Sarah Palin is the only woman who can make Tony Romo WIN a playoff.

calendar   Tuesday - June 16, 2009

Oh just bloody great. Now we hear from a couple of religious Jews who claim violated rights.

This really does piss me off major big time. Bothers me on a couple of levels.

Just what Jews need today. Or any other freekin day.  Not bad enough we have so damn many libtard movements headed by Jews.  Not bad enough that so many of these damnable human and civil rights lawyers are ... wanna guess?  No. Now we need to hear from a nut job loony tune butt ugly Jew who wants to sue because ... aw hell.  Here.  Read this crap for yourself and tell me if this isn’t a case of some stupid assed, big mouthed self seeking, trouble maker.

Thing of is as well, I just know with absolute certainty that this just fuels more anti-semitic feelings or at the least, causes some who aren’t to stop and think.
They’ll be thinking oh well. What can you expect? They’re Jews. That’s what those folks do.  I’ve heard that all my life so I know it to be true.

Their claim is soooooo phony.  If their faith is so strong to begin with, and I seriously doubt that, they should know that even in orthodox Jewry their god forgives things which a religious Jew has no control over.  I can’t even assign a moonbat to this because generally speaking there’s a bit of humor even in Moonbat stupid things. But not here, not now. Not this article.  This ugly bitch is bad news and an embarrassment not just to Jews who’d never follow this path. She’s an embarrassment to the human race as well.  And being ugly makes it worse.
Damn it I HATE people like this!  I’m not too articulate when I’m this frustrated> RCOB!

Jewish couple sue neighbours for ‘imprisoning’ them with automatic hallway light

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 12:37 PM on 16th June 2009

A Jewish couple are suing their neighbours in a block of flats, saying an automatic security light is keeping them prisoner in their home because it forces them to break their Sabbath rules.

Dr Dena Coleman and husband Gordon claim they cannot leave their holiday flat on the Sabbath because when they do they automatically trigger the light in the communal hallway - contravening a religious ban on turning on electrical items from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday because it constitutes ‘creating fire’.

They say their human rights are being breached and are now suing the flats’ management company - their neighbours - for failing to accommodate their religion.

The other 35 owners of the seaside flats are liable to pay court costs if the claim is successful.

Dr Coleman, a 56-year-old headteacher at a Jewish orthodox school in London, has been visiting the £200,000 holiday flat in Bournemouth, Dorset, with her husband for six years.

The management company fitted the motion-sensing lights six months ago in a bid to save energy and money.

The Colemans have offered to pay for an override switch to disable the light sensors during the Sabbath.

But the Embassy Court Management Company - which represents all residents and whose three directors also live in the block - said this would set an ‘unacceptable precedent’.

In a letter sent to occupants of all of the other 35 apartments in the block, the Colemans said: ‘Faced with a situation where we could never again have full use of our flat, we were left with no alternative but to seek legal advice.

‘We consulted solicitors and a caseworker at the Equality and Human Rights Commission and were advised that we had a strong claim.’

The couple said they would drop the case if an override switch was installed and the management company paid their legal costs and compensation.

The argument has sparked controversy between the other residents.

One resident, who did not want to be named, said: ‘It has caused quite a stir here, there have been a lot of arguments.

‘There has been a meeting about it and many of the residents aren’t happy.

‘There’s a feeling that things shouldn’t be changed just to suit people in one flat when everyone else is happy with it.

‘I don’t think the rest of us would think twice about the lights but they’re going to great lengths to get it changed so they must feel very strongly about it.’

The couple say they only moved into the flat in spring 2003 on the understanding that movement sensors would never be installed in communal areas.

They have now issued a county court writ against the management company, saying they have discriminated against them on the grounds of religion.

The claim also accuses the company of breaching their rights under the Equality Act 2006 and Human Rights Act 1998.

In a statement the company said: ‘The directors believe that almost all lessees at Embassy Court support the actions taken by the management company to reduce communal lighting electricity costs, and to reduce repair and maintenance costs by preventing heat damage to light fittings and prolonging their life.

‘The directors further believe that almost all lessees support the installation of movement sensor controls in the hallways and have no personal problems with their installations.

‘Unfortunately correspondence between directors and lessees concerned failed to resolve the dispute.

‘Clearly the lessees [the Colemans] felt so strongly that their rights may have been infringed by the management company that they decided to take legal action. That is their prerogative.

‘A key allegation in this claim is that the movement sensors installed in the hallway discriminate against the claimants, who are orthodox Jews, on the grounds of their religion and belief.

‘The lessees also allege in the claim that when they purchased their flat in the spring of 2003 it was on the basis of assurances from selling agents that that movement sensors would not be installed at Embassy Court.

‘Although other lessees are innocent parties in this legal dispute, in accordance with the lease, the Management Company’s expenses reasonably incurred in these legal proceedings with be recoverable from all lessees in the service charge, to the extent that these expenses are not paid by the other parties to the proceedings.’

The case is due to be heard at Bournemouth County Couty later this year.

Dr Coleman is the headteacher at Yavneh College in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, the author of several books on education.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/16/2009 at 09:34 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - June 13, 2009

PART TWO OF …. Exploiting the Human Rights Act to defy the law.  THE OTHER SIDE, THE LAW ABIDING.

Right. The folks who count for s!#t!  The law abiding home owner. The everyday person.
You know the one. The people with rights, but less then other people. 

I don’t generally look at the wkend Telegraph property section.  That cos the wife never misses it and when she finds something she thinks I’d be interested in, she brings it to my attention.

Well, I just posted an article from The Mail on the land stealing, unlawful vermin who have somehow achieved “racial” status called, travellers.  These folks are above the law and above criticism.
So ... this is what appeared in another paper, the property section called Ask The Expert, in the Telegraph.
Another eye opener.

Our property experts answer your questions on all aspects of buying, selling and owning a home.

Published: 12:00PM BST 09 Jun 2009


I live in a house on 18 acres and have two holiday cottages. I’d like to build a third, because of demand, but this is a rural area so planning was refused, as was our appeal.

Adjoining my land is a long-standing, unauthorised but tolerated, travellers’ camp. Recently the council’s gipsy liaison officer was granted planning permission for 12 log cabins. Could I argue my human rights are being infringed on the basis that I am not a traveller?

David Fleming writes:

Your question takes us to the dangerous area where law meets politics so I must tread carefully.

Local authorities are under a duty to provide for travellers so special rules apply to such sites.

But even if planning permission should not have been granted for the cabins, that would not help you – for the same reason that you can’t complain when the police stop you for speeding, even though other motorists, who could equally have been stopped, pass by.

The courts have held that the Human Rights Act has little application in planning law. All the rights granted, including free use of one’s property, are subject to “public interest” exceptions; it is the role of the planning system to strike a balance between an individual’s right to do what he likes with his property and the public interest in the control of development.

Note: David Fleming has practised law for 27 years and is head of property litigation.


Now I ask you BMEWS. Is this placed screwed up totally er what? 


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/13/2009 at 11:32 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsGovernmentInsanityNanny StateOutrageousTravelers/Gypsies/SquattersUK •  
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calendar   Tuesday - June 02, 2009


I know this story or one like it was covered only two months ago. Maybe less.
So this is either an update or a new story. Doesn’t much matter frankly as it’s clearly a window into what this place has become.

Farmer branded racist for telling the truth about travellers

By Luke Salkeld
Last updated at 12:28 PM on 02nd June 2009

Having lived next to a community of travellers for 30 years, Bryan Lee thought he had valuable insight into plans to give them a permanent home.

But when he objected to transforming a field into a new settlement, his input was ignored - and he was even branded a racist.

Mr Lee, 65, was warned he could face legal action from the police and equality watchdogs if he dared to continue with his ‘racist representations’.

Yesterday, the retired dairy farmer spoke of his outrage at being labelled a bigot by officials at Mid Devon District Council.

Their response came after he wrote in March to disagree with plans to turn a field half a mile from his home in Silverton, Devon, into two pitches for travellers.

The father of two outlined the problems he had faced with another travellers’ site and said the application was ‘inappropriate for the area’.

He wrote: ‘The number of families at any one time on the permanent site was an ongoing problem for the local authority, as was the nature of business carried out on the site.

‘This included vehicle wrecking and various small-scale livestock ventures.’

He continued: ‘Horses were turned into my fields regularly. The police were regular visitors, usually to trace stolen property but also to break up fights with traveller families from other sites.’

When staff eventually responded, Mid Devon District Council said it would take ‘no account’ of his letter and warned he may be investigated under race laws.

Officials wrote: ‘It is policy on planning and building proposals to take no account of representations of a racist nature.

‘If the council receives any more racist representations from you, this matter will be referred to the Commission for Racial Equality or the police.’

Yesterday Mr Lee, who lived next to a camp in Broadclyst, Devon, before moving to Silverton, said: ‘This extreme reaction would be laughable if it wasn’t so tragic and damaging to my character. It is absolutely outrageous. I am not a racist.’

He insisted his letter over the proposal was ‘a factual report of my own first-hand experience’.


He continued: ‘I spent 30 years living next to a travellers’ site and it was hell.

‘ I had lots of my farming equipment stolen. If my property wasn’t bolted down, it would disappear overnight.

‘The place was a complete tip with rubbish everywhere. I also witnessed some very aggressive and unpleasant behaviour. I wasn’t suggesting all travellers acted in this way - of course they don’t.

‘I was simply pointing out what happened in my personal experience. I was within my rights to oppose the application, especially after what I’ve been through, without being accused of racism by some jumped-up official.’

He added that the council withdrew the plan after being flooded with 50 complaints from residents.

A spokesman for Mid Devon District Council said: ‘I appreciate that planning applications for gipsy and traveller sites can be quite sensitive.’

She added that the authority had a ‘clear policy’ meaning that officials would not take into account comments ‘where they could reasonably be considered to be racist’.


reasonably be considered to be racist’.

Reasonable?  I don’t even see where that enters it here. Do any of you?  I couldn’t find anything in what he said that could be taken that way.  Except by the shitheads on that council who want to read it that way. And btw, where exactly does race enter into this anyway?
Seems like the asswipes in power simply make up a race and after that whatever group they so designate is beyond criticism.

Words, all words and all meaningless.  Blow off steam, the pc crowd keeps chugging along making things worse and nobody with a gun to stop the shits.

There is loads of honest evidence in plain view from the victims to police reports and people living in a general area near these vermin. They are trouble wherever they land.  The laws here mean nothing. The green belt means less when they pave over and settle that. They are a law unto themselves and will damn well do whatever they please so, up yours native and other law abiding citizens.  You can stick your clawless laws where the sun don’t shine.
Now move it citizen, we have some more property to destroy.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/02/2009 at 10:34 AM   
Filed Under: • Blog StuffDaily LifeOutrageousTravelers/Gypsies/SquattersUK •  
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calendar   Sunday - May 31, 2009

DEAD Lithuanian rapist granted £20,000 in legal aid for breach of ‘human rights’.


There is no use in always asking can things get any dumber because the answer will always be yes. Always!

I read things like this so often I’m no longer surprised but can’t help being outraged every time.  I don’t understand how things are allowed to even come close to making it a story worth printing.  But here you are.

This is RCOB reading folks.  I sincerely hope the shit who continued with this outrage, the rapist’s daughter, suffers the same fate at the hands of someone just like dear old dad. 
Oh boo-hoo, the bastards civil rights and right to privacy were violated. The cops put him in handcuff and so he was “humiliated.” Boo-Hoo.
I read stuff like this and all I can see is red.

Scandal of DEAD Lithuanian rapist granted £20,000 in legal aid for breach of ‘human rights’

Last updated at 1:33 AM on 30th May 2009

A foreign rapist has cost the taxpayer £20,000 in legal aid after claiming his human rights were breached by people seeing him in handcuffs.

Astonishingly, his court battle was allowed to continue even after he died in May last year.

Vaclovas Faizovas, an immigrant from Lithuania, claimed he felt ‘degraded, embarrassed and humiliated’ when doctors and other patients saw him sitting in handcuffs as he waited to undergo chemotherapy sessions on the NHS.

At the time, the 51-year-old alcoholic was serving three and half years in prison for a serious sexual assault on a 22-year-old woman.

His daughter Inga - who was able to draw on funds from the Legal Service Commission and the Ministry of Justice - continued to fight the case after his death, although last week it was dismissed on appeal.

Yesterday the decision was called ‘a grotesque affront to common sense’.

Mark Wallace, campaign director for the Taxpayers’ Alliance, said: ‘It is ridiculous that this crazy case was ever allowed to start, never mind to continue after the appellant’s death.

‘This vile man never considered the human rights of his victim, so it is crazy that taxpayers will have to foot the bill for his own human rights case.’

Faizovas was jailed for sexually assaulting a woman whom he met while walking in Chadwell Heath, Essex in July 2005.

Snaresbrook Crown Court heard that he encouraged the woman to drink vodka with him and attacked her when she passed out.

He was jailed for 42 months in October 2006. While in prison, Faizovas underwent a course of 17 chemotherapy session for his pancreatic cancer at West Suffolk Hospital in Bury St Edmunds.

The prison authorities assessed Faizovas as being ‘medium risk’, meaning he could not be trusted in open conditions.

He was also ruled to be ‘prone to violence’, with the potential to do harm.

Prison authorities also carried out a detailed risk assessment of West Suffolk Hospital, and concluded that there were ‘several escape routes’ available to a prisoner.

Accordingly, during each of his visits to hospital Faizovas was handcuffed to a prison officer. On arrival at the hospital, the handcuffs were replaced by a longer, secure chain.

In his High Court case against the Ministry of Justice, Faizovas said that on each visit he spent around 30 minutes in a public waiting room before going in to be treated.

Everyone there was able to see he was chained, which he found ‘very embarrassing and humiliating’.

Faizovas claimed this breached articles three and eight of the Human Rights Act - the right to life free of degrading treatment and the right to privacy.

When he died in May last year - two months after he was released from prison - the controversial case was continued by his daughter Inga Faizovaite.

The entire cost of both bringing and defending the failed action was born by the UK taxpayer.

A legal source close to the appeal team estimated the costs of bringing the case as ?20,000. The ?20,000 cost of paying the Ministry of Justice’s lawyers was also picked up by the taxpayer.

Miss Faizovaite, who continues to live in Britain, said yesterday: ‘Everyone should get treatment no matter what they’ve done.

‘I wanted to make sure something was done differently in the future.’

The Legal Services Commission, which hands out legal aid, pointed out that it cannot ban people from getting funding because their cause is unpopular.

A spokesman said: ‘All applicants for legal aid must meet strict financial and legal merits eligibility tests before they are able to access legal aid. Cases must have a good chance of success, raise issues which have a significant wider public interest, be overwhelmingly important to the client, or have significant human rights issues.’



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/31/2009 at 04:06 AM   
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calendar   Friday - May 29, 2009

MPs’ expenses: We need to make MPs’ lives more taxing.  Yeah. Like ours. In the real world.

I feel very strongly about this subject.  Why shouldn’t I?  I pay taxes here in the UK.
But Drew’s most recent post with regard to the self appointed armed guards at a polling station really sent a shiver through me.  That those guys could so casually show up where they did in their silly uniforms without a care in the world or a thought about how inappropriate their being where they were, is a signpost of exactly where we’ve arrived at in the USA today.  Furthermore, those guys I am sure don’t think they have done anything wrong. They most likely believe there might be something wrong with us for believing they were out of line and off limits.

Which brings me to my own post which I suppose by comparison is very much a nothing to an American reading this. After all, you’ve got your own worries over there and Drew has sure put a chilling BMEWS spotlight on things.  But since this is where I live (for now) and pay tax (for ... ?) I have to shine a light on things here, as I’ve been doing for so long.

I’ve been banging on about and posting stories of the various MPs who have been playing in the taxpayers sand box.
Not all they have done is illegal, please understand that. But it is mind boggling in it’s complexity and dishonesty. Dishonest?  How about plain unethical?
No, it’s both. I may have it wrong but anything unethical IS dishonest.  Is that not right?

This editorial appeared in the morning paper and the writer has put it so well and so plain I almost think nothing else need be written on the subject.
Take a look. This is interesting, even if you aren’t here in the UK.

Accountant Brian Friedman explains why parliamentary expenses are a law unto themselves.

Brian Friedman
Last Updated: 3:27PM BST 29 May 2009

Here’s something to send shivers down the spines of a few MPs. Under normal expenses rules, if a company pays for a capital asset, then it remains the property of the employer. Put simply, all those plasma TVs and duck houses and elephant lamps ought to belong to us, not to our MPs: when they get kicked out, deselected or retire, they should hand them back to the new intake.

As a senior partner, recently retired, at one of the Big Four accountancy firms, I like to think I know a thing or two about expenses and tax. But clearly, I don’t know as much as I thought. In the case of Hazel Blears, I believed that, despite her kind offer to pay capital gains tax on the sale of her second home, the tax system didn’t work like that. The taxman doesn’t accept voluntary donations: if you try to pay tax where none is due, he will simply return your cheque. Either the minister submitted an incorrect tax return, in which case she should be liable for interest, and probably penalties, or the whole thing is a charade.

Then there are the other MPs who have offered to pay money back. If I robbed a bank, but handed over the loot when the police came knocking, they wouldn’t just say thank you and walk away. If an employee fiddles his expenses, he will be dismissed, and quite likely prosecuted.

Why do our MPs think repaying the money is sufficient compensation? And why do they then think they can hang on until the next election and claim their generous resettlement allowance?

From a tax perspective, any expenses incorrectly claimed and subsequently repaid represent a beneficial loan. If the total is over £5,000, the MPs should be subject to tax on the notional interest arising – so the taxman should be charging interest and penalties on all those incorrect tax returns.

When you or I send in our returns, we make a declaration that our return is “correct and complete”. We are warned that if we give false information, or conceal any part of our income or chargeable gains, we may be liable to penalties or prosecution.

In practice, what often happens when the taxman realises we have submitted an incorrect return is that HM Revenue & Customs gives us one last chance to come clean: our accountant must write a full report of anything else we would now like to declare, and we must sign a “Certificate of Full Disclosure”. If HMRC then finds anything else untoward it gets angry – so angry that it will usually prosecute. If MPs had to review their returns and sign such a certificate, it would certainly focus their minds. If they could not or would not sign, why should we trust them with our votes?

Then there is something else that has had tax professionals spluttering over their morning coffee – the fact that Alistair Darling, and many of his ministerial colleagues, used their office allowances to pay for preparing their tax returns.

The idea that tax doesn’t have to be taxing as long as you’re an MP is galling on so many levels. First, it is an inappropriate use of their office allowance. Second, there are no grounds in tax legislation for these sums to be treated as tax-free. If there are any MPs who have been reimbursed for the cost of employing accountants through their allowances, and have not declared the amount they received as a benefit in kind – as Darling and others say they have – they will have submitted an incorrect tax return, and should be investigated by the Revenue.

Finally, the only reason that tax is this complex is because successive Chancellors have made it so: if even Mr Darling can’t submit a tax return without specialist help, then perhaps now is the time for a radical simplification of our incoherent and archaic system.

You may be getting the sense by now that there is one law for them, and another for us. In fact, that’s truer than you realise. Members of Parliament have created a special section of the tax code – Section 292 – which effectively ensures they receive less scrutiny than the rest of us, by exempting their overnight expenses from consideration.

We are still just scratching the surface of the way MPs have abused their allowances – any expenses investigator knows that mileage allowances tend to involve some pretty murky goings-on, and resettlement allowances, winding-down allowances and, above all, MPs’ pensions seem to have been equally generous.

But while there are a host of ways to improve things in the medium term – the abolition of Section 292; receipts for all expenses; the establishment of serviced apartments for MPs near Westminster; the abolition of a second-home allowance; and no recruitment of relatives – the most important thing is to stop the rot.

First, MPs who fiddle their expenses should be fired, just as they would be if they worked for corporations. Second, all MPs should submit their tax returns to the fees office for scrutiny prior to submission, and should sign an annual declaration that their tax affairs are in order. Finally, all expenses claims should be suspended with immediate effect until a Certificate of Full Disclosure is submitted to the fees office. That is the simplest way of getting immediate results, and separating the rotten eggs from the rest.

Brian Friedman is a retired senior tax partner with Ernst & Young. He runs the Forum for Expatriate Management (



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/29/2009 at 10:48 AM   
Filed Under: • EditorialsOutrageousTaxesUK •  
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calendar   Friday - May 22, 2009

A man gives DNA swab, is fingerprinted, photographed, then placed in a cell. Brit version of DMV?

MoT is Ministry of Transport.  The equivalent of our DMV.
So, I found this yesterday but again, couldn’t locate the story on line and so called the paper.  And what a story this is, short though it is.
Maybe I have it wrong but gosh, did they have to take him to the pokey?  And all the while the poor schnook wasn’t guilty of anything.
There had to have been a better way to check it out surely.  And they also wanted his DNA?  Jeesh.
But what do I know?  Not much I guess.

21 May 2009 DAILY TELEGRAPH Page 15 (DTN) Edition 1C (282 words)
Motorist held for three hours over ‘too pale’ MoT certificate
By Paul Stokes

A DRIVER attempting to renew his tax disc was arrested, fingerprinted and held in a police cell for three hours because his MOT certificate was the “wrong” shade of green.
Michael Cook, 49, joined the queue at his local Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency [DVLA] centre with his two-week-old MOT certificate and the one issued the previous year in hand.

But shortly after passing them over the counter a policeman arrived and Mr Cook, a self-employed roofer, was taken into a side room..
He was told that staff at the centre in Gosforth, Newcastle, believed his new MOT certificate to be a fake because it was a lighter colour than the old one.

He was taken to a police station where he had to give a DNA swab, was fingerprinted, photographed, then placed in a cell.
Mr Cook, a father of two, from South Shields, said: “I was stunned and could not believe what was happening.
It was so embarrassing.

“I had to be interviewed and they were asking all sorts of questions about where I had the MOT done.
“I was there for quite a few hours until they proved it was a genuine certificate.” He later returned to the centre and was finally issued with a new tax disc. Mr Cook said: “I think I deserve a proper apology for what they put me through.” A spokesman for the DVLA said they sympathised with Mr Cook and would be contacting him to apologise.

“In a situation where there is a potentially fraudulent document presented, it is our procedure to contact the police,” said the spokesman.
Northumbria police confirmed that no crime had been committed and no further action was taken..
Copyright: Telegraph Group Ltd

no link available


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/22/2009 at 10:42 AM   
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calendar   Monday - May 18, 2009


I can’t remember what newspaper I cut this out of.
Tried finding it in the three weekend papers online but some newspapers don’t make everything easy to find.
Anyway ... No matter what country you’re in as you view this, I’d be willing to bet it could apply there as well.

At the moment here in the UK, there is a great outpouring of very real anger as over the last nine or so days, the papers have exposed a scandal in govt. of staggering proportions.

I did a post of only a few things a few days ago, there just is no space here to post all of it.
imageMPs (Members of Parliament) have been caught fiddling their expenses and doing something called “flipping” homes.  Buy a home with taxpayer money, use taxpayer money to fix it up, then sell for profit and keep said profit.  That’s the easy as I can make it explanation.  And that’s the least of it all.

In one case, a member claimed £125,000.00 for his office.  EXCEPT ....  his office turns out to be ....


One member had the moat (YES, MOAT) cleaned at his country estate. The taxpayer picked up the tab.

The list is loooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggg.
There’s even a charge that some may have employed fictitious staff.
One member spent £8,000.00 on a fancy TV.  Do the math people.  What’s the current dollar pound ratio. You’ll get dollars for a better picture if you don’t think eight thousand pounds sounds large enough. On a freekin TV.  Like the taxpayer should have to buy his TV to begin with.

Understand this also folks .... not EVERYTHING they did was illegal because THEY WROTE THE RULES.  Unknown to the public. And many are now saying that hey, maybe we overstepped a bit but we weren’t breaking the rules.  The public isn’t buying that, nor should they.

One Asian member built a house in her homeland (I think it was India) and was also claiming expenses for an empty home here she never used.

Another thing.  Ministers here are entitled to homes that are called ‘Grace and Favor’ residences.  They do not actually have to use them if they’d rather have something of their own. BUT ... if they aren’t willing to live FREE of charge in homes provided for them, then they should damn well pay for the homes oif their choice with their own damn money.  Not the taxpayers.

Something else to think about as well and I should mention it as well.  An awful lot of these people are very,very wealthy in their own right.
So the idea that if we have really wealthy folks at the top, there might be less temptation for them to fiddle public monies, then someone who is poor and hungry.  Yeah well, better have another thunk.  Greed is greed is greed.

Tell ya what the real shame of it all is too.  These MPs and ministers actually believe they have things coming to them. They honestly believe they are, entitled.
The most telling reaction from most of them isn’t necessarily shock.  No.
They are truly surprised and stepping all over themselves saying sorry.  But it’s clear they’re only sorry they were all caught.
This is not over yet by a long shot.
Stay Tuned.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/18/2009 at 12:32 PM   
Filed Under: • EconomicsEditorialsGovernmentCorruption and GreedOutrageousTyrants and DictatorsUK •  
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calendar   Thursday - April 30, 2009

Muslim Failed Asylum Seeker Kills Girl & Walks Free.  Another day, another victim.


Muslim Failed Asylum Seeker Kills Girl & Walks Free

30 April 2009

I have chronicled many instances of British judges being soft on muslim criminals - especially illegal immigrants or failed asylum seekers . So here comes yet another case of a FAILED ASYLUM SEEKER - driving without a driver’s license or auto insurance - who was responsible for the death of a 12 year old girl & left her to die pinned underneath his car. Yet this man was allowed to walk free by an idiotic immigration judge to wage yet another appeal of his deportation status.


“A failed asylum seeker who left a young girl dying under the wheels of his car after a hit-and-run accident has been freed to the disgust of her family. Aso Mohammed Ibrahim was due to be deported after his applications for asylum and citizenship were kicked out. But the 31-year-old Iraqi Kurd has been released on bail from custody while he makes yet another appeal to stay in the UK. He says it is too dangerous for him to return to his homeland. The father of 12-year-old Amy Houston, who was mowed down by Ibrahim’s Rover car as she went to the shops more than five years ago, has spoken of his outrage.

Paul Houston, 39, an engineer, said: ‘It’s an insult to my daughter. I walk around the street and I’m looking over my shoulder every two minutes thinking, “Am I going to see this bloke?” ‘How many more appeals does he get? It is my duty as a father to see this through to the end.
‘If I didn’t fight then another person would find themselves in this position and I don’t want anybody else’s kid to get killed. He’s just laughing at the British justice system. It is so wrong.’”

Free: Ibrahim was disqualified and driving with no insurance when he hit Amy and left her to die

“She was trapped beneath it (car)but Ibrahim responded by getting out and running off. “

I ask - like Amy Houston’s father does -How many denials does an asylum seeker get before he has exhausted his appeals? How many little girls will die because Aso Mohammed Ibrahim is undoubtedly still driving around - unlicensed and uninsured?

What does it take, in Great Britain, to get deported?

What does it take, in Great Britain, to get deported?

Trick question or quiz? Hmmm. Lets see. Oh I know. What’s it take to get the heave ho?
Uh ... Use the dreaded ‘N’ word?  And mean it.
Hurt the wrong minorities feelings?
Make queer jokes?
Say mean things about muslims.
Admit to being a racist?

HEY ... BMEWS. THAT’S IT!  If I admit to the above, will they pay my way home? Damn. What a deal.

Really terrific horrific system they have in place here.


I didn’t mean those remarks to make light of this and hope it wasn’t taken that way.  It’s pretty damn sick and damn well frustrating to read this sort of thing so often, and know there is not a darn thing anyone can do. If you look at the comments by readers in the mail, or almost any paper, the vast majority are fed up with this kind of thing. But it never changes. It’s always business as usual. And that’s totally maddening.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/30/2009 at 04:00 PM   
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calendar   Sunday - April 26, 2009

Taliban gunmen shooting couple dead for adultery caught on camera.

But haven’t we been told they just need to be understood and that after all, they’re just like us aren’t they?
uh huh.  Jeesh.
I think the bastards did this just because they could and they really enjoy it.


Taliban gunmen have been filmed executing a surprised couple whom they repeatedly shot for the alleged crime of adultery.

By Saeed Shah in Islamabad
Last Updated: 5:19PM BST 25 Apr 2009

Their deaths were squalid, riddled with bullets in a field near their home by Taliban gunmen as the execution was captured on a mobile telephone.

In footage which is being watched with horror by Pakistanis, the couple try to flee when they realise what is about to happen. But a gunman casually shoots the man and then the woman in the back with a burst of gunfire, leaving them bleeding in the dirt.

Moments later, when others in the execution party shout out that they are still alive, he returns to coldly finish them with a few more rounds.

Their “crime” was an alleged affair in their remote mountain village controlled by militants in an area that was only recently under the government’s sway. It was the kind of barbarity that has become increasingly familiar across Pakistan as the Taliban tide has spread.

But this time, with black-turbaned gunmen almost at the gates of Islamabad, the rare footage has shown urban Pakistanis what could now await them.

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff, has warned that Islamic extremists could take over the nation.

In the past few days the footage has circulated among Pakistanis who usually show little interest in the rough ways of the distant frontier regions.

They have now started to wake up to the fear that al-Qaeda-linked rebels from the frontier could take over their nation.

The killings happened in Hangu district, in North West Frontier Province, about two hours drive from the regional capital Peshawar. The punishment was administered by a local group of the Pakistani Taliban, the Islamic militia which has swept across the NWFP towards the capital Islamabad.

Last week, the Taliban had reached within 60 miles of Islamabad, in Buner district. Their takeover sparked panic in the West, which was already appalled by a peace deal that the government had signed this month with Taliban in adjacent the Swat valley.

In an extraordinary move, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, called on the people of Pakistan to defy their government, saying they “need to speak out forcefully against a policy that is ceding more and more territory to the insurgents”.

The Taliban had agreed a withdrawal, in the last couple of days, to their stronghold of Swat. That will scarcely make the government and elite in the capital Islamabad feel much safer, as Swat is only 100 miles from them.

“The Taliban are steady and confident, the government is weak and faltering,” said Pervez Hoodbhoy, a professor at Islamabad’s Quaid-e-Azam University and one of Pakistan’s leading intellectuals.

“A Taliban victory will enslave our women, destroy Pakistan’s rich historical and cultural heritage, make education and science impossible, and make the lives of its citizens impossibly difficult. Some are already contemplating an exodus.”

Pakistan today stands on a knife-edge, threatened with anarchy. The desperate deal signed with the Taliban in Swat looks set to fall apart. The result will almost certainly be violence. An army convoy heading into Swat on Saturday morning was stopped by the Taliban and forced to turn back, in a naked display of their power.

They seem to have been only emboldened by the peace agreement. Many believe that a bloody military operation now looks inevitable,

For those in areas falling under Taliban control, their harsh rule is terrifying.

An SOS text message sent out on Friday by a terrified local resident, in an area of Swat called Bahrain, says that the Taliban have established total control. Asking not be named for fear of reprisal, he said that they have set up check posts at the entrance to Bahrain, from where they kidnap those they want, including young women.

“They’ve even warned the local schools to close the girl classes or face dire consequences. Yet the government says its writ is in Swat.”

Another Swat resident said: “Every day I see armed Taliban move around freely. At the time of prayer, if they see anyone in his shop or walking about, they whip him with a stick.”

The Pakistani Taliban, a copy of the Afghan extremist movement, have long controlled the tribal area along the Afghan border, which is a sanctuary for militants, including al-Qaeda. But it is their march into the heart of the country that has horrified ordinary Pakistanis, and the wider world. And the threat comes not just from the Taliban to the west. Islamic extremists, who are not part of the Taliban, are already entrenched in Islamabad and across the Punjab, the most populous province, seemingly ready to surface when their moment comes.

Islamabad’s defences are being hurriedly fortified, with paramilitary troops stationed on the Margalla Hills, which overlook the city from the West. In the capital, there are thousands of followers of the radical Red Mosque, where there are now open calls for Islamic revolution at the weekly Friday prayers.

“The Taliban will not stop at Swat. They will come towards Islamabad,” said Hasan Askari Rizvi, a military analyst based in Lahore. “If the army is to take action against them, it is going to be a really bloody battle. And then civil government will be knocked out.”

“Extremist groups based in Islamabad will move from within and they (Taliban) will build pressure from outside.”

The footage Pakistanis have been watching shows them what they could expect.

A local journalist was invited to witness the execution, who filmed it with his mobile phone for a Pakistani channel, Dawn News. The Sunday Telegraph is showing the footage in the West for the first time.

There were no names for the two victims.

“Using the media is part of their (the Taliban’s) psychological warfare,” said Imtiaz Gul, chairman of Centre for Research and Security Studies, an independent think tank in Islamabad. “This way, they inject fear into the minds of people who might oppose them, keeping the majority silent.”

After the couple were shot, the family were told to take their bodies away for burial. The punishment was administered by a local group of the Pakistani Taliban linked to warlord Baitullah Mehsud.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/26/2009 at 02:39 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - April 22, 2009

OH THEY’LL LOVE HIM IN EUROPE.  Barack Obama: Bush officials could be prosecuted.

That’s the headline people.  But then I guess you already know.

Question ... if things work out here and we can sell this place in say a year.  Will I have a country to come home to?
Will I want to?

This is really getting scary and I don’t mind tellin’ ya I’m worried more now then I was after the election.  I knew things weren’t gonna go our way.
We all expected that.  But man oh man this is really the start of some very bad news.  Sure hope I have it bass ackwards and am shown to be wrong.
But how can I be unless that line about bowing to the left is wrong.  And come on, how many of us believe that the line is not correct?
Oh damn.  “bowing to the left.”

Enjoy the read.  Comrades.

Barack Obama: Bush officials could be prosecuted over ‘torture’ documents
US President Barack Obama has bowed to pressure from the Left by opening the door to Bush administration officials being prosecuted for approving alleged torture by CIA interrogators.

By Toby Harnden in Washington
Last Updated: 12:20PM BST 22 Apr 2009

IN A DRAMATIC SHIFT by a White House that on Monday had brushed aside questions about the issue by insisting the American president was “focused on looking forward”, Mr Obama indicated that officials could be called to account for the US losing its “moral bearings”.

Last week, Mr Obama made public four memos written by officials in President George W. Bush’s administration that contained explicit details of the CIA’s methods of extracting information from al-Qaeda suspects between 2002 and 2005.

On Sunday, Rahm Emanuel, Mr Obama’s chief of staff, told ABC News that “those who devised policy ... should not be prosecuted”.

But Mr Obama on Tuesday drew a sharp distinction between CIA interrogators who believed they were acting legally and the officials who had approved the advice.

“For those who carried out some of these operations within the four corners of legal opinions or guidance that had been provided from the White House, I do not think it’s appropriate for them to be prosecuted,” he said.

“With respect to those who formulated those legal decisions, I would say that that is going to be more of a decision for the Attorney General within the parameters of various laws, and I don’t want to prejudge that. I think that there are a host of very complicated issues involved there.”

Mr Obama’s dramatic u-turn raises the prospect of the three men who wrote the memos - Jay Bybee, a former assistant attorney general who is now a federal judge, and his deputies John Yoo and Steven Bradbury - and others facing congressional investigations and even criminal charges.

The president has faced an uproar from former CIA chiefs and deep concern from current operatives but also a fierce reaction from Left-wing groups and Democrats on Capitol Hill determined to pursue the authors of the memos and other senior Bush officials.

Mr Obama visited the CIA on Monday in an attempt to placate the agency. But there was no sign of the anger on the Left subsiding as as it emerged that the highly controversial technique of “water-boarding”, a type of simulated drowning, had been used 266 times on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah, two senior al-Qaeda prisoners.

Mr Obama’s abandonment of his previous position that the US should “move forward” and put the “dark and painful chapter in our history” behind it came after he was urged by Democrat senatorsSenator Dianne Feinstein of California, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, urged him not to rule out prosecutions.

On Monday night, Dick Cheney, the former vice-president, told Fox News it was “disturbing” that Mr Obama’s administration had released some documents “but they didn’t put out the memos that showed the success of the effort”.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/22/2009 at 09:09 AM   
Filed Under: • CommiesDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsInsanityObama, The OneOutrageous •  
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calendar   Monday - April 20, 2009

15 year old wonders what it might be like to kill, so the bastard tries and batters old lady …..

So often and maybe too often I report the crimes being done here, especially by the young.

This old woman wouldn’t have been any safer in the USA. Or would she? I don’t know.  And since I only have so many hours in the day I can’t stay fully up to date with both places at once.  So I spend most of the blog time with things relating to Europe and the UK.  (Please note I separate Europe and UK by intention)
Well anyway ... this poor excuse for something human wanted to see what it was like to kill someone and tried.

I’m so convinced that much of this sort of thing has it’s roots in a culture that has been desensitized through “entertainment” for more then a generation. Bad parenting alone just can not account for the rate of really violent crimes I’m reading about almost daily.  As well, there are NO ratios of risk to reward that might make a punk like this think 2wice.  Even if this is his first offence, and I have to wonder about that, the fact that this totally worthless unredeemable pile of walking shit will maybe serve two years and then be out there in the land among us .... makes me shudder. 

His lawyer Patrick Mason said the attack was ‘indefensible’ and did not offer any mitigation but said his client had inherited certain ‘personality traits’.

Certain personality traits? Bullshit!  He has a lawyer? Why?  He needs the lash, not a lawyer and as for the lawyer who would defend or represent this scum...use your imagination.

He should be beaten as he beat this old and helpless woman, and it should be done in the fashion as in the old Russian army.  In fact, it wasn’t just the army.
A person could be sentenced to say a thousand lashes. Which would take months to complete.  They would beat the prisoner and then let the wounds heal and then begin again .  Most of the time the prisoner died if not from the beating itself then from infection.

In this case ... this total bastard deserves the same ...  Yeah. I’m a fuckin barbarian.
Take a good long look at the photo and you tell me if two freekin years at txpayer’s expense is enough. NO WAY!

Schoolboy, 15, battered pensioner with her walking stick and left her for dead because he ‘wondered what it would be like to kill someone’
Last updated at 3:30 PM on 20th April 2009

A teenager brutally attacked an 83-year-old woman after he ‘wondered what it would be like to kill someone’, a court heard.

Joseph Phillips, 15, beat Kathleen Hutchings with her own walking stick as she lay defenceless in her bed.

She was left blind in one eye with a shattered eye socket and suffered a broken left wrist in the attack which happened after she woke to find the teenager in her home.

Joseph Phillips, 15, beat frail Kathleen Hutchins (pictured, right, before the attack) with her own walking stick after climbing into her flat through a window

The great-grandmother was bedridden with chronic arthritis when Phillips climbed through the window of her ground floor flat.

She called out after hearing a noise from her living room, where the intruder was rummaging through her cupboards.

He then walked into her bedroom, picked up her walking stick from the side of her bed and used it to beat her senseless.

The court heard that just days before the attack he was overheard telling friends he had always ‘wondered what it was like to kill someone’.

Phillips even moved the pensioner’s telephone out of her reach before he fled, so she could not dial 999.

The pensioner was left so traumatised by the attack that after being discharged she was forced to move out of her private home and into a residential home

She was only discovered when her daughter-in-law Doreen visited the flat in Taunton, Somerset after her calls went unanswered.

Doreen Hutchings, 58, from Tiverton, Devon, said: ‘I will never forget seeing her lying there in bed muttering and covered in blood.
‘I was sure she was dead. My heart skipped a beat when I realised she was alive and dialled 999.

‘Kathleen was so lively, and used to love sleeping with the window open to get some fresh air - which she will never be able to do again.

‘He left her for dead and I will never be able to forgive him.’

She continued: ‘This animal has taken away Kathleen’s life. Before, she was very switched on and clued up but has had her spirit taken away.

‘Now she is constantly confused, doesn’t know where I live and is forced to live in care because she can’t look after herself.

‘Her family were her life but she’s been left so confused since the attack she barely remembers where I live.

‘He’s taken away her freedom, because she’s since had to move into a residential home.’

Referring to Phillips, she said: ‘He told two friends he wondered what it was like to kill someone then days later climbed through her window and attacked her as she lay in bed.

‘There was nothing she could have done to defend herself and after the attack could not even phone anyone because he had moved her phone out of reach. I hope he is never released.’

Her mother-in-law, who is now 84, suffers from chronic arthritis and spent three months in hospital following the attack in October last year.

She was left so traumatised when she was eventually discharged that she was forced to move out of her private home and into a residential home, where she now has round-the-clock care.

Phillips’ own lawyer Patrick Mason said the attack was ‘indefensible’ and did not offer any mitigation but said his client had inherited certain ‘personality traits’.

The teenager pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm with intent to steal at an earlier hearing and was jailed indefinitely, with a minimum two years.

He was living in care at the time of the attack and later told police he heard voices in his head.

Jailing him indefinitely at Taunton Crown Court, Judge Graham Hume took the unusual step of lifting the anonymity granted to minors because of the brutal nature of the attack.

If you think 1,000 lashes bad, the Arabs had and for all I know may still do, far worse. Much worse. This monster deserves NO compassion or understanding.
He is a bad seed that will grow worse in time.
And in a couple of years .....  “Coming to a neighborhood near you”

If the photo I have posted here isn’t big enough ... SCHOOLBOY WOULD BE KILLER


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/20/2009 at 09:32 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeOutrageousUK •  
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calendar   Wednesday - April 08, 2009

Mother stopped buying DVD because she was with her underage children. More UK, PC

This story is a week or two old but other things have been happening so fast I just couldn’t post it earlier.

Thing about this is, the IDIOT cashier “ASSUMED” the mom was buying a racy video (No, not porn) for kids. Why and by what right does a store employee have to assume any such thing?

You’re in a market that also sells videos as many do.  So you grab it and put it in your basket and some total officious jerk has the authority with no proof, to deny the purchase?

And what really gets me about this is that even though in the end a supervisor allowed the sale, the store says the cashier did the right thing.
NO the cashier did NOT.
What the cashier did with no proof whatever, is assume that mom was guilty of supplying her kiddie with a movie that had one of those not for under 16s attached to it. 

This is another example of the country gone to the fuckin PC dogs!
And what’s really so damn frustrating when all is said and done, is that people are powerless to haul off and smack the officious offender in the chops.  Ya know, I’d be willing to bet it would only take once or 2wice and others of like intrusive mindset would become worried enough about their own well being, that you’d begin to see a change in attitudes.

Not that I am at all in favor of exposing kids to adult material.  I am not.  But this was an adult. A mom out doing her shopping and some busybody making a decision for her.  And it happens all too often.

A mother was stopped while buying a 12 certificate DVD at a supermarket because she was with her young children – but was still allowed to buy a bottle of wine.

By Nick Britten
The Telegraph

Karen Richards, 39, said she was “amazed and outraged” after the incident at her local Morrisons.

She was shopping with her eight-year-old son, Sean, and nine-month-old baby when she was stopped at the checkout trying to buy the film “Ladies in Lavender”, a drama starring Dame Judi Dench set in 1936.

The assistant said she could not buy it because she was with her young children, but then allowed her to buy some red wine.

Miss Richards, from Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, said: “I could understand it if I had sent Sean in by himself to buy the DVD, but he was with me, along with my 9-month-old.

“Is Morrisons suggesting I should leave them both outside while I shop in case I want to buy something of a slightly adult nature?

“Does Morrisons not realise how totally ridiculous this is?”

She added: “The ironic thing is the staff member was quite happy to sell me a bottle of wine at the same time.

“It is further proof, if it is needed, that this ‘PC’ world of ours has gone barking mad.”

She said after talking to the supermarket’s supervisor she was eventually allowed to buy to film.

“I am all in favour of censorship and, of course if youngsters try to buy cigarettes and alcohol underage, they should be stopped.

“But with regards to films, I’ll decide what my son does or does not watch, not Morrisons.”

A Morrisons spokesman defended the checkout assistant’s decision and said customers suspected of buying an age-restricted product for a minor should be refused sale.

He said: “These rules are in place to protect our customers and their families, as well as the general public as a whole who, in the majority of cases, appreciate our vigilance.

“The DVD product in this case had an age restriction applied to it and the store followed procedure.

“We apologise if the customer felt the store was being over zealous.”

Miss Richards was eventually cleared to buy the DVD after a supervisor was called to verify her age.

Notice the “spokesman just couldn’t bring him or her self to just say they have it wrong. Oh no. That’d kill em. Schmucks.

Now then just to show ya. Here’s a short trailer.  I never saw the movie, wife did. She says it’s kind of in the same mood of Jane Austen.
NO child would sit thru this, they’d be bored.  The opening says clear for ALL AUDIENCES so I’ve no idea how it got a rating that says no underage allowed. Whatever ... take a brief view of this.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/08/2009 at 09:44 AM   
Filed Under: • Nanny StateOppressionOutrageousStoopid-PeopleTyrants and DictatorsUK •  
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calendar   Monday - April 06, 2009

What’s this?  No arms? No legs?  Oh, sorry. You aren’t handicapped enough for any aid.

It’s all this guys fault I wanna say that before you read this article.

Born the wrong color. White.
Not a member of a protected religion.
Not a homosexual.
Not a criminal
Not an illegal immigrant

Jeez, what the heck is it with this trouble maker?

Story has a better ending then it did a beginning though. At first they actually did tell the guy he was “not disabled enough.”

A man born without hands or legs was told by his council that he did not qualify for help putting his bins out.

Last Updated: 2:29PM BST 06 Apr 2009

Wheelchair-bound Robert Moores claims a council worker said his household was “not disabled enough” for the assisted collection scheme.

However his able-bodied wife Angela is also unable to move the bins because of a back injury.

Mr Moores, who uses artificial legs from the knee downwards, asked Blackpool Council in Lancashire if he could have assisted collection.

“I’ve got no hands and no legs which is why I can’t physically put the bins out,” he said.

“Up until now the binmen have just done it for me, but they told me to apply for official assistance. “When I went to the council to ask, they turned round and said I wasn’t disabled enough.

“But I can’t put the bins out and my wife has got a bad back so she can’t do it either. “I even went to the town hall to show them what I was like, but they told me the same.” The couple, who have three children aged six, 13 and 14, received their wheelie bins about eight months ago.

Mrs Moores said: “If I start lifting heavy things my back gets worse. I have three children and Robert to look after so I can’t risk injuring myself.

“I am his full-time carer so if I got laid up I don’t know what we would do. “There would be no-one to look after the family. There is a step outside so it is very difficult to lift a heavy bin down.” Blackpool Council says when Mr Moores originally applied for the assisted collection service, he did not inform them his wife was also physically unable to move the bins. Householders who are disabled or elderly can apply for the assisted collection service and will be visited for an assessment.

But they do not qualify if there is an able-bodied person living at the address who can put the bins out. If someone qualifies for assisted collection, it means the binmen can go on to their property to collect the bin for emptying, before returning it. Julian Kearsley, Blackpool Council’s executive director for business services, said: “When we visited Mr and Mrs Moores to see if they were eligible for the assisted collection we asked if there were any physical reasons why Mrs Moores couldn’t take the bin out.

“We were not informed of any reason why she couldn’t.” Now, though, the authority has made a U-turn and the Moores will receive assisted collection.

“We understand some people are unable to wheel their bins out for collection and will happily provide a service to help them,” Mr Kearsley added.

“Since becoming aware of the fact that she has a bad back we were happy to reassess our decision and they are now eligible for the assisted collection.”


Just an afterthought.  These bins have wheels and can be rolled. Surely kids 13 and 14 can handle that.  I don’t know.  Brother and I used to cart out those old corrugated metal trash bins in the old days. They were shorter of course. One on each side with a handle.  Trash back then picked up every week but nothing separated as these days. These new bins they have here though even with wheels can get heavy especially when loaded with two weeks worth of newspapers as is in our case.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/06/2009 at 09:58 AM   
Filed Under: • OutrageousStoopid-PeopleUK •  
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calendar   Thursday - April 02, 2009

Revealed: The horrific moment the Taliban flog girl, 17, in chilling ‘punishment’ regime.

And this is exactly what these sub-humans want for us in the west people.

There are a couple more pix but grainy.

By Debra Killalea
Last updated at 7:24 PM on 02nd April 2009

This is the chilling moment a 17-year-old Pakistani girl is punished in a horrific flogging by Taliban militants for being seen with a man who is not her husband.

The girl, who received 37 lashes at the hands of her brother and Taliban forces, has sent shockwaves throughout the once stable Swat Valley region.

The mobile phone footage shows the girl pinned down by two men while a third whips her as she begs for mercy.

‘Please stop it,’ the girl begs as the men, one of whom is believed to be her brother, continue their sickening act.


But some claim the commander ordered the flogging to get revenge after the girl refused to accept a marriage proposal.

Pashtun documentary maker Samar Minallah, who lived in Swat for two years in the late 1990s, handed the footage to the media.

The footage has sparked alarm across Pakistan and the west, which fears the Taliban is seeking to extend its influence across the region.

The girl in the video, named as Chaand, was punished in Matta in the Swat Valley.

She did not receive a trial and was punished according to the suspicious of one neighbour.

Ms Minallah said the incident had taken place within the last 10 days, following the signing of a peace deal between the provincial government and militants which saw them gain control of the valley’s judicial system.

She said the video is being circulated because the Taliban wanted people to see it.

‘They want to give the message that this is taking place after the peace deal because this is something they ideologically believe in,’ she said.

Journalists and human rights workers have confirmed the video was recent, but could not say exactly when it was taken.

Human rights officials also claim that the Taliban have committed many atrocities since the peace deal was signed with officials settling disputes ‘according to their whims.’

Mingora, the largest city in Swat district, has been under a mixture of traditional and Islamic law since the peace deal was signed on February 15.

Although the Taliban do not control the courts, they continue to carry out punishments in some regional areas.

The punishment is not the first to be dished out since the peace deal was signed with some sources claiming women have been whipped for harmless activities such as shopping.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/02/2009 at 03:24 PM   
Filed Under: • CrimeJack Booted ThugsOppressionOutrageousReligionRoPMATerrorists •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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