Death once had a near-Sarah Palin experience.

calendar   Wednesday - February 18, 2009

Libraries put Bible on top shelf in a sop to Muslims. (HOW MIGHT THIS PLAY IN PEORIA?)

Nobody is surprised of course.  With these people, there’s never enough.
I suppose a church spire now could be next.

Who but those people (and I use the term “people” very loosely) who else would think of this?

And btw, speaking of quangos mentioned in the article here.  This country is run in large measure by these unelected bodies.  That’s the impression I get anyway.
I sure hope our system is different back home.  Before I came here, I hardly ever heard the word.  Maybe once and it was forgotten as they didn’t seem at the time to be playing a huge role in American life.  Or they were and I was just unaware of it.  But on this side of the lake, I hear that word a lot.

If so much here either causes offense or has the possibility of causing offense, why oh why can’t the muzzies just pack it all up and go live in a muzzie country and enjoy all the benefits there?  Except for the female of the species.  Benefits do not apply.  And please, on your way out would you mind taking ALL gypsies (travelers) with ya?  Thanks.

By Steve Doughty
Last updated at 7:54 AM on 18th February 2009
Daily Mail

Librarians are being told to move the Bible to the top shelf to avoid giving offense to followers of Islam.

Muslims have complained of finding the Koran on lower shelves, saying it should be put above commonplace things.

So officials have responded with guidance, backed by ministers, that all holy books should be treated equally and go on the top shelf together.

The Bible has been moved to the top shelf in libraries following requests that the Koran be put above ordinary books

This means that Christian works, which also have immense historical and literary value, will be kept out of the reach and sight of many readers.

The guidance was published by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, a quango answering to Culture Secretary Andy Burnham.

It said Muslims in Leicester had moved copies of the Koran to the top shelves of libraries, in keeping with the belief that the Koran is the all-important word of God.

The report said the city’s librarians consulted the Federation of Muslim Organisations and were advised that all religious texts should be kept on the top shelf.

‘This meant that no offence is caused, as the scriptures of all the major faiths are given respect in this way, but none is higher than any other,’ the guidance added.

Critics said such a move implied religious works should be treated as objects of veneration rather than as books to be read. Robert Whelan of the Civitas think-tank said:

The shelving guidance came from a quango answering to Andy Burnham

‘Libraries and museums are not places of worship. They should not be run in accordance with particular religious beliefs.

‘This is violating the principles of librarianship and it is part of an insidious trend.’

He said the principle that books should be available to everyone was established in Europe in the Middle Ages.

‘One of the central planks of the Protestant Reformation was that everybody should have access to the Bible,’ he added.

Simon Calvert of the Christian Institute said: ‘It is disappointing if the policy of libraries is dictated by the practices of one group.

‘It is particularly disappointing if this is done to put the scriptures beyond reach.

‘I hope there will be a rethink. I understand that Muslims revere their own text, but in public libraries there should not be a policy of putting religious texts out of reach.’

Inayat Bunglawala, of the Engage think tank, which encourages Muslims to play a greater role in public life, said: ‘If Muslims wish to see the Koran placed on a higher shelf, and library rules say it should be there, then that is a welcome and considerate gesture.

‘But one size does not fit all. If Christians do not want to see the Bible treated in the same way, I do not see why it has to be dealt with the same.’

Canon Chris Sugden, of the Anglican Mainstream movement, said: ‘This does appear to be a reversion to medieval times, when the Bible could be read only by priests in Latin and was not to be defiled by ordinary people reading it.

‘The principle to be challenged is that there is a certain way in which one must treat all holy books.

‘The Bible is readily available, and it would not be difficult to have more than one copy, with some on display within the reach of children.’

The guidelines warned against another decision made in Leicester, in which Islamic material had been bought from local suppliers.

Libraries then found they had put into stock Islamic books that were condoning violence against non- Muslims, the report said.

The new guidelines make it clear that pornography can be offered by libraries.

They said that some have stocked the Black Lace series of erotic stories aimed at women, and that others bought and lent Madonna’s Sex.

Librarians faced a ‘difficult balance’ but should try to ‘reflect changing fashion and opinion’, the guidance said.

Culture Minister Barbara Follett said: ‘We have to give staff the tools to enable them to make decisions about what materials they can and should stock while, at the same time, promoting learning, education and cultural inspiration for all.’

article source

See More Below The Fold


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/18/2009 at 05:10 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationReligionRoPMAUK •  
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calendar   Tuesday - February 17, 2009

Welcome To Hell

DJI: 7552.60, down 298 today

Down 2000 since election

We are doomed.


Gold 969.9
Crude 35.04
S&P 789.17

GM needs another $2 BILLION right now, and $16.5 BILLION to stay afloat for the rest of the year. GM plans to close 5 plants and lay off 37,000 employees this year.

SEC charges Robert Allen Stanford of Stanford Investments with fraud over $8 BILLION scam for selling CDs with false return rates; the money was stolen from other funds.

Russain Market tumbles 9.7% in half a day; trading suspended.

Obama signs “stimulus” bill, goes back to campaigning. Forever.

Less than a month into office, President Barack Obama is trying to recapture the energy and common-man feel of the campaign trail to ease the harder task of governing. He’s adopting the “permanent campaign” as a major tool for how he conducts his presidency, ditching Washington for the road, early and often.

Expect worse tomorrow.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 02/17/2009 at 06:19 PM   
Filed Under: • EconomicsFinance and InvestingGovernment •  
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I had no intention of posting anything this early today as I truly am busier then a duck in a flood and I’m not trying to be funny.
But there are times when something crops up that I consider so damn important I just have to drop whatever I’m doing and boot the puter and post.

I know there are Brits who visit this site almost everyday.  We don’t hear in comments as many of you as I see out there.
That’s okay I suppose, at least you’re reading us.

I think I can be fairly certain that at least one of you lurking Brits may not hold the same right wing conservative views we Yanks and some posting Brits do.  And that’s perfectly okay as well. What I have to share with you few unsuspecting Brits will be of unwelcome concern to both the left and right wing of of the political spectrum.

I am NOT joking and I am NOT mad although I can understand why some may think otherwise with regard to the last given some of my rants on things like capitol punishment and the lack of justice in the criminal justice system.


They really are EXPERT at using the system AGAINST you, and they WILL! Because they can.

If you don’t deport these people or better yet, KILL EVERY ONE OF THEM YOU CAN FIND, you are in for a world of trouble. Like all bullies, they can be made to back down somewhat.  Which does not lessen their danger. I just can not stress the danger enough.

It isn’t the Russian or islam or the Nazis you’re about to be invaded by.
It’s a group of AMERICANS, sad to say.  And believe me, there is NO reasoning with this group. But you’ll find out in due course the truth of what I say here.

One other thing you Brits need to know about this family.  THEY ARE ALMOST ALL LAWYERS!  Oh yes. They know the law and how to twist it and will do so.  And if they do ever get any kind of foothold in your country, you can be certain they know your laws as well.  In fact, better then you do.
Because that’s what they’re all about.  That’s what these scum bags do.

At some military funerals in America, this group has been driven off by the presence of a group called the Patriot Guard Riders.
I previously mentioned The Hells Angels but since have been corrected.
PGR started as a shield between the WBC loonies and the families of the honored dead. The PGR mission is to honor those who gave their lives for us.

My thanks to Wardmamma and Single Stack for the updated and correct information. And I do stand corrected.

Sadly however, my guess is that Brits will try and “reason” with these dirt bags.  It will NOT work England.  You’d have had a much better chance talking with Hitler and Stalin.


Westboro Baptist Church announces first anti-homosexuality picket in Britain
The fundamentalist US church notorious for picketing the funerals of dead soldiers plans to carry out its first protest in Britain this week, it has emerged.

By Matthew Moore
Last Updated: 6:43PM GMT 16 Feb 2009

Followers of the virulently anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church have threatened to picket a sixth form college in Basingstoke, Hampshire during a staging of The Laramie Project, a play about an American youth murdered because of his sexuality.

The church from Topeka, Kansas is mainly composed of relatives of the founder, pastor Fred Phelps, who style themselves “the most hated family in America”.

Their core belief – that God will punish the West for its acceptance of homosexuality – has seen them protest at dozens of servicemen’s funerals brandishing garish placards stating “God hates the USA” and “Thank God for dead soldiers”.

Details of the church’s first picket in Britain was posted on their website with the slogan “God Hates England; Your Queen Is A W----”.

“Some of the best Bible preaching in the history of the world came out of that dark dismal land, but now it is full of all abominations,” the notice read.

“God will shortly destroy the UK and the world, but not until they have got the plain, clear message so that they will be without excuse.”

The target of Friday evening’s demonstration will be the Central Studio arts venue at Queen Mary’s College, where local gay group Freedom Youth is staging a small production of the The Laramie Project this week.

The play, which has roused the ire of Westboro followers in the past, tells the story of Matthew Shepard, a gay teenager tortured and murdered in small town America in 1998.

Shirley Phelps-Roper, a church spokeswoman, confirmed the plan but declined to say whether members would be flying over from the US or if the picket would be carried out by followers in Britain. The church has no scheduled pickets on the days immediately before or after the Basingstoke demonstration.

“It is the first actual picket. We have been preaching by so many means to the UK for years. The arm of the Lord our God is not shortened by oceans and things, all of which he created, and all of which he knew about when he considered these last hours of the very last days of all,” Mrs Phelps-Roper said.

In a lengthy justification of the protest, she cited the recent case of 13-year-old Alfie Patten, who claims to have fathered a child with his 15-year-old girlfriend, as evidence of UK’s moral decline.

“And then you can add to this pleasant little happy UK family moment that another 13-year-old boy has arisen to dispute paternity! Oh yea baby – you UK rebels truly have it groin [sic] on. You are like the doomed American rebels – just a big shameful mess,” she said.

Central Studio confirmed that it was aware of the planned protest and said it was making preparations with the school. A Freedom Youth leader said he believed the chance of the church carrying through on its picket threat was very low, given the distance its followers would have to travel.

Maria Miller, Conservative MP for Basingstoke, said that she had contacted the Home Secretary to see what action the Government may be considering in relation to possible attempts by the Phelps family to enter the country.

She condemned the church’s “highly inflammatory language and behaviour” and said the young people who had worked on the play would not be intimidated by threats.

“The most important thing is that a production that is trying to promote tolerance goes ahead and that’s what I’m focusing on achieving,” she said.

“There’s no evidence that they will be coming along and I don’t believe they have a base in the UK.”

Ben Summerskill, chief executive of Stonewall, the gay right group, described the church’s plan as “distressing”.

“The Laramie Project is a very serious play about a young man who was beaten to death just because he was gay. To regard that as a cause for celebration will make a lot of people both gay and straight feel very uncomfortable,” he said.

“I suspect that they won’t be welcomed by the people of Basingstoke.”

He added: “They have caused enormous distress by protesting outside the funerals of service personnel in the US and I hope they have no intention of trying anything similar in Britain.”

But he warned that any attempt to ban Westboro church members from travelling to Britain would just give them the oxygen of publicity similar to the attention garnered by the right-wing Dutch MP Geert Wilders last week.


Members of Anonymous, the nebulous online community that has previously organised protests against the Church of Scientology, are alreading planning counter-demonstrations outside the college on Friday, posts on internet message boards indicate.

A spokeswoman for Hampshire Police said the force was aware of the planned picket.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/17/2009 at 05:42 AM   
Filed Under: • Jack Booted ThugsJudges-Courts-LawyersOutrageousReligionScary StuffTerrorists •  
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calendar   Monday - February 16, 2009

Good Stuff!

My goodness ... I’ve got RFC running on it’s little widget thingy. They’re playing Willie Nelson, a live recorded jam of Whiskey River. That segues into Steely Dan’s Do It Again, and on to Dr. John’s Right Place, Wrong Time. Woo Hoo! They might call it RFC, but it sounds more like CRR - Conservative Rock Radio. Good move. Good tunes. Somebody has to reach out to the regular Republicans. And by doing radio on the internet, it’s just another kind of blog ... no FCC, and no Fairness Doctrine ... just in case. Smart move. Crank it up!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 02/16/2009 at 01:26 PM   
Filed Under: • The New Conservatives •  
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No Flights To Saudi Arabia. Guaranteed!

This will work.

Want to keep the islamomothers off your airline?


Easy! Just paint your airplanes with a picture of a nearly naked drop dead gorgeous Jewish girl!

No, that’s not why we did it! Not at all!! We’re just providing some advertising for Sports Illustrated!

Sure, sure, we believe you. Any prayer rugs available on that flight?

Um, no, no we don’t have any of them on any of our flights.

Ah ha!!

Southwest Airlines puts swimsuit model Bar Refaeli on airplane

Hello from LaGuardia Airport in New York City! I just witnessed one of the coolest plane events ever!  We finally, after much speculation and anticipation, revealed the beautiful SI One.  This plane, N922WN, is wrapped with a temporary decal featuring the cover model, from the 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. This definitely seals the deals on Southwest Airlines’ FUN and edgy factor! 

Hey, isn’t Southwest the airline that tossed that young woman off the plane a year and a half ago because her outfit was too sexy? I guess they only allow that kind of thing outside the plane.

Whatever. I think this huge extension of the “nose art” concept is just so ... totally American! Yeeeeha!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 02/16/2009 at 01:13 PM   
Filed Under: • Eye-CandyFun-Stuff •  
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I was checking out Vilmar’s site before closing down and found this video.

I should have been checking Condell as soon as the flap over the Dutchman occurred, but have been busy. Bad excuse.

So here it is.
Oh yeah ... seems to be a sync. problem.  Anyone besides me have that problem?

we need a category for Cowardly appeasers. Have to do something about that.
Now I am really gone for the evening.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/16/2009 at 01:04 PM   
Filed Under: • InternationalOutrageousPoliticsReligionTerroristsUK •  
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Oops IV

Brit sub gets rear ended by French sub; no casualties

LONDON — Nuclear-armed submarines from Britain and France collided in the Atlantic Ocean earlier this month, authorities acknowledged Monday — touching off new concerns about the safety of the world’s deep sea missile fleets.

The HMS Vanguard, the oldest of Britain’s current nuclear-armed submarine fleet, and the French Le Triomphant submarine, which was also carrying nuclear missiles, both suffered minor damage in the collision. No crew members were reported injured.

France’s defense ministry said the ballistic missile submarines had been carrying out routine patrols when they collided.

“They briefly came into contact at a very low speed while submerged. There were no injuries. Neither their nuclear deterrence missions nor their safety were affected,” France’s defense ministry said Monday in a statement.

The Le Triomphant suffered damaged to a sonar dome in the front of the submarine but returned under its own power to its base on L’Ile Longue on France’s western tip, according to the French military.

“This really shouldn’t have happened at all,” said Stephen Saunders, a retired British Royal Navy commodore and the editor of Jane’s Fighting Ships. “It’s a very serious incident, and I find it quite extraordinary.”

He said while NATO countries let each other know what general area of the Atlantic they are operating in, neither submarine would have had a precise position for the other.

Saunders said submarines don’t always turn on their radar systems or make their presence obvious to other shipping.

“The whole point is to go and hide in a big chunk of ocean and not be found. They tend to go around very slowly and not make much noise,” he said.

Lawmakers and disarmament advocates demanded an explanation of how the submarines could have failed to detect each other.

Britain’s government “needs to explain how it is possible for a submarine carrying weapons of mass destruction to collide with another submarine carrying weapons of mass destruction in the middle of the world’s second-largest ocean,” lawmaker Angus Robertson of the opposition Scottish National Party said.

Demanded an explanation? What part of ”Run Silent, Run Deep” don’t they get? Silly persons. The technology really is that good.

Looks to me like France got just a little too ambitious here, sneaking up on the Brits. But, if, as it seems, the first the Brits knew of the French was when they felt the crunch, then hurrah for France, that’s exactly the kind of Captain you want driving one of these boats. It’s the Brits who’ve got a bit of egg on. It’s my assumption that these are both attack subs; I don’t really know. I don’t know subs, but it’s my impression they come in 2 flavors: hunter/seekers and hider/boomers. Good hunting France ... but you could have “won” just the same by pinging them from 50 meters.

Just like the froggies, isn’t it, sneaking up for a quick feel from behind? LOL


Egg on faces on both sides of the Channel, or smiles all around? The French sub is not an attack boat. It’s one of France’s 4 SSBNs, one of the hider/boomer group.

The Le Triomphant class is quieter than its predecessor, heavier, able to dive deeper, and have more advanced computers and software. It is built of HLES 100 steel, and capable of diving to 500 meters, twice the depth of L’Inflexible. Much though has been given to quieting, and the radiated noise level has been described as “less than that of the sea bottom noise ... reduced to a few millionths of Watts.”

So, perhaps there are a limited number of perfect “parking spaces” out under the ocean where subs prefer to hide? I really don’t know, but I bet there such places exist. So the ultra quiet French boat tried to hide out in one, only to find that the Brit boat was there first? Ooops. But that means that the Brit boat ... is just as quiet. Good.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 02/16/2009 at 11:44 AM   
Filed Under: • Military •  
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Pakistan caves in to Taliban demands for shariah law hoping to end bloody attacks on women

Posting without comment except to ask if anyone is surprised.

Thought not.

By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 2:46 PM on 16th February 2009

Pakistan has caved in to Taliban demands to install shariah law in a popular tourism region.

The decision was a desperate move aimed at ending attacks on girls’ schools and women workers in the violent Swat Valley.

But it is likely to draw sharp criticism from the United States and other Western powers fearful that Pakistan is playing into the hands of religious conservatives whose sympathies lie with the Taliban and al Qaeda.

The concession came as a suspected U.S. drone fired missiles in the region killing at least 26 people.

The agreement was reached at talks between Islamists and officials of the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) government in Peshawar today.

‘After successful negotiations ... all un-Islamic laws related to the judicial system, those against the Koran and Sunnah, would be subject to cancellation and considered null and void,’ said NWFP’s Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain, referring to the holy book of Islam and the saying and teachings of the Prophet Mohammad.

Taliban militants in Swat, once a tourist paradise, called a 10-day ceasefire the night before the talks, and on Saturday released a Chinese engineer kidnapped five months earlier as a gesture of goodwill.

An uprising erupted in late 2007 in Swat, an alpine beauty spot favoured by honeymooners and trekkers alike, and militants now control the valley just 130 km (80 miles) north-west of the capital Islamabad.

They have destroyed more than 200 girls schools in a campaign against female education, and tens of thousands of people have fled their homes to escape the violence.

By striking a deal on Islamic law, the government hopes that it will be able to drive a wedge between conservative hard-liners and those militants who have fallen under the thrall of al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Religious conservatives in Swat have long fought for sharia to replace Pakistan’s secular laws, which came into force after the former princely state was absorbed into the Pakistani federation in 1969.

The move came as a suspected U.S. drone fired missiles at a building used by Taliban militants in the Kurram tribal region killing at least 26 people, witnesses and officials said.

The drone attack could further inflame tempers in Pakistan where a controversy has raged over a U.S. senator’s remarks that the unmanned aircraft were being operated and flown from an air base inside Pakistan.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/16/2009 at 11:23 AM   
Filed Under: • RoPMATerroristsWar On Terror •  
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New Conservative Talk Radio Online Today

RFC - “Radio For Conservatives” - starts today at noon Eastern

For those of us without AM radio, or who can’t find Rush or Mike Savage on their FM dial, RFC will be on “the air” today starting at noon Eastern. Click on over to, click the big yellow button on the right (of course!) and give them a listen.

Radio For Conservatives launches today at noon! RFC is a 24/7 news, talk, and rock Internet radio station created by conservatives, for conservatives.

Oh yeah, they have music and videos too. Naturally, they’re starting things off with Ted Nugent doing the National Anthem. Give a listen, leave an opinion.

There are also several articles available to read, like today’s post from Minority Report that reminds us that today is NOT “President’s Day”, it is BY LAW, the Washington’s Birthday holiday. “President’s Day” is a cultural misconception foisted on us by the left, one of their earlier - and successful - attempts to water down the culture. Today is NOT a celebration of Obama, McKinley, Taylor, Wilson, Clinton et al.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 02/16/2009 at 11:22 AM   
Filed Under: • The New Conservatives •  
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Killer boasts on Facebook: Jail is just like being on holiday. (and that people, is the problem)

Nothing the public hasn’t thought about for a long time. But who in authority listens to them?
They live mostly quietly, obey the laws (and there do seem to be a lot of them here) stay out of trouble and PAY THEIR TAXES so insects like this scum can live well and get the benefits taxpayers are providing.

The rope and the rack (Drew) would go a long way in turning things around but no.  Business as usual and be careful of the rights of a stone killer.

And why does this guy have access to computers and social networking sites?  Oh whoops. Of course. It’s his civil right. One of very many.

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 3:24 PM on 16th February 2009

A convicted killer has boasted on Facebook that being in jail is like being on holiday.

Ashley Graham even put up a picture of himself on the social networking website ‘relaxing’ in his cell.

The 27-year-old is serving life at HMP Lindholme in South Yorkshire for stabbing a man through the heart.

But he manages to access Facebook every day by using a mobile phone that was smuggled in to the jail.

The killer’s boasts are likely to reignite claims that prisoners enjoy an easy life in Britain’s jails.


In one update Graham wrote: ‘HMP Holiday’s a place where men can come for a nice relaxin break from their moanin women and crying kids. No stress just rest.’

Astonishingly his friends on the social networking site agreed.

Graeme Crockett replied: ‘Loving the status. Could do wid a nice relaxing break in HMP Ranby or Sunbury again.’

Graham even got messages from a woman claiming to be his wife.

On January 25, Emma Campbell Graham, wrote: ‘Hi hubbi. Been a while since I put some loving on your wall. Wifee is missing you. Not to long til I am in your arms baby. Love you x.’

Graham was jailed after killing Roy Henry in February 2001 when he tried to stop him and an accomplice entering a café to attack another man.

HMP Lindholme has a games room, TV room with DVDs and an activities centre for computer classes.

The Prison Service said measures would be introduced this Spring which would stop prisoners using mobile phones in prisons.

A Prison Service spokesperson said: ‘Prisoners are not allowed access to mobile phones or the Internet – an investigation is underway and appropriate action is being taken.

‘During Spring 2009 Body Orifice Security Scanners (’BOSS chairs’) will be introduced estate wide. These will be supported by high sensitivity metal detectors and mobile phone signal detectors.’

Earlier this year certain prisons in London launched a scheme to allow prisoners limited access to websites in order to let them resettle in their community and apply for jobs.

The scheme allowed prisoners to visit pre-approved websites to take part in online learning and job hunting.

Prisoners were blocked from browsing beyond a list of approved sites and access to ‘uncontrolled email’ was stopped.

But security fears marred the scheme’s initial launch in 2007 after Home Office ministers raised concerns that the proper safeguards were not in place.

It is not the first time that criminals have been caught using Facebook, which is supposed to be family friendly.

Last month the family of murder victim Tony Harrington were outraged after discovering his killer ran a Facebook page from Ford Open Prison in West Sussex.

Andrew McVicar, 25, was serving a life sentence for ramming a broken bottle in the 19-year-old’s jugular vein on Christmas Eve 1998.

And earlier this month it was revealed that hundreds of British drug dealers had infiltrated the site in a bid to attract new victims.

Gangs have set up special groups aimed at encouraging people who join to start smoking super-strong ‘skunk’ cannabis.

One was labelled Smoke Weed Everyday and included several messages by users interested in buying the drug.


Alright. You’ve read this I’ll assume.  Now tell me.  Does it appear to you that this fellow has any fear of the law or punishment ?
And that’s the problem. Damn few of them do and with good reason.

Possibly my only post of the day.  Buried in phone calls and estate matters and red tape.  Ug.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/16/2009 at 10:46 AM   
Filed Under: • Crime •  
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calendar   Sunday - February 15, 2009

SOMETHING TO KEEP NOISY NEIGHBORS IN LINE? ( supergun that kills from a mile )

OK, how many of ya want one of these?

Pictured: The supergun that kills from a mile - and the camouflaged crackshots using it against the Taliban

By Christopher Leake
Last updated at 9:51 AM on 15th February 2009

British Army snipers call it ‘the Silent Assassin’ and it is the weapon the Taliban fear the most.

It is the British-made L115A3 Long Range Rifle which, in recent weeks, has killed scores of enemy fighters in Afghanistan.

In a new initiative on the front line, the Army is using sniper platoons to target the Taliban and ‘The Long’, as the snipers call it, can take out insurgents from a mile away.


Many of the elite marksmen who use the rifle make their own extraordinary suits of camouflage to stay hidden from the Taliban.

Some have been known to go ‘under cover’ for two days while they pick off the enemy.

Last week Army snipers were training with the rifle and full camouflage on the snow-covered ranges of the Support Weapons School at the Land Warfare Centre at Warminster, Wiltshire.

One of them, known as Yuppie, said: ‘You could call it made-to-measure camouflage.

‘This one is green string tied into sheets, then covered in straw with straps attached so it fits tight. It took three months and a lot of patience to make.’

His comrade Dean, who like Yuppie is a veteran of Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia and Northern Ireland, said: ‘I wouldn’t say us snipers are an elite, but we think we’re a cut above the rest.’

The L115A3 Long Range Sniper Rifle - based on a weapon used by the British Olympic shooting team - weighs 15lbs, fires 8.59mm rounds and has a range of 1,100-1,500 yards.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/15/2009 at 01:48 PM   
Filed Under: • Guns and Gun ControlTerroristsWar On Terror •  
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OH BOY.  I will take DNA test, says Alfie as two other teenagers claim they could be father.

Here’s a wild update to yesterday’s story about a kid dad at age 13.  But is he? Don’t know because there are two other young teens claiming fatherhood. Now why would they do that?
Well, one reason is that there might be money in this story.  Pretty sick and stupid as it sounds, some media are now willing to pay big time for interviews wif our wittle Alfie.  And of course it isn’t rocket science to suppose the message going out on that news, will encourage others to see if the feat can be duplicated.  What a great achievement.  Jeesh.

I will take DNA test, says Alfie as two other teenagers claim they could be father

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 1:14 PM on 15th February 2009

Alfie Patten has reportedly demanded a DNA test to prove he really is a father at age 13 after two other teenagers are said to have claimed they had slept with his girlfriend.

The schoolboy was described as another symbol of ‘broken Britain after it emerged that he and Chantelle Steadman, 15, had parented baby Masie, born five days ago.

But today the scandal took another twist after it was claimed Richard Goodsell, 16, and Tyler Barker, 14, may have fathered the child.

Yesterday Alfie, who is at the centre of a furious battle for interviews with five-figure sums reportedly being paid.

I have not posted the entire article here. For that and the photos, go to THIS LINK

There are a few photos to be seen and I have to say, the moms of the kids involved don’t look too well.  As in bow-wows. But then, producing baby after baby year after year does not bode well for appearances.  Lucky they get paid for it huh?

Once indoors he gave a series of clipped answers to a long list of questions by an eager reporter from The People.

When asked if he loved Chantelle he said: ‘Dunno.

Did you get her a Valentine’s card? ‘No!’

Did you know how babies were made before you had sex with Chantelle? ‘Course’.

Do you like changing the baby’s nappies? ‘It’s OK but getting it back in the clothes is hard - the arms are the worst bit.’

Are you looking forward to getting back to school soon? ‘No, school’s dead boring.’

What are your favourite subjects? ‘Dunno. Haven’t got any. Not maths.’

What would you like to do when you grow up? ‘Go in the Army, but Mum says she won’t let me.’

To be fair, lots of us hated school and math and at times it could be boring. And I never did get a handle on Algebra. Not ever!  I still can’t make sense out of diagramming teacher tried to explain in English class.  That always threw me and I quit trying to understand it long ago.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/15/2009 at 09:20 AM   
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Sorry, America, I’m the bearer of bad news.  (A MUST read and please SHARE)

I predicted it all: the corruption, naivety, incompetence and wasting of tax dollars
, says James Delingpole.

By James Delingpole
Last Updated: 6:05PM GMT 14 Feb 2009

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Towards the end of an American tour last week to promote my new book WELCOME TO OBAMALAND : I’ve Seen Your Future and It Doesn’t Work, I began to feel ever so slightly guilty. Partly it was all those people I met still wearing their “Vote Obama” badges like religious talismans, still quite obviously brimming with audacious hope for their country’s bright future under the new Obamessiah. Who was I to come from the other side of the pond and rain on their parade?

Mainly, though, it was because I’d never expected the Obama project to go pear-shaped quite so soon. Sure, it was nothing I hadn’t predicted in the book: the cronyism, the corruption, the naivety, the incompetence, the wasting of taxpayers’ money on pet, left-liberal causes. Even so, by the time I left Washington DC, I was feeling almost sorry for the guy. Couldn’t he at least have had a honeymoon before the divorce papers came through?

It’s still early days, of course, with plenty of “time for change”. But, after only three weeks, Obama’s presidency has begun more closely to resemble the shambles at the end of the John Major administration than the golden dawn we might have expected for this Tony Blair Mk II.

Tom Daschle, the trusted comrade
who was going to mastermind the new Obama universal healthcare plan, was forced to resign over tax irregularities. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, the alleged financial whiz who was supposed to sort out the US economy, somehow managed to survive a similar scandal – only to preside over a “stimulus” package so vague, ill-thought-out and wasteful that Wall Street share prices have been plummeting even faster than Obama’s approval ratings.

“It will create millions of jobs,” declared House speaker Nancy Pelosi, optimistically, of the $789 billion (shaved down, after much opposition protest, from over $850 billion) “stimulus”. Conservatives have re-christened it “Porculus”, noting that about half of it has rather less to do with boosting the economy than it does with pork-barrelling favoured constituents on the liberal left and expanding the welfare state.

Obama’s new “heal the world” foreign policy is faring little better.
All those liberal democracies who rejoiced at his plans to close Guantanamo have gone strangely quiet now that they’re being asked to give homes to some of the deadly terrorists once incarcerated there. (As P J O’Rourke once said: “Everyone wants to save the world; no one wants to help Mom do the dishes.") India is up in arms over his attempts to meddle in Kashmir. No one seriously believes that the Great Satanic hand of friendship he is offering to Iran will have any more effect on its ongoing “Nuke Israel” programme than did Dubya’s Great Satanic two fingers of contempt. And economies the world over are positively terrified by Obama’s moves towards protectionism. Have none of his economic gurus told him that protectionism was precisely what made the last Great Depression so deep and so prolonged?

Some Americans – the 48 per cent who didn’t vote for him – understand his shortcomings all too well.
These were the ones I addressed during my lightning tour of about 30 talk-radio shows, covering everywhere from Florida, the Mid-West and California to the far-flung reaches of Hawaii and Guam. To a man – or woman in the case of the Annie Oakley of the Airwaves, Dr Laurie Roth (tagline: “She ain’t disabled, she ain’t gay, and she ain’t illegal, but she is ‘special’ “) – the presenters were properly aghast at my predictions of the horrors to come as the Land of the Free opens the floodgates to European-style socialism.

“As you are today, so we were in my country in May 1997, when we, too, elected a grinning ex-lawyer with chameleon charm and a snake-oil salesman’s patter that he could make us all better off and create social justice all in one go,” I warned. “But behold my ruined nation now!”

They got the message all right. Not that they didn’t have their suspicions anyway. Contrary to the image those right-wing talk show hosts have over here as frothing rednecks, they’re an astute bunch, the Limbaughs and the Dennis Millers, the G. Gordon Liddys and Jim Bohannons. In the US, unlike in much of Britain, people are still genuinely interested in political ideas, in the price of liberty and the ongoing struggle to defend freedom from the tyranny of the state.

At the same time, of course, there’s another half of the US that thinks the exact opposite. With unemployment (by some measures) approaching 20 per cent and consumer spending plummeting faster than at any time since records began in 1947, a lot of Americans are quite understandably scared for their jobs and for their future. Maybe, they believe, capitalism has failed and Big Brother Statism – the kind of Liberal Fascism that the US has already glimpsed in the First World War under Woodrow Wilson and again during the Depression under FDR – is the only answer.

America is as divided as it has been in perhaps any era since the Civil War. It’s going to get uglier yet.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/15/2009 at 05:22 AM   
Filed Under: • Blog StuffDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsGovernmentPolitics •  
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calendar   Saturday - February 14, 2009

One For Carol

Not sure if this is going to work or not. Carol sent me a very nice PowerPoint slide show that thanks our service men and women for their work and asks for your prayers for them. I found a way to upload it, and I can give you the link, but if you don’t have PowerPoint it won’t run. I pulled a couple of slides off and made them into pictures.

I can’t see this one on Eharmony. Too bad; I’d chat this lady up in a heartbeat. Well, if I was single and half my age.

ain’t that grand?

Anyway, here’s the file if you want to give it a try.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 02/14/2009 at 01:40 PM   
Filed Under: • Patriotism •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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