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calendar   Sunday - January 29, 2006

SNL Attacks Florida

Weekend Update With Chevy Chase

Emily Letella (Gilda Radner): As if Flori-DUH doesn’t have enough problems, now they’re being attacked by the cast of Saturday Night Live. When are these comedians going to give it up and let this poor state alone. This is an outrage. Something must be done to stop these old (and some dead) comics from ravaging the Sunshine State and another thing ....

Chevy Chase: Uh ... Emily ... this story isn’t about SNL characters - it’s about real live killer bees from Africa.

Emily: Oh? .... .... Never mind ....

imageimageKiller Bees Join List of Hazards of Florida Living
January 28 2006, 11:29 AM EST

As if hurricanes, roaches, sea lice and insurance bills weren’t bad enough, Floridians can add a new menace to their list of worries. Killer bees are here. And they’re going to change your life. After decades of hype and cheesy disaster movies, Africanized honeybees have established a foothold in Florida, bringing a hair-trigger temper that makes them a threat to farmworkers, landscapers, meter readers, firefighters and basically everyone who ventures outdoors.

In St. Lucie County, thousands of bees nesting below ground near water meters swarmed onto unlucky utility workers late last year, though not fatally. Separate attacks killed two dogs near Miami and Sarasota, along with a horse near LaBelle west of Lake Okeechobee. Africanized bee colonies have turned up in ports throughout the state, including Fort Pierce and the Port of Palm Beach, and have been suspected at tourist attractions such as Busch Gardens and Downtown Disney. Nobody knows how to stop them.

So Floridians will just have to adapt just as they’ve learned to nail plywood before hurricanes and scan lawns for fire ant mounds. That means residents should “bee-proof” their homes, sealing any openings that could allow the insects to turn attics and walls into killer-bee condos, experts say. People also should look out before starting lawn mowers, whose noise can provoke the bees, or opening potential nesting sites such as sheds and barbecue grills.

Those are already realities from Texas to California, where the bees showed up in the 1990s after a decades-long march from Brazil to Mexico. California firefighters receive training in rescuing bee victims, while Arizona educators have drawn up bee lesson plans for children as young as kindergarten age. (One tip for handling a bee attack: “RUN! RUN! RUN!) But experts say the bees are just one more potential hazard in a state teeming with them. They say people are more likely to be struck by lightning than killed by bees.

“We live in a state that has fire ants that actually kill people,” said Jerry Hayes, assistant chief of apiary inspection for the Florida Agriculture Department, which is including bee brochures in its display at the South Florida Fair. “We have scorpions and spiders and boa constrictors and all those scary things.” David Barnes, a bee technician for the department, said he already has had to placate panicked callers, including a landscaper’s wife. “I told her he has more to worry about about yellow jackets.”


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 01/29/2006 at 04:23 PM   
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calendar   Friday - January 27, 2006

Glowball Drowning

Hmmmmmm .... let/s see. Miami is approximately seven feet above sea level. That’s 84 inches. Which is 213.6 centimeters. Which is 2,133.6 millimeters. Let’s do the math, kids. If we take the worst case scenario and accept the scientists rate of increase in sea level of 1.75 millimeters per year then Miami should be under water sometime in February of the year 3225 AD.

Actually, Miami will really be only kinda soggy since the layer of water will be minimal at best. Still, we better get prepared. The end is near unless we sign Kyoto and go back to riding horses. Get out yer tinfoil hats and ... if you live in Miami you might want to invest in a pair of galoshes. It’ll be up to your ankles in just a few thousand years ....

imageimageSea Level Rise Is Accelerating
Friday, 27 January 2006, 02:04 GMT

Global sea levels could rise by about 30cm during this century if current trends continue, a study warns. Australian researchers found that sea levels rose by 19.5cm between 1870 and 2004, with accelerated rates in the final 50 years of that period. The research, published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, used data from tide gauges around the world.

The findings fit within predictions made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The IPCC’s Third Assessment Report, published in 2001, projected that the global average sea level would rise by between 9 and 88cm between 1990 and 2100. In an attempt to reduce the scale of uncertainty in this projection, the Australian researchers have analysed tidal records dating back to 1870.

The data was obtained from locations throughout the globe, although the number of tidal gauges increased and their locations changed over the 130-year period. These records show that the sea level has risen, and suggest that the rate of rise is increasing. Over the entire period from 1870 the average rate of rise was 1.44mm per year.

Over the 20th Century it averaged 1.7mm per year; while the figure for the period since 1950 is 1.75mm per year. Although climate models predict that sea level rise should have accelerated, the scientists behind this study say they are the first to verify the trend using historical data. If the acceleration continues at the current rate, the scientists warn that sea levels could rise during this century by between 28 and 34cm.

Dr John Church, a scientist with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation based in Tasmania and an author of the study, said that higher sea levels could have grave effects on some areas. “It means there will be increased flooding of low-lying areas when there are storm surges,” he told the Associated Press.

“It means increased coastal erosion on sandy beaches; we’re going to see increased flooding on island nations.” There is now a consensus among climate scientists that rising atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are the major factor behind rising temperatures. Increased temperatures can lead to higher sea-levels through several mechanisms including the melting of glaciers and thermal expansion of sea water.

Through the 1997 Kyoto protocol, industrialised countries have committed to cut their combined emissions to 5% below 1990 levels by 2008-2012. But the US and Australia have withdrawn from the treaty. Dr Church urged: “"We do have to reduce our emissions but we also have to recognise climate change is happening, and we have to adapt as well.”


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 01/27/2006 at 11:45 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - January 24, 2006

Global Warming Strikes Again

Snowstorm Closes Hawaii Volcano To Tourists

MAUNA KEA, Hawaii -- Officials closed the summit of Hawaii’s Mauna Kea volcano to the public after a snowstorm shut down access for the first time this winter season.

Clouds blanketed Hawaii’s tallest peak this weekend. A blanket of snow forced everyone to evacuate, including park rangers”

We’ve got to make sure and keep everybody healthy and safe on the summit. So, I’m closing it,” Mauna Kea ranger Kimo Pihana said.

The heavy snowfall was a rare sight, even for those who are up there almost every day.

“The snow began to accumulate very quickly and we had to evacuate to prevent being trapped on the summit,” telescope operator Paul Sears said.

A California family was at the summit when the snow started falling, before the road was shut down.

“Did you ever think you’d see snow in Hawaii?” a reporter asked.

“Wasn’t really expecting to see snow in Hawaii,” said Bob Nyman.

“So it’s a nice treat on your vacation?” the reporter asked.

“Oh absolutely. It was great,” Nyman said.

For visitors who didn’t have timing on their side, the trek ended at the 9,000-foot mark where the road was closed.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 01/24/2006 at 04:34 PM   
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calendar   Friday - January 20, 2006


When it comes to Barking Moonbats, the ecoterrorists at E.L.F. lead the pack. These violent envirowhackos have blown up businesses, set fire to whole parking lots full of cars and just generally made a damned nuisance of themselves for ages. As usual, CNN calls them “suspected” ecoterrorists even though the group freely claims responsibility for their heinous acts. Check out the pic of the idjit below. See any “remorse” on his face? I don’t. I say we give ‘em a fair trial and then take ‘em out and hang ‘em. Purely as an example for the others ...

imageimage U.S. Indicts 11 Suspected Of Ecoterrorism

Eleven people were indicted in a series of arsons, claimed by the radical groups Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front, in five Western states, the Justice Department said Friday. The 65-count indictment said the suspects are responsible for 17 incidents in California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming, including sabotaging a high-tension power line, in a conspiracy that dates back to 1996.

The indictment was returned Thursday by a federal grand jury in Eugene, Oregon, and unsealed Friday. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and FBI Director Robert Mueller announced the indictment Friday at a news conference in Washington. Eight defendants have been arrested. Three people remain at large, and are believed to be outside the United States, according to a statement from the Justice Department.

In Eugene, two defendants, Jonathan Christopher Mark Paul, 39, and Suzanne Nicole “India” Savoie, 28, were both ordered held without bail, pending further hearings. A criminal complaint filed in federal court in Eugene accused Paul, a firefighter, of setting firebombs that burned down a horse slaughterhouse in 1997. The ALF claimed responsibility for that fire, which caused an estimated $1 million in damage.

Savoie, who works in a group home for the developmentally disabled, is accused of serving as a lookout for a fire in 2001 that destroyed offices of a lumber mill. The ELF claimed responsibility for that fire. The other defendants are Joseph Dibee, Chelsea Dawn Gerlach, Sarah Kendall Harvey, Daniel McGowan, Stanislas Meyerhoff, Josephine Overaker, Rebecca Rubin, Darren Todd Thurston and Kevin Tubbs.

Dibee, Overaker and Rubin have not been arrested. The other six were arrested in December. Using improvised incendiary devices made from milk jugs, petroleum products and homemade timers, they carried out attacks between 1996 and 2001, the indictment alleged. Targets included U.S. Forest Service ranger stations, U.S. Bureau of Land Management wild horse facilities, lumber companies, meat processing companies, a ski area and the power line, the indictment said.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 01/20/2006 at 06:36 PM   
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calendar   Monday - January 16, 2006

Human Shield Goes For A Swim

I’d like to think this activist probably “greenpeed” all over himself when the harpoon came at him. The ongoing war between Japanese whalers and Greenpees is escalating. Today, the whalers started taking pot shots at the envirowhackos. Lots of great quotes in the story below, not least of which is “he swallowed a lot of seawater and whale blubber but he is alright”. There’s a joke there somewhere. I just gotta harpoon it ...

imageimageStakes Raised In Whaling Clash

A Greenpeace activist was thrown overboard when a Japanese whale harpoon was launched across an inflatable boat in the Antarctic seas yesterday. The incident has forced Greenpeace to rethink their human shield style protest against Japanese scientific whaling in the Southern Ocean. The Japanese says Greenpeace is taking the risks for the sake of public relations.

A harpoon from Japanese whaling vessel Yushin Maru No.2 was fired directly over the Zodiac inflatable boat, which was shadowing a minke whale in Antarctic seas. Greenpeace chief executive Steve Shallhorn said the harpoon had flown within a metre of the inflatable. “Greenpeace had been doing what it has been doing for three weeks – putting out inflatables between whales and harpoons,” he said.

“The harpoon impacted on the whale but the towing rope got caught on our boat. “And as the whale began to sink it put our boat in jeopardy. “The rope got taut and threw one of our people into the ocean.” Canadian activist Texas Joe Constantine, the second mate on the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise, struggled in the water for a short time before getting back into the boat.

“He may have swallowed some seawater and whale blubber but he is all right,” Mr Shallhorn said. He said the whalers were becoming frustrated with the success of the protest and were starting to take more chances. But he said the new tactics would not deter Greenpeace. “They have killed far fewer whales then they would have without us being around,” he said.

Greenpeace spokesman Shane Rattenbury said the protesters had prevented the ship from harpooning the minke whale for over an hour, but the harpoon operator decided to fire when he believed he had a clear shot. The Greenpeace spokesman said he feared the whalers were taking the confrontation to a new level. “Yesterday took it to a new level – we are very concerned about that,” Mr Rattenbury said on Sky News.

“There is definitely an increasing level of tensions down here and the harpooners are certainly starting to take shots that perhaps a week or two weeks ago they would not have taken. “So it is certainly forcing us to think about our tactics and we might have to look at a different way of doing things.”

- Read more of this GreenPees silliness here ...


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 01/16/2006 at 03:45 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - December 28, 2005

Whale Wars

Somewhere down around Antarctica, the enviroweenies are fighting the Japanese whalers and also fighting among themselves. What we have here are “Eco-terrorists” on one hand and an angry Japanese government on the other. Meanwhile, Mr. Spock is in the water talking to the whales, trying to convince them to talk to the probe that is destroying the Earth several hundred years in the future. Got all that?

Green Activists Target Japanese Whalers, Bicker Over Tactics
December 28, 2005

( - In the frigid waters of the Antarctic, environmental activists are playing a cat-and-mouse game with Japanese whalers while fending off allegations of “ecoterrorism” and fighting among themselves over tactics. The latest round of Japan’s controversial whaling program is being dogged this southern summer by two Greenpeace ships. Campaigners are shadowing Japanese vessels and trying to prevent the killing of whales by placing their inflatable boats between harpooners and their prey.

Also involved in the chase is a ship operated by another group, Sea Shepherd, run by radical Greenpeace founder and a current director of the Sierra Club, Paul Watson. Watson this week claimed that the main Japanese ship tried to ram the Sea Shepherd vessel and said only the release of mooring line from his boat’s stern prompted the Japanese skipper to alter course so as to avoid having his propeller fouled.

Several days earlier, Watson issued a statement accusing his former Greenpeace associates of obstructing Sea Shepherd’s efforts by not telling his group the location of the Japanese fleet, which Greenpeace had managed to locate first. The release touched on longstanding differences over approaches used by the two groups. “You would think that after a decade of expensive campaigns that Greenpeace would have realized that the Japanese fleet does not give a damn about protests,” Watson said.


Posted by Ronald Reagan's Ghost   United States  on 12/28/2005 at 12:15 PM   
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calendar   Friday - December 23, 2005

Paper Or Plastic?

Ignorant and stupid to the bitter end. If this cretin had any respect for the planet at all he would have used a recyclable paper bag instead of plastic. But then again, you have to kill trees to make paper bags. It’s tough being an envirowhacko these days with all these decisions ....

Ecoterror Suspect Commits Suicide in Jail
December 22, 2005, 7:33 PM EST

An Arizona bookstore owner charged in the firebombing of a government wildlife lab in Washington committed suicide in his jail cell Thursday, officials said. William C. Rodgers, 40, of Prescott, Ariz., suffocated after placing a plastic bag over his head while in a one-person cell in Flagstaff, the Coconino County medical examiner said.

Rodgers was one of six people arrested earlier this month in connection with ecoterror attacks in Oregon and Washington in recent years. He was accused of setting fire to the Agriculture Department’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services facility in Olympia, Wash., in 1998.

Federal court documents last week said Rodgers had been linked to a meeting of Earth Liberation Front members in western Colorado where the firebombing of a Colorado ski resort, one of the costliest ecoterror crimes in the U.S., was planned.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 12/23/2005 at 10:26 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - November 29, 2005

Greenpeace Jerks, Episode #9,945

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. These jerks won’t be happy until we’re all living in caves again and running around half-naked, hunting buffalo with spears. This is typical behavior from the “Save The Earth” moonbat brigade ....

imageimageNuclear Protest Hits Blair Speech

Greenpeace protesters have disrupted a speech used by Tony Blair to launch an energy review which could lead to new nuclear power stations in the UK. Two protesters climbed up into the roof of the hall where Mr Blair was due to address the Confederation of British Industry conference.

After a 48-minute delay, Mr Blair made his speech in a smaller side-hall. He said renewable sources could meet some but not all energy gaps and the review would examine nuclear options. Opening his speech in a packed room in the Business Design Centre in Islington, London, Mr Blair said: “Nuclear power is of course a difficult and a challenging issue.

“Like most tough issues what we actually need is an open and democratic debate, not one conducted by protests and demonstrations to stop people having the freedom to express their views.” Amid the noise from clattering microphones and mobile phones ringing, Mr Blair joked: “This is going to be a surreal occasion… I’m going to give this speech if it’s the last thing I do.”

Greenpeace wanted to be allowed to make a 10-minute speech in return for ending the protest. But CBI director general Digby Jones decided to move the PM’s speech instead, saying: “At the end of the day I don’t give in to ultimatums.” He said he had offered two “legitimate” Greenpeace delegates the chance to ask the prime minister the first question after his speech in return for ending their protest, but they had refused.

The two protesters, wearing yellow jackets over their suits and what looked like conference delegates’ badges, appeared on girders in the roof about 20 minutes before Mr Blair was due to begin at 0930 GMT. One unfurled a banner saying: “Nuclear: Wrong Answer.” They also dropped stickers onto the delegates below them.

- There’s even more on this ridiculous story here


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/29/2005 at 01:08 PM   
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calendar   Sunday - November 27, 2005

Global Warming, Part DV

imageimageHere we go again. If the Wacky Left and the Al-Gorebots can take a snapshot of climate data and proclaim “global warming”, then I can do the same thing, right? Europe is freezing and under several inches of snow and it isn’t even December yet. It must be “global freezing” and we need to do something about it before this radical climate change wipes out civilization as we know it. Hurry! Go buy an SUV! Build more coal-burning power plants before it’s too late!

Actually, the Enviro-Wackos will tell you that the Gulf Stream is being diluted with fresh water from the melting Arctic regions and the Greenland ice cap, thus causing the Gulf Stream to shut down and stop carrying warm water North, which keeps Europe warm in winter. Not entirely true. It turns out that the Gulf Stream is only a small part of the overal global climate picture (DUH!). The weather in Europe is also drastically affected by conditions in ... the Rocky Mountains.

When will the Green-Heads learn that we have only seen the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, as far as our knowledge of the Earth’s monstrously large and complex climate system goes. The creatures that walk on the Earth have only minimal effect on this huge system. You might as well say that dinosaurs became extinct when all that dinosaur flatulence released into the atmosphere increased the methane levels so high that the Earth cooled and they became extinct because of too much farting. Al Gore would like to convince you that is true and we’re next ....

Early Winter Brings Chaos to Europe
November 26, 2005, 5:02 PM EST
THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP)

An early winter cold spell brought heavy snowfall to parts of Europe over the weekend, paralyzing public transport and roadways, toppling trees and cutting electricity to tens of thousands of households.

Ski slopes in Belgium and Germany opened early after as much as 8 inches of snow fell overnight into Saturday in some countries, while in Paris, the Eiffel Tower closed to the public for four hours after a morning snowfall made it too slippery to climb.

In the Netherlands, high winds and sudden freezing temperatures caused havoc on the national rail and road networks. Hundreds of stranded Dutch commuters spent Friday night in temporary Red Cross shelters at train stations, theaters and more than a dozen other locations.

With more than an inch of snow falling per hour and winds up to 100 mph sweeping in off the North Sea, road traffic officials reported the worst gridlock in the country’s history, with hundreds more people sleeping in their cars after waiting up to 10 hours alongside highways.

Both Belgium and the Czech Republic reported car crash deaths. For some, the chilling winds brought an early winter treat as ski slopes opened in the Belgian Ardennes region and hilly central Germany.

In Britain, 500 vehicles were stranded by snow storms on a remote moor in southwest England, police said. Devon and Cornwall police said rescuers in four-wheel drive vehicles were gradually evacuating people from a closed road.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/27/2005 at 01:32 PM   
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calendar   Thursday - November 17, 2005

What would we do without studies?

Rising sea levels threaten New Jersey - study

PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Rising sea levels caused by global warming could shrink New Jersey by up to 3 percent in the next 100 years, U.S. scientists warned on Wednesday.

The Princeton University researchers also projected that as much as 9 percent of the state’s low-lying land could be hit by periodic coastal flooding in a trend that would devastate property, disrupt wildlife, erode beaches, and salinate drinking water in populated areas.

“Sea level rise is a significant and growing threat to New Jersey,” Princeton professors Matthew Cooper, Michael Beevers and Michael Oppenheimer wrote in the report titled “Future Sea Level Rise and the New Jersey Coast.”

Coastal development, which has surged in recent years, is increasingly susceptible to inundation by rising sea waters, the erosion of beaches and low-lying areas, and storm-induced flooding, the report said.

New Jersey’s coastal counties, which contain about 60 percent of the state’s 8.6 million people, are vulnerable to rising sea levels because of a flat coastal plain, a gently sloping shoreline and barrier islands, beaches and salt marshes.

The combination can produce extensive shoreline changes with relatively small rises in sea level, the report said.

New Jersey authorities have responded to the threat by taking steps such as reinforcing flood-prone structures and building up dunes, but those efforts are likely to fail, it said.

The best response to rising sea levels is to restrict development in vulnerable coastal areas, the researchers concluded.

The authors called for a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, which many scientists believe lead to global warming, as the most effective way of reducing the rate of sea-level rise.

Cutting emissions would have a limited effect on sea levels over the next 50 years, but it could slow the rate by 2100 and beyond, the report said.

Worldwide, sea levels are expected to rise between 0.09 and 0.88 meter (0.29 and 2.88 feet) between 1990 and 2100, the report said, citing figures from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

In New Jersey, the rise is projected at an overall 0.71 meter (2.3 feet) over the period.

Quick Quiz:  How many actual facts are in this story?

Note: all emphasis mine, demonstrating the words used and how they can flavor a story


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/17/2005 at 03:01 AM   
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calendar   Monday - November 14, 2005

State Of Fear: Your Daily Dose

Here’s another group who thinks you don’t have enough to worry about. They think you need to be concerned about getting a bad case of THE BLACK PLAGUE if global warming is not stopped ASAP. Fear factor: -1, Comedy factor: +6, Overall score: priceless ...

Climate Change Could Spread Plague: Scientists
OSLO (Reuters)

Warmer, wetter weather brought on by global warming could increase outbreaks of the plague, which has killed millions down the ages and wiped out one third of Europe’s population in the 14th century, academics said. Migratory birds spreading avian flu from Asia today could also carry the plague bacteria westward from their source in Central Asia, Nils Stenseth, head of a three-day conference on the plague and how it spreads, told Reuters on Monday.

“Wetter, warmer weather conditions mean there are likely to be more of the bacteria around than normal and the chance of it spreading to humans is higher,” he said. The European Union-funded group has just finished analyzing Soviet-era data from Kazakhstan which show a link between warmer weather and outbreaks of the plague.

This analysis was important as it had not previously been clear whether warmer conditions encouraged the bacteria, fleas and rats to grow or killed them off, Stenseth said. Plague bacteria are often carried by fleas on rats. “But if it becomes too hot it would kill off the fleas and rodents,” he said. Many scientists say a build-up of heat-trapping gases from burning fossil fuels is pushing up temperatures around the world and changing Earth’s climate.

The plague—caused by the virulent, aggressive and mutating Yersinia Pestis bacteria—periodically breaks out in Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries and has been carried around the globe by fleas on the back of rats, birds and in clothing for centuries, Stenseth said. “If you treat it with antibiotics in a few days it should be all right, but if you leave it any longer there is a 60 percent chance of death.”

In the 14th century the plague killed around 34 million people and some academics believe it reappeared every generation, including the Great Plague of London in 1665-66. “The link is very important and it is also important to link it back to the Black Death in the 1300s because there were the kind of weather conditions then—warmer and wetter—that we predict for the future,” Stenseth said.

“After 1855, when it (plague) reappeared again, there were once again similar weather conditions.” Scientists are still unsure why the plague originates in Central Asia. It has spread throughout the world, including recently to east Africa, and this is due at least partly to birds. “Many, many bird species are spreading bacteria from one place to another, from one rodent to another, by carrying fleas,” Stenseth said.

“That birds spread the bacteria is not in question but how important that is in the big picture is not yet clear.” Unlike the bird flu virus, which infects and kills domestic birds, plague-carrying fleas do not harm the birds that carry them.

How can you tell if this is just more fear factor bulls**t? Look for key phrases like “could increase”, “academics say”, “likely to be more”, “predict for the future”, “not yet clear”. No honest scientist in his or her right mind would ever dare use any of those phrases when discussing ongoing research. This is just more invented tripe by a bunch of Euro-Peon science-fakers to get more funding for research. Odds are that the Gore-bots and envirowhackos will accept it as gospel and drive the rest of us crazy with their insane ritual chanting of the fear mantra du jour. Black plague, my aching butt! Sheesh!.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/14/2005 at 06:29 PM   
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Match The Sound Bite Contest

Here are two famous celebrity-type characters. Each one made a famous sound-bite today. This contest is to determine which one said which statement below ...

image   image

Now, your job is to determine which one of the above (Chicken Little #1 on the Left and Chicken Little #2 on the Right) said which one of the statements below:

Statement A: “They say that having no closure can lead to molting, and… and I’m already small enough as it is and I don’t think I can handle being bald!”

Statement B: “I don’t want to diminish the threat of terrorism at all, it is extremely serious, but on a long-term global basis, global warming is the most serious problem we are facing.”

Give up? The answers are here and here.

Memo From Skipper: If you want to read a good book that debunks almost every theory of “global warming”, order a copy of Michael Crichton’s “State Of Fear” from the right sidebar. You won’t regret it.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/14/2005 at 01:35 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - November 10, 2005


Big Oil got in its licks at the Senate’s hearings yesterday as Chevron’s CEO cut loose on Congress with both barrels (at $65 per). Senators were surprised to learn that natural gas customers in Florida have their gas shipped across the Atlantic from Angola, which supposedly makes more sense than drilling into natural gas reserves off the coast of .... Florida. Huh?

Chevron CEO Attacks Energy Policy

U.S. energy policy’s focus on the environment and new fuel specifications historically has hurt efforts to increase the nation’s refining capacity, Chevron Corp.’s (CVX) chief executive said on Wednesday. “From a U.S. energy policy perspective, the focus has been on environmental and fuels investments, not on investments that add to production capacity,” Chevron CEO Dave O’Reilly said before a Senate hearing on energy prices.

O’Reilly also said U.S. energy policies had hurt the development of domestic energy resources. A maze of regulatory and administrative barriers at the federal level, for example, prevented Chevron from developing a natural gas field off the Florida coast, O’Reilly said.

As a result, consumers in Florida receive gas from Angola that is shipped across the Atlantic Ocean, he said.

“This is clearly not an efficient and economic use of resources for the United States, or the rest of the world for that matter,” O’Reilly said. “Yet it is the direct result of our historical energy policies.”


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/10/2005 at 09:41 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - November 01, 2005

Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day (so far)

Greenpeace has been fined $15,000 after its ship Rainbow Warrior ran aground and damaged a coral reef in the Philipines. They claim it was an accident and say they’re sorry. I say these people are a danger to the environment and need to have their ship taken away. This is “reefer madness”.  Let’s snatch their dinghy ...

imageimageGreenpeace Damages Reef
Tubbataha Reefs, Philippines (NEWS.COM.AU)

GREENPEACE is to be fined after its flagship Rainbow Warrior II damaged a coral reef in the central Philippines during a climate change awareness campaign. The ship and its crew were assessed a 640,000-peso ($15,000) fine after the 55m motor-assisted schooner ran aground at the Tubbataha Reef Marine Park yesterday, park manager Angelique Songco said.

The ship’s bow sliced through a reef formation measuring 160sq m, she said. A Greenpeace official in the Philippines described the incident as accidental, and said it would comply with the marine park authorities’ ruling.

Rainbow Warrior II arrived in the reservation in the middle of the Sulu Sea, about 600km south of Manila, last weekend as part of a four-month Asia-Pacific campaign to promote earth-friendly energy sources, Greenpeace campaign manager Red Constantino said.

He said the crew made dive sorties to inspect the effect of global warming on the coral formation, which is listed among the World Heritage sites of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

The chart indicated we were a mile and a half” from the coral reef when the ship ran aground, Mr Constantino said. He said the August 2005 navigational map was provided by the mapping office of the Philippine Government.

The ship’s own rubber boats safely towed it into deeper water, and it escaped serious damage. Mr Constantino said the ship was now heading back to the Puerto Princesa on the western island of Palawan to file an incident report with the marine park office.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/01/2005 at 11:35 AM   
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The advantage to having a guide with you is thɑt an expert will haѵe very first hand experience dealing and navigating the river with гegional wildlife. Tһomas, there are great…
On: 07/29/23 02:37

The Brownshirts: Partie Deux; These aare the Muscle We've Been Waiting For
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Tracked at head to the Momarms site
The Brownshirts: Partie Deux; These aare the Muscle We’ve Been Waiting For
On: 03/14/23 03:20

Vietnam Homecoming
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On: 03/20/21 11:00

meaningless marching orders for a thousand travellers ... strife ahead ..
(1 total trackbacks)
Tracked at Casual Blog
On: 07/17/17 08:28

a small explanation
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Tracked at yerba mate gourd
Find here top quality how to prepare yerba mate without a gourd that's available in addition at the best price. Get it now!
On: 07/09/17 07:07



Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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GNU Terry Pratchett

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