Sarah Palin will pry your Klondike bar from your cold dead fingers.

calendar   Thursday - August 12, 2004

Message For The Troops

If hooking up all Iraqi prisoners' scrotums to car battery cables will save one American GI's life, then I have just two things to say:

1. Red Is Positive. - - - - - - - 2. Black Is Negative.

(--thanks to Don R.)

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 05:29 PM   
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The Real Story

The headline reads: "Calif. Court Voids S.F. Same-Sex Marriages". Most of you probably read that and said to yourselves "Hey! California's judges aren't so stupid after all", right?

Well, go back and read the whole thing again, kids. Especially this part:
The court did not resolve whether the California Constitution would permit a same-sex marriage, ruling instead on the limits of authority regarding local government officials.

When the justices agreed to hear the case, they said they would decide only whether Newsom overstepped his mayoral powers for now, but would entertain a constitutional challenge — that gays should be treated the same as heterosexual couples under the California Constitution — if such a lawsuit reached the court.
So you see, they only agreed, although unanimously, that Mayor Newsom of San Francisco had overstepped his legal bounds, something I was talking about here months ago when all this came up. I said then and I'll say it again, government officials do not, I repeat, DO NOT have the power to blithely bypass state law whenever they please (California voters passed a unanimous resolution last year declaring "marriage" as something that is only between a man and a woman - Newsom decided to ignore the law). But here we have something else to look out for:
Newsom argued to the justices in May that the ability of same-sex couples to marry was a "fundamental right" that compelled him to act. Newsom authorized the marriages by citing the California Constitution's ban against discrimination, and claimed he was duty-bound to follow this higher authority rather than state laws banning gay marriage.

Gay and lesbian couples immediately filed lawsuits making that argument, as did Newsom. The now-consolidated cases are unlikely to reach the California Supreme Court for at least a year or more. California lawmakers have refused to take a position on the matter.
So there you have it. Mayor newsom is full of shit and listens to "a higher calling" .... and he has magnanimously decided that "marriage is a fundamental right". Everyone cry "BULLSHIT"! This madman needs to be put away for his own good.

Also, the homosexuals immediately filed a lawsuit to challenge the state law that a majority of voters approved and it will all wind up back before the California Supreme Court in a year or so. Notice the last sentence? "Lawmakers have refused to take a position ..". Stoopid chickenshit bastards in the legislature are running away under a smoke screen. They want the homosexual vote but are afraid to offend the majority of people in their state so they duck the issue and let the courts legislate (i.e., pass and change laws). This is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! The California legislators need to be taken to task, held responsible and forced to vote as the people of California asked them to do .. or else just take them all out and shoot their sorry asses.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it, dammit!

Memo To Vilmar: Vilmar, the word "homosexual" is just too long and I also refuse to let them kidnap the word "gay". From now on these people will be referred to using the clinically correct term, "Deviant Ignorant Practitioners of Sexual Habits and Irrational Tantrums" or just DIPSHITs for short.

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 04:15 PM   
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What’s Missing In This Story?

Please take a moment or two to read this carefully. When you are done I'd like you to tell me what is missing.

I'll wait a couple of minutes.

Dum de dum.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Mmmmmm, hmmmm, hmmmmm.


{clear throat}


Have you figured out what was missing?

Did you guess it to be his party affiliation?

Also, just for shits and giggles, would the media have done the same thing if he were Republican?

And I've not even gotten into the issue of the sexual haraassment charges having been between two people of the same sex!

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 04:08 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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Another “social” conundrum

OK, boys and girl. Which way should this one go?

The down and dirty: woman likes to smoke. Judge says, "not in front of your kids" In a fit of defiance, she does so anyway. Now she is subject to jail.

What I do not have: proof the kids are asthmatic or suffer debilitating harm from her smoking.

What I do not like: smoking

What I hate even worse: activist asshole judges telling people how to live their lives.

OBTW: this all started when she filed for full custody from her ex husband from whose home had come multiple 911 calls for domestic disputes.

One more OBTW: the judge also said she can't drink in front of her kids.

This pair really does not strike me as being overly bright parents but this judicial activism crap is beginning to wear thin and I would not be surprised to see a spate of "judge killings" if it continues.

What say you?

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 09:44 AM   
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Leftist Distortions of Our Vocabulary

Thomas Sowell, as usual, writes another brilliant piece about an issue near and dear to my heart---the distortion of the American language to accommodate leftists.

He gives example after example of how the left has taken terms we were used to using and distorts them in such a way that it has changed how we feel about what those words used to represent.

To his list I would add:

"investment" for taxes

"freedom fighter or insurgent" for terrorist (a favorite of Reuters)

"gay" for homosexual (someone please explain to me just what the fuck is so "gay" about being homosexual? Do we see them parading around dancing and laughing all the time? What a nasty distortion of what used to be a good word.) We need to get that one back. For my part I refuse to use the word in general conversation only doing do to illustrate my point (as above)

And another one?

"partner." FUCK! I can't use that term anymore to discuss someone in a business deal or sporting activity without someone thinking I've gone queer and am shacking up with Liberace, Barney Frank or Elton John.

Y'all got any more?

UPDATE: add 2 to the list "Undocumented Alien" for illegal alien and "rainbows" to represent homosexuals

I'm still considering the rest but most stand for what they really mean and did not supplant any other term we used to use (i.e. sanitation engineer for garbageman)

ANOTHER UPDATE: 3 more additions: "african-americans" for blacks and all that other politically correct racial ID crap; "entitlements" a codeword for government largesse; "holding center" for jail

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 07:43 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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Lance Armstrong Stripped of Title?

Found this on Boortz's site this morning:

We learn this morning of troubles for six-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong.

It seems the French are preparing an announcement that Armstrong will be stripped of his 6th title due to negative results from a random check for contraband.

Residues of three substances banned by the French have been found in tests: toothpaste, deodorant and soap.

(HA!! Had you going, eh? It had me!) Thanks, Neal!

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 07:23 AM   
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S(ure) H(appy) I(t’s) T(hursday) Bizarreness

This is why the Third World will forever remain the Third World. They may say Africa is the cradle of civilization and man has evolved but I guess some of the monkeys never left the trees.

These guys must think that the middle ages still exist in New Jersey. (more examples of the "monkeys never leaving the tree" theory.

Some may call it progress (given it's Iran we're talking about) but ask yourselves why, in the 21st Century, there are still hundreds of millions of people who treat women as second class citizens and human rights groups don't seem to care? But try to keep a Men's Club open to men only in the US and the shit hits the fan.

Looks like now the women in Iran will have a section of public parks walled off so that only they can go in there and dress down to athletic gear in comfort without the prying eyes of men.

They've got to feel pretty special now that they can:
"They can enjoy the sun, open air and greenery,"

Hey, ladies, where's the outrage for the "sis-tahs?"

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 07:06 AM   
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Interesting Question

What should we do when luck interferes with man's justice?

In London a convicted rapist is finishing his sentence (after more than 20 years in prison) and is on "day release" when he buys a lottery ticket that wins him 7 million pounds. The British Parliament is introducing a bill that would force offenders who won the lottery to contribute to a compensation fund for victims. The British public is up in arms and the criminal is being held in prison "for his own safety".

The man paid his debt to society but has a long record of criminal activity. Should he be let loose with all that money? Should the government grab some of his winnings for his victims? It's a thorny question, isn't it?

You tell me. What do you think should be done? Consider how you would feel if Charles Manson was released tomorrow and won the lottery. Hmmmm?

UPDATE: In a bit of good news, it looks like measures will soon to be taken to stop criminals fgrom benefiting from windfalls while in prison. Plus, victims may also be able to sue for damages.

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 06:55 AM   
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Daily Dose

Quote Of The Day

"People who have what they want are fond of telling people who haven't what they want that they really don't want it."
-- Ogden Nash (1902 - 1971)

On This Day In History

August 12,1908 - The Model T Rolls Off The Assembly Line
Henry Ford's first Model T, affectionately known as the "Tin Lizzie," rolled off the assembly line in Detroit, Michigan. The Model T revolutionized the automotive industry by providing an affordable, reliable car for the average American. Prior to the invention of the Model T, most automobiles were viewed as playthings of the rich. Ford was able to keep the price down by retaining control of all raw materials, as well as his use of new mass production methods. When it was first introduced, the "Tin Lizzie" cost only $850 and seated two people. Though the price fluctuated in the years to come, dipping as low as $290 in 1924, few other changes were ever made to the Model T. Electric lights were introduced in 1915, and an electric starter was introduced as an option in 1919. Eventually, the Model T's design stagnancy cost it its competitive edge, and Ford stopped manufacturing the "Tin Lizzie" in 1927.

August 12, 1961 - East Germany Begins Construction Of The Berlin Wall
In an effort to stem the tide of refugees attempting to leave East Berlin, the communist government of East Germany begins building the Berlin Wall to divide East and West Berlin. Construction of the wall caused a short-term crisis in U.S.-Soviet bloc relations, and the wall itself came to symbolize the Cold War. Throughout the 1950s and into the early 1960s, thousands of people from East Berlin crossed over into West Berlin to reunite with families and escape communist repression. In an effort to stop that outflow, the government of East Germany, on the night of August 12, 1961, began to seal off all points of entrance into West Berlin from East Berlin by stringing barbed wire and posting sentries. In the days and weeks to come, construction of a concrete block wall began, complete with sentry towers and minefields around it. The Berlin Wall succeeded in completely sealing off the two sections of Berlin. The U.S. government responded angrily. Commanders of U.S. troops in West Berlin even began to make plans to bulldoze the wall, but gave up on the idea when the Soviets moved armored units into position to protect it. The West German government was furious with America's lack of action, but President John F. Kennedy believed that "A wall is a hell of a lot better than a war." In an attempt to reassure the West Germans that the United States was not abandoning them, however, Kennedy traveled to the Berlin Wall in June 1963, and famously declared, "Ich bin ein Berliner!" ("I am a Berliner!").

August 12, 1981 - IBM Introduces The Personal Computer
By the early 1980s, the computer had shrunk from being a room-clogging behemoth to a relatively dainty machine that could fit on desks in homes and schools. So, IBM's introduction of its Personal Computer (PC) on August 12, 1981, didn't exactly signal a technical revolution. But that didn't stop Big Blue's PC from bursting onto the scene. Their new product sold 136,000 units in its first year and a half of release, propelling the company's stock on an upward climb that peaked later in the decade. IBM had seemingly served notice to the computer industry: the granddaddy of business computing was making a break from the boardroom and looking to conquer America's homes. Not as widely noticed was the fact that IBM's new machine was a pastiche of other company's components, including a processing chip courtesy of Intel and an operating system developed by a thirty-two person concern called Microsoft. Eventually, IBM would not only be relying on other company's technology, but would be chasing them for profits. Though recent years have been a touch kinder to the company, the early 1990s saw IBM posting annual losses that sometimes ballooned up to $8 million.

Today's Birthdays

George IV (1762–1830), king of Great Britain and Ireland (1820–30)
Cecil B. De Mille (1881–1959), American movie director and producer

Thanks to The Quotations Page - The History Channel - The Biography Channel.

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 06:34 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - August 11, 2004

Public Service Announcement

Look at the map below. If you live in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina or Virginia, this would be a great weekend to take that last minute summer vacation .... TO COLORADO!

This has been a public service announcement of the BMEWS Weather Bureau. Row, row your boat .. gently down the stream ....

Vilmar has promised to stand outside in the rain and thunder and lightning and high winds and practice his primal scream therapy. I told him it wouldn't work. The Democrats will still be here after the storm passes. Ain't that a shame?

Me, I'm snug as a bug in a rug way up here in the North Alabama mountain country. He-he-he ....

By my reckoning, Charlotte, NC should be ground zero for about 48 hours, starting Friday morning.

Note: Why the f**k couldn't the National Weather Service have chosen Clyde as the "C"-named storm this year? Get it? Bonnie and Clyde? Never mind ....


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/11/2004 at 07:28 PM   
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Talk about becoming one with something.

This story is TRULY disgusting.

A 600 pound woman who authorities believed had not moved off her couch for about 5 years had to be taken to the hospital, couch and all, because she'd become attached to it. Seems her body just had become one with the couch over the years.

Yeah, she died on the operating table even after being surgically removed from it.


Makes you wonder where her family was in all this. The place stank to high heaven so how did she get her food? Didn't anyone get a clue what was happening?

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/11/2004 at 07:13 PM   
Filed Under: • Outrageous •  
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Web Site Of The Day

What do you get when you combine The National Lampoon and MoveOn.Org?

I'm glad you asked .... it's called MoveOnPlease.Org.

The top headline of the day: Everything Bad Fault Of Rumsfield

And then it gets really hilarious. Go see it now. Before the Democrats file a law suit ....

(-- thanks to The Annoying Little Twerp .. GO CUBS!)

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/11/2004 at 02:09 PM   
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Is the State Right or Wrong?

Here's a chance for more of you to sound off.

I'll be right up front: as far as I am concerned, I see nothing wrong with what the state did in these cases. Call me crazy but......... Anyway, here goes:

You've all heard of forfeiture by foreclosure for not paying taxes, right? Well, some people in NY are pissed off that the state not only took their property but when they sold it, made money on it! BOO HOO!!!

Before you get all hot and bothered, read the article carefully. You'll see the state INITIATES these actions after 3 (THREE) years of non-payment. They then send registered letters and for the next 2 years allow the homeowner to make restitution. Then, and only then, after those 2 MORE YEARS, is the home sold.

Some of you may still be upset at this and think the state should not foreclose but read to see how many people BOUGHT their homes back at the foreclosure auction!

So let me see if I understand this. For all those years they did not have 10 or 20 or 30 thousand dollars in fees, taxes, penalties but all of a sudden they were able to get their hands on several HUNDRED thousand dollars seemingly all at once?


To add insult to injury, activist groups want the state to provide counseling and "safety nets" for the delinquent homeowners. WHAT?!?! So now we give assistance to people who are capable enough to have bought a house but are deemed incapable of keeping it? And we reward this bad behavior with "rights groups" demanding training and counseling? FUCK 'EM!

Yep, there will be a few that slip through the cracks but you know, life is not fair. Maybe reading something like this will cause people to become a bit closer to their families and watch over grandma and grandpa to make sure they are OK.

One last thing: a lot of times these houses are sold and make a huge profit and have lots of equity built into them. The foreclosed owners are crying that they deserve that money. I do not think so. But if it were up to me, I would peg the value of the home at what it was worth the first year they failed to make payments with anything above and beyond that going to the state PLUS the homeowner not only pays the fines, fees, penalties, back taxes, etc. but would also be on the hook for state and county expenses in selling the home. PLUS I would place a hold on any disbursed monies to the homeowner contingent on the outcome of a report detailing whether these people owed anyone else any money (credit cards, auto loans, etc.) If they owed anyone ANYTHING, those bills get paid first to preclude the owner from filing for bankruptcy immediately afterwards and skipping out on payments.

Think about it: you live in an area where the home is worth $150000 today and you have $5,000 in equity in it. You then stop paying taxes. Following current established procedures, the state can't sell it for 5.5 years from today. In the meantime, a boom takes place and your house goes up to $400,000 in value (it's not unusual and is happening in Florida right now)

So explain to me why should you pocket almost $200,000 (after fines, etc.) just because you're a fuck-up?

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/11/2004 at 01:31 PM   
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Spy Games

President Bush yesterday announced the nomination of Porter Goss to head the CIA. Porter Goss is currently a Congressman (R-FL) and head of the House Intelligence Committee. He is also a former CIA field agent.

AP just reported on his nomination with the following headline "CIA Pick Goss Faces Tough Confirmation".

Hmmmm. Interesting headline, eh? Go back and read the first paragraph above. Goss is (1) head of the Congressional Committee that oversees intelligence and (2) is a former CIA field agent. You would think that would make him the most qualified man in the country to head the CIA, right?

Wrong! The Democrats are up in arms because (1) he is a Republican and (2) he is from Florida. They are accusing President Bush of (a) being partisan by selecting a Republican and (b) trying to make sure he gets Florida's electoral votes in November.

Have you ever heard such blatant, partisan, political bullshit? Here is what Nancy Pelosi had to say:
"You must keep the politics out of intelligence," said House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California. "I'm not sure that has been done here."
Why not, Nancy? You and your party have made damn sure that intelligence is being kept out of politics, why not vice versa? Finally, Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) had this insanely stupid statement:
"The selection of a politician — any politician from either party — is a mistake," said Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee. "Having independent, objective intelligence going to the president and the Congress is fundamental to America's national security."
Need I remind Senator Rockefeller that the CIA Headquarters in Langley is named "The George H. W. Bush Center"? That it is named after a fine head of CIA who was a congressman before before nominated to the post of DCI? That he did a fine job as head of CIA and later became Vice President and eventually President .... without damaging the CIA, the country or practicing partisan politics while he was DCI?

Democrats are also saying President Bush should wait until after the November elections to allow the next president to appoint the DCI. Well, let's think about that for a minute. John Kerry has already made statements that the President should not drag his feet on the findings of the 9/11 Commission and that if he were President, he would act on it right away. So it looks like the Democrats are actually just trying to box President Bush in. They don't want to rush into getting a new head of CIA but will pillory Bush if he doesn't move quickly.

Once again, folks .... pay attention to the bullshit games going on from the Democrats. There's not an honest man or woman in the bunch. And they sure don't know jack shit about intelligence, having none of their own.

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/11/2004 at 09:36 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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