Sarah Palin is the only woman who can make Tony Romo WIN a playoff.

calendar   Thursday - March 06, 2014

ezra levant, a fellow you should see and hear.

It has been a long time since this guy has been shown here.  Those regulars to bmews might recall his legal persecution by a Canadian court.
If ever there was a free speech issue and not in name only, well this guy has been thru the ringer.

There is an interesting piece and another video that runs for 30 minutes which this video below, refers to.  It’s at the Gates of Vienna but there’s something weird happening cos all I got was an error page and an error 500.  So .... I got the second video, the one below this one, at YTube but not the written editorial.
No matter.

PLEASE guys ... listen to this man.  This is a short video and a mind bender.
After this one ....

watch this one!

My usual negative self. I never used to be quite this negative, but damn if all the evidence I see doesn’t point to doom and gloom.
It’s been a number of years since Pat Buchanan wrote the book, “The Death of the West”.  My friends, it is suicide and he was on the money, sorry to say.
So long as western culture and western courts allow the system to be used against itself by our enemies, we lose. The people he is talking about are more like a deadly virus in the form of slimy worms slithering under and into western cultures. They can be found in the sewers of the world and under rocks and thriving on waste and decay and filth and .... here’s the really dangerous part.  Not all of them are muslims.  Too many are their useful idiots, they are guilt ridden left wing middle class (they often are) whites.  The muslim menace is well funded and pretty well organized, because they are allowed to be.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 03/06/2014 at 11:16 AM   
Filed Under: • CanadaJack Booted Thugsmuslims •  
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calendar   Tuesday - March 04, 2014

you can not make that joke and survive politically. but the police ??

So a non pc conservative bites the dust over a very funny gag.

Is there anything for me to add?

Yes.  Sadly it has come to this.  In a politically correct world, we are no longer allowed to lampoon the ridiculous. Or even the not so if they are members of a protected group.  Which doesn’t include Christians but then, you already knew that.
AND ....  many among the protected special groups VOTE! 

Bottom line.

Conservatives are in the same boat with libs, licking boots for votes and approval.  And for gosh sake, why would the police be involved in any way?
Welcome to the 14th year of the 21 century.

Enjoy the image folks.


Chris Joannides, councillor for Enfield, expelled from party for 12 months
He is also no longer endorsed as a candidate for May’s local elections
He shared an image on Facebook of a woman and child dressed in burkas
Caption on image compared the child to bin bags

By James Rush

A Tory councillor who shared an image on Facebook comparing Muslim children wearing burkas to bin bags has been kicked out of the party.

Chris Joannides, a councillor for Enfield, in north London, has been expelled from the party for 12 months and is no longer endorsed as a candidate for May’s local elections.

Mr Joannides had the whip for the Enfield Conservative Group suspended last year after he shared an image on the social networking site of a woman and child dressed in burkas standing next to two bin bags.

The image included a caption which read: ‘I saw her standing there and I told her she had three beautiful children. She didn’t have to get all p***ed off and threaten me. It was an honest mistake!’

At the time it was also reported he messaged friends during meetings with his constituents asking for updates on football scores and complaining about missing his favourite television programmes.

Mr Joannides, who is of Greek-Cypriot heritage, insisted he took his duties seriously despite the ‘blokeish banter’ written on his Facebook page and denied being Islamophobic.

A Conservative Party spokesman has now told MailOnline: ‘Cllr Chris Joannides is not endorsed as a Conservative Party Candidate in the forthcoming local government elections in the London Borough of Enfield in May 2014.  No Appeal is permitted under Party Rules.

He said he had been investigated and cleared by the local association and the police.

He said: ‘I was reselected to stand in May by the local branch. Then I got an email from Conservative Central Office at the 11th hour telling me they were suspending my membership for 12 months, effectively barring me from standing.

‘The rug has been pulled away from me.’



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 03/04/2014 at 07:20 AM   
Filed Under: • DIVERSITY BSHumormuslims •  
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calendar   Wednesday - February 26, 2014

a future clash of civilizations ?  do you really think it will be allowed?

Don’t hear from too many of these folks, and when we do, it isn’t too often.
So I thought it would be worth sharing here.

I know from what I read and also from some correspondence as well as the comments made here at bmews, that my home country (USA) is not free from the curse of this group. However .... you’d have to live for awhile on this side of the water to fully appreciate how much bending of the knee to them is done, and what problems a small but growing number have caused.  And btw ... they are not the only ones.

Sadly, this country is awash with folks who come here from places many here had never known existed.  They come here with their unpronounceable and impossible to spell names and the natives are somehow required to do the adapting, the accommodation, and smile while doing so least one be thought of as some sort of racist phobic.  Gone are the days when it was of the utmost importance for immigrants to learn the language of their host country.
As well, this country has open borders in ways that America does not. 

On Thursday, 27 February, the European Parliament will vote on whether the United Arab Emirates should join the Schengen Agreement, which would provide their citizens with visa-free travel throughout European Union member states.

Thank whatever god you pray to or believe in, that America isn’t officially signed up with that god awful agreement, that has seen thousands from turd world countries who don’t speak the language or have a clue with regard to the host country culture and traditions and religion(s) and who, furthermore, do not give a damn.

H/T Gatestone Institute

Who Is to Blame for “Islamophobia” in the UK?

by Mudar Zahran

If you look at the London Tube Bombing of 7/7; the Madrid Train Bombing; two attacks on the World Trade Center; the murders of Lee Rigby, Theo Van Gogh, Daniel Pearl, Nick Berg, Ilan Halimi, and countless other attack and threats, how can we honestly expect people not to be “Islamophobic”? It would appear we have no one to blame but ourselves.

If we Muslims are actually opposed to these Islamist hate preachers, why are we failing to take a unanimous public stance against them, to disown and isolate them from our community?

After the murder of British soldier Lee Rigby by Islamic extremists in London last May, The Guardian reported a surge in the number of anti-Muslim offenses.

Also, last May, a poll by the British research firm, YouGov, showed that nearly two-thirds of Britons believe there will be a “clash of civilizations” between British Muslims and white Britons, and 34% believe that Muslims pose a serious threat to democracy.

As a Muslim living in the UK, I wonder, who is to blame for the increase in anti-Muslim feelings in the U.K.? Or is the problem “Islamophobia”?

If one dispassionately examines facts, it seems possible that if “Islamophobia” exists in the U.K., then perhaps we Muslims are to blame for it.

For a start, let us look at the murder of soldier Lee Rigby, who was butchered in Woolwich, near his army barracks, on May 22, 2013 by two British Muslim converts.

The murderers, Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale were both 29 and born to Christian families. Both are reported by the Daily Mail to have been inspired by the British Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary. Therefore, can we Muslims blame the British public if they fear for their young men and women, and would prefer them not to associate with us and possibly become Islamically radicalized?

Anjem Choudary—the Muslim cleric who “inspired” Rigby’s murderers—has a lavish history of inciting Islamic fundamentalism and hatred against Britain. He refused, for example, to condemn the July 7, 2005 London bombings and even spoke favorably about the “black flag of Sharia flying over Downing Street [the Prime Ministers’ office] by 2020”.

In an interview on April 11, 2013 Choudhry said, “As Muslims, we reject democracy, we reject secularism, and freedom, and human rights. We reject all of the things that you espouse as being ideals ... There is nothing called a republic in Islam. When we talk about the sharia, we are talking about only the sharia. We are talking about rejecting the U.N., the IMF, and the World Bank.”

So, why then, if Choudhry and other Islamist fundamentalists so oppose the British values of democracy and human rights, do they choose to stay in the UK? No one is keeping them here against their will.

Also, if we Muslims in the UK disagree with what Choudhry and his like-minded associates are saying, why do we never speak out against it? If we are actually opposed these Islamist hate preachers, why are we failing to take a unanimous public stance to disown and isolate them from our community?

The non-Muslims must be also asking themselves the same questions, and logically assuming from our silence that we agree.

continue reading at source

One final item as long as the subject happens to be the ROP.  From another part of the world but never far removed from Western civilization, news from
Nigeria this morning and no doubt making news where you are.

Islamic extremists murdered 59 students at a school dormitory in a dawn attack. They locked the doors and fire to the building, then cut the throats of those who managed to escape the inferno.

Just your average freedom fighter at war with civilization. 


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/26/2014 at 05:11 AM   
Filed Under: • muslimsTerroristsUK •  
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calendar   Thursday - February 20, 2014

nothing we haven’t been aware of for a long time, but interesting reading anyway. also scary!

H/T Cherson and Molschky
May be an odd name for a blog site but it works for me.  Wasn’t looking for it, just ran across it.
Nothing here we were not aware of. But it is still an interesting if frightening read.  I guess lots of ppl are aware of the threat. Doesn’t seem like there’s anything anyone can or is willing to do.  Questions come up like; how do you deal with one of them born here in the west?  Hmmm. I suppose not letting them get born to begin with might be a good start. Mass deportation?

Just random thoughts of no importance really because .... to do anything like that, you would first have to deal with the libtard left.  That 5th column.  By deal with .... only one way and there is no sign that it can be done. Not in my lifetime anyway. 

The article is a bit long but quite interesting anyway, so I’ve only posted a small part here. Link below.

Britain’s Fate Is Sealed Following Muslim Baby Boom

In January 2014, it was announced that 320,000 children (aged under five) out of a total of 3.5 million are born into Muslim families in England and Wales. This is approximately 9.2% and demonstrates a colossal demographic change in the younger population.

Leftists and liberals have always scoffed at the suggestion of higher Muslim birth rates, calling it the fiction of ‘right-wing nut-jobs’. Well I don’t want to say I told you so, but it is damning evidence of the exponential Muslim growth compared to the rest of society!

Even in politically correct Britain the newsreaders had tellingly unenthusiastic expressions as they delivered the news to the nation; however there was no elaboration on the true horror of what this trend actually means. Barely registering more than a cursory check in the mainstream media, this demographic shift has far reaching consequences for the future direction Britain will take.

In the 2001 UK census, Muslims accounted for 3% of the population. Yet a decade later, in the 2011 census, due to birth rates and uncontrolled (and unwanted) Muslim immigration, the figure ‘officially’ rose to 4.8% (not including illegal immigrants). Now with Muslims currently reproducing at double the rate of everyone else, Britain’s future looks more Islamic than ever.

Why We Should Worry

There is certainly a case that the non-Muslim population is not reproducing enough, but why is the expanding Muslim population such an issue? Pamela Geller describes in the article; ‘The Effects of Mass Muslim Immigration’ some of the many concerns we should have, but I would like to add some additional valid fears.

Firstly, it matters because if these trends continue over the next couple of generations it will destroy the UK economically. (Y.K. Cherson describes the implications of this in ‘How the West Is Committing Financial Suicide’). One example being in 2010 it was revealed that over 50% of Muslim men and over 75% of Muslim women were economically inactive in the UK. Also studies have shown that 55% of British Pakistanis are married to first cousins, and in Bradford, this rises to 75%. So whilst the ‘average Brit’ was working hard and paying taxes, those taxes were paying for the ‘average Muslim’ to not work, marry their cousin and recklessly have children (approximately half of Britain’s Muslims have Pakistani heritage). If this cycle does not stop, the nation will then go into financial meltdown, if it has not already. Interestingly, despite Muslims making up around 22% of the global population, they account for only 5% GDP.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/20/2014 at 07:50 AM   
Filed Under: • muslimsUK •  
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calendar   Monday - January 27, 2014

anything that looks this putrid is already dead but hasn’t got the message. this is a disgusting pix

Right.  I know.  You didn’t want to see this sort of disgusting and ignorant looking thing so damn early.  But hey, can you imagine in your wildest and even most drunken dreams, of being married to that slug? 

The slag is going to jail btw, along with siblings.

These ground crawlers should be made to westernize their names.

What we have here is quite a mix.  Muslim family arranging a marriage, the women for whom it is being done wants no part of it.
Anyway .... she loves someone else.  But there’s a catch, if you want to call it that.

The someone else she fancies is .... another woman.  And not a muslim either.  Woo-hoo.
So her sisters go after the girl friend and beat the hell outta her, and get themselves arrested.

It really is not funny because they actually tried to kidnap the girl friend.  I think they had they been able to, they might have killed her. And she is a very frightened woman now. Don’t blame her for that as you’ll see when you read.

There’s loads of photos at the link.  Yuk. What a motley group of human garbage. 

You’ve messed with the wrong Muslims!’ CCTV images show the dramatic moment three women tried to kidnap and rob their sister’s lesbian lover during row over arranged marriage

Nazma Ditta, 27, entered into secret relationship with Sarah Harrison, 35
Miss Ditta’s family found out and attacked Miss Harrison as she left work
Three sisters assaulted woman, grabbing her hair and repeatedly kicking her
One said ‘You’ve messed with the wrong Muslims. We’re going to kill you’
Women, along with three others, were jailed at Preston Crown Court today

By Lizzie Edmonds


These dramatic images show three Muslim siblings attempting to kidnap and rob their sister’s lesbian lover after they found out about the relationship.

Sarah Harrison, 35, was targeted as she left work in Blackburn, Lancashire. As she was attacked, one of the siblings shouted: ‘you’ve messed with the wrong Muslims.’

The women’s sister Nazma Ditta, 27, one of six sisters and three brothers, had been due to enter into an arranged marriage.

But Nazma had begun a secret relationship with Miss Harrison when both women worked at a clothes shop in the town.

Miss Harrison was confronted by sisters Atfah Ditta, 32, and Ghazala Ditta, 31, who got out of a parked silver Toyota Corolla car on June 20 last year.

They were joined by another sister Nighat Morris, 38, and brother Tahmoor Ditta, 26, who produced a metal tool which he brandished at a work colleague of Miss Harrison.

The three women then assaulted Miss Harrison who was dragged around by her hair and kicked as they tried to force her into the car.

The victim was repeatedly punched in the face and to her arms in an effort to remove her handbag and force her into the vehicle.

Her bag was taken from her but she managed to prevent herself being dragged into the car by holding on to its sides.

She was left standing at the side of the road as the group got back into their vehicle and drove away.

In the days leading up to the attack, members of the Ditta family had confronted the victim at her workplace and asked her about the whereabouts of their sister.

They also asked her work colleagues about where she parked her car and waited at various locations for her to leave work.

Miss Harrison later told police: ‘I can’t work comfortably now and I think about people throwing acid in my face. Anyone Asian I don’t know could be associated with the people who attacked me. I have trouble sleeping.

‘I feel uncomfortable sleeping on my back because of where I was kicked. My temple still hurts from where I was punched. I have a permanent reminder of the attack by the scar under my eye.

‘I have to sell my house and move somewhere where Nazma’s family won’t find us. I have had to find a different job which is not easy because I loved my work.’

Today the siblings appeared at Preston Crown Court.

Ghazala Ditta, Atfah Ditta and Nighat Morris pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to conspiracy to commit actual bodily harm, attempted kidnap and robbery. They were all jailed for five years and four months.

Tahmoor Ditta pleaded guilty to the above charges and also admitted assault and possession of an offensive weapon and was sentenced to six years.

Two other sisters, Tosif Ditta, 35, and Nayyar Mehmood, 37 had pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit actual bodily harm and were imprisoned for three-and-a-half years.

The children’s mother, Rani Ditta, 55, had been charged with conspiracy to kidnap but in November the prosecution offered no evidence against her.

The court heard Nazma was the only girl in her family who was unmarried and several potential suitors had been found for her.

All claimed they acted out of concern for their sister. Defence lawyer Adam Watkins, defending Tosif, said: ‘She did what she did out of a misjudged sense of what was right for her sister. It was a misguided sense of love.

Graham Blower for Nayyar said: ‘This would have happened to Miss Harrison if she was Mr, Mrs, black, white, pink or orange.’

But Judge Graham Knowles QC said: ‘This is a case about power and contol. It is about striking terror and attempting to control not just the body but the will. This was a group ambush and you struck with the terror that all of you intended.’



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/27/2014 at 06:00 AM   
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calendar   Friday - January 24, 2014

brit muslim makes court history. and as usual for that group, for the wrong reason

Not my country and not any of my business and should not be any of my concern.
And it isn’t. Exactly. 

What concerns me is how easily this country and most of the west if not all of the west, bleats about how fair minded and all inclusive and all the rest of the left wing crap spouted in the name of democracy and human rights.  The rights industry even makes it sound like we’re dealing with real humans most of the time.
Like this woman. Well I guess it’s a woman.  It says it is.

Her name is Rebekah Dawson.  I guess Rebecca, being the faster and cleaner and easier way of writing it just was not good enough for her mummy.  Hmmm. Wonder if she knows who her mummy was. Perhaps she could ask.
That isn’t a muslim name. Is it?
Must be careful not to say anything about her color and cause offence. Oh what the hell. She’s one of our burdens but 2wice over since she’s a muzzie as well.

Here’s the thing.

This case has been on for a while and it all started last year.  A judge ruled at the time that she would not be allowed to give evidence in court if she insisted on keeping her face covered.  So ppl thought good.  She got told and maybe things will right themselves.  In your dreams.

I have heard and I have read some muslims claim that there isn’t anything in their religion or the Koran that specifically insists women be covered head to toe, only that women must dress with modesty.  But as we all know, the more radical element among them does not agree.  Of course not and there is no reason why they should agree or come to terms with the idea that if you live in the west, it is not a help to anyone if you insist on living like it’s still the 7th century. Or earlier.
And why should they agree to anything when the west panders to them and concedes and accommodates their insane demands and lifestyle.
No.  We’re the ones that are supposed to change, one would think, with judgements coming from courts like the ones seen over the past few years and now this one.

The headline in the paper read as follows.

In Court, first woman to face trial in full face veil.

A woman made legal history yesterday as she stood trial in a full face veil.

Rebekah Dawson, 22, became the first defendant to wear the covering at court after a judge ruled ‘freedom of religious expression’ should be recognised.
District Judge Peter Murphy told jurors that Dawson had a right to wear a niqab during the trial but that she would have to remove it if she wanted to give evidence.


He ruled: ‘The courts must respect and protect religious rights as far as that can possibly be done.
‘But in my view, it is necessary to the working of the crown court in a democratic society for the court, not the defendant to control the conduct of judicial proceedings.’

At Blackfriars Crown Court yesterday, Dawson argued that forcing her to remove the veil to give evidence violated her right to a fair trial under the European Convention on Human Rights.
But Judge Murphy rejected the application, saying that jurors being unable to see her was contrary to the principle of open justice which overrides religious belief.

He invited the defendant to remove the garment, but after a brief adjournment Dawson returned to court still wearing her niqab.
Judge Murphy told jurors: ‘I am aware some people have certain feelings about it [the niqab], but if you have any feelings you must put them aside completely… She is perfectly entitled in this country to dress as she wishes.’

He added: ‘The courts have for many years, indeed centuries, ruled that when a jury have been asked to evaluate evidence a witness gives it is important for jurors to see them … It is not possible to do that if they cannot see the witness’ face.’

Dawson, and her brother Matthias, 32, are accused of threatening a caretaker at Finsbury Park Mosque, north London, after he let three female charity workers from Portugal – who were not wearing veils – enter the building on June 4 last year.
Dawson, of Hackney, east London, and her brother Matthias Dawson, of Sydenham, south-east London, deny a single charge of witness intimidation.
The trial continues.

So where are we?  This seems like a rehash of the previous crap coming from the court last year.  This is a court. In a western country that has not seen people with covered faces in the happy past when there were so few of those kind of life forms roaming around.  And certainly not in the courts.  Appease, appease, appease.  Yeah. That’s the ticket alright.

Worked just fine at Munich in 38.

Oh. Right. It did. Didn’t it?  But it worked for the wrong side if I recall.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/24/2014 at 01:41 PM   
Filed Under: • muslims •  
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calendar   Wednesday - January 22, 2014

look who’s keeping an eye on gypsy immigrants now.

H/T Kafir Crusaders

This item is a month old, interesting nonetheless.  It’s the first time I’ve seen it, can’t figure out why, since it appeared on TV to begin with, the story didn’t appear in our morning papers. Maybe it did and I just missed it. But don’t know how as this wouldn’t be that easy to miss. Would it?  Just a thought but, could have been one of those days I didn’t see one of the papers.  I didn’t see it on line anywhere either.
Better late than never.

Boo-Hoo.  Muslim traditions and culture (?) being undermined by who?

Take a look at this reblog.

Video: LOL, Muslims Patrolling Sheffield Moaning About Roma Gypsy Immigrants

I couldn’t help but have a little chuckle to myself whilst watching this video at the irony and hypocrisy of it all. Pakistani Muslim immigrants in high viz jackets walking the streets of Sheffield to keep an eye on the Roma gypsy immigrants who have flooded the area.  Moaning about the negative effect they are having on the area and an increase in tensions between the Muslims and the Gypsies.

The Muslims are right, the Gypsy scroungers are not wanted or needed here and do drag the country down.

Well now the Muslims know exactly how us Brit’s feel then at their mass influx and negative effect of the nation. How Muslim immigration has been destroying our country from within. Wiping out communities as places like Bradford, Burnley, Bolton, Tower Hamlets, Dewsbury, Rochdale, Oldham, Blackburn, Luton and Leicester fall victim to Islamization and turn into Muslim enclaves.

At least the Gypsies aren’t forcing their food on the Muslims! Or that Muslim children learn their heritage at school! Or Gypsy men aren’t grooming Muslim schoolgirls and raping Muslim women en mass like the British people have thanks to Muslim immigration.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/22/2014 at 05:46 AM   
Filed Under: • muslimsTravelers/Gypsies/Squatters •  
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calendar   Sunday - December 22, 2013

it’s a crime to discriminate, even indirectly, and will cost you money.the road to dwnhill

For those who won’t know, M & S is Marks & Spencer. A very large and also a high end chain.  Often referred to as Marks and Sparks.  Don’t ask cos I don’t know.
For example, why is Hampshire abbreviated as, Hants. ?

Anyway … this is just another example added to others that make the blood boil and that feeling of being doomed.  When a major store has to bend the knee to a custom so far removed from the natural tradition and customs of what was once a most Christian country, you simply have to recognize that more will follow and the end times as a ‘sovereign nation’ are not far away.

Not that I want to be fair to the store but, I am also fairly sure that M&S do not want to run afoul of the human. civil and religious rights bodies that abound over here.
And lets not forget the laws of the ECOHR …. European Court Of Human Rights. I am certain they’d stick their unwanted nose into things Brit on the slightest provocation.  And then of course to nobody’s surprise, there is always the issue of law suits.  Yes.  It’s that damn bad.

In October this year, two Muslim workers won a discrimination case against Tesco after their bosses kept their prayer room locked.

Following an employment tribunal, Tesco was guilty of indirect discrimination with the men awarded an undisclosed sum for-

‘injury to their feelings’.

So as you see .... even being “indirect” about things like race is now a crime of some kind.  And certainly injury to feelings is a no-no punishable by dipping into your pocket or purse.

Then add to all the above … M&S has not met their sales targets, and have recently blown millions on one of the dumbest ad campaigns seen in many years.  It produced nothing in increased sales and in fact alienated quite a few.

And now finally …. this is not my place to say this but I will, especially since my wife said it out loud first.

The C of E (Church of England) has no backbone.  Over time they could have stood up more for the conservative church while not denying anyone of rights or religious belief.  But they have mostly … not done that.  The church has become somehow, the church of the meek.  The one man with conservative attitudes who always spoke out against the more liberal left, was the black Arch Bishop of York.
The church’s voice, had he been made Arch Bishop of Canterbury, would have been a lot louder in Christian beliefs, instead of a murmur in the background. 

M&S tells Muslim staff they CAN refuse to serve customers buying alcohol or pork

· Marks & Spencer’s policy applies to Muslim staff in more than 700 stores
· Shoppers are being asked to wait to pay for certain items at different till
· Highlights divide among mainstream food retailers over religious workers

By Sophie Jane Evans

The chain has granted checkout workers in more than 700 stores permission to politely decline to serve customers for religious reasons.
Instead, shoppers are being asked to wait to pay for certain items at a different till.

The policy highlights a divide among the mainstream food retailers over whether religious staff should be excused from certain tasks.
In contrast to M&S, Sainsbury’s has told Muslim staff that there is no reason why they cannot handle goods such as alcohol and pork - even if they are not allowed to eat or drink the products.

A spokesman said the retailer’s official guidelines - which see everyone treated ‘fairly’ - were written following consultations with religious groups, according to The Sunday Telegraph.
However, Morrisons - which is based in Bradford, where there is a large Muslim population - said it had a long-standing commitment to ‘respecting and working around’ workers’ wishes not to handle certain products for religious or cultural reasons.

Meanwhile, Asda bosses have chosen not to allow Muslims who object to handling alcohol to serve customers on checkouts.
And Tesco agreed it ‘would make no sense’ to employ staff on a till who refused to touch specific items - but said it treats each case individually, with no specific policy in place.

read more

Does anyone else think that refusing to even handle a bottle is carrying this thing a bit far?  After all, it isn’t as if they are being asked to sample the stuff.  What is happening I would guess, is that certain agendas are being pushed to see just how far and how meek and how accommodating the
Infidels can be made to be.  Ya think?

Tom, Brighton, United Kingdom,

If it is offensive, then why would you get a job where handling those products may be a problem. It’s called the tail wagging the dog and more evidence of how stupid this country has become


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/22/2013 at 10:16 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsDIVERSITY BSmuslimsStoopid-People •  
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calendar   Friday - December 20, 2013

A couple of roaches, sub humans, not worthy of any kindness or consideration. ever!

Drew already posted the jury verdict on these scum.  These totally worthless bastards who, were there any real justice, would have been taken out and lynched.
However ... they of course got a trial where they and their lawyer argued they were merely soldiers.

So the trial is over ... they will most likely remain in prison with three meals supplied and medical needs seen to. You know all the rest of it.

The trial is over and the justice criminal system lumbers on but ... Brit system, ( America too ? ) shows how ready we are to be humane and therefore no death penalty.  No torture ... can’t do that.  We must make a show of how we play by rules. ( vomit ) Of course the enemy has no rules so being humane doesn’t impress them any.

Enough of that.  Here’s what I wanted you to see.


Choudary is invited onto Radio 4

Meanwhile ...  the answer to an old question asked by one our ppl here, “Whats it take to get arrested over there?”
Well killing will do it the cops will still call you mister.
But a sure fire way to be guaranteed arrest, is to refer to these lice as what they are.  Filthy, rotten, miserable nigger bastards!
Muslim scum.  Woo-hoo.  I could be had up on a double charge. Race hate is one the authorities like to use.  Even if you do not hate the entire race.
Then there’s hate speech. 
Well hell, I calls em the way I sees em.  These are some sort of sub species generally found under rocks and in dark spaces. When out in the light of day, they are capable of walking upright which leaves the impression that they are humans. Of course they aren’t.

As I mentioned in comments on another post here, in addition to everything else the black bastards did, they tried cutting out parts of the dead soldier’s body.  But I’m not supposed to refer to them as what in fact they are, cos that could be grounds for arrest over here. 



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/20/2013 at 11:37 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeJack Booted ThugsmuslimsREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLE •  
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calendar   Sunday - December 15, 2013

a call for 40 lashes for selling booze in restaurants. who else?

Wouldn’t you love to see what would happen to a group like this, were the scene the USA instead of the UK.
Might be interesting.  But it isn’t. Yet.  Give em time though and they’ll get around to us, as soon as they finish the front they’re fighting on now.
Just a thought.

The leader of this nasty rat pack has been a thorn in the Brit side for .... ?  Scheesh. I forget how long. 

So ... 40 lashes proposed for those who don’t comply.  Isn’t that a threat of physical violence?  Why hasn’t he been arrested. Again.

So between this group of total shits, and the ones coming and adding to their unwanted numbers already here and I am now referring to the Romas, the state of things in old Blighty ain’t somethin’ to be pleased about.

Read some of the comments at the article itself. Some are even from muslims.

Brits seeing this must be steamed. RCOB. Right?  Who the heck are these folks who come here and a few with signs written in a foreign language, and demand the Brit culture must mirror theirs.  Oh but say out loud go home where you belong or if you don’t like things here go someplace else. (try Texas) That’s hate speech.


Dozens of Muslim protestors gathered to demand that businesses stop selling alcohol in a popular East London area yesterday.

The group, led by former Al-Muhajiroun leader Anjem Choudary, warned restaurants and shops in the Brick Lane area that they face 40 lashes if they continue to sell the product, which is banned under Sharia Law.

Around 60 men and women in burkhas handed over warning letters to Muslim-owned businesses in the area after the protest was initially delayed by a small number of English Defence League members staging a counter-protest.

it’s all here including video


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/15/2013 at 07:27 AM   
Filed Under: • muslimsREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLEUK •  
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calendar   Tuesday - December 10, 2013

murder? not guilty. why? because i’m a soldier of pisslam so killing isn’t murder. trial continues

So I sat down to breakfast this morning, a nice steaming coffee in front of me, passed over the pages of yet more (and more and more) coverage of Saint Mandela and landed on page 5 or perhaps it was six.
btw, one somewhat conservative paper said under a large headline declared that Mandela was a colossus. Well, if he wasn’t the media have sure made him one.

So anyway there I am with a page open to the trial of these miserable no account black sombitches who quite literally and in broad daylight, butchered a Brit soldier on a street after first running him down with their vehicle.  Poor guy didn’t stand a chance, I saw the video where he’s walking across a street and the car turns in behind him and knocks him down.

Why are these niggers worthy of a trial?  Isn’t a trial supposed to be where guilt or innocence is determined?  One of the scum is pleading not guilty, this in spite of the fact that there he is in full view, it was even posted here at bmews at the time, with bloody hands and clever. He’s even explaining to the person shooting the video why it is that the deed was done and that he was a soldier of pisslam.  Which of course is why it was not murder and so the innocent plea.  And the system goes along with the expense and anguish to the family of the fallen soldier. 

It has been further reported that the two were trying to cut out body parts.
But in spite of it all they get a trial. And that isn’t all.

They also get to be referred to as .... Mister.  WTF?


Lee Rigby murder trial: ‘I am a soldier of Allah,’ says Michael Adebolajo and insists he has no regrets over killing


The man accused of killing and trying to behead Fusilier Lee Rigby declared his love for al-Qa’ida in court on Monday and claimed he was a soldier for Allah in an ongoing war against the British military.

Seated just yards from the family of his victim, Michael Adebolajo, 28, told the Old Bailey that he had no regrets about launching the attack on the defenceless soldier as he crossed the road near his barracks in Woolwich, south-east London. “I will never regret obeying the command of Allah so that’s all I can say,” he told a packed courtroom. “I’m a mujahid, I’m a soldier: I do what Allah commands me to do. I can’t do anything else.”

Mr Adebolajo, who denies murder, claimed that at the end of his trial he should be killed, freed or ransomed back to Islamist fighters in Afghanistan or Iraq. During his evidence that ranged through his Christian upbringing, his teenage conversion to Islam and his radicalisation into a jihadist fighter, Mr Adebolajo claimed he would have been cast “into hellfire” if he had refused to fight because he “loved my wife and children”, the court heard.

“I’m a soldier and this is war,” said Mr Adebolajo, who is married with six children. His last son was born four days before the attack. “I’m a soldier of Allah and I understand that some people might not recognise this because we don’t wear fatigues and we don’t go to the Brecon Beacons to train and this sort of thing but we are still soldiers in the sight of Allah.

“To me, this is all that matters. Basically it is a war between Islam and those militaries that invade Muslim lands. One of them just happens to be the British military and therefore the war continues even to this day.”

And so, like all brave and good soldiers who have faced death more than once in battle, these vermin ram a car into the enemy, from behind him, disable him entirely and then proceed to butcher him. In full view of the public.  But it’s okay cos they are ... ‘soldiers’.  They soil the word while a genuine soldier has been found guilty of murder for deleting a wounded taliban terrorist who also wore no uniform.  He got life and must serve a minimum of ten years, and the Brit public is outraged. Except of course the libtards who continue to preach tolerance and respect for life blah,blah.

With five prison officers sitting close to him around the dock, Mr Adebolajo told the court that he prayed to Allah the night before the attack to ensure that he and his co-defendant, Michael Adebowale, 22, targeted a soldier rather than a civilian. He claimed that the original plan had not been to run him down, but “Allah caused” the 25-year-old to cross the road in front of them.

Mr Adebolajo claimed he saw the soldier moving before he attacked him with a meat cleaver, prompting Fusilier Rigby’s widow to leave the court in tears. Mr Adebolajo said he tried, but failed, to cut off his head with another knife sharpened at his home before the attack. During comments directed towards the Rigby family, Mr Adebolajo accepted that he killed somebody that they loved. “I just hope that soldier’s life and his death might prevent the deaths of other soldiers who are being sent to die in unjust wars and save the lives of Muslims who are being bombed and killed by British forces,” he said.

He told the court that he was raised as a Christian by his family and during his childhood in Romford, east London, most of his friends were white, including one who became a soldier and died during the Iraq war.

He said he converted to Islam during his first year at Greenwich University and had attended a number of demonstrations organised by the banned Islamist group al-Muhajiroun. Mr Adebolajo was jailed for 51 days after one protest following his conviction for two counts of assaulting a police officer in 2006.

Mr Adebolajo and Mr Adebowale both deny murder and attempted murder of a police officer. The case continues.


That Mr. part really annoys but respect must be shown. WHY?


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/10/2013 at 07:02 AM   
Filed Under: • Judges-Courts-LawyersmuslimsREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLEUK •  
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calendar   Friday - December 06, 2013

the family that kills together, gets to bury other family members, together

More   Honour Killings   Muslim Murders, In England

Living,breathing, walking pond scum allowed to come to the west and settle but, so many are just like these vermin. 
This is what they recognize as, honor.

Meanwhile, a brave Brit soldier is raked over the coals and persecuted by a military court for doing nothing more than killing a wounded taliban life form, and has been charged with murder. 

There really, really is NO justice.


Add more to the tally.

Banaz Mahmod, 20, was murdered by her father and two others in 2006
She was killed after ending an arranged marriage and finding love again
Her cousin Dana Amin, 29, helped the murderers get rid of her body
Banaz’s body was found in a suitcase, buried in a Birmingham garden

By Sara Malm

A cousin of an honour killing victim who helped dispose of her body has said he is proud of his actions.

Dana Amin, 29, cousin of Banaz Mahmod who was murdered by her father and two others in 2006, helped bury the corpse in a garden in Birmingham.

The 20-year-old was murdered in her South London home before her body was shoved into a suitcase and driven to the Midlands to be dumped in a make-shift grave.

Three months later, her body was found, and it was discovered she had been strangled to death with a shoelace, Southwark Crown Court heard.

Her father, uncle and a hired henchman were convicted of the murder but her cousin, Amin, said he did not regret his actions as he began an eight-year jail sentence.

Banaz was killed after she walked out of an arranged marriage and fell in love with another man.

The new romance incurred the wrath of her relatives who believed she had brought shame on their family and Banaz and her boyfriend was told to break up or suffer the consequences.

Terrified Banaz had repeatedly told police of her fears her life was in danger.

‘People are following me, still they are following me. At any time, if anything happens to me, it’s them,’ Banaz says in a haunting video recorded during one of her police visits before her death.

Her father, Mahmod Mahmod, and uncle, Ari Mahmod, were jailed for life in 2007 for her murder, together with henchman Mohamad Hama in what became Britain’s most notorious honour killing.




Posted by peiper   United States  on 12/06/2013 at 12:15 PM   
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calendar   Friday - November 22, 2013

foreign-born individuals who have been given British passports, and then fight for the enemy

Briton ‘doing his duty’ by fighting for group linked to al-Qaeda in Syria

BBC News 21 November 2013
By Richard Watson

A British man in Syria has told the BBC why he is fighting for a group linked to al-Qaeda. Ifthekar Jaman, 23, from Southsea, Hampshire, told Newsnight the Islamic State in

OK, the rest is here if you care but I had another reason for posting that bit from the BBC.

One of my chief rants and bug-a-boos for a long time has been the continuous use of the term British, to describe the ass wipes that support our enemies.
The papers just love to ID them as such when I know damn well they aren’t.  Even those born here are not.
Well ... thankfully here’s one of my favorite columnists saying the same but he puts it way better than I am able.
And I should certainly hope so as he is a pro and he gets paid very well for what he writes.  And what he has to say on this subject is totally correct.

A corner of a foreign field that is forever ‘British’...
Richard Littlejohn
Daily Mail

Four ‘Britons’ have been killed fighting for Al Qaeda in Syria. So no surprises there, then.

Wherever there is jidhadist terrorism, you can be sure that ‘Britons’ will be found on the front line.

They won’t be fighting for Britain, mind you, or alongside any of this country’s allies. In Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, you name it, they’ll be on the side of our enemies.

In Syria, we haven’t got a dog in the fight and thankfully the Commons voted against getting involved. But MI5 still estimates that as many as 300 ‘Britons’ have travelled out there to join the battle.

That all depends, I suppose, on what you mean by ‘Britons’.

It’s a fact that many of these jihadists were born here and radicalised in universities and extremist mosques.

But a large proportion weren’t.

They are foreign-born individuals who have been given British passports over the past few years, no questions asked.

Under Labour, the government recklessly conferred citizenship on tens of thousands of people who not only had no previous connection with this country but actually hate our freedoms and traditions and have no intention of becoming ‘British’.

Yet when they are blown up or arrested fighting for our enemies, we are asked to accept that they are as ‘British’ as the rest of us.

Even if they haven’t got passports, they are embraced as British ‘residents’, like the celebrated Gitmo detainee Binman Mohamed, who only lived here for a couple of years and was actually ‘resident’ in Afghanistan when he had his collar felt.

After David Blunkett’s outburst last week, Left-wing papers have started referring sympathetically to Roma gipsies in Sheffield as ‘British Roma’ or ‘Britain’s Roma’. They’re not ‘British Roma’, they’re mostly Slovakian Roma. Almost all the 200,000 to 300,000 Roma living here are from Eastern Europe.

Spain doesn’t count British gangsters living on the Costa del Crime as ‘Spanish’. So why do we try to pretend that everyone who manages to set foot in this country is automatically ‘British’?



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/22/2013 at 07:23 AM   
Filed Under: • muslimsREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLETerrorists •  
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calendar   Thursday - November 21, 2013

the bbc reports live from guantanamo

Something to share with my fellow Americans.

I dearly hope you will be able to listen to what I heard last night on BBC radio 4.

I tune in lots of nights when my eyes are just too tired to read anymore or I just want to listen to something and not read at all.

The World Tonight isn’t a bad program, and often there’s a discussion toward the end. Except last night.

I must say I was proud of our people who refused to be drawn in and giving the answer that the BBC reporter wanted to hear.  The lady officer in charge of one of the units was polite but would not be bullied. Kudos there.

Have any of you folks ever heard of something prisoners do called, “Splashing?” Pretty gross and it really, really, REALLY!!!!!  bothers the hell out of me that our guys are not allowed to beat the crap out of these sub human shits. Then shoot em in a place where it’ll hurt the most.

Splashing in case the link I provide won’t work outside the UK, is a mixture of feces - urine - vomit -blood - AND --- semen, all of which as you will know is thrown at guards. 

They work 12 hour shifts and are the recipients of verbal abuse as well.  Threats and name calling etc.  Naturally, they do these things because any reaction by our hard pressed guys, would of course make the news via their lawyers, who belong to, I’ll tell you cos you’d never guess, a yooman rights group called Reprieve.

The animals have access to books, have a soccer field, microwave in cells, dvds and players, gym equipment, and of course as well, access to their lawyers.

One thing that stood out and had me seeing red was hearing the American “protesters” shouting support for the scum.  And also their comment about the rights under our constitution to protect them. ????  Idiots!  Those are the vermin who enable the muslim filth, who are intent upon spreading their obnoxious doctrine worldwide.  Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to face the turds with a machine gun and put an end to them? If only.

At the very beginning of the audio (this is radio), there is an intro for the program about Guantanamo, then there is some brief regional news and breaking news story about our intel agencies spying on everyday Brits, compliments of that Snowden rat puke who is still alive and still attacking our country from Russia.

If you want to skip all that, slide forward to 7:06 minutes into the program for the start of this feature. Some is boring to be sure. Some isn’t and I still do not understand why the issue means so damn much to foreigners.  If they don’t like the means we use to protect our country, let em declare war on us. Otherwise they really should shut the F***up. 

click the photo, you’ll see it again at the site, click again and wait a few seconds for the start button to appear.

Tonight Ritula Shah reports live from the US base in Guantanamo Bay.
President Obama promised to close the facility in 2008 but 164 men are still being held. Will the president spend precious political capital to overcome the legal and practical hurdles that still stand in the way of its closure?
The World Tonight has been given access to the base to see what the conditions are like for the detainees and to talk to the people who guard them.


about 43 minutes in total


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/21/2013 at 07:44 AM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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