Sarah Palin is the reason compasses point North.

calendar   Thursday - October 14, 2010

There’s a radio program here in the UK called Any Answers.  It follows Any Questions. I have one.

A very off the wall post as I’d be VERY interested in views and opinions and especially advice.

We’re talkin hypothetical okay?

You live next door to an inconsiderate neighbor who happens to be a dog owner. Ah, you’re already beginning to see things.
You aren’t going to get anywhere with said neighbor because as anyone who has ever been in the position you know from experience that .....

Dog owners take any critical comment with regard to an annoying non stop barking little flea farm, as a personal attack on them.
What? They may ask. My dog? Barking?  My dog doesn’t bark. 
Naturally enough you know better because you’re right next door.

Keeping thing purely hypothetical now .... assuming that all reasonable solutions have gotten you nowhere ...  and you have no access to a gun, not that you would use it of course (cough).

I’d be interested in knowing what various methods you might use to bring about a hypothetically permanent solution to a barking dog problem.

There aren’t any cats around here in any number or I’d collect gallons of cat piss and dump it on the bark machine, thus causing it to attack itself.  So we can scratch that lone idea.

Serious replies only please .... keeping it hypothetical naturally.image


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/14/2010 at 10:29 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - October 10, 2010

EYE CANDY and other subjects ….

Going to be a busy day today. Another visitor coming for afternoon tea, it’s an English thing.  The wife’s elderly Auntie Joan who is a dear and a somewhat risqué
87 year old.  She’s an artist and not a bad one either.  So we must make ready for the visit later on. 

Meanwhile … while checking s few other things online I ran across one of our Favorites who I stole a photo from.  In the process of surfing by Steamboat MgGoo’s online abode, I discovered we have a couple of things in common.  One of which is an affinity for Asian women.  He thinks they are cute but I think they are way,way beyond merely ‘cute.’ I think they’re AWESOME, FANTASTIC, DYN-O-MITE !  In Japan when young I felt like a kid in a toy store at Christmas. Or else in heaven.
Of course, I kinda think that of women in general as well.  They are so darn nice to be around. And to stare at. Anyway … I really couldn’t resist this photo and so

You may wanna visit and say hello.

H/T Steamboat McGoo


Oh right .. I said a couple of things.  I think cats is another. I do love dogs if large. Have special affection for Alsatians and Malamutes.

are they beautiful er what?

But there is something about cats I never could resist, and I really like the looks of this one, which I also took from McGoo. I believe it’s his.  Look at that face.  What’s not ta love?


Wife just saw this and wants it .... we call em fur people ...

Thanks Steamboat ... you made my day. And oh btw. Yeah. I’d say you deserve a medal for restraint too.  lol.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/10/2010 at 05:12 AM   
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calendar   Monday - October 04, 2010

that’s entertainment?  or just exhibition? entertaining exhibition?

Not a lot I’ll add to this except to say, if anyone wonders just what the heck the culture has come to, and this isn’t new btw, well here’s your answer.

That awesomely wonderful talent, Yoko Ono (pardon while I fro-up) and lady gaga the newest talent sweeping the world.

Here’s gag and lady puke (yoko) who wouldn’t know talent if she tripped over it, in a clinch on a piano on stage in LA.  Hey, ever since Brittany and Madonna did it standing up at an awards show, it’s accepted as talented entertainment.  It’s “edgy” which is all the excuse ya need when you lack any real musical talent.
Oh and hey, when you can’t think of anything really intelligent or witty, flash the V sign with two fingers ala Churchill. That’ll connect with your fan base of the tone deaf. 

Just my opinion, not worth anything to anyone but meself. But as I see things, the more grossed out the world of what passes for entertainment has become, the easier it’s become to see decadence as a normal and hoped for thing.  And if it’s normal, then folks doing the bitching are the faulty ones.  Not two women, one old enuff to be a grandmother, in a clinch, on stage and passing it off as, ‘entertainment.’ Which in a way I suppose it is to the feeble minded and easily entertained.  Like a baby you can shake a rattle at and get his/her attention and make em happy for a bit. 
I’m sure between the “artists” and the director and the producer a lot of thought went into this. Like oh, maybe minutes if not seconds.

Never mind that Yoko has been eternally ugly.  And this is a pretty good photo of the old bag. She’s delusional in her supposed talent. And btw .. how much effort
went into this pose?  What ever happened to the show in show biz?  Or is this the show? If it is, it’s a poor one. And Sting sure doesn’t look any better then the Jap.
More like disgusting I think.  I’m sure things will get worse as the next generation looks for the next envelope to get edgy about.  They’ll look at today and say, Oh heck. We can get nastier then that old stuff. And so they will.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/04/2010 at 11:18 AM   
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the west continues to see no evil as Wilders goes on trial, meanwhile we have a high alert in effect

Hells bells I guess this case may never end as the bed wetting , muslim appeasement, we love our muzzies , Dutch pc authorities continue to go after Mr Wilders.
And of course they should.  Who the heck does Mr. Wilders think he is, spouting off and being critical of members of the ROP. Where did he suddenly get the idea that free speech and voicing opinions or even reporting on what he sees, could be done without first getting co-operation and permission from muslims, on whose good graces Dutch freedom now depends.  And guess what?  With the present govt. accepting the new laws that were passed by the previous leftist govt. with regard to what ppl can and can not say without being sued or charged with harassment, folks here may as well learn to speak Dutch. Or Arabic. Or both.

Dutch politicians revolt over burka ban
Christian Democrats are in revolt against their party leaders over plans to ban the burka as part of a deal to create a Dutch liberal-conservative coalition government with the support of Geert Wilders, a far-Right leader.

By Bruno Waterfield


Stupid Fuckin Idiots!  Jeeze I see red when I see this kind of thing. 

Anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders on trial for inciting racial hatred

Geert Wilders, the Dutch anti-Islam MP who will become a shadow partner in the next Dutch government, has gone on trial accused of inciting racial hatred against Muslims.

The controversial politician risks up to a year in jail or a 7,600-euro (£6,600) fine for calling Islam “fascist” and likening the Koran to Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
Wilders, 47, is charged with five counts of giving religious offence to Muslims and inciting hatred and discrimination against Muslims and people of non-Western immigrant origin, particularly Moroccans.
In comments made between October 2006 and March 2008 in Dutch newspapers and on internet forums, prosecutors say that Wilders described Islam as “the sick ideology of Allah and Mohammed” and its holy book as “the Mein Kampf of a religion that seeks to eliminate others”.
Among the exhibits is Wilders’ 17-minute film, “Fitna”, alleged to depict Islam as a force bent on destroying the West and whose screening in the Netherlands in 2008 prompted protests in much of the Muslim world.
Wilders arrived at the Amsterdam district court minutes before the start of the hearing.


Mr. Wilders doesn’t have to say or do anything to inspire fear and or hatred or both as concerns this particular murderous group of sub humans.

I just can not imagine what has got into Mr. WIlder’s mind.  Gee, could it be things like:

Our threat level remains at severe - meaning that an attack is highly likely.

Or maybe things like this:

Indonesian women caned for selling food during Muslim festival of Ramadan

This is the moment two women were publicly caned in Indonesia’s staunchly Muslim Aceh province on Friday for selling food.



Well gosh.  I just don’t understand why the man is so hateful and critical of a religion that is so merciful and so understanding and so peaceful.
Can you? 

Foreign Office warns of high terror threat in France and Germany

Britain followed the US in upgrading its travel advice for Europe today following a series of terror alerts.

The Foreign Office warned that there was a ‘’high threat’’ of attacks in countries including France and Germany, rather than the ‘’general threat’’ previously identified.

The move came shortly after the State Department issued guidance urging Americans to be vigilant when visiting Europe, highlighting the ‘’potential for terrorists to attack public transportation systems and other tourist infrastructure’’.

“Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers.”
The warnings have been heightened after intelligence officials in Britain intercepted a credible al Qaida-linked terror plot last week.

The planned attack would reportedly have been similar to the deadly commando-style raids in Mumbai, India, two years ago, with other European cities, in France and Germany, also targeted.

“US citizens should take every precaution to be aware of their surroundings and to adopt appropriate safety measures to protect themselves when travelling,” the department said.


Hey, I take that last bit personally. In fact, I take all of it personally. 


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/04/2010 at 05:26 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - September 23, 2010

Lithuanian squatters ‘snatch ANOTHER home while owner is out’ ….

America, this is what happens when lefty hand wringer, bleeding heart, pc. bed wetting liberals take control of your country and your borders. With the help of course of the EU because it is open borders we have that helps drive this.  Of course, just so you know, “squatters” here are nothing new and are always hard to dislodge.  It’s a maddening thing that brings down that curtain of red mist.

For many years, almost 20 in fact, my wife’s mother lived in fear that somehow squatters would learn of the house next door, and that it was empty all that time.

She used to keep flowers in baskets on the front porch, flowers in the windows inside, and had lights on timers in the house to make it look lived in.

The owners who lived in London were very wealthy (the daughter of the house married a Harley Street Heart Surgeon) and they kept the heat on yr round and all utilities.  The MIL would collect the mail and forward on any bills that came.  The lawn was taken care of every two weeks by a landscape service and hedges trimmed as needed.  In the winter the MIL used to take her washing next door to hang and dry as the old place had central heat.
Squatters could easily have taken the place over had they known.  And damn little to be done about it.  My wife says that in the ‘80s it was even worse. Her description is epidemic. 

The property was sold and the house shown here demolished. Very sad to see the old place go. It would have been a squatters delight had they but known.
Very large modern and ugly house now occupies the space.  All brick with stainless steel gutters and no character.

Gang of Lithuanian squatters ‘snatch ANOTHER home while owner is out’

By Daily Mail Reporter

Mother-of-one Angie Belalij, 37, claims squatters moved in to her home after she moved out to allow renovation work to go ahead

A gang of Lithuanian squatters are moving into people’s homes and changing the locks while they are out.

George Pope, 72, took his dogs for a walk and returned to find a family had moved in and changed the locks.

And now it has emerged Angie Belalij, 37, also lost control of her home when illegal tenants allegedly moved in after she left to allow renovation work to go ahead.

Police and the council say they are powerless to act unless they have a court order requiring the squatters to be evicted.

The deadlock leaves the authentic residents in limbo and facing a potentially costly court battle to reclaim their own home.

They fear bogus estate agents are watching their homes and waiting for them to go away before moving in illegal tenants.

Mrs Belalij, a mother-of-one, was having her home in Barking renovated and so moved out.

But when she returned, she says she found a family of Lithuanians had moved in. They have now been living there for five months.

‘I went round to see the builders and we found squatters in the house,’ she told the Express.

‘When I said to them “Why are you here, this is my house”, they got in my face shouting at me that they had rented it and they had rights.’

A picture taken outside the property yesterday showed a young woman clutching a sharp kitchen knife, leaning over the gate.

Mrs Belalij says the squatters claimed they were paying £600-a-month to live there.

A printed notice stuck to the window cites the Criminal Law Act 1977 and threatens to prosecute anyone who enters without permission.

Because the squatters have refused to leave, they can only be evicted if the residents go to court.

Would you not call it a home invasion robbery? Is this place fuckin crazy er what? 


Landlords cannot legally evict squatters without going to court. Police and councils have no power to act so even though squatters have no legal right to stay, you cannot physically remove them.

Landlords will have to pay up to £1,500 in legal fees to fund civil action.

Homeowners can go to the country court and apply for an interim repossession order if they do so within 28 days of their home being taken over.

A judge may grant an order which must then be served on the illegal tenants. If they refuse to move within 24 hours, they can be arrested.

The order is not permanent and a hearing will then be held before a judge to decide rightful ownership.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/23/2010 at 07:47 AM   
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calendar   Friday - September 17, 2010

German chancellor rebuts suggestion that she plans gipsy clearances.

Oh dear - oh dear ... does this mean war? Again? Will Panzers roll into Paris?

The subject may be serious of course because the folks known as Roma, aka Gypsies, are quite a problem in Europe as they are here in the UK. And since I live here, the problem is, one may say, close to home. And us with a beautiful but empty field at the end of the road.
Actually, I might like to sell our house to a group of them, to make life miserable for a neighbor with an annoying dog. But I digress.

I for some perverse reason enjoy the back and forth argument now playing out between Germany and France on the subject of Gypsy removals. Or deportations as they’re called.

I realize that there will be some who have no interest in the subject in which case I’d suggest they move on to another place more to their liking or simply skip the story.  I also know there are folks, thinking ones, whose minds are not closed to outside events, while there might be the odd one or two who see nothing of value outside their tiny sphere both mental and otherwise.  And guess what?  I don’t have a problem with that either.  Honest.

What I do have a problem with though, is the idea that an outsider who has contributed nothing to BMEWS in time or effort, will presume to insist that what I write about or bring to the forum should fit their idea of what’s interesting. 

Angela Merkel has flatly denied Nicolas Sarkozy’s claim she told the French president that Germany was planning to follow France’s example and begin clearing illegal camps of migrant gipsies.

By Bruno Waterfield in Brussels

Chancellor Merkel was told, after arriving back in Berlin following a fractious EU summit on Thursday night, that President Sarkozy had publicly announced that Germany would begin expelling 12,000 Gypsies next month.

Guido Westerwelle, Germany’s foreign minister, used diplomatic language, to describe the issue as “misunderstanding” but dismissed the suggestion as false.

Following heated exchanges over his Roma policy at an EU summit, Mr Sarkozy claimed that the Chancellor had expressed “total solidarity” with France in a fight with the European Commission over the legality of the gipsy expulsions.

According to Boyko Borisov, the prime minister of Bulgaria, the French President harangued Jose Manuel Barroso during “an intense exchange of sharp words”.

“There was a big argument - I could also say a scandal - between the president of the European Commission and the French president,” he said.

Mr Sarkozy’s version was very different. “If there was one person who remained calm and did not use excessive language, it was me,” he said.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/17/2010 at 09:34 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - September 16, 2010

sarkizy strikes again … vive la france … vive le sarkozy …


A hundred cheers for President Sarkozy of France for hitting back and telling his EU critic to take the gypsies to her country if she doesn’t approve of France deporting the scum.
You have to like this guy, the fact aside he likes Americans.  Even if that weren’t true, I’d have to be in his corner.
How many of us have said the same with regard to the libs always moaning about the homeless being uncared for by conservative politics. And the same for race every time a conservative moans about some dead beat criminal getting off lightly.  Don’t we say, ok. Take em all to your house if you feel so warm and fuzzy about the subject.

Well how often has a major politician in office as a head of state told a foreigner to stuff it.  Not in those words. He told European Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding, who has threatened fines against France, to take the gypsies to her country.  Good for him. 
She is another asswipe bleeding heart libtard who makes the claim that France today is acting Nazi-like.  Forgetting of course that the Nazis didn’t pay their victims cash to leave and return to home countries.  They invaded those countries too.

Oh ... now the damn pope is into the Nazi act too but on a very different subject.  He’s likening Britain to the Nazis because there are so many atheists here.
Guy has his head in the clouds I swear he does.  But that’s the thing.  Every time things happen or people speak where liberals are made unhappy, it’s always the Nazi thing.  Hitler would be very pleased to know that after all this time, the world is Nazi.  Hey, if you listen to the left, it is. And naturally, popey dear is upset with France too, making essentially the same charge.  If he’s so damned concerned, why doesn’t he offer asylum to all the gypos of Europe. Come to Vatican my children.  Be my guest. Pillage and plunder. 

Kudos again to President Sarkozy.  Man of the hour for saying out loud what many think and believe.  And the ONLY head of state to do that.

France hits back at EU after accusations Sarkozy government acted ‘like Nazis’ in treatment of Gypsies

By Colin Randall

France has responded furiously to European Union criticism which linked its treatment of gypsies to the Nazi era.

President Nicolas Sarkozy’s office chose strong diplomatic language to denounce European Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding’s claim that France had broken EU law and should face legal action.

Up to 1,000 Roma gypsies have been deported from France in recent weeks, mostly to Romania and Bulgaria. Critics say the expulsions are racially motivated.

Mrs Reding said she was concerned about ethnic targeting and the possible return of the ‘darkness’ of Europe’s past. ‘This is a situation I had thought Europe would not have to witness again after the Second World War,’ she added.

On the eve of today’s EU summit in Brussels, Mr Sarkozy’s spokesman Luc Chatel said: ‘It is unacceptable to compare the situation today with a tragic period in our history. I fear that such positions will only widen the gap between the French people and the European institutions.’

France’s European affairs minister Pierre Lellouche angrily rejected the comparison, saying: ‘A plane ticket back to the European Union country of origin is not the same thing as death trains and the gas chambers.

‘I cannot let Mrs Reding say that France in 2010, in its handling of the Roma issue, is the same as Vichy France.’

Mr Sarkozy caused further offence to Mrs Reding by saying her native Luxembourg should welcome the Roma travellers.

A Luxembourg diplomat said the suggestion, made by the president during an Elysee lunch for French senators, was ‘malevolent’.

France has been rounding up Roma migrants in up to 100 illegal, makeshift camps and offering them £250 per person to return to their country of origin – and an extra £2,500 for anyone able to produce a viable business plan.

Worried by poor ratings in the opinion polls, Mr Sarkozy has deliberately linked his campaign on the Roma migrants to a general drive on security.

But he has run into fierce opposition from human rights lobbyists and the Catholic Church.


See More Below The Fold


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/16/2010 at 12:41 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - September 14, 2010

NOT GA GA OVER GA GA or what passes for talent these days ….

I admit it again.  I am a card carrying fully fledged dinosaur.  I belong more to the era of the Jazz and Swing age then I do to the current one.  I am referring now specifically to the idea of glamour in show biz.  “Show” in biz seems to have flown the coop, to be replaced by exhibition and generally by small if any talents, supported by the know nothing tasteless minions that support them.  Glamour seems to be forgotten by all but a few.  Glamour for the most part is out, Sleaze is in.

A person called Lady GaGa has won I have read, more MTV awards then anyone in 23 years.  But then, awards these days aren’t very hard to come by anymore.  They’ve been much devalued in true meaning much in the way Hitler devalued the Iron Cross, by passing them out willy nilly in the final days of the war. 

There was once upon a time a generation who knew something about glamorous presentation, in black and white yet, and understood it’s meaning in relation to “show-biz.” These days however, anyone of small, no, or middling talent can parade themselves before an audience bumping and grinding and grabbing their crotch to sounds that are supposed to convey music but in actuality are sound effects and the louder the better.  It covers for the lack of any real talent.

Some will point to high sales figures and numbers on music charts.  As someone who comes from that environment, I well know how misleading that can be. Keep in mind too that in years gone by, the kiddies did not have the spending power they have acquired over the last couple of generations.  And almost anything outrageous will appeal to a rebellious 12 year old who has money to spend. And there a lot of them. And even younger. So today in the rock or pop market, it isn’t really too noteworthy that an album has sold a million or three million.  It really isn’t done too much on merit as opposed to slick sometimes sick presentation and outrageous cover photos.  Please note in passing that Country Music star Loretta Lynn, sold millions without taking off her cloths or showing her bare backside or like this GaGa person, wearing a dress supposedly made of MEAT, to an awards show.  Just the thing needed to hide a lack of talent.  Dazzle em with BS.  It isn’t any wonder that the people who control the Country Music industry (it is not country and western) have for years sought and succeeded to a high degree, in crossing over into pop.  I digress and didn’t mean to.  Here’s what I’m trying to convey.

An example of NO class tho she does have genuine talent.  She really doesn’t need to appear like this. She has dressed in former times very prettily. Why does she think looking like a hooker is appealing? 


On the other hand ....  Dame Helen Mirrin here is 65 and I think she looks way better and exhibits glamour that Cher lacks.  Cher should know better.


I understand that Sophia Loren has had plastic surgery.  I don’t know if it’s true or not. Doesn’t matter. She is 75 and at least knows how to dress for a show.
What’s wrong with appearing at your very best in front of an audience? 



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/14/2010 at 09:50 AM   
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Summer of Expensive Home Improvements

One of the few bright spots in the current economic conditions is the low interest rates. I took advantage of those low rates and loaned myself some money from my retirement account. Not only did I get a low interest rate, I’m paying myself the interest. Seemed like a good idea, ‘cause the house needed work.

Here’s a few pictures. I’ve spent slightly less than half of the loan at this time. That got me a new roof, and paint job. Roof is Art-Loc shingles by Sherriff-Goslin. We replaced ‘French’ shingles. The company that did ‘French’ shingles went out-of-business some years ago. Sherriff-Goslin was the closest match.

Front view:


I could have done regular rectangular shingles for about 2/3rds of the cost. But I was sitting on the back patio last summer when THE WINDSTORM came through Dayton. I watched my neighbors’ roofs (yes, multiple neighbors lost their roofs as I watched) literally ‘roll up’. Our house, with the French shingles, and the garage, which had the Art-Loc on, didn’t budge.

Rear view:


We’d considered installing vinyl siding. I’m glad we didn’t. I think that would have reduced the ‘charm’ the house has. It would also have cost a lot of money. After the new roof and painting, I still have slightly over half of the loan for other improvements. I’m currently ‘discussing’ (arguing) with my wife to replace all the windows. She wants to replace a few windows.

She’ll probably win this ‘discussion’. But I’m not spending anymore money on the house until next Spring anyway.

The painters did a fine job. One of the benefits of being a mailman who’s route includes an ‘Historic District’ is that I get to see, and meet, the contractors that work there. These painters had just finished a three-story ‘Victorian’ house on my route. I gave them the opportunity to bid for my poor little house. Now, they weren’t the cheapest bid, nor were they the most expensive. They got my bid because I’d seen them at work. (The cheapest bidder had too many issues with the local BBB. I wouldn’t have hired them just for that.) My wife was very impressed with the painters. That’s important when you’re married to a woman who’s first husband was in construction, and who’s mother owns numerous rental properties that need painting. She knows painting. She liked them and their work.

(pats self on back)


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 09/14/2010 at 09:47 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - September 08, 2010

idiots of the left on parade …

I’ve named this, Idiots on Parade for good reason.  Also, I could not think of another title but I can live with this.

Look at what President Sarkozy has to put up with.  And why?  I’ll tall ya why.  Because he has rounded up and deported 1,000 ILLEGAL Romas in the last 30 days.

The ONLY European politician to state openly that people who do not belong in his country will have to leave.  It’s a shame that France also is paying these scum.
But I guess if it works to a degree ....  Thing is. So many say they will come back. 

The idea that these left wing and illegal tramps and thieves can somehow equate Sarko’s actions with Nazi Germany is maddening.  They know better. They’re liars and disingenuous bastards every damn one of em.  (see photo at link above)

Just like the left everywhere in the world but especially in the west which is our concern.  Don’t have any facts?  No problem. Make something up and then rope in dupes and idiots who will believe anything.  Get people with nothing else to do and no sense or knowledge of history to march, shout insults and make things appear as something other then what they really are.  And of course the media just love the pictures.

Maybe what the French should do, since they are being accused of it anyway, is to actually use Nazi methods in the roundups and give these jerks a good taste of what the reality was like in fact.  I’d even go as far as black uniforms and firing squads.  Unless gas is cheaper then bullets as these scum are not worth spending too much on.  Then once that problem is solved, well.

Anyone for muslim clearance?

Europe accuses Nicolas Sarkozy of Roma gipsy ‘witch-hunt’

Nicolas Sarkozy has been accused by European politicians of carrying out a “witch-hunt” against Roma gipsy migrants following the expulsion of 1,000 gipsies from France in the past month.

Bruno Waterfield

During a debate in the European parliament, MEPs expressed grave concerns over Mr Sarkozy’s policy or returning the Roma from illegal camps to Eastern Europe.

Social Democrat, Labour and Liberal MEPs will vote on Thursday a European Parliament resolution condemning the French President’s policy to expel Bulgarian and Romanian gipsies.

A draft text expresses “deep concern regarding the recent measures taken by the French government to repatriate and return thousands of Roma EU citizens to their countries of origin”.

MEPs also criticised the European Commission for failing to enforce freedom of movement rights for EU citizens.

Martin Schulz, the German leader of Social Democrat MEPs accused President Sarkozy of carrying out “a witch-hunt against a minority” in order to boost his flagging popularity at a time of economic crisis.

He accused José Manuel Barroso, the Commission President of “kowtowing” to Mr Sarkozy by not enforcing rules allowing EU citizens freedom of movement.

Guy Verhofstadt, a former Belgian Prime Minister and leader of Liberal MEPs, said: “What’s taking place in France is unacceptable, and unfortunately is not an isolated case. Several governments while confronted with the difficulties of the economic crisis, are sliding towards populism, xenophobia, and racism.”

France has expelled more than 1,000 gipsies in the past month, bringing the total this year to more than 8,000. The expulsions have been condemned in France and abroad.

Does not the term, “Illegal” mean nothing to these dummies?  What the hell is it with the kraut, Mr. Schulz , accusing Sarkozy of a witch hunt? What hunt? They’re illegals! Oh, and a “deep concern” regarding French measures protecting their country. We can’t have that. And guys, have you caught on to the use of language with regard to ... “EU CITIZENS?” And who is this Belgian idiot to say what is and is not “acceptable” in a sovereign country?

The Europe-wide backlash against gipsies continued to gather pace after Italian police evacuated and demolished a gipsy camp in Milan that housed 250 Roma in 64 barracks and 35 tents.

Riccardo De Corato, the right-wing deputy mayor of Milan, said that 315 Roma settlements had been dismantled in the city since Italian expulsions of gipsies began three years ago. He said that the Italian policy, imitated by Mr Sarkozy, has reduced the number of gipsies in Milan from 10,000 in 2007 to 1,200 this year.

Last week, Gianni Alemanno, the mayor of Rome said the Italian capital would carry on demolishing dozens of illegally-built shanty camps and repatriating their Roma inhabitants.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/08/2010 at 09:51 AM   
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A PERSONAL THING … some ppl I don’t think much of.


There are people, innocent ppl, who have awful luck and become victims of crime or else suffer very bad health.  Or both.  So it really does gall me, I mean really,really bother me to an extreme, that slags like Gloria Allred (and Jane Fonda) sail through life with apparent success and happiness and no ill winds blow.  Nobody has thrown acid in their face or run them down in a car or taken shots (that we know about) at them.  No one has chased either with an axe or a hammer. Charmed lives.

Recently, a mom had to make a choice in saving one of her two kids. With her car in 10 feet of water upside down, she got her two year old out, thinking she could return for her 16 year old boy, or maybe he’d get out somehow. But she could not grab both. Saving her little girl she wanted to go back into the water but was stopped by rescuers who’d arrived by then, having been called by others.  They went down for him but too late. What a choice for a mother to have to make.

Reason I bring this up now is because a week ago, one of the magazines that come with our paper did a huge spread on Gloria Allred . Five pages in fact, devoted to her including an almost full color page photo.

Now then, if the bitch is going after folks who really deserve the aggro and actually have done bad things and need a junkyard dog lawyer, I’m fine with that.  But why on earth would the women who played house with Tiger Woods, need her to represent them?  Against him.  Why?  There were no charges of rape.  No charges of getting them drunk and taking advantage of them.  Oh but Allred is going to be there for these poor unfortunates and as the story goes, “has done battle against Tiger Woods.” Huh? 

Lets face it, she’s a showboater and quite a successful one.  In another age, one less politically correct, she’d be out on her ear.  She’s pictured holding a sign protesting David Letterman (like he’d have been impressed or even chastised) reading, “David Letterman, just say no to sex in your workplace.” She was at a premier for some film. Real class there I tell ya.  Can’t take the roots outta the girl.  Thing is, why would she make that any of her business?  She wasn’t there to see what went on.  So he had a fling with someone on his staff.  Hey, works the other way too.  Whoever the lady was, she was having a fling with him.  But Allred’s gonna fight that other woman’s quarter, even though she wasn’t asked.  Can’t help but wonder how many unfortunates she’s shaken down over the years.  Maybe none as she’s still alive. Or has stuff hidden away in safe places ….  Yeah. That must be it.  btw ... Her daughter is also a lawyer in the same mold.

And then there’s Fonda.  I think I’d better stop here.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/08/2010 at 07:54 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - August 21, 2010

MEIN KAMPF - the sequel - Peiper - -vs—the blockhead pharmacy system

Another adventure in the exciting series of Peiper vs the evil Brit pharmacy system, or, ?

Ok, I have a slight problem here. I can’t think of any proper words that apply without using very bad language, so I must ask the reader to dig into your memory and mentally play the theme music for either Lorel and Hardy or the Three Stooges.
The exception will be that “it ain’t funny McGee.” (old radio)

Our regulars at BMEWS are already familiar with my rants of last year, with regard to how a doctor’s prescription is filled in this blighted place.  For those who aren’t aware and missed it, they have a system in place here that is as screwed up as a soup sandwich.  The freekin idiots have built themselves a submarine with a screen door.

For example, you can buy aspirin here like you can anywhere else.  But … you need a doctor’s Rx for safety coated aspirin.  Ever hear anything so stupid? Tis true, every word.  I should know. I have to take them.

Our latest adventure is a repeat of a problem that’s happened before.  The pharmacy somehow lost not one, but two of my wife’s prescriptions, as we discovered today when visiting the pharmacy to pick them up.  Earlier I said three but I was mistaken.

For newbies to my humble self I will tell you I am an American married to a Brit these past 40 plus years, and have been living here since April of 2004.  It has not all been bad I confess.  But it has been maddening for the reasons that, as my very Brit wife has said many times when I tend to question the sanity of this system, “if there’s a difficult way to do a thing, and an easy logical way to do the same thing, we English seem to prefer the hard way.” Not that my wife does.  She has lived in America far too long.  She knows about screens on windows and central air cond., and most cars with auto transmissions. Not that you can’t have em here, but in our area, not too easy.  As we discovered.
She knows about getting an Rx filled right then, right there at a pharmacy without having to wait for two days to a week.  Longer if the courier delivers to the wrong pharmacy or they simply lose it.

Courier?  Right. I’d better explain that.  There might be as many as 6 pharmacies in our general area.  Could be more, I really don’t know.  I am aware of five but am also certain there has to be more.  Now then, many of those will be part of the same chain owned by a company called Boots. Very old and very well known.  There are also pharmacies in two major chain supermarkets.

Every day a courier or perhaps there’s more then one, goes to all the doctor’s offices picking up prescriptions to be delivered to all the pharmacies.  At the front desk in every doctor’s office there will be bundles of Rx’s and they will be placed in separate baskets or bags marked with the name and address of which pharmacy the Rx’s are to go to. 

The following only applies to refills.

If you reader, as a patient, hand in an Rx on a refill order to the pharmacy, your medication will (should unless lost) be ready to pick up in one week.  Now that’s on a refill already approved by your doctor.  But you see, the pharmacy sends that Rx back to the doctor to be reviewed (WHY?) and then goes back to the pharmacy and the process takes a week.  OR … you can email the doctor’s office and request a refill, and that will only take two days to get.  Unless the incompetent idiots lose it.
Well, the wife had instructions from her doc to call and report if there were any side effects on the Lipitor she was given, because the doctor wanted to increase the dosage by degrees.  She also has high blood pressure and takes medication for that. 
She spoke to her doctor on a Friday, and also requested an additional Rx for something else, and her doctor said she’d fax the Rx directly to our pharmacy downstairs. (photo) Fine.  It would be ready the next day but something happened and I’ll be darned if I remember what, and we never got to the pharmacy Sat.  Weather was miserable and wife not feeling 100%, I don’t drive and there isn’t any bus to where we’d need to go.  Just as well because the brain dead fools didn’t have them anyway.
That is, two prescriptions.  Poof.  Gone with the wind.

We finally made it in Friday morning because I had an Rx to pick up myself, and as luck would have it, the duty doctor I spoke to on the phone gave me a smaller amount then I require and there wasn’t any way to undo that.  (hey, they’re on the ball here)

So while there to get my Rx I also asked to pick up the wife’s two rx.  Blank looks as they couldn’t find them.  So this sour faced woman behind the counter says with authority, well.  It takes seven days.  Not on a new Rx it doesn’t.  Not when the doc calls or faxes it in.  Only on refills.  But even so, I informed her that the Rx was faxed from upstairs on the 13th, and this was the 20th so … lets see.  How many days is that? 

Staff looked but couldn’t find and so I went up to the top floor where the doctor’s office is and spoke to the front desk.  Who informed me that they were sent on the 13th and that the folks there should have it by now. 
So I went downstairs again but this time I took the elevator cos I was getting tired by then, and told the ppl downstairs what the ppl upstairs said.  Nope. Sorry, nothing here.  However, they would call upstairs between 1 and 2 and if I could call them back later they would have an answer and the Rx for us.  So I called about 2:30 and I tell no lie, the phone rang for a continuous 4 minutes before anyone answered.
That happens all the time with that place.  But we got the Rx although they have no idea what happened.  They usually blame the folks in the doctors office who usually shake their collective heads and shrug it off as there isn’t much they can say or do.
Well, there sure is but this being England, they do not know there is something they can do. 

Finally, and I have saved this for last.  Here’s an example of the mindset of at least one person at that pharmacy.

The wife often visits weekly, an old family friend and friend of her late mother.  The old woman has some form of leg or skin cancer, her legs are wrapped in some sort of gauze, not pretty to look at poor lady as they often leak.  She is pretty much housebound most of the time.  She is 80 years old, and has no family.  So my wife visits her for an hour or so every week and also picks up the odd bits of groceries for her. 

Because of her age and condition, she can have her prescriptions delivered to her.
My wife told her about the problem we had with her Rx and the old woman preceded to tell the following which occurred this past week.

She had asked for medication and had it called into the same pharmacy. When nothing came after a few days, she called the blockheads to find out where her Rx was as she’d expected it days ago.
Oh, it’s here and ready to be picked up she was informed.  But says she, it is supposed to be delivered.

Oh yes says the person she was speaking to.  It’s marked that way. It says deliver, but we thought you might come by for it and so held it here in case you decided to come in.

I just haven’t any more words and especially for that last. I don’t know what to say, and so I’ll say good night and … Stay Tuned



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 08/21/2010 at 01:04 PM   
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calendar   Thursday - August 19, 2010

Healthcare ‘monovision’ cr@p

It’s that time of year again; time to scramble and get all those little annoying health items attended to, paid for, and file the refund claims on your healthcare flexible spending account.

That’s the bad thing about FSA’s: You guess what your out-of-pocket medical expenses will be for the next year––that much is withheld from your paycheck––if you don’t use it, you lose it. The government just keeps your money. I wish I qualified for a plain medical savings account. Then what I don’t use just rolls over.

I’ve had an healthcare FSA for the last six years. I/we have used it all every year.

But this year I’m worried: I increased my ‘guess’ at our out-of-pocket health expenses this year. My goal was to goad my wife into getting a full physical, with the attendant co-pays and deductibles. My mistake...I know how she feels about doctors...she’s never had a full physical in our 20+ years of marriage. It’s not for lack of my encouragement either: whenever I suggest a physical it starts a argument. So, I still have a full FSA to spend…

Today I decided to take care of one of the little items I’ve neglected: new glasses/contacts.

I was shocked! The expense...was...far cheaper than I’d expected. So today I got an exam for both glasses and contacts. I ordered two pairs of bifocals, and walked out with a test set of contact.

That’s right. Contact. Only one. In my __ eye.

( __ eye = ‘dominant eye’. In the interest of identity protection, you do not need to know which of my three eyes is ‘dominant’. grin)

I’d never heard of this before. It’s called ‘monovision’. The doctor knew which of my eyes was ‘dominant’. I never knew eyes were ‘dominant’ or ‘submissive’. When I questioned him about how he knew which eye was dominant, he handed me a small box, told me to hold it like a camera. ‘Now, put it to your eye like you’re looking through the viewer’. Guess what? I do use my __ eye for that. I started is indeed my __ eye I use when star-gazing through my telescope. Who knew?

(The Doctor Knows...mwhahahahaha!)

With the ‘monovision’ option, he’s just putting one contact in to correct my dominant eye to see far away (I’m near-sighted). The other eye is still free for reading and other close work. My other option was bifocal contacts, which are more expensive. The downside is (and this I got off a Wikipedia article when I got home) some disorientation due to loss of depth perception (particularly in the uncorrected eye).

BTW, this is all out of my own pocket. No health insurance coverage for this. (maybe the insurance would cover some small part of the eye exam itself, but it’s so small as to not be worth the time to file, or even the envelope and postage stamp.)

ObamaCare went entirely the wrong way.

Ideally, I’d have a medical savings account that I fund with my own money. This would be for out-of-pocket expenses. What I don’t spend this year would roll over. I’d also shop around for medical insurance to cover me/wife/us for something catastrophic. These would get the same tax-breaks that employers get for providing health insurance. This would mean freedom. This means I can shop around for the best and/or cheapest medical service. And…

soapbox !

It would save the government money by removing healthcare from the Federal budget. Period!


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 08/19/2010 at 04:44 PM   
Filed Under: • Amazing Science and DiscoveriesEditorialsHealth-MedicinePersonal •  
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calendar   Saturday - August 07, 2010

Cooking for Men

I was single until I was 30. Which means I had to cook for myself. Worse, while growing up, Mom was a lousy cook. Oh, she had a dish or two, but I later found that she’d gotten them off of a can of green beans. Haute cuisine was Salisbury steaks and Minute Rice. Or Hamburger Helper. I started trying to cook while in the Cub Scouts in self-defense. By the time I was a Webelo and had earned the Arrow of Light, I was a better cook on an open fire than Mom was at home.

I believe it was my cooking that ultimately won my now-wife over. Once while we were dating, she was sick at home, with a couple of teen-aged boys. I brought over a big pot of my Chicken Cider Stew. That not only fed all three, but my stew isn’t so different from basic chicken soup, which we all know is good for what ails you.

Anyway, cooking is a hobby of mine. I just have to share this recipe I found last year at (formerly

Rice With Garlic and Pasta

1 cup jasmine rice
1/2 cup orzo pasta
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 garlic cloves, minced
2 1/4 cups chicken broth

(I’m not sure why it specifies salt. I’ve occasionally salted the dish after cooking, but you don’t need it, unless it’s to help the water boil.)

1. in a medium sauce pan brown the pasta in the oil until golden brown.
2. add chicken broth bring to a boil.
3. add rice and garlic.
4. cover and cook over low heat 20 minutes.
5. remove from heat and let rest for ten minutes.
6. stir and enjoy.

Source: Rice with Garlic and Pasta

Orzo pasta is a rice-shaped pasta. I buy it a my local Meijer’s store. A Meijer’s-brand box runs about $1. Since I usually double the recipe, I can get three pots from one box.

Jasmine rice is a short-grain aromatic rice from Thailand. I highly recommend washing it before cooking. Just rinse it off 4 or 5 times to remove the excess gluten (and possible talc that Thailand sometimes uses to keep it from clumping). I find 4 or 5 rinses is enough; the rice will still be ‘sticky’ without being a soggy mass.

I’ve been experimenting with this recipe for over a year now. I double the garlic (personal preference, we love garlic). Served hot I recommend some Parmesan cheese. Fresh-grated if you keep such on hand, but the usual pre-grated stuff works also, I just find more is needed for the same taste.

Served cold, I like a few dashes of Balsamic vinegar on it. I pack it cold w/Balsamic vinegar for my lunches at work.

Hope you’ll try it. Let me know what you think. And let the chef know at the link above.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 08/07/2010 at 10:33 PM   
Filed Under: • Fine-DiningMiscellaneousPersonal •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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