When Sarah Palin booked a flight to Europe, the French immediately surrendered.

calendar   Sunday - March 21, 2010

Revolt in 2010

Sounds like a Heinlein novel. He actually wrote one titled ‘Revolt in 2100’. Guess we’re 90 years early.


Let the bloodbath begin!



Courtesy of Old Catman in the comments.

Yes! We have guillotine!


Democrat heads will roll! Public executions! I’ll be running the hot dog/popcorn stand.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 03/21/2010 at 07:55 PM   
Filed Under: • Big BrotherCommiesDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsFREEDOMGovernmentNanny StateObama, The OnePatriotismSelf-DefenseTyrants and Dictators •  
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Plumb Tired

I just finished a pain in the tail plumbing job. 12 hours.

Normally I respect jack-leg carpentry, building something or other in place and getting the job done. That’s all well and good, but when it’s time to replace or repair something like that, it’s a royal pain. I had to replace a countertop and install a new sink and faucet for a customer. The old one was in a little nook, with sliding doors on the front. Was it a cabinet that was put there? No, it was built in place. On the cheap. No back or sides, just plywood plates nailed to the drywall, everything whacked together with finishing nails. And then they glued Formica on top and finished it off.

And ... “um, we’ve had some water problems with those pipes before”. Yeah. Uh huh. I went in there last night and took things apart, and half the wood was rotted. Damp walls, and a mold problem. Rusted everything, even the nails. I turned off the water and disconnected the lines to the sink, tore it out, and then went home. Back at it at Oh-God-Early this morning, and I come in and find a great big wet spot on the carpet. Well, it turns out that the shut-off valve ahead of the water meter under there doesn’t. It only mostly shuts off. And the water meter was only loosely screwed in place. Hand tight on the nuts on both sides. O. M. G. So the slightest little wiggle and it started peeing like a drunken monkey. Oh, such fun, swapping cup after cup under the drips, racing back and forth to the bathroom to dump the water. Got out two wrenches and tightened the meter. No more leak. Later on I put 3 coats of PVC cement over the nuts and threads, just to make sure. Good thing that there was a huge pile of cheap towels handy.

So I had lots of fun, lying down on damp carpet, working in a tight little crooked alcove. Yee friggin ha! But I screwed and glued all the support brackets, got everything strong, square, and level, put in the new sink and faucet and the countertop I custom built for them, new water lines, new sink drain. And then found that the old P-trap (eww, gross!!) and the drain line didn’t line up. Of course! So, two more trips to the plumbing supply store down the street, and I put in a PVC zig-zag ( 2 45s, butt connector, 2 3” stubs of pipe) to make things fit the new P-trap. Mmmm, I just love that purple PVC primer and glue. Stuff smells like instant death that’s just waiting to ignite. But it works like magic. Screwed everything together, tape doped all the thread connections, and went through 2 entire tubes of adhesive caulk to install and seal the top and it’s 3 piece backsplash. And it came out perfect.

Putting the matching ADA faucet in the bathroom sink was a relative breeze. The old one was so rotten underneath it almost fell off the sink. 15 minutes, and that’s with new water lines from the valves.  Done.

It’s going to cost him nearly $800 in parts and labor. But that’s cheap. Home Depot wants $300 minimum to make a countertop of any size, and I got him parts for a full third below regular retail. - really good prices. Add in all the funky plumbing that was needed, and I think he saved about $500 hiring me instead of a pro.

But it’s been a long long day, and I’m beat. And utterly filthy. The crap that builds up inside of drains has it’s own special kind of transferable filth and stank. Nasty.

I think I hear a cold beer calling my name.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 03/21/2010 at 03:40 PM   
Filed Under: • work and the workplace •  
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Chess Addicts Anonymous

You know you’re a chess addict if:

* you bump into someone or something and say “J’adoube.” And you don’t even know French.

* you set up a chess set with salt and pepper shakers and food items when you sit at a checkered tablecloth.

* you calculate 8x8 faster than 7x7 and navigate like a knight - one block up and two blocks over.

* you have more chess clocks than watches or normal clocks and you use the chess clock as a kitchen timer.

Hey, chess clocks make great timers!

* you buy the biggest, fastest, most expensive computer and monitor just to play blitz or bullet chess on it or use it as a chess database.

* mate, mating positions, exposed bishops, and forking the queen have nothing to do with sex.

Oh, I remember sex. That was long ago, before I got married. grin

* you take a chess set and chess book to the bathroom, and forget to go to the bathroom. And if you do go, you count all 32 pieces on your magnetic chessboard before flushing and panic if you flushed, then discover a piece missing.

* you meet someone, your first question is, “What’s your Elo rating?”

* every week you downloaded every game from The Week in Chess, in ChessBase 6, ChessBase, and PGN format.

* you buy a newspaper only if it has a chess column in it.

* you still think Bobby Fischer is the greatest person ever, despite his radio interviews and his 9/11 comments. You don’t really believe he his dead, just hiding somewhere.

* you have more chess books than any other book or magazine combined.

* the Olympics has always been every two years.

* you spot the chessboard set up wrong in every movie with a chess scene.

Yeah. That really bugs me. They spend all that money on technical accuracy and then they can’t even setup a chessboard. Simple: White on right, Queen on color.

* you who know exactly what James Bond movie the above scene was taken from.

* you name any of your pets Fischer, Tal, Karpov, Kasparov, Fritz, Chess (not Checkers) or Alekhine.

* your favorite movie is “Searching for Bobby Fischer” or “The Luzhin Defense.”

* you have checkered underwear with “It’s your move” on the front.

* you have fantasies of mating one of the Polgar sisters or (that’s checkmating).

* have a crush on Irina Krush.

* your favorite snack is Pepperidge Farm’s Chessmen cookies.

* you have the 2009 International Chess Calendar hanging up in front of you with your name on one of the calendar dates and know what famous chessplayer was born or died today.

* you have the “Chessplayers make better mates” bumper sticker on your car or briefcase.

Actually, this is on my desk at work.

* you know what BCO, ECO, MCO, NCO, PCO, UCO all mean and have all these books.

* you ask an attractive (or any) girl if she plays chess and what her rating is before you ask her out for a date. And if it didn’t work out, you explain the two of you were “like bishops of opposite color.”

* you end your letters and email with “P.S. 1.P-K4 (or 1.e4)” hoping to start a game.

* you drop everything and quickly spin around if you hear someone say, “Hi, Bobby” at a chess tournament (You still don’t believe he is dead).

* you take a test, and 5 minutes before you run out of time, you mentally tell yourself that your flag is about to fall.

* you have your name on a brick in front of the Chess Hall of Fame in Miami.

* you go to any Barnes & Noble in the world and know exactly where all the chess books are located.

* you reply to messages found on (unless it’s from Sam Sloan).

* you post new messages looking for your only friends on (unless it Sam Sloan).

Addendum: You know who Sam Sloan is. (Guilty)

* when the cashier says, “Check?” you wink and say “mate.”

* you have a chess logo on your letterhead or shirt.

* you try to play cards blindfolded.

* wants the child’s nursery to have black and white squares and all your tiles in your house are black and white squares.

* uses chessboard cufflinks and tie clips.

* only time voted was in the USCF election.

* has a chess mug for coffee.

* a Bishop scandal is someone who puts his Bishop on the wrong colored diagonal.

* fantasizes of also beating Mr Spock in 3-D chess.

* still thinks Kasparov is world champion and has always been world champion since beating Karpov in 1985.

* going to a chess tournament and can’t wait in saying “Look at those chess nuts boasting by an open foyer.”

* looks for three other friends to play bug-house.

* have used any of these aliases while on the Internet: Buttvinik, Caissa, Gata, Bobby Fischer, IvanCheck, Polgar, Jadoube, Kapablanca, KnightStalker, KibitzandBlitz, KnightRider, Pawnographer, Philidork, Queenforker, Rookie Player, Roy Lopez, TarraschCan, Zukertort, KillerMate, the Turk (wait, those are all my handles).

* you have played the ghost of Geza Maroczy or challenged God with pawn odds.

* you own a Harry Potter or Civil War chess set.

* you played in over 100 chess tournaments all your life and have almost made $100 (spending thousands on entry fees, hotels unless you slept in your car, travel, and cheap food).

* You have read all of this. And didn’t laugh!

Well, that last one saved me. I laughed several times while posting this. Needed a break from serious end-of-the-USA, aka Obama stuff.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 03/21/2010 at 02:37 PM   
Filed Under: • Fun-Stuff •  
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A good read and I’ve nothing to add. Story speaks well for itself.

I’ve edited quite a bit due to the length. See the link for all of it.

‘It was like Zulu’

How British troops in Afghanistan fought to the point of exhaustion against the Taliban.

By Sean Rayment


It became known as “the battle of Crossing Point One”. In a series of suicidal attacks late last year, hard-core Taliban fighters tried to over-run an isolated British base on the northern tip of Nad e’Ali. Had the insurgents succeeded, the victory would have been a propaganda coup par excellence, and the British mission in central Helmand could have been seriously jeopardised.

For two gruelling weeks in the area of Luy Mandah, 30 soldiers fought a 360-degree battle with the Taliban in the most arduous conditions. The combat was often at close quarters where bayonets were fixed and hand grenades became the weapons of choice for the beleaguered British troops. By the battle’s end, every man in the platoon was credited with at least one Taliban kill.

The troops from 5 Platoon No 2 Company 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards, commanded by Lieutenant Craig Shephard, 24, and Sergeant Dean Bailey, 36, decided to exploit the Taliban’s fondness for attacking wounded soldiers by constructing an ambush based on a fake IED strike. After the explosives were detonated, the Taliban – as expected – quickly appeared with a two-man Pakistani sniper team leading the way. As the British troops pulled back to the base, the Pakistanis were shot dead by hidden British snipers – both dispatched with head shots from 400 metres. When the Taliban pushed forward towards the base, they were cut down by raking machine-gun fire and Javelin missiles. After two hours of fighting, 10 Taliban lay dead.

The fighting lasted for most of the day. By sunset, the British troops estimated they had killed another 30 Taliban – bringing the number of enemy dead to 40 in less than 24 hours.

Back in enemy territory, a force of around 100 to 150 Taliban fighters – including Chechens, Arabs and English-speaking Islamists from south Asia – was preparing more attacks.

The battle continued for days with such regularity that the soldiers knew that it would begin in the morning after breakfast, followed by a lull at midday, and would then continue until sunset. “It was like Zulu,” said Sgt Bailey. “The Taliban just kept coming and coming. It was suicidal. The more they sent, the more we killed.”

“I started to rotate the guys after a week. They were shattered. But it was everything you wanted from leadership. The guys were tested to the limit – no one let me down.”

Lt Shephard, who joined the Army in 2007, said: “Every platoon commander wants to come to Afghanistan and have ‘their fight’. But you have to be careful what you wish for. We were lucky. We got away without any serious casualties.”



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 03/21/2010 at 12:31 PM   
Filed Under: • Battling Brits UKWar-Stories •  
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calendar   Saturday - March 20, 2010

A reminder for Senator Harry Reid (D-Mormon-Nevada)

For those who don’t know, probably most of you, Ezra Taft Benson was Secretary of Agriculture for both of Eisenhower’s terms. At the time he was also one of the Quorum of the Twelve in the LDS church. Later, he became the 13th President of the LDS Church.

This means that Ezra Taft Benson is considered a prophet by the LDS. Harry Reid was around then. That means he sustained Ezra Taft Benson as a ‘prophet, seer, and revelator’ for the Church, and indeed, the world.

Senator Reid is LDS. He is an ordained Elder, maybe even a High Priest. He also has a Temple recommend. He should be excommunicated. I cannot find an instance when, as Senate Majority Leader, he has not lied outright. When ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood, you take a vow to never ‘bear false witness’, ie, lie. Senator Reid lies every time his mouth opens.

Senator Reid, you are a liar. You are an apostate. You are no better than the Kingmen in the Book of Mormon. I call you to repentance. Failing that, I call for your excommunication.

I should note that Ezra Taft Benson is one of my favorite Church leaders. He wrote an interesting book titled ‘This Nation Shall Endure”.

Endure. Yeah, that’s a polite way of putting the hell Senator Reid is trying to foist on us.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 03/20/2010 at 09:24 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsFREEDOMGovernmentPatriotismReligion •  
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Suicide is Painless…



Posted by Christopher   United States  on 03/20/2010 at 07:22 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsHealth-MedicineObama, The One •  
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AN OBSTACLE TO BROADBAND …. yeah, might be but the scene is lots prettier.

I would love to live in a setting like this one. Of course, there are also a thousand other beautiful settings in this very beautiful country that the socialists are in a hurry to give away. Curses on em!  But then come to think of it, it’s doubtful we’d afford a setting like this.  This island has to import almost everything, and that costs. Which naturally pushes up the cost of living here.  But then, it’s understandable cos someone has to pay for the illegals who then must be put up in homes and with furnishings they’ve never been accustomed to before coming here.  So ppl in settings like this have to fund it all.

What the heck, this is a pretty scene.  Almost looks like a painting.

Canal that opened great age of waterways ‘an obstacle’ to broadband

A canal that opened the great age of British waterways is now just an ‘’obstacle’’ blocking the path of modern electronic communications, a High Court judge said.


Mr Justice Lewison had been asked to decide whether the company wanting to lay a fibre optic cable under the canal should have to pay rent to the owner of the waterway.

His ruling began: ‘’The Bridgewater Canal, opened in 1761 and engineered by Joseph Brindley, ushered in the great age of the canals.

‘’It was built to give citizens of the growing city of Manchester access to cheaper coal from the Duke of Bridgewater’s coal mines.

‘’Now, however, what the citizens of Manchester want is access to broadband and fibre optic cables.

‘’Far from facilitating access, the Bridgewater Canal is now an obstacle.’’

He said Geo Networks already had a duct under the canal for which it paid a rent to the Bridgewater Canal Company.

Lawyers for the fibre optic company argued it only had to pay for the right to lay the extra cable. Under the electronic communication industry code, it could ‘’buy one get one free’’ and did not have to pay extra rent.

Mr Justice Lewison ruled that Geo should pay more, but gave permission to appeal to try to clarify the industry code.

‘’It does not seem to me to be fair that an operator should have something for nothing.’’

He said David Elvin QC, representing Geo, had warned him against allowing those in control of ‘’linear obstacles’’ extracting ransom payments.

The judge said the expression ‘’fair and reasonable’’ in the code meant ransom payments could not be demanded.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 03/20/2010 at 01:03 PM   
Filed Under: • Art-PhotographyNews-BriefsUK •  
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Space limitations

Running low on space again here at BMEWS.

I had to trim a few hundred ancient posts, clean out the server side email accounts - Sorry Mr. Christian, you aren’t around anymore so you no longer have an email account!, and delete a few gigs worth of gigantic graphics files. That should keep the wolf at the door for a few more weeks, until I can see what kind of deal I can work out with the server company for buying more space.

The annual bills just came due. It costs a dollar a day to run this blog. That is relatively expensive I think, but Hosting Matters, the server company, has been extremely reliable. This blog has NEVER been down, even when they have had to move the account from one machine to another. To be completely transparent, a good chunk of that dollar a day is for the widgets I have running both in the foreground and in the background. Several of them are annual renewal things.

And a big thanks to the “known user” who emailed me because he wants to snail mail me a donation. I really appreciate that; every little bit helps. PayPal works well, but some folks have problems with it, and some folks just don’t trust it. I understand. But no, I won’t give out my home address to just anyone. Have to be careful these days you know.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 03/20/2010 at 12:13 PM   
Filed Under: • Blog Stuff •  
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My choice for the Living Goddess for the week.  No. Belay that. She’s a living goddess anytime. AND ... she’s an American. Score one for our side.

She is a model, an actress and a black belt in martial arts taught by her brother.  Which is a very good gift any brother can provide a sister with.

She is also 43 and something tells me she will still be hot at 63.  She is:


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I`ve managed to keep my clothes on for everything I`ve done so far.

The hardest point in my life right now is trying to figure out what I`m gonna wear.

I`ve always wanted to be Wonder Woman, of course. She had the greatest costume.

(Kelly has a brown belt in karate, having been introduced to the martial arts as a young girl by her brother.)

image ( taken from Carolyn Young )


Posted by peiper   United States  on 03/20/2010 at 04:42 AM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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Remembering the TEA parties, going on 1-year-old now.

I attended the first Dayton TEA party last year. It was on Courthouse Square downtown. First time I’d ever attended a protest rally as a protester.

Such fond memories. Anyway, I was going through the photos from the event and thought I’d share my favorite protest sign.


Need some t-shirts…


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 03/20/2010 at 12:04 AM   
Filed Under: • NOSTALGIA •  
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calendar   Friday - March 19, 2010

We The People

H/T: Free Republic

No further comment required.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 03/19/2010 at 06:38 PM   
Filed Under: • GovernmentPatriotism •  
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One hell of brave Battling Brit, kept on defying Taliban death traps

One hell of a brave soldier!  Just another fine example of Brit training and bravery in the field.  There’s so many articles about the useless scum in the streets that sometimes we lose site of guys like this cos they do not alway get the spotlight.  (gee, I hope he likes poetry cos according to one would be expert, those who don’t are lesser beings. )


George Cross heroes: The bomb experts who kept on defying Taliban death traps

By Ian Drury and Fay Schlesinger
Last updated at 4:30 PM on 19th March 2010

After booby-trap bombs killed two of his comrades and left four maimed and stranded in the middle of a minefield, Staff Sergeant Kim Hughes knew he had no time to consider his own safety.

The bomb disposal expert had to clear a path across the dusty open ground so the wounded could be evacuated and the dead men retrieved - and he had to do it fast.

Shunning protective clothing to save time, the 30-year-old picked his way across the field dotted with more of the booby-trap bombs.

And all the time he knew the field was being watched by the Taliban fanatics who had planted the bombs. Indeed, even as he inched nearer the injured men, bullets were flying overhead as other soldiers tried to keep the gunmen at bay.

But, keeping his cool beneath the Afghan sun, he managed to dismantle seven of the improvised explosive devices - three by simply using his hands. There was no time to place charges and retreat to a safe distance.

His actions were described as ‘extraordinary’ by senior Army officers and yesterday Staff Sgt Hughes was awarded the George Cross for carrying out ‘the single most outstanding act’ of bomb disposal in Afghanistan.

It was one of two GCs - the UK’s highest accolade for gallantry not in the face of the enemy - to be conferred. The other was awarded posthumously to his friend and fellow bomb disposal expert Staff Sgt Olaf Schmid, 30



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 03/19/2010 at 01:45 PM   
Filed Under: • Battling Brits HeroesMilitaryUKWar-Stories •  
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Muzzies holler RACE! Judges says up yours and awards 400,000 to the victim. That a first?

Looks like this one time the one representing civilization worth saving wins one. Hope she gets every dime and has fun with the money and flaunts it at the spineless council. 

Headmistress wrongly accused of racism by Muslim governors wins £400,000 payout

By Daily Mail Reporter

A headmistress hounded out of her job after being falsely accused of racism by two Muslim governors is entitled to £400,000 damages, the Court of Appeal ruled today.

Erica Connor, 57, had run a ‘happy and successful’ primary school but was driven to a breakdown by the allegations.

She left the New Monument primary school in Woking, Surrey, after Paul Martin - a Muslim convert - and Mumtaz Saleem began monopolising meetings with the aim of turning New Monument in Woking into an Islamic faith school.

The Surrey town is home to the first purpose-built mosque in the country - the Shah Jahan Mosque - which dates from 1889.

A deputy High Court judge ruled in March last year that Surrey County Council had failed in its duty to protect her and to intervene when the actions of the governors created problems. He awarded her £407,700 damages.

Martin started making allegations about anti-Muslim comments by members of staff which led to an investigation by Mrs Connor.

She found that all the staff denied the allegations which she said had demoralised them.

An official review also found no evidence of deliberate racism or religious bias but said the governing body had become dysfunctional.

The High Court had been told Martin tried to stir up disaffection in the community against the school and Mr Saleem was verbally abusive in school meetings.

Although during the first five years that Mrs Connor was in charge of the school there had been good relations with the local Muslim community and improved results, the situation changed when the two men were elected as governors.

Judge John Leighton Williams ruled in the High Court that the men had an agenda to increase the role of the Muslim religion in the school and that this, combined with the authority’s failure to protect Mrs Connor, had led her to suffer serious depression.
Paul Martin: Primary school Govenor

Paul Martin: Primary school Govenor

When Martin was removed from the board of governors in June 2005, he wrote a letter of complaint saying it was because he had been raising complaints of institutional racism within the school.

A few days later a petition was circulated calling for Mrs Connor’s removal from the school and containing “defamatory and offensive remarks”, the appeal judges were told.

Lord Justice Laws said the High Court judge was right to find there had been negligence on the part of the council.

He said it was an unusual case - “partly because of the council’s lamentable capitulation to aggression”.


the council’s lamentable capitulation to aggression

Kinda says it all, doesn’t it? That’s how they operate and that’s how they get away with things. Like the travelers. About the same thing.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 03/19/2010 at 01:11 PM   
Filed Under: • Racism and race relationsRoPMAUK •  
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FOUND … a fragment of family history. It’s 1892, and Queen Victoria is still on the throne.

As mentioned already, the mil passed away a year ago and we are still dealing with papers, old letters and fragments of family memories.
No doubt there many families in the UK that have papers far older then what I offer here. But this is still interesting because it puts a light on a time when things like this were taken seriously. 

The mil saved things all her life and in fact couldn’t even remember all that she had packed away.  We keep hoping we can finish with it all but then again, when you find stuff like this, well, it takes on another meaning. Kind of touching bases with kin long gone.  In fact, my wife had never seen this document before yesterday, when we discovered another box stored away collecting dust and silverfish.  Inside that box was a fireproof container with papers and some letters and old bills and such.  You can’t believe the things we came across, aside from this document.  We found the full extent of some family skulduggery, posted last year in our history of two families. We just didn’t have ALL the papers when I wrote that as their existence was not known to us then.  This is the bit we found fascinating.  Her maternal grandfather in 1892 became an apprentice in something called an indentured apprentice for more then six years.  Take a look.


The red seal at the bottom has mostly fallen away and what’s left is unreadable.  The the old paper has some holes where the folds are.


See More Below The Fold


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 03/19/2010 at 09:46 AM   
Filed Under: • Blog StuffPersonal •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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