Death once had a near-Sarah Palin experience.

calendar   Friday - September 20, 2013

four years of theft …. one year in jail ….  great system at work


Last week I posted this story.

Judge hears face veil trial pleas

A devout Muslim woman should be allowed to stand trial without taking off her full-face veil, because forcing her to do so would breach her human rights, a court has heard.
Making the woman remove her niqab would also be counter to the “tolerant” approach to Islamic dress in the UK, her barrister argued.
The defendant, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was allowed to enter a not guilty plea to a charge of intimidation with her face covered after a judge backed down from previously saying she must show her face in court to be identified properly. She had argued that it was against her religious beliefs to show her face to men.
Judge Peter Murphy later heard legal argument about whether the woman should be allowed to stand trial without wearing her veil and is due to hand down written directions on Monday.

Ok so you also will remember perhaps that the judge backed down on part of the issue by allowing the skank to be in court covered but she could not take the stand in front of the jury with her face covered. Although on reflection that could be considered a mercy.
As you’ll imagine, all the goats on the left and those who were offended on her behalf crawled out from under their collective rocks to protest at this latest unfair example of islamophobia and racism.

Last night on the radio I heard a debate on the topic that featured a young muzzie woman who I believe is a student at the college that wanted enforce an anti veil policy, but in the end backed down as they were faced with “student protests” at such an unfair policy. Btw, the college already bans hoods and other face coverings as well as hats worn to obscure the face. Apparently however, the niqab is off limits to authorities.

So then, during this radio tit for tat debate on the subject the young woman said, and I swear this is what I clearly heard her say,

“The problem is that people here are NOT accommodating enough toward muslims.”

Well readers of bmews, here’s an up date and a photo of the lying blubber faced bitch.  Look how easy it almost was to con the system cos the system just begs to be screwed.  But not this time. Because,
the woman in question was found to be a fraud and a thief.  Yeah, thief as in she stole £21,000 ( in USA money that comes to $33,641.85 ) from a college where she worked.

She only got 12 months but hey, at least the bitch was exposed.
Police say that there is a rising trend for muslim women to wear the veil outside court to avoid scrutiny.

The theft went on for four years, and funded trips to Florida and home improvements and a divorce.
She finally pled guilty to 19 counts of fraud, at the college where she was a purchasing officer.

Here’s her police mug shot. 



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/20/2013 at 12:06 PM   
Filed Under: • CrimeDaily LifemuslimsUK •  
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calendar   Monday - September 16, 2013

oh look. the sky is falling again. muslim family offended. again.

This is not the story of the week or month, but I just wonder what the letters page will look like tomorrow morning.  I’m sure the usual libtards will be out in number taking offence on behalf of the family.
Actually, I think it’s funny someone at the store offered booze.


· Khan family from Cardiff was ‘highly insulted’ by Morrisons supermarket
· Complained about meat pasty and were offered champagne as apology
· Yousef, 3, tucked into pasty before realising it contained non-halal meat

By Anna Edwards

The devout Khan family was ‘highly insulted’ by Morrisons supermarket over the meat and alcohol double offence to their culture and religion.

His father rang the branch of Morrisons in Cardiff Bay where the manager apologised - and caused further insult by offering them a free bottle of alcoholic bubbly in compensation.

Angry garage worker Mr Khan, 28, said: ‘It is ridiculous and ignorant of our faith - not just once but twice.
‘Firstly they should be far more careful with how they label their products, especially when it could contain meat.
‘But then it is completely wrong of the manager to then give us champagne when Muslims don’t drink alcohol.
‘I feel highly insulted. I don’t want this happening to any other people who are Muslim.’
Mr Khan and his wife Nadia, 29, of Canton, Cardiff, said he will never shop at Morrisons again after the humiliating blunder.

more at source

Woo-hoo.  Morrisons will now file for chapter 11 or whatever it is over here. 

Do you find it interesting that Mr. Kahn just automatically assumes that everyone in the country know muzzies aren’t allowed alcohol? Well, there might be a lot who don’t. I guess Mr. Kahn believes it’s the duty and the responsibility of every citizen here to know all about his twisted 7th cult.  And another thought.
There are lots of muzzies who DO in fact drink booze. 
These folks live for the opportunity to be offended and outraged.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/16/2013 at 11:09 AM   
Filed Under: • muslimsUK •  
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calendar   Saturday - September 14, 2013

lets all commit national and cultural suicide, so people will know how much we care.

On reflection, I think I should have posted my previous in this spot, and then posted this one after. Whatever.
You’re smart enough to make the connections needed.

Actually, I saw this one a day before and didn’t get around to sharing.  Ok, his heart may be in the right place. You know, the desire to simply help people in need.
Surely a kind enough thought. But .... hold on a minute.  Is he forgetting how crowded this island already is?  And may I add, overcrowded with people who hardly speak the language.  And it’s due to get worse come Jan.

There are already a few ministers and one very vocal conservative, who insist that opening more green belt land in an area of extreme natural beauty is a desired thing to answer the problem of a housing shortage.  Never mind there is so much empty unused land that is not green at all. It doesn’t occur to some that there’d be less a shortage if there were fewer immigrants with an apparently god given right to be here. 

Germany is planning to take in 5,000 more and get this bmews.  Are you sitting down?  The Germans have announced that it will be temporary as the refugees will go home when things settle.  Can you grasp that any German would buy that?  Surely they are not that dumb.
Oh, and the Dutch are soon to welcome refugees as well.
And so as time marches on, so does the invasion of an alien culture.

This fellow doesn’t see it that way at all. Well of course not.  He’s left wing all the way.  This article comes from the Independent.  Hey, I have to read left wing papers so you don’t have to wade thru em yourself.  Anyway, always good to know what those folks are thinking. Hmm. ok, maybe not exactly “good”.

Let’s open our borders to Syria’s refugees

Britain is one of the world’s wealthiest nations, we should set an example

By Ian Birrell

Azad Sino fled with his wife and two children from the Syrian city of Aleppo nearly two years ago, when the carnage of civil war arrived on his doorstep. Since then, his family has been surviving in one cramped room in a flat just south of Beirut, with his health deteriorating and his wife forced to sell her jewellery to survive.

Yesterday, they were given the chance to salvage their shattered lives. They joined 103 other Syrians on a chartered plane to Hanover, the first of 25 flights in an airlift taking 5,000 refugees to Germany, which has granted them temporary sanctuary. This symbolic move takes the tiniest sliver of pressure off Lebanon, where every fourth person is now a Syrian and sectarian divisions are spilling over from its larger neighbour.

Amid all the talk in Westminster and Washington of intervention, along with honeyed words about helping victims of “the century’s great tragedy”, this flight is a reminder that there is something concrete Western countries can do to help other than wringing hands or firing missiles. So why is Britain not also offering refuge to some of those families whose lives have been ripped apart by this war?

Azad Sino is just one of two million people driven from their country, with another four million displaced within its borders. Everyone has their own horror story: homes destroyed, friends and family killed, families torn apart. With 5,000 people fleeing Syria each day – half of them children – the dangers of conflagration grow daily as the region struggles to cope with the influx. In Egypt, people are turning on Syrian refugees with violence and abuse. In Jordan, there is barely concealed anger over rising rents and food prices. Iraq, with sectarian violence exploding again, has shut its borders.

Last year 988 Syrians applied for asylum here, the majority accepted as genuine refugees. Yet Britain is one of the world’s wealthiest nations, despite the downturn, and we should set a moral example by offering resettlement for thousands of the more vulnerable families. We already have a strong Syrian community of perhaps 5,000 people in this country; we could take in four times that number without too much trouble. History shows many would go back to their homeland when peace returned.

Such numbers would make only a small impression on the swelling tide of human misery. But if Britain joined Germany in setting a lead, we would be in a position to demand that other rich nations follow. During the Balkan crisis, this country took in nearly 20,000 refugees as part of a major European and US response. Yet while Europe takes in nearly two million immigrants a year from outside its borders, it has left Turkey to cope with 10 times as many Syrian refugees as the rest of the continent combined.

We are witnessing a national tragedy for Syria, a regional disaster, and a global problem. Instead of cheap talk or cruise missiles, how about some action to show we really care about this crisis?


“In Jordan, there is barely concealed anger over rising rents and food prices.”

Oh well. By all means lets import all that to here. Can’t wait.

“ we should set a moral example by offering resettlement for thousands of the more vulnerable “
“how about some action to show we really care about this crisis?”

Hey, good idea.  Lets all commit cultural suicide as a sign of how much we care.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/14/2013 at 06:43 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationInternationalmuslims •  
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give us the young and u can not start young enough. get em in the womb too.

Having seen Drew’s previous post and today’s front page, I thought this should be shared with you all.  You may have seen it already. ??

Also, I thought I should post something from yesterday which is repeated today.  Just a reminder of just where it is the west is headed, in case you have any doubts.


So if the fighter belongs to Assad’s military or is sympathetic to Assad, he is a “thug.” Got it. 

And so the grown men who encourage these almost toddlers to view and enjoy the entertainment are?
Oh right. The opposition.  They’re freedom fighters.  Got it.
Just so we’re clear.


Lets see who among the many that might be.  One certainty might be young jihadists in training.

Beheaded in front of children, Assad’s thugs are dragged to their doom and butchered like animals in some of the most brutal scenes to emerge from Syria’s civil war
By Nick Enoch

The sword rests briefly on his neck as a blindfolded man kneels under a clear blue sky.


Moments later, the executioner raises his right arm, slashes downwards and the prisoner is dead.

The whole barbaric episode is watched by a crowd of jeering men, many of them armed.

And sitting on a low wall only a few feet from where the wretched captive died so violently is a line of young boys.

They were still there as the dead man’s head was dumped on his body.


Another child, even younger, was led by the hand past the corpse.


Although it is difficult to confirm the political affiliation of those involved, an eyewitness told Time that the executioners belonged to ISIS - an Al-Qaeda faction opposed to President Bashar Assad’s regime.

The captives, meanwhile, are understood to belong to the fearsome Shabiha (’ghosts’) - thugs loyal to Assad who are said to roam the country massacring women and children.


You’re all familiar with the silly “sensitivity” training courses many have been forced to attend in our culture.  You know, say bad things to someone or the truth as you see it about some minority somewhere and it’s off to sensitivity camp.

Well ... I guess in this culture they believe in DE-sensitising at an early age.  I may not like the idea but ya know, I do understand it.  Make em grow up to view this as the norm.  For them its death that has meaning and life is meaningless.  You don’t frighten these folks with the threat of the death penalty.
Their training, indoctrination and brainwashing starts very young.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/14/2013 at 04:34 AM   
Filed Under: • muslimsTerrorists •  
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calendar   Friday - September 13, 2013

surrendering to the forces of darkness

Earlier this week a judge ruled that a muslim woman could not remain covered as people need to be identified and a full face cover defeats that.  Makes sense to the more civilized and rational.
While I am no expert on the Koran, I have heard some muslims say that there is nothing in the Koran about a full face cover, only that women must dress modestly.  The admonition on exposure isn’t meant to include the face.  When the judge ruled against the pushy broad I thought, good.  About time.  You wanna walk around in public looking like the Lone Ranger fine.  Do it in a country where it’s natural, not to mention backward.  So cheers for the judge. Right?
Well not so damn fast kemosabe. 


A muslim woman should be allowed to stand trial without taking off her full-face veil, because forcing her to do so would breach her human rights, a court has heard.

Making the woman remove her niqab would also be counter to the “tolerant” approach to Islamic dress in the UK, her barrister argued.

The defendant, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was allowed to enter a not guilty plea to a charge of intimidation of a witness, with her face covered after a judge backed down from previously saying she must show her face in court to be identified properly. She had argued that it was against her religious beliefs to show her face to men.

Judge Peter Murphy later heard legal argument about whether the woman should be allowed to stand trial without wearing her veil and is due to hand down written directions on Monday.

Her barrister, Susan Meek, argued that the woman, from London, had a right to wear the veil during trial in November under Article 9 of the European Convention of Human Rights, which safeguards religious beliefs. She also highlighted the “tolerant” approach taken to Islamic dress in the UK.

“She is entitled to wear it in private and in public,” Ms Meek said. “That right to wear the niqab also extends to the courtroom. There is no legislation in the UK in respect of the wearing of the niqab. There is no law in this country banning it.”

Judge Murphy allowed the woman to enter the dock at Blackfriars Crown Court and deny a charge of intimidation after she had been identified in a private room by a female police officer.

The Metropolitan Police constable, who was present when the defendant was photographed following her arrest in June, then swore on oath that it was the same woman under the niqab in the dock. Beforehand the defendant had not even been able to enter the dock, because her identity had not been checked.

At the start of Thursday’s hearing Judge Murphy said he had been given a substantial amount of material since the last hearing in August regarding the woman’s right to keep her veil on. He then said: “I would be satisfied for the officer giving evidence, having seen the defendant backstage so to speak in a private setting, saying she could identify her.”

But that isn’t all in news from the front where the West and civilization is being overrun by the forces from the dark ages. The war is being lost on all fronts as those who should know better, appease, accommodate and just plain cave in to the forces of darkness. 

Last week a college issued rules regarding dress code and ruled that the female students of the muslim faith could not cover their faces. An issue of safety and identification meant nothing to the more militant and ignorant both in and out of that group.  But the college said that was the rule and it was going to stand by it.  Well good for them.
Oh yeah?
Not so damn fast kemosabe.

Ban on Muslim students wearing religious veils scrapped by Birmingham college after public outcry

Birmingham Metropolitan College had asked teenagers to remove items

Staff said it was for safety and ensures people are ‘identifiable at all times’

By Matt Chorley, Mailonline Political Editor

A college which tried to ban pupils wearing the full facial veil for security reasons has abandoned the rule after a public outcry.

All students, staff and visitors to Birmingham Metropolitan College were told they must have their faces visible at all times so they are ‘easily identifiable’.

But the move was heavily criticised by some students, one describing the policy as disgusting. Nick Clegg said he was ‘uneasy’ about the idea.

More than 800 people claimed they planned to attend a protest against the policy today to stand up to what they said was an ‘Islamophobic’ decision.

David Cameron’s spokesman said the Prime Minister defended the right of educational institutions to be able to ‘set and enforce their own school uniform policies’.

But Deputy Prime Minister Mr Clegg said he felt ‘uneasy’ about a veil ban in a schools, although he could understand why it was needed to identify people at airport checkouts.

The college which has 44,000 students and is the third largest in the UK, said headwear poses a security risk and their policy ‘includes the removal of hoodies, hats, caps and veils so that faces are visible’.

This would stop female Muslim pupils from wearing the niqab, the full facial veil where only the woman’s eyes are visible, or the burqa where the eye area is covered in mesh.

But the college has now issued a statement saying it has decided to modify its stance to allow individuals to wear ‘specific items of personal clothing to reflect their cultural values’.

More than 9,000 people signed an online petition set up by NUS Black Students’ Campaign calling on the college’s principal Dr Christine Braddock to remove the ban.


And so little by little they will gnaw away the foundations. With the approval and encouragement of the lemmings and enablers of the left.
This is what the Death of the West looks like.  Expect more of the same.

I’m pretty sure that when it starts to happen in the USA on same scale, if it hasn’t started already, you folks back home won’t be very much surprised. But will anyone be in any position to halt the advance?  Depressingly, I doubt it.  Oh sure, there are millions of guns in the hands of private citizens.  But no organization worthy of the name.  And as you all know I am sure, you can’t make a move or a phone call or send an email or a snail mail but that agencies of the govt. will know everything you say and everything you plan. 
Wouldn’t it be nice if the field could be leveled, and numbers of folks desperate to save country and freedom, were able to infiltrate those agencies as well as get elected to public office and start taking charge of law enforcement agencies.  But I think that might take far more time than we have left.

Sorry for the downer folks.  I guess I’m reading and hearing and seeing too damn much, and find nothing that I find encouraging.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/13/2013 at 07:49 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEmuslimsUK •  
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calendar   Monday - September 09, 2013

rebels including al-Qaeda-linked fighters have gained control of a Christian village .

Playing catch up ....  too much mail unattended for days.

Govt. troops ousted finally ousted rebels here. For how long I wonder.

Caught this item ... doesn’t surprise us. 

David Cameron, the Brit PM has been urging Obama to act against Assad and bomb Syria. The French are eager to follow.
They will certainly be in bed with strange bedfellows if they decide to oust President Assad. And even though Obama says that is not the plan, who believes that?

This comment in the Daily Mail sums it all up pretty well.

This is news? It’s been going on for thousands of years in this part of the world. The names change, the boundaries change , the allegiances changed. The song remains the same. We can only do so much. But sacrificing our precious youth, sacrificing the hard earned pay of people struggling to make ends meet, is too high a price. Try telling the parents with a body bag in front of them that we’re all in it together.

- Tom , Swansea,

Syrian village is ‘liberated’ by rebels… who then forced Christians to convert to Islam

Syrian rebels including al-Qaeda-linked fighters have gained control of a Christian village north-east of the capital Damascus
Government media has provided a different account suggesting regime forces are winning
The battle is taking place in Maaloula, a scenic mountain village where people still speak the ancient Middle Eastern language of Aramaic

By Mail Foreign Service

Terrified Christians claim Syrian rebels ordered them to convert to Islam on pain of death when they ‘liberated’ their ancient village.

Opposition forces, including fighters linked to Al Qaeda, gained temporary control of the Christian village of Maaloula after fighting with regime forces.

The reports have reignited fears about western support for the rebel groups, which are increasingly being infiltrated by Islamic extremists.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/09/2013 at 05:46 AM   
Filed Under: • muslimsWar-Stories •  
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calendar   Saturday - August 24, 2013

lawyers confer to decide if muslim will be offended.

Is there anyone here who can’t recall a time when first of all, anyone trying on this crap in court would end up behind bars and none of this rights crap?  And second, do you recall as I do, that nobody appearing in a courtroom would even think of this nonsense?  But these days, rights trumps all.  True, the slag didn’t get away with it entirely. But come on.

The judge must allow lawyers to argue whether the defendant has to remove her veil?  Where’s the argument?  It should be an automatic NO for the reason given by the judge, and as common sense would dictate.
So once again everyone must go the extra mile for a member of the rop.
It’s all in the interests of rights though. ( gags) Never mind that it isn’t a natural part of a western country, and the host country at that.
She may have been born here, I have no idea. But even if she was, I consider her and her kind as a wedge being driven under the culture of a host country.  OK, maybe I can’t tell anyone what being English means.  But I know what it ain’t when I see it and hear it.  It’s kinda like the duck thing. Innit?  They don’t bark or go meow but if they quack, well then.

Take a look.  Typical of the times.

Judge orders Muslim woman to remove burkha during court appearance then bans her from entering plea after she refuses

· Judge Peter Murphy said open justice overrides religious belief in court

· Woman, 21, said she cannot remove her veil in front of men at all

· Judge said there is a risk someone could pretend to be her in the dock

· Case adjourned so lawyers can argue whether the defendant must remove her veil

· Defendant, who cannot be named, is charged with intimidating a witness


A judge told a Muslim woman she must remove her burkha in court before she can enter a plea after she refused to reveal her face.
Judge Peter Murphy said the principle of open justice overrode the 21-year-old woman’s religious beliefs, and warned there was a risk a different person could go into the dock pretending to be her.
The woman, from Hackney, east London, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, appeared before Blackfriars Crown Court today charged with intimidating a witness.
She said she cannot remove the veil in front of men because of her religious beliefs.

Judge Murphy told her: ‘It is necessary for this court to be satisfied that they can recognize the defendant.  ‘While I obviously respect the right to dress in any way she wishes, certainly while outside the court, the interests of justice are paramount.

‘I can’t, as a circuit judge, accept a plea from a person whose identity I am unable to ascertain.’ He added: ‘It would be easy for someone on a later occasion to appear and claim to be the defendant.
‘The court would have no way to check on that.’ Her barrister, Claire Burtwistle, told the court the woman was not prepared to lower her veil at all while men were in the room.

‘In front of women, it is not an issue’, she said. ‘It is simply men that she will not allow to see her face.’
Ms Burtwistle suggested herself, a female police officer or a female prison guard could identify the defendant and confirm to the court that it is the same person as in the police arrest photos.

Prosecutor Sarah Counsell added that the police officer in charge of the case was content that he recognised the defendant while she was in the burkha.

But Judge Murphy rejected the suggestions, saying: ‘It seems to me to be quite fundamental that the court is sure who it is the court is dealing with.
‘Furthermore, this court, as long as I am sitting, has the highest respect for any religious tradition a person has.
‘In my courtroom also, this sometimes conflicts with the interests of a paramount need for the administration of justice. In my courtroom, that’s going to come first.’
The judge added: ‘There is the principle of open justice and it can’t be subject to the religion of the defendant whether the principle is observed or not.
‘I am not saying this because of the particular form of dress by this defendant, I apply that to any form of dress that had the same issues.’

Judge Murphy adjourned the case for legal argument over whether the defendant should have to remove her veil.

It will be heard again on September 12, when the defendant is expected to enter a not guilty plea and go to trial.
The defendant is alleged to have intimidated a witness, in Finsbury Park, north London, in June.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 08/24/2013 at 05:19 AM   
Filed Under: • Judges-Courts-Lawyersmuslims •  
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calendar   Wednesday - August 14, 2013

armoured police vehicle was pushed off a bridge by protestors in Cairo today. PHOTOS

I’m not certain about the time difference in some places in the USA when I see this stuff.  I guess you may have already seen it all on TV. Depending on what time zone you’re in.
Anyway ....  I thought this worth posting.  I couldn’t help thinking if this kind of thing was impossible here in the west.  How bad will things get before it does?
Chilling to think about.

Tons and tons of full screen photos at the link although quite a few are duplicates.

Horrifying moment Egyptian protestors pushed an armoured police van 50ft off a bridge before officers were stoned by mob

The van was pushed off the 6th of October Bridge in the Egyptian capital of Cairo during clashes

After it landed, protesters attacked it and threw stones at the wreckage while under fire from police

Not clear how many people were on board or their injuries although reports claim on Twitter that five died

149 people have died across country after security forces raided camps set up by ousted Morsi supporters

Sky cameraman Mick Deane, a 61 year old father of two, was shot and killed as he reported on the violence



This is the horrifying moment an armoured police vehicle was pushed off a bridge by protestors in Cairo today. 

Video footage shows the van plunging off the 6th October Bridge before demonstrators attacked the wreckage. It is not known if how many people were on board and how many people survived the fall, but disturbing images shows bloodied men lying around the van moments afterwards.

Unconfirmed reports claimed five officers were killed. As violence across the capital escalated, Egypt announced a month-long state of emergency across the nation on state TV from 2pm. More than 1,400 people have been injured nationwide and the government said 149 were dead.

One of those was Sky cameraman Mick Deane, who was covering clashes between security forces and protectors, was shot dead this morning. Mr Deane, 61, who was married with two sons, was with Middle East correspondent Sam Kiley when he was shot.

Meanwhile Egypt’s vice president and pro-reform leader Mohamed ElBaradei resigned in protest at the raids saying he would not be held responsible for a ‘single drop of blood’.




New footage shows driver of armoured car ‘pushed off bridge’ by angry Egyptian protesters actually reversed over the edge



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 08/14/2013 at 01:19 PM   
Filed Under: • Daily Lifemuslims •  
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calendar   Saturday - August 03, 2013

UPDATE!  on dinner lady article ….  appease,appease,appease and for what?

This is an update to the dinner lady story of yesterday, and part of it came as a surprise.

Note to LyndonB.  I was mistaken. They apparently are not converts but muslims to begin with. Reads that way.

Yesterday I posted a story about a lady called a dinner lady.  These are folks who serve lunch for young kids at school. This story involved a woman who in error put ham on the plate of a 7 year old muslim girl.  She pointed at it when asked what she wanted and the dinner lady put it on her plate.
The head teacher spotted the error and immediately took the plate away from the child, and gave her something else.
But not being happy with that, she told the kid’s family what happened.  They in turn demanded that the school sack the dinner lady, which they did.
As LyndonB so aptly put it;

This sacking of the dinner lady is likely to cost them (ie us) dear as I bet she sues for unfair dismissal. Typical councils run by bed wetters who think pandering to the mad mullahs is what people want. If muslims send their kids to state schools then they should give them packed lunches or expect to be served “dirty” pork. Don’t like it? Then sod off back to to pisspotistan.

Which, it has now been announced, the family is doing.  But first, the vermin just had to demand the dinner lady lose her job.  Which she says, she would not take back if they offered. She is sorely disappointed and I’d say, pretty damn angry.

Here’s the update.

And have a GOOD read on what daddy had been up to.  Not exactly an upstanding citizen even by muslim finance rules according to the koran.

Brits will be better off without this scum living among them.

Family who got dinner lady fired after she accidentally served their child gammon are emigrating to Muslim country

Zahid and Rumana Darr asked for Alison Waldock to be dismissed

Miss Waldock accidentally served pork, forbidden by Islam, to their daughter

The Darrs are now moving to the conservative UAE


The parents involved in the sacking of a school dinner lady who mistakenly served gammon to their daughter are to emigrate to a Muslim country.

Alison Waldock, 51, was accused of gross misconduct and says she lost her job after Zahid and Rumana Darr asked that she be dismissed.

Today it can be revealed that Mr and Mrs Darr and their three children are emigrating to the United Arab Emirates later this month. The family have chosen to move from their home in Cambridge to Sharjah, where alcohol is banned and there are the strictest decency laws in the emirates.

Mrs Darr, 33, wrote on her Facebook page: ‘So we’re leaving the country end of August for good … We’re moving to Sharjah. We want to go relax in a nice hot Muslim country where the kids know their identities as Muslims.’

The move comes after Mr Darr’s recruitment firm was closed down in June when he was found to be working as a company director illegally.

Following an investigation by the Insolvency Service, he was banned from holding company directorships after he was caught pocketing over £500,000 owed in tax in 2008.

His firm Interecruit (UK) went into liquidation after Mr Darr, 36, ‘diverted’ money owed to the taxman in VAT, income tax and national insurance to another of his companies.

The nine-year ban was imposed in February 2011 but in May this year he was found to be operating a similar company named Interecruit (GB), which supplied agricultural workers.

As well as working as a director when disqualified, Mr Darr was not paying staff the minimum wage and failing to provide holiday pay. He had his gangmaster’s licence revoked by the licensing authority.

Yesterday Miss Waldock said she does not want to return to the canteen at Queen Edith Primary School in Cambridge, where she had worked for 11 years, even if she is reinstated by Lunchtime UK, which runs the service.

She told the Mail: ‘I’m just hoping to clear my name. I wouldn’t want my job back – look at the way I have been treated. I could not work for that company again and could not be in the school environment. It would be uncomfortable.’

see more


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 08/03/2013 at 12:08 PM   
Filed Under: • Daily LifeDIVERSITY BSJustice - LACK OFmuslimsOutrageousUKwork and the workplace •  
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calendar   Monday - July 22, 2013

11 year old accuses her mother of arranging her marriage for profit.

Found on the net. Where else?

She seems pretty articulate for an 11 year old.
What a culture huh?  Those folks won’t change, not now not ever.
Hope the kid has a chance now for a possible better life. She might but then,
who knows?

The video is at the link with translation.

‘Go ahead and marry me off - I’ll kill myself’: Escaped child bride, 11, explains why she ran away from home

· Nada al-Ahdal was saved from the forced engagement by her uncle
· He told her suitor that she ‘was no good for him and did not wear a veil’
· The practice of marrying young girls is widespread in Yemen
By Jill Reilly

In an interview with National Yemen, Nada accuses her mother of arranging the marriage for profit.
‘But I’m not an item for sale,’ she says.

‘I’m a human being and I would rather die than get married at this age.’
Nada, has an 18-year-old sister who has already been engaged many times.

Her parents accepted each new proposal and took a partial down payment for a bride price.

They would then postpone the marriage until the groom had accumulated enough money before ending the engagement and keeping the down payment.
Her uncle was horrified his young niece who lived with him, his son and his elderly mother was being married off.

He told NOW: ‘When I heard about the groom, I panicked. Nada was not even 11 years old; she was exactly 10 years and 3 months. I could not allow her to be married off and have her future destroyed, especially since her aunt was forced to marry at 13 and burnt herself.

Her parents were not happy the engagement was called off and demanded that Nada be returned home to them.
But following her return home, Nada disappeared after her parents tried to marry her off again against her will.

When her uncle found her again, he informed authorities and Nada was eventually allowed to return to live with her uncle, her father’s brother - she then posted the horrifying video online.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/22/2013 at 10:52 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - July 20, 2013

parts of france where one is no longer in france. we know why, still nothing done about it.

I should start posting stories about euro culture and civilization under OBITS!  The way things are going, it seems appropriate.

Must close for the night. All done in.

Keep the powder dry ladies and guys.  You just may have need for it one day.

Geo. in Canada
Europe should serve as the canary in the coal mine for North America but I’m afraid too many of us are deliberately closing our ears to her singing.

H/T islam versus europe

Marseilles Doctor: “In this district, you’re no longer in the Republic”

Posted by Cheradenine Zakalwe

“I never imagined that in 2013 I would be kidnapped in an apartment surrounded by a dozen people demanding that I draw up a certificate of virginity for one of their daughters.”

...It’s ten years now since this indefatigable woman in her forties started her consultations in this district which has been called the poorest in Europe. A few months ago she took over the practice of a colleague. “It was a conjunction of circumstances,” she explains. And adds, a smile on her lips: “At the same time, there wasn’t exactly a queue. Fewer and fewer doctors want to set up here. While here...”

In this district where silence is golden, this mother of three children has chosen to break the silence. No names, no photos or details that could identify her: that is the price of her peace of mind.

...Several times, she explains that she notified the social services about the worst cases. But sometimes, faced with the reticence of some families, she admits she backpedalled. “I want to stay alive,” she says, admitting that she feels fear every day during her consultations. “You know, in this district, you’re no longer in the Republic.”

...Since her arrival in Belle de Mai, Marie has learned to deal with violence, often verbal, sometimes physical. “At the start, they insistently demand prescriptions from you and then you’re faced with a Kalashnikov,” she continues. One unusually violent episode occurred after she refused to oblige by supplying prescriptions. “I’ve stopped home visits for safety reasons. The episode with the certificate of virginity convinced me,” she says. She recalls having gone to the home of a family who contacted her under the pretext that a young girl was sick. “Once there, I realised that the people present expected me to supply a certificate of virginity for the future bride. No doubt a way for them to provide assurance of their honour,” she specifies.

When she is not the victim, Marie is the witness of this violence. “I am confronted with situations of sordid intra-familial violence, concerning abused children and kidnapped women,” she acknowledges. Thus she reveals the case of wives who have come directly from North Africa, not speaking any French, transformed into “slaves” by their husbands, who justify this treatment by their religion.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/20/2013 at 01:12 PM   
Filed Under: • FRANCEmuslims •  
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calendar   Thursday - July 18, 2013

BREAKING NEWS:  one of the men accused of murdering Drummer Lee Rigby attacked in prison

Unfortunately it was only two teeth but lets hope this is a beginning.  The black bastard doesn’t deserve any consideration. If there were any real justice, he’d be dead himself, and by the same method he and his islamic friend took the life of that soldier.  But we should be happy at least for this small payback.
Lets all hope it just the start of more.

BREAKING NEWS: Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo ‘attacked in prison’

By Amanda Williams

Terror suspect Michael Adebolajo, one of the men accused of murdering Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich, is believed to have been attacked in prison.

Reports claim the 28-year-old, of Romford in Essex, was set upon at HMP Belmarsh in south east London yesterday.

Reports say he has had two teeth knocked out in the attack.

Suspect?  How is he a suspect?  There isn’t any suspicion. We all know what happened because he was happy to show it off.
Suspect my ass.
I suppose the wardens have to call him mister as well.

The Ministry of Justice has confirmed an investigation is underway but has refused to comment further.

A Prison Service spokesperson said: ‘The police are investigating an incident that took place at HMP Belmarsh on July 17.

‘It would be inappropriate to comment while the investigation was ongoing.’

Adebolajo is accused of hacking Fusilier Rigby to death together with Michael Adebowale, 22, near Woolwich Barracks in south east London on May 22.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/18/2013 at 02:05 PM   
Filed Under: • Justice - LACK OFmuslimsTerrorists •  
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muslim youths loot train wreck and corpses as well as the living

Not in my wildest imaginings in the past would I have ever dreamed that Europe would fall into this morass.  Is there anywhere that is free of the cancer of migrating muslims?

We may loath him for the crimes and the mindless brutality, but Hitler once spoke of what happens to a superior culture that accepts and enables a sub culture to settle among them.  He said that it will always be the better culture that suffers and in the end will fall.  How did he know that in 1930?  I think he targeted and had the wrong culture in mind, but I also think he was correct about a sub or inferior culture infesting the west. And to him at that time, the west meant Europe.  I can see no good, no positive outcome for western civilization as long as muslims are allowed free reign, as they appear to have.  And that would also include others from eastern Europe like the Roma Gypsies.  They are a disease, and a fatal one at that.

I am a few days late with this (unavoidable) and must thank the blog site Blind Naked Islam for the story here.  And none of it will surprise any of you.

EUROPE: Muslim ‘youth’ mobs loot train wreck corpses in France, attack police in Germany

When you see a story about ‘youths’ anywhere in Europe now, it’s a good bet they are talking about young Muslim thugs, thieves, and general troublemakers.

This French news video provides a follow-up to yesterday’s post about the looting of injured people and corpses by Muslim ‘culture-enrichers’ after the wreck of a passenger train on Friday in Brétigny-Sur-Orge. There were too many witnesses to the robberies and the stoning of police, so the media couldn’t entirely ignore what happened. But, as you’ll see from this report, the reporters downplayed, minimized, explained away, and generally whitewashed the incident.

For three nights in a row there have been heavy Muslim riots in Hamburg-Altona. A mob attacked policemen on the first night and the next night, they burned cars and hurled stones. About 150 young Muslim rioters gathered Friday night, where they went from lighting firecrackers to torching cars.

In Karl Wolff Street a car was completely gutted. Another car was set on fire in Hospital Street, but was able to be extinguished. Some time later the tires of another car were burning. More than 100 police officers were out in force. They used pepper spray against the rioters. In response the mob hurled stones at the officers. A 21-year-old man was arrested.

The riots started on Thursday night when a group of youths blinded car drivers with a laser pointer. The police moved in – and suddenly saw a group of over 150 people moving towards them.

16 rioters were detained. There was an aggressive mood and the situation escalated. In the media, not much was said about the cultural background of the rioters, but in the photos and videos it can be seen: There are Muslims and women with headscarves. Also, the battle cry “Allahu Akbar” can be heard in the video.

H/T BNI for videos and more


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/18/2013 at 07:11 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - July 11, 2013

answering muslims dot com on YT

Found this before getting ready to close for the night.

Perhaps some of you are familiar with this guy.  ??

He has a series of videos and I wish I could post a few right here right now. Space and time dictate otherwise but I’d recommend checking out his other You Tube postings before they take him down.  That may not happen but my new found paranoia says it could.

After this, check out this. , Shariamerica: Islam, Obama, and the Establishment Clause


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/11/2013 at 02:18 PM   
Filed Under: • InternationalmuslimsSharia lawTerroristsUKUSA •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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