Sarah Palin is allowed first dibs on Alaskan wolfpack kills.

calendar   Thursday - October 21, 2004

Three More For The S**T List

I am now making three new entries to the forons gracing my shit list.  See here for my original post and here for the followup post.

Now I have to add Matt Damon. What a fucktard.  He says he’d pay a million dollars to see Bush out of office.  Exactly how do you propose to do that, asshole?  You plan on bribing people?  Or selling votes?  All the more reason to see the movie:  TEAM AMERICA: THE WORLD POLICE where this numbnuts gets skewered.

The other is none other than this asshole known by many of you as Sting. I have some of his CDs.  I will buy no more.  Maybe a chimp can replace his dumb ass on the stage, too!

Lastly, it goes without saying these assholes are on my shitlist, too!  Maybe not every single one but as a group of people, pretty damn close.  And so, on our way to the top of the charts as the most despised and by virtue of such, meriting placement as number one on the LIST OF SHIT, here’s The Sheetheads!!!!

Yep, we free 50 million of their brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, and other assorted relatives to include sheep and camel and the ones here in ther states who have the freedom the aforementioned don’t, would rather have Fuckface as President. 

That’s gratitude for ya!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/21/2004 at 06:23 AM   
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Yankees Spanked!



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/21/2004 at 05:55 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - October 20, 2004

Where’s Vilmar?  Mission Revealed.  Mystery Solved.

Yesterday Allan left you with a teaser about my disappearance.  So where was I? 

Get closer boys and girls and I’ll tell you a little story that’ll warm the cockles of your hearts.

A couple of weeks ago I got into a discussion at this bookstore I volunteer in with this woman who was an undecided voter.  I lashed out at her by saying, “hey, at this late juncture if you do not know who to vote for, do us all a favor and stay at home November 2nd.”

A few days before that I had a similar conversation with another woman at another place I volunteer in.  She was a bit taken aback by my candid statement.  I placed before her the theoretical situation of having to hire someone for a job wherein one applicant has experience but made a few mistakes yet the other had nothing to show for the past 30 years but had lots of “plans” the substance of which he would not divulge to you.  I then asked her to choose one.

She chose the former and felt more convinced to vote for Bush.  I still advised her to stay home, though.  A friend asked me why I had not encouraged her to vote for the President.  I explained that if I were able to “swing” her so quickly, what’s to prevent someone from convincing her to “swing” the other way the day before the election?  As far a I am concerned, these people can’t be trusted.  They have no conviction. 

I firmly believe that people who sit on fences end up with fence poles up their ass.

But I digress.  Back to the bookstore lady.  As to which way she’d vote, it seems what she really wanted to know was when Bush was coming to Spring Hill.  I told her, “hey, there must be 70,000 one horse towns in the US. The President can’t come to them all.” I then wanted to know if his appearance was a factor in her decision; as if only by him being here would she vote for him.  I insisted this moron to stay at home, too.  The fickleness of these people makes me conclude they (and I repeat myself here) CAN NOT be trusted. 

By now I am fairly worked up about these morons and end up ranting with local friends and family about the patriotism of people who seem so dead-set on voting for Kerry.  I can’t figure it out and it grates on me.  I then become more vocal and fierce in my desire to not only expose The Poodle for the scumbag he is but to become a rabid and vocal advocate for our President.  Needless to say, there are some around here that are a bit uncomfortable near me at moments like those.  grin

At times like these I rightly deserve to be called “an angry young man.” My letters to the editor take a decided notch upwards in quantity and volume of rhetoric.  My blog posts are nastier.  I spend more time volunteering to put up signs, to driving people on neighborhood walks, and other little efforts.

Then, lo! and behold! rumors start flying about a possible appearance by the President to a location nearby.  Having experienced a false alarm about Kerry whom we had hoped would come so that we could harass the piss out of his supporters, I was skeptical. 

All this but a few days after these encounters with the jell-o brained. 

Imagine my surprise when I get a phone call asking me if I would like tickets to see President Bush who was coming to Pasco County (south of Hernando.)

“Hey, does a bear shit in the woods?” Of course I wanted tickets!

It was not much more than a day later that AlanS (a reader and commenter to this blog) calls me to work out some times to meet up and go put up some Bush/Cheney signs around the county.  He follows that up with asking me if I’d like some VIP tickets to the President’s visit.  “Damn, I think.  I oughta pinch myself to make sure this is really happening.” I told him “YES!!”

Next day we get together at the Republican HQs and he gives me my ticket.  I am ecstatic!!

A couple of days after that he calls me again and asks if I still had my “VIP” ticket.  I figured, “well, someone else must need these or has done more work than me for the party” and I told him I did and asked if he needed it back.  He said, “yes.”

You ever experience those moments when something happens in less than a second but you are capable of thinking several things through in that time frame?  Well, that is exactly what happened to me.

I no sooner began to start feeling a bit down in the mouth about having to go back to a general admission ticket when he adds, “we’re going to upgrade yours to “stage” passes!”

WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  YEEEEEHAWWWWW!!!!

Boy howdy, was I psyched!!!!

So yesterday 5 of us got together at Alan’s house and headed out.  We’d heard traffic was already a bugger-bear and were expecting delays and horrid parking problems.  The closer we came the more we heard there was no handicapped parking nearby (as Alan is disabled.) We were then concerned we’d not be able to park remotely closely necessitating us dropping him off with one of us taking the truck, parking it and meeting up later in line.  He’d not brought a wheelchair figuring there’d be parking right close to the entrance. 

Even getting close was not possible as all roads were closed off.  Luckily he and his wife, Lynn, knew the owner of a gas station nearby and we were able to park there and he thought he could make it using his crutches as he normally gets around that way for shorter distances.  But we were faced with a good half mile!!!

So we got in this ENORMOUS line headed for the entrance.  Proving that God exists and mankind is capable of extraordinary feats of generosity, a lady from a church we passed by saw his dilemma (he’d never make it all the way) and loaned us a wheelchair solely on a promise by us to return it afterwards. So off he went with his wife to the head of the line while the rest of us stayed where we were and followed the crowd.  Nearby was a young lady with a message.


Standing on the left is one of our YRs.  We never got the other gal’s name.  Here is a close up of her message:


She never made it in, unfortunately as the rally did not allow anything against Kerry.  Guys with white t-shirts underneath their shirts were made to expose front and back just in case they tried to get “cute” by ripping off the outer shirt.  Hey, I can’t blame the crew doing this.  Had someone brought in an aniti-Kerry banner, shirt, etc. it would be the only things the scumbags in the media would focus on.

45 minutes later we navigated the security lines, went through the metal detectors, gave up all food and water bottles, gave up all pens and pencils, etc. and were allowed in.

By now it is HOT and the sun is merciless.  This IS Florida, right?  I am sweating like a pig.

We locate Alan and his wife and proceed around to the “special” area set aside for us.

There are those that say you make your own luck.  I tend to believe that a Higher Power opens the “luck” door for you. Afterwards you are on your own.  And that Higher Power smiled down upon us, let me tell you.  It turns out we were not ON the stage itself.  That was reserved for people like Congressmen and Senators and other religious and political big-wigs.  “Our” areas were bleachers set up to the right and left of the stage.  We almost went to the left but headed right, instead. I fetched chairs for Alan and Lynn while the rest of us climbed to the top to get good views.

A couple of musical acts warmed things up (not literally as our friend from 93,000,000 miles away was doing a good enough job of that.) The crowd was excited, waving banners, flags, pom-poms, etc. distributed by crews which were also doing a spectacular job of passing out water to the crowd.  The place was jumping.  The electricity was palpable.  People smiling, laughing, helping one another, courteous.  Eyes eagerly seeking to be the first to spot “The Man.” It was incredible.  The press says 7000 people showed up.  Hundreds more were left outside the gate, refused entrance because it was SRO.

Here’s a partial shot of the crowd.


Now, before we go any further, I’ll let you know I am an amateur photographer (with emphasis on amateur.) Being where I was did not give me warm fuzzies.

I was looking for “the shot.”

I was looking for “the chance.”

I was trying to make my own luck now. 

It was then that I fully comprehended how “Luck” smiled down on us.  I realized that had we been on the stage, my chances for good photos would be severely limited.  Had we gone to the bleachers on the “left side” of the stage, the sun would be in our eyes.  However, the “right side” bleachers did not have that problem and were divided from the general admission side by a walkway that police, secret service people, and volunteers were using.  The left side did not have that distinction.

BING!!!!!!!  The light goes off.  BAM!  It hits me.  I gotta move. NOW!!!

I tell my friends I am going back down and I made my way around to the walkway area I could not see from the top and realized this HAD to be the way the President was going to enter.  After all, it ended at a street.  I studied the other side--nothing.  No ropes, no walkways.  So I weaseled my way up next to the rail and waited.  And waited some more.

The President was due to arrive at 12.  Around eleven I saw a helicopter snooping around.  A roar erupted from the crowd.  They knew the time was fast approaching.  Then a bunch of busses show up-----the sleazehounds in the media.

Then the governor, Jeb Bush, shows up!!!!!!!! 


The crowd went nuts!!!!  My weaseling paid off.  I got a couple of photos.  The area was perfectly situated as a type of “runway” so I knew I’d be ready when The Big Guy came through.

Right afterwards, the man we all want to be our President for 4 more years shows up.


The place went CRAZY!!!!!! Bedlam in New Port Richey!!!!.  Chanting of “4 more years!” ERUPTS from the crowd.

I was like a kid in a candy store.  As he approached I stuck my hand out there and shook his!  Damn, was I surprised!  Sounds silly, right?  Getting all excited about shaking hands.  But this is the man who is the LEADER of the free world.  The PRESIDENT of the most powerful country on earth.  What is there NOT to get excited about?  The man does not dawdle. He made his way to the stage and it was a riot of sound and color from everywhere in that park. Awesome!!!

Here’s my “money” shot:


Then I set to shooting a bunch of pictures.  Found this one young lady with another great t-shirt.


I could not stand still.  The President was introduced and listening to him speak I realized, “You know, they’re right.  Hearing him in an environment like this and hearing him in a debate are two different things.” He was POWERFUL. He was ON TARGET. He SKEWEREDLurch several times. 


The President mentioned Kerry’s liberal record in the senate and no sooner did he say, “He (Kerry) can run...”..... than the crowd exploded with “BUT HE CAN’T HIDE!!!!” The President got this very transient look of surprise in his eyes at that response.  I guess he was not expecting the forcefulness of it.  Brother Jeb looked at brother Marvin and got this HUGE smile on HIS face.  The President HAMMERED HOME point after point on the economy, on terrorism, on healthcare, on social security, and foreign policy.


He barely looked down at notes.  Granted most of it was a stump speech but he tailors it for every audience and did so for us.  People hung on to his every word because we realized the perils this country will face if The Poodle gets elected.


And, OBTW, remember the long letter to the editor I posted the other day and sent to my paper?  It made it.  I found out about it when our congressman, who’d seen it, thanked me for having written it.  Sure made me feel good, let me tell ya!

Speaking of the press, here’s a picture of “The Enemy”


After what seemed like 10 minutes (but was actually close to an hour), the President made his departure.  First came brother Marvin (who one woman confused with Jeb (this IS Flori-DUH!), then came Jeb.  I shook his hand.  Damn!  Two in one day!

Then the President comes by one more time.  I could not help myself.  I stuck my arm out again, yelled out “Mr. President” and shook his hand one more time!  Remember when I posted this on the 17th---“If you had 5 seconds?”

It’s beginning to make sense now, eh?  You realize why I asked it.  I was setting you up on Monday for Tuesday.

Well, what I wanted to say was, “Mr. President, as a vet I want to thank you for YOUR service as President and as a Guard member.”

But the President does not dawdle when he works the crowd so all I got out was, “Thank you for your service, Mr. President.” Hey, better than nothing, right?

I stood there like a simpleton with a huge smile on my face as he made his way back to The Beast. This thing HAS to be the lap of luxury inside!!


You know, considering all that’s happened to me in 2004 I should check out my Chinese horoscope.  I have been blessed in 4 major ways so far.  (1) My son got married.  (2) I am now a grandfather.  (3) My father became a Republican.  (4) I shook hands with the President.

I don’t want to seem greedy but I would like one more: FOUR MORE YEARS!!!!

Please help us all accomplish that!!!  VOLUNTEER!! Take time to become part of the process.  Do it because your heart is in it not because you expect something for it. Do it because you feel good doing it.  Not just for yourself but your country.  People will notice.  Your efforts will be rewarded.  Deep thanks again to Alan and everyone else for looking out for me in this event.

I hope all my local friends see this and provide their “color commentary” on their impressions:  Alan, Lynn, Laurie, John, Jessica, Ana, Frank, Blake, Brooke, and Jim.  (if I missed anyone, sorry!!)


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/20/2004 at 05:07 AM   
Filed Under: • Patriotism •  
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calendar   Tuesday - October 19, 2004

Hang On!!!

Hey, I’m working as fast as 4 fingers allow me to type, spell-check, re-write, re-check, etc.

I promise that by 6:30 AM tomorrow I will have it out there.

Thanks for your patience!!!

Your “now-wowwed” and awestruck Benevolent Dictator


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/19/2004 at 09:21 PM   
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In Living Color

I just saw Vilmar on FOX News.

Our Benevolent Dictator actually shook the hand of THE MAN. And more ....

Which man? You’ll have to wait until El Supremo posts the story (and pics) tomorrow morning ....

Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee ........



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/19/2004 at 06:15 PM   
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Where’s Vilmar?

Our Benevolent Dictator has a very important meeting today with somebody really important whom you all know.
That’s all I can tell you.
Well, I could tell you more but I’d have to shoot you.
No, really.
Be prepared for a big surprise tomorrow morning.
Really big.
Really, really big.
No .... bigger than that.
Vilmar promises pictures.
You don’t want to miss this. Trust me.

question  question  question  question  question

Update: Yes, this is the BMEWS “October Surprise”!

big surprise  big surprise  big surprise  big surprise  big surprise 


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/19/2004 at 11:54 AM   
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The World’s View?

This all started several days ago when I started noticing more and more being written regarding foreigners either interfering with or making blatant endorsements in our presidential elections.

But I found this yesterday at Mr. Minority’s site and want to share it with you.  In it he goes in-depth about attempts by Muslims to influence our votes.  He provides commentary and reference materials to back it up.  Check it out.

But it does not end there. 

The French love Fuckface.

Malaysia’s former prime minister encourages sheetheads to vote for The Poodle.

Hell, Arafat loves Flip-Flop Man! More here.

The Brits are in the act, too.

The lone voice so far backing Bush is our pal, Pooty Poot. His rationale?

“International terrorism aims at causing maximum damage to President Bush and to forestall his second term re-election. If they succeed, they would celebrate a victory against America and the anti-terror coalition, and this could lead to more acts of international terrorism”

Can’t argue with that.

And to cap it all off, here’s a piece about how our reputation is falling around the world. You know what?  I don’t give two shits for what the world cares.

Conclusion: we must be backing the right guy.  If so many in the world are against him and us then we must be doing something right.  After all, someone has to.  If we left it to the world community nothing would get done.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/19/2004 at 05:56 AM   
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Boycotts are Wonderful Things

A bank in Canada decided it was going to become “homosexual friendly” and do a promotion to advertise that. 

People got pissed off and threatened a boycott.  Others closed their accounts, sent e-mails, made phone calls or wrote letters.

The bank stopped the program but said:

“the boycott was not the reason it changed its policy.”

Yeah, right.

Now here is what I find a bit bizarre about this.  The bank was proposing putting out little “rainbow triangles” so that homosexuals, transgendered, etc. would know that they’d find a safe environment there.

Imagine that:  you can use the little triangles as a lure.  Say what you will but the bank’s plan does JUST THAT.  Is the homosexual, etc., etc.  gang really that dumb they’d flock like that? 


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/19/2004 at 05:39 AM   
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He’s B-A-A-A-A-A-CK!!!

Remember this guy?

Sure you do!!!  He’s the one who was seen walking around Washington D.C. with top secret documents stuffed in his socks and shoved into his shorts.

Well, he’s B-A-A-A-A-C-K!!!  And STILL working for Fuckface!

Yep, definitely the kind of guy I’d want on MY campaign.  But then again, we are talking Democ-RATS!!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/19/2004 at 05:37 AM   
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Plant a Tree!  NO!!! Cut It Down!!

OK, now I am REALLY confused.  Remember how the enviro-wackoes would always go around telling you that if you cut down a tree you should replace it with more trees?  And then we were told that if factories pumped out pollutants they could plant trees to cancel out those nasty effects?  In the process, companies doing so got environmental “credits” for their efforts.

Well, guess what?  New studies are showing that those trees are cancelling out those pollution cutting efforts!!!! The trees pump out more volatile organic compunds than they clean up!!

Who’d a thunk it?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/19/2004 at 05:35 AM   
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Guess The Party

OK, read these snippets and guess which party is responsible:

1.  Campaign literature sent home in the books of third graders

2.  Voters have problems in Broward County Florida (again)

Damn!  That was too easy, huh?

In the first, the aprty responsible says it was a mistake.  Yeah, right!!!!  Giving it to 3rd graders was a mistake.  In your dreams, pal.  Plus, what the hell is the school doing distributing that shit to its teachers anyway?  And the teacher “JUST HAPPENED” to have enough to pass out??????

In the second, HERE WE GO AGAIN!!!!  Same county as in 2000 and 2002.  And it’s still populated by Democrats, who choose Democrats to be elected officials, run by democrats and still fucked up by Democrats.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/19/2004 at 05:33 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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Can You See Me Now?

The US Navy is testing out new “camouflage” uniforms. Let’s ponder this for a second or two ....

1- The whole purpose of “camo” is to make you blend into your environment so you can’t be seen.

2- A sailor’s normal environment usually consists of a huge metal object of several thousand tons called a “ship”.

What am I missing here?



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/19/2004 at 02:16 AM   
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Global Test?

Well, it’s almost unanimous. Nearly every religion on the planet has weighed in now against the Left in America.

First, we have an unofficial communication from the Vatican that the Pope is considering excommunicating any politician who advocates abortion. This would include John Kerry and Democrat Senators Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts and Tom Harkin of Iowa; Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine; and former New York Governor Mario Cuomo, a Democrat.

Second, the Anglican church has urged the U.S. Episcopal Church not to elect any more gay bishops and also urged the Canadian and American churches to refrain from blessing same-sex unions, arguing that North American liberals had breached “the proper restraints of the bonds of affection” among Anglicans.

We already know the Muslims think America is the “great Satan”.

The entire world seems to be against the policies of the Liberal Left in America. Political correctness, homosexual “marriages”, abortion on demand, etc.

Maybe the world isn’t really pissed at us for taking the war to the terrorists as Kerry and the rest of the Liberals would have you believe. Maybe, just maybe, the world is looking at the Looney Left in America and is wondering if we haven’t totally lost our minds over here. We need to make sure the world knows not all Americans have their heads up their asses.

Vote Bush/Cheney on November 2 and send the world a message that “it’s OK, we’re alright over here and we’ll take care of these lunatics in our midst”. Then once we silence Kerry and the rest of these madmen we can turn our full attention to the madmen in the Middle East and take care of business like we should have been doing all along. Only then will we have passed the “global test”.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/19/2004 at 01:38 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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Daily Dose

Quote Of The Day

“I am prepared to filibuster, if necessary, any Supreme Court nominee who would turn back the clock on a woman’s right to choose...”
-- John Kerry, June 20, 2003

On This Day In History
October 19th

1781 - Victory At Yorktown
Hopelessly trapped at Yorktown, Virginia, British General Lord Cornwallis surrenders 8,000 British soldiers and seamen to a larger Franco-American force, effectively bringing an end to the American Revolution. Lord Cornwallis was one of the most capable British generals of the American Revolution. In 1776, he drove General George Washington’s Patriots forces out of New Jersey, and in 1780 he won a stunning victory over General Horatio Gates’ Patriot army at Camden, South Carolina. Cornwallis’ subsequent invasion of North Carolina was less successful, however, and in April 1781 he led his weary and battered troops toward the Virginia coast, where he could maintain seaborne lines of communication with the large British army of General Henry Clinton in New York City. After conducting a series of raids against towns and plantations in Virginia, Cornwallis settled in the tidewater town of Yorktown in August. The British immediately began fortifying the town and the adjacent promontory of Gloucester Point across the York River. General George Washington instructed the Marquis de Lafayette, who was in Virginia with an American army of around 5,000 men, to block Cornwallis’ escape from Yorktown by land. In the meantime, Washington’s 2,500 troops in New York were joined by a French army of 4,000 men under the Count de Rochambeau. Washington and Rochambeau made plans to attack Cornwallis with the assistance of a large French fleet under the Count de Grasse, and on August 21 they crossed the Hudson River to march south to Yorktown. Covering 200 miles in 15 days, the allied force reached the head of Chesapeake Bay in early September. Meanwhile, a British fleet under Admiral Thomas Graves failed to break French naval superiority at the Battle of Virginia Capes on September 5, denying Cornwallis his expected reinforcements. Beginning September 14, de Grasse transported Washington and Rochambeau’s men down the Chesapeake to Virginia, where they joined Lafayette and completed the encirclement of Yorktown on September 28. De Grasse landed another 3,000 French troops carried by his fleet. During the first two weeks of October, the 14,000 Franco-American troops gradually overcame the fortified British positions with the aid of de Grasse’s warships. A large British fleet carrying 7,000 men set out to rescue Cornwallis, but it was too late. On October 19, General Cornwallis surrendered 7,087 officers and men, 900 seamen, 144 cannons, 15 galleys, a frigate, and 30 transport ships. Pleading illness, he did not attend the surrender ceremony, but his second-in-command, General Charles O’Hara, carried Cornwallis’ sword to the American and French commanders. As the British and Hessian troops marched out to surrender, the British bands played the song “The World Turned Upside Down.” Although the war persisted on the high seas and in other theaters, the Patriot victory at Yorktown effectively ended fighting in the American colonies. Peace negotiations began in 1782, and on September 3, 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed, formally recognizing the United States as a free and independent nation after eight years of war.

Today’s Birthdays

John le Carré, (pseud. of David John Moore Cornwell), (1931- ), English spy novelist
John Lithgow, (1945- ), Actor
Evander Holyfield, (1962- ), Boxer

Thanks to The Quotations Page - The History Channel - InfoPlease.


Posted by Ronald Reagan's Ghost   United States  on 10/19/2004 at 01:23 AM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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Oh, and here's some kind of visitor flag counter thingy. Hey, all the cool blogs have one, so I should too. The Visitors Online thingy up at the top doesn't count anything, but it looks neat. It had better, since I paid actual money for it.
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