting a state forest--and ensuring his place in the history books as the only man to ever bomb the continental United States. The president immediately called for a news blackout for the sake of morale. No long-term damage was done, and Fujita eventually went home to train navy pilots for the rest of the war.

Today’s Birthdays

William Bligh, (1754–1817), British admiral (captain of HMS Bounty)
Otis Redding, (1941-1967), Singer, songwriter ("Dock Of The Bay")
Michael Keaton (Michael John Douglas), (1951- ), American actor (Batman)

Thanks to The Quotations Page - The History Channel - The Biography Channel.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/09/2004 at 02:37 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - September 08, 2004

Now You’re Talking!

The Russian Bear has awakened .. and he is pissed. Officials in the Russian government announced today that they are considering “pre-emptive strikes” against terrorist bases around the world. Hot-diggity-damn! It’s about time!

MOSCOW - A wounded Russia threatened Wednesday to strike against terrorists “in any region of the world,” offered a $10 million reward for information leading to the killing or capture of Chechnya (news - web sites)’s top rebel leaders, and criticized the United States for its willingness to hold talks with Chechen separatists.

What are the Russians talking about when they criticize us for our “willingness to hold talks with Chechen seperatists”? Well, read this news article and you’ll see what is going on with that. Here’s an excerpt ....

WASHINGTON - Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld denounced the attack on a Russian school in which more than 350 people were killed as part of a global struggle with extremists.

But the State Department, while joining in condemnation of last week’s attack, said Russia ultimately must hold political talks with rebellious Chechen leaders who are determined to break away from the Russian Federation.

And stepping around an angry declaration by Russian President Vladimir Putin ruling out negotiations, Secretary of State Colin Powell said Tuesday, “All parties including the Russian Federation have been looking for a political solution to the crisis in Chechnya.”

Basically what I’m reading here is that Rummy pretty much thinks the Russians are “right on” to want to strike back at the murderers of children and once again Colin Powell is making an ass of himself. I’m getting pretty fed up with Powell. I wonder what he would say if those children had been American children. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Powell Must Go! He and the liberal weenies at the State Department are sending confusing signals to everyone, our friends and enemies alike. It’s time for “W” to give him the boot after November.

As for the Russians, I say not only let them go ahead but assist them. I think the two remaining superpowers can clean up this radical Islam bullshit prety quickly if the dogs of war are really unleashed. Including the nuclear dogs ..

Col.-Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky, chief of the general staff of Russia’s armed forces, asserted Russia’s right to strike terrorists beyond its borders.

“As for carrying out preventive strikes against terrorist bases ... we will take all measures to liquidate terrorist bases in any region of the world,” he told reporters.

And how do the Russians feel about Powell and the US State Department’s urging the Russians to hold talks with the Chechen terrorists? Yep, you guessed it ....

Responding to a statement by State Department spokesman Richard Boucher, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Wednesday that “we solve our internal problems ourselves and there’s no need to search for an American route to political normalization in Chechnya,” Interfax reported.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Yakovenko also lashed out at the United States, saying talks with Chechens linked to rebel leaders are “absolutely unacceptable.”

“After all, we are talking about those individuals who stand behind bloody attacks by terrorists in Russia, which have drawn the indignation of the entire civilized word,” Yakovenko said in a statement.

Memo To Secretary Powell and The US State Department: Let me translate that for you .. what the Russians are saying is that with 400 dead school children on their hands they feel that you can go piss up a rope and mind your own f**king business. Got that?

And if that’s not enough for you, pay careful attention to what President Putin had to say ....

LONDON: Russian President Vladimir Putin has forcefully ruled out any negotiations with Chechen separatists following the deaths of more than 350 people in a hostage-taking crisis in southern Russia, The Guardian newspaper reported on Tuesday. He also ruled out a public inquiry into the disaster.

“Why don’t you meet Osama bin Laden, invite him to Brussels or to the White House and engage in talks, ask him what he wants and give it to him so he leaves you in peace? Why don’t you do that?” The Guardian quoted Putin as saying late on Monday in a lengthy meeting with foreign journalists and academics at his country home outside Moscow.

“You find it possible to set some limitations in your dealings with these bastards, so why should we talk to people who are child killers?

“No one has a moral right to tell us to talk to child killers,” The Guardian quoted him as saying.

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but Margaret Thatcher, whom I’ve met more than once, said: ‘A man who comes out into the street to kill other people must himself be killed,”‘ he was quoted as saying.

Dammit! I’m really starting to like Putin. It’s too bad Powell is trying to piss him off. We need Putin and the Russians on our side. Whaddya say, folks? Let’s just fire Powell and invite Pooty-Poot to Texas for a real barbecue where we can discuss a few issues like (1) how to help us take Iran and Syria out of the picture and (2) scare the f**k out of the rest of the Islamic world (including Chechnya) while doing it.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/08/2004 at 02:21 PM   
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Go West Young Man

In case you haven’t been keeping track, our Benevolent Dictator, Vilmar, is winging his way west today. He’s on his way to visit his son and new grandson. He’ll be out for the next week so yours truly (BMEWS Secretary Of War) will be manning the helm by himself.

Now, I don’t want a repetition of the nasty incident in July when I sneaked off to the Democratic Convention and you clowns started picking on the Cubs fans (with Vilmar’s help). I have been provided with plenty of ammunition by Vilmar before he left so he is here in spirit, if not in body. I’ll keep you posted on Moonbat behavior but as many of you know I am a kinder, gentler soul than Vilmar (probably because I own twelve times more guns than he does). By this I mean I am a “Compassionate Conservative”, so you will get the same news but without the fiery anger of that madman in Florida.

No. My anger is much more subtle than that. I prefer to strike suddenly, swiftly and accurately while the enemy is otherwise engaged. Pay no attention to the text below ....



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/08/2004 at 11:35 AM   
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Kerry Lied, Vets Cried ..

Now we have a veteran who testified before Congress with John Kerry in 1971, coming forth and telling how he was coerced by Kerry and his group to make up stories of rape and murder by American soldiers in Vietnam.

Pitkin’s renunciation of his participation in the Detroit event was reported by Scott Swett, the primary author of, which documents Kerry’s role in VVAW. Swett also is the webmaster for the website of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the group of 254 veterans who contend their fomer colleague, Kerry, is unfit to be commander in chief.

On the second day of the Detroit conference, Pitkin said, he was surrounded by a group of the event’s leaders, who said they needed more witnesses and wanted him to speak.

According to Swett, Pitkin protested he had nothing to say, prompting Kerry’s response, “Surely you had to have seen some of the atrocities.”

Swett writes:

Pitkin insisted that he hadn’t, and the group’s mood turned menacing. One of the other leaders leaned in and whispered, “It’s a long walk back to Baltimore.” Pitkin finally agreed to “testify.” The Winter Soldier leaders told Pitkin exactly what they wanted – stories about rape, brutality, shooting prisoners and racism. Kerry assured him that “the American people will be grateful for what you have to say.”

This story gets even worse ....

During the formal hearings, according to Swett, Pitkin started “to slam the press for misrepresenting what GIs really did in Vietnam, but a woman he believes was Jane Fonda shot him an astonished look and started to stand up. Steve could see other members of the group getting ready to cut him off, so he changed course and made up a few things he thought they would be willing to accept.”

Pitkin now states: “Everything I said about atrocities and racism was a lie. My unit never went out with the intention of doing anything but its job. And I never saw black soldiers treated differently, get picked out for the worst or most dangerous jobs, or anything like that. There were some guys, shirkers, who would intentionally injure themselves to get sent home, so I talked about that for a while. But the fact is I lied my ass off, and I’m not proud of it. I didn’t think it would ever amount to anything.”

So where does this leave us? The poodle and his buddies made up a lot of shit and testified before Congress in 1971. The media exposure helped launch John Kerry’s career. It also hurt a lot of honorable soldiers who fought in Vietnam. It hurt them deeply. Many committed suicide and may others were never able to fully re-adjust to a society that hated them when they came home from that war. Thanks to John Kerry and his political ambitions.

And this shit-fer-brains wants to be our next President? If I were in charge, he’d be imprisoned and beaten three times daily .... and forced to wait hand and foot on every Vietnam veteran still living. Of course, most of them would consider it an insult for Kerry to be allowed to do anything more than lick their boots.

The Poodle for President? Fuggedaboutit!


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/08/2004 at 11:01 AM   
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Jobs? What Jobs? I Don’t See No Jobs. La-la-la-la-la ….

The unemployment rate fell again last month. However, the liberal media somehow managed to make it sound bad. Incredible, simply incredible ....

The unemployment rate fell a tenth to 5.4 percent in August as 144,000 jobs were created during the month and the job creation number for July was revised upward by more than double, from 32,000 to 73,000 new jobs, but all the networks on Friday night managed to turn the Labor Department numbers, released that morning, into a negative. Neither ABC or CNN even mentioned the lower unemployment rate or upward revision for July as CBS also skipped the upward revision. ABC’s Peter Jennings emphasized how the 144,000 new jobs “fell short of the 200,000 jobs per month that most economists consider the minimum for strong employment growth.”

CBS’s John Roberts ran a soundbite of President Bush touting the 5.4 percent rate, but then he undermined the good news: “What the President didn’t say was that the employment numbers in August again fell short of expectations, and it is now certain he will end his first term as the first President since the Great Depression to lose jobs on his watch.” Roberts grew even more dire as he stressed how “the situation is worse than it seems. While the President touts the results of his economic recovery plan, job creation hasn’t kept up with population growth.”

ABC, CBS and NBC: “Hear no jobs, see no jobs, speak no jobs.”

Picture three monkeys with their paws covering various parts of their heads. Now you’ve got the picture of news reporting in this country. Sad, but true.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/08/2004 at 10:38 AM   
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What E.T. Saw

Thank God this one decided to attack South America. Residents of Florida can breathe a little easier ....



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/08/2004 at 10:20 AM   
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On: 03/20/21 07:00

meaningless marching orders for a thousand travellers ... strife ahead ..
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Tracked at Casual Blog
On: 07/17/17 04:28

a small explanation
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Tracked at yerba mate gourd
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On: 07/09/17 03:07



Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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GNU Terry Pratchett

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