Death once had a near-Sarah Palin experience.

calendar   Thursday - September 22, 2011

Democrat Economic Ignorance 101

There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own — nobody

This is Democrat Elizabeth Warren, running for the US Senate in Massachusetts.

Pardon me, Warren, nobody ever said that. People get rich because they have a product/service that others are willing to pay for. (unlike the government job you’re running for.) To get rich takes two things:

1) I have a product/service.
2) I have people willing to pay for said product/service.

The only people that get rich on their own are Democrats in the House or Senate. They steal from us the old-fashioned way: they use the IRS. They certainly do NOT provide a product/service I’d pay for!


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 09/22/2011 at 06:59 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsEconomicsGovernmentCorruption and GreedObama, The OneOutrageousStoopid-People •  
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Fined for hiring too many people!?

His name is Peter Schiff. It sounded familiar. Didn’t take long to find out why. I read his 2007 book Crash Proof. He’s pretty much a doomsayer on the economy. He admits that in his testimony before the US House. He is a CEO and the most egregious part of his testimony is the following clip: He was fined for hiring too many people.

I’m stunned. For two reasons. The first, and most important, reason is that I cannot find anything in the Constitution that gives the Federal government the right and authority to tell a businessman how many people he can hire. The only limit is how many people a businessman can afford to hire. (Even then, I wouldn’t hire anyone unless I had a need to do so.) Secondly, of course, is that in this current economic slump, don’t we want businesses to be hiring? They shouldn’t be fined more than they already are under existing employer mandates. (healthcare, SocSec, other payroll taxes…)

“In my own business, securities regulations have prohibited me from hiring brokers for more than three years. I was even fined fifteen thousand dollar expressly for hiring too many brokers in 2008. In the process I incurred more than $500,000 in legal bills to mitigate a more severe regulatory outcome as a result of hiring too many workers. I have also been prohibited from opening up additional offices. I had a major expansion plan that would have resulted in my creating hundreds of additional jobs. Regulations have forced me to put those jobs on hold.”

Source here.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 09/22/2011 at 02:55 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsEconomicsGovernmentInsanityObama, The OneOutrageous •  
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calendar   Friday - September 02, 2011

it’s official. life is only worth 14 years, if the killer is underage. outrage

Where to begin?  This is such an outrageous affront to a sense of justice.  Life is indeed cheap. How cheap? Try fourteen years for cold blooded, calculating murder.  It make the blood boil.
This miserable underage excuse for something human decided to win a bet, as you will read. And so he did but first he had to murder his innocent and trusting girlfriend, by beating her to death with a rock.  Which he happily described to a friend.

He went to court grinning and jovial but broke down only when found guilty. I guess the scum didn’t think he’d be convicted due to his boyish age.

The bastard got 14 years.  He’ll still be in the prime of his life, but by then his criminal skills will no doubt be honed.
It’s really too bad there are no vigilantes, who could take this bag of worthless dirt out in the very same way he killed his young victim.
That would be justice served.  As of now, there is zero justice for the victim or her family.  Just a lifetime of angst and tears at every missed birthday and every missed holiday. 

The idea that is forced on the public by the usual hand wringers, that we must not give in to revenge or base instincts as we’re a civilized people, is bullshit.
No, the death penalty won’t halt crime.  But it might cause many to think 2wice if they were certain they’d pay for their act in the very same manner they took out their victims.

In reading the comments following the article, I haven’t noticed anyone saying, ‘Only in England,’ as many do when referring to crime or some moral outrage in the USA when folks here always say, ‘Only in America’ as tho it’s an original statement.

14 fuckin’ years for a crime like this is itself a crime!

Devastated mother calls for return of the death penalty after 16-year-old who battered her daughter to death with a rock is jailed for 14 years

Friend offered killer free breakfast if he carried out the attack

Last updated at 3:41 PM on 2nd September 2011

A mother whose daughter was battered to death by her ex-boyfriend has called for the return of capital punishment, saying the killer had ‘forfeited his human rights’.

16-year-old Josh Davies was today sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Rebecca Aylward, 15, and told he will serve at least 14 years in prison.

Davies had lured Rebecca, of Maesteg, near Bridgend in south Wales, into a wood and smashed her skull in with a rock the size of a rugby ball, after a friend promised him a free breakfast if he killed the girl.

He then left his former girlfriend face-down in the rain wearing new clothes she had bought for their meeting.

The brutal murder was carried out in an isolated area of woodland at Aberkenfig, near Bridgend, last October.

Davies was sentenced at Swansea Crown Court today and told he will not be eligible for release until he has served 14 years in prison.

A few weeks before the murder, a friend told Davies he would ‘buy him breakfast’ if he killed Rebecca.

Two days before he killed her, he texted the friend with the message: ‘Don’t say anything but you may just owe me a breakfast.’

Sonia Aylward, the victim’s mother, hit out after the sentencing hearing, and called for the death penalty for Davies.

‘The evil-doer Joshua Davies robbed us of watching our precious and perfect little girl flourish into a successful young woman.

‘We will never forgive him for tearing our world apart so brutally and I would welcome the return of capital punishment for the likes of Joshua Davies, who forfeited his human rights when he chose to take my daughter’s life.’

She said her daughter was ‘a promising student, a wonderful friend but, most importantly, a loved and loving daughter and sister.

‘There is no doubt in my mind that Rebecca was destined for great things.’

Thanking members of the public and the prosecution team for their support, she said: ‘Rebecca believed in the justice system and today justice has been served.’

Speaking outside the court, she added: ‘I would have like it to be longer but it’s only a starting point. He has to show remorse obviously but whether he will in the long-run I don’t know.

‘I wish he would tell us exactly what he did in the woods but I don’t think he will.

‘I want to know why he did it. I want to know everything that happened there.’

Earlier trial judge Justice Lloyd Jones called Davies ‘devious, calculating and controlling’ as he passed sentence. He told him that he had shown no remorse.

Peter Rouch QC, his barrister, began today by saying that Davies still did not acknowledge his guilt.

He told the court that he maintained the same version of events he had told the jury, that his best friend was the real killer.

‘My instructions remain the same, in that Joshua Davies stands by the version that he gave during the course of the trial.’

read and see more


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/02/2011 at 02:56 PM   
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calendar   Monday - July 04, 2011

milking the system and screwing taxpayers. open borders and national health

When this country first introduced national health care, and looking at their past I suppose they thought it a great idea at the time, not one of them could have seen what it would become today.  Or perhaps someone did and was simply ignored. I wouldn’t know.  But what I do know, and it surely is not rocket science or any great depth of understanding on my part, is that these folks are allowing themselves to be royally screwed by forces outside their country as well as in.

Not being diplomatically minded in any way, in my own bumbling way I just do not understand why authorities here who do acknowledge that things are wrong, can’t simply say FUCK YOU to the outsiders who are telling them what and how to think.
I don’t understand why when things come to this pass, those in power won’t simply refuse to accommodate the cheaters or the people who insist they have a ‘human right’ to the money earned by others.

Two stories covered both sides of the middle spread in one morning paper.
It just is not possible to read this crap and not see that old RCOB.  It’s the lunacy that is accepted and that will bankrupt the system totally one day.  And it’s in enough trouble already. 

True enough that in the USA there are serious problems in health care that need to be addressed, and not next month or next year or as a talking point only at elections.
But heaven forbid anything like this should ever take hold in America.  And we know in some respects there might be some similarities.

In one case there’s a woman whose bio-clock is ticking. She desperately wants a baby.  At your expense. Cos she says, she has the human right to a baby, even if someone else is called upon to pay for it.

So then, the white trash sponger pictured here, decided that she would have IVF to achieve the wanted baby.  She’s single, no job and wants to be a mother. So, she threatened a law suit in the European court, the system caved in to her and bingo.
Out pops taxpayer sponsored baby.

Link above has both stories. 

The other case involves a Nigerian, Mrs Ayelabola.  This darkie knew what she was about, came to England and gave birth to 5 niglets and now says she intends to stay.
She has no job and no right to stay here BUT … the fugitive from a mud hut in some jungle does have …. Lawyers!  They do know the system, and they do plan ahead.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/04/2011 at 05:34 PM   
Filed Under: • Health-MedicineOutrageousUK •  
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calendar   Saturday - June 11, 2011

the face of treason

Is there anything at all that I need to add to this?

Makes me steam every time I see an ad here with her face.

I don’t suppose she does adverts back home in the USA.  Not that it will break them or her but, I wish American women would not buy the product while she’s their face.  There is NO FORGIVING what she did.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/11/2011 at 10:31 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - March 30, 2011

police mistake leaves gorilla in the mist free to rape for 20 years

I’ve held off this one for a number of days and I think unless something else on the same order happens, I may quit the crime thing for a few days.  This guy might not have been frightened even if there were a death penalty. But there damn well should be.

Here ... take a look at one of his victims. She’s the one on the left in red.


This guy has been on the loose due to police error for 25 years. 

This nigger actually assaulted old men as well as old women. Hey, no discrimination with this slug.


Now here’s a really funny gag to go with this horrible story.
The police ask him to what?

“use his “conscience” and “come forward”

No, I guess that isn’t funny at all. Conscience? Sub humans have none but authorities seem to be unaware of that.

He would leave his victims – some of whom were as old as 93 – without electricity or a telephone line.  Right, and the cops are looking for a conscience.

Night Stalker Delroy Grant has been convicted of being one of the most prolific and depraved sex attackers in British history. The 53-year-old rapist was found guilty of preying on the elderly in a campaign of perverted terror lasting 17 years. Former minicab driver Grant was responsible for some of the most “awful and disturbing crimes” ever investigated at Scotland Yard, senior detectives said. A jury at Woolwich Crown Court convicted him of claiming at least 18 victims - but it is feared the total may be more than 500.

The family of a 93-year-old woman, who died just weeks after being attacked in her home by Delroy Grant, have called for him to be charged with manslaughter.

Night Stalker: timeline of offences and investigation

Here is a timeline highlighting how it took more than 25 years for Delroy Grant, the Night Stalker, to be brought to justice.

By Martin Evans 11:44AM GMT 24 Mar 2011
October 1992: An 84-year-old woman is attacked in her home in Shirley, Croydon becoming the first recorded victim of the Night Stalker.

1997: After a five year gap, a series of similar attacks on elderly women are reported across south London, Surrey and Kent.

July 1997: An 88-year-old woman is brutally raped twice in her bungalow in Orpington. The attack was so savage she almost died from loss of blood and spent three months in hospital.

July 1997: The following day Night Stalker attacks again

1998: Operation Minstead is launched.

May 1999: Witness sees Night Stalker’s car at the scene of burglary and give the registration to police. A police blunder means detectives investigate the wrong Delroy Grant and eliminate him from the inquiry.

August 1999: Savage attack leaves victim fighting for her life.

2001: Police given the name Delroy Grant for a second time by a Crimewatch viewer, but having previously discounted the name they ignore the tip off.

October 2002: After a three-year break Night Stalker strikes again attacking a 75-year-
old woman in Shirley. This time he leaves a significant clue. Detectives find a footprint from a distinctive size 10 Nike Air Terra Contego training show.

Summer 2003: 10 further attacks in a short period lead the Met’s Specialist Crime Directorate to issue an appeal to all police officers across London for assistance to catch the Minstead Rapist.

March 2004: Police carry out DNA testing of possible suspects in South London.

July 2004: Detectives announce they have narrowed the initial list of 21,000 potential suspects to 1,000.

September 2004: The first break-in for 18 months sees Night Stalker steal £1,000 for an 84-year-old woman, but he is talked out of assaulting her.

October 2004: An 81-year-old woman is sexually assaulted in her home in Welling.

January 2005: An 82-year-old living on her own in Sanderstead, near Croydon, comes face to face with an intruder who steals cash and valuables but does not harm her.

October 2006: Police issue a direct appeal to the rapist to give himself up, encouraging him to use his “conscience” and “come forward” to seek help for his behaviour.

November 2007: A 93-year-old woman is attacked in her home in South Norwood.

November 2008: Frequency of attacks increases.

June 2009: Night stalker attacks and sexually assaults a 93-year-old woman in her home in Shirley. Traumatised by the assault she dies three months later.

October 2009: Operation Minstead is given a new impetus after recently appointed Met Commissioner, Sir Paul Stephenson, demands results. Major surveillance operation is launched across south London.

November 2009: Grant’s car is spotted at the scene of a break-in and finally after 19-years the Night Stalker is arrested and charged with multiple breaks-ins, rapes and sexual assaults.

Grant preyed on pensioners for nearly two decades, breaking into their homes in the middle of the night and sexually assaulting them. He attacked 203 victims from 1992, but detectives believe the real number is at least 500, with many victims too ashamed to come forward.
But in 1999 the Metropolitan Police had an opportunity to catch Grant, yet a basic error meant he was allowed to go free. In the following ten years he attacked at least 143 pensioners.

The error followed a burglary at a house in Bromley in May 1999. A car seen leaving the scene was found to belong to Delroy Grant, but officers focussed on a man with a similar name and so Grant was eliminated from the enquiry.
Today Scotland Yard apologised for the embarrassing blunder.


please read this link


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 03/30/2011 at 12:47 PM   
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calendar   Friday - February 25, 2011

93 miles over three hours to hosp. with leaking patient in a lost taxi. couldn’t make this up.

How’s this for a headline?


You will note the hospital is, “investigating” Stories like this always end with, the investigation continues or words to that effect. No doubt true but the sceptic in me always thinks they say that to put us off.  They don’t wanna say what they probable already know so they say they are investigating. 

So here’s what happened.

With an open stomach wound, a taxi had to be hired when a hospital refused to pay for an ambulance to transfer her.  Not possible to make this sort of thing up.

Her name is Wendy Weeding, and she had two surgeries and was losing fluid during the trip to St. Marks Hosp. in London, from Ipswich which is in Suffolk. 93 miles away.

She was wearing a hospital gown and a bandage that was leaking. The trip took more then three hours and the driver also managed to get lost along the way.

Oh yeah. I forgot to add.

“Ipswich hospital is investigating.”



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/25/2011 at 03:46 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - February 22, 2011

has american industry sunk to the depths that we’re hostage to home grown jerks and foreigners

Knowing how touchy/feely our BMEWS ppl are and how sad the story, I thought I should warn our friends to have the hankies handy. Sob.

What a load of rubbish this is. It just gets the blood boiling to know that foreign interests in our internal affairs and how we deal with crime and punishment (and too often lack of the p-part) can throw a wrench into our machinery.
But the very worst part of this whole damned thing is, I’m left asking a question.

Have we become so dumb in the USA that we can not manufacture this stuff ourselves?  What the hell is happening to us? What, damn it?

The Daily Mail, which is not I know you won’t believe, a liberal paper, is talking about the “grisly end” to rapists/killers and miserable excuses for human beings.
How about the grisly end of their victims? Oh right. Since they’re already dead they don’t count anymore. Just the living filthy fuckin trash as represented by these examples.

the case would halt executions in Georgia and many other states. U.S. ‘execution protocols’ say the anaesthetic, sodium thiopental, must be administered first in lethal injections to render the prisoner fully unconscious.
There are no U.S. firms currently able to supply thiopental.


I don’t care if the scum are buried alive in this case and many like it.  Did they make the end of life humane for their victims?  And I do not for one minute buy the BS that we MUST treat these vermin well or we become like them. That’s BS too.

Jeeze I get so damn angry sometimes. And these days all the time it seems.

Professor Sheri Johnson, of Cornell University law school, a member of Hammond’s legal team,

Maybe if we’re lucky, Ms fuckin Johnson of Cornell Univ. will become a victim of worse and hopefully survive just to see her attacker(s) well defended by ppl like her. Then the bitch can die and I’d celebrate. The same for the idiot pen-pal broad who brought warmth to a cold blooded killer. But first …. eliminate with extreme prejudice Reprieve and others like them, using the very same methods as used by the criminals they want to save. Lets see how they’d like that.
Trouble is, nobody has the ability or the know how or the organization to bring that about.  Wait, the govt. does but won’t use them to protect America in quite that way. What a shame.  Our country is under assault not just by islamic animals, which is severe and bad enough all by itself. We’re under assault by, us.
And we are also being assaulted in a manner of speaking, by libtard foreign politicians with the authority to impose their weak kneed, hand wringing standards on what passes for a justice system in our own damn country. What’s with that? 

Prisoners’ agony in botched executions with British drug


Two American prisoners died in agony in botched lethal injections after being given allegedly defective anaesthetic supplied by a British drug company.
The grisly details of the deaths of murderers Emmanuel Hammond, executed by the state of Georgia last month, and Brandon Rhode, put to death there last September, will form the basis of a High Court action to be launched on Tuesday.

Both kept their eyes open when they should have been in a coma and Hammond grimaced in pain.

The legal action, brought by the campaign group Reprieve on behalf of the Rhode family, aims to force the British pharmaceutical regulator, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Authority (MHRA), to recall all the anaesthetic supplied for executions by Dream Pharma, a tiny company located in West London.

If successful, the case would halt executions in Georgia and many other states. U.S. ‘execution protocols’ say the anaesthetic, sodium thiopental, must be administered first in lethal injections to render the prisoner fully unconscious.
Then he or she is given pancuronium bromide, a muscle relaxant that makes it impossible to breathe, and potassium chloride, a caustic chemical that stops the heart.
There are no U.S. firms currently able to supply thiopental. Dream Pharma’s consignments, sent last summer to states including Georgia, California, Arkansas and Arizona, were the last from Britain before Business Secretary Vince Cable imposed a ban in December on exporting drugs for executions.

The Mail on Sunday interviewed three witnesses to the most recent botched execution, that of Hammond, 45, who raped and murdered a teacher, Julie Love, in 1988. All said that he remained conscious as he was put to death on January 24.

Professor Sheri Johnson, of Cornell University law school, a member of Hammond’s legal team, said she stared at him throughout as she knew the previous prisoner to be executed using the Dream Pharma thiopental – Rhode – had kept his eyes open throughout and had not lost consciousness.

Prof Johnson said: ‘He closed his eyes perhaps ten seconds after the drugs started. But then, some time later, he opened them again. Perhaps one or two minutes after that, his mouth screwed up to one side. It looked painful, as if it could be a grimace of pain.’

Reporter Josh Green also said Hammond first closed and then reopened his eyes some time after receiving the thiopental. Later, he wrote, he observed Hammond give out ‘short bursts of breath that lifted his lips’.

Jill Rand, a Florida nurse who became Hammond’s penfriend, said that she too saw him move his lips.
Several witnesses also said Rhode, 31 – who murdered three members of the same family in 2000 – kept his eyes open throughout.

Maya Foa, an investigator at Reprieve, said: ‘If it’s not recalled, more prisoners are likely to die in agony.’
Georgia’s next scheduled execution is on March 1.

Ms Foa said Reprieve was also taking statements from witnesses to a third ‘botched’ execution – Jeffrey Landrigan, 50, in Arizona in October.
Dream Pharma last night failed to respond to requests for comment.
An MHRA spokeswoman said it could not comment on the pending legal action.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/22/2011 at 06:11 PM   
Filed Under: • Colleges-ProfessorsDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsOutrageousStoopid-PeopleUSA •  
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calendar   Thursday - January 20, 2011

pastor jones denied visa to enter Britain, and woman loses head to muslim god

Some may not agree but I’m not certain but that the government here may have done the right thing, in refusing a visa for American pastor, Terry Jones.
To be very honest with you, I am not even certain of my own position on this subject. I seem to go back and forth between positions the more I read.

Frankly, while I have no problem with Jones plan last year to burn the Koran, which he did back off of, I also think it would have been a wasted effort and would not have advanced our cause any.  True, it would have cheered a lot of folks but other then that, what other purpose would it have served? 
Having said all that, had he gone through with his burning, I wouldn’t have considered it some kind of crime against humanity. Just one man’s anger and hitting out at the only visible example of his anger. 

Well, he’s been invited by a group here in England to address them. But the govt. says no way Ho-zay, because they believe it would not be in the public interest.
Read ‘safety’ and you get a better picture. The govt. believe and rightly so, that his coming here would would ignite the usual victims among the muslim community who are guaranteed to have their feelings bruised just by him being here.  Read ‘riots’ into that. And then as well their loony left enablers and you have chaos. In other words, the usual.

So perhaps to avoid problems not to mention possible bloody noses and broken heads, the powers that be have decided to keep Pastor Jones out of their country.

The same thinking doesn’t however apply to the many fanatics, many of whom are not even here legally, and can’t for reasons of ‘uman rights’ be deported. Even killers aren’t deported. But a man who threatened to burn a religious book on the anniversary of 9/11, well, he’s a major threat to state security I guess.
It’s all just too complicated. Or is it?

His threat last year raised a storm of protest world wide. 

Britain bans US pastor Jones for ‘the public good’

Britain on Wednesday barred firebrand US pastor Terry Jones from the country, saying the controversial preacher who had threatened to burn the Koran was guilty of “unacceptable behaviour.”

“The government opposes extremism in all its forms which is why we have excluded pastor Terry Jones from the UK,” said a spokesman from the Home Office, or interior ministry.

Jones, who triggered an international furore last year with plans to burn the holy book of Islam on the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the US, said he was disappointed with the ban.

“We are very disappointed. We would ask that they reconsider, that the ban be lifted,” he told Sky News television.

He was originally invited to speak in Britain at a rally organised by far-right group the English Defence League (EDL) on February 5 in Luton, a town just north of London.

The EDL says it fights what it calls the spread of militant Islam in Britain.

But the group withdrew its offer in the face of public opposition to the visit and concerns that Jones’ presence could inflame tensions in the town, which has a significant Muslim population.

After the invite was retracted, the radical evangelist said he still planned to visit Britain and was thinking of organising an event in London. He also said he would fight any attempt to block him from visiting the country.

Announcing the ban on Wednesday, the Home Office said many comments made by Jones provided “evidence of his unacceptable behaviour”.

“Coming to the UK is a privilege not a right and we are not willing to allow entry to those whose presence is not conducive to the public good,” said the spokesman.

BTW ... if you read the link below, he has it seems, a daughter who lives here.
It’s quite interesting that the govt. thinks (and they could be right) that his presence isn’t conducive to the public good. Fine. 
Would the govt. like to explain (and not to me or BMEWS but to the British public) how the public good is served by allowing plane hi-jackers asylum and killers to remain on these shores?  Can they explain why they recognize the human rights of illegals and then award them benefits? And I haven’t really gotten into the openly hate mongering muslim mobs that cause so much grief. But they fear this one pastor who speaks his mind as well as the thoughts of many and deem his behavior, “unacceptable.” Fair enough. It’s their country. Once Sharia law comes into being full flush and the muzzies take over, it’s curtains for the UK. And curtains too for the weepy, wailing, hand wringing, bleeding hearts that make up the left. Cos the muslim hit list includes all the things the left espouses.

Oh btw ... just an aside.
Anyone raising a world wide clamber over this? 
H/T Pakistan Christian Post

Sunni Islamists slit the throat of a Christian mother in Somalia.

By Lee Jay Walker, The Modern Tokyo Times

The reality of Islam in all its hatred can be seen in Afghanistan, the Maldives, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Yemen, and a few other nations, where converts from Islam face the death penalty. In Somalia, the Sunni Islamic fanatics called the Al-Shabaab (Al-Shabab) have once more killed a convert to Christianity and in true style the soldiers of Islam held down a Christian lady and slit her throat in front of many villagers. This hatred is clearly based on the teachings of Mohammed because he supported killing apostates and the ongoing Islamic inquisition continues in nations like Somalia.

On January 7th in 2011 the holy warriors of Islam captured a Christian mother of four and slaughtered her in front of many villagers in Warbhigly in Somalia. Like usual the Koran holding individuals will have been shouting Allah Akbar while cutting the throat of Asha Mberwa.

The 36 year old Asha Mberwa was a mother of four and she had committed no crime and had harmed nobody. However, Mohammed supported the killing of apostates therefore the Al-Shabaab killed the Muslim convert to Christianity in order to appease the Islamic god.

In true Islamic justice an innocent convert to Christianity was killed in cold blood and bystanders were forced to watch while her throat was being cut.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/20/2011 at 12:56 PM   
Filed Under: • Jack Booted ThugsmuslimsOutrageous •  
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calendar   Saturday - January 15, 2011

okokok … my final foul mouthed rant. damned left wing lying bastards, I hate em.

Day started okay, got our three papers and started reading.  What luck I thought after a few hours. Not one word about Sarah Palin’s insensitive use of the new politically correct term that I take it is now going to replace the dreaded ‘N’ word.  Because a few efin disingenuous jerks decided it was a slur. So okay. All going fine.  So I’m on my last paper and it’s one that pretty much passes for a conservative one and then SHAZAM! BAM! POW!  There it is. Damn if some libtard bitch name Anne Applebaum has written what nobody else I read this week has.  Palin spoke this jerk says (I’m avoiding really bad language here) out of “self pity.”
Yeah. She had an entire half page of a paper far bigger then those in the USA. We have broadsheets here. Sarah, this brain surgeon says, made herself look “foolish and petty.” So I just about end the day where I started it the day before yesterday.  Really pissed off, not so much by the insults. We expect that.
But the rotten, miserable witch wasn’t at all fair and I think intentionally twisted things to suit her own liberal left agenda. 
Obama’s speech sent her into orgasmic nirvana, or something like that. I’m not sure and this being the weekend I can’t find out and have no email as I did for a couple others (who I damn well wrote to, politely, no bad language) and have not heard a word. Which is okay. I think she’s an American but I am not sure about it.

So I’m pissed off and ranting again cos no, hard as I want to, I can’t let it go. This Applebaum shit is exactly the sort of Jew that other Jews HATE!  The kind other Jews want to distance themselves from least all be tared with a brush meant for her. Everything she doesn’t approve of is ipso facto anti-Semitic. 
Palin, this lying bitch continues, has already forgotten the six victims.  Well Ms. Applebaum has also forgotten in her one sided piece, that there were other victims as well. No matter. 

One last thing and then no more. In fact, I will not post the column. If you want to read it go to The and look for her. How’s that?

The last thing is, she mentions Palin speaking and behind her is the American flag.

WELL I’LL BE DAMNED! WHAT FUCKIN NERVE!  The flag of her country?  The Stars and Stripes?  Instead of what Anne? You socialist shit.

The Hammer and Sickle?



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/15/2011 at 06:14 PM   
Filed Under: • CommiesOutrageousPolitically Correct B.S.Sarah Palin •  
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calendar   Monday - January 03, 2011

how many families does it take to ban santa?  only one if the family is … wanna guess?

I just this minute came across this story and it demands posting for your attention.
Just in case you haven’t seen this yet, and I know it’s well past Santa stories.  Or is it?

The Head Start Programme in Minnesota stopped Father Christmas from delivering presents to children, so that one Somali family would not be offended

America - beware - you are going down the same road as we in the UK have gone down - TURN BACK before it is too late, learn from our mistakes !!!!

- Owen A. Lott, Northern Compound, EU Stalag, Englandistan., 03/1/2011

So a handful if that many Somali muslim scum can come to the USA and bitch about a tradition Americans have had for years, and the school ....
hey wait a minute.

The article says one family. One?

Right. The state is Minn and we know the voters there are ,,,, are what exactly?  What do you say about an electorate that can make an Al Franken a senator?

Maybe the district our Santa is in, is liberal. Doesn’t matter.  This ONE turd world family of N ..  Nitwits.  No, not that cos they show they know how to play the system against us. So they can think, even though they aren’t really human.  And I bet ya they vote. And soon these insects will be joined by many other breeding insects who in turn will Vote.

Was a happier time when scum like this wouldn’t even dream of this much less move to our country. Or if they did and pulled this, they’d have been lynched.
Now there’s a good thought.

Father Christmas banned at children’s centre after Muslim family complained

By Daily Mail Reporter

Father Christmas has been banned from visiting a children’s nursery after a Muslim family complained.

For the last four years, Dennis Jackson has donned a beard and red-and-white costume to hand out presents at the St Peter’s Head Start Programme in Minnesota.

But this year he was told he wasn’t welcome after objections from a Somali family.

‘It kind of burnt me up,’ Mr Jackson said, after being banned by officials at the Head Start Programme.

They had told him ‘it was against some people’s wishes’ for him to make the half-hour appearances for two classes, for about three dozen children all aged three and four.

According to the regional coordinator for the Minnesota Valley Action Council, Chris Marben, at least one Muslim family complained of his visit.

When asked about banishing Father Christmas, Mrs Marben said: ‘We have Somali families in the programme. We’re respecting the wishes of families in the program.’

She added:  ‘Part of our challenge in Head Start is providing an environment where young children from many different cultures can all feel comfortable.’

Mrs Marden didn’t say how many objections were made, but said that program parents are surveyed annually to gauge their feelings toward holiday observances in classes.

She indicated that more than one objection would be sufficient to waive an observance.

Mr Jackson said he has played Father Christmas with children from other cultures before and they were fully comfortable with him - it’s just, in his opinion, some parents who are being unreasonable.

‘They’re not respecting the majority,’ he said. ‘My feeling is [objecting parents] can take their kids out of class for half an hour and let the other kids enjoy it. They should sacrifice, not rule.’



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/03/2011 at 06:18 PM   
Filed Under: • muslimsOutrageousPolitically Correct B.S. •  
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calendar   Tuesday - December 21, 2010

so this self serving black bastard wants to silence or make rush explain himself ….

I was just getting ready to clear the decks and retire when I realized I hadn’t checked one of my in boxes in a week.

Days and days go by, don’t hear from Doc Jeff and then suddenly there he is, with something that so pisses me off I know I’ll need a Valium to come down. Maybe Xanax. Maybe both?  No kidding this N%**!* makes me see red and don’t tell me Al Sharpton isn’t one of those.  I guess anything he doesn’t agree with is automatically racist and offending.  It’s folks like him that are the problem with race relations.

Rush Limbaugh can do a good job defending himself. If I were so clever he needed me, then I’d have his job.
No.  One of the things that bothers the hell out of me tonight, is that having seen the clip Jeff sent to me, I now see the signs of the very same exact thing that happens here in the UK. Exactly the same, and I’ve been ranting about this and worried about this in the USA.
Just another reason to wish it had been LBJ that caught the bullet that killed Kennedy.  Cos were it not for him, maybe we wouldn’t have to put up with someone like AS which is one S short of ass.

My immediate thought was ... damn it. Why hasn’t anyone shot this bastard after all these years?  But then better judgment took over. Hell, I don’t anyone to hurt a hair or whatever is left on his coon head. No way. Cos then we’d be FORCED to endure another public holiday and have banks closed and roads and highways renamed, all to make a show of how inclusive we really are and to toss the black mobs a bone to placate for awhile, else cities will get burned. Again.  And the left would have a field day with that and legislation would be passed banning bb guns. You know the drill.

Jeez that guy gets my freekin goat. 

My guess is many may have seen this already but I’ve just been made aware for the first time. 
The arrogance of the shit. The nerve. 
When the left can’t win an argument ... they try and shut down the speaker.  Or as here, either that or force him to explain himself.
Ppl like A.S. are professional victims and will go out of their way to scream race at every opportunity.  And racism to them is anything they do not want to hear or anything they don’t agree with and that means shut the debates down. 

So Doc ... I won’t be thankin’ ya for the ulcer ... and keeping me up.

H/T though for the link and story.  Maddening. More then maddening.

H/T Doc Jeff

Al Sharpton said he had a “fruitful” conversation with the FCC on censoring Rush Limbaugh.

Sharpton says the FCC will hold public hearings where Limbaugh (or one of his representatives) will have to attend and defend some of his “racist” statements.

Sharpton says the FCC will “shape policy” based on these hearings.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/21/2010 at 08:34 PM   
Filed Under: • OutrageousRacism and race relationsUSA •  
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calendar   Friday - December 17, 2010

Horry Clap

You won’t find this one in WikiLeaks.

Kosovo. Remember the Bosnian Conflict? Remember how the beautiful city of Sarajevo, home of the Winter Olympics just a few years before, was destroyed in a 3 year sieige? Remember how Clinton started bombing the day that the Monica thing shifted into high gear?


remains of Olympic Village in Sarajevo after the seige

Remember how we had to go over there and fight - don’t worry, our troops will be Home By Christmas™ - and support those poor muslims who were being murdered in wholesale lots ethnically cleansed?

Heck, a couple years later I even read a work of fiction by a famous author on the whole conflict that agreed with that meme, so it must all be true. Right?

Well ... funny thing. Gates of Vienna says that, not only were the muzzies the guilty parties who started it, they were all part of the sickest and cruelest kind of organized crime group ever, dealing in drugs, slaves, guns, and human organs. And now, decades later their leader has been elected to Prime Minister. GoV also says that every top person in our government knew exactly what the situation was then.

They — our government — knew the KLA were criminals running the drug, slave, and weapons rackets throughout Europe. They knew the KLA was supported by Osama bin Laden (with whom Thaçi met personally in Tirana in 1998 to plan the jihad in Kosovo, according to the former head of Albanian intelligence), the Iranians, the Saudis, the Turks, and other supporters of an Islamic re-re-conquest of the Balkans. And we supported them anyway, shredding every rule of law and decency in the process.

One can’t help but wonder how many times we have to be hit over the head before it begins to sink in that America’s intervention in Kosovo was based on a pack of lies from the start. The “accepted” narrative of Kosovo as the great success story parades under the headline: U.S. and NATO Allies Nobly Stepped in to Stop Genocide by Evil Serbs. The reality was U.S. Dragged NATO Allies Kicking and Screaming Into Support for Muslim Mafia Committing Genocide Against Christian Serbs.

Go read the rest, and follow the links. Pretty damn scary.

More than a decade later, our troops are still there. Hey Mr. President, since you now have Clinton talking for you, why don’t you return the favor and fulfill his promise? Make this Christmas that Christmas.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/17/2010 at 07:08 PM   
Filed Under: • OutrageousWar On Terror •  
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calendar   Tuesday - December 14, 2010

Disturbing footage showing a woman being flogged repeatedly. And many of this ilk, are here.

I am lost for words and won’t try.
The video at the link is sickening.  Yeah. Lets give more foreign aid to these wankers so they can buy more nice and new well pressed uniforms. They aren’t even on the level of development that your pet is. Even if your pet is a goldfish.

Screaming woman publicly flogged by laughing policemen in shocking video from Sudan

By Daily Mail Reporter

Disturbing footage showing a woman being flogged repeatedly by a laughing policemen has sparked outrage after it was posted on the internet.

The YouTube video from Sudan shows an unidentified woman in a long black dress and headscarf being ordered to sit down before a uniformed police officer starts whipping her.

Howling in pain she screams ‘Enough, enough’ and ‘I want my mum’.

A second officer - who laughs when he realises he is being filmed - later joins in with the cruel punishment.

The woman’s alleged crime is not known but there are suggestions circulating on the web that it could be for wearing trousers.

Despite being surrounded by police officers and dozens of bystanders, no-one intervenes and the violence lasts a minute and a half.

During her ordeal one of the policeman can be heard telling the woman she will be jailed for two years if she does not accept the 53 lashings.

The woman cries out repeatedly for her mother and even tries to grab one of the whips to stop the persistent beating.

Flogging is fairly common in northern Sudan but the violence in this particular video has sparked outrage and Sudan’s judiciary has now launched an investigation into the incident.

The video led to 50 women sitting down outside the justice ministry in Sudan today in protest at laws which they say humiliate women. Dozens were arrested. The women held banners before being surrounded by riot police telling them to move.
In 2009 Lubna Hussein, a Sudanese journalist, was sentenced to 40 lashes for appearing in public wearing trousers. Under a storm of international criticism, she was released with a fine

In 2009 Lubna Hussein, a Sudanese journalist, was sentenced to 40 lashes for appearing in public wearing trousers. Under a storm of international criticism, she was released with a fine

Three plain-clothed security men threw the BBC correspondent to the ground, confiscating his equipment.

All the women were arrested and taken to a nearby police station. Their lawyers were prevented from entering, but senior opposition politicians were allowed to go inside.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/14/2010 at 07:24 PM   
Filed Under: • muslimsOutrageous •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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