Sarah Palin is the reason compasses point North.

calendar   Saturday - April 05, 2008

More proof that Drugs Rot the Brain

Snoop Dogg Blasts Obama

AP Photo/Jason DeCrow

Hip-hop star Snoop Dogg has launched a scathing attack on U.S. presidential hopeful Barack Obama, accusing him of gleaning support from the Ku Klux Klan.

The rapper, real name Calvin Broadus Jr., insists the Democratic candidate has received funding from the KKK.

He tells the Guardian, “The KKK gave Obama money. They was (sic) one of his biggest supporters ... Why wouldn’t they be? The media won’t tell you that. They don’t want you to know that. They just want you to know that this [bleep] befriended this other [bleep] who be (sic) threatening your values.

“But we all know all presidents lie to get into [bleep] office. That’s they (sic) job.”

But Snoop insists Obama will still emerge victorious in the upcoming presidential elections. He adds, “In America’s eyes, that mutha[bleep]’s gonna be president ‘cos (John) McCain can’t [bleep] with him. Hillary (Clinton) can’t [bleep] with him. He’s winning over white people, white ladies.”

Up next Willie Nelson saying that Hillary is being supported by the Black Panther Party....

There may be many things that are marks on Obama.. but the claim that he is being supported by the KKK seems a bit out there and possibly only a position somebody totally wasted on drugs could come up with....


Posted by Infinity   United States  on 04/05/2008 at 10:32 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - March 15, 2008

Told ya so!

We are a nation of voyeurs, we are fascinated with people who are famous for being famous, criminals are our heroes, and being a prostitute is a great ticket to fame and fortune.

“Kristen" making an instant fortune

Just a day after the Spitzer scandal broke, the world learned the identity of his favorite prostitute. The “sex worker” of this “victim-less crime” has not been charged with anything. Far from it. imageAshley Dupre is making money faster than the banks can handle the deposits. Make hay while the sun shines, ho, because it may not last. OTOH, watch her win next season’s American Idol, or become a well compensated Talking Head for the news media, like Heidi Fleiss did, whenever they need an Insider’s View on the world of pimps and hookers. Wanna bet the news shows will go out of their way to run those kinds of stories just so they “need” her input?

imageShe made the cover of today’s NY post. Her simplistic dance mix song is selling so well she’s put up another one. And the price has tripled! The Post reports that FoxNews reports that she her tunes have been downloaded over a million times at 98 cents a pop. Rumors are rampant that a high dollar spread with Penthouse magazine are in the works. TV news shows say that she has been offered at least $100,000 by one of the gossip magazines to do an interview. She’ll be on Larry King before you know it ... which should be a hilarious interview to watch. This is exactly what I said would happen when her identity was revealed the other day. I would not be at all surprised if she suddenly becomes an actress and gets her own TV show, though pairing her as Charlie Sheen’s latest love interest on Two and a Half Men would seem ironically appropriate. And another strange news item ... talking head and former pimp Jason Itzler claims he recruited her and that she is “one of the best hookers ever”. Put that one on your resume Ashley, I’m sure you’ll go far.

What does this say about us as a culture? It is all just meaningless fun, the naughty thrill of the moment, or have we gone downhill so far that this is only a small example of how close to the edge we really are? I just don’t know any more. But I’m sure several of you can get past the pictures of a pretty girl and think up a response. It’s all moonbattery to me, and I admit to sharing the fascination too. How does this happen?

Update: Wow, this almost makes me feel like I can see the future. It looks like getting missy here to work with Charlie Sheen would actually be a reunion. And he left Denise Richards back at home for this. The world is nuts.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 03/15/2008 at 02:03 PM   
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calendar   Thursday - March 06, 2008

No, George, No! Bad Monkey!!

Bush Overrides Congress, Will Transfer Cash to Palestinian Authority

File this one under “WTF is going on?”.

( US President George W. Bush announced Tuesday that he would override a congressional ban and transfer $150 million to the Palestinian Authority.

The United States has committed more than $500 million in aid money to the PA for 2008, but concerns about terrorism and corruption have caused Congress to ban direct money transfers to the Authority. Bush spokesmen said it is “crucial” to shore up PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and to prevent the financial collapse of the PA.

President Bush has proposed a sixfold increase in aid to the Palestinians, including $150 million in direct cash transfers to the Palestinian Authority, in an effort to bolster the government in advance of a Middle East peace conference planned for later this month in Annapolis.

The $435 million in additional aid, on top of $77 million requested earlier this year, has attracted little notice in the president’s $45.9 billion supplemental request last week to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But, if approved, it would constitute the administration’s largest amount of direct aid to the Palestinian Authority. Previously, the administration had limited cash transfers to $50 million at a time.

Since Hamas seized Gaza, the Bush administration has sought to demonstrate support for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and new Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. The Annapolis conference is designed to show that the Fayyad government is on track to create a Palestinian state, with the backing of Arab leaders, and State Department officials said the money sought by Bush is designed to signal that substantial aid will flow to leaders who reject terrorism.

The aid request “supports a critical and immediate need to support a new Palestinian Authority (PA) government that both the U.S. and Israel view as a true ally for peace,” the State Department said in its detailed justification for the aid request, which was sent to Congress yesterday. The “funds would provide immediate, demonstrable improvements in the lives of Palestinians by supporting the PA’s efforts to extend the rule of law, achieve economic revival, improve governance, and avoid a fiscal crisis.”

No no no no no!! Every bit of cash you give them will be used to buy weapons and pay off corrupt officials. Who do you think you’re fooling with this BS? Hell, you aren’t even fooling yourself anymore:

The budget justification said the $150 million cash transfer would help the Palestinian government avert “an immediate fiscal crisis,” while $130 million more in project assistance would help create “immediate employment opportunities” that would demonstrate “moderates can deliver jobs and provide hope for a better economic future.”

An additional $40 million would be devoted to improving the administration of Palestinian ministries, $10 million would be used to provide security for experts overseeing the project assistance, $25 million is aimed at narcotics enforcement, and $25 million would be devoted to training Palestinian forces loyal to Abbas. Also, $20 million would be used to make “immediate improvements” in delivering health care at government clinics. The remaining $35 million would help refugees.

“An immediate fiscal crisis”. What the hell does that mean? Nobody over there has a job. They don’t do anything, they don’t make anything. They run the place on donated money. So where’s the crisis? Are they behind on Kasaam payments to Syria? Are the terrorist martyrs brigades itching for a paycheck? Crap. 

Look at some of the breakdown and decipher it:

This is disgusting. Why oh why is the US government doing this? Why does Israel keep turning the water and electricity back on and then handing over millions in taxes to these animals?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 03/06/2008 at 04:02 PM   
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calendar   Saturday - March 01, 2008

Sign of the times

Who Da Baby Daddy?

Sheez. I’m trying to keep this blog light and interesting, but sometimes the “light” part is a real challenge. Get a load of this one:

At-Home Paternity Tests Coming to a Pharmacy Near You

Who needs Maury Povich when paternity tests are now available at Rite Aid, Meijer and other pharmacies for just $29.99?

The Identigene DNA Paternity Test Collection Kit was first rolled out in Washington State, Oregon and California in November last year, according to Rite Aid spokeswoman Ashley Flower. The company continues to evaluate whether it should expand the kits to other states, she said.

According to the Identigene’s Web site, the tests compare genetic information obtained from cheek swabs collected from both the child and the father. The swabs are then sent to the company’s laboratory along with a $119 lab fee. The results are mailed within five business days.

While the tests are believed to be accurate (the company’s Web site says they’re 99 percent accurate), there are some reasons why women and couples may want to consult a professional laboratory for paternity tests
some people, especially married couples, may find the results of paternity tests traumatic.

Gosh, no, really?

Fogg said 60 percent of Identigene’s clients are females. Some users are looking to confirm their own paternity. Almost 30 percent of purchasers buy the test for someone other than themselves, according to the company’s own surveys.

The tests are sold in 1,000 pharmacies nationwide, Fogg said. He said all pharmacies have reported sales and the company is pleased with the interest. The tests are also marketed online and through resellers.

I’m trying so hard not to be an old fart about this. I’m trying really hard to be even handed and not be sexist. But this looks like the Sexual Revolution of the 60s has gone so far that the only thing left is the crows feasting on the eyes of the dead left behind on the battlefield.

Sure, on the one hand it’s really cool that genetic science has progressed to the point that a DNA collection kit can be sold over the counter and a simple test can be quickly and accurately run. The next step would be an “instant” test that would do the job right then and there, without mailing the Qtips in to a lab. Give it a couple years, it’ll happen.

But on the other hand, what does it say about us that such a product exists and is selling so well? Is it the prime example of what Hawthorne would cynically call a “red letter day”? I mean, come on, it was bad enough when Maury and Jerry and all the other sleazebag talk show hosts would drag a bunch of losers out of the hood or the trailer park and subject them to this - oh, plus a makeover - for our beyond-jaded entertainment. But these kits are selling well nationwide. We can no longer sit back in the righteous comfort of our own homes and look down our noses on the human trash on TV. This is everywhere. This is everyone, or it could be. Morality and fidelity are a thing of the past, if they ever really existed at all. “I see it, I want it, I deserve it, I got it”. Actions without consequences, not even thinking about the future until it is far too late.

In a crueller world, picking one of these kits off the store shelf would set off flashing lights and a SLUT ALERT siren. But what’s the point of that anymore, when you’ve got hundreds of thousands of women running to the tattoo parlor to get “tramp stamps” emblazoned on their lower backs, to show off in public, and to give their nameless anonymous mounters (not lovers; there’s no love involved) something to look at while they get it from behind?

We’ve got birth control available in a patch these days. You don’t put the thing on discretely. Hell no, you wear it where it can be seen! You advertise that you’re a free spirited easy lay open to random sexual adventure! It’s cool!! And then one morning you find yourself peeing on a plastic stick and looking for the pink line. And then you decide to be “moral” and have the baby. But still, no worries, you’ve can pick up a little kit in the drug store that will show you who impregnated you. That is, if you can even remember who you’ve been having sex with. If you even knew their names in the first place. And it’s definitely “names”. Plural. You don’t need this kit if you have been fucked by only one guy within the time of your last menstrual cycle. And if you’re going through the boys that fast it isn’t “making love” either. Not by a long shot. My God, the audacity of society, having the nerve to think you would be “true” to just one penis for an entire month. OMFG!!!1! Good thing these kits are available in stores everywhere, right off the shelf. Ooh, I wonder if there’s a coupon in today’s paper? Are they having a Buy One, Get One sale?

We have failed. Utterly. We have raised generations of our daughters without the smallest amount of self respect. No wonder you can’t watch TV for an hour without seeing ads for anti-depression drugs.



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 03/01/2008 at 08:22 AM   
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calendar   Friday - February 22, 2008

HOME OWNER SUED FOR JUNK MAIL …. this really wins some sort of twisted prize!

Got up early as I do every morning, took the morning Telegraph from our mail slot in the front door, took in the milk which they still deliver here to your front door, and many other items offered by the dairy, brought the milk into the kitchen and popped it in the fridge, put some water on the hobb (stove to us yanks)
and opened the paper to the front page.

I haven’t even had my coffee or any other part of breakfast yet.  Soon as I saw this bit of total lunacy ... I had to boot and blog.
Unfreekin’ believababble.  Well, no. It isn’t at all.  Is It?

Home owner sued for junk mail injury
By Richard Alleyne
Last Updated: 2:03am GMT 22/02/2008

A home owner is being threatened with legal action after a woman claimed she trapped her hand in his letterbox while delivering unwanted junk mail.

Joy Goodman, a cake decorator, is seeking damages for personal injury and loss of earnings, claiming the top of her right index finger was severed when she delivered the mail. She claims she needs compensation because she is now unable to carry out her intricate job.

But the home owner vowed to fight the case. Paul O’Brien, 44, a self-employed engineer from Leeds, said: “When I received a solicitor’s letter I thought someone was having a laugh. I actually told them they had sent it early. April Fool’s Day is still six weeks away.

“I just cannot believe someone who came on to my property uninvited, to put junk mail through my door that I didn’t want, can now sue me because they hurt themselves.”

He added: “There is nothing wrong with the letterbox. I haven’t altered it or done anything to it. It’s just like every other letterbox on this estate.”

Mrs Goodman declined to comment, saying only: “It is in the hands of my solicitors.”

A law expert said that householders had limited duties of care to people who went on to their property such as delivery people or postmen.

These duties of care include not having such things as bare electricity cables sticking out, but were not likely to extend to a letterbox providing it was a standard model.

here’s the link >>>


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 02/22/2008 at 02:38 AM   
Filed Under: • Corruption and GreedInsanityJudges-Courts-LawyersNews-BriefsOutrageous •  
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calendar   Wednesday - February 20, 2008


By Simon Heffer

The Telegraph for more from simon

Lesbians - join the Army and make a killing

I fear we have become defeatist about the compensation culture, and I would plead as guilty to this as anyone. It seems the more we protest about absurd wastes of public money, the more public money is absurdly wasted. But no one should keep quiet about the monstrous, unjust and demented award of £400,000 to Lance-Bombardier Kerry Fletcher, a lesbian whose feelings were hurt by a senior NCO.

This pathetic “injury” is valued more highly than those suffered by our brave men, who now qualify for a maximum of £287,000 when their limbs are blown off. I won’t ask the usual question about what sort of society we are living in that behaves in this contemptible way, because, sadly, we know the answer. But I will muse on why anybody - apart from lesbians who want to get rich quick - should join our Armed Forces, when we treat our heroes so shabbily? And what sort of Army will that leave us with?


I kinda think this is a five bat post but will leave it at one because I have a feeling people can get even dumber then this. And will.
And Mr. Heffer asks a valid question at the end.  The answer scares me.


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 02/20/2008 at 04:57 PM   
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calendar   Friday - February 08, 2008

THE 9/11 SUICIDE KILLERS COULD HAVE HAD A “MORAL GOAL” and we shouldn’t think of them “AS EVIL.”

That’s what this worthless walking pile of excrement has said.  He’s said, addressing a group of muslims, that America is worse then Britain in it’s days of empire and refers to something he calls, “Christian Zionism.” He also praises the call to prayer five times a day.

He is The Archbishop of Canterbury!  The top guy in The Church of England.

By now I’m certain this story is all over the blog world and it’s on the BBC in print, on the air and online.  I’m also certain that you’ve already read some of this so I’ll give you the link to the Telegraph version here. >>> There’s a video.

This is the editorial from today’s Telegraph:

Archbishop of Canterbury’s inept intervention
Last Updated: 12:01am GMT 08/02/2008

The Archbishop of Canterbury yesterday used a lecture in the Royal Courts of Justice to propose that sharia law should be applied in certain circumstances. The idea is not as outlandish as it may first appear.

There are already sharia councils in this country to which Muslims turn for advice and religious sanction in matters such as divorce. Likewise, Orthodox Jews have recourse to the Beth Din over, for example, dietary laws, divorce and tenancy disputes.

A further instance of legal sensitivity to religious belief is the ability of Christian doctors to opt out of abortions. So Dr Rowan Williams’s argument that there should be “a constructive accommodation with some aspects of Muslim law” is, to a certain extent, recognition of a situation which already exists.

The problem lies, rather, in the status of the messenger and the timing of his intervention. If there is a case for the creation of sharia courts, it would be better made by a joint group representing the three Abrahamic faiths - Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Coming from the senior bishop in the Church of England, it is vulnerable to interpretation as appeasement of Islamic extremism prompted by fear of social unrest.

As for timing, the lecture was given shortly after threats had been made against one of Dr Williams’s fellow bishops, Dr Michael Nazir-Ali of Rochester, for writing in the Sunday Telegraph that Islamic extremism had turned some communities into no-go areas for non-Muslims. Add to this the growing recognition of the failures of multiculturalism, and you have on the part of the archbishop a classic example of political ineptitude.

Even with more convincing advocacy, the creation of sharia courts in this country faces an uphill battle. In the public mind, sharia is associated with brutal punishment, whether the amputation of hands for theft or stoning for adultery and apostasy.

It is also seen as repressive to women; a journalist in Afghanistan is facing the death penalty for having distributed a report taken off the internet which questions the practice of polygamy. A further obstacle is the opposition to a dual legal system of the Muslim Council of Britain, an organisation not always associated with moderation.

In 2006, it was brought home to Pope Benedict XVI the way in which a supposedly innocuous reference to Islam - a quotation from a 14th-century Byzantine emperor - can create a furore. In the case of the archbishop, it is not so much the idea, as the way it will be interpreted that counts.

Muslim radicals will view it as the bending of the British establishment to fundamentalist pressure; that will hardly make for the social cohesion which lies behind Dr Williams’s thinking. The present informal arrangement of sharia councils is preferable in the current context to their elevation into courts. On this most inflammatory of subjects the archbishop would have best kept silent. At the bottom of the editorial there will be some related articles that explain the “No Go areas mentioned above. 


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 02/08/2008 at 05:02 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - February 06, 2008

Children of foreign millionaire given £30,750 for court battle

Oh to be in England when it’s hand out time. Brits are the most generous ppl on earth.  Their ratepayers give and they give and they give.  And they would give even more but any monies left over are saved for illegal immigrants and those seeking asylum so they can make bomb in peace.

Legal aid for the rich: Children of foreign millionaire given £30,750 for court battle

By NEIL SEARS - More by this author »

Millionaire jeweller Iqbal Mubarik and his wife Aaliya Mubarak could not even agree how to spell their surname so maybe it was no surprise when they divorced.
He was told to pay her almost £5million but, eight years on, he has given her just £266,000 and spent £2million on legal fees trying to hang on to his money.
Even more astonishing is that two of their four children have been given legal aid of £30,750 to defend their interests.

Taxpayers are funding lawyers for the public-school educated children of a millionaire who manages to avoid paying tax and only moved to England ten years ago.

Now haven’t I been tellin’ ya and for how long?  The taxpayer is loaded and there’s plenty more where this came from you betcha.

High Court Judge Sir James Holman, hearing the latest stage of this Bleak House-style legal saga, said the affair was “about as bad a case as it is possible to imagine”.
The judge added that using legal aid for the children was “exquisitely ironical” as their parents “although resident here for tax purposes and liable for English taxation, manage to avoid paying any tax at all”.
In contrast, cuts to the legal aid budget include last month’s ruling that families of soldiers killed in action could not have free legal representation at inquests.
The Mubarik v Mubarak saga began in 1998 when Mr Mubarik, 48, an owner of the Dianoor Group of shops which has an outlet on New Bond Street in London, separated from his wife, 47.

In 1999, he was ordered to pay her a lump sum of £4.875million.
He has since gone to court repeatedly to try to avoid paying.
And as the family’s interest in the Dianoor jewellers is governed by trusts and companies established in the tax havens of Jersey and Bermuda, it is extremely hard to track Mr Mubarik’s money down.  The couple, from India, have four children, aged nine to 22, and for a couple of years the jeweller paid £14,000 a month maintenance.
By May 2005, he was paying only school fees, forcing his wife, who lives in Kensington, West London, to take out loans.

Mr Mubarik, who lives in a £ 2million house in Central London, has claimed he is £2.3million in debt.
But early in the case, he and business colleague Mohammed Wani, 58, were caught presenting false evidence.
The court decided he was worth “numerous millions”, with figures as high as £30million mentioned.
Last year, High Court Judge Sir David Bodey said: “The husband and wife have fought the good fight with all their might at considerable expense.
“The overall costs toll is appalling. It could involve litigation in four or five other countries, as well as here.
“The combined total is unclear, but before long it seems set to head off towards the direction of the amount of the lump sum.”

Even in 2000, Lord Justice Thorpe said it was “little short of tragic folly seemingly intelligent and civilised people should think that is a responsible way to make use of the family justice system”.
By 2004, he was describing the case as “insane”.
Aside from monthly maintenance paid in lieu of interest, Mrs Mubarak has managed to squeeze only £266,000 out of her ex-husband through enforcing the sale of property.  He now owes her about £7million, including legal costs and arrears.

The soaring bill for legal aid has risen to £620million a year for civil cases and £1.2billion for criminal.
Primarily, legal aid is supposed to be directed at people on benefits, or pensioners with an income of less than £289 a month.
A spokesman for the Legal Services Commission said a rule change in April meant similar legal aid payouts were unlikely as the capital and income of parents is now included in assessments.


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 02/06/2008 at 02:23 PM   
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calendar   Monday - February 04, 2008

Female Muslim medics ‘disobey hygiene rules’

OK, Now before anyone gets upset and says naughty things you must remember.  These are muslims and we MUST have empathy and understanding and blah,blah,blah.

Female Muslim medics ‘disobey hygiene rules’
By Julie Henry and Laura Donnelly
Last Updated: 1:51am GMT 04/02/2008

Muslim medical students are refusing to obey hygiene rules brought in to stop the spread of deadly superbugs, because they say it is against their religion.

Women training in several hospitals in England have raised objections to removing their arm coverings in theatre and to rolling up their sleeves when washing their hands, because it is regarded as immodest in Islam.

Universities and NHS trusts fear many more will refuse to co-operate with new Department of Health guidance, introduced this month, which stipulates that all doctors must be “bare below the elbow”.

The measure is deemed necessary to stop the spread of infections such as MRSA and Clostridium difficile, which have killed hundreds.

Minutes of a clinical academics’ meeting at Liverpool University revealed that female Muslim students at Alder Hey children’s hospital had objected to rolling up their sleeves to wear gowns.

Similar concerns have been raised at Leicester University. Minutes from a medical school committee said that “a number of Muslim females had difficulty in complying with the procedures to roll up sleeves to the elbow for appropriate handwashing”.

Sheffield University also reported a case of a Muslim medic who refused to “scrub” as this left her forearms exposed.

Documents from Birmingham University reveal that some students would prefer to quit the course rather than expose their arms, and warn that it could leave trusts open to legal action.

Hygiene experts said last night that no exceptions should be made on religious grounds.

Dr Mark Enright, professor of microbiology at Imperial College London, said: “To wash your hands properly, and reduce the risks of MRSA and C.difficile, you have to be able to wash the whole area around the wrist.

“I don’t think it would be right to make an exemption for people on any grounds. The policy of bare below the elbows has to be applied universally.”

Dr Charles Tannock, a Conservative MEP and former hospital consultant, said: “These students are being trained using taxpayers’ money and they have a duty of care to their patients not to put their health at risk.

Perhaps these women should not be choosing medicine as a career if they feel unable to abide by the guidelines that everyone else has to follow.”

But the Islamic Medical Association insisted that covering all the body in public, except the face and hands, was a basic tenet of Islam.

“No practising Muslim woman - doctor, medical student, nurse or patient - should be forced to bare her arms below the elbow,” it said.

Dr Majid Katme, the association spokesman, said: “Exposed arms can pick up germs and there is a lot of evidence to suggest skin is safer to the patient if

covered. One idea might be to produce long, sterile, disposable gloves which go up to the elbows.”


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 02/04/2008 at 01:07 PM   
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calendar   Sunday - February 03, 2008

Multiple wives ?  No Problem.  If ur muslim the Brit taxpayer will cover it!

Multiple wives ?  No Problem.  If ur muslim the Brit taxpayer will cover it!


Multiple wives will mean multiple benefitsBy Jonathan Wynne-Jones
Last Updated: 2:36am GMT 03/02/2008

Husbands with multiple wives have been given the go-ahead to claim extra welfare benefits following a year-long Government review, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal.

Even though bigamy is a crime in Britain, the decision by ministers means that polygamous marriages can now be recognised formally by the state, so long as the weddings took place in countries where the arrangement is legal.

The outcome will chiefly benefit Muslim men with more than one wife, as is permitted under Islamic law. Ministers estimate that up to a thousand polygamous partnerships exist in Britain, although they admit there is no exact record.

The decision has been condemned by the Tories, who accused the Government of offering preferential treatment to a particular group, and of setting a precedent that would lead to demands for further changes in British law.

Oh yeah ... this will apparently cover Hindus and others.  Great system they’ve developed here.


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 02/03/2008 at 09:07 AM   
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calendar   Friday - January 25, 2008

YESTERDAYS NEWS AND NOTHIN’ IS NEW ..  death for insulting Islam

YESTERDAYS NEWS AND NOTHIN’ IS NEW ..  death for insulting Islam

Afghan journalist gets death for insulting Islam
By David Blair, Diplomatic Editor

Last Updated: 2:30am GMT 24/01/2008

The Taliban-style intimidation of Afghan newspapers came to the surface after a journalist was sentenced to death for distributing an article deemed to have “insulted Islam”.

Sayed Parwez Kaambakhsh’s crime was to have passed around a piece taken from a website questioning why Muslim women cannot have multiple husbands in the same way as their menfolk can legally take four wives.Mr Kaambakhsh, who works for “The New World”, a newspaper in Afghanistan’s northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif, was prosecuted for downloading this article, apparently gleaned from an Iranian website, and distributing it to his friends.On Tuesday, a court found him guilty of “insulting Islam” and sentenced him to death."Based on the crimes Parwez Kaambakhsh committed, the primary court sentenced him to the most serious punishment which is the death penalty,” said Hafizullah Khaliqyar, the province’s deputy attorney general.No lawyer represented Mr Kaambakhsh, 23, during the critical hearing, which appears to have taken place in secret in Mazar-i-Sharif.

The journalist will appeal against the verdict and both Afghan and international campaigners denounced his treatment. “This is unfair, this is illegal,” said Rahimullah Samander, president of the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA). “This is too big for a small mistake - he just printed a copy and looked at this and read it. How can we believe in this ‘democracy’ if we can’t even read, we can’t even study?” The AIJA urged President Hamid Karzai to intervene in the case and quash the death sentence. The penalty must be confirmed by a higher court before it can be inflicted. But campaigners believe that the court’s real motive was not protecting the honour of Islam. Mr Kaambakhsh’s brother, Yaqub Ibrahimi, also works as a journalist and has written a series of reports on atrocities committed by senior politicians in northern Afghanistan.

The authorities may have been trying to silence him by threatening Mr Kaambakhsh’s life. Jean MacKenzie, country director for the Institute for War and Peace Reporting, which trains Afghan journalists, said: “We feel very strongly that this is a complete fabrication on the part of the authorities up in Mazar, designed to put pressure on Parwez’s brother, Yaqub, who has done some of the hardest-hitting pieces outlining abuses by some very powerful commanders in Balkh and the other northern provinces.

“The overthrow of the Taliban in 2001 brought a new era of media freedom in Afghanistan. Dozens of newspapers and television stations have sprung up across the country. In practice, however, the authorities are deeply suspicious of journalists and all media outlets face pressure and harassment. Laws protecting the good name of Islam can often be invoked to stifle press criticism.



Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 01/25/2008 at 08:13 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - January 24, 2008

Three little pigs ‘could offend builders, Muslims’ (DUH award for the year this early in ‘08?)

Somethin’ AWFUL STUPID would have to come along to beat this one for awful damn dumb. When’s it gonna stop? Right, once the West is won. But it doesn’t look as tho it’ll be won by the Brits and europeans.

Three little pigs ‘could offend builders, Muslims’

By Graeme Paton, Education Editor
Last Updated: 3:00am GMT 24/01/2008

A story based on the Three Little Pigs has been rejected by a government quango in case it offends Muslims.

The digital remake of the children’s classic was criticised by Becta, the education technology agency, because “the use of pigs raises cultural issues”.

Officials also attacked the story - called The Three Little Cowboy Builders - for stereotyping the building trade.

The comments were condemned by the computer program’s creator as “a slap in the face”.

It is the latest in a string of bans slapped on seemingly innocuous children’s stories and nursery rhymes.

In the past, Baa Baa Black Sheep has become Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep to satisfy race relations, the Seven Dwarfs have been axed from Snow White to avoid offending the vertically challenged and the ending of Humpty Dumpty has been censored for fear of upsetting sensitive children.

The latest controversy was sparked during an awards ceremony designed to honour the best educational stories, programmes and teaching aids for children.

Dozens of companies submitted entries to the annual BETT awards, led by Becta, which heaped praise on a robot with 67 different manoeuvres, a computer
program which allows children to recreate Jackson Pollock paintings and a game helping pupils to learn French.

But Newcastle-based publishers Shoo Fly were shocked when judges told them that their interactive 3D book was unsuitable for children.

In a feedback form, Becta told the company: “Judges would not recommend this product to the Muslim community in particular.”

They also said that the subject was “questionable for certain groups within the UK” and that “only an exceedingly creative teacher could find this innovative”.

The story for primary school pupils replaces pigs with “cowboy builders” as part of a light-hearted tale designed to spark interest in reading and design
technology skills.

OK wait a damn minute here!  Man I am soooooo frakin sick ‘n’ tired of the constant use of “Cowboy” over here as a term of denigration.  That isn’t to say they were all cub scouts but my read of history does NOT show em to be the wankers, cheats and inefficient bumblers the term implies here. 

Young children are encouraged to read the story and create their own versions using the software.

But its authors were also told that it portrays the building industry in a bad light.

Judges said “retelling a story” was acceptable, but it “should not alienate parts of the workforce”, adding that builders should be “positive” role models for
young children.

“Is it true that all builders are cowboys, builders get their work blown down, and builders are like pigs?” the judges asked.

Anne Curtis, the founder of Shoo Fly, which won a prize at the prestigious Education Resource Awards for the story, said: “The feedback amounted to a verbal assault.

“I feel these criticisms aim to close the minds of teachers and young people to some issues.”

Muslims criticised Becta’s response and insisted that a computer program based on the Three Little Pigs should be welcomed in state schools.

Tahir Alam, the head of education at the Muslim Council of Britain, said: “We are not offended by that at all.”

Yesterday, the quango stood by the verdict, which was made by 70 independent judges, mainly teachers.

A spokesman said: “The feedback makes clear that the issues highlighted were a small selection from a much broader range of comments.”


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 01/24/2008 at 07:05 AM   
Filed Under: • InsanityOutrageousRoPMAStoopid-People •  
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calendar   Tuesday - January 22, 2008

Cops capture “Fish Bomber” terrorist??

via Michelle Malkin and others.

Cops hook another homegrown terrorist?

This is a truly bizarre story. It would be funny as hell if these wasn’t so much danger involved.

A naturalized citizen, Ivaylo Ivanov, tells cops somebody shot his fingertip off. NY cops wonder about that, cuz genius here tells his story to the cops while wearing a bullet proof vest. Cops question him and it turns out he did it to himself. Cops go to the guys apartment in Brooklyn and find an “arsenal” and a pipe bomb factory. Under further questioning it comes out that “9 fingers” Ivanov is the guy who has been vandalizing the local synagogues, even though he claims to be Jewish himself, and was trained by Mossad. He explained to the cops that he was going to use the bombs to go fishing.

Crazy enough? But wait, there’s more! Stoopid shares the apartment with Michael Clatts, a medical anthropologist, who just happens to be an Associate Professor at Columbia U, where he specializes in the study of spread of infectious disease. Clatts can’t be located, but he might be out of the country - either in Puerto Rico, or in Vietnam where he’s researching HIV among young intravenous drug users. Who tend to share needles, you know. Ivanov has a previous arrest record including charges of drug paraphernalia possession, including hypodermic needles. And there’s still more! Ivanov may have been deported a few years back; cops are unsure at this time.

It reads like bad fiction, but it’s true. Anti-Semitic vandalism, fish bombs and AIDS. All discovered due to stupid gun handling. If this Clatt guy is innocent ... IF ... then he really needs to learn to pick better housemates.

NY Times article,
NY Daily News article,
NY Post article 1,
NY Post article 2

Ivanov, who has five prior arrests for petit larceny, was nabbed Sunday morning after accidentally shooting himself in the hand, which was heavily bandaged at his court appearance.

Bloody and sporting a bulletproof vest, he approached two cops on Montague Street.

Cops evacuated a string of posh Brooklyn Heights brownstones yesterday after a cache of weapons - including pipe bombs, sniper rifles and crossbows with arrows - was found in a duplex shared by an ex-con and a prominent AIDS researcher from Columbia University.  A bloodied Ivaylo Ivanov, 31, approached officers at about 1:15 a.m. around the corner from 58 Remsen St., where he lives with his roommate, who is often overseas for work, police sources said.  Ivanov told the cops he had been shot in the hand by a stranger, and he was taken to Long Island College Hospital.
There, he changed his story and admitted he shot himself - apparently while cleaning one of his guns, the sources said.  When cops searched his fourth-floor apartment, they found six pipe bombs, sniper rifles, a handgun, shotguns, a crossbow with arrows, silencers, bomb-making equipment and other weapons - prompting an immediate evacuation of the building and others on the historic, tree-lined block.

The Brooklyn ex-con arrested for stashing an arsenal of weapons in his posh apartment confessed to another crime yesterday - blanketing his neighborhood with swastikas last fall, police said.

The revelation was the latest twist in a bizarre story that features a man who, police said, shot his own finger; a sizable weapons collection, including pipe bombs and a sawed-off shotgun, found in an apartment in one of Brooklyn’s most exclusive neighborhoods; and a prominent H.I.V./AIDS researcher and medical anthropologist, who owns the apartment.  The hate crimes had unsettled local residents, many of whom awoke on the morning of Sept. 25 to find swastikas and other slurs scratched, scrawled and spray-painted on cars, playgrounds, synagogues and building facades. Crude fliers reading “Kill All Jews” were strewn about.  At one point, 20 detectives were assigned to investigate the case, and though they zeroed in on a suspect almost from the start, there was not enough evidence to charge him.  According to a police official, Mr. Ivanov said his acts of vandalism were a result of “bad judgment” and “rage.”

Ivanov told cops he had the arsenal “for his own personal safety,” police said.

Mr. Ivanov told investigators he intended to use the bombs for fishing; but, given his admission that he painted swastikas on synagogues, investigators became concerned he was planning violence.

The relationship between Mr. Ivanov and the owner of his apartment at 58 Remsen Street, Michael C. Clatts, remained unclear on Monday. Mr. Clatts, 50, could not be located, and some who have worked with him said they had no idea who Mr. Ivanov was.  Mr. Clatts’s colleagues at the National Development and Research Institutes, a nonprofit group based in Manhattan, were disbelieving that he could have any connection with wrongdoing. The police said they did not know of any link between Mr. Clatts and Mr. Ivanov’s weapons.  “This does not fit with my knowledge of him,” Don C. Des Jarlais, a research fellow at the agency, said of Mr. Clatts. “He’s an anthropologist.” The police had also not reached Mr. Clatts as of Monday night. He directs the organization’s Institute for International Research on Youth at Risk and is believed to be traveling, one official said. He could be in Puerto Rico, where he is a university professor, or in Vietnam, where he is conducting research on H.I.V. risk among young intravenous drug users, according to a colleague.

Alan Brasunas, a co-op board member at the 58 Remsen St. brownstone, confirmed Clatts owned the apartment and lived there with Ivanov.  “One has to assume Michael must have seen something at one point,” Brasunas said. “It’s not a huge apartment.”


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 01/22/2008 at 12:59 PM   
Filed Under: • InsanityTerrorists •  
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calendar   Monday - January 21, 2008


A couple of weeks ago I posted my story on the Health and Safety lunacy and it’s extremes here in the UK.

Well, here’s some more.  It never ends.

Put away your arms, drama group is told
By Richard Savill

Last Updated: 1:43am GMT 19/01/2008

A village amateur dramatic group performing Robinson Crusoe has had to tell police about the use of plastic swords because of health and safety fears.

The Carnon Downs Drama Group, at Perranwell, Cornwall, must lock up its two plastic cutlasses, six wooden swords and a toy gun when they are not in use and appoint a “responsible guardian” for them.The group said it informed police about the use of replica weapons after studying new health and safety guidelines and new legislation to crack down on violent crime.

Later this month, about 700 people are due to attend six performances of the group’s pantomime, featuring several swashbuckling sword fights A co-director, Linda Barker, said: “In some scenes pirates hit each other with frying pans and saucepan lids but there’s no problem with them."We have got several wooden and plastic swords, two plastic spears and a gun that cost £2 from a joke shop. But now we need to keep them locked away.

“The National Operatic and Drama Association said it supported the new policy because “it enables weapons to be used safely and legally in theatrical performances”.


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 01/21/2008 at 12:15 PM   
Filed Under: • GovernmentHealth-MedicineInsanityStoopid-People •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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