Sarah Palin's image already appears on the newer nickels.

calendar   Wednesday - May 01, 2013

whats it take to get arrested is not the question. it’s, whats it take to go to jail

Yeah really.  The first time time I read something similar to this I thought it could be a one off thing. Then it happened again. And then another time.

I think this is the 4th time in recent memory.  Now I do know ppl are being jailed because the papers report that. Maybe the papers report that because it is so unusual.

Take a look at this.  There should be a special moonbat made exclusively for this judge.

Paedophile who abused two girls aged seven and eight is spared jail - after judge says it would be unfair to HIS family

Factory worker Gary Karn sexually assaulted two girls while picking fruit
48-year-old from Norwich gets 18-month jail term suspended for two years
As well as the attacks, extreme and child pornography found at his home
Judge Mark Lucraft accused of ‘living in cuckoo land’ by family of victims

By John Stevens

A man who sexually abused two little girls as they picked fruit at his allotment has avoided jail because a judge ruled it would be unfair to the attacker’s own family.

Gary Karn, 48, inappropriately touched his victims, aged seven and eight, after inviting them into his greenhouse to help themselves to raspberries as they played at nearby allotments owned by one of their fathers.

But he escaped with a suspended sentence after a judge decided that it would cause ‘suffering’ for his family.

The father of one of the girls, who both had to give evidence to Norwich Crown Court, said the judge’s decision showed no recognition of the impact the assault had on his eight-year-old daughter.

‘He talks about the effect on the offender’s family, but what about the effects on my family?’ he said.

Father-of-three Karn, a food processing factory worker from Norwich, was found guilty of three counts of sexual assault against a child.

The court heard he invited the girls on to his allotment. He told them that he needed to brush spiders off them then put his hands up the top of one girl, and down the trousers of the other.

He was also charged with six counts of possession of extreme pornography and one count of possession of indecent photographs of a child.

Judge Mark Lucraft decided not to proceed with these offences but took them into consideration.

He gave Karn an 18-month suspended sentence, saying an immediate jail term would unfairly affect his family.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/01/2013 at 02:57 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - April 24, 2013

A Judicial Miracle

Must be one of those leftover Reagen appointed judges.

Judge To Planet Janet: Uphold All The Laws, Not Just Your Faves

Judge rules DHS Director Janet Napolitano must deport illegals

>Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano does not have the authority to refuse to enforce laws that require illegal immigrants to face deportation, according to the federal judge hearing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement union’s lawsuit against DHS.

“The court finds that DHS does not have discretion to refuse to initiate removal proceedings [when the law requires it],” U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor said Wednesday, per Business Week. O’Connor asked DHS and the ICE union to offer additional arguments before he makes a final ruling on the legality of President Obama’s “deferred action on childhood arrivals” program, which invoked prosecutorial discretion as a means of allowing people to stay in the country if they would have qualified for amnesty under the Dream Act, which never passed Congress.

The judge’s comments come one day after Napolitano scolded the union, during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the Gang of Eight’s immigration bill, for challenging the policy she and Obama have implemented.

Sessions faulted Napolitano for refusing to meet with the ICE officers’ union. “I have never heard of a situation in which a group of law officers sued their supervisor, and you, for blocking them from following the law,” he said. “They weren’t complaining about pay, benefits, working conditions — they were saying their very oath they took to enforce the law is being blocked by rules and regulations and policies established from on high, and that this is undermining their ability to do what they are sworn to do.”

Ok, this judge O’Connor wasn’t appointed by Reagen. He was appointed by G.W. Bush. And he’s from Texas.


I can almost feel Oboohoo pouting from here, as his attempt to do an end-run implement his failed open borders Dream Act gets a shot in the ass with a Colt .45.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/24/2013 at 02:40 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - April 17, 2013

but crime is going down we are told. no, the reports are but the crimes are not.

ok, we’ve had axes and clubs and feet and fists and of course, knives. Even razors.
Maybe this will start a new trend here.
The meat cleaver.
Take a look.


Police are searching for car-jackers who threatened a motorist with a meat cleaver before stealing his vehicle.

Officers said the thuggish duo threw a bottle at a moving car in Bolton, Greater Manchester.

The VW Polo stopped and the 19-year-old driver and his passenger were approached by two men.

Officers said the driver was then dragged out of the car and his passenger was assaulted before the men got in the Polo and drove off.
The cleaver-wielding men abandoned a short time later and fled

The vehicle was abandoned soon after and both men ran off along Tonge Moor Road.

One man is described as being dark skinned, 6ft tall, well built, in his late teens or early 20s and had short light brown hair.

He wore a grey hooded top and dark-coloured jeans.

The other was slim and was wearing a white shirt and dark-coloured jumper.

Police have issued CCTV images of two men following the incident.

Detective Constable Dave Harris said: ‘The offenders showed extreme aggression towards their victims and they are lucky they did not suffer more serious injuries.

‘Understandably, both have been left shaken after this attack.

‘We believe this was a random attack and I would ask members of the community to be vigilant.

‘We are unsure why the Polo was abandoned a short time later and we are asking for witnesses to come forward.

‘The two images we have are very clear and I believe that someone within the local community will recognise them.

So if they catch the miserable punks, what’s the worst?  A year on remand? Community service? A year in jail? Whatever.
Or ....

Victim paralysed in a row over spilled drinks discovers attacker’s Facebook boast about his release from prison after just 15 months

Claire Hilton, 30, suffered a broken neck when she was attacked
She can barely walk more than a few steps after being paralysed
Christopher Towers, 25, has been on weekend weekend release
Topless photo of Towers was published on Facebook
Thug carried out attack after his mother’s £2.80 cider was knocked over

By Rob Cooper

A thug who left a mother paralysed after a petty row over a spilt drink has been out enjoying his freedom just 15 months after he was jailed for three and a half years.

Claire Hilton, 30, broke her neck in three places and was left with a severely damaged spinal cord after being attacked by Christopher Towers, 25, outside a pub in Boldon, Tyne and Wear.

When he was finally locked up in January last year, Claire thought she had seen the last of Towers for a long time.

But he has recently been enjoying weekend release from prison and is set to be let out of jail altogether imminently - just over a third of the way through his sentence.

Claire, who is forced to rely on a team of carers to help her get through the day, was shocked when she spotted a picture of Towers outside prison on Facebook.

After learning he was out, she asked: ‘Is just over a year (in prison) all my life is worth?’

The attacker was pictured half-naked with a comment underneath which read: ‘Finally with my boy’.

Claire believes the picture was posted by Towers’ girlfriend Kelly McKone who was also involved in the attack which left her paralysed.

Distraught, she contacted the police who told her that Towers had been out on weekend licence from jail when the picture appeared on Friday April 5.

The officer explained that he was due to be released shortly and that as part of his preparation he would be spending a weekend on the outside every 28 days.


Tough on crime okay.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/17/2013 at 02:41 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - April 16, 2013


This is just one reason why the west and possibly us along with it, are losing this so called war.

Certain legal eagles and judges and those who foil the ability of the west to protect itself, should be hunted down and deleted with extreme prejudice.

This arrived from BBC news withing the last half hour.


Human rights court blocks extradition of UK-based terror suspect to US

European court of human rights bars Haroon Aswat’s extradition on account of his severe mental illness

Owen Bowcott, legal affairs correspondent

Extraditing a UK-based terror suspect to an American “supermax” high security prison would constitute “inhuman or degrading treatment”, the European court of human rights (ECHR) has ruled.

The Strasbourg court barred the removal of Haroon Aswat, whose nationality is unknown, from Broadmoor psychiatric hospital to the US on account of his severe mental illness.

Aswat, who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, has been indicted in the US as a co-conspirator in a plan to establish a jihad training camp in Oregon.

He was arrested in 2005 in Britain following a request from US authorities for extradition. His lawyers have resisted his removal since then in a series of appeals.

n its judgment, the court said that it had given “full consideration to the submissions of the US department of Justice … and observed, in particular, that it could not be determined with certainty in which detention facility or facilities Mr Aswat would be placed if extradited to the USA, either before or after trial.

“It was also unclear how long he might expect to remain on remand pending trial. As for his detention following a possible conviction … although Mr Aswat would have access to mental health services regardless of which prison he was be detained in, his extradition to a country where he had no ties and where he would face an uncertain future in an as yet undetermined institution, and possibly be subjected to the highly restrictive regime in ADX Florence, would violate article 3 of the convention.”

Article 3 of the European convention on human rights prohibits inhuman or degrading treatment. Last year the Strasbourg court allowed the extradition of Babar Ahmad and four other suspects to US federal supermax prisons where inmates can spend 22 or 23 hours a day in solitary confinement.

The Home Office has expressed disappointment at the court ruling.

Tuesday’s judgement does not become final for three months.

So for the hell of it and to save arguments, lets agree the goat screwing, bearded SOB is truly out of what passes for a mind.  Fuck him.  Fire when ready and make it hurt.  I don’t really care.  If someone is that far off his game, if they’re totally nuts, they are just wasting resources and are a waste of valuable time. Time people.  The one thing that does not renew itself. 
But okay. Some bleeding heart judge in Europe feels sorry for the poor boy.  He believes insanity should be treated differently, and I know he isn’t alone.
But some judges also have another view which to me is worse yet.

Like this ass wipe judge here in the UK who says .....

“Terror suspect must be allowed a normal social life.”

You couldn’t make that up. Wait, these days you could and it would be real.

Potential suicide bomber must be allowed a normal social life, rules judge, despite being named one of the country’s ‘most dangerous suspects’

Al Qaeda fanatic will be able to mingle more freely with fellow students

Man has tried to get into Afghanistan on numerous occasions for terrorism training

He also visited Olympic venues in London despite being banned



A judge yesterday ordered strict curbs on a potential suicide bomber to be relaxed so he could enjoy a ‘normal social life’.

Mr Justice Wilkie said the alleged Al Qaeda fanatic ought to be able to mingle more freely with students at his university to avoid his ‘embarrassment and isolation’.

The constraints on the 24-year-old Somali man – considered one of the country’s most dangerous terror suspects – were ‘chilling’ and ‘disproportionate’, he said.

His High Court ruling ordering Home Secretary Theresa May to water down the restrictions deals a serious blow to the Government’s fight against terrorism.

And it comes despite fears by the security services that the man – known as CF – will contact other Islamic extremists to plot attacks against Britain.

The decision could lead to similar challenges by other terror suspects and may fuel concerns that the judiciary is chiselling away at measures to protect the UK from jihadists.

‘CF’ is one of nine people subject to Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures (TPIM) orders, introduced last year to restrict their movements, the use of computers and who they can meet.

The suspect, who is thought to have tried to get to Afghanistan for terrorist training and of fighting for the feared al-Shabaab group in Somalia, is only allowed to mix with undergraduates when it is ‘exclusively for the purpose of studies’.

But Mr Justice Wilkie said it was difficult for CF to avoid ‘informal social contact’ at lectures or the library. ‘They [the orders] must impose a chilling effect on CF’s participation in the life of a student on this course without any, apparent, beneficial effect on national security,’ he added.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/16/2013 at 04:49 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - April 06, 2013

emphasis on members of ‘alternative identity sub-cultures

I clearly recall this case due to the nature of the violent attack and the death of a young girl who had been kicked and stomped to death.  The reports said she had hardly any face left by the time help arrived.  Her boyfriend had been attacked and was on the ground, she went to help him and cradled him and the thugs turned on her.  And all because they thought she and her boyfriend looked like freaks.  Well, they might have. She certainly didn’t look good to me with that hair and all the studs in her face.  Hell, if you don’t like someone’s looks, ignore them. Turn away.  OK, if you really feel compelled to tell them they look stupid, go ahead.  But beating innocent ppl to death based on nothing more than how they appear seems to be a bit over the top.  On the other hand, just how many “Hate Crimes” will now be added to the list?  And why the hell should the fact that one hates someone enough to kill or injure, carry a bigger jail term then killing someone in a robbery or anger or just because the killer thought it was fun?  The victims are just as dead or injured, often for life. 

Manchester police said the change would enable officers to give more support to victims of anti-punk or anti-Goth crime. But it won’t necessarily mean tougher sentences.

sure. but that’s where it’ll end betya. and why would the family of someone killed in cold blood require more support than someone murdered for any other reason? For example, the mother of a young girl who called her mom telling her she was being stabbed by the ex boyfriend. And yeah, she died. So her mother would require less support since her daughter’s death was not a hate crime in the sense the authority here uses that term.

And WTF is an emos?  Yeah, yeah. I can look it up.

I believe the mention here re. punks is in relation to punk rockers? As opposed to how we use that term in the USA.  But to be truthful, from what I saw of a group of them once on a ferry, I wouldn’t say there is any difference. But that’s my impression.

Hate crime: Police record attacks on punks, emos and goths

A police force has begun recording attacks on members of subcultures, such as goths and emos, as hate crimes.

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) is the first force in the UK to treat the offences in such a way.

Previously hate crimes were only registered for offences against race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity.

GMP has worked with a charity set up following the murder of 20-year-old goth Sophie Lancaster in 2007.

Ms Lancaster was attacked in a park in Bacup, Lancashire, on 24 August 2007, along with her boyfriend Robert Maltby, because of the way they were dressed.

She was kicked and stamped on as she cradled her badly beaten boyfriend.

While Mr Maltby made a partial recovery from his injuries, Ms Lancaster slipped into a coma after the attack and died later in hospital

BBC home affairs correspondent Tom Symonds said offences motivated by hatred for the victim’s race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or transgender identity could receive higher sentences.

But, our correspondent said, without a change in legislation, police in Greater Manchester can do little more than record subculture hate as an element in a crime.

Assistant Chief Constable Garry Shewan said this new understanding of hate crime was a “major breakthrough”, adding: “This means that we can recognise the impact that alternative subculture hate crime has on its victims and the wider community.

“Any crime motivated by hate is an insidious and evil crime and I hope other forces will follow our lead.

“We need to make a stance here and say clearly, in memory of Sophie, protecting the victims of hate crime should extended beyond those the law already safeguards.”

However, former director of public prosecutions, Lord Macdonald, said he had reservations about changing the legal definition of a hate crime.

He said: “People’s racial origins, their religion, their sexual orientation, people’s dignity in the face of disability - these have been lines in the sand with the law saying, look, these are crimes that threaten social cohesion as a whole and therefore national life.

“I’m a little cautious about watering down this concept.”

Ryan Herbert and Brendan Harris, both from Bacup, were jailed for life in 2008 for Miss Lancaster’s murder and for causing grievous bodily harm to Mr Maltby.

Sentencing them, Judge Anthony Russell QC said: “This was a hate crime against these completely harmless people targeted because their appearance was different to yours.”


The new rules aren’t designed to protect society from gangs of punks and heavy metal headbangers.
They’ve been drawn up to protect them from the rest of society.

If you’ve ever been to a heavy metal concert, the audience won’t have struck you as all that ‘vulnerable’. Upset one of them and you’ll probably end up with a motorcycle chain wrapped round your head. And that’s just the women.

According to the latest figures available, in January there were 25,411 crimes reported in Greater Manchester, including 2,500 burglaries, 10,800 incidents of anti-social behaviour and another 2,500 involving violence.

I wonder how many victims of violent crimes were drawn from the goth, punk, heavy metal or emo communities? Precisely. So why this sudden emphasis on members of ‘alternative identity sub-cultures’?



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/06/2013 at 10:47 AM   
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an unexceptional crime

Remember Bizarro?  If not, you’re very young.

Well anyway, if Bizarro wasn’t a cartoon but news stories instead, I think it would have been reported in just this way.

What’s it take to get arrested you may ask again.  Well, I guess hurting someone’s feelings is still right up there with major criminal offenses. Especially if the hurtee belongs to a protected and newly popular group.

Hmmmm. OK. What’s it take to be deported for committing a crime here?
Does one have to kill someone?
Well .... maybe not. The crime would have to be ...  EXCEPTIONAL.

I only bring the subject up because btw, a court has over-ruled the Home Secretary (Atty.General in the USA) yet again, on deporting a terrorist. Been trying for YEARS and he’s still here. On benefits. With the whole family.

In this case, left unsaid in the article perhaps, is how much did she put up with before she snapped?  We don’t know. It’s just I was caught up in the phrasing of this and the idea that killing someone might not be ‘exceptional’ enough to deport.

Meanwhile, confronting real crime.  And I’ll get to the whole thing later on.
A police department here has added a few more things to the Hate Crime menu.  Along with abusing ppl based on race and religion and sexual lifestyle etc., they are now about to classify as Hate Crimes, attacks against goths, heavy metal ppl, ppl with weird dress and lifestyle. The punk thing for example.
It does not get funny.  It gets more stupid by the day.

Polish wife who killed husband by stamping repeatedly on his head, can’t be deported under EU rules

She admitted ‘gratuitous’ attack, but her crime isn’t ‘exceptional’ enough

By Daily Mail Reporter

A Polish woman who killed her husband by repeatedly stamping on his head cannot be deported from Britain because of EU rules, it emerged today.

A judge rejected the Home Office’s claim that Theresa Rafacz posed a danger to the public despite her admitting the ‘gratuitous’ attack.

Mr Justice Blake, the UK’s most senior immigration judge, ruled that she could stay because her crime did not cross a ‘seriousness threshold’ under European law.

EU citizens can only be ordered out of the country if they have committed crimes in ‘exceptional circumstances.’

Rafacz pleaded guilty to manslaughter and was jailed for two years after Belfast Crown Court was told how she ‘lost control’ when she came home from work to find her husband Piotr drunk while he was meant to be looking after their three-year-old son.

Tory MP Dominic Raab, who is campaigning to change the law on foreign criminals, told the Daily Telegraph:  ‘It beggars belief EU law bars the UK from deporting people convicted of homicide offences, unless the government can somehow prove they are still dangerous.

“Brussels has whittled away our national border controls, undermining public safety and democratic accountability.

‘If we can’t renegotiate this kind of issue with Brussels, public trust in the EU will continue to ebb and the clarion calls for Britain to leave will grow louder.’

On the day of the attack in May 2009, she discovered he had left their son alone, probably for several hours, while he went drinking.

Piotr died from blunt force trauma to the head, suffering considerable bruising and a broken nose. Rafacz’s shoes and jeans were splattered with his blood.

After she was assessed In March last year of posing a ‘medium risk’ of reoffending, the Home Office decided to deport her.

When the lower immigration tribunal ruled in Rafacz’s favour, Home Secretary Theresa May appealed the decision last November.

Mr Justice Blake said:’ There was no basis to conclude that her level of risk that she presented to the United Kingdom and its people was significant or could justify her deportation on the grounds of public policy.’

Sir Andrew Green, chairman of MigrationWatch UK,told the Daily Telegraph: ‘This underlines the difficulty which we face increasingly often in removing from Britain EU citizens whom we would much prefer not to have living in our community.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/06/2013 at 09:59 AM   
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calendar   Monday - April 01, 2013

policing in the modern era

Looking at the pix one might think the cop was Mister Jones shown on the right.
However …

`WPC Jones has hired a London firm to sue Mr Jones, claiming he failed to keep her safe` < < < < < = He probably had the idea being an adult and a copper she could keep herself safe stepping over a kerb. Obviously not, and as such she is a danger to herself and members of the public.
TG-3323 , LIVERPOOL, United Kingdom

What’s this all about?  Well, it’s a law suit of course but I believe even more.
It’s proof if any were needed, that barely qualified and unfit people of a certain favored gender, have been hired by the authorities to protect the public based on quotas.  We have a term for that in the USA but I forgot what it’s called.
But you get the idea.  Just thought of it.
Affirmative Action.  ??  Is that right? 

Take a look at this cow.  Does she give you the feeling of trust and confidence to “protect” anything but her stomach, with which she appears to do all her thinking.

I guess this is what the culture and policing have come to.

Damn upsetting especially when we all of know this slag should never have been allowed into the force to begin with.

We can be also be sure tests were made more compatible to fit the lower orders of humanity so that all could be judged, equal.

I wish the Mail had published the letter from the cow’s lawyers in larger print on line. I read it all in the hard copy on Sunday.  Outrageous hardly describes it all.


Police in £20million injury claims bonanza as backlash grows over WPC demanding £50K from burglary victim for tripping over kerb

The Police Federation are encouraging officers to make the claims

Much of the £42million paid out over the past two years is taxpayer-funded

WPC Kelly Jones is suing burglary victim Steve Jones

She is seeking five-figure sum for tripping over kerb at his garage

By Chris Greenwood, Crime Reporter

Police officers are pocketing more than £20million a year in personal injury claims.

They are instructing ‘ambulance-chasing’ lawyers to sue over mishaps on duty such as slips, trips and animal attacks.

Officers are being encouraged to make the claims by a hotline run by the Police Federation. Much of the £42million paid out over the past two years is taxpayer-funded.

In a case that has caused uproar, a policewoman is suing the man who dialled 999 to report a burglary because she tripped over a kerbstone at his property.

Kelly Jones, 33, is seeking a five-figure sum for injuries to her leg and wrist last August. She was well enough however to carry on the search for the suspected intruder.

Steve Jones, the garage owner who made the 999 call, said: ‘How can anyone feel safe calling the cops if they size you up for compensation while they’re fighting crime?

‘Surely policing has elements of both public service and risk. Isn’t that what officers sign up for when they put on the uniform – chasing villains and keeping us safe?’

Recalling the incident, the 50-year-old businessman said: ‘I thought nothing of it – other than she must have been a bit embarrassed – and I helped her up. Then we carried on with the search.’

Keith Vaz, chairman of the Commons home affairs committee, demanded urgent Home Office guidelines on the issue.

‘This civil claim will have huge implications for every citizen if they call police out to their premises to help them in an emergency,’ said the Labour MP.

‘It is in the public interest to know where exactly people stand in circumstances like this. If there are going to be cases like this, then people will feel reluctant to call the police in case they are sued.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/01/2013 at 07:00 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - January 29, 2013

Human rights? He isn’t even human. family outrage

‘What about my human right to live my life without looking over my shoulder because he is roaming free or trying to get released again? Does no one care about the families and the damage that is done?’
At her semi-detached house, the middle-aged woman added: ‘I will suffer every day for the rest of my life because of what he’s done. It will never get easier for me, so why should it for him? Why should he be given the protection of anonymity so he can escape what he’s done when I can’t?’
She said the constant worry of him being released had a deep impact on her. ‘I just can’t cope, I’ve been through enough and now this keeps coming up. Life should be life, he should never be freed.’ He doesn’t deserve human rights, he’s not even human. He committed such a horrendous crime and should have to face up to it.’

There is still every reason for the public to fear the man. It is indisputably in the public interest to know if he is going to be moved closer to release and for the judge – who has yet to decide the man’s fate – to be held fully accountable for his decision.

So what is this all about?

A screw up that’s hard apparently, to put to rights.  Speaking of ‘rights’ as if the victims and families have any these days, this multiple killer (as I’ve heard but don’t know the facts) butchered his victims, some are saying who claim to recall a noteworthy and infamous case they believe is this fellow) wants to be protected and placed in open prison.  At some point it is hoped the press will be able to ID the killer so the public can know who it is that could be released among them.  The accounts in the papers about this particular vermin, are not even going into detail of his crimes, although at the time they were made most public. The crimes were so horrendous we are told, that they made the news nationwide.  Well, there have been a number of crimes here over the years that also fit that bill, so I guess it’s a matter of going through old files and taking your pick of various crimes in an attempt to ID this one particular guy. Lots of luck with that.

The idea that he would even have the right to do this today, and that he has a lawyer willing to be his mouthpiece, will be seen by some as proof of how fair and wonderful is the justice system here.  I’d say it’s proof only of how far wrong and how skewed the system has become under the stewardship of the left over many years.  I think it’s proof of national insanity that it’s allowed, and that there are those who would champion his cause. 

See the link for more.

Notorious killer who wants to move to open prison granted anonymity by High Court judge using human rights laws

· Judge ruled that allowing convicted man, who has spent decades in prison, to be publicly named could ‘endanger his life’
· Details of the man’s offending cannot be revealed to the public by order of the court

By James Slack And Jack Doyle

A judge has used human rights laws to ban the identification of a notorious killer who wants to be set free.
The man – whose crimes shocked the public years ago – is currently challenging a Parole Board decision refusing him a transfer to an open jail with limited security.

This is typically the last step taken by killers before they are freed back on to the streets.
Yesterday the high court sparked fury by saying the man might be in danger if other inmates found out his identity.

Mr Justice Simon, sitting in London, rejected submissions from the Press that granting the killer anonymity was setting a precedent for other high-profile prisoners to seek anonymity.

Quincy Whitaker, making the no-names application, told the judge there was ‘a serious likelihood of a serious attack’ on the man if his identity were revealed.
She argued this would infringe his rights under the 1998 Human Rights Act to not have his life endangered or be subject to inhuman or degrading treatment.


Is it any wonder most of the public that is interviewed, does not believe the law and justice is on the side of the law abiding?
How can it be considered so, when all the evidence so far, points in the opposite direction?


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/29/2013 at 01:15 PM   
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calendar   Saturday - January 26, 2013

law without justice or order, country signs its own death sentence

To be a judge in the UK do you have to go on an “How to rid yourself of all common sense “ course ? Most of our judges seen to have passed with high marks !
- bglad1 , littlehampton, United Kingdom

I’m feeling suicidal by hearing about my poor old once great country being battered by idiot judges who give every lowlife the right to reside here no matter how dangerous but give us no human rights to be safe in our own country.
- fed up taxpayer now a ukip voter

Just a couple of notes from the readers of the Mail, and there are other similar comments.  So what has their knickers in a twist?  The same sort of insanity that people with sense in any country would feel, faced with what the Brits see everyday. How are they supposed to feel when they can do nothing as a weak legal system, systematically destroys their faith in what is supposed to be a, justice system. They see no justice.  You do not have to be a ranting right wing hang em all Nazi to despise what the system has actually become.  A haven for criminals of the worst sort, and employment human rights lawyers as well as for judges who lack any kind of common sense, and judges who feel their hands are tied by the rules as written and so can do little or nothing.  Some judges judges have indeed spoken out. The problem is, nobody is listening who can set things right.  In a country where the death penalty is banned, life in prison for vicious killers should damn well mean life.  But as we know, even in the USA, the death penalty doesn’t discourage would be rapists or killers because it takes so long to execute even the worst. And life does not always mean life in the states either.  Having said that, with whatever complaints Americans justifiably have with the incorrectly named “justice” system, the people of Britain face far worse. 

Here are a couple of examples that belong to a growing list of like examples. And this is not even the worst that I can report on.  So far, sad and frustrating to say, the people here have lost all reasonable means of national self protection or justice through their courts. 

Human Rights laws stop Algerian terror suspect with links to gas plant massacre group being deported because he is suicidal

· The 43-year-old does not dispute he is a threat to national security
· Came to Britain in 1995 on a fake passport and claimed asylum
· Suspected supporter of the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat - group involved in deadly attack on Algerian gas plant earlier this month
· Mr Justice Mitting rules he must stay because he has a history of depression

By Steve Robson

An Algerian terror suspect has been allowed to stay in Britain because a judge believes he may commit suicide if he is forced to go back home.
The 43-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, does not dispute he is a risk to Britain’s national security and is believed to support one of the terrorist groups which carried out the deadly attack on an Algerian gas plant earlier this month which claimed the lives of 39 hostages including six Britons.
He is also suspected of providing fake passports and travel arrangements to terrorists.
But in another blow for the Home Office, the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (Siac) has allowed the married man to remain on British soil today because deporting him would breach his human rights.
Making his ruling, Mr Justice Mitting - who recently allowed hate preacher Abu Qatada to stay in the UK - said: ‘We must look at the totality of the psychiatric evidence in the round.
‘We are persuaded by it that the risk that G would commit suicide, especially after arrival in Algiers, is very high.
‘It may be containable in the UK but no special arrangements have been negotiated with Algeria to cope with it.’
In the same judgment, Mr Justice Mitting told six other Algerian terror suspects they must leave.
But the senior immigration judge warned there was still ‘no end in sight’ in attempting to put the men on a flight home because they are likely to appeal the decision.

more to read

Are we to believe that this negro scum thought up the idea of suing all on his own?  Or did some ambulance chasing human rights scumbag attorney tell him he had rights that were violated. Whatever, at least in this case his case was shot down and so he won’t collect “compensation” from the taxpayer. But unfortunately, he is still here. Most likely collecting benefits as well.

Child-sex attacker can’t be deported because his African tribe is ‘persecuted’

· Jumaa Kater Saleh, 24, arrived in UK in 2004 hidden in a lorry
· He was convicted of having sex with a 13-year-old girl in May 2008
· Judge said today it was ‘not possible’ to deport him back to Sudan

· Saleh attempted to claim damages for unlawful detention

By Jack Doyle and Ryan Kisiel

An African migrant who lured a vulnerable schoolgirl to a house for sex cannot be deported – because he is a member of a ‘persecuted tribe’.
Jumaa Kater Saleh, 24, was convicted as part of a predatory sex gang for the ‘deliberate, targeted abuse of a young and vulnerable girl’, who was aged 13 at the time.
But he was allowed to remain in Britain under human rights law because he faced mistreatment if sent back to Sudan.
He claimed he was a member of the Zaghawa tribe, which has been persecuted by government forces and Arab tribe militia.
And it has been ruled he can stay indefinitely, unless a court decides the ‘threat’ diminishes and it is safe for him to return to Africa.
Details of the case emerged as Saleh went to court to demand compensation from the Government for locking him up. He claimed he was unlawfully detained following his prison sentence, when he was kept behind bars to protect the public.
But the judge rejected his claim saying he had posed a ‘substantial’ risk to the public and keeping him locked up was necessary.

The decision to allow Saleh to stay sparked outrage.

Tory MP Peter Bone said: ‘I take the very simple view that if someone comes to this country and then breaks the law then he should be sent back to where he comes from.

‘Any arguments about his human rights disappear when he has violated, violently, the rights of a young girl.’

Saleh arrived in the UK in November 2004 hidden in the back of a lorry.

In January 2005 he claimed asylum but this was rejected.

However, because he was under 18, he was allowed to remain until he reached adulthood in October 2006.
He was still in the country in May 2007, when arrested and charged with the sex offences. In February 2008, he was convicted of two charges of sexual activity with a 13-year-old girl.

He was in a group of five immigrants who lured schoolgirls – including three aged 13 and one aged 14 – to a house for sex.

read more


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/26/2013 at 11:20 PM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEDaily LifeIllegal-Aliens and ImmigrationInsanityJudges-Courts-LawyersJustice - LACK OFUK •  
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calendar   Friday - January 11, 2013

22 offences including sexual assault, released without sentence due to low iq

Now here’s a load of rubbish.  This is how the system protects the citizen.

It doesn’t. Not in this case.  And I question that the retard doesn’t know right from wrong.  Even if he doesn’t, he should still be deleted. He is of no possible value to anyone.  He will cost the state more than he can ever be worth, and when he grows older and stronger,


Schoolboy, 12, who admitted 22 offences including sexual assault, theft and criminal damage is released without sentence because he has an IQ of just 58

· Because schoolboy has such a low IQ, he cannot understand implications of his actions

· Judge had to allow him to enter new, non guilty pleas under common law

· As child was not convicted, court could not carry out doctor’s recommendations to give him a hospital order
· Judge describes it as ‘perfect storm’

A boy of 12 who carried out more than 20 criminal acts was released without charge - because the courts have no legal way to deal with him.

A judge heard the child’s behaviour has ‘deteriorated beyond control’ but his low IQ means that he cannot properly understand the court process.

The judge described the situation as the ‘perfect storm’ as there is no way that the court could accept a guilty plea from him, as he cannot understand the implications of his acts, and they could not follow doctor’s recommendations, as the boy had not been convicted.

The boy initally entered 22 guilty pleas in July for offences including sexual assault, racially aggravated assault, theft, common assault and criminal damage.

The case has since been back before the courts 15 times in a bid to find a way to deal with the boy, who is originally from Portsmouth, Hampshire.

But psychiatric and psychologists’ reports established the youngster - who is now in foster care - has an IQ of just 58.

That puts him in the bottom three per cent for his age and unable to understand the implications of his acts.

Because of the reports, district judge Anthony Callaway allowed new, not guilty pleas to be entered for all the charges under common law powers.

A doctor’s report recommended giving the youth a hospital order under the Mental Health Act.

But they could not do this because he was not convicted.

The only option was to give the youth absolute discharges on all counts.

David Tongs, from the youth offending team, told Fareham Youth Court the youth’s behaviour had ‘deteriorated beyond control’ in recent weeks.

He said: ‘Since his last appearance, his behaviour has become rather worrying.

‘He’s become abusive, he’s been running away almost on a daily basis, and running away from school almost as soon as he’s taken there.

‘He’s been breaching his curfew. On one occasion he was just standing outside and refusing to come in.

‘We worry that he’s out with other young people who are known to us as criminally active.’

Mr Tongs said the boy had recently tried to stab a teacher with a pen, and has damaged several windows at his school.

He added: ‘His behaviour over the last two to three weeks has been appalling. It’s deteriorated beyond control.

‘We don’t know where he goes when he runs away.’

The boy has been living with the same foster carer since July, and until recently had behaved well.

His foster carer said: ‘It has escalated to a difficult level and I don’t know how to keep him safe.’


Gee, happy to know the focus is keeping the worthless retard safe.  We wouldn’t want to spoil the public or teachers or other school kids, by keeping them safe too. 
What total nonsense.  The more I read about crap like this, the more convinced I am that the Nazis did not have everything wrong.  Or any other system that simply hit ctrl/alt/delete on these sub species.  What possible good are they?  They cost the earth to maintain, and for what?  For the mistaken belief that there’s a chance they are really human after all?  Bah.  If deleting them seems too much for the kind hearted, then for safety’s sake, toss them in a cage and feed them raw meat once a week and otherwise forget about them. They will only do great harm.  And there’s enough of that now with criminals who do have all their wits about them. 


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/11/2013 at 11:25 AM   
Filed Under: • Judges-Courts-LawyersJustice - LACK OFUK •  
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calendar   Sunday - January 06, 2013

must we feel something like empathy for convicted killers? Sir Trevor thinks so.

I am not posting much of this article, interesting as it is.
I would recommend you read all of it because of all I have left out.

Perhaps I zeroed in on the wrong thing, after all, Sir Trevor is not a bad man that I am aware of.  I know who he is in a very vague way, but really not a lot about him except that I am pretty sure he is somewhat left of center.  And me being who I am of course, I have this bad habit of shutting down in a manner of speaking, with regard to lots of things liberals say.  Which means I could miss some things I should catch.  Sorry, but liberals just annoy me.

Okay so, Sir Trevor is in the USA doing a documentary.

Out of all that’s written in the article, I just couldn’t help but locking on to this.

but you’d be lacking any humanity and empathy if you did not feel for someone preparing to be put to death by the state.

You can see what I mean. Right?  So here. Take a small look and then catch the link.

A liberal Brit researching American penal and death penalty issues for a documentary speaks.
And oh by the way, he want us to feel something for a guy awaiting death, who when high on drugs attacked and killed a young woman and her 4 yr old daughter.

He cut the throat the mother and partially decapitated her four-year-old daughter.

However, Sir Trevor McDonald says;

I am no amateur psychologist, but it struck me that their early lives were not ideal.

I didn’t particularly like any of them but it was impossible to cut yourself off entirely from a sense of sadness at the circumstances which brought them to prison. I was horrified by what they had done, but you’d be lacking any humanity and empathy if you did not feel for someone preparing to be put to death by the state.

I have never accepted the philosophy of state killing and my mind has not been changed by this experience. But I do understand why that system is in place for people like Fredrick Baer, and why American voters continue to support it.

When I emerged from Baer’s cell after hearing him speak in such detail, there was absolute silence. Usually there is professional banter common to all TV jobs: bad jokes and teasing and chat, but after that there was just a hush.

I was deeply affected by the depth of evil described in the interview and, like everybody on the crew, I found myself in need of a stiff drink.

read and see more here

Well that’s me okay. Ole lack of empathy and humanity peiper. Damn right I feel nothing for these guys.  Why should I?  Seems to me there have been far too many people feeling warm and fuzzy about criminals like these.  Why should I feel anything but loathing for a guy who did what Frederick Baer did.

It’s only because of the folks on the left that states have not rid themselves of guys like this sooner.  Why someone who is guilty can spend years and years delaying justice.  And even then justice isn’t really being served. It folks like Sir Trevor, who through their interventions and lobbying have brought an end to the DP throughout Europe and the UK.  A lot of it had to do with the second war.  You have to keep that in mind.  America did not go through the same experience, and so it was quite natural I suppose for Europe to decide that there had been enough killing.  That’s the way it was explained to me. By the time a good number of Brits woke up, it was too late.  The death penalty was dead here too.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/06/2013 at 10:24 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - January 05, 2013

justice brit style. no. lack of more like. but then, heck. he only killed her.

Just another one of those things that make the blood boil.


Why?  Why is this piece of walking filth out free?  Jeesh, he gets 8 yrs but is out in 4.  What he do? Oh nothing much by today’s deplorable standards.

He only strangled he wife to death.  Hey, he had a good excuse.  He was angry or he might not have done it.  She cheated on him and wanted a divorce and so he complied by giving her a permanent one.  Ah, the fact that he was playing house also is okay.  It’s just that damn it, wives are not supposed to do that.
Only guys have a license to cheat.  And he didn’t simply strangle her.  She had 43 separate injuries, 18 to her face.
But Brit justice deems is okay to let the slime free after 4 years.  Well, I guess that’s all a life is worth in this country.  Not certain it’s any different in the states either.  But this is an outrage to end em all.  AND .... he moves right back into the same house he murdered her in.  Sensitive fellow what.

Take a look.  Brit justice in, inaction.

Millionaire banker who killed wife in a jealous rage is back in the home where he strangled her with their two children after just three years in jail

Neil Ellerbeck, has moved into the smart suburban house where he took his wife Kate’s life after she asked for a divorce

By Stephen Wright

Just four years after he killed his wife in a jealous rage, a millionaire banker is out of jail and back living with their two children at the family home where he strangled her.

Neil Ellerbeck, 49, has moved into the smart suburban house where he took his wife Kate’s life after she asked for a divorce.

Mr Ellerbeck, who earned £170,000 as HSBC’s global chief of investment, feared losing his two children, £650,000 home and £1.3million fortune in the break-up.

He lashed out after bugging her phone calls and reading her texts, discovering she had been having an affair with her son’s tennis coach as well as having ‘close friendships’ with a childhood sweetheart and a chef at the Ritz.

She received 43 separate injuries in the attack in November 2008, around 18 of which were on her face.

After his furious assault, Ellerbeck collected their ten-year-old daughter from a school entrance exam.

He later insisted his 46-year-old wife had been alive when he left her.

During his Old Bailey trial three years ago, it emerged he had been having an affair himself during the troubled 14-year marriage.

He was acquitted of murder but jailed for eight years for manslaughter after a jury accepted he did not intend to kill his wife.

Time spent in custody awaiting trial and his good behaviour means he served a total of four years behind bars.

Before the killing, Mr Ellerbeck, described by police as a jealous and possessive man, was having a long relationship with a former colleague. But then he spied on his wife and found out she had been having an affair with tennis coach Pat McAdam.

Mr McAdam, 50, last night hit out at the legal system that has allowed Mr Ellerbeck to begin rebuilding his life after just four years behind bars, adding: ‘He destroyed Kate’s life, left two children without a mother and caused untold anguish to Kate’s sister, family and myself.

‘Yet when I asked victim liaison questions about his release, I kept being told the probation service was trying to make his life as “normal as possible” now that he is out.

I had hoped he would not be allowed back to the home where Kate died.’ Mr McAdam has been campaigning to change the law to make it harder for people sentenced for serious crimes to be released early.

He said: ‘Because he’s served half of his sentence, he has no need to wear an electronic tag, or report regularly to police, all apparently because of this desire to let him lead a normal life.

‘I will never be able to lead a normal life again and nor will other people involved in this case who knew and loved Kate.’

photos and source

I have read someplace today, that some fellow cheated on some tax(?) or maybe it was embezzlement, and got 6 years.  I didn’t pay too much attention to that story cos I was so taken up with this one. But it seems like killing someone if angry plus being a millionaire, becomes an out.  That just isn’t right.  Why should anyone who has so badly affected an entire family by the taking of a life as he did, be allowed to go free?  Sorry gang. I just do not understand.

I have no problem with criminals who are only killing each other, as Ben Siegel once famously said.

Interesting times indeed.  I was researching something early today and ran across someone who was charged with and prosecuted for, Grand Theft.
The year was 1910 the theft was a bicycle.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/05/2013 at 02:36 PM   
Filed Under: • CrimeDaily LifeJudges-Courts-LawyersJustice - LACK OFUK •  
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calendar   Friday - January 04, 2013

broad of nose, big thick lips, yes sir yes ma’am one of those

The front page headline that greets us …. and not for the first time.


Bad enough this country seems unable to flip the international bird at those who insist these vermin have rights.

There does not seem to be any lynch mobs out for blood either.  And there should be.  In many respects, western cultures have become a bit too civilized for their own good.  At the same time, the criminal has it appears, become less human like, more aggressive and more brutal.

Recently, a woman was surprised by burglars who overpowered her , tied her up and poured petrol over her.  They ransacked the house and told her she’d be set alight.  Somehow, she managed to reach a phone and dialed 999, with her tongue after they left. She is damn lucky they left her only frightened. It could have been worse.

There can not be anything too much scarier than being accused of a crime one is innocent of.  So yes, if someone is accused of a crime, and especially a sexual assault against a child, then the authorities must make damn sure they have the evidence, either by the victim and or DNA.

None of us would like being in a position of being accused of something we did not do.  So there is indeed a good reason for having a darn good defense lawyer.  BUT.

That is not the case here.  Example after example of those clearly guilty, but because of the “Rights Industry” they not only remain here, they do so with benefits from the folks who pay the taxes.  And worse yet, as this example shows, they are out on a bail and, hmmm.

Not much doing today. Bored. Oh I know, how about having sex of some kind with a four year old.  Sickening, but it’s happened.  And ALL in the name of … “rights.” When is this travesty going to end? 

Here, take a look . 

Nearly 4,000 foreign murderers, rapists and other criminals are roaming the streets, free to commit new crimes.

The Government wants to deport them but admits that many cannot be kicked out because of their human rights.


A Parliamentary answer reveals that 3,980 foreign criminals who should have been sent back to their country of origin are ‘living in the community’.

The figures do not even include the handful of terrorist suspects such as Abu Qatada whom the Government is seeking to extradite.

by Tim Shipman

Officials say thousands use the Human Rights Act, which guarantees the ‘right to family life’, or fears about violence in the countries they left as a way of dodging deportation.

Around 800 of the foreign criminals have been at large in Britain for more than five years.

The revelations last night prompted calls for the Government to withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights so that the foreign offenders can be sent home.

Ministers admitted last year that a string of murders and sex attacks have been committed by foreign nationals who should already have been kicked out.
Foreign criminals on immigration bail have committed three murders, three kidnappings and 14 sexual offences, including rape.

Official figures show that there have also been arrests in relation to 27 other ‘violent crimes’ and 64 thefts.

Home Office Minister Mark Harper used a Parliamentary written answer to release the most recent figures, recorded at the end of September.

He said: ‘There are 3,980 foreign nationals in the UK subject to deportation action living in the community.

We continue to pursue removal in all these cases.

‘The principal barriers to removal are non-compliance on the part of individuals which means we have insufficient evidence of nationality and identity to obtain a travel document, ongoing legal challenges and the situations in countries of return.’

Home Secretary Theresa May has issued new guidance to judges saying Section 8 of the Human Rights Act, which guarantees the right to family life, should not override serious criminality in deportation cases.

But critics say that is not enough to solve the problem. Tory MP Priti Patel, who asked the Parliamentary question that led to the publication of the figures, called for the abolition of the Human Rights Act.

She said: ‘Lax immigration and border controls inherited from the previous Labour government have left this mess and the current Government must take all steps necessary, including abolishing the Human Rights Act, to get these people removed from Britain.

‘The public deserve to have a robust immigration system in place to keep them safe instead of laws and rules designed to help foreigners remain in Britain when they should have no right to be here.

‘Hard-pressed taxpayers will be disgusted to learn that they are footing the legal fees and living costs associated with this number of foreigners overstaying their welcome.’

Sir Andrew Green, chairman of MigrationWatch UK, said: ‘This is an extraordinary number. Offenders and their lawyers are clearly playing the legal system.
‘The case for pulling out of the 60-year-old ECHR gets stronger by the day. The Government is trying to give better guidance to the courts but that is most unlikely to have the necessary impact.
‘The only long-term solution is to pull out of the ECHR completely and write our own human rights law.’

And in a somewhat related story:

llegal immigrants injured five staff during a riot at a detention centre. About 40 detainees were involved in the incident at Morton Hall immigration removal centre in Swinderby, Lincolnshire, on December 30. One detainee was taken to hospital. Up to 50 detainees took part in a protest on Christmas Day, in which no one was hurt.

The ONLY way to control this problem, is the use of deadly force.
Oh wait, can’t do that.  Need the permission of the euro-weenies, who will not approve. Hey wait again, just whose country is this anyway?
Oh yeah. I forgot.  Brits gave it away to Brussels and the euro-weenie human rights court.  But wait yet again.. What humans?  Where? There aren’t any. 


Posted by peiper   United States  on 01/04/2013 at 06:00 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsEUro-peonsIllegal-Aliens and ImmigrationJudges-Courts-Lawyers •  
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calendar   Saturday - December 29, 2012

a once sovereign state under a foreign court

This article from yesterday’s paper just begs for posting.

Just another good example of lost sovereignty to the now wanna be super state of the EU.
And who rules it all?

The left.  Some are fighting a holding action, and UKIP for sure isn’t blind.  But the game may be over.  Take a look at this outrage.

Murderers and drug dealer to get IVF in prison and you’ll be paying! Criminals using European Human Rights laws to start families at taxpayers’ expense.

· Ministers may be powerless to stop demands for treatment because of a ruling by European Court of Human Rights

· Turning down demands could lead to court action costing tens of thousands
· Names and identity of the prisoners are protected but four are murderers and one a drug dealer

By Jack Doyle

Four murderers and a drug dealer are in line for taxpayer-funded fertility treatment so that they can father a child from behind bars.

The killers are demanding to be allowed to take part in IVF treatment despite serving life sentences.

Ministers may be powerless to refuse because of a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights concerning the right to a private and family life.

Turning down the prisoners’ demands could lead to court action and compensation claims running into tens of thousands of pounds.

The cases will provoke outrage at the rights afforded to individuals who have committed shocking crimes, and spur demands for action against the power of European human rights judges, who are also demanding an end to the ban on prisoners voting.

It has been revealed that a prisoner had been given access to artificial insemination treatment on the NHS at a cost of around £2,000.

Since then, 13 applications have been made by inmates in England and Wales. Eight have been rejected but five remain in ministers’ in-trays.
The names and details of the inmates are protected by privacy laws, but three were convicted of murder, one of murder and aggravated burglary and the fifth of possession of a Class A drug with intent to supply.

Last night Justice Secretary Chris Grayling, who has said he wants to ‘curtail’ the powers of the Strasbourg court, said: ‘There can be no clearer example of why we need changes to the human rights framework.

‘The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has extended its remit into areas which have little to do with real human rights issues and I intend to bring forward proposals about how we change that.’

Andrew Percy, Tory MP for Brigg and Goole, said: ‘When you commit a crime such as murder you should lose your rights and liberties.’

The doors were opened to a flood of new applications by a 2007 Strasbourg ruling in the case of a convicted killer, Kirk Dickson.

Dickson and a friend kicked to death a 41-year-old man in 1995 and he was sentenced to a minimum of 15 years.

He met his wife Lorraine through a prison pen pal scheme while she was serving 12 months for a £20,000 benefit fraud. 

They married in 2000 after her release but while he was still behind bars.

In 2001 David Blunkett rejected the couple’s application to authorise her access to sperm donation from him for IVF treatment.

With at least £20,000 in legal aid, they took the case to the High Court and the Court of Appeal but were rejected at every turn.
In 2007 the case went to Strasbourg, when Dickson was 35 and his wife 49.

Ministers fought the case, arguing that losing the opportunity to have children was an inevitable result of being jailed.
But the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the Dicksons’ rights had been breached and handed them £18,000 in damages.  (that works out to $29,000.00)


Does it get any crazier than this?  Sure it will. This is Europe. And this England is no longer a truly sovereign state.  They say it is but be assured, these folks are quite delusional.  The left has seen to that and has been at work here for a very long time.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/29/2012 at 09:00 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEEUro-peonsJudges-Courts-LawyersUK •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
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