Sarah Palin knows how old the Chinese gymnasts are.

calendar   Thursday - December 13, 2012


Another Unexpected Killer Asteroid Just Misses Earth


A newfound asteroid gave Earth a close shave early today, zipping between our planet and the moon just two days after astronomers first spotted it.

The near-Earth asteroid 2012 XE54, which was discovered Sunday (Dec. 9), came within 140,000 miles (230,000 kilometers) of our planet at about 5 a.m. EST (1000 GMT) Tuesday (Dec. 11), researchers said. For comparison, the moon orbits Earth at an average distance of 240,000 miles or so (386,000 km).

Astronomers estimate that 2012 XE54 is about 120 feet (36 meters) wide — big enough to cause substantial damage if it slams into Earth someday. An object of similar size flattened 800 square miles (2,000 square km) of forest when it exploded above Siberia’s Podkamennaya Tunguska River in 1908.

2012 XE54 will be coming back to Earth’s neighborhood before too much longer. The asteroid completes one lap around the sun every 2.72 years.

I’m willing to cut the Mayans a couple years plus or minus for their calendar. When you’re that busy cutting people’s hearts out, what time do you have left to build precision computers out of granite?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/13/2012 at 02:23 PM   
Filed Under: • Space •  
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12-12-12 recap

USA Today did a decent job live-blogging the concert. Follow this link.

Problem is, they only told half the story. Or else I’m just another cranky complainer? Nah, they only told half the story.

a) Springsteen was terrible. Granted, my quick setup only allowed me to port the TV sound through the stereo, but OMG, he sounded awful. Bon Jovi came to his rescue, and we had an “all Jersey” Born To Run closer that wasn’t too bad.

b) Call it what you want, but this was the concert for middle aged white yuppies. And they packed Madison Square Garden in their tens of thousands to see the show. When the camera cut to shots of the audience, there was hardly a face under 35 to been seen, and the place was 100% Caucasian. Hey, who else is going to drop five thousand on a pair of tickets to relive the early 80s?

c) absolute absence of pot smoke. You could see it in the eyes of the middle age Twirl Girls in the audience, buzzed up on “I’m at a concert again!!” but still feeling something was missing. And how culturally sad is this ... concert goers aren’t even allowed to Flic Their Bics anymore ... pianist Alicia Keys inveighed the audience to “hold up their cell phones in tribute” to let the light shine, and 50,000 arms went up, all holding iPhones. White people, huh? We did real fire in my day; remember the first generation Bics with the flame adjuster you could crank over so hard that the lighter would shoot out little flaming balls of butane? Rock on!!

d) It was fun seeing the musical mummies, the dancing pharaohs from the Second Dynasty. Oh, sorry, I meant the Rolling Stones. OMG. Formaldehyde much? But they thundered, and rocked the Garden hard. Way to go. Now somebody force feed Mick a sandwich already please.

e) Eric Clapton has more musical talent than everyone else on the ticket, combined. Including Paul McCartney, Billy Joel, and surprise pianist Diana Krall.

f) The Who? No, The Two. Give it up guys, it’s time to retire. The signature roundhouse attacks on the guitar strings lose their appeal when we see your beer belly bouncing off the body of the guitar each time you do one. And when you have to go through 3 shirts to do 7 or 8 tunes because you sweat so much just standing there ... it’s time to put down the microphone. And in light of the reason for this concert - all the people who lost their lives, homes, livelihoods, etc - making your set some kind of memorial to Keith Moon, who died 25 years ago, was rather selfish and egotistical.

g) Hey everybody, let’s talk about Kanye West wearing his leather skirt ... and ignore totally that he’s a talentless, skill-free hack who was barely able to stand up, much less able to offer even slightly coherent lyrics. Don’t say a word that would hold his barnyard grunting in comparison to Clapton’s exquisite guitar work, Bon Jovi’s energy, or even (gak) Springsteen’s lyricism. Nothing to see (or hear) here, move along. You racist. And talk about bombing? With this audience? I was ROFLMAO watching him try to be all Thug and Ghetto and Shit while 60,000 white guys in their early 50s just stood there in motionless slightly embarrassed silence waiting politely for him to leave. LOO. ZER.

h) Adam Sandler. OK, nice try with the quick re-write of your Hallelujah send up. It was even half-way funny and politically biting. But you’re still an amiable doofuss, although you were much funnier than Colbert. And Billy Crystal. OMG, another mummy. Crivens!!

i) Roger Waters doing 4 Pink Floyd songs. OMG. Total 70s throwback. Trippin. I’ll accept Eddie Vedder doing the vocals, since it was way past Roger’s bedtime.

j) Paging Billy Joel. Paging Billy Joel. What the hell? Was he sleeping one off back stage? Or did he just helicopter in from his house in the Hamptons at the last minute, and get hung up by the New York Air Traffic Control. We waited forever for him. And waited. And waited. And waited. And finally turned off the show and went to bed, having already stayed up almost 2 hours later than we usually do. So we missed him by minutes. Oh well.

k) Alicia Keys. :eyeroll:  Sure was great to be able to put a woman, any woman, on the ticket so that the concert wasn’t exclusively Old White Guys, Mostly Brits. But as popular as she may be, as good as she may be, as old as everyone else in the show is ... she was utterly outclassed. Nice try, leesha, but you don’t have the chops to go toe to toe with this bunch.

l) What up with HDTV? Or televised music in general? Hasn’t anyone yet figured out how to plug into the mixing board, instead of getting the sound feed from a couple of Kenner Close ‘n Play Karaoke microphones? HDTV is supposed to be all about the bandwidth, right, including some for the sound track? Yet TV sound continues to suck hind tit, showing almost no improvement since old Sir Paul first walked on stage at the Ed Sullivan Show.

Yeah, I probably missed the best part of the concert. But it really was a show for pre-retirement Baby Boomers, and frankly it just went on past my bedtime. Theirs too; I read that a big chunk of the audience went home around midnight. Hope they raised billions, although all I keep hearing about is the $30+ million raised from ticket sales. What about all those semi-celebrities manning the phone banks? How much scratch did they bring in? It’s not like nobody knows ... even Jerry Lewis’ telethons gave us minute by minute totals, and that was decades ago.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/13/2012 at 11:56 AM   
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a Bee for your bonnet

Dusseldorf model Anna Bee, cross-posted at Vilmar’s.



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/13/2012 at 11:29 AM   
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This Is Just Too Easy

Gaza perfume sales soar with rocket name


Sales of a citrus-scented perfume marketed in Gaza have soared since it was named in honor of the rockets that Palestinians shot at Israel during a war last month, the manufacturer said.

“M-75” perfume, which comes in men’s and women’s fragrances, is named for the missiles Hamas Islamist militants shot at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem in an eight-day conflict that killed more than 170 Palestinians and six Israelis, ending with an Egyptian-brokered truce.

“I hope the smell is strong enough for them to whiff in Tel Aviv and remind the Jews of the Palestinian victory,” Ahmed Hassan, a customer from neighboring Egypt, said as he bought 30 vials of the perfume as souvenirs in a Gaza City shop.

Rajaey Odwan, director of Gaza’s Continental Style perfume company which markets imported fragrances and local knockoffs, said he thought he’d give customers a chance to smell victory and “turn it into a perfume”.

He sells the 60 ml (2 oz) black-and-green bottles made of orange, lemon and other herbal scents collected in Gaza, for about $13 apiece.

“Sales have gone through the roof,” he said.

Through the roof. Just like your cousins the terrorists body parts did when the Izzies blew the crap out of them.

Here ya go folks, a great opportunity to mock the daylights out of these dingleberries. What would you name a perfume commemorative of this latest little conflict, or how would you help Gazan sales (and other things) go “through the roof”? tongue laugh Inspiration can be found in the comments at the above link. Have at you!

That’s ok. Israel has a fragrance called Smartbomb. It’s a hit with Arab men 18-50.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/13/2012 at 10:07 AM   
Filed Under: • PaleswineWar On Terror •  
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calendar   Wednesday - December 12, 2012

Meanwhile In The UK

Peiper has no need to post a thing today about what’s going on over there because ...

Everything’s Just Ducky In London


See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/12/2012 at 04:41 PM   
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It Is To Aspire

Can You Top This?

Damn Right We Can!

First Section Of WTC Spire Set In Place


NEW YORK (AP) — The first section of the spire that will crown One World Trade Center has been hoisted atop the building.

It was lifted onto the 104-story building on Wednesday.

Nine of 18 giant steel pieces of the spire arrived at the site in New York City Tuesday via barge from Port Newark, N.J.

The arrival marked the end of a 1,500-nautical-mile journey that started in Canada on Nov. 16.

A plant outside Montreal produced the 18 pieces. The spire will make the tower the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere.

The remaining nine pieces of the 408-foot, $20 million spire are being trucked in from Canada and another plant in South Plainfield, N.J.

I’m pretty sure that would be the ARD Steel Works on New Market Road. I’ve driven through the place - it spans both sides of the road - a zillion times.

My only quibbles are a) why wasn’t all the spire made in the USA?, and b) what took you guys so damn long?



The sections of the spire arrived yesterday by barge

NEW YORK — The crowning spire of the World Trade Center’s tallest building arrived in New York on Tuesday — in giant steel pieces on a barge that floated in past the Statue of Liberty.

“It signifies that we’re back, we’re better than ever, and it shows the resilience of not just New York, but also people in general,” said Steven Plate, the director of post-9/11 construction at the lower Manhattan trade center. “The spire is a candle on the cake.”

He spoke aboard a boat that followed the barge tugged into New York Harbor from New Jersey’s Port Newark.

For these nine parts of the spire too heavy to be driven in, Tuesday marked the end of a journey that started in Canada on Nov. 16.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/12/2012 at 02:56 PM   
Filed Under: • USA •  
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Stevie Makes The News

ABC, NBC and CBS ignore union thugs’ attack on Fox News contributor


Steve Crowder covers the Michigan Right To Work protest and gets punched up by union thug.

It’s a sad day for American TV journalism when The Huffington Post is a more honest news outlet than ABC, CBS or NBC. On Tuesday, after Michigan union protests escalated into violence, HuffPo led with several stories, including one headlined: “Fox News Contributor Punched.”

That story was about how Fox News contributor Steven Crowder and others were attacked by union thugs during the protest against the new “right-to-work” law. ABC, CBS and NBC covered the protests but only ABC made mention of police having to deal with protesters. None of them mentioned the attack on Crowder or showed the videos of that attack and the thugs tearing down a tent with people in it, both widely available on the Internet hours before the evening news show broadcast. No network quoted Teamsters head Jimmy Hoffa predicting “civil war” between lawmakers and union members.

Network reporters don’t want to show union thugs and conservative victims, especially anyone connected to Fox News. That doesn’t fit with their world view.

NBC anchor Brian Williams referred to it all meekly as “a boisterous day in the state capital.”

According to The Detroit Free Press, three people were arrested and “Capt. Harold Love of the Michigan State Police confirmed police used pepper spray on at least one demonstrator.” The article added that the union protesters “tore down a tent being occupied by Americans for Prosperity, a pro right-to-work group,” while chanting “Tear it down, tear it down.”

Crowder is only slightly hurt, as his appearance later on Hannity shows. Link to the Hannity interview.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/12/2012 at 11:45 AM   
Filed Under: • Unions-Labor •  
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Not So Innocent


As I’ve said before, I live under a rock. The SG label in the corner indicates that this one is another of those Suicide Girls. Not even partially sure what that means, but part of it means that this lovely young woman has covered vast amounts of her perfect body with tattoos. Granted, it’s quality ink, artistic and well done. But still. No matter what you might think, you can’t improve on this kind of youthful perfection. And if it’s your thought that defiling it only somehow enhances things, then you’re probably twisted enough to understand what Suicide Girls are all about. It eludes me. This one probably has a porn career 100 films long, as I’m sure our resident expert Rich K will attest to. It just seems a sin to me to tarnish such an angel.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/12/2012 at 11:36 AM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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12/12/12 Concert Will Rock You

I live under a rock, so this was news to me last night. It’s probably been all the buzz for several weeks, but I’m out of the loop.

In an effort to raise money to help the people of New York and New Jersey devastated by hurricane Sandy, an enormous rock concert is being staged tonight from Madison Square Garden and will be simulcast all over the world on dozens of TV, radio, and streaming music and video channels on the internet. It will also be shown in any number of local theaters. And of course will live stream on Facebook, Twitter, etc. It’s a Farm Aid kind of thing, but with an all star line up larger than Woodstock. The hope is to raise tens of millions, if not hundreds. Concert starts tonight at 7:30pm Eastern.

click this LINK to visit the event’s homepage for all sorts of information, and to find a TV station, radio station, etc, in your area that’s covering it.

NEW YORK- Paul McCartney jamming with Dave Grohl and Eddie Vedder duetting with Roger Waters on a Pink Floyd song are just two of the acts in store at a benefit concert on Wednesday for victims of Superstorm Sandy, producers say.

The “12-12-12” concert at New York’s Madison Square Garden features a who’s who of rock and pop, including The Rolling Stones, Alicia Keys, Chris Martin, Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen, Eric Clapton, Kanye West and Bon Jovi.

Producer John Sykes said the fundraiser would feature “the greatest lineup of legends ever assembled on a stage.”

He said Waters, McCartney and Chris Martin of Coldplay “are reaching out to other legends to join them on stage and create once-in-a-lifetime moments.”

Sykes said $32 million has already been raised from ticket sales and sponsorships. With the concert’s potential to reach 2 billion people through broadcast and digital platforms, organizers are hoping to raise tens of millions more.

To help with the fundraising, celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Kristen Stewart, Jake Gyllenhaal, Chelsea Clinton and Billy Crystal will take part in a telethon during the concert, which starts at 7:30 p.m. EST and is expected to last between four and five hours.

We Are The World, we are the internet. Two billion people? Nearly a third of the population of the planet. Horry Clap!

Donations will be collated and distributed by something called the Robin Hood Relief Fund. Never heard of them, and the name frightens me a bit, but let’s hope they’re not going to skim too deeply.

Tickets are selling for $1500 and up, way up, through venues like StubHub, which has promised to donate all of its commissions.

Hey, this could be awesome. And we’ll see how much the rest of the world gives back.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/12/2012 at 10:50 AM   
Filed Under: • Miscellaneous •  
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Rube Goldberg: Drug Smuggler

Pot Cannons Shelling USA With Dope Bombs

What, they couldn’t put together a portable mangonel?

Just when you thought drug running couldn’t get more extreme, U.S. border patrol officers find 33 cans of marijuana in the desert near the border that they believe were fired from a cannon in Mexico. Authorities caught wind of the new technique when they received reports of some strange canisters popping up near the Colorado River in southern Arizona recently. Agents arrived at the scene to find the cans which collectively held 85 pounds of marijuana. That’s worth $42,500 on the street. By the looks of it, the smugglers had loaded the cans into a pneumatic-powered cannon (think: potato gun) and blasted them 500 yards over the border. Bummer none of their buddies came to pick it up before the police.

85 pounds worth in 33 containers ... that’s about a kilo per round, two and a quarter pounds. The air cannon must have made quite a bit of noise to blort those things up and over the border.

I’ve got an image in my mind now that’s cracking me up; a bunch of bag-hat wearing hippies out in a field in the middle of the night trying to catch these things as they come flying in. Not the smartest idea on the books! “Dude, like here comes one. I got it. I got it. I got ...” SPLAT. “aww dude, you messed up! Don’t use your hands, get under it with the car instead!” vroom, vroom, “here comes one!”, vroom ... CLANG!!

It is always a bad idea to try and catch incoming artillery. Very bad.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/12/2012 at 10:29 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeHumor •  
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Must Be Racism

Woman Finds WWII Nazi Assault Rifle In Closet, Thinks It’s Junk

Just like a scene out of “Antiques Roadshow,” a woman in Hartford, Conn., turned in an old rifle to her local police station’s gun buy-back, only to discover the gun was worth anywhere from $20,000 to $25,000. The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, inherited the gun from her father who had brought it home with him from Europe as a memento from World War II.

The two officers conducting the gun buy-back, who are resident gun experts for the Hartford Police Department, informed the owner she was in possession of a Nazi Assault Rifle, the first of its kind, that dates back to 1944.

The gun is called a Sturmgewehr 44, literally meaning “storm rifle,” and is the first “modern assault rifle ever made, ...

“It’s like finding the Babe Ruth of baseball cards,” said Officer John Cavanna. “The rarity, it was made for such a very short period.”

Wait, you mean to tell me she was in possession of an actual, fully automatic military, Nazi bullet hose, weapon of death for decades? Without federal Class III permits? A machine gun in the closet, and she’s not under arrest????

Oh, I see. It’s code. “a woman in Hartford, Conn.,” translates as “as white as you can be, with money”. Uh huh. We gets it now. If it had been Lashonda down de Camden hood, her ass be slammin in county like dat! Racism!!!

“Her father passed away. The gun was in her closet,” Cavanna said. “She did not know it was a machine gun.

“If the gun had been in the closet loaded, any second you could hit the wrong lever and discharge a fatal round,” he said of the Sturmgewehr 44. [Drew: that “lever” is called the trigger. duh]

This German-made machine gun can fire 500 rounds in minutes, according to Cavanna, who is also a gun range master.

At the time the officers received the gun, it was in such disrepair that it was inoperable, unable to shoot a bullet even if the gun had been loaded. Cavanna said ammunition would have to be especially made for this gun. [Drew: except for the WWII ammo it could have been loaded with. Ammunition can easily last 60 years in a dry environment. It may not be perfect, but it will fire.]

So will ya look at that. In 1945 some GI came home with a fully automatic weapon as a souvenir, and didn’t get stopped. Did he have ammo, did he later shoot the gun? We’ll never know. For 60+ years these people have had a machine gun in the house ... a super evil genuine NAZI one ... even though they’ve somehow miraculously managed to NOT kill the entire neighborhood in all that time! ... and now when the daughter goes to turn it in, she gets a pass. Heck, the cops would not let her exchange the firearm for one of their $50 Walmart gift cards they give out as part of the buy-back program. No, they insisted she sell the thing ... and pocket $25,000 or so from the sale.

Lashonda be pissed!!!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/12/2012 at 03:45 AM   
Filed Under: • Guns and Gun Control •  
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North Korea Launches Rocket, Puts Something Into Orbit

West Caught Completely Off Guard By Surprise Launch

North Korea successfully fired a long-range rocket on Wednesday, defying international warnings as the regime of Kim Jong Un took a giant step forward in its quest to develop the technology to deliver a nuclear warhead.

The United States, South Korea and Japan quickly condemned the morning launch, which came as something of a surprise after Pyongyang had indicated technical problems might delay it. That it succeeded after several failed attempts was an even greater surprise.

The regime’s stated purpose for firing its long-range Unha-3 rocket was to put a peaceful satellite into orbit, but the United Nations, as well as the U.S. and its allies see it as cover for a test of technology for missiles.

About two hours after the launch, North Korea’s state media proclaimed it a success, prompting customers in the coffee shop at Pyongyang’s Koryo Hotel to break into applause during a special television broadcast. The North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, later confirmed that North Korea did appear to have put an object into space.

Wednesday’s launch is likely to bring fresh sanctions on the North, and the White House called it a “highly provocative act that threatens regional security.”

NORAD said the rocket traveled south with the first stage falling into the Yellow Sea and a second stage falling into the Philippine Sea hundreds of miles farther south. “Initial indications are that the missile deployed an object that appeared to achieve orbit,” NORAD said in a statement.

A launch had seemed unlikely to take place so soon after North Korea announced Monday that it was extending the launch window into late December, citing technical issues in an engine.

Previous launch attempts by the North in 1998, 2006, 2009 and April this year failed to achieve their stated goal of putting a satellite into orbit and provoked international condemnation.

Pyongyang had said this rocket launch would be “true to the behests” of Kim Jong Il, the late North Korean leader and father of Kim Jong Un, head of the ruling regime.

Kim Jong Il died on December 17 last year, so the first anniversary of his death falls within the launch window that North Korea has announced.

Experts had also speculated that Pyongyang wanted this launch to happen before the end of 2012, the year that marks the centenary of the birth of Kim Il Sung, the founder of North Korea and grandfather of Kim Jong Un.

This year is the centennial of the birth of national founder Kim Il Sung, the grandfather of Kim Jong Un. According to North Korean propaganda, 2012 is meant to put the North on a path toward a “strong, prosperous and great nation.”

The launch also follows South Korea’s recent cancellation, because of technical problems, of an attempt to launch its first satellite from its own territory. Two previous attempts in 2009 and 2010 failed.

This is all my fault. It’s 2:30am here now; I had to get up to pee but then I didn’t go back to sleep. Instead I came downstairs, made a chai latte and flipped on the PC to see what was on the news. Serves me right. This wouldn’t have happened until after 9am if I’d gone right back to sleep!

So anyway, the Norks finally got one up. I wonder if this surprise launch is in reaction/a provocation to the “secret” Air Force launch yesterday of their new zillion mph spy plane/interceptor whatsis. Coincidence? Perhaps, perhaps not. Or maybe the Kims want to get their little HEMP threat running ASAP. No, not that kind of hemp, OCM. The other kind; the small nukes set off in low orbit kind that fries all the electronics here in the west in half a heartbeat.

After all, we’ve got ... 10 days left ... until the end of the world.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/12/2012 at 02:40 AM   
Filed Under: • North-KoreaSpace •  
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calendar   Tuesday - December 11, 2012

wierzchołek kapeluszu Theo

I hunted up a bigger version of one of the nicer daily pics from Theo’s ... much bigger.

Striking. A bit of effort put a name to the face. This is Warsaw model Ludwicka Cichecka. 5’ 11” tall, 125lb. Thin, true, but DUH, model, right?

image image image

Dziękuję bardzo!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/11/2012 at 01:57 PM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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usa will recognize syrian rebels …. syrian rebels show middle finger to uncle sam

So here’s the headline and this will be fun.

US prepares to recognise Syrian opposition

The US is preparing to officially recognise the new Syrian opposition, amid reports the West is preparing to provide military training to rebels fighting Bashar al-Assad.

Officials say the administration is on track to recognise the new Syrian opposition council as the sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people at an international conference on the crisis in Morocco this week.

The move will pave the way for greater US support for those seeking to oust Mr Assad and follows the blacklisting of a militant Syrian rebel group with links to al-Qaeda. That step is aimed at blunting the influence of extremists amid fears that the regime may use or lose control of its stockpile of chemical weapons.

It comes amid claims that Western allies, including Britain, are examining plans that would see rebels provided with air and naval power.


I figure if you’re interest you will catch the link above. No need to post all of it here and no need for another pissed peiper rant on the subject.

Ok, same paper but a different headline.  You’ll love this one.  Have fun taxpayers. Oh right. Me too? Hmmm. Not so funny now.

Syrian rebels defy US and pledge allegiance to jihadi group

Rebel groups across Syria are defying the United States by pledging their allegiance to a group that Washington will designate today a terrorist organization for its alleged links to al-Qaeda.

By Ruth Sherlock, Beirut

A total of 29 opposition groups, including fighting “brigades” and civilian committees, have signed a petition calling for mass demonstrations in support of Jabhat al-Nusra, an Islamist group which the White House believes is an offshoot of al-Qaeda in Iraq.

The petition is promoting the slogan “No to American intervention, for we are all Jabhat al-Nusra” and urges supporters to “raise the Jabhat al-Nusra flag” as a “thank you”.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/11/2012 at 12:35 PM   
Filed Under: • InternationalTerroristsUKUSA War-Stories •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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