Sarah Palin will pry your Klondike bar from your cold dead fingers.

calendar   Monday - September 16, 2013

tough guy

Fists Of Furry

A Fairbanks man punched a grizzly after the bear entered the camping tent he and his girlfriend were sleeping in at Sourdough Creek Campground.

The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reports that Jason Lauesen and Liz Pawelko were awakened about 6 a.m. on Labor Day by shaking and the entrance of a bear head, or maybe a paw, into Lauesen’s side of their tent.

At the time, Lauesen didn’t have his glasses on, and doesn’t know what part of the bear he made contact with. But whatever part of the bear entered the tent shredded the inflatable pad he was sleeping on.

After the encounter, the couple found the jacket Lauesen had been using as a pillow soaked in bear saliva that reeked of fish.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/16/2013 at 08:24 AM   
Filed Under: • AdventureAnimals •  
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Monday Morning Images

Two True



and a little pic dump below the fold.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/16/2013 at 08:02 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - September 15, 2013

Planning in advance for future population engineering

Reader comments in the Mail say it all for me.
I thought it might have been an early April 1st joke. But no.  Someone was very serious about this.
Just shows ya what our world has come to. And hey btw ... you can not know for certain that one day, at the rate this island takes in immigrants, that Wales won’t have maybe half those languages spoken in this place, and the white population will no longer be 96%.  What a gloomy thought that is.

Wales you should be aware, is a place of awesome beauty.  And at the moment at least, there are places like this that are sooooooo white, makes one want to be there.  But not in winter.  It’s always nice in photos, and I’ve been there but only briefly so of course the magic remains.  I understand however that it isn’t highly prosperous, lots of hill farming, sheep, but I didn’t see any.  I recall acres of wild flowers and very hilly.

School form offers choice of 80 languages including Igbo and Tagalog in an area that is 96 per cent white

Conwy council has been accused of trying to ‘micro-manage’ its residents

One parent describes the form as ‘a baffling lesson in geography’

But the council says it trimmed the list from one containing 300 languages

By Liz Hull

When it comes to finding out the first language of children being raised in North Wales, most would assume that English and Welsh were the two obvious choices.

So parents were stunned when pupils were sent home from school with a form asking them to tick the dialect that applied to them from a list of more than 80.

Remarkably, the local authority in Conwy, where 96 per cent of the population is white, says it trimmed the list from one supplied by the Welsh Government, which contained around 300 different languages and races.

Medieval: Conwy Castle, built by Edward I in the 13th century, sits imposingly on the Conwy Estuary.

The baffling list still included obscure languages spoken by races in far-flung corners of the world, including Igbo, a dialect spoken by people native to south-eastern Nigeria, and Tagalog, which is spoken by just a quarter of Filipinos.

Other languages listed on the form were Kannada, the mother tongue of people living in the Indian state of Kannartaka, and Wolof, the dialect of the Wolof people living in Senegal, Gambia and Mauritius.

It was accompanied by an equally confusing form asking parents to detail their child’s ethnicity, which included seven categories for travellers and gypsies alone, plus around 85 other nationalities and races.

The ‘data collection’ documents were issued by schools in Conwy County Borough Council this week as children returned after the summer holidays.

The area has a predominantly white British population, with less than four per cent coming from an Asian, black or other ethnic background.

The council says the information is needed to help schools ‘provide a better education service’.

But one parent said yesterday: ‘This form was a baffling lesson in geography.

‘It’s another example of councils trying to micro-manage and know everything about the people who live in their communities.

‘While everyone understands the importance of giving every child a good education, this seems completely over the top.

‘This part of North Wales is predominantly white British, but some council bureaucrat, in their bid to be politically correct and not offend anyone of a particular race or ethnicity, has spent time putting this endless list of obscure languages together.

source for more


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/15/2013 at 05:00 AM   
Filed Under: • EducationIllegal-Aliens and Immigration •  
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calendar   Saturday - September 14, 2013

a touch of ginger



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/14/2013 at 02:58 PM   
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As blog commenters are wont to say, “FIFY”. Fixed It For Ya.  Usually used when someone else’s comment needs clarification, more blatant emphasis, or a midnight visit from the Grammar Nazis.

But it could also apply to real world situations.

Case in point ... great big fire this week in Seaside NJ, on the brand new boardwalk that just went up after hurricane Sandy destroyed the old one.

“The boardwalk’s made of wood and wood burns,” [NJ Governor] Christie said. “The biggest reason for the spread is the winds.”

A childishly simple problem sometimes requires a childishly simply solution, so here, drawn in a childish manner, are two of them.


Instead of a contiguous wooden boardwalk, put in sections made from steel and concrete every so often. They don’t burn. Make them wide enough to work as a fire break.

Since the ocean is right the heck there, with all the water you could ever possibly want, get Bambi Buckets like the forest fire guys use, and water bomb the fires out. With the ocean barely 100 yards away, even 3 or 4 regular helicopters could drop thousands of gallons of water in just minutes. The police have helicopters. So do the EMS folks. Plus the National Guard is nearby. And so is the Coast Guard. Both of whom have big heavy duty choppers that can lift heavy loads. And in real emergencies, draft civilian helicopters and those of the news media.

Heck, make bucket bombing part of the standard helicopter pilot training. What pilot wouldn’t love that?

Now imagine a dozen choppers lined up to water bomb a waterfront fire like the one at Seaside Park. Two strings of 6, or 4 strings of 3, each carrying about a ton of water (250 gallons). Fire? What fire? Gone. Plenty of dents in the roofs though. tongue laugh

Here’s another idea. Fireboats. I don’t know how far they can shoot water, but the new ones can get on scene at more than 50mph. And DHS helps pay for them. A large part of the NJ shore communities are on very long, narrow islands. Only a couple hundred yards wide. Would it work?



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/14/2013 at 10:26 AM   
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lets all commit national and cultural suicide, so people will know how much we care.

On reflection, I think I should have posted my previous in this spot, and then posted this one after. Whatever.
You’re smart enough to make the connections needed.

Actually, I saw this one a day before and didn’t get around to sharing.  Ok, his heart may be in the right place. You know, the desire to simply help people in need.
Surely a kind enough thought. But .... hold on a minute.  Is he forgetting how crowded this island already is?  And may I add, overcrowded with people who hardly speak the language.  And it’s due to get worse come Jan.

There are already a few ministers and one very vocal conservative, who insist that opening more green belt land in an area of extreme natural beauty is a desired thing to answer the problem of a housing shortage.  Never mind there is so much empty unused land that is not green at all. It doesn’t occur to some that there’d be less a shortage if there were fewer immigrants with an apparently god given right to be here. 

Germany is planning to take in 5,000 more and get this bmews.  Are you sitting down?  The Germans have announced that it will be temporary as the refugees will go home when things settle.  Can you grasp that any German would buy that?  Surely they are not that dumb.
Oh, and the Dutch are soon to welcome refugees as well.
And so as time marches on, so does the invasion of an alien culture.

This fellow doesn’t see it that way at all. Well of course not.  He’s left wing all the way.  This article comes from the Independent.  Hey, I have to read left wing papers so you don’t have to wade thru em yourself.  Anyway, always good to know what those folks are thinking. Hmm. ok, maybe not exactly “good”.

Let’s open our borders to Syria’s refugees

Britain is one of the world’s wealthiest nations, we should set an example

By Ian Birrell

Azad Sino fled with his wife and two children from the Syrian city of Aleppo nearly two years ago, when the carnage of civil war arrived on his doorstep. Since then, his family has been surviving in one cramped room in a flat just south of Beirut, with his health deteriorating and his wife forced to sell her jewellery to survive.

Yesterday, they were given the chance to salvage their shattered lives. They joined 103 other Syrians on a chartered plane to Hanover, the first of 25 flights in an airlift taking 5,000 refugees to Germany, which has granted them temporary sanctuary. This symbolic move takes the tiniest sliver of pressure off Lebanon, where every fourth person is now a Syrian and sectarian divisions are spilling over from its larger neighbour.

Amid all the talk in Westminster and Washington of intervention, along with honeyed words about helping victims of “the century’s great tragedy”, this flight is a reminder that there is something concrete Western countries can do to help other than wringing hands or firing missiles. So why is Britain not also offering refuge to some of those families whose lives have been ripped apart by this war?

Azad Sino is just one of two million people driven from their country, with another four million displaced within its borders. Everyone has their own horror story: homes destroyed, friends and family killed, families torn apart. With 5,000 people fleeing Syria each day – half of them children – the dangers of conflagration grow daily as the region struggles to cope with the influx. In Egypt, people are turning on Syrian refugees with violence and abuse. In Jordan, there is barely concealed anger over rising rents and food prices. Iraq, with sectarian violence exploding again, has shut its borders.

Last year 988 Syrians applied for asylum here, the majority accepted as genuine refugees. Yet Britain is one of the world’s wealthiest nations, despite the downturn, and we should set a moral example by offering resettlement for thousands of the more vulnerable families. We already have a strong Syrian community of perhaps 5,000 people in this country; we could take in four times that number without too much trouble. History shows many would go back to their homeland when peace returned.

Such numbers would make only a small impression on the swelling tide of human misery. But if Britain joined Germany in setting a lead, we would be in a position to demand that other rich nations follow. During the Balkan crisis, this country took in nearly 20,000 refugees as part of a major European and US response. Yet while Europe takes in nearly two million immigrants a year from outside its borders, it has left Turkey to cope with 10 times as many Syrian refugees as the rest of the continent combined.

We are witnessing a national tragedy for Syria, a regional disaster, and a global problem. Instead of cheap talk or cruise missiles, how about some action to show we really care about this crisis?


“In Jordan, there is barely concealed anger over rising rents and food prices.”

Oh well. By all means lets import all that to here. Can’t wait.

“ we should set a moral example by offering resettlement for thousands of the more vulnerable “
“how about some action to show we really care about this crisis?”

Hey, good idea.  Lets all commit cultural suicide as a sign of how much we care.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/14/2013 at 06:43 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationInternationalmuslims •  
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give us the young and u can not start young enough. get em in the womb too.

Having seen Drew’s previous post and today’s front page, I thought this should be shared with you all.  You may have seen it already. ??

Also, I thought I should post something from yesterday which is repeated today.  Just a reminder of just where it is the west is headed, in case you have any doubts.


So if the fighter belongs to Assad’s military or is sympathetic to Assad, he is a “thug.” Got it. 

And so the grown men who encourage these almost toddlers to view and enjoy the entertainment are?
Oh right. The opposition.  They’re freedom fighters.  Got it.
Just so we’re clear.


Lets see who among the many that might be.  One certainty might be young jihadists in training.

Beheaded in front of children, Assad’s thugs are dragged to their doom and butchered like animals in some of the most brutal scenes to emerge from Syria’s civil war
By Nick Enoch

The sword rests briefly on his neck as a blindfolded man kneels under a clear blue sky.


Moments later, the executioner raises his right arm, slashes downwards and the prisoner is dead.

The whole barbaric episode is watched by a crowd of jeering men, many of them armed.

And sitting on a low wall only a few feet from where the wretched captive died so violently is a line of young boys.

They were still there as the dead man’s head was dumped on his body.


Another child, even younger, was led by the hand past the corpse.


Although it is difficult to confirm the political affiliation of those involved, an eyewitness told Time that the executioners belonged to ISIS - an Al-Qaeda faction opposed to President Bashar Assad’s regime.

The captives, meanwhile, are understood to belong to the fearsome Shabiha (’ghosts’) - thugs loyal to Assad who are said to roam the country massacring women and children.


You’re all familiar with the silly “sensitivity” training courses many have been forced to attend in our culture.  You know, say bad things to someone or the truth as you see it about some minority somewhere and it’s off to sensitivity camp.

Well ... I guess in this culture they believe in DE-sensitising at an early age.  I may not like the idea but ya know, I do understand it.  Make em grow up to view this as the norm.  For them its death that has meaning and life is meaningless.  You don’t frighten these folks with the threat of the death penalty.
Their training, indoctrination and brainwashing starts very young.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/14/2013 at 04:34 AM   
Filed Under: • muslimsTerrorists •  
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calendar   Friday - September 13, 2013

“We have learned nothing”

12 years after 9/11, the President of the United States is ARMING al Qaeda.

Yup. Obama sent ... literally ... a boatload of weaponry to the Syrian rebels. Who are allied with AQ.

Read it. RCOB guaranteed.

Does everyone understand what is going on? The United States, one day after the 12 year anniversary of the 9/11 Terror Attacks, has now contributed arms to the cause of those same people who perpetrated them. We are now actively supporting a terrorist network, not just a terrorist network, THE terrorist network. It has taken 12 years for the United States government to forget the names of those responsible for thousands of American dead, it has taken 12 years for the government to decide that those lives, and the sacrifice of thousands of service members do not matter anymore. This should hurt, and it should hurt a lot.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/13/2013 at 04:24 PM   
Filed Under: • Obama, The OneWar On Terror •  
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going for it

I can not say that I’ve become the Grill Master yet, after only one season, and a very rainy one at that, of using my el-cheapo gas grill. I’m only on my third tank of propane. But I’ve learned to make a decent butterflied chicken without too much scorching, and at this point steak, dogs, and burgers come out just fine.

Huge packages of ribs were on sale yesterday at the grocery store. Vacuum packed in heavy plastic, each pack contains 2 full size slabs. The sign said they were on sale for 1.99/lb, so I figured I’d take a look ... and I noticed that the labels were marked .99/lb. Wow. That’s such a nice deal that I had to ask the butcher if there was a mistake. Nope, that’s the price; the sign was wrong. So I bought some ...  I bought several ... and right now the freezer looks like an abattoir.

Last night I prepared one slab. Peeling the membrane off the back was a bit persnickety until I got the hang of it. (lift one edge with a knife, then fold 1/4 paper towel into the little mitt and use that as a grabber, then pull the membrane off low across the ribs) After that I made up a batch of Rodger’s famous dry rub, adding a tablespoon of cayenne pepper and doubling the amount of dry mustard because we like more zing than his basic recipe gives. Rinse the ribs, pat them dry, pull the membrane, wet them with cider vinegar for half an hour, pat them dry, then slather on the dry rub and press it in with your fingers. Put the meat back in the fridge and wait for tomorrow.

Now I have to run up to the store to see if I can find some wood chips to make a smoke bomb, and to find a disposable aluminum pan to make a water tray. Then out come the ribs, slap a handful of brown mustard across them, and maybe some more rub. Then fire up the grill while I boil a gallon of water, turn one side off and put the smoke bomb on the running burner’s dissapator under the grate, grate back down, water pan over that, fill it with boiling water, put down the pork on the off burner side, and set the on side to medium low. Then wait ... forever. I’ve even got a little spray bottle full of apple juice so I spritz the ribs every half hour or so. By dinner time they ought to be ready.

It’s a slow process, but worth it. Maybe I’ll make up 2 smoke bombs, so I can lay the smoke on good for the first 2 to 3 hours.

OK fine, here’s the rub recipe as used. It’s a stronger South West flavor than Rodger’s, and has some minor heat. Most of the hot pepper heat cooks off.

1/4 cup paprika - half spanish smokey, half regular
1 tablespoon hot cayenne pepper powder
2 teaspoons ground chipolte
2 tablespoons granulated garlic
2 tablespoons granulated onion
2 teaspoons peppercorns
2 teaspoon dry mustard (Coleman’s)
1 teaspoon powdered chili
2 tablespoons cumin seed, toasted
3 tablespoons coriander seed, toasted
1/4 cup kosher salt
1/4 cup light brown sugar

toast the seeds in a hot dry pan, let cool.
Add the peppercorns. Grind them all.
Mix everything in a medium bowl, then 10 seconds in the Magic Bullet large cup
Use ground ancho chili instead of store brand chili powder

option - 1 generous tablespoon finely ground coffee
option - 1 tablespoon ground ancho/guajillo mix, stemmed but not seeded
option to this option - use 1 whole ancho 2 whole guajillo
option - 1 teaspoon ground tumeric

As usual, I went with all the options ... and many hours later, when they’re all done ... you can cut the salt a bit. Probably by as much as half. They didn’t turn out too salty, but it could be less. Salt absorbs smoke, and since I couldn’t find any wood chips, I had to make mine sans smoke. So the salt isn’t really necessary.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/13/2013 at 09:11 AM   
Filed Under: • Fine-Dining •  
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surrendering to the forces of darkness

Earlier this week a judge ruled that a muslim woman could not remain covered as people need to be identified and a full face cover defeats that.  Makes sense to the more civilized and rational.
While I am no expert on the Koran, I have heard some muslims say that there is nothing in the Koran about a full face cover, only that women must dress modestly.  The admonition on exposure isn’t meant to include the face.  When the judge ruled against the pushy broad I thought, good.  About time.  You wanna walk around in public looking like the Lone Ranger fine.  Do it in a country where it’s natural, not to mention backward.  So cheers for the judge. Right?
Well not so damn fast kemosabe. 


A muslim woman should be allowed to stand trial without taking off her full-face veil, because forcing her to do so would breach her human rights, a court has heard.

Making the woman remove her niqab would also be counter to the “tolerant” approach to Islamic dress in the UK, her barrister argued.

The defendant, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was allowed to enter a not guilty plea to a charge of intimidation of a witness, with her face covered after a judge backed down from previously saying she must show her face in court to be identified properly. She had argued that it was against her religious beliefs to show her face to men.

Judge Peter Murphy later heard legal argument about whether the woman should be allowed to stand trial without wearing her veil and is due to hand down written directions on Monday.

Her barrister, Susan Meek, argued that the woman, from London, had a right to wear the veil during trial in November under Article 9 of the European Convention of Human Rights, which safeguards religious beliefs. She also highlighted the “tolerant” approach taken to Islamic dress in the UK.

“She is entitled to wear it in private and in public,” Ms Meek said. “That right to wear the niqab also extends to the courtroom. There is no legislation in the UK in respect of the wearing of the niqab. There is no law in this country banning it.”

Judge Murphy allowed the woman to enter the dock at Blackfriars Crown Court and deny a charge of intimidation after she had been identified in a private room by a female police officer.

The Metropolitan Police constable, who was present when the defendant was photographed following her arrest in June, then swore on oath that it was the same woman under the niqab in the dock. Beforehand the defendant had not even been able to enter the dock, because her identity had not been checked.

At the start of Thursday’s hearing Judge Murphy said he had been given a substantial amount of material since the last hearing in August regarding the woman’s right to keep her veil on. He then said: “I would be satisfied for the officer giving evidence, having seen the defendant backstage so to speak in a private setting, saying she could identify her.”

But that isn’t all in news from the front where the West and civilization is being overrun by the forces from the dark ages. The war is being lost on all fronts as those who should know better, appease, accommodate and just plain cave in to the forces of darkness. 

Last week a college issued rules regarding dress code and ruled that the female students of the muslim faith could not cover their faces. An issue of safety and identification meant nothing to the more militant and ignorant both in and out of that group.  But the college said that was the rule and it was going to stand by it.  Well good for them.
Oh yeah?
Not so damn fast kemosabe.

Ban on Muslim students wearing religious veils scrapped by Birmingham college after public outcry

Birmingham Metropolitan College had asked teenagers to remove items

Staff said it was for safety and ensures people are ‘identifiable at all times’

By Matt Chorley, Mailonline Political Editor

A college which tried to ban pupils wearing the full facial veil for security reasons has abandoned the rule after a public outcry.

All students, staff and visitors to Birmingham Metropolitan College were told they must have their faces visible at all times so they are ‘easily identifiable’.

But the move was heavily criticised by some students, one describing the policy as disgusting. Nick Clegg said he was ‘uneasy’ about the idea.

More than 800 people claimed they planned to attend a protest against the policy today to stand up to what they said was an ‘Islamophobic’ decision.

David Cameron’s spokesman said the Prime Minister defended the right of educational institutions to be able to ‘set and enforce their own school uniform policies’.

But Deputy Prime Minister Mr Clegg said he felt ‘uneasy’ about a veil ban in a schools, although he could understand why it was needed to identify people at airport checkouts.

The college which has 44,000 students and is the third largest in the UK, said headwear poses a security risk and their policy ‘includes the removal of hoodies, hats, caps and veils so that faces are visible’.

This would stop female Muslim pupils from wearing the niqab, the full facial veil where only the woman’s eyes are visible, or the burqa where the eye area is covered in mesh.

But the college has now issued a statement saying it has decided to modify its stance to allow individuals to wear ‘specific items of personal clothing to reflect their cultural values’.

More than 9,000 people signed an online petition set up by NUS Black Students’ Campaign calling on the college’s principal Dr Christine Braddock to remove the ban.


And so little by little they will gnaw away the foundations. With the approval and encouragement of the lemmings and enablers of the left.
This is what the Death of the West looks like.  Expect more of the same.

I’m pretty sure that when it starts to happen in the USA on same scale, if it hasn’t started already, you folks back home won’t be very much surprised. But will anyone be in any position to halt the advance?  Depressingly, I doubt it.  Oh sure, there are millions of guns in the hands of private citizens.  But no organization worthy of the name.  And as you all know I am sure, you can’t make a move or a phone call or send an email or a snail mail but that agencies of the govt. will know everything you say and everything you plan. 
Wouldn’t it be nice if the field could be leveled, and numbers of folks desperate to save country and freedom, were able to infiltrate those agencies as well as get elected to public office and start taking charge of law enforcement agencies.  But I think that might take far more time than we have left.

Sorry for the downer folks.  I guess I’m reading and hearing and seeing too damn much, and find nothing that I find encouraging.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/13/2013 at 07:49 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEmuslimsUK •  
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This is one hell of a story.
I guess this now passes for justice over here.

This guy is rowdy in a pub and is one of those violent drinkers I guess.
So there a fight which spills out into the street.
He’s a real bruiser as you will see, and I really urge you to look at the video assuming it’s still up and running.

Anyway, the thug bites a chunk out of the other guy’s tongue. Now how the heck he managed that I don’t know, but he did.
So the victim is bleeding badly and thug runs off.  Victim goes after him, catches up and proceeds to beat him up, after which he goes to a hosp. Where it is found, they can’t reattach the bit that’s been bitten off.  So now the poor guy speaks with an impediment.

So when the case comes to court …. and btw the guy who did the damage has a long record of violent behavior … well the judge, a skank named Gillian Matthews who we can only wish the worst upon, let the creep off because, she trusted him to stop his violent behavior. This in spite of previous convictions for same.

This same judge freed a paedophile because he claimed that his seven year old victim, came on to him.  You couldn’t make that up.
In 2011 she told a serial criminal he could do jail, “standing on his head.” So she gave him s suspended sentence saying he needed tougher punishment.  ??????  Yeah. I don’t understand that either.

He’s seen here mugging for the cameras outside the court after being freed.

Be sure to catch the video and see the idiot lemmings who support him. It’s all a funny joke.
I think the victim should find a gun, shoot the SOB and then claim diminished mental responsibility. He might luck out and get the same judge. I’ll tell ya true, if I were ever on a jury deciding a case like that, no way in the world would I ever vote to convict the victim.  Yeah, yeah the law.  Well F*** the law. Most of the time it’s an ass anyway.

Poking a tongue out at the law… Thug laughs as he avoids jail for vile attack

Grandfather David Greaves began headbutting and punching Kevin Dufton
When Dufton grappled with him, Greaves bit off chunk of his victim’s tongue
Window-cleaning firm boss admitted causing grievous bodily harm and given a two-year suspended jail term and ordered to pay £2,000 compensation

By Eleanor Harding

A thug who bit off a man’s tongue mocked his victim outside court after he was spared jail by a judge.
David Greaves, 50, pumped his fist and shouted ‘tongue’s twisted!’ as he celebrated avoiding custody for the sickening assault.


The window cleaner has a string of previous convictions for violence and was expected to be locked up for attacking father-of-two John Dufton.

But Judge Gillian Matthews instead handed down a suspended sentence because she ‘trusted’ him to stop his violent behaviour.

Scroll down for video

The same judge sparked controversy last year when she refused to jail a convicted paedophile who claimed a child made sexual advances towards him.

Yesterday, victim Mr Dufton, 33, was ‘furious’ with the leniency of the sentence and is demanding a review by the Attorney General.

A family friend said: ‘This man has done this sort of thing before on a number of occasions. A suspended prison sentence for biting off someone’s tongue just doesn’t make sense.’

Teesside Crown Court heard how Greaves started the trouble inside a pub in Chester-le-Street on May 25 by head-butting and punching Mr Dufton. As the fight spilled outside, Greaves tried to gouge his victim’s eyes with his thumbs.

Prosecutor Peter Sabiston said: ‘He pulled his head down, inserted his tongue, shook his head and somehow managed to latch on to Mr Dufton’s tongue.

He was horrified as the defendant then bit him.’
Despite his injuries, Mr Dufton chased his attacker and gave him a ‘comprehensive beating’ before going to hospital.

Surgeons were unable to re-attach the missing part of the tongue, which had been taken to hospital in ice.

He said: ‘The pain was unbearable, I was in agony, the worst pain I have ever known in my life. The fact that he celebrated like he did outside court, sticking his tongue out, just shows what kind of man he is.’

Greaves, who has convictions for violence going back to 1997, said he had no memory of the biting.
He admitted causing grievous bodily harm, which carries a maximum sentence of five years.

Judge Matthews called it a ‘truly horrific’ attack, adding: ‘How he behaved to you in advance did not justify your disgraceful conduct, which must have been a truly horrendous thing.’

However, she said she was ‘trusting’ Greaves, of Pelton, County Durham, to stop his violent behaviour and handed down a two-year suspended jail term.

She also ordered him to pay £2,000 in compensation and imposed a two-year restraining order. Last year, Judge Matthews outraged children’s charities after freeing paedophile John Thompson, who accused his seven-year-old victim of ‘coming on to him’.

In 2011, the judge told serial criminal James Wanley he could do jail ‘standing on his head’ and needed ‘a tougher punishment’ – so she gave him a suspended sentence.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/13/2013 at 05:00 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeCULTURE IN DECLINEJudges-Courts-LawyersJustice - LACK OFUK •  
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calendar   Thursday - September 12, 2013

old and disillusioned , veteran gives away all his and family military medals

This caught my eye tonight. So sad it’s come to this for an old vet to feel this way.  But no surprise.  Is it.

I’ve heard similar from those much younger.  But when an old soldier who has served his country and lived into old age gets to feeling like this well, you just know things aren’t gonna get much better.  And anyway, I’m sure it didn’t just come on him overnight. 

Take a look.


Stanley Fox, 91, joined up at the age of just 14 and says he was proud to fight for his country
He served in World War II where he won a variety of medals and spent two years in PoW camp in Africa
He has now given away more than a dozen medals earned by him, his father and his brother in protest at old people being treated like ‘rubbish’

By Francesca Infante

Stanley Gordon Fox earned an assortment of honours including the Military Cross for his heroics in World War II.

But now the disenchanted OAP says he no longer feels any affinity with the country he served with such distinction.

He has sent his collection of 23 medals to a children’s hospice along with medals earned by his brother and his father, who fought in Boer Wars and the First World War.

He said: ‘No one seems to care these days, older people are just treated like a bit of rubbish.

‘The country is not as we all hoped. It is not what we fought for. We were proud to fight for the country and I was proud to wear the medals.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/12/2013 at 03:32 PM   
Filed Under: • Daily LifeMilitaryUK •  
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Can’t stand opera. Sorry, but the times I’ve heard some of them bellow, I always thought someone was suffering from a tummy ache.
Or worse.

However .....

While I haven’t heard this lady scream or bellow, er, pardon me I mean sing, and don’t intend to, I do not mind looking at her.




Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/12/2013 at 02:08 PM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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a loopy lefty from the un visits brits and tells them how to run their country

Some Brits are properly pissed of at this totally ugly Marxist bitch. Can’t blame them either.  Maybe if the world is lucky, when she goes back to the country she belongs in, someone will delete the slag. 

A dabbler in witchcraft, she once offered an animal in sacrifice to Karl Marx.

But wait, she’s an official of our favorite organization.  Yeah, the UN. And .. the slag is here, telling Brits how bad things are here and she doesn’t approve.
Here’s the headline I saw first thing in the morning.

Outrage as ‘loopy’ UN inspector lectures Britain: She’s from violent, slum-ridden Brazil, yet still attacks us on housing and human rights

Now then, this Marxist shit comes from a country with unimaginable slums, and she’s here telling the Brits what to do with regard to housing and spouting the usual lefty line.  Hell, you can read things here for yourself and oh btw, if you have the stomach for something really toe curling cringe worthy, catch her video at the link below. 
No surprise the liberal media love her.



Tory MP Stewart Jackson said Miss Rolnick was a ‘loopy Brazilian leftie with no evidence masquerading as a serious UN official’.
Senior UN officials have an open door to visit the UK but no specific invitation was extended to Mrs Rolnik.

Tory MP Stewart Jackson said Miss Rolnick was a ‘loopy Brazilian leftie’
Her country has 54million living without clean water or sanitation
There are an estimated 30million homeless in the city of Sao Paulo and 625,000 live below the poverty line


Furious Tories last night demanded the UN apologise for allowing a ‘loopy Brazilian leftie’ to attack the Government’s welfare reforms.

Iain Duncan Smith said Raquel Rolnik had undermined the impartiality of the UN with her ‘outrageous’ call for his housing benefit shake-up to be axed.

The Work and Pensions Secretary wants UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon to investigate the senior official’s conduct.

He said she had not asked ministers or officials for their input, adding: ‘I find it staggering that without this official information Mrs Rolnik feels she is in a position to be able to properly prescribe what the future of the policy should be.’

Tory MP Stewart Jackson said Miss Rolnick was a ‘loopy Brazilian leftie with no evidence masquerading as a serious UN official’.

Senior UN officials have an open door to visit the UK but no specific invitation was extended to Mrs Rolnick.

She attended only one Whitehall meeting where the spare room subsidy was among the issues discussed and, according to officials, requested no further information.

The courts have ruled in favour of the housing benefit reform, which cuts payments to working-age claimants with more bedrooms than they need.

However, briefing left-wing newspapers about her report, Miss Rolnik said: ‘My immediate recommendation is that the bedroom tax is abolished.

‘I was very shocked to hear how many people feel abused in their human rights by this decision and why – being so vulnerable – they should pay for the cost of the economic downturn, which was brought about by the financial crisis.

n her two-week tour Mrs Rolnik, who is the UN special rapporteur on housing, repeatedly borrowed Labour’s favoured description of the policy as a bedroom tax and appeared with campaigners at protest rallies.

She also suggested the idea of rent controls in the private sector, condemned the right-to-buy policy on council homes and insisted more public money should be spent on building social housing.

Senior Conservatives and Liberal Democrats condemned her intervention, pointing out that the UN more usually provides help in war zones, famines and natural disasters.

They also pointed out that in Brazil, where Mrs Rolnik was in charge of housing policy, tens of millions of people are condemned to living in shanty towns, or favelas.



Whoa wait ....

You gotta see this also.

I won’t copy it all here, just catch the link as usual.

Raquel Rolnik: A dabbler in witchcraft who offered an animal sacrifice to Marx

Academic brought up a Marxist and offered an animal sacrifice to Karl Marx
The architect appears to follow Candomble, an African-Brazilian religion that originated during the slave trade


Raquel Rolnik: A dabbler in witchcraft who offered an animal sacrifice to Marx
· Academic brought up a Marxist and offered an animal sacrifice to Karl Marx
· The architect appears to follow Candomble, an African-Brazilian religion that originated during the slave trade
Her lengthy CV lists countless qualifications, civic achievements, books and publications – but Raquel Rolnik makes no mention of dabbling in witchcraft.
Yet the architect and urban planner appears to be an avid follower of Candomble, an African-Brazilian religion that originated during the slave trade.
The academic, brought up a Marxist, actually offered an animal sacrifice to Karl Marx when she was studying for her Masters degree in architecture so ‘he would leave her alone’ to study in peace.

According to her elder sister Suely, a well-known Brazilian psychoanalyst and intellectual, Raquel had become ‘contaminated’ by other philosophies and offered the sacrifice to appease the German revolutionary socialist.

The UN special rapporteur’s fascination with Candomble rekindled memories of another controversial figure’s links with the religion that worships African gods.
Her Polish grandfather died in the Holocaust and her parents emigrated to Brazil. She has held various government positions, speaks six languages, and was appointed to her UN post in 2008.

She lived in communes at the time, she went to Africa, the Caribbean, Colombia, she went to the houses of African witch doctors to find out what was the memory of housing in Africa, during slavery. But the university didn’t accept her thesis.


And she’s visited the USA as well?  Now that part is scary.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/12/2013 at 01:29 PM   
Filed Under: • Colleges-ProfessorsCommiesDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
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  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
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It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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