Sarah Palin will pry your Klondike bar from your cold dead fingers.

calendar   Friday - September 05, 2014

brave act by homeowner drives, off three thugs armed with …. his briefcase.  see video at link

This happened in 2010, but the video and reporting has only now surfaced.

What a system.  One of the thugs was sentenced at a “young offenders” institution.
He was 20.  Youth offender? Youth?
Just one of many reasons the so called ‘justice system’ just does not work.

There’s a video at the link of the householder defending and driving off three armed scum.


Take a look.


· Andrew Adamson, 59, returned home to find three burglars inside his house
· Masked intruders armed with crow bars had forced way into Kettering home
· Father-of-three bravely fought off thugs while still dressed in dinner jacket
· He said: ‘I was not just going to let them stand by and ransack my house’

· ’I did what any good husband would do - I wanted to protect my home and protect my wife. There was no way I was going to let them go without a fight’
By Emma Glanfield for MailOnline

This is the incredible moment a brave great-grandfather fought off three crowbar-wielding thugs while still dressed in his dinner suit after he returned home to find his house being burgled.

Businessman Andrew Adamson, 59, was returning home from a social event with his wife Liz, 58, when he noticed his front door had been forced open and three intruders were inside his property.

CCTV footage, taken from an alleyway outside his home in Kettering, Northamptonshire, captured the terrifying incident and shows the three masked suspects threatening Mr Adamson with a 2ft long crowbar.


The shocking footage has been revealed for the first time after two of the three gang members were jailed for the aggravated burglary.
Mr Adamson, whose wife Liz ran for help as soon as she realised the property was being burgled, was still wearing his dinner jacket and carrying a briefcase when he fought off the attackers.

The father-of-three struggled with the men in the alleyway, outside his front door, and didn’t even back down when they threatened him with the crowbar and a razor blade.

Incredibly, he took on all three of the men entirely by himself and managed to eject them from his property one-by-one before they scarpered down the alley.

‘I was not just going to let them stand by and ransack my house - I did what any good husband would do. I wanted to protect my home and protect my wife.
‘There was no way I was going to let them go without a fight. They say an Englishman’s home is his castle - but I think I just acted on instinct.

‘I was not going to let them get away with it - and somehow I managed to turf them all out of the house one by one.’


Another valid reason for ppl to be armed. By which of course I mean guns. The perps are most likely now out and walking around looking for their next victim. How much better it would have been, if this old fellow had a gun and was able to delete all three of the scum. A benefit to society.
He was damn lucky.  There have been numerous cases where the homeowner died and wasn’t even engaged in a fight.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/05/2014 at 06:11 AM   
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calendar   Monday - September 01, 2014



UK: Prosecutor “branded a racist” for prosecuting Muslim rape gang

“I was intimidated and branded a racist for bringing Rochdale abuse gang to justice, says prosecutor,” by Nazir Afzal, Daily Mail, August 31, 2014 (thanks to Blazing Cat Fur):

As the Chief Crown Prosecutor for the North West, I led the teams that brought the so-called Rochdale Grooming Gang to justice in 2012 for abusing up to 47 girls.

My work saw me go up against not only the offenders, but those who tried to intimidate me for bringing abusers before the courts. They said I had given racists a stick with which to beat minorities – I said our communities should be carrying their own sticks.

Far-Right extremists targeted me, too. I had made these British-Asian men pay for abusing vulnerable girls – but that damaged the racists’ narrative that all minorities are the same. To their hateful demands for me to be ‘sacked and deported’, I gave the simple response: I was born in Birmingham.
Nazir Afzal, Chief Crown Prosecutor for the North West, pictured, said he does not care about the race of a child abuser as long as they are stopped and brought to justice. ‘Ethnicity is an issue not the issue’

article in the UK Daily Mail
h/t to Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch via Atlas Shrugs’ Pamela Geller

The word is spreading.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/01/2014 at 03:36 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - August 26, 2014

More Willful Blindness

“This does not appear to be a hate crime.” says Police Chief Tim Brinkley

20 Black Men Beat White Guy Into A Coma

“This is for Michael Brown”

A West Point [Mississippi] man was taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries after he and a friend were attacked by a group of around 20 [male, black] people in a Huddle House parking lot, police said, potentially as retaliation for Michael Brown’s killing.

Ralph Weems IV, who is white, was injured early Saturday but is now in fair condition at North Mississippi Medical Center, hospital spokeswoman Genie Causey said.

A relative, Bradley Barnes of Madison, told The Associated Press by telephone on Sunday that his brother-in-law was in a medically induced coma following brain surgery.

‘They’re going to try and wake him up tomorrow and see what damage was done,’ Barnes said, describing Weems as a 32-year-old former Marine who had served in Iraq.

Police Chief Tim Brinkley told the Clarion-Ledger that 22-year-old Courtez McMillian of Okolona was arrested on Monday evening.

He is being held in the Clay County Detention Center and will be charged with aggravated assault.

Brinkley said other arrests are also pending, and that most, if not all of the assailants appear to come from Monroe County. Detectives are reviewing video footage of the incident.

David Knighten of West Point told AP earlier by phone that he and Weems had gone to a Waffle House early Saturday.

He said a black man waved him over outside the restaurant and told him politely that people were upset by the killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and it wasn’t a safe place for whites.

When he went in, he said, Weems was inside and was arguing with a round seven black men.

They left after an argument that brought police, Knighten said.

Brinkley said a Waffle House employee told officers who answered a 1 a.m. disturbance call that a patron was creating a disturbance and upsetting other patrons.

After he was asked to leave, employees also asked the other patrons to leave, Brinkley said.

Knighten said he showed those officers his .45-caliber handgun and his concealed carry permit.

On the way to Weems’ house, Knighten said, they went into a Huddle House restaurant with a nearly vacant parking lot.

However, he said, they apparently had been followed by a group of more than 20 black men.

Knighten, who said he had served with the Air Force in Afghanistan, said he came out of the restroom to find Weems surrounded.

The story is a bit hard to follow. Two guys go to a restaurant, but in the few seconds it takes the one guy to get told a warning, his buddy is in a big argument inside. The cops come. They leave. They go somewhere else, but a crowd has followed them. So the one guy goes inside to use the bathroom? And then they get tossed out of that second place, but by the time guy #2 (Knighten) is through the door his buddy is already down and beaten half to death. WTF? But he didn’t use, or brandish his legal gun, and he didn’t get the owners of restaurant #2 to call the police ... no, the 2 of them just went out into a crowd of 20 wound up black guys? And it took Knighten that much extra time to go through the door that his pal was already down?

Go read the rest of the story, and see if it makes any sense to you. BUT it says in no uncertain terms that the crowd of goons was yelling for revenge for Michael Brown. But oh no, this can’t be a hate crime. Only if you’re a shit-filled leftist who defines “hate crime” as something perpetrated by whites on other races. PS - Chief Brinkley is Black.

Knighten told reporters he was trying to diffuse the situation [at the 2nd restaurant]. When a security guard told everyone to leave, Knighten said he was blocked from getting to Weems, who was on the ground being kicked by a group of people. Knighten said others then attacked him.

“I do remember racial slurs being yelled from the crowd,” he told the Associated Press.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/26/2014 at 06:21 PM   
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calendar   Saturday - August 23, 2014

gak Fest

Another article over at DailyBeast ... sure seems to be plenty of liberal leaning at this place ...

USA Today examined FBI data and found that nearly two times a week, every week for the seven years between 2005 and 2012, a white police officer killed a black person. Imagine if the opposite were true. Imagine if every single week, twice a week, white men and women all across America were being shot and killed by black police officers, it would be a national crisis.

Golly. Imagine if a different newspaper were to examine that same FBI data and found that more than 4 times an hour, once every 14 minutes, year after year on average, a black man sexually assaults a white woman. Imagine, that once every 63 minutes, every day, all year long, year after year, a black person murders a white person here in America.  Would that be a national crisis too?

Or would it be [crickets] not even worth mentioning [/crickets]?

Just trying for some perspective, to give me a firmer footing while I consider whether I can empathize with the Blacks around Ferguson, as the article above asks me to. And you know, I think I can.

Not counting any other kind of assault, robbery, or other felony, rape and murder alone account for 840 severe violent crimes committed by black people against white people every single week. And that’s just whites. So the total weekly number of crimes committed by blacks must be in the thousands. Tens of thousands. (the number of crimes committed by whites every week also numbers in the thousands, I’m sure) And one or two of those offenders manages to get shot by the police, whether they have engaged in a gun battle with the police or not (a bit of data left out of the DB article entirely, but more than likely available via the FBI). 

Sure I can empathize.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/23/2014 at 09:43 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - August 20, 2014

And So The Mill Churns

Does it now grind out truth, or just more rumor?

UPDATE: Now he doesn’t! “No torn eye socket” according to CNN here. But he did have a swollen face. And around we go again.


You did see yesterday’s report that officer Wilson had an orbital floor fracture, right? That means something hit him so hard it broke his face bones below his eye. Not that we were shown his bruised up picture or his X-ray.

Proceed with caution, but follow this link.

h/t to Vilmar


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/20/2014 at 02:10 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - August 19, 2014

here we go again?

St. Louis City police shoot, kill knife-wielding suspect

St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson says officers warned a suspect multiple times to put down his weapon before they shot and killed him.

The shooting happened around 1 p.m. Tuesday at McLaran and Riverview.  Police say the suspect tried to rob the Six Star Market convenience store with a knife.  Chief Sam Dotson said the store owner let the man leave the store.  A St. Louis City Alderwoman witnessed the man walking erratically around and called police.

When officers arrived, the suspect refused to put down weapon despite multiple verbal command by police.  Chief Sam Dotson says the man yelled at officers “shoot me now” several times. Witnesses also confirmed what the man said.

Dotson says the man continued to refuse the officer’s commands, approached within three to four feet of them with the knife in an attack posture.

Both officers opened fire on the suspect killing him.  No officers were injured.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/19/2014 at 04:56 PM   
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Ferguson Still

There is no other News but Ferguson, and MSNBC is it’s prophet.

Well, no, that’s not completely fair, but it’s fairly close. All the networks seem to be zeroed in on this story, to the exclusion of almost all else.

And now Governor Nixon has brought in the National Guard.  And now, while the “10 days in August” continues, overnight violence has lead to the arrest of 31 ne’er-do-wells, and the story in the press starts to turn toward the police’s version of events as one, or perhaps more than a dozen witnesses corroborate the shooting officer’s view: the giant Brown rushed him, and would not stop. Naturally “the other side” now claims these are created witnesses, because their story didn’t hit the media first thing. Well, perhaps it did, but nobody was listening at the time.

“Josie” claimed when Wilson opened the door to get out of the police car, “Michael slammed his door shut.” Brown, according to “Josie,” then “bum rushes him, punches him in the face.” She said at one point Brown “got the gun totally turned against his hip,” and “Darren shoves it away and the gun goes off.”

“Josie” claimed Brown and Johnson started running away and, following protocol, Wilson pursued them while they were 35 feet ahead of him and yelled, “Freeze.” She said Brown then started taunting Wilson by saying,”Oh, what are you going to do about it? You’re not going to shoot me.”

“All of a sudden, he just started to bum rush him, he just started coming at him full speed,” the caller claimed, “And he just started shooting and he just started coming. He really thinks he was on something.”

The caller claimed that Wilson thought “it was unbelievable” and that his “final shot was in the forehead.” Brown then allegedly fell about two to three feet in front of Wilson. “Josie” said Brown was not shot in the back, contrary to initial reports. An eyewitness at the scene has also said that Brown “doubled back” to charge the officer before he was shot and killed.

ONE ... count him; one ... one media talking head may have realized that the media is a culprit here to a very large extent. And that “media” includes new and old, mainstream and backwater.

Former CNN anchor and Fox News Channel’s “MediaBuzz” host Howie Kurtz criticized some outlets for creating “almost a lynch mob mentality” in Ferguson, MO in the wake of the shooting death of Michael Brown.

“Some liberal outlets [are] creating almost a lynch mob mentality around this, the Huffington Post today, screaming banner headline ‘Arrest Him.’ Now, the Huffington Post, nor you or I, knows exactly what happened” he said. And “when you cross that line into becoming an advocate and to demanding that somebody be prosecuted before the facts are in, while the investigation is going on, you’re grandstanding, you’re trying to keep the story alive and I really think it’s troubling.”

Kurtz also criticized CNN for showing the house of accused officer Darren Wilson, stating, “It defies my understanding how you could put his life or the life of his family in danger by even briefly showing the house or naming the street.”

I have to agree with that last. Willful endangerment, whatever the proper legal term. CNN ought to be sued for $25-50 million for this. That’s nearly an explicit call to violence. Implicit, absolutely. And for that they should pay heavily.

PS - Please just go fuck yourselves; you’re not helping: Redskins Run Onto Field Before Game with Hands Up for Michael Brown

Meanwhile, Roger Simon beats out Obama by a country mile: he doesn’t blame Bush for Ferguson, he blames LBJ. But since Simon is Conservative, no one will listen.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/19/2014 at 09:46 AM   
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calendar   Friday - August 15, 2014


Robbery ‘not related’ to why Michael Brown was initially stopped by Ferguson police

What? What????

The unarmed black teen whose fatal shooting by police in a St. Louis suburb sparked violent protests was a suspect in a robbery moments before, but the deadly encounter was not sparked by the robbery, the city’s police chief said Friday.

Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson earlier Friday released documents alleging 18-year-old Michael Brown had been suspected of stealing a $48.99 box of cigars from a convenience store in a “strong-arm” robbery shortly before he was killed.

Jackson said at an afternoon press conference that Brown and his friend were stopped Saturday “because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic.”

The robbery “was not related to the initial contact” between the officer and Brown, he said.

Which is the exact opposite of what they said this morning.

Dorian Johnson, the friend who was with Brown when he was shot and killed by a police officer over the weekend, reportedly confirmed that he and Brown had taken part in the theft of cigars from a convenience store that day. But police have determined that Johnson was not involved in the robbery and will not seek charges against him, Jackson said.

So the guy is confessing, and he’s probably on the security video, but they won’t bother to charge him as an accessory to shoplifting. What’s that, a $20 fine? No, it’s not worth it, not in this situation.

Police reports released Friday under an open-records request showed that at 11:51 a.m. on the day of the shooting, authorities received a 911 call reporting a robbery at the Ferguson Market. An unidentified officer was dispatched to the store, arriving within three minutes. The officer interviewed an employee and customer, who gave a description of a man who stole the cigars and walked off with another man toward a QuikTrip store.

Descriptions of the suspect were broadcast over the police radio. The officer did not find the suspects either on the street or at the Quik Trip, the reports said.

Separately, Wilson had been responding to a nearby call involving a sick 2-month child from 11:48 am until noon, when he left that place. A minute later, he encountered Michael Brown walking down Canfield Drive. The documents contained no description of what happened between Brown and Wilson.

OK, maybe the BOLO from the robbery had nothing to do with the later shooting. But still. There’s something wrong here. Something missing. Some large thing we aren’t hearing about. Something 100 times bigger than just walking in the middle of road. But this changing story from the po-po sure isn’t helping anyone. Anyone. It hurts everyone.

How fast can they get a toxicology screening back on all three of the people involved? Brown, Wilson, and Johnson. Was anyone high on PCP or meth? Got some ‘roid rage going on? There has to be some explanation. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/15/2014 at 09:44 PM   
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Um, Never Mind. Maybe?

Slain Ferguson MO Youth Michael Brown

Had Just Robbed A Convenience Store?

Police today named Darren Wilson as the officer who fatally shot Michael Brown and released video stills and an incident report on a robbery shortly before the shooting that named the teenager as the ‘prime suspect’.

In a shocking twist to the killing which sparked riots in St Louis over the last few days, the officer investigating the convenience store robbery also attended the scene of the shooting and said the suspect and Brown were the same person.

According to the police report, video shows Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson having an altercation with store staff and allegedly stealing box of Swisher Sweets, a type of cigar. 

In the grainy images, a large black man wearing a light-colored shirt, distinctive shoes, a red baseball hat and khaki shorts is seen assaulting a clerk and then stealing cigars.

A photograph of Michael Brown’s body in the street after he was shot dead shows that he was wearing a light grey shirt, the same shoes and khaki cargo shorts. There was also a red baseball cap by the body.

This is NOT a case of mistaken identity; the convenience store crime report names Brown as the suspect, and the officer who shot him had also responded to the store robbery.

6’4” 292lb ... he was just a little kid.

The unarmed black teenager who was fatally shot by a police officer in a St. Louis suburb, fit the description of a suspect in a strong-arm robbery that happened minutes earlier, a suburban St. Louis police chief said at a Friday press conference at which the officer was publicly identified for the first time.

Ferguson, Mo., Police Chief Thomas Jackson said that the robbery took place just before noon on Saturday at a nearby convenience store roughly 10 minutes before a police officer identified as Darren Wilson fired the bullet that killed Michael Brown. Police say that the shot was fired after a struggled touched off by Wilson’s confronting Brown. Jackson said Wilson is a six-year veteran with no disciplinary action on his record.

The news conference came after nearly a week of sometimes-violent protests and calls by many, including President Obama, for local law enforcement to be more transparent about the circumstances surrounding the shooting. Police previously said they withheld Wilson’s identity because of the potential for threats on the officer and his family. The officer has been on administrative leave since the shooting.

Police released still images and were planning to release video from the robbery, at a QuikTrip store in Ferguson. Jackson said Wilson, along with other officers, were called to the area after a 911 call reporting a “strong-arm robbery” at a nearby convenience store.

Naturally, there are those whose immediate reaction was that this was some kind of CYA lie put out by the police.

“I am incensed,” Laura Keys, 50, told The St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “I can’t believe this is the tactic they are using, bringing up a robbery to make the victim look like he was the person who created this whole mess.”

Police have said Brown was shot after an officer encountered him and another man on the street. They say one of the men pushed the officer into his squad car, then physically assaulted him in the vehicle and struggled with the officer over the officer’s weapon. At least one shot was fired inside the car before the struggle spilled onto the street, where Brown was shot multiple times, according to police.

But a much different story has been told by Dorian Johnson, who says he was walking down the street with Brown when he was shot. He has said the officer ordered them out of the street, then grabbed his friend’s neck and tried to pull him into the car before brandishing his weapon and firing. He says Brown started to run and the officer pursued him, firing multiple times.

So, is Dorian Johnson under arrest for helping steal those $49 worth of lousy cigars? I have no idea. Tried to pull this gigantic guy into the cop car? With one hand holding his gun? Sounds like bullshit to me. Tase him, cuff him, call for backup with a come-along.

But I still like my idea of multi-angle digital video cameras both in (and inside) police cars, and mounted right on the officer’s uniform. These days they aren’t even as big as a button, and a datastream like this would have cleared this situation up in a minute.

Without a doubt, fingerprints from the store or on those cigars will place Brown and Johnson at the scene. And some people will still say that was planted evidence too.

The report then reads: ‘That is when Brown reached across the counter and grabbed numerous packs of Swisher Sweets and turned to leave the store.’

The attendant then calls 911 as someone else comes out from ‘behind the counter and attempts to stop Brown from leaving’. Someone tried to stop Brown from leaving and locked the door until ‘Brown returned the merchandise to him’.

‘That is when Brown grabbed X by the shirt and forcefully pushed him back into the display rack’.

X backed away and Brown and Johnson exited the store with the cigars’, said the report

The officer writing the robbery report said he attended the scene of Brown’s shooting and that after reviewing the surveillance footage ‘I was able to confirm that Brown is the primary suspect in this incident.

‘A second person, also at that scene, identified himself as being with Brown. That person was later identified as Dorian Johnson. After observing Johnson and reviewing the video, I confirmed he is the second suspect in this incident.’

Dorian Johnson has made multiple TV appearances since the fatal shooting of his friend. At no time did he make reference to being a suspect in a store robbery.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for a single apology, an “oops, we all over reacted” or the return of a single item of looted merchandise. Faux mob outrage and mob violence are the MO of the day.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/15/2014 at 10:39 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - August 13, 2014

so then …. what it take to get arrested and go to jail?  bad language will do it

So ... whatsitake to get arrested or go to jail over here?

Oh ... lets see.  Using the ‘N’ word will do that. Yeah. Use that and the kops will come down on you like ducks on a June bug.

What else? Erm .... using insulting language or causing discomfort or fear of harm.  Not certain but I think you could be arrested if someone said you did that.
Racist language. Yup. That one will do it for sure. 

How about if you glass somebody’s face. You know. Broken bottle and whammo.  Blood everywhere. What fun. How about that?
Nah.  Whats you askin? Hey. You be white boy?  Arrest and quick conviction and to the slammer. You won’t stay there a long time but you will probably go to jail.
However .... should you belong to a special group, and should your first name also be Jasmin. Ah well now we have a different set of rules.

Here’s your get out of jail card.

Estate agent who smashed glass in man’s face avoids jail… even though it was her 18th court appearance for violence

Yasmin Thomas attacked Ronnie Lee with broken glass in Bournemouth club
She has 17 previous convictions for assault and battery, court heard
Judge John Harrow said her criminal history was ‘breathtaking’
But she has been given a 12-month sentence suspended for two years
Also handed 80 hours’ community service after pleading guilty to ABH

By Luke Salkel


A woman who smashed a broken glass into a stranger’s face in a nightclub has been spared jail – despite it being her 18th conviction for assault.

Estate agent Yasmin Thomas, 21, left her male victim with serious eye injuries after she lunged at him with the potentially lethal object.

A court heard she has already been convicted for 17 crimes of assault and battery.

A judge branded Thomas’s criminal history ‘breathtaking’ and one of the worst he had ever seen of a woman her age.

But the female thug escaped with a 12-month sentence, suspended for two years, and 80 hours community service after pleading guilty to a charge of causing actual bodily harm.

She was also ordered to attend anger management classes.

Thomas attacked Ronnie Lee, whom she did not know, in Bar So nightclub in Bournemouth town centre after a row over an e-cigarette.

Thomas’s friend had snatched it from a friend of Mr Lee, and had thrown it on the floor.

Thomas then picked it up and thrust the device at Mr Lee, demanding: ‘Are you not going to say thank you? Who do you think you are?’

She then lunged towards Mr Lee with a broken glass, causing a serious gash to his left eyelid and two smaller cuts to his face.

The injuries were so close to his eye that Mr Lee feared he would lose his sight.

Tiny shards of glass were later removed from his eye.

Prosecuting, Carolyn Branford-Wood told Bournemouth Crown Court: ‘Miss Thomas, with a glass in her hand, lunged towards Mr Lee, who felt a blow to his left eye and blood trickling down his face.’

The court was told that Mr Lee was ‘very lucky’ not to have suffered any permanent damage following the brutal attack.

Miss Branford-Wood said doctors initially feared he had suffered a fractured eye socket following the assault, which also left him needing stitches to the cut on his eyelid.

Thomas, who lives in Bournemouth, worked as a sales negotiator at Palmer Snell estate agency. Yesterday the company refused to confirm whether Thomas was still employed.

Sentencing her, judge John Harrow said: ‘You have a breathtaking record of violence, one of the worst I have ever seen from anyone your age.

‘It is not without a lot of hesitation and some reservations, I must confess, that I’m going to suspend that 12 month sentence for two years.’

continued here


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 08/13/2014 at 02:02 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - August 06, 2014

woo-hoo … these young ladies are in a jam. and all for being funny, except to the pc left

It was a private affair, but somehow the university which I must assume is all gooey and pc and high on diversity and multi crap, now want to punish a couple of girls with a bodacious sense of humor for “blacking up.”
Maybe they shouldn’t have uploaded a photo. But then .. heck. Why not?  Some ppl are just too sensitive.  Or only make the proper noises to be seen as such.

Students face disciplinary action after taking photographs of themselves with blacked-up faces and pillows shoved in their skirts to mimic maids in South Africa

University students dressed up as South African maids for a friend’s party
Smeared faces with brown paint and wore clothing associated with maids
Even shoved pillows down skirts in bid to make their bottoms look bigger
Struck poses for the camera and images were later posted on Facebook
University of Pretoria in South Africa taking disciplinary action against girls
Said it did not tolerate racist behaviour and deemed photo ‘unacceptable’

By Sophie Jane Evans and Jane Flanagan In Cape Town

Two university students are facing disciplinary action after taking photos of themselves dressed up as black South African maids.

The girls, who are studying at the University of Pretoria in South Africa, smeared their faces with brown paint and shoved pillows down their skirts in a bid to make their bottoms look bigger.

They then struck a number of poses for the camera, before the images were uploaded to the social-networking site Facebook.


Now, the university in Pretoria, Gauteng Province, is carrying out disciplinary action against the students, who dressed up in the outfits for a friend’s party.

The photos, which have since been deleted from Facebook, show the girls posing in a bedroom while donning clothing typically associated with domestic workers.

They appear to be deliberately sticking their bottoms out, while their smiles seemingly suggest they believe their outfits are amusing.

Amusing?  Just amusing?  It is highly accurate and funny you meathead you.

continue article


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 08/06/2014 at 10:10 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsHumor •  
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calendar   Saturday - July 26, 2014

justice denied as pair of ground apes avoid death penalty after killing/rape spree

If ever there were two filthy no account rotten niggers who earned the ‘N’ word, these two black bastards surely fit the bill.

I can’t understand what’s happened to common sense in the judiciary in America, or at least in this one state.

Where’s the Klan when ya need them?  If ever lynching were justified, this’d be it. And not cos they are black. No. But because they are Niggers!

Wish the judges making this outrageous decision falls victim to a crime as bad. I am way beyond upset having read this article, which I was not looking for and wish I had not seen.  And as for their lawyer .... not enough bad can be said about the filthy slime. Sometimes a line should be drawn and the nature of a crime should rule.  This is not a case of who said what or a case of identification problems. It’s so damn clear cut there should be no room for arguments. In fact, there shouldn’t even be a trial.  The perps should hang and their lawyer hung right alongside.

A decision like this could only have come about through years of left wing thinking and instruction and education.  No doubt the bed wetting bleeding heart hand wringers are pleased they missed the DP.  These two evil ape like creatures deserve to die very slowly.  Fat chance of that however.

Here’s what one person commenting at the source for the story had to say.

I took a death penalty seminar in law school and was quite annoyed at the anti-death penalty slant (more like 90-degree cliff) on the part of the professors, who were members of the liberal brigade referred to in these comments. They never succeeded in convincing me that the death penalty should be abolished, even with all their pronouncements about it being about “revenge"-- wrong, it’s about justice. Big difference. Anyway, they’d show us pictures of death row inmates crying on execution day. Go on and on about the cruelty of the injection drugs taking a bit too long. And very, VERY rarely would they mention the victims or what happened to them. Of course, when they did allow it to slip out, it would be something absolutely, positively horrific. The only thing I took away from that class was a disturbing knowledge of the nearly endless sequence of appeals these monsters get.

Brothers who forced five friends to have sex with each other before shooting them in the head and burying them in shallow snow escape death penalty on ‘trial technicality’

Jonathan and Reginald Carr sentenced to death in 2002 for the ‘Wichita Massacre’
Kidnapped three men and two women in home invasion that included rape and sexual humiliation in 2000
All five were shot in the head but one survived
Death sentences now overturned because the men should have been tried separately, court said
Both will now be re-sentenced

By Associated Press Reporter

The Kansas Supreme Court on Friday overturned the death sentences of two brothers convicted of killing four friends who were robbed and forced to engage in sex acts before being shot to death and left in a snow-covered Wichita field.

The court also struck down three of the four capital murder convictions each against Jonathan and Reginald Carr, citing procedural problems at the brothers’ joint trial for its decisions. It upheld one capital murder conviction for each of them.

Prosecutors said the brothers broke into a Wichita home in December 2000 and forced the five people there to have sex with each other and later to withdraw money from ATMs. Two women were raped repeatedly before all five were taken to a soccer field and shot while they were kneeling. Four of them — 29-year-old Aaron Sander, 27-year-old Brad Heyka, 26-year-old Jason Befort and 25-year-old Heather Muller — died.


One of the women survived a gunshot wound to the head and she ran naked through the snow to seek help. She became a key witness at the brothers’ trial on the capital murder convictions.

The killings ended a series of crimes that authorities alleged the Carr brothers committed over nine days in December 2000.

The Kansas Supreme Court ruled 6-1 in overturning the Carr brothers’ death sentences because the presiding judge did not hold separate sentencing proceedings for each man.

Heyka’s father, Larry Heyka, also expressed disappointment and said he was struggling to make sense of the rulings, which totaled nearly 480 pages.

‘Hopefully going forward, we will all understand what these rulings really mean,’ said Heyka, who is from Council Grove.

Attorneys for the brothers did not return telephone messages seeking comment.

Sedgwick County District Attorney Marc Bennett said he’s not sure whether his office will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, but he promised to continue pursuing death sentences.

Jonathan Carr, now 34, and Reginald Carr, 36, were in their early 20s when the crimes occurred.

Together, they were convicted of 93 counts, including rape, aggravated kidnapping and aggravated robbery.

The state Supreme Court upheld a total of 57 convictions against them.

Most of the overturned convictions involved the allegations of forcing their victims to engage in sex acts.

Five other convicted killers remain on death row in Kansas. The state Supreme Court last week overturned the death sentence of Sidney Gleason in the killings of a Great Bend couple in 2004.

Kansas last executed someone in 1965, by hanging. The current capital punishment law was enacted in 1994, but the state’s highest court has yet to approve any death sentences.

unedited from source


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/26/2014 at 05:44 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeUSA •  
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calendar   Wednesday - July 09, 2014

Sweet, Sweet Chocolate

Chocolate Ray Nagin, Former Mayor of NOLA, his Chocolate City

TEN YEARS In The Chocolate Big House

For Chocolate Corruption

Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was sentenced Wednesday to 10 years in prison for bribery, money laundering and other corruption that spanned his two terms as mayor—including the chaotic years after Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005.

U.S. District Judge Helen Berrigan handed down the sentence Wednesday morning.

Nagin was convicted Feb. 12 of accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars from businessmen who wanted work from the city or Nagin’s support for various projects. The bribes came in the form of money, free vacations and truckloads of free granite for his family business.

The 58-year-old Democrat had defiantly denied any wrongdoing after his 2013 indictment and during his February trial.

Moments before sentencing, a subdued Nagin made a brief statement, thanking the judge for her professionalism. He made no apologies. “I trust that God’s going to work all this out,” he said.

After the sentencing, Nagin smiled and hugged supporters as he walked out of the courtroom with his wife, Seletha, and other family members and friends.

Nagin is to report to the federal prison in Oakdale, La., in September.

Berrigan noted the serious nature of the crimes, but cited several other factors in her decision to depart from sentencing guidelines that could have put Nagin in prison for as many as 20 years.

She said Nagin should not be cast as the leader of the scheme in which participants got millions of dollars in city work. “Mr. Nagin claimed a much, much smaller share of the profits in this conspiracy,” Berrigan.

Nagin was alleged to have received roughly $500,000.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/09/2014 at 12:03 PM   
Filed Under: • CrimeDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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calendar   Friday - June 13, 2014

Liberal Math

Question: When Does 74 = 41 ?

Answer: When it’s the number of school shootings since Newtown put forth by Bloomberg’s Everytown For Gun Safety and quoted by HuffPo and by pResident Obama as a lever towards more gun control.

Everytown for Gun safety, an anti-gun group formed by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and prominent gun control advocate Shannon Watts, released new data on Tuesday suggesting that there have been an average of 1.37 school shootings every single week in the U.S. since the deadly 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut.

The anti-gun organization cites a total of 74 school shootings since Dec. 14, 2012. However, several of the shootings have come under scrutiny as some of them appear to have occurred off-campus and at least one may have been an instance of self-defense.

Journalist Charles C. Johnson dug deeper into Everytown’s data on Tuesday and published his findings on Twitter. He also criticized the fact that the group classified violent disputes and gang-related violence as “school shootings.”

Mr. Johnson found that 33 of these were shootings that occurred on or near a school or school ground, but had nothing to do with the students who attend that school, if they were even there at the time. eg; a gang shooting in the playground at 2am is not really what “school shootings” mean to almost all of us. Playing with numbers, because you think we’re too lazy to look it up: standard libtard ploy.

Oh, a minor correction to Mr. Johnson: the Grambling shooting and arrests did actually occur. It was a tribe of ground apes running a burglary ring out of their dorms. All 9 of them were arrested, charged with burglary, second degree murder, etc. On the on the other hand, that same news article does mention that there was an unrelated shooting on campus that caused a lock-down. The shot person was not seriously injured ... so maybe this was an accidental discharge, maybe this was a failed suicide, maybe it was one person taking a shot at another. Were either even students? We shall never know. So maybe, maybe not for that one.

Ok, that takes the score down from 74 to 41 school shootings in the roughly 18 months since the Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown CT. And that isn’t 1.37 per week, it’s about 0.52 per week. One every other week. Which is still far too many, but only 37% as often as the scare monger number tossed about.

Since the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, there have been an average of 1.37 school shootings for each school week, according to data maintained by Everytown for Gun Safety, a group fighting to end gun violence.

Including Tuesday’s incident at a high school in Troutdale, Oregon, 74 school shootings have taken place in the approximately 18 months since the Dec. 14, 2012, Newtown shooting. The average school year typically lasts about 180 days, which means there have been roughly 270 school days, or 54 weeks, of class since the shooting at Newtown. With 74 total incidents over that period, the nation is averaging well over a shooting per school week.

Oh. Crivens, they’re even fudging the weeks part. What, you clowns never heard of summer school? Or intersession classes? A whole lot of college campuses are up teaching all year long. And on weekends too! And often until 11pm at night!!

But, fine, we’ll play it your way. But use Johnson’s numbers. 41 shootings in 54 school weeks is 0.75 shootings per week, close to half your published statistic. Still too much, but please, knock off the shit. We don’t need lies and exaggeration here. We need better mental health care, and psychological incarcerations.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/13/2014 at 02:04 PM   
Filed Under: • CrimeDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsEducationGuns and Gun Control •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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