Sarah Palin will pry your Klondike bar from your cold dead fingers.

calendar   Tuesday - April 10, 2007


Lost AGAIN? You’d think by now I’d have bought a AAA road map or else brought some dame along to tell me to pull over and ask directions. I guess I’ll never learn.

OK, Zoomies! Time to help your pilot find out where he is again. We’re back over CONUS after a brief tour overseas yesterday and we’re looking for a place to land and that USAF base down there looks as good as any, provided they don’t shoot us down first.

The really great news is that if this plane falls out of the air we’re likely to land on top of a missile silo like the one in the picture below. Final hint: In the movie “Star Trek: First Contact” the “first contact” with alien visitors takes place at this base. Now tell me where I am. Oh ... and live long and prosper!


(Click image for larger 1065x915 in popup window)
(Photo from Google Earth Desktop)



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 04/10/2007 at 03:16 PM   
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Motivational Poster Of The Day



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 04/10/2007 at 03:02 PM   
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I Gots Dem 1040 Blues

Booooo! It’s time for our Annual 1040 Taxation Without Representation Party™. This Sunday is April 15 so that means .... you don’t have to file taxes yet because it is a Sunday. That, of course, means that next Monday, April 16 is ... still not the deadline for paying your taxes. No, the deadline this year is one week from now - Tuesday, April 17. Wanna know why? Here is the scoop from the IRS Official Shakedown Site ...

Taxpayers will have extra time to file and pay because April 15 falls on a Sunday in 2007, and the following day, Monday, April 16, is Emancipation Day, a legal holiday in the District of Columbia.

By law, filing and payment deadlines that fall on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday are timely satisfied if met on the next business day. Under a federal statute enacted decades ago, holidays observed in the District of Columbia have an impact nationwide, not just in D.C. Under recently enacted city legislation, April 16 is a holiday in the District of Columbia. The IRS recently became aware of the intersection of the national filing day and the local observance of the new Emancipation Day holiday after most forms and publications for the current tax filing season went to print.

Individuals in the District of Columbia, as well as in six eastern states, already had an April 17 filing date prior to this announcement because they are served by an IRS processing facility in Massachusetts, where Patriots Day will be observed on April 16. These individuals are still required to file on April 17.

“Emancipation Day”. “Patriots Day”. Yeah, that would be too much irony for the annual Fleecing Of The Flock, wouldn’t it? Flock it! I filed my return back in February, did it electronically and had my refund automagically deposited in my bank account a week later. The rest of you nappy-headed taxpayers better get busy writing out checks so the Demoncrat ho’s in Congress can have their pork. Pork: the other green meat.

Brian Fairington - Cagle Cartoons

Why Spring Taxes Me
-- By Tom Purcell

image imageI hate spring. I hate the sunny weather and chirping birds and neighbors smiling and humming, while they spread mulch in their planters.

I hate the buds on the trees and the sweet smell in the air. I hate the way the sun falls gently over the hills at dusk.

I hate everything about spring, because I’m self-employed.

Every year this time I’m a nervous wreck about my taxes. I worry that I’ll owe more than I think I will, and I will. I worry that I’ll not get everything organized and tallied up for my accountant in time, and it’s always close.

This is because our income tax system is complex. It is complex because drunk people (members of Congress) designed it so that a bureaucracy (the IRS) will convert the incomprehensible into the unfathomable (the tax code) in order to punish productive Americans (the self-employed) all in the name of good fun.

To comply with our onerous tax rules, I have developed a highly effective accounting technique: the Big Box Methodology. From the beginning of January through the end of December, I toss every bill, receipt, expense, etc. into a big cardboard box.

Every year, I am forced to organize and tally every one of these items, so that I can document my business expenses. I must document my business expenses to accomplish what every self-employed person hopes to accomplish: to have earned as little income as possible the year before.

I was in a mighty struggle with Big Box during the winter. He kept calling out to me, pleading with me to get things in order. But I ignored Big Box. I ignored his unreasonable demands week after week, and the more I ignored him, the more worried I got.

As spring neared, I began taking Big Box with me. When I went away for the weekends, I put him in my trunk. I had high hopes of using my weekend breaks to organize every slip of paper into a brilliant rendition of how much I earned and spent in 2006, but I did not.

No, I did the same thing this year I do every year. I waited until the last few weeks before taxes are due. Despite the recent cold snap, I know what every self-employed person knows: the weather will break big this week.

As the sun shines and the world comes to life, I’ll get calls from beautiful women who want to spend time with me. I’ll be offered box-seat tickets to baseball games, invitations to cookouts, requests to partake in fun and frivolity of every kind.

But I will turn them all down.

I will turn them down because of Congress. When members of Congress passed the 16th Amendment into law in 1913, they made the income tax deadline March 1. But in 1955 Congress pushed the deadline to April 15.

They did this so helpless American taxpayers would have more time to organize and file their taxes? Ha, ha. No, they did it to give the IRS more time. But I think there was an additional reason.

Dissatisfied that the cost and complexity of the income tax was not painful enough --according to the Tax Foundation, Americans wasted 6 billion hours and $260 billion completing returns last year—Congress saw an opportunity to ruin spring, too.

That’s why I’ve been shut off from the world. That’s why I’ve been hunkered down with an intensity and focus that would make the Unabomber wince.

I have been doing battle with Big Box, you see, trying to make sense of all the receipts, bills, etc. he contains. I’ve been in English-major hell—adding, subtracting, documenting, palpitating.

The worst is yet to come. When I finally get everything organized, I’ll forward the details to my accountant. He’ll use them to make complex tax-code calculations. Then he’ll tell me I owe way more than I thought I did.

Now you know why I hate spring.

Tom Purcell is a humor columnist nationally syndicated exclusively by Cagle Cartoons. For comments to Tom, please email him at


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 04/10/2007 at 10:44 AM   
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Poll Spin

Would you like to see how media spin works? Pay attention and I’ll show you. Take a look at the news story below from ABC NEWS. After reading it you might be convinced that people just love the new Congress and hate Bush. As the article states, “Congress approval rating at 40%, high point of the year, Bush’s approval ratings still low at mid-30%”.

There’s only one problem. This is complete, utter bullshit. ABC took the figures from one poll, AP-Ipsos and seems to have ignored all the other polls, including the one that is usually closer to being accurate, the Gallup Poll. If you look at the graph below the news story you will see the Gallup Poll figures - and they show both Congress and President Bush’s approval ratings rising slightly with Bush at 38% and Congress trailing behind at 33%.

So which one should you believe? Probably neither but the spin being put on the AP-Ipsos poll by ABC automatically disqualifies that poll from the git-go. Keep track of all recent polls at ... and always keep in mind that there are liars ... damn liars ... and statisticians - with that last group being the most contemptible and dishonest of the lot. Believe it or not .... 60% of the people I polled disapprove of polls altogether. Would I lie to you?

AP Poll: Congress Approval Up
Congress’ Approval Hits High Point in a Year - 40 Percent - As Democrats Challenge Bush

WASHINGTON Apr 10, 2007 (ABC NEWS)— Public approval for Congress is at its highest level in a year as Democrats mark 100 days in power and step up their confrontation with President Bush over his handling of the Iraq War, the issue that overshadows all others.

Yet for all their eagerness to challenge Bush, congressional Democrats so far have failed to attract significant support among independents, a group that helped propel them to power in last fall’s elections and now appears more strongly opposed to the war than the general public.

The findings from an AP-Ipsos nationwide poll provide a snapshot of public sentiment in the days after the House and Senate triggered a series of veto threats from the president by passing separate bills that provide funds for the war, yet also call for the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops.

Overall approval for Congress is 40 percent. The survey shows Bush’s approval ratings remain in the mid-30 percent range, that a striking 39 percent strongly disapproves his handling of foreign policy and the war on terror, and that the public has scant hopes that the president and Congress can work together to solve the country’s problems.

- More ...



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 04/10/2007 at 05:59 AM   
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Imus On Defense Against Full Court Press

Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah. So what can you say on talk radio and what can you not say? Hmmm? For the record let me state that (a) I don’t listen to Don Imus’ radio show except for an occasional interview, and (b) anybody who gets Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson this mad at them gets my vote.

Me ...  racist? Not on your life, sweetie. I judge people by their character, not by their color. Neither do I think Imus is racist. So what is all this kerfuffle about? It’s about playing the race card to blackmail a media personality and further stifle free speech. Only liberals are allowed to talk like this (and much worse).

Do I think Imus’ remarks were inappropriate? Probably so ... but is that cause for a public lynching? His radio show is known for being pretty raw at times (which is why I’m not a regular listener) but not nearly as raw as Howard Stern, Al Franken and others who get away with much worse every day.

I’m still waiting for Al Sharpton to apologize for Tawana Brawley and Jesse Jackson to apologize for Karin Stanford. Let he who is without sin cast the first ... you-know-what. Is it just possible that Sharpton and Jackson, two Christian “reverends”, have forgotten that part about “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”?

NBC and CBS are gutless wusses as far as I can see. Suspending Imus for two weeks and groveling before the Race Warlords Jackson and Sharpton is somewhat disingenuous considering some of the trash those networks let through on the airwaves (Reference: Dan Rather, Kinkos).

Imus has apologized repeatedly for his remarks and they still want his head. Why? Sound off, people. What say you about this mess ... ?

Here is what he said ...

Imus made his remark the day after the Rutgers team, which includes eight black women, lost the NCAA women’s championship game to Tennessee. He was speaking with producer Bernard McGuirk and said “that’s some rough girls from Rutgers. Man, they got tattoos ...”

“Some hardcore hos,” McGuirk said.

“That’s some nappy-headed hos there, I’m going to tell you that,” Imus said.

Here is the rest of the story ...


Don Imus Suspended Over Racial Remarks
(NY TIMES) - April 9, 2007

The radio talk show host Don Imus was suspended for two weeks yesterday after the outcry over his racially disparaging remarks about the Rutgers University women’s basketball team.

NBC News, which does a simulcast broadcast of Mr. Imus’s radio program on its cable news channel MSNBC, was the first to act, suspending Mr. Imus and calling his comments “racist and abhorrent.” A short time later, CBS Radio, which is his chief employer, followed, saying it, too, would take Mr. Imus, 66, off the air for two weeks.

NBC also served notice yesterday that it would not tolerate insensitive remarks in the future. Mr. Imus had promised to change the tenor of the show, NBC said in a statement, and had agreed that the suspension was appropriate.

“Our future relationship with Imus is contingent on his ability to live up to his word,” NBC said. CBS made no statement other than that it was suspending Mr. Imus, who has been the host of “Imus in the Morning” for more than 30 years. MSNBC will replace Mr. Imus’s program with news coverage. CBS was undecided about how it would fill the time.

The actions came at the end of a day of intensifying pressure on Mr. Imus from black leaders, who expressed outrage at his description last Wednesday of the Rutgers team as “nappy-headed ho’s.”

Mr. Imus tried to stave off calls for his resignation by appearing yesterday on a syndicated radio program that has the Rev. Al Sharpton as its host and making a more complete apology for what he said were “repugnant, repulsive, and horrible” comments.

But his job still appeared to be in jeopardy, with Mr. Sharpton and other black leaders calling for Mr. Imus to be fired, threatening to initiate a boycott of sponsors and demanding that the Federal Communications Commission take action against him and radio stations that carry his program.

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Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 04/10/2007 at 01:00 AM   
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calendar   Monday - April 09, 2007

Mother Nature Fights Back

So you’re concerned that melting glaciers caused by GLOWBULL WARMING will cause ocean levels to rise and we’re all going to drown? No problem. Mother Nature is going to take care of that little problem. See those people below? They’re standing on a coral reef that was under ten feet of ocean a week ago. Now the reef is exposed and they’re living on land that is ten feet closer to the moon. Don’t mess with Mother Nature, Al Gore. She will mess you up every time ...


Quake Lifts Solomons Island Out Of The Sea
RANONGGA, Solomon Islands (AFP) - Sat Apr 7, 7:19 PM ET

The seismic jolt that unleashed the deadly Solomons tsunami this week lifted an entire island metres out of the sea, destroying some of the world’s most pristine coral reefs. In an instant, the grinding of the Earth’s tectonic plates in the 8.0 magnitude earthquake Monday forced the island of Ranongga up three metres (10 foot).

Submerged reefs that once attracted scuba divers from around the globe lie exposed and dying after the quake raised the mountainous landmass, which is 32-kilometres (20-miles) long and 8-kilometres (5-miles) wide.

Corals that used to form an underwater wonderland of iridescent blues, greens and reds now bleach under the sun, transforming into a barren moonscape surrounding the island. The stench of rotting fish and other marine life stranded on the reefs when the seas receded is overwhelming and the once vibrant coral is dry and crunches underfoot.

Dazed villagers stand on the shoreline, still coming to terms with the cataclysmic shift that changed the geography of their island forever, pushing the shoreline out to sea by up to 70 metres. Aid agencies have yet to reach Ranongga after the quake and tsunami that killed at least 34 people in the Pacific archipelago but an AFP reporter and photographer on a chartered boat witnessed the destruction first hand.

At Pienuna, on Ranongga’s east coast, locals said much of their harbour had disappeared, leaving only a narrow inlet lined by jagged exposed coral reefs either side. Villager Harison Gago said there were huge earthquake fissures which had almost split the island in half, gesturing with his hands that some of the cracks were 50 centimetres (20 inches) wide.

Further north at Niu Barae, fisherman Hendrik Kegala had just finished exploring the new underwater landscape of the island with a snorkel when contacted by the AFP team. He said a huge submerged chasm had opened up, running at least 500 metres (550 yards) parallel to the coast.

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Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 04/09/2007 at 05:00 PM   
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Yep, lost again. Who’d have thunk it? To make matters worse Google split the map image between daylight and evening. We’re over that dark part, coming in on approach from the West. This base is overseas. WAY overseas and is a rough assignment. In fact it is so rough the normal assignment here is only one year with no dependents allowed to join. If you choose to stay longer the USAF will pay you an extra $300 per month. The reason is that there is a curfew from 2400-0500 Sunday night through Thursday night and 0100-0500 Friday and Saturday nights. You gotta be on-base, indoors and safe (hopefully sober). If you still haven’t figured it out yet, take a look at today’s Motivational Poster. That should narrow it down somewhat. The A-10 in the pic below is pulling into one of the hardened concrete bunkers on the map (I’ve blocked out the identifiers on the tail so don’t bother looking). Now, where in heck am I?


(Click image for larger 1065x915 in popup window)
(Photo from Google Earth Desktop)



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 04/09/2007 at 03:23 PM   
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Motivational Poster Of The Day



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 04/09/2007 at 01:36 PM   
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It all began on the night of March 13, 2006 as a squad of US soldiers patrol the deserted streets of Ramadi and the promise to “never leave a fallen comrade behind” becomes grim reality ....

Sgt. Row, the point man, was leading the soldiers through dark, narrow alleys in the city of Ramadi as the squad headed back to base. Suddenly two men darted into a nearby house – and at that hour, Row saw that as a clear sign of imminent danger. He stopped the team, but within seconds the street exploded with an onslaught of machine-gun and small-arms fire, RPG explosions, and hand grenades. The squad dropped to the ground and directed fire at the enemy’s position.

Alvarez moved to a covered position to reload his weapon, and he noticed one of his comrades had been hit and was lying in the middle of the firefight. Without hesitation, Alvarez rushed into the kill zone to check the soldier’s vital signs – but it was too late. He covered the soldier’s body with his own and continued firing on the enemy. When he ran out of ammunition, Alvarez stood up and started dragging the soldier out of the line of fire. Row, who was pinned down nearby, provided cover fire as Alvarez struggled to move the body. When Wilzcek and Pushkin saw Alvarez’s difficulties, they ran into the open to help. But as the three moved back toward cover, two RPGs exploded 10 meters away, knocking them down and sending a volley of shrapnel into Alvarez’s right knee. The men stood up and continued dragging their comrade to the safety of a nearby courtyard.

After establishing a safe area for the injured, Pushkin and Wilzcek ran back and forth several times from the courtyard into the line of fire to rescue trapped soldiers. Meanwhile, the RPG explosions had also injured Row’s elbow with shrapnel. Even so, he continued firing on the enemy position to help the others reach safety. Once everyone was clear, Row, who was alone in the middle of the street, called for help. As Row remembered later, “I was trapped in the street, and [Pushkin and Wilzcek] pulled me out of there.”

The squad was now in the courtyard and medical assistance was being administered – but their work was not done: enemy fire continued to light up the area. When the squad started planning the next phase, Alvarez refused to be moved with the other injured soldiers, staying to help in the fight.

The insurgents, seeing the evacuation in progress, focused their fire on the rescuers. Wilzcek, already on the roof, began firing back. After clearing the rooms below, Pushkin and his team hurried up to the roof to help Wilzcek. Row grabbed a Bunker Defeat Munition – a shoulder-launched explosive for use against fortified positions – but his injured elbow prevented him from using it. He ran up to the roof, handed the weapon to Pushkin, and helped guide Pushkin toward the targets. With Row and Wilzcek providing cover fire, Pushkin took aim and fired – destroying the enemy’s position and killing a number of insurgents. With that, the squad was able to leave the area safely.

For their actions, Wilzcek, Alvarez, and Pushkin were awarded the Silver Star for their bravery and actions; Row was awarded the Bronze Star for Valor.


Article From: Family Security Matters website


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 04/09/2007 at 12:04 PM   
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Trading Life for Death

An excellent article by Bob Allen in WorldNetDaily.

His name is Charles.

Her name was Clara.

Was. Past tense.

The first and last time Charles saw Clara alive, she was being dragged by her hair through the CNN Center in Atlanta. Clara’s tormentor ordered Charles out of the way, and instead of standing his ground to defend an obviously distressed woman, he obeyed the thug’s order and let them pass.

Charles’ choice was to go in search of a guard instead of personally coming to the woman’s aid, and the tragic result is that Clara is now dead.

Going to find “help” turned out to be no help at all.

Could Charles have saved Clara? It’s possible he could not. Perhaps Charles would have also been a victim. We can never be sure.

What we do know is that Charles obeyed a thug – refused to defend the defenseless – and two people are now dead.

What would you have done?

What would I have done?

There was a time when a majority of American men would almost surely have come to Clara’s aid. They believed in an ethic that said, “Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.” (Proverbs 24:11)

It was a day when men, recognizing the reality of evil, carried weapons that enabled them to stand in the gap for those being unjustly tormented and threatened. Virtually any man on the street could come to the aid of a victim like Clara.

That was then; this is now.

Do yourself a favor and read the rest.  I’m off to the range.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/09/2007 at 11:12 AM   
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Via Kim

Where’s the Tolerance?
Hateful reactions from the Left.

The Tennessee Center for Policy Research (TCPR) recently generated headlines when it announced that former Vice President Al Gore’s Nashville estate “devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours” of electricity in 2006, “more than 20 times the national average.” This free-market think tank’s phones lit up when it analyzed Nashville Electric Service’s public records and identified an inconvenient gap between Gore’s conservationism and his energy consumption. TCPR’s one-page press release was greeted with enough megawatts of hatred to power the South.

“I was accused several times of being a ‘stupid, redneck bitch,’” recalls TCPR’s vice president Nicole Williams, who fielded numerous calls. “I repeatedly was called a ‘whore’ and asked ‘Whose whore are you?’ for three days straight, almost as if those were talking points… I was shocked by these sexist insults — basically attacking my gender.”

The calls continued beyond Williams’s Nashville office.

“I had to change my home number and get an unlisted number,” Williams tells me. “I got about 10 death threats by phone that made an impression on me. I got the ‘I’m gonna get you’-type threats more than 100 times…I was worried that I would get shot walking to my car.” Williams discovered her obsolete address posted online. “If they could find my old home address, it would not be so hard to find a current one.”

Gore’s defenders also spewed venomous e-mails. They sent TCPR nearly 3,000 Gore-related messages that exhibited the very bigotry the Left routinely denounces. Warning: These offensive, often-vulgar, and occasionally unschooled comments reveal the vitriol behind much of today’s “progressive” rhetoric.

Many e-mails displayed Dixiephobia — an intense disdain for the south and southerners.

After TCPR President Drew Johnson discussed his story on cable news, Kevin Lafferty objected: “Johnson said Gore’s home has gas lamps lining his driveway, a heated pool and an electric gate — all of which would be easy to do without. Well sure, that’s easy enough for you to say when you live in a frickin mobile home in Tennessee, eh Johnson?”

Of course, there is much, much more tolerance shown in the full article.  Just remember that when the Left demands tolerance, it means that we have to not only agree with, but also promote their positions.  Anything less means that you are barefoot, same-sex-loving, Winchester-wielding whores, and evangel-yokels.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/09/2007 at 10:56 AM   
Filed Under: • Climate-WeatherDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsEnvironment •  
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BC has always been one of my favorite comic strips.
Rest in peace, Johnny ... and thanks for the laughs.

Comic Strip Creator, Endicott Native Dies

imageimageJohnny Hart, an Endicott native whose collection of cartoon cave-dwellers amused and sometimes irritated newspaper readers for almost 50 years, died at his Nineveh home on Saturday. He was 76. Hart is survived by his wife Bobby, and two daughters. Funeral arrangements have not been announced.

Hart’s B.C. comic strip was launched in 1958 and eventually appeared in more than 1,300 newspapers worldwide with an audience of 100 million. He lent his characters to promote many local agencies and activities, including the Broome Dusters hockey team, BC Transit, Broome County Parks and the professional golf tournament which became the B.C. Open.

B.C. participated in the nation’s space program. In 1972, Hart received a public service award from NASA for outstanding contributions. Later in his career, some of Hart’s cartoons addressed religious themes—a reflection of his own deepening Christian faith—which dismayed some readers and delighted others.

Hart’s biography at the Creators Syndicate web site said he never considered cartooning a serious profession until he graduated from Union-Endicott High School. At 19, he met Brant Parker, a young cartoonist who became a prime influence and who later became a partner in the Wizard of Id, another of Hart’s comic strip creations.



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 04/09/2007 at 01:04 AM   
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Colder Than A Magical Hag’s Mammary Gland

So .... when is this “glowbull warming” s**t going to kick in, anyway?
We sure could use some right about now.



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 04/09/2007 at 01:00 AM   
Filed Under: • Climate-Weather •  
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calendar   Sunday - April 08, 2007

Go For The Pounds, Mates!

First of all, let me say that it is good that these fine sailors and marines finally got rid of those absolutely horrible, tasteless suits the Iranians tagged them with before they would let them go. They look good back in uniform again. I hope somebody had the good sense and good taste to burn those rags.

Now, here is my question: what’s the big deal about them selling their stories and making a few quid on the side? If the Brit military is like Uncle Sam’s troops they aren’t paid nearly as much as they’re worth. Let ‘em make some money off their “adventure” for crying out loud.

Lord knows if any of the politicians who are whining and complaining about it had been captured they would sure as hell sell out to The Sun in a heartbeat. Give ‘em a break and leave them alone to make some pocket change. The Skipper commands it!

Seized British Sailors Can Sell Stories
LONDON (AP) - April 8, 2007, 2:36 PM EDT

imageimageThe 15 British sailors and marines held by Iran for nearly two weeks have permission to sell their stories to the media, the Ministry of Defense said Sunday, making an exception because of what it called “exceptional” interest.

Serving service personnel are usually not allowed to enter into financial arrangements with media organizations, but exceptions are allowed, the defense ministry said in a statement.

“It was clear that the stories they had to tell were likely to have emerged via family and friends regardless of any decision the Navy took,” the ministry statement said.

Lt. Felix Carman, who was in charge of the crew on March 23, the day the sailors and marines were seized by Iranian forces, told the British Broadcasting Corp. that he was uninterested in making money from his time in captivity.

“My main aim is to tell the story,” he said. “There’s some people who might be making money, but that’s an individual’s decision, that’s very private, but that’s not something that myself or many of the others will do,” he told BBC. British media regularly pay for high-profile interviews, but the decision to allow the crew to sell their stories has come under some criticism.

The opposition Conservative Party’s defense spokesman, Liam Fox, said many people would feel that selling the stories was “somewhat undignified and falls below the very high standards we have come to expect from our servicemen and women.”

William Hague, the party’s foreign affairs spokesman, told Sky News his party would question the decision in Parliament. Menezies Campbell, who leads the third party Liberal Democrats, told the BBC he was concerned there could be “inadvertent” leaks of sensitive information.

“And there is, of course, the very understandable feeling of the families of those who have died in Iraq as to why it should be that those who have survived should—putting it bluntly—profit in this way,” he said.

The Sunday Times reported that the only woman in the group, 26-year-old Leading Seaman Faye Turney, could earn as much as $300,000 from deals with a broadcaster and a newspaper. In all, the crew could earn as much as $490,000 between them, the paper said.

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Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 04/08/2007 at 05:34 PM   
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On: 03/20/21 07:00

meaningless marching orders for a thousand travellers ... strife ahead ..
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Tracked at Casual Blog
On: 07/17/17 04:28

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On: 07/09/17 03:07



Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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GNU Terry Pratchett

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