When Sarah Palin booked a flight to Europe, the French immediately surrendered.

calendar   Thursday - July 21, 2011

just good manners

I think there might be something wrong with my puter or maybe the connection.

It seems to be running quickly today. Like, really quick.


July 21, 11

I was raised, as I’m certain many of you were, to show respect to the elderly.

Whether or not they earn it never came into question.  You weren’t supposed to answer back to older people or be rude to them.  So generally I continue with that idea although as I’ve grown older myself, from time to time I have felt justified in telling another older person to buzz off.  As I’ve grown older, I have noticed that old didn’t mean nice in every case.  Some old folks really are just thoughtless people and were so no doubt as younger people.  I never held a door for someone just to hear them say thank you.  It has always been an automatic gesture.  I’m not in so big a hurry that I can’t let someone in line ahead of me when they have little and I may have much. Or, if they’re much older then I am.  Why not make it easier for an old person using a
cane or just looking tired and aged?  But I have to say, the other day when I let an old lady in front of me I thought, never again. Screw em.  It doesn’t pay to be nice.

Well of course I was wrong.  It was simply the thought of that moment and not all people are like the wrinkled old coffin dodger who tried to edge her way in front as though she had some kind of god given right to be there.

When I went for my knee X-ray Tues., I entered a corridor and had to move around some slower moving folks taking up the very center of the isle.  One person in a wheel chair and to his left a guy with a crutch.  I don’t know why it is, but it always seems like folks like the center. Have you ever noticed that ppl on bicycles do that as well?  Anyway, I walked around the bunch in the center and found myself behind a very old couple and she seeming to be the worst for wear of the two, and moved around them as well.

By the time I got to the check in counter there were two ahead of me, with the receptionist on the phone.  So the wait was about five minutes when another lady who was working on something behind the desk, took pity on the line and took the papers that had to be handed in.  Just about the time I was ready and at the desk, that old couple I mentioned caught up to the growing line, and the wrinkled old crone was working her way around my right side.  It was obvious she was trying to get her papers in first, and since she was old and was limping a bit, I didn’t think losing a few more minutes was any big deal.  So I stepped to one side and waved her on.

Wouldn’t you think she could have had the courtesy to say thank you?  Nope.
She went to the front like she owned the place without a glance back.

Chances are pretty damn good that in the same circumstances I’d move aside again.
Doesn’t take too much effort to be polite and anyway, where the hell else have I got to go?



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/21/2011 at 12:10 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - July 19, 2011

Painful Knee Produces Modern Art ….

July 19, 2011

I am pretty sure readers here will have heard at least once in their lifetime, someone exclaim that they were so tired they could hardly put one foot in front of the other.
Well, until the last couple of days I never had call to use that expression with regard to myself. But boy-oh-boy, I was so damn tired I could hardly …..

I’ve been working on a project at the house.  Not done but getting there.

Anyone who ever started a house project knows the frustration of one thing leading to an unexpected other thing.  What I thought would be just a matter of scrapping rust and painting has proved to be a bit more.  And then there’s the damn knee and foot problem, which I’ve mentioned in passing recently.

I don’t use the term ‘pain’ loosely and except as an expression as in a pain in the butt, don’t generally say I am feeling same unless it really is. Pain!  Of which I think I know a thing or two.  So while say a stubbed toe hurts like the dickens, I wouldn’t use the word pain too quickly with regard to myself. Reason being ….

Some years ago I had back surgery and that is an experience I never want to repeat. Now that was pain with a capital ‘P’ and no mistake about it.  Especially when I started to come to before I was supposed to.

And then there was a tumor.  Happily non malignant but, the process of treating it and the recovery is again, nothing I want to go through again.  I hope to never ever have a catheter put in me again. Ever!  Especially when it’s done while two attendants hold one down and the damn thing is put back in without any pain killer. None.

After the removal of said tumor, I was informed that I had to have a cystoscopy every few years.  Or maybe it was every five years, cos those things could come back.
I had one that was so painful the doctor had to quit because the pain deadener had no effect.  Another doctor a year later somehow managed it without hurting BUT, I ended up with a severe infection and damn near bought the farm.  I don’t know why I didn’t sue the bastard.  I was taken to a hospital in Riverside,Ca. and was there a week I believe. But before that, I was deathly ill at home for several days shivering and shaking and somewhat delirious.  My own doctor put me in hosp. but at first they didn’t know what I had and I was in isolation.  I was asked a million questions and when they learned I’d had a cystoscopy they decided that was the problem.
So … they duly notified the urologist who performed same.  He came to the hospital, stuck his head in the door and asked me how I was feeling. All of 30 seconds and the bastard had the nerve to then send us a bill for something like $120.00.  Now that I think about it, I wish we had sued.

So anyway I’m talking about pain and can tell you that even though I was warned years ago to continue having these bladder exams or face the grim reaper, my attitude has been as follows.
After death there’s no pain and no taxes.  I haven’t had any of those exams since and do not intend doing so.  Which brings me to the last year or more specifically, the past two weeks.

Although the back gives me periodic fits from time to time, over the last year I’ve been having a serious knee problem, and a possibly related problem with the area of the ankle.  When it happens, it is PAIN like I can’t explain.  Last year while in CA. I had an episode and it was bad enough to send me to the docs where I was given steroids.  They seemed to do the trick and for about a year I was doing okay re. the knee.  But a couple of weeks ago, my knee lowered the boom on me for taking things for granted and I started to experience waves of pain.  I’d start the day fine and went to the market one Tues. with the wife, and after five minutes walking suddenly felt like my leg was being twisted around the wrong way.  Came home, put ice on it and took some useless pain killers but didn’t move much the rest of the day.  Could not even put feet up on a foot stool. That hurt even more.  By the following day, it was like nothing happened the previous day.  Go figure.

And then I started the project here at the house.  I find it next to impossible to take breaks and have to force myself to stop and eat, when involved in a project.  So I was pretty much on my feet all of the first day and into early evening.  By bedtime, I could hardly walk.  Then disaster struck the next day.

I had a couple of paint brushes in a small container of what the Brits call white spirits and we call turpentine. I think they’re the same.  Also, a small can of metal paint.
These were on the table I was using for whatever tools I had, scraper and cleaner and odd stuff when it happened.  As I leaned towards the cup with the soaking brushes, my knee gave out and I more or less over reached and knocked over the turpentine but unfortunately, and I still don’t know how, I also knocked over the can of metal paint.
So there I am on one foot with turpentine and paint everywhere, and not one person from the Tate museum of modern art to witness my unintended and painful creation.

Managed an appointment with my regular doctor Monday and was sent for a knee X-X-ray today.  Will have results next week I’m told. Meanwhile, doc thinks possibly something I can’t pronounce that produces some kind of fluid into the knee joint, may be blocked.  Anyway, the X-ray should tell us something and meanwhile I have something that is supposed to control it.  Ah well, I don’t exactly have it yet.  The pharmacy didn’t have it but expect to by tomorrow.  Happy to say tired but not hurting tra-la.

So ….. that’s where I’ve been.

Stay Tuned


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/19/2011 at 02:44 PM   
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calendar   Thursday - July 14, 2011

whistle while you work

Alive. Just. In a manner of speaking.
This pix hasn’t anything at all to do with what I’m writing. I just thought I might inject some excitement in what might be a boring tale.

Once the electrician was done and gone I couldn’t put off a project delayed by at least a year. So now I am exhausted and wondering what the heck I’m still doing here, in a house that will never be restored because it’s beyond that, and even if it wasn’t, we couldn’t afford to do it.

Our windows are very old. They date from the time they were first installed. 1924. They are iron and they are seriously rusted.  In some cases the smaller windows are frozen, no, fused is the better description.  So every year I do what I can, scrape, sand paint etc.

But not last year. So things get worse and the work gets harder.  Actually, I don’t mind the work so much. What else am I gonna do?  And besides, I can feel like I’m accomplishing something.  Started on one of the two kitchen windows yesterday morning, and still not done.  Lets not even talk about the two rooms upstairs or the really larger one here in what doubles as dining and computer room.

When the mil was alive and kicking, I guess she didn’t have much to spend on upkeep. When it was done, it was really a matter of applying one coat of paint on top of another and I guess she thought that was all it needed. But she also had a bad habit of not seeing those things she wanted to avoid.  She didn’t trust workmen and always tried to get things on the cheap.  Well, she got that alright.  Maybe I’m unfair in that assessment. After all, I wasn’t here at the time things were falling apart. Now, about all we can do it stick our finger in the dyke and try and hold back the flood. 

I’ve pretty well scraped away what I could but in many places the rust on the frame is total. That is, you can not sand to bare metal because there is no longer any bare metal.  I’ve also replaced the grouting around the one I’m working on.

Hopefully if I can get an early start tomorrow morning, get a ride to the paint store having discovered I have no primer or oil base for the wood parts inside and outside the house, I can finish that window and start on another easier one, before moving on to the next worst.

This is gonna take some time, and at the end of the day it’s about all I can do to stand up.  And that damn knee isn’t helping matters any.  Neither is the dog next door.

I read about bread soaked in anti-freeze being used. Might have to resort to that, because some folks just don’t give a damn if their actions and attitudes or their dogs disturb others.

It’s the same thing when people have outdoor parties late at night, and just can not enjoy themselves unless they have music amped at decibels that will be heard between here and Germany.

People really are not very considerate anymore.  Have you noticed that?


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/14/2011 at 01:25 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - July 13, 2011


I’ve not been posting much because we’ve been busy.

See, my wife’s Mom suffered a major stroke on June 24. She passed away on July 10, without regaining consciousness.

Anyway, we’re busy. Mother-in-law owned mucho rental properties. And property taxes are due July 17.

My wife is the executor of the estate. Mother-in-law didn’t keep very good records. 


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 07/13/2011 at 06:18 AM   
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calendar   Friday - July 01, 2011

photos around the neighborhood

Earlier today, the wife insisted I let her show me the fields across the road at the end of our street.  There are four or five large farm fields, generally hidden behind the trees and hedges and vegetation that grows along both sides of a main road leading into Winchester.
At different spots as you drive you can spot a crop of some kind but folks don’t sight see on this road.  Well, as it happens there is one little space where we can pull a car into and get out safely.  Perhaps in normal times I might have walked it as it’s only a couple of minutes away.  At first I wasn’t keen because I guess I’ve gotten lazy, and must face that truth.  But honestly the back was acting up slightly and it showed itself in my left knee. How’s that for weird?
I’m glad I got off my butt though because the view was really nice and but for her I wouldn’t have thought to bring my camera.

There are four or five large fields growing FLAX.

The wife took this shot.

So after that she said she wanted to do a loop around our area and our village to see a particular field that grows something different almost every year.
But we had to drive in some pretty tight places to get there.


I am always nervous driving on these cart tracks, and that’s exactly what they were originally. A one horse cart track. Most of these roads weren’t even paved till after the 2nd War.  We had no place to back up to where we could pull over, so that car you see here backed up about a quarter mile to a small spot used for just that purpose.


We were just tooling around our back garden in a manner of speaking.  All of this is right on our doorstep. In fact, some of it is right outside our front door.
There are some things about this politically nutty place we would really miss.


Well, as I said. I was merely along for the ride and she did find the field she wanted to see.  However, there wasn’t anything to see. At least, not at that place. But there was at this.  It caught our eye and our breath and I wish I could have taken better photos.

Poppies.  And yes. That kind of Poppy.  As in, medicinal.  The lighter colored poppies are actually Opium poppies and are grown under license for medical use.  They are a good cash crop for the farmer and the program has only been introduced here recently.


The red poppies are wild.  Poppy seed can stay in the ground for as long as 20 years until conditions are suitable for it to grow.  So we never know where or when we’ll see them and have bad luck trying to grow the reds in our garden.  Sometimes we get one lonely flower.



Don’t seem to have a lot of luck with morning glories either.
One year we were flush with them, as shown here, and then the next we couldn’t get any to thrive.
One year we seemed to have the snail and slug problem under control, and it seemed after that everything went to flower hell where we couldn’t control them at all.


The sky has gone back and forth between bright sun and blue skies to dark grey clouds every minute or two all day long.

I can’t believe I’ve spent the better part of an afternoon re-sizing and cropping and posting these few photos.  Time seems to fly. Or is that just something we discover with age?


For now, from me, that’s all for today. As always, Stay Tuned.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/01/2011 at 08:23 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - June 29, 2011

my life so far ….

My Life So Far ……

It has been a rather hellish week due to a back problem of some long standing.

I had back surgery a long time ago, an experience I do not want to ever have again.  Pretty damn painful.  Got some meds from doctor, anti inflammatory/pain killer combo I was told.  Of course, it has a tendency to cause stomach upset. Well that’s ok I suppose as at least now I am able to put my damn socks on and tie shoes. Not that I couldn’t do those things a week ago when this happened.  But not without a lot of groaning and a lot of very serious pain.  Now I can bend somewhat and even stand up when going to the loo.  Not too funny. 

Over the years, from time to time it goes out but has never lasted this long. Won’t stay here too long today but I am feeling a lot better. Which means there isn’t any excuse not to communicate with folks.

Over the last week I’ve done somewhat more reading then I usually do. What else was there to do?  Don’t have a TV and I couldn’t boot and sit at a computer.  Couldn’t stand either btw.  Couldn’t even get outta bed without bracing myself and painfully pulling myself up.  Or maybe I was pushing up. Yeah, pushing seems correct.

Well anyway, so I’m reading lots and because we get two papers (three on weekends) I tend to read things having more to do with the part of the world I live in now, then the world I left behind seven years ago. Normally I read all the news stuff and ignore the celeb gossip and health features. However, lately I started noticing things I had skipped over in the past.

Every single day there are stories having to do with health and warnings of approaching disaster.  For example.  Did you know “new studies” say that thinner people are more likely to have heart attacks and bad health overall, then chubby folks?  Then there is another study that asks, “Could food-packaging chemical rob men of their sex appeal?” No kidding. A gender-bending chemical found in food packaging may reduce a man’s ability to attract a female.  A study from the University of Missouri found male mice who were exposed to bisphenol ‘A’ as babies, became demasculanised and ‘behaved more like females.’
Well hell people. Nobody should be eating mice anyway. And who does these studies?  I remember years ago they said eggs were gonna kill me. So I cut back on those and now they say, “Woops. Never mind.” heh-heh. Also, researchers now say that bacon isn’t gonna kill me after all and in fact may actually be healthy.  Even knowing how damn lucky I really am can be depressing, given the knowledge of what can happen in the future.  I forgot to mention it but, I was also listening to radio a lot more. Kinda like the days before TV.  I heard a frightening program last night on the aging and old age care or lack of, and it really,really made an impression on me.  Scared the heck outta me more like it. 

Then we were told there was an ice age due anytime within the next 500 or 1,000 years and there was something to do with the ozone layer.  Now we’re being told we are not gonna freeze but fry.  At my age, frankly I don’t give a damn.  I have other things that bother and depress. I really do.  Like, seeing contemporaries pass away and many far younger then I am.

So anyway, the things I was reading made me think even more of the things I think about anyway.  Except now I dwell on em more. Can get rather depressing though because I’m thoroughly convinced that our world is a totally disintegrating and disordered place.  Well it is darn it.  A story in one paper this past week reports that some teachers here are quite reluctant to discuss the attack on America on 9/11, because they feel it might provoke “racism and islamopobia.” They especially worry about bringing the subject up in classes where a certain group who belong to a religion of peace, make up the majority of students.  Hells bells, we wouldn’t want to upset them.  What next?  Lets not say anything about the Holocaust least it offend Germans?  And how’s this bit of lunacy?

BINMEN refused to take away a retired granny’s recycling because they said an ice cream tub she put in was the wrong shape.
The city council said that they only took bottle shaped plastic.
The council has since said that the policy is now revised so all’s well that ends.

Police here carry a guidance card that warns them, “suspects cannot be handcuffed ‘just’ because they pose a danger to police.” You just could not make that up.  What kind of insanity is that?  And speaking of insanity.  I’ve been watching this once proud country little by little ceding its sovereignty to unelected bureaucrats in foreign countries.  They can not deport criminals and even terrorists, if there’s a question of their “human rights” being violated in some way by their home country.  Britain is sadly bound in many ways by the European Court of Human Rights (and abuses).  That doesn’t say anything positive about their sovereignty to me.  take a look at this

One bit of good news that came out last week, although very small, is still something to feel good about.
One of four hooded men who broke into a house in the middle of the night, was killed by the homeowner.  The bad guy was arrested earlier this month on suspicion of another burglary but was released.  I guess he won’t be breaking into anyone else’s home anymore.  And that’s a good thing.
Stay Tuned
- 30 -


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/29/2011 at 10:27 AM   
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calendar   Friday - June 10, 2011



It all started so well yesterday. We had something called a coffee morning here, some good friends in the village came by to visit and chat.
Next month we will be at their house.  Nothing fancy, just good company.
That’s how it started. Didn’t end that way though and got a bit worse today when I sort of wrecked the car.  And I wasn’t even going anywhere.
Well actually, I was.  But I’ll get to that in a moment provided I don’t fall out of my desk chair.

So, we had coffee and choc. chip cookies and some of us had sherry and port later in the morning and I had tea. All very civilized.

After our guests had left, I was helping my wife clear things up.  I don’t know what I did or how it happened, but I leaned into the fridge to put something away. Or maybe take something out. Don’t recall. But all I did was slightly lean and suddenly there was this pain, as in ouch. It seemed to start at the top of the stomach area but more towards the ribs. Just off to the right, and travelled around to my back. Now ain’t that weird?  I can’t account for it.  For the rest of the day and into the night, there was this dull something that seems to go from just an ache to a dull like hurt, at my back in the lower rib area.  I’d say about a hand’s width from the waist.  It even hurt to take a deep breath.  That was yesterday.

Feeling much better today although truth to tell, still feel it just a little.

Some years ago my wife was in an accident when a small pickup ran a stop sign and hit her car.  Thankfully not the driver’s side, the car was declared a total wreck. No surprise since the pickup that hit her was carrying logs for fireplaces.
She had a number of bones broken, knees banged up and a cracked back.  Not nice.
Even since then, she’s had on/off problems and I got into the habit of backing the car out of the garage for her so she didn’t have to twist around.  It got to be that I helped out even when she didn’t need any help.  And so it was this morning.

She had to go to our local market to pick up a few items we were short on.  So I left the computer and said I’d get the car out for her.  She told me she was ok and could handle it but I insisted on … “Helping.”

And so I thought I was.  Started the engine.  Ah. Good. No problems there.
While I take responsibility for what happened after I put her in gear, it must be said that these damned newish cars with those unpractical round bodies are not that easy to back out of some places with any ease. Especially garages built in an age of smaller square bodied cars in the 20’s. Which is when our garage dates from.

So, as I eased off the clutch I turned around to look behind me, and that’s when I felt something like a hard jab to by ribs in back. It didn’t actually hurt (although it did that ok) as much as surprise me.  Off came the clutch down went the accelerator and off like a rocket went the car.


Also off was the side mirror leaving dangling wires in its place, and some serious damage to the side of the car.  Scratches galore and you can also scratch our side night light.

I also damaged the left side garage door. Not really the door so much as the hinge.  It’s a bit bent at an awkward angle. I think the old frame might have an issue too.  Oh yeah, I ran the car into the hedge on the damaged side as well. One of those sharp like thick hedges that don’t easily resist things that fly or run into em.  Sighs.  Yeah, I’m feeling better today thanks.  Well, not exactly great cause I feel like I hurt the car.  And that hurts worse then my ribs. Which actually feel almost back to normal.
So, how was your day?


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/10/2011 at 12:35 PM   
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calendar   Friday - June 03, 2011

me and barbie and a pleasant memory of a better time.

First of all ... it isn’t 81 degrees here. WOW ... hope it doesn’t get to that. No air conditioning. Which has nothing whatever to do with this post.

My post at the moment, is about kissing. Or more specifically, being kissed. But not just by anyone.  Someone special. Beside your wife or mother.
And so it happened with me many years ago, and only something I caught on line at The Daily Mail today prompted me to do this post.
In fact, I was planning some eye candy which I’ll now hold for another time.

This was the banner that greeted me when I refreshed the Mail on line page

Does Britain really need a new Playboy club? Hugh Hefner touches down with his bunny girls

Then under the headline was this photo.

Between you and I .... the only one I find attractive is the redhead. Not cos of her hair alone. The other just don’t do it for me. But then, I don’t count and I’m not paying his bill. So ok.

Scrolling further down the page were some old photos and I swear the girls looked far better in another time. For me especially, was the one Asian girl shown.
Which again is neither here nor there.

This is the photo that grabbed me and memories came flooding back. of my days as a DJ.


See the short girl tucked up against Hefner?  That doll is Barbie Benton.

Now that name may not mean anything to any of you, but it sure means a lot to me and my past.  And what a very dear and very nice person she turned out to be.

Being Hugh Hefner’s main squeeze in those days, wasn’t a guarantee of success. Opposite in fact in the music world back then. For all his fame and all his money.  See .... she was a singer, and a pretty damn good one too I want all to know.  So he decided he’d help her career along and many say that’s how Playboy Records really got going. Because Barbie needed a label. So he gave her one.  Except, there was some resistance for awhile. Many stations didn’t even want to get her a chance at being aired, because they felt Playboy was being pushy, who’d ever heard of her before him, and out of spite they refused to play her records.  But she was really good. 

When our station first got the promotional copy all stations receive, I had doubts too.  I thought oh sure. Hefner’s girl friend. BUT ... I was curious and auditioned the record and put it into my rotation.  The lady did have talent.  Later as well, some very good acts were signed to Playboy and some of the best producers Nashville had to offer.  For awhile, Playboy did very well. I can’t remember the roster now after all this time.  Benton of course. And Mickey Gilley, who had a number of hits on that label.  Those were some awesome years.  I didn’t appreciate how good I had it. 

Well, every October, during the week of the CMA Country Music Awards in Nashville, there was also the Country DJ Convention.  I can’t even remember if that’s what it was called.  But it was fun.  Guys from all over the country blew into town and attended seminars and shows and of course, parties. No, not a drunken bacchanal. Not even close.  Hey, I got to dance once with Tanya Tucker at a birthday party.  It could have been hers. Sweet!
So anyway, I got to meet Barbie Benton.

Hey, I met a lot of nice people during my time in the business. Was in love with Loretta Lynn in fact.  There’s simply no way to not like that woman after only five minutes in her company.  She is genuine.
So I met Barbie Benton and found to my surprise she was a lovely person.  I don’t know if I expected her not to be.  Wish I had brought a camera with me on that trip.  Well I told her how nice it was meeting her and of course it was, and I remember telling her that I couldn’t wait to get back to my station so I could tell the guys I had met Barbie Benton.  To which she replied .....

“Well, here.  Go back and tell them you’ve been kissed by her.” Where upon she put her lovely arms around my neck and planted one on me that I never forgot.

Trust me .... you have NEVER really been kissed until you’ve been kissed by Barbie Benton.



She’s lots older but she’s still pretty and I’d love to meet her again.  Even if she weren’t pretty.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/03/2011 at 07:59 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - May 19, 2011

I think I’ve posted this before…

I’m pretty certain I’ve posted this before. I knew the music was the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. And I knew that whoever put the video to the music is a master.

What I didn’t know, until this morning, is where he got the music from.

Fuck it. Don’t know what the problem is, but my link looks good in preview, but when I post I get that sappy Osama crap.

Here’s the video I tried to embed:

The music is from the cd “America’s Choir: Favorite Songs, Hymns & Anthems” by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. You can buy it at WalMart. I’m certain that has it also.

Anyway, I was browsing the ‘classical’ section in my branch library and lo and behold! A Mormon Tabernacle Choir cd. I grabbed it. You know, I’ve a weakness for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir...being a jack-Mormon does that to you. I listened to it and the Battle Hymn of the Republic was the same version used in this YouTube video.

The whole cd is good. Buy it, if you’re into choral music.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 05/19/2011 at 02:50 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - May 11, 2011

a day out last week

I’ve been working on a bunch of photos reducing and cropping etc. so I can share em here. Takes more time then I think when I start.
And my damn brand new chair is not comfortable, but I doubt they’ll allow me to bring it back and exchange it. Felt great in the store and does have back support. Anyway ....

I became a year older (and feel it) last week.  The wife was due to see her aged auntie who we adore, and suggested we all go to lunch and also take in a tea room and museum she’s been after me to see for a long time.  So, I caved and gave up the computer for a day and I’m glad I did. But I need to go back there again to finish off other photos I didn’t get right or missed. This place has so much history ...

Over the river and thru the woods to Auntie Joan’s we go. And some damn narrow cart tracks which is what this road actually was. There are these tiny cuts in the side called laybys every so often. If a car is coming your way and there’s a place to pull over, you do and let em by. Unless they get to one after you’ve already passed one before they came on the scene.  One of you will have to back up to the last layby, unless as happened to us, there was a sudden grouping of cars behind. Really tight squeezes and this is nothing compared to other carts tracks we’ve been on.

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And over the river .................


I would love to live in a setting like this. Couldn’t afford the upkeep let alone the house. And not much for camping out.


We picked up our Aunt Joan, who turns 88 in June. She’s still bawdy and spry and drives quite a bit. She was one heck of an artist until a few years ago. Hasn’t painted anything in a couple years. 

KING JOHN’S HOUSE AND GARDEN (except it wasn’t his)



The house and property were part of an early medieval and major complex.  It was called King John’s House because the original historian thought they had found the king’s hunting lodge (c1206 - known from royal records). They now know it dates from the mid 13th century.

There are markings and ancient heraldic graffiti on some walls in the museum upstairs, but I wasn’t able to catch the images on camera.
Something I’d never heard of before is on display in the downstairs.  A tiny portion of the remains of a floor made from animal bones. They date before the 18th century.


There’s a small but comfortable outdoor tea garden, nothing fancy and the weather this May 4th could not have been better.  However, we went inside to the tea room which is plain but nice. Unfortunately, the coffee was more ink then coffee and the tea that was brought to us in a large pot was more water then tea. Undrinkable even with an extra bag, and expensive too.  Snacks and cakes and such didn’t look very appetizing, which is not to say they’re bad as other people seemed happy with them. 




The House known as King John’s House

In 1927, the bldg. now called King John’s House was owned by Miss Mabel Moody.

Located at 13 Church Street in Romsey, she asked a local antiquarian, a Mr. Walter Andrew, to study the property deeds and to investigate the roof space. It was only then that evidence was discovered of the great age of the house. People had over the many years, just lost sight of the fact that the building was noteworthy.
An architect to Winchester Cathedral was brought in to carry out further investigations which then revealed other medieval features behind partitions, plaster and centuries of alterations and concealments.

In the excitment of the discoveries, the property was identified (mistakenly) as
King John’s hunting lodge.  It wasn’t until years later that through carbon dating and other measures, the error was found.  But by then the king became identified with the building and the surrounding property, and became part of Romsey folklore.  The building does however date to the mid 1200s.
Today, there is no clear idea of it’s original ownership or purpose. There are now a small grouping of buildings, all ancient, that are attached. 

Mr. Charles Moody (1846 - 1927) introduced the gun-smithing element into his family, who till then had been cutlers. He was apprenticed at a young age to Henry Drew, a gun maker and ironmonger as well as a cutler.
The family lived on this street throughout the 19th century, and occupied these premises for generations. First as renters and finally as owners. The family is known to have lived in the (then village) since the 1700s.
Most of the display here comes from original shop stock, counters and cases as well. This looks as it did then, in the late 1800s. The only difference is that the shop which was immediately downstairs, has been recreated on the second floor of number 13 Church Street.






Went to dinner afterwards, really nice place and good food. After which Aunt Joan wanted to see an art exhibition at Broadlands. That’s the old estate of the late Lord Mountbatten.  The exhibit was somewhat interesting if frustrating. There were things there I’d have actually bought in different circumstances.
But the treat for me was this old house still in use. An Elizabethan house. Wow.


And so back home late in the day and back over that old narrow road, over which some idiots drive way too fast.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/11/2011 at 10:39 AM   
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calendar   Monday - May 09, 2011

the problem with heroes is …..

In the end, they manage to hurt. They either die which is painful beyond description, or else you find them wanting which leave you lost.

All I can say here is I’ve never been so disappointed in someone I took for a conservative hero, as I am by what Mr. Heffer believes.
Of all the editors and writers I’ve been following over the years, he comes closest to someone I tended to agree with most all of the time.  Littlejohn being the other.
But Simon Heffer stood apart from everyone else. I used to wish he were American born so he could run for president.

It’s bad enough he believes our people were “vulgar” and “mindless.” And that we need to “grow up.”
What bothers me most of all is the final realization that this otherwise friend of America ….. does not really know or even worse … does not understand us.
And if Simon Heffer isn’t able, then nobody else is either. Heffer is an extraordinarily brilliant man. Please don’t let his critique dissuade you otherwise.
He can certainly be brilliant and mistaken at the same time.  He can be brilliant, and mistaken with all the genuine good will in the world.  But the bottom line is …
He genuinely and honestly does not know or understand us as well as he thinks he does. And if he doesn’t, nobody else does either.

Let me be extra clear on the subject of friends and understanding.
The ONLY real friends America has in the political arena are …

AMERICANS. (and even then there’s some doubt)

Shock, horror: man dies in war

by Simon Heffer, Telegraph

I fail to see what the fuss is about concerning the death of Osama bin Laden. He ordered an act of war to be perpetrated on the United States and it retaliated by killing him. That is what happens in wars. I don’t want to sound unduly playground about it, but he started it. Two aspects of this do, however, alarm me. It was, I thought, exceptionally ill-advised of President Obama to conduct the news management of the whole episode as though he were starring in some tacky Hollywood mini-series. Those who believe this killing has won him next year’s election may yet have cause to revise that view.

Worse still were the vulgar scenes of mindless Americans rejoicing in the street when the news broke. It wasn’t the end of Superbowl, but it looked like it. I disliked it not because it might offend Islamic extremists – no further excuse to offend them is necessary – but because it made the world’s superpower look infantile. America should grow up.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/09/2011 at 05:14 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - May 05, 2011

It’s god damn personal !

I need to get a couple of things off the old chest.
Kinda pissed at what I hear on the radio, especially all the god damned hand wringers whining about the awful Americans shooting an unarmed man.
No justice the jerk claim. One apologist last night suggested suggested that obl’s body was not treated with respect.
Respect?  What fuckin world are these nutcases living in?

To make matters even worse of course, we are now told that the original story issued by the mis-administration, was all wrong.
Oh great. That really adds to our image. What?  Is the left hand aware of the right?  Never mind. That’s not what’s on my mind and churning my gut.
It’s the damn foreigners pontificating on America and generally done by folks who haven’t a clue about us.

I’ve been reading and hearing ppl critical of American celebrations over the shooting death of that murderous, terrorist bastard obl. They don’t seem to approve, as if we need their ok, Americans jumping and shouting for joy that at long last, after all these years, the scum who attacked our country is no more. He’s been deleted. But we shouldn’t celebrate that fact.  One ass wipe on radio last night even suggested 9/11 came in response to our invasion of Iraq. WTF? Did I miss something or did 9/11 happen first?  Another guy, a lawyer being interviewed on his opinion, kept spouting “Law, not War.” OBL should have been arrested and given a fair trial, said the complete and total idiot. Then another lame brain from the Labour Party said much the same. These folks have no idea at all, of how deeply most Americans feel. They just don’t understand us and more to the point, they aren’t interested either.  It was OUR country that was attacked.
Stupid piss ants.
So then, there are a few people I just have to pass a message on to. From me personally to all our critics ...


You schmucks do not run America or pay taxes there or have any allegiance to the USA. You know squat.

I’m a bit tired of moonbat wonders like .........

The Pwince of Wails coming to my country and telling us what to eat and why.  And I really doubt much that BMEWS cares about your dumb assed twee hugging gween campaign to save the pwanet. Go on home you misguided dunce. We don’t need any royals telling us what we should do. I thought that was settled a long time ago.

Here’s what pwincy has to say while visiting America this week.

Prince Charles tells America to cut down on steaks ... for the sake of the world


America’s appetite for beef is jeopardising the world’s water supply, the Prince of Wales said during a visit to the US.

Americans eat more than 41kg of beef a year on average, according to the UN, almost twice that consumed by Britons and four times the international average.
The Prince called for an overhaul of food production, championing organic and sustainable techniques, and also criticised the US for allowing the destruction of vast regions of its rural land.

Up yours jerk.

And then we’re blessed with the opinion of the Arch-jerk of Canterbury, Rowan Williams.  Here’s what he has to say about our deleting of that lice factory on legs, obl.

Unease over Osama bin Laden killing

The Archbishop of Canterbury said the killing of Osama bin Laden while he was not armed has left him with “a very uncomfortable feeling”.

Bin Laden was shot dead in his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, and it later emerged he was unarmed when US commandos fired at him.

Speaking in response to a question at a press briefing, Dr Rowan Williams said: “I think the killing of an unarmed man is always going to leave a very uncomfortable feeling because it doesn’t look as if justice is seen to be done.

Well sir, you have my permission to take that feeling and shove it where the sun don’t shine. 
Drew, please put a dunce cap on these guys. I don’t have the software to do it or I would.

These are three letters to the editor of one paper. Three of many like them I’ve read or heard voiced on radio in interviews. It’s what so many are deluded enough to believe.

SIR – British forces would never be allowed to target an individual, because that would breach the rules of war.
American forces have just targeted and killed Osama bin Laden.
Are we in the right, or are our allies? Or is there more than one set of rules?
Rev Richard Haggis

Lemme say it again Rev. Jerk Off. Our country was attacked. Does 9/11 ring a bell you ignorant pile of would be holy shit? Do you see the scum we’re up against worrying about rules of war?  Is everyone in your congregation as stupid as you are? Or are you just one off? Did you get the dumb gene from mommy or daddy? 

SIR – If the West represents democracy, should we not have led by example and brought Osama bin Laden to a fair trial? However bad he was, he was human and had rights. It shocks me to see how people in America are celebrating his death.
Edward Kendall
Canterbury, Kent

Rights? Like the ones he allowed the people on those planes and in the towers and aboard The USS Cole and many other outrages? You really are a dumb assed motherfucker. I hope one of yours gets caught up in the next attack. Lets hear what you have to say about “rights” then ass wipe.

SIR – William Statt credits bin Laden with the spread of al-Qaeda around the world (Letters, May 4). Actually, the 9/11 attack produced revulsion everywhere – including almost all of the Muslim world.
It was George W Bush and Tony Blair’s subsequent invasion of Iraq – a country at the time fervently opposed to al-Qaeda – that lit the fires of al-Qaeda around the world.
Jonathan Walsh

And of all the misinformed, dumbassed moonbats wasting good air by breathing, you Mr. Walsh take a special prize for Stuck on Stupid and delusional.
Why are you living. Please kill yourself very soon cos you’re so fuckin stupid.
Maybe this jerk doesn’t remember the monies promised to the families of suicide bombers.  $25,000 was the offer. But Saddam was fervently opposed to AQ. Yeah, right.  9/11 produced revulsion in almost all the muslim world? Yeah. Right. You really are too stupid to live if you actually believe that crap.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/05/2011 at 11:21 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - April 27, 2011

Random thoughts…

I notice that the BMEWS coffee mug link has moved up in the Bworld. Did I have anything to do with that?

About 45 minutes ago I had the most interesting encounter at the local UDF (United Dairy Farmers). Had run out of Mountain Dew and UDF was running a 3/$4 offer. I don’t drink coffee. Mountain Dew provides my caffeine fix.

Anyway, this burly black guy gets out of his car, walks over and shakes my hand. “I like your bumper sticker.”

I’m nervous, no black person has ever done anything except threaten me… “Which one?” I ask

Well, I hope you all can see the bumper sticker in question.

So we enter the UDF. It’s packed. I get my Mountain Dew, he gets whatever, and we are still talking while in the line. He’s ranting about Obama’s socialist policies, ObamaCare, illegal immigration… etc.

I did find out, in the conversation, that he’s an ex-Marine. Used to be stationed in San Diego. I spent four years with San Diego as my home port. We knew a lot of the same places to hang out.

As I said, a first for me. A black guy likes my anti-Obama bumper stickers.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 04/27/2011 at 04:18 PM   
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calendar   Sunday - April 03, 2011

another veteran of the second war passes away. this time it’s close and personal.

The net is truly a wondrous place. Where else can you go and make the acquaintance of someone, in this case a guy named Vilmar, and through a few twists and turns of a conversation that did not start out as a search for any of your relatives, discover that your uncle, who you had been sadly out of touch with for too many years, had passed away only four months ago at the age of 90.


I have little family left anywhere and what I might have I am not aware of and don’t want to know. But my uncle was very different. I don’t think I was very high on his list of important ppl to know.  Nothing to do with snobbery, just different generations and also he knew me at a time in my life when I was not very responsible and surely a disappointment to almost all.  Nevertheless, he was the first real influence in my early youth, and I remember him when we all lived together.  Grandparents, mom and uncle. This was before he went into the Army Air Force as it was then.


I suppose if it had not been for Vilmar, ten years from now I would have just assumed my uncle was still alive because he was indestructible. So therefore, no need to try and reach out.  Wrong, as it has turned out.

As I told Vilmar, my uncle’s work ethic made no allowance for illness. His attitude was you could be excused only if you died, but must then return to work right after your own funeral.  I believe he got that from my granddad who passed it on to his offspring.

My uncle was a navigator on this plane. I was aboard as a child before the paint and transfer of my uncle to England. I visited him with my mother when he was stationed in San Antonio during war yrs. 
Originally, the girl on the plane had no pants, and it was politely suggested that some be painted on her. Today, she’d be in a bikini. Maybe.

The plane was badly damaged in a raid, and my uncle was wounded by flak.  The electrical connection that provided heat to the gloves was severed, and he carried the scar forever on one hand.  The plane crash landed in a Brit farm field, and he told the story of a farmer running at the downed plane with a pitch fork till he realized it was American.  The family was very happy he was wounded because the crew had already been issued with machetes in anticipation of their transfer to the Pacific theater. In fact, he brought the machete home with him. Also, I got his ear phones with that big plug and it said US Army Signal Corps, and I used those when as an adult I went into radio as a DJ.  I had them up to about 7 years ago

I once had a photo of he and his crew and it adorned my dresser all through my boyhood and right into adulthood.  Somehow, that photo has been lost. We moved so darn many times I’m not surprised it got separated from me. I don’t even have a clue as to the year it was taken or exactly what year he flew.  It could be my own bad memory but, as I recall the photo, the girl on the nose art was better then the one shown here, and I don’t recall seeing any flak bursts painted around her on my photo.
He received the Purple Heart, The Distinguished Flying Cross with Three Oak Leaf Clusters, and the European Air Service Medal. He
participated in the D-Day invasion and at war’s end became a training instructor until his discharge.
He flew in 33 missions. Born Feb. 14, 1920: Died Nov. 28, 2010, peacefully at home.

This has been cross posted at ANTZINPANTZ


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/03/2011 at 10:26 AM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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