Sarah Palin knows how old the Chinese gymnasts are.

calendar   Wednesday - March 16, 2005

Re-Defining “Rinse and Spit”

I have just one word to describe this:  NASTY!!!!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/16/2005 at 06:54 AM   
Filed Under: • Health-MedicineOutrageous •  
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Required Reading For Liberals and America-Haters

I would like all liberals and America haters to go here and then join their organization.  This group is especially fitting for all you enviornmental wack-jobs out there commonly referred to as granola munching, Birkenstock wearing, patchouli smelling, tree hugging, Gaia loving, long haired, dope smoking crowd who think man is ruining the planet. Their motto is right up your alley.

Then read their guidelines carefully.  Take note of the different catergories and then choose the one that best fits your lifestyle.  being a liberal America hater you probably won’t own a gun so I recommend ingestion of Drano followed imediately by a ritual disemboweling (remember to place a plastic sheet on the floor to minimize the mess!)

I thank you.  The BMEWS readership thanks you, and your country thanks you, too.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/16/2005 at 06:36 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsOutrageous •  
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calendar   Tuesday - March 15, 2005

Kill All The Lawyers (Part 2)

Right here in little ole’ Tampa we have another gross miscarriage of justice.

Parents allow their 16 year old jagoff son to stay out all night.  He goes clubbing.  For some reason he’s in this parking garage and an argument breaks out.  He dies.

The parents are no pillars of society themselves.  She’s a mental case and the father (after 5 years, mind you) still wears his SON’S clothes and cologne.

However, a jury awarded them $1.2 MILLION for pain and suffering.  The guilty party?  The garage owner for not having enough lights!!  In some bizarre mathematical calculation the garage was 20% responsible, the club 40%, the mother 25% and the father 15%.  Yet only the garage got sued.  Not the club.

Can anyone guess why?  (hint: follow the money)

This is an absolute abomination!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/15/2005 at 07:09 AM   
Filed Under: • Judges-Courts-LawyersOutrageousStoopid-People •  
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You Had To See This Coming

We now have a motive for the multiple slayings in Atlanta last week, according to the Atlanta Journal. It seems that Brian Nichols was an oppressed African-American ....

Brian G. Nichols considered himself a “soldier on a mission” the day he terrorized a courthouse and a city with a gun, according to a law enforcement official who witnessed Nichols’ first statement to authorities.

The official said Nichols, who was being tried in a rape case when Friday’s deadly shooting spree occurred, considered himself a wrongly accused man in a legal system unfair to African-Americans.

After his capture Saturday afternoon, Nichols gave a three-hour statement to local, federal and state law enforcement agents at FBI headquarters in DeKalb County.

In an interview with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the official said Nichols described how he had been stewing in jail while awaiting retrial on charges that he held his ex-girlfriend hostage and sexually assaulted her. The first jury couldn’t agree and the judge declared a mistrial.

Nichols said he was angry that many of the inmates around him were also black and he wondered how many were innocent.

“He called it systematic slavery,” the law enforcement official said.

OK, everyone .... repeat after me ....


imageDang! That one broke my Bullshit Detector!


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/15/2005 at 04:02 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - March 10, 2005

In The News:  Morons, Weirdos, Great Stuff

bat We need go no further to discover why so many kids are so fucked up and incapable of dealing with the harsh realities of life.

Kid has summer school.  Three assignments are part of the requirement for this HONORS class.  Kid’s father SUES the school because it’s not fair to assign homework during vacation!!!

Judge over rules and whacks the father for basically being stupid. 

What the judge should have done was sterilize the father and son and hope no further pro-creation took place.

bat What do you bet this kid’s parents will stand up for him?  And how the hell did they know it was him?  He sent them anonymously. Cum and get ‘em!!!!  Frozen treats!!!

bat Star Trek and tank protection.  Israel demonstrated

an invisible “shield” that surrounds an armored vehicle protecting it from anti-tank missiles and neutralizing them before they reach their target.

Fact or science fiction?

FACT. Those wiley Jews are at it again!

bat Hey, this guy has a sick sense of humor AS WELL AS a sick perversion.  Check out the name of the road where he was caught.  And check out the name of the road he lives on.  He’s “BENT” alright!

bat Fascinating.  Simply fascinating.  A treasure trove of bronze-age cargo was found off Devon, in England.  Considering the trade that went on it would be extraordinarily interesting to have a re-enactment video or a book describing how life was 3500 years ago in a trading community.  I’ll bet everyone smelled really badly, conditions were horrid, food sucked and the rich lived almost as badly as the poor except they had more food and more furs.  But they still stank!

bat For our Kiwi pals....isn’t this close to where you are?  Must have been a small boat.  Too bad fishermen aren’t armed.  They’d have a nice trophy to hang off the bowsprit.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/10/2005 at 07:36 AM   
Filed Under: • EducationHistoryOutrageousScience-Technology •  
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calendar   Wednesday - March 09, 2005


Did you know that this is “STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN WEEK”?

What I want to know is:

1.  Do they mean stop the week called violence against women in which we’d then assume it IS “VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN” week and men go around beating up women this week (which they want to stop?)

Wouldn’t that be like asking, “Have you stopped beating your wife?” There’s no right answer!  grin

2.  If this is truly a week dedicated to stopping violence against women does it mean we can start up beating them up again next week?  Does it apply only to this week.

Inquiring minds want to know.

Sorry, but this is nothing but a bunch of politically correct horseshit, bullshit, femi-nazi shit and pure chickenshit.

Check out this “pulled out of their anus” quote:

Nearly three quarters (72%) believe that violence against women—defined as domestic violence; acts of sexual assault, such as rape; stalking; and, verbal, physical, and emotional abuse...receives too little attention.

What they don’t tell you is what defines “verbal and emotional abuse.” I’ll be willing to bet that if a guy habitually forgets his wife’s birthday or yells at her after she’s been nagging him to clean out the garage and he wants to watch football---well, that’s probably considered emotional or verbal abuse to these dames.

Here’s another little turd nugget:

Approximately seven in ten women (77%) and men (64%) said they know or have known someone in an abusive relationship and approximately six in ten say that they know a woman who has been sexually assaulted.

Well, DUH!!!!!!!!!  I know lots of women.  I also know one who’s been assaulted.  Many other people know her, too.  Just what the fuck does a statistic like that prove?  It’s like asking the question: “how many people do you need to get through to talk to the President?” Hell, I can do it with 1 phone call.  But does that mean anything?  No! Yet the way it is written one is supposed to come to the conclusion that over 60% of women have been assaulted.  Again, to those who use their brains, this won’t happen but we have too many sheeple out there who will remember that statistic.  Oh, and funny how they say that “approximately 7 in 10” yet use a number like 64.  When I was in school you rounded UP with 5 or higher.  In this case it should be “6 in 10.”

I couldn’t read any more.  My pistol was nearby and I was afraid I’d shoot my monitor.

Go get enraged yourself.  Maybe I missed something.  I doubt it.

You gotta love the title of the site:  MANHUNT.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/09/2005 at 01:11 PM   
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Weird Wednesday

bat Natural selection strikes again.  Four guys enter a tequila drinking contest.  One drinks 50 shots. The others a bit less.  One died.

Good.  Let’s hope he didn’t procreate before he kicked off.

bat Remember Bobby Fischer, the chess whiz?  He’s in Japan awaiting extradition to the US.  He apparently didn’t like his breakfast He’s in solitary.

I wonder if they gave him a chess board for companionship?•••

bat Before you go to the library you better take a shower.

bat I’ve always known that animals lick their cuts and bruises in order to make them better.  Something about the salvia containing some sort of amino acids (or something) that inhibit bleeding and promote healing.

But if you are a football player and cut your knee do you want your coach licking it? YECH!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/09/2005 at 06:09 AM   
Filed Under: • InsanityOutrageousStoopid-People •  
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calendar   Monday - March 07, 2005

GROSS Miscarriage Of Justice

This is absolutely, completely, entirely wrong in many ways.

A CONVICTED rapist is given a lighter sentence because the judge felt:

“the man was a renowned professor who did “important work” with victims of stroke and brain injuries.”

WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!

Do we all of a sudden have a shortage of professors in this country who do this sort of stuff?

At what point do we allow exceptions like this?  If he were one of only three astro-physicists alive studying a way to move an asteroid about to hit the earth, I’d say, “sure, go ahead, give him a lighter sentence but he’d have an ankle bracelet and a penis collar both tied to a GPS to monitor his location and be required to phone in his location every hour while at work.  After work---back to the slammer so he could be someone else’s butt-buddy.”

This reminds me of the policy in place in Antarctica:  if you are involved in a fight you are fired and sent home on the next aircraft-----unless you are a member of an elite trades class.  But if you are a janitor, warehouse person, cook, driver, admin pukes, you know, the expendable class, then you’re OUTTA THERE!!!

So........under what conditions should THIS buttwipe have been given a lighter sentence?  And what about that judge?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/07/2005 at 06:32 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeOutrageous •  
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calendar   Saturday - March 05, 2005

For Women Only (I guess)

Ladies, feeling like your uterus fell out?  Is sex not pleasurable any more?  Lost feeling “down there?” Feeling “loose?”

Well, this may be for you!!!

(Aw, hell, come on, how else could I intro a story like this?)

Hat tip: AlanS


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/05/2005 at 08:01 AM   
Filed Under: • OutrageousScience-Technology •  
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calendar   Thursday - March 03, 2005

What Democrats Really Stand For

Sorry it’s taken me so long to post this but had to run over to the parents’ to deal with a small emergency.

I found it on Best of the Web and also heard Rush talking about it.

I hope James Taranto does not sue me but I’ve cut and pasted what’s on his site right here for you.

Prepare yourselves for the unveiling and revealing of what Democrats in this country are all about.  Namely, that they hate America and would rather things go bad for her so that they could look good.  If it’s good for Bush, America or the Republicans, it’s bad news.  If it’s bad for America, Bush or the Republicans, then it’s great news for the media and Democraps. You think I am bullshitting you?

Read on to see what happened on Jon Stewart’s show when he had a Clinton appointee, Nancy Soderberg, on his show peddling her America hating bullshit.  Duct-tape your head together so that in case it explodes all the pieces will be nearby.  Also, remove sharp objects from your sight and by all means, do not have a gun handy (it’s not your monitor’s fault!!!)

Stewart: This book--it talks about the superpower myth of the United States. There is this idea, the United States is the sole superpower, and I guess the premise of the book is we cannot misuse that power--have to use it wisely, and not just punitively. Is that--

Soderberg: That’s right. What I argue is that the Bush administration fell hostage to the superpower myth, believing that because we’re the most powerful nation on earth, we were all-powerful, could bend the world to our will and not have to worry about the rest of the world. I think what they’re finding in the second term is, it’s a little bit harder than that, and reality has an annoying way of intruding.

Stewart: But what do you make of--here’s my dilemma, if you will. I don’t care for the way these guys conduct themselves--and this is just you and I talking, no cameras here [audience laughter]. But boy, when you see the Lebanese take to the streets and all that, and you go, “Oh my God, this is working,” and I begin to wonder, is it--is the way that they handled it really--it’s sort of like, “Uh, OK, my daddy hits me, but look how tough I’m getting.” You know what I mean? Like, you don’t like the method, but maybe--wrong analogy, is that, uh--?

Soderberg: Well, I think, you know, as a Democrat, you don’t want anything nice to happen to the Republicans, and you don’t want them to have progress. But as an American, you hope good things would happen. I think the way to look at it is, they can’t credit for every good thing that happens, but they need to be able to manage it. I think what’s happening in Lebanon is great, but it’s not necessarily directly related to the fact that we went into Iraq militarily.

Stewart: Do you think that the people of Lebanon would have had, sort of, the courage of their conviction, having not seen--not only the invasion but the election which followed? It’s almost as though that the Iraqi election has emboldened this crazy--something’s going on over there. I’m smelling something.

Jon, liberal that he is, gets it.

Soderberg: I think partly what’s going on is the country next door, Syria, has been controlling them for decades, and they [the Syrians] were dumb enough to blow up the former prime minister of Lebanon in Beirut, and they’re--people are sort of sick of that, and saying, “Wait a minute, that’s a stretch too far.” So part of what’s going on is they’re just protesting that. But I think there is a wave of change going on, and if we can help ride it though the second term of the Bush administration, more power to them.

Stewart: Do you think they’re the guys to--do they understand what they’ve unleashed? Because at a certain point, I almost feel like, if they had just come out at the very beginning and said, “Here’s my plan: I’m going to invade Iraq. We’ll get rid of a bad guy because that will drain the swamp"--if they hadn’t done the whole “nuclear cloud,” you know, if they hadn’t scared the pants off of everybody, and just said straight up, honestly, what was going on, I think I’d almost--I’d have no cognitive dissonance, no mixed feelings.

Soderberg: The truth always helps in these things, I have to say. But I think that there is also going on in the Middle East peace process--they may well have a chance to do a historic deal with the Palestinians and the Israelis. These guys could really pull off a whole--

Stewart: This could be unbelievable!

Soderberg:---series of Nobel Peace Prizes here, which--it may well work. I think that, um, it’s--

Stewart: [buries head in hands] Oh my God! [audience laughter] He’s got, you know, here’s--

Soderberg: It’s scary for Democrats, I have to say.

Ain’t that the truth, bitch!!!

Stewart: He’s gonna be a great--pretty soon, Republicans are gonna be like, “Reagan was nothing compared to this guy.” Like, my kid’s gonna go to a high school named after him, I just know it.

Soderberg: Well, there’s still Iran and North Korea, don’t forget. There’s hope for the rest of us.

UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE!!!!!!  Can you believe that?  This C**T actually hopes things go bad for us in Iran and Korea just to embarrass the President.  She could give a shit less about America.

Stewart: [crossing fingers] Iran and North Korea, that’s true, that is true [audience laughter]. No, it’s--it is--I absolutely agree with you, this is--this is the most difficult thing for me to--because, I think, I don’t care for the tactics, I don’t care for this, the weird arrogance, the setting up. But I gotta say, I haven’t seen results like this ever in that region.

Soderberg: Well wait. It hasn’t actually gotten very far. I mean, we’ve had--

Stewart: Oh, I’m shallow! I’m very shallow!

Soderberg: There’s always hope that this might not work. No, but I think, um, it’s--you know, you have changes going on in Egypt; Saudi Arabia finally had a few votes, although women couldn’t participate. What’s going on here in--you know, Syria’s been living in the 1960s since the 1960s--it’s, part of this is--

See?  There she goes again!!  Hoping for failure at the risk of American lives.

Stewart: You mean free love and that kind of stuff? [audience laughter] Like, free love, drugs?

Soderberg: If you’re a terrorist, yeah.

Stewart: They are Baathists, are they--it looks like, I gotta say, it’s almost like we’re not going to have to invade Iran and Syria. They’re gonna invade themselves at a certain point, no? Or is that completely naive?

Soderberg: I think it’s moving in the right direction. I’ll have to give them credit for that. We’ll see.

Stewart: Really? Hummus for everybody, for God’s sakes.

So, what do you think?  A stoning, perhaps?  A plaque of locusts to crawl up her ass and eat her from the insides?  What is appropriate for this piece of shit who calls herself an American?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/03/2005 at 01:47 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsOutrageous •  
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calendar   Wednesday - March 02, 2005


I shit you not.

tune  tune
Tie me kangaroo down sport,
tie me kangaroo down.
Tie me kangaroo down sport,
tie me kangaroo down.

-- Rolf Harris (1960)


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/02/2005 at 02:55 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - March 01, 2005

Jail House Innovation

ou’re in jail.  In the cell next to you is a woman (yes, co-ed jails) who you are attracted to---and she to you.

Problem is, there’s a wall between you.

But hell, you’re a Turk.  You’re horny.  And she’s prettier than the goat fucker on the other side of you.

So you resolve to make a hole in the wall, “just so” high.

The wall is only 3.6 inches thick.

You look down at your crotchatorial area, do a little measuring and come (no pun intended---yet) to the conclusion that this could work.

She scootches up to the hole, you carefully insert “joey” so as not to abrade him on the concrete and, well, you get the picture.

Nine months later you have a third inmate.

The jail, by the way, gives you both 4 more months and makes you pay about $56 for damaging the wall.

True story.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/01/2005 at 07:22 AM   
Filed Under: • Outrageous •  
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calendar   Monday - February 28, 2005

There She Goes ….

.... “Miss HIV Stigma Free”.

What the f**k? Did I read that right?

Yes, in Botswana, which has one of the highest AIDS infection rate in the world with a third of the population infected. And these fucktards are having a freaking beauty pageant and all contestants must be AIDS-infected women?


“We are saying here we are, we are HIV positive and it doesn’t mean it’s the end of the line,” 33 year old reigning Miss HIV Kgalalelo Ntsepe told Reuters in her cluttered one room cottage, where she displays trophies of her win in 2003.

No, what it means is that Miss Ntsepe will be dead as a doornail in a few years because she had unsafe unprotected sex in a country where men consider condom use as demeaning to their manhood. Some of these men even go so far as to believe superstitions that condoms cause impotence.


“It may just be a pageant, but it is important because it brings together people with HIV who are open about their status,” said Brad Ryder, spokesman for the African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Programme.

FOR GOD’S SAKE! They don’t need a pageant. They need an education .. or a good solid whack up side of their head. Can you imagine Europeans in 14th century Paris or London having a “Miss Black Plague Pageant”? Strutting across the stage with their flesh rotting and falling off in chunks? Me neither.

Most of the problems we are seeing in the world today are caused by people who are still living in the 11th century instead of the 21st. They are guided by superstition and fleshly pursuits with no regard for the consequences of their actions. They are stupid as hell and show no sign of wanting to get smart any time soon. Whether it’s Arab terrorists blowing themselves up to get their virgins or idiots in Africa screwing anything that moves, it’s all the same. The world is currently suffering from an epidemic of stoopid.

And in the long, terrible story of human history stoopid has killed more people than all other causes of death combined. And that’s a fact. How do we treat people infected with stoopid? We don’t. We simply clear a wide space around them and stand clear while they remove their defective DNA from the gene pool.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 02/28/2005 at 11:39 AM   
Filed Under: • OutrageousStoopid-People •  
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calendar   Saturday - February 26, 2005

Bully For Him!!!

I am glad this guy won!  Can you imagine a woman pulling this on you:

Woman:  hey big boy!  Had a bad day at the office?  Come here and let me “unwind you.”

She pulls you close, pulls down your trousers and proceeds to kneel in front of you.  (I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.)

Woman leaves for bathroom, spits into a cup and places it in the freezer.

Two weeks later you quarrel and leave her.

She goes to the freezer, takes the contents to a fertility clinic and gets impregnated.

Two years later you get sued for child support.  And YOU LOSE AND MUST PAY!!!!!

That’s basically what happened here.

I hope he sues the shit out of her.  And I hope some judge has the decency to revoke the requirement he pay child support for a child he did not willingly create.  And then I hope the self-same judge orders her to pay him back all the child support he’s already paid in, plus interest.

Of course, her lawyer whines and says:

“There’s a 5-year-old child here.  Imagine how a child feels when your father says he feels emotionally damaged by your birth.”

No asshole, how about imaging you as a fraud?  And a despicable one at that because that’s what you are.

What say you?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 02/26/2005 at 08:05 AM   
Filed Under: • Judges-Courts-LawyersOutrageous •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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