Sarah Palin's image already appears on the newer nickels.

calendar   Monday - February 08, 2010


SOME COMMENTS ON PALIN by people who don’t know the USA and wouldn’t learn if given the chance. 

A Molly wrote:

I do believe everyone in life gets what they if Palin is what America wants, so be it. I am not going to lose any sleep over it.

All I can do from here is hope that Europe will never again be fooled by the lies that have come out of America in the past and will never lead our troops into another 8 years of war on their behalf.

Let the cowboys fight their own battles in the future.

If it’s in Palin you trust, well good luck to you!

Ellie Light wrote:

Sarah Palin is a proven quitter, with little experience and even lower inate intelligence (I can see Russia). Her only accomplishment is that she can reproduce, but even that she did not do properly. She is not even a good mother, raising a daughter that breeds an illegitimate grandchild. She is a joke. Her only supporters are gap toothed inbreds from Appalachia.

And that’s about as kind as it gets here among the comments from ppl foreign and domestic with regard to Americans (who they take to be war loving, ignorant, inbred hillbillys) who led them into an 8 year war ongoing.  The suggestion is also made that America should fight it’s own battles and not drag others into our quarrels.  Some see Palin as “Bush in a wig.”
Tell the truth, the comments section is more interesting then the article but also more aggravating because they also show how little they know us, and how mean spirited some folks can be with regard to the USA.

There was a column recently from America reporting on the trend Obama seems to be setting, that the writer feels is somewhat isolationist.  Which he doesn’t believe to be a good thing.  Being something of an isolationist myself, I wondered if that’s a bad thing.  Is Barry doing something right?  Nah. In my dreams.  But I’ll be honest no matter how bad it might make me look.  I wish we could be isolationist and circle the wagons and tell the world to go to hell.
Americans have enough home grown problems to deal with.  Serious problems that I don’t see being resolved no matter who’s in office.  We mostly aren’t getting along very well with each other, who needs the additional headache of arguments with people outside our own country?

Back to Mrs. Palin for a moment.

She was paid a hefty sum it’s been reported, to address the Tea Party folks in Nashville recently.  As I understand it and if I don’t I know BMEWS will correct me, she also accepted a second speaking date with the TP.  BUT ... she has also appeared FREE on behalf of Republicians who have different views then that of the Tea Party Congress.  She has also agreed to speak on behalf of Sen, McCain.  Why?  He surely isn’t running for anything. Is he?

Sometimes I get to feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Here’s part of the article and as always the rest is at the link below.

Sarah Palin has her sights on the White House not Tea Party movement

Giles Whittell in Washington
The Times

Sarah Palin has given the clearest indication yet that her ambition is to become President of the United States, rather than merely the leader of the radical grassroots Tea Party movement that adores her.

The day after her return to national politics with a barnstorming attack on President Obama in a speech in Nashville, Mrs Palin was shown a poll yesterday ranking her the top Republican candidate for 2012 and asked if she would run.

“I would,” she said without hesitation. “I would, if I believed that that was the right thing to do for my country and for my family.”

In an interview with Fox News, for which she is also a paid analyst, Mrs Palin said that it would be “absurd not to consider what it is that I can potentially do to help our country”. She said that she would not “close a door that could perhaps be open to me in the future” and acknowledged that she had started receiving daily political and economic briefings by e-mail from a panel of Washington experts.

In oblique reference to a disastrous pre-election interview with CBS in 2008, she added: “I sure as heck better be more astute on these national issues than I was two years ago.”



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/08/2010 at 08:45 AM   
Filed Under: • CelebritiesNews-BriefsPoliticsRepublicansSarah PalinUSA •  
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calendar   Sunday - February 07, 2010

Good Reporting: An Example

Connecticut Power Plant Has Gas Explosion

Heavy Casualties Feared


Large explosion reported at power plant in Connecticut
Sun Feb 7, 2010 12:35pm EST

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A gas line exploded on Sunday at a power plant in Middletown, Connecticut and local media reported dozens of casualties.

The Middletown Press said the explosion was at the Kleen Energy plant. Middletown is 23 miles south of the city of Hartford. The newspaper said on website ambulances and a helicopter were on the scene.

The explosion was felt in neighboring towns and black smoke was visible for miles (km) around.

A plant official told a local NBC TV station the facility was a 620 megawatt gas-fired power plant.

Thank you Reuters and Middletown Press. When a power plant blows up, the very first thing we want to know is that it WASN’T nuclear. After that we’ll get to the casualties, the environmental damage, how far away the blast could be heard (Long Island NY, reportedly) and whether it was terrorism.

But first let us know if we’re all gonna die in the next couple of hours. Not nuclear = no, we aren’t. Thank you.

from The Middletown Press:

We’re hearing reports of an explosion of a gas line by the Kleen Energy plant on River Road. All of Middletown’s fire departments are working at the scene, and Durham, Middlefield, Portland and Cromwell fire departments have been called in to assist.

Four ambulances and a Life Star helicopter have been called to the scene. Most of River Road has been blocked off. Flames were shooting out of a pipeline at one point, but the gas line has now been shut off.

The incident, which happened around 11:30 a.m., shook most homes in Middletown and as far as Portland. There are reports of numerous casualties.

Reader comments there show that the blast occurred at 11:15am. The Middletown Press is doing almost constant updates, so they’re only publishing a couple paragraphs at a go. TV News has the story, but no cameras on scene yet. It’s going to be a big ugly mess. Fox News says “massive casualties”, which could mean anything, but obviously it is not good news.

An older press release that talks about the building project they’ve got going:

The Kleen Energy power plant project is typical of High Steel’s increasing involvement in the power and energy sector. 

Berlin Steel of Massachusetts took the lead bidding the complete steel fabrication package, which totaled approximately 5,000 tons. Berlin involved High Steel early in the budgeting phase, and the two companies worked closely together through the bidding process. Contractor O&G Industries, Inc. awarded Berlin the fabrication contract, with High Steel as a subcontractor. High Steel’s scope involved large roof girders, crane girders, and several very large transfer girders for a total of 750 tons of built-up sections.

Kleen Energy Systems, LLC’s new 620 MW Combined Cycle Electric Generating Facility is located in Middletown, Connecticut. Unlike older power plants that are less than 30 percent efficient, the new gas-fired, combined cycle power plant is designed to operate at over 60 percent efficiency. The combined cycle process achieves this increased efficiency by sending waste heat from the gas turbine generator, that would normally be lost, to a steam turbine to generate even more electricity.

The plant is expected to come on line by June 1, 2010.

More background info here on the building project.

The corporate web page stub:


In Construction

620 MW - Siemens-Combined Cycle
ISO & FERC 345kV Interconnect Approved –
Pipeline Delivered – Dual Fuel – Gas & Oil Fired – Water Cooled


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 02/07/2010 at 12:46 PM   
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calendar   Saturday - January 30, 2010

and the moonbat award for the month goes to:Taxi drivers offered their licence form in Braille


Just seems to work this way. I have one thing planned and something else crops up I can’t ignore.  This article come almost from our back door. Portsmouth is only about 12 miles away.  I think it still takes 45 minutes to get there. Well anyway, I started the day with a laff thanks to Rich K
and LyndonB although they could not have known it.
To understand the following quotes, you would have to see my previous post.

Hmmm. Hit by a german blitzkrieg then steamrolled by a french tank brigade.Sounds about right to me.
Posted by Rich K United States 01/29/2010 at 02:55 PM

Speaking of “tragic accidents”
Oh dear, how sad, never mind. Posted by LyndonB

Those quotes had me spilling my coffee.  They shall get the bill for cleaning coffee stain off shirt. Good thing it wasn’t McDees or I’d sue.

So anyway ... after that I ran smack into this.

Taxi drivers applying for their Hackney Carriage licence are being offered the forms in Braille by a council.

Published: 7:30AM GMT 30 Jan 2010
Braille ad in Taxi Driver Application form

The document, issued by Portsmouth City Council, makes clear that it is also available in large print or audio format for those with sight problems.

A notice at the end reads: “You can get this Portsmouth City Council information in large print, Braille, audio or in another language....”

The council, a member of the Plain English Campaign, defended the forms.

Head of customer services Louise Wilders said: “Obviously, a taxi driver would not need the Braille version, but they might find a foreign language version helpful.

“The form is also for employers to fill in - they could need a Braille version.”



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/30/2010 at 05:29 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - January 28, 2010

Mother ‘not clever enough to raise child’ has baby snatched. Nanny knows best always.

There are all sorts of things to be thankful for I know.  And I am. But I seem to find all sorts of things to be PO’d about. Some things might be minor to all but myself.


This thing below got to me to be honest. None of my business I know.  But how do social services know for certain this young lady isn’t up to the task of being a mom?  I think she’s too young it’s true.  But hey.  What’s done is done and she’s had a baby.  Kinda cruel to snatch it away from her.  Why couldn’t they keep an eye on her if they were concerned?  I guess SS is closer to the subject and sees and knows things the readers of this don’t. 

Then I’m angry (again) with FireFox.  I must be the only computer user in the entire world that thinks it often sucks.  Ok, IE may be worse but that isn’t saying much.  I like Chrome a lot but even this browser could be better.  Yeah, so could I.

The damn med is causing major headspliting ache.  So I tried to get in touch with the pharmacy to ask a question, couldn’t find the number but hey. I have a computer so I did a www thing and got their site BUT ... no numbers for what I needed and not even a store number.  So I called their (get this) CARELINE. Care. HaHaHa.  I got someone whose jingelritch was so bad it wasn’t even as clear as engrish. And they were NATIVE BORN I want ya to know.  She kept saying “et” “et” and I kept asking her to say again but slower so she did.
“et” pause “et” pause “et”
and it took my wife to figure out she was saying EIGHT. And I have no idea about the other numbers but wifey worked it out.  So I called the number she gave us AND ....  SORRY, WRONG NUMBER.  Hmmmm, sounds like an old radio mystery title.  But in the end I did get the right number, but never got to speak to anyone, even though my call was important to them.  Screw em.  I got a cup of very good Engrish Hot Chocolate, poured in some cream and Irish Whiskey and almost immediately felt better, except for the stomach pain caused by the booze. And most likely the pill taken at 10 this morning, more then six hours ago.

Ok so here we are, I read dumb stuff in the paper like, New Daddys to get 6 month maternity leave.  Six months?  How the hell did civilization make it all these years without that pc crap?

Who the hell are the dumb ass rocket scientists who design packaging?  Do any of them think? They really must get paid a lot to do the crappy job they have been doing for years now. Idiots! All of em.

Lawyers and MSM .... lying shits that think the public is so damn stupid they can’t see through them and their demands for more “freedom of the press.” I’ll get to that in my next post.
All sorts of things to be pissed off about.

Mother ‘not clever enough to raise child’ has baby snatched by social workers after running away to Ireland to give birth

Daily Mail

A couple who fled to Ireland after social workers threatened to remove their baby at birth have had the newborn snatched after all.

Kerry Robertson, 17, who has mild learning difficulties, and Mark McDougall, 25, went on the run after British social services said she was not clever enough to raise a child.

But just four days after Ben was born, Irish social workers marched into the maternity ward and forced them to hand him over.

They were told they were acting at the behest of their British counterparts.

The couple, from Fife, Scotland, have been on the run for three months.

In September, their wedding was halted just 48 hours before the service when social workers claimed Miss Robertson was not bright enough to understand the marriage declaration.

Then in November they were told that her ‘disability’ meant their baby would be taken away at birth.

With Miss Robertson 29 weeks pregnant, they fled their house in the middle of the night and travelled to Ireland.

Ben was born healthy and weighing 7lb 3oz last Friday.

Last night Miss Robertson said: ‘When the Irish social workers said I had to give the baby to them, I felt sick.

‘I didn’t want to hand him over and I started crying because I couldn’t believe what they were saying. I thought I had misunderstood.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/28/2010 at 01:05 PM   
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calendar   Friday - January 15, 2010

Up to the eyeballs in multiple projects and dog tired when this was put under me nose.

So naturally I had to stop what I was doing so I could share this with anyone interested.

Hey ... I thought the Brits had the first one. Or at least they and us at about the same time.  Apparently it was Germans.
Why am I not surprised even a little bit?

Anyway, as the kids say, this is cool.  Ah, the kids still do say that, don’t they?

Hey guys.  1894. They wouldn’t have had rubber tires back then. Would they?  Curious and no time to hunt.  When was rubber first used on cars or bikes with an inner tube? 


From The Times
January 15, 2010

Rare Hildebrand motorcycle set to fetch £60,000 at auction

An original 1895 Hildebrand & Wolfmuller motorcycle

Staff reporter

An 1894 Hildebrand & Wolfmüller, thought to be one of the world’s oldest motorcycles, is set to fetch up to £60,000 at auction in April.

The first machine to be named “a motorcycle”, the twin-cylinder, water-cooled, four-stroke was developed by the German brothers Henry and Wilhelm Hildebrand in collaboration with Alois Wolfmüller and his mechanic Hans Geisenhof. Its 1488cc engine developed only 2.5bhp.

After being patented in January 1894, the machine was also licensed in France as La Petrolette, but production in Germany and France stopped in 1897. It is believed that only about 800 Hildebrand bikes were produced. The machine for sale in Stafford was owned by an American family and last used on the road in the 1930s.

“This is one of the forerunners in motorcycle design,” said James Stensel, motorcycle specialist at Bonhams. “To see one in the metal is unbelievable. They are so, so rare.”

It will appear at the Classic Motorcycle Show in Stafford in April.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/15/2010 at 10:38 AM   
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This idea isn’t new to me, but I hadn’t seen it on this scale before. Take a look.

Fancy living in a Church? This old church in Kyloe, North Cumberland, England was purchased by a couple. They invested lots of money to keep the outside and inside as it was but the outside stayed the same.

They restored instead of renovated (3 times less money)

The couple did their best to recreate the inside like a regular home.

Here I am living in this country and these were sent to me from America by a dear friend there.  Ain’t the net the most wonderful place?

I’ll say one thing about this sort of living environment.













H/T Lynne P.  from email. 

I’d love to have in the bank what these folks might be paying in electric and or gas bills. That isn’t a warm part of this country.
It is pretty though.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/15/2010 at 05:28 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - January 09, 2010

weekend crap

Oy vey.  Not only does “It Never Ends”, it only gets worse. It doesn’t ever even slow down.

Man oh man, where is that damn Reset Button?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 01/09/2010 at 11:26 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - January 02, 2010


Disaffected Youths in France Burn 1137 cars on New Year’s Eve

Miss Breaking Record By Only 10 Cars

I tell ya, kids today just don’t try hard enough.

Youths burned 1,137 cars across France overnight as New Year’s Eve celebrations once again turned violent, the French Interior Ministry said on Friday.

Car burnings are regular occurrences in poor suburbs that ring France’s big cities, but the arson is especially prevalent during New Year’s Eve revelry.

The number of vehicles torched was only 10 short of the record 1,147 burned this time last year, even though the Interior Ministry mobilized 45,000 police during the night—10,000 more than 12 months ago.

It said police detained 549 people overnight, compared with 288 in 2009 New Year celebrations. However, unlike in previous years, there were no direct clashes between police and youths. “The few disturbances that did take place were brought swiftly under control,” the ministry said in a statement.

For much of the world, they became iconic of France’s worst social ills: the burned-out carcasses of thousands of cars set ablaze during nearly three weeks of nationwide rioting in 2005. But as yet another orgy of automobile arson on Wednesday demonstrated, the torching of cars in France has not only become an everyday event; it’s also now a regular form of expression for disenfranchised suburban youths wanting to make sure the rest of the country doesn’t forget they exist. And their fiery presence is never felt so strongly as it is each New Year’s Eve — the day of France’s unofficial festival of car-burning.

In a country where car-burning isn’t a common symptom of socioeconomic unrest, news of so many automobiles being torched would be alarming — if not a sign of brewing insurrection. In France, however, word of the destruction that accompanied the evening the French call Saint-Sylvestre was met with a mix of Gaulic shrugs and low-grade peevishness.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 01/02/2010 at 09:26 PM   
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calendar   Friday - January 01, 2010

America’s armed militia on the rise , says article in the Telegraph.

Here’s how one story on America is being reported here on this first day of the new year, 2010.

I suppose it could be true and would not surprise me if it is.  My hope of course is that they won’t be too much more extreme then I am in which case we (USA) would be in serious doo-doo.

Hell lets face it, while many of us believe and I do, that extremism in defence of my country is a virtue, too much of it can also wreck a country. Look what the left has done to us so far, as an example.

America’s armed militia on the rise

Extremist “patriot” groups and other armed militias have undergone a dramatic resurgence in America, their numbers more than doubling in the past year amid growing Right-wing fears over expanding federal power and gun control.
By Tom Leonard in New York
Published: 4:35PM GMT 31 Dec 2009

Such groups – a mix of libertarians, gun rights advocates and survivalists – appeared to be in terminal decline before the election of Barack Obama, according to monitoring bodies.

The Southern Poverty Law Centre, which tracks extremist organisations, says it has so far counted more than 300 patriot groups this year, at least double last year’s total of 150. The real total will be much higher as many groups do not go out of their way to publicise their existence.

See now right here at the start is where I see red.  EVERY time I see SPLC, my immediate feeling honest and true is, I wish I had a way to eliminate every single member and ALL who contribute monies to that miserable trouble making left wing group of lawyers and running dog followers. All of em with NO exceptions.  I hate em that much.  Well let the bastards count and I hope the numbers mount.  But it might be nice if for once we got groups that didn’t see little green men and claim they hear the voice of god or the devil or Elvis.  We do seem to be plagued on the right with folks like that.

A similar wave of anti-government groups, some of whose members dress in camouflage gear and conduct military training at weekends, sprung up during the Clinton administration.

However, SPLC researchers said there was a new race factor reflecting President Obama’s ethnicity and immigration fears.

The groups themselves reject accusations of racism but agree that many members are deeply worried about gun control, are angered by the federal economic rescue packages, and are dismayed by government interference in areas such as health care. They voice frustration at what they perceive as America’s international decline.

Tensions are running high and some fear major bloodshed springing from a minor event. A law enforcement official told the SPLC that “all that’s lacking is a spark”.

One of the new patriot groups is called Oath Keepers. Its members, like those in other groups, look for guidance from America’s Founding Fathers.

Formed last spring, Oath Keepers’ members – limited to current or former servicemen and police – swear to obey the US constitution rather than politicians.

Stewart Rhodes, the founder, told The Daily Telegraph that the situation was a “potential powder keg”.

He said: “The one thing that would probably lead [groups] to armed resistance is if the government did try to confiscate weapons, but that was what finally led to fighting in the American Revolution”.

Mike Vanderboegh, a former militia leader and founder of a vociferous gun rights group called the Three Percenters, pointed to a huge increase in sales of ammunition, many of it to new gun owners.

“This is far larger than Obama. It speaks to an existential fear of societal collapse,” he said.

He said group members were looking for “practical self-defence”, whether from “predatory government or street-level crime”.

If the government carried out “another Waco” – the 1993 storming of a cult’s Texas ranch, in which 76 occupants died – “you’d see a reaction bloody beyond belief”, he added.

Heidi Beirich, a co-author of the SPLC’s militia research, said the groups were characterised by “a lot of conspiracy mongering, gun nuttery and fear of a new world order that they think is controlling the US”.

Conservatives have accused the SPLC and other monitoring groups of exaggerating the threat posed by such groups, although a Department of Homeland Security report in April voiced fears about rising extremism.

Mr Rhodes said his group’s internet forum had 11,000 members. Its 10-point oath includes pledges not to disarm fellow Americans or force citizens into “any form of detention camps”.

Mr Rhodes said: “I don’t want to take it for granted that the destruction of the republic can’t happen here.” He said he had also attacked encroaching federal power under the Bush administration, adding: “They’re refusing to acknowledge the fundamental American libertarian streak that says, ‘We don’t care who’s in power, we don’t like the expansion of executive power.’”

Jonathan White, a former police officer and academic who advises both the FBI and government on terrorism, said he was less worried by the threat from the organised patriot groups than from “lone wolf” individuals who would tend to dismiss militias as “a joke”.

Richard Poplawski, a Pittsburgh man who shot dead three police officers in April, complained to friends that the government was infringing gun rights.


Great excuse to shoot cops huh?  That guy isn’t an kind of patriot. He’s just a rotten cold blooded killer.  Wasting policemen does not advance any patriot cause.
It’s guys like that who should have their gun rights infringed. Trouble is, one never knows ahead of time. Not till it’s too late. 


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/01/2010 at 09:57 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - December 15, 2009

Border Security

MacBook Not Bulletproof

Lily Sussman is an American abroad. And a blogger. I gather she lives, works, and goes to school in Cairo. Taking some time off to do the tourist thing, she visited Israel. And I guess that the border security guards didn’t like that she brought her laptop computer with her. So they shot it. Three times.


Police shoot U.S. student’s laptop upon entry to Israel

Israel Border Police officers shot at an American student’s laptop as she entered Israel via Taba, Egypt, two weeks ago.

Lily Sussman, 21, wrote on her blog that border police subjected her to two hours of questioning and searches prior to shooting her Apple Macbook three times.

“They had pressed every sock and scarf with a security device, ripped open soap and had me strip extra layers. They asked me tons of questions?where are you going?” Sussman wrote, describing the experience.

“Who do you know? Do you have a boyfriend? Is he Arab, Egyptian, Palestinian? Why do you live in Egypt? Why not Israel? What do you know about the ‘conflict’ here? What do you think? They quizzed me on Judaism, which I know nothing about,” she continued.

Sussman said that she then heard an announcement on the loudspeaker. “It was something along the lines of, ‘Do not to be alarmed by gunshots because the Israeli security needs to blow up suspicious passenger luggage,’? she wrote on her blog.

Moments later a man came to her and introduced himself as the manager on duty. “I’m sorry but we had to blow up your laptop,” Sussman said he told her.

“The security officers did not ask about my laptop prior to shooting it,” Sussman told Daily News Egypt. “They used the word ‘blew up’ when they told me they destroyed my laptop. I don’t know why they shot it.”

from her blog ...

Moments later a man came outside and introduced himself as the manager on duty. And then, “I’m sorry but we had to blow up your laptop. “

What….all my client case notes and testimony, writing, pictures, music and applications. Years of work. NO!!!! What?? Are you insane?? What were you thinking? THAT’S ALL MY WORK!?

After much yelling, crying and frantic phone dialing (don’t be alarmed if I called you repeatedly this morning), he took me outside to see the wreckage. It turned out it hadn’t been quite blown up, but rather shot through with three bullets. We were able to extract the hard drive, seemingly unscaved. Thank goodness…

Security had never asked for my password. Was it my peeling Arabic stickers on the keyboard? Or something else during the questioning which set them off?

Most unusual. I gather the border cops also blow up clothing sometimes too.

Better make sure you answer those questions properly, or else!

The good news is that a) the guards missed the hard drive, and b) Israel is going to buy her a new computer. If she fills out the proper forms in a timely manner.

Damn. Can you imagine this going on here? “Sorry, those peaches are overripe.” BaBOOM! “Art? You call this art?” BaBOOM! “No, sorry, we only let Run DMC music out of the country. You can’t bring any in!” baBOOM!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/15/2009 at 01:29 PM   
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calendar   Monday - December 07, 2009


I leave you with interesting bit from the Mail .... Not that it makes me feel all fuzzy and warm but ......


Amanda Platell

World Aids Day passes with Sting and Bono jostling to claim credit for their contribution to reducing deaths from the disease in Africa. Yet it’s worth remembering the person largely responsible for tackling the problem is President Bush, whose Emergency Plan for Aids Relief pumped $ 15billion into Africa to fund HIV/Aids treatment and care, saving around a million lives. Curious, isn’t it, that while the two preening pop stars are hailed as saints, you never hear a kind word about the ex-President.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/07/2009 at 12:25 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - November 25, 2009

Minarets could be banned this weekend as Swiss voters go to the polls.


The Swiss get referendums?  Wow. 

Be nice if they did.  I guess we will wait and see if their left wing pc crowd manages to stop this very worthwhile cause. 

Good luck and good wishes to The Swiss People’s Party.  Maybe if successful, they can go after the mosques as well. Bottom line, this group is on the outs with the UN.  It therefore follows that this must be a splendid group of fellows and ladies.  I hope.

Personal Note:
Feeling as bad as the weather again. This damn bug seems to be doing a rebound, so my posts today are likely to be few. Just can’t shake this thing fast enough. Feel like I cracked a rib as well. Not saying I did. Just feels like it even when not coughing or sneezing.

Will the Swiss vote for a ban on minarets?

By Alexandra Williams
25th November 2009

Minarets could be banned this weekend as Swiss voters go to the polls for a controversial referendum.

The Right-wing Swiss People’s Party argues that the distinctive mosque features are a symbol of Islamic intolerance.

The party has led an emotive campaign to outlaw them. Posters depicting a woman in a burkha in front of minarets shaped like missiles, against the background of a Swiss flag, have been put up around the country.


Ulrich Schüler, an SVP parliamentarian and leading member of the anti-minaret movement, says the towers are political rather than religious.

‘They are symbols of a desire for power, of an Islam which wants to establish a legal and social order fundamentally contrary to the liberties guaranteed in our constitution,’ he said.

In 2007 elections his party won its largest ever share of the vote after mounting an anti-foreigner campaign denounced by the United Nations as racist.

One of its campaign posters showed a flock of white sheep kicking a black sheep out of Switzerland.

In 2007 elections his party won its largest ever share of the vote after mounting an anti-foreigner campaign denounced by the United Nations as racist.

The debate is particularly sensitive in a country with a large immigrant population and where 20 per cent are considered foreign.

About 400,000 - 5 per cent - of Swiss residents are Muslims.

If the majority of the electorate and states vote Yes on Sunday, the words ‘The construction of minarets is forbidden’ will be added to the country’s constitution.

Existing minarets will not be torn down.

The vote was triggered when almost 115,000 signed a people’s initiative handed to parliament last year in favour of the ban - 100,000 is enough to force a referendum.

And according to the latest opinion poll, support for the proposal is gaining momentum.

It is popular among residents of rural areas and towns in the German-speaking part of the country, a survey of 1,200 citizens showed earlier this month.

German is the most common language in Switzerland.

The latest figures show that 37 per cent would vote in favour of the ban, while 53 per cent said they would reject it. A further 10 per cent were undecided.

Both the cabinet and parliament are recommending voters turn down the initiative, with Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey describing it as ‘dangerous for foreign policy and Switzerland’s relations to other countries’.

Controversies have erupted in Switzerland over Muslims’ place in society in recent years. In 2004 two supermarket chains banned employees who deal with the public from wearing headscarves.

There are an estimated 160 mosques and cultural centres in Switzerland, but only four with a minaret.

They are normally used by religious leaders to call Muslims to prayer.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/25/2009 at 07:51 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationNews-BriefsPoliticsReligion •  
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calendar   Tuesday - September 29, 2009



Chicago Teen Killed During Melee

beaten to death with lumber

4 charged with murder

Now get a load of the “solution” to this problem!

Cell phone footage showing a group of teens viciously kicking and striking a 16-year-old honors student with splintered railroad ties has ramped up pressure on Chicago officials to address chronic violence that has led to dozens of deaths of city teens each year.

The graphic video of the afternoon melee emerged on local news stations over the weekend, showing the fatal beating of Derrion Albert, a sophomore honor roll student at Christian Fenger Academy High School. His death was the latest addition to a rising toll: More than 30 students were killed last school year, and the city could exceed that number this year.

Prosecutors charged four teenagers Monday with fatally beating Albert, who was walking to a bus stop when he got caught up in the mob street fighting, authorities said.

The violence stemmed from a shooting early Thursday morning involving two groups of students from different neighborhoods, said Tandra Simonton, a spokeswoman for the Cook County prosecutor’s office. When school ended, members of the groups began fighting near the Agape Community Center.

During the attack, captured in part on a bystander’s cell phone video, Albert is struck on the head by one of several young men wielding wooden planks. After he falls to the ground and appears to try to get up, he is struck again and then kicked. Simonton said Albert was a bystander and not part of either group.

Prosecutors charged Silvonus Shannon, 19, Eugene Riley, 18, Eric Carson, 16, and Eugene Bailey, 18, with first-degree murder, Simonton said.

Fenger students said Albert’s death intensified tensions at the school, with arguments about him breaking out in hallways all day Monday. Several blocks away, a memorial erected on the spot where he was beaten was burned down. Police also increased patrols before and after school and in the neighborhood.

“They’re still trying to retaliate,” said sophomore Toni Gardner, 15. She did not elaborate.

For Chicago, a sharp rise in violent student deaths during the past three school years — most from shootings off school property — have been a tragedy and an embarrassment.

Before 2006, an average of 10-15 students were fatally shot each year. That climbed to 24 fatal shootings in the 2006-07 school year, 23 deaths and 211 shootings in the 2007-08 school year and 34 deaths and 290 shootings last school year.

This month, the city announced a $30 million project that targets 1,200 high school pupils identified as most at risk to become victims of gun violence, giving them full-time mentors and part-time jobs to keep them off the streets. Some money also will pay for more security guards and to provide safe passage for students forced to travel through areas with active street gangs.

Yup, you read that right. 30 million bux of taxpayer money to provide full time watchers to 1200 thuggish little gangbangers. $25,000 each. Plus jobs!

Meanwhile, the kids - all gang members of course - continue to kill each other at unprecedented rates. But the good news is, they didn’t use guns this time! [ my guess is that Chicago will now try to outlaw boards, and will soon have registration for rocks and bricks ]

Rival gang members have been fighting for a month—and each time one of their fellow classmates is injured.

No knives and no guns were used in Thursday’s fight. Just fists, feet and boards.

Derrion Albert, 16, was struck in the head by one of those boards.

Seconds later the honor student hit the pavement. That’s when witnesses, who are other high school students, say gangbangers began stomping on and punching Albert.

Fucking animals. Degenerate primitives. Products of the Welfare State, products of the highly expanded and very well funded educational system. Products of the Democrat controlled inner cities. Spoon fed government largess from the cradle on up. And the result? You can watch the video at the link above, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It is brutal.

PS - news articles keep referring to the wood used as being railroad ties ("sleepers" for you Brits). Excuse me, but those things are 9 by 7 inches, and about 8 1/2 feet long. They weigh about 200lbs. Hercules couldn’t lift one, much less use it as a club.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/29/2009 at 07:33 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeNews-Briefs •  
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calendar   Tuesday - September 15, 2009

Too funny to ignore.  Turkish man divorces wife over £15 charge for sex

I got to thinking, maybe it isn’t funny. So you decide.

A Turkish man is divorcing his wife for charging him £15 a time for sex.

Published: 2:56PM BST 15 Sep 2009

Suleyman Pekoz, 82, was told he had to pay wife, Amina, 56, or she would sleep in a separate bed.

The couple, from Ankara, appeared in court yesterday where even the judge struggled to keep a straight face as he questioned retired Suleyman.

“I want to ask you one more time,” said the judge. “Are you telling me your wife asks for 40 lira every time you want to have sex?”

Suleyman, who has five children from his first wife, explained that Amina would not sleep with him unless he could give her the money upfront.

The couple, who have been married for five years, are now divorcing on the grounds of her unreasonable behaviour.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/15/2009 at 09:30 AM   
Filed Under: • MiscellaneousNews-Briefs •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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