Sarah Palin will pry your Klondike bar from your cold dead fingers.

calendar   Friday - August 13, 2004

Kerry’s Swift Meltdown

Hugh Hewitt accurately points out how, since it has taken so long for Kerry's campaign to explain the inconsistencies in his Cambodia stories, that things really are not going well for The Poodle's camp.

The longer they take to respond, the more implausible will be any explanation. And why isn't the press DOGGEDLY going after the Dems for records, files, explanations, reasons, clarifications? (Unfortunately we know the answer, don't we?)

So now plenty of time has gone by and what's the best Kerry can come up with?

That it was JANUARY, not Christmas, that he was in Cambodia. Obviously not too "WELL - SEARED" in Kerry's memory was it?

How can anyone take this piece of shit assclown moonbat seriously? God help our country if he gets elected!!

For more Scary Kerry stuff, click here.

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/13/2004 at 10:32 AM    avatar
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Isn’t This Special?

If you've been following the Kerry campaign at all you know he keeps harping on big corporations getting tax breaks for taking their companies overseas.

But did you know John FUCKING Kerry went looking for a tax shelter in the 80s and when it went under he went on the warpath attempting to close all those loopholes?

Bet you didn't know that, did you? Well, now you do.

For more Scary Kerry stuff, click here.

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/13/2004 at 10:08 AM    avatar
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What Did John Kerry Do On 9/11?

You've all heard Kerry on the stump complaining about how, on 9-11, President Bush sat in a classroom 7 minutes and did nothing. He then went on to say how he would have immediately left and done something.

Well, thanks to G R A S S F I R E we can now see exactly what The Poodle did on that same day---not a fucking thing for 40 minutes because he "could not think!"

We continue to be amazed at how political leaders are reading off the Michael Moore playbook as outlined in is movie, "Fahrenheit 9/11." It further emphasizes the importance of Grassfire's new publication, "Michael Moore's Misleads."

For example, Moore goes to great lengths in an attempt to show that President Bush didn't know what to do when he first found out that America was under attack on 9/11. Moore shows footage of the President sitting in a Florida classroom for seven minutes after an aid told him about the World Trade Center attacks. Moore makes the President look incompetent and confused.

It's a Moore mislead. Moore manipulated the video footage and ignored the facts. We expose Moore's tactics in our pamphlet. It's Mislead #6.

+ + Kerry attacks Bush for the 7-minute delay

A few days ago, Sen. John Kerry read from the Moore playbook in criticizing President Bush for the supposed 7-minute delay. Here is what Kerry said:
Had I been reading to children and had my top aide whispered in my ear, 'America is under attack,' I would have told those kids very politely and nicely that the President of the United States had something that he needed to attend to -- and I would have attended to it.

+ + What Did Kerry Actually Do On 9/11?

Before we go on, we want to state that we disagree with Michael Moore's analysis of the supposed "7-minute delay." We also disagree with leaders like Sen. Kerry making this an issue. Events were unfolding quickly and there was much confusion in those first moments.

That said, it is important to point out the hypocrisy of Sen. Kerry by looking at what Kerry himself did at that same moment in time.

Here is Sen. Kerry's explanation of what he was doing when the first attacks came (see link):

KERRY: I was in the Capitol. We'd just had a meeting -- we'd just come into a leadership meeting in Tom Daschle's office, looking out at the Capitol. And as I came in, Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid were standing there, and we watched the second plane come in to the building. And we shortly thereafter sat down at the table and then we just realized nobody could think, and then boom, right behind us, we saw the cloud of explosion at the Pentagon. And then word came from the White House, they were evacuating, and we were to evacuate, and so we immediately began the evacuation.

+ + Kerry: "Nobody Could Think"

For the record, it was about 40 minutes between the when the second tower was hit and when the Pentagon was hit. For 40 minutes, Sen. John Kerry, a sitting member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, sat in a room with Senate Leader Tom Daschle.

In Kerry's own words, "nobody could think."

Sen. Kerry sat in a very vulnerable place on Capitol Hill for 40 minutes after the second tower was hit. What did he mean when he said, "nobody could think"? Perhaps the chaos and confusion of the moment meant that a group of top leaders in the Senate really did not know what to do! So they sat in a vulnerable Senate office, exposed to attack. Apparently, Kerry and others did not yet realize that America was at war.

When did Kerry know America was at war?

Again, in Sen. Kerry's own words:
And as we went out of the building, my immediate feeling was, we're at war. I mean, that was the sense, that we are under attack. People are attacking the United States of America and we needed to respond.

So, more than 45 minutes after the second tower was hit, as Sen. Kerry was evacuating the Capitol, his "immediate feeling" was that America was "at war." In his own words, it took Sen. Kerry 45 minutes to come to this conclusion.

And this bastard attacks our President? Vile, verminous scumbag!

For more Scary Kerry stuff, click here.

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/13/2004 at 10:06 AM    avatar
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Anti-Kerry Friday

Today is ANTI-KERRY FRIDAY so before I batten down the hatches I want to fire off a few salvoes. Things will remain relatively calm until about 1 PM here (albeit some wind, a little rain.) The shit is supposed to hit the fan about 5 or 6 this evening.

So until then I will be clearing the yard of loose objects, tying down what I can and hoping for the best on the rest. I fully expect my flower beds and plants to be torn to pieces and right now they are either in full bloom or beginning to be. My fall blooming October Roses are 5 feet tall, 4 feet wide, with bloom buds starting to set. They will be shredded. My angel trumpets, 5 feet high, as wide, chock full of white, pink and purple double trumpets 5 to 8 inches long with bells about 5 inches across will be shredded. Trellisses will be downed and destroyed. Dozens of my trees will shed branches. It will be a holy mess. Nothing I can do about it.

On the bright side, I'll have grrrrrreat compost in about 3 months!

Anyway, gotta run to batten down a friend's house and my parents' house.

When I return, about 10 AM, I will spew forth a shitload of stuff against that dirtball Kerry. What an absolute asshole and waste of human skin. I despise the bastard. More than I despised Clinton. And I now hold all Dummycraps who support him (and refuse to see through his hypocrisy because of their hate for President Bush) in such low esteem you have to look up to see down.


I'll be back!!!

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/13/2004 at 08:03 AM    avatar
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Run Away!

This one is nasty. Wind gusts to 115 knots. Hang tough, Vilmar!

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/13/2004 at 07:17 AM    avatar
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Daily Dose

Today is Friday The 13th .... Are You Triscadecaphobic**?

Quote Of The Day

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."
-- W. C. Fields (1880 - 1946)

On This Day In History

August 13,1940 - The Battle Of Britain Begins
On this day in 1940, German aircraft begin the bombing of southern England, and the Battle of Britain, which will last until October 31, begins. The Germans called it "the Day of the Eagle," the first day of the Luftwaffe's campaign to destroy the RAF, the British Royal Air Force, and knock out British radar stations, in preparation for Operation Sea Lion, the amphibious invasion of Britain. Almost 1,500 German aircraft took off the first day of the air raid, and 45 were shot down. Britain lost 13 fighters in the air and another 47 on the ground. But most important for the future, the Luftwaffe managed to take out only one radar station, on the Isle of Wight, and damage five others. This was considered more trouble than it was worth by Herman Goering, commander of the Luftwaffe, who decided to forgo further targeting of British radar stations because "not one of those attacked so far has been put out of operation."

Historians agree that this was a monumental mistake on the part of the Germans. Had Goering and the Luftwaffe persisted in attacking British radar, the RAF would not have been able to get the information necessary to successfully intercept incoming German bombers. "Here, early in the battle, we get a glimpse of fuddled thinking at the highest level in the German camp," comments historian Peter Fleming. Even the Blitz, the intensive and successive bombing of London that would begin in the last days of the Battle of Britain, could not compensate for such thinking. There would be no Operation Sea Lion. There would be no invasion of Britain. The RAF would not be defeated.

Today's Birthdays

Fidel Castro, (1926--), Communist Premier of Cuba
Annie Oakley, (1860–1926), American theatrical performer & sharpshooter
Alfred Hitchcock, (1899–1980), Master of scary movies
Ben Hogan, (1912–1997), American golfer

Thanks to The Quotations Page - The History Channel - The Biography Channel.

** Fear of Friday the 13th

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/13/2004 at 06:57 AM    avatar
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calendar   Thursday - August 12, 2004

Unfit For Command

You've heard about the book "Unfit For Command" and the Vietnam Veterans who served with John Kerry who have refused to endorse him for President. Now, this group has put together a Flash presentation. You can view it here. It may take a while to download so be patient.

Go watch it now! It's well worth it ....

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 07:49 PM    avatar
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Would You Like To Biggie-Size That?

As if this country isn't fat enough already, we now have a World Record "Big-Whopper-Deluxe-MeatBurger" .... or whatever you want to call it.

Where's the beef? It's at a Pennsylvania pub that serves the world's biggest burger - weighing in at NINE lip-smacking pounds! Denny's Beer Barrel Pub is renown for its 9 lb. burgers. National and local newspapers have reviewed the burger and its main appeal seems to be...


That's no whopper - you can actually get this meat monster for $23.95, loaded with all the "fixins"...


9 lb. (19.8kg) Burger

Two whole tomatoes

A half-head of lettuce

12 slices of American cheese

A full cup of peppers

Two entire onions

Plus, a river of mayonnaise, ketchup, and mustard.

(-- thanks to David H.)


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 07:40 PM    avatar
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Message For The Troops

If hooking up all Iraqi prisoners' scrotums to car battery cables will save one American GI's life, then I have just two things to say:

1. Red Is Positive. - - - - - - - 2. Black Is Negative.

(--thanks to Don R.)

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 05:29 PM    avatar
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The Real Story

The headline reads: "Calif. Court Voids S.F. Same-Sex Marriages". Most of you probably read that and said to yourselves "Hey! California's judges aren't so stupid after all", right?

Well, go back and read the whole thing again, kids. Especially this part:
The court did not resolve whether the California Constitution would permit a same-sex marriage, ruling instead on the limits of authority regarding local government officials.

When the justices agreed to hear the case, they said they would decide only whether Newsom overstepped his mayoral powers for now, but would entertain a constitutional challenge — that gays should be treated the same as heterosexual couples under the California Constitution — if such a lawsuit reached the court.
So you see, they only agreed, although unanimously, that Mayor Newsom of San Francisco had overstepped his legal bounds, something I was talking about here months ago when all this came up. I said then and I'll say it again, government officials do not, I repeat, DO NOT have the power to blithely bypass state law whenever they please (California voters passed a unanimous resolution last year declaring "marriage" as something that is only between a man and a woman - Newsom decided to ignore the law). But here we have something else to look out for:
Newsom argued to the justices in May that the ability of same-sex couples to marry was a "fundamental right" that compelled him to act. Newsom authorized the marriages by citing the California Constitution's ban against discrimination, and claimed he was duty-bound to follow this higher authority rather than state laws banning gay marriage.

Gay and lesbian couples immediately filed lawsuits making that argument, as did Newsom. The now-consolidated cases are unlikely to reach the California Supreme Court for at least a year or more. California lawmakers have refused to take a position on the matter.
So there you have it. Mayor newsom is full of shit and listens to "a higher calling" .... and he has magnanimously decided that "marriage is a fundamental right". Everyone cry "BULLSHIT"! This madman needs to be put away for his own good.

Also, the homosexuals immediately filed a lawsuit to challenge the state law that a majority of voters approved and it will all wind up back before the California Supreme Court in a year or so. Notice the last sentence? "Lawmakers have refused to take a position ..". Stoopid chickenshit bastards in the legislature are running away under a smoke screen. They want the homosexual vote but are afraid to offend the majority of people in their state so they duck the issue and let the courts legislate (i.e., pass and change laws). This is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! The California legislators need to be taken to task, held responsible and forced to vote as the people of California asked them to do .. or else just take them all out and shoot their sorry asses.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it, dammit!

Memo To Vilmar: Vilmar, the word "homosexual" is just too long and I also refuse to let them kidnap the word "gay". From now on these people will be referred to using the clinically correct term, "Deviant Ignorant Practitioners of Sexual Habits and Irrational Tantrums" or just DIPSHITs for short.

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 04:15 PM    avatar
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What’s Missing In This Story?

Please take a moment or two to read this carefully. When you are done I'd like you to tell me what is missing.

I'll wait a couple of minutes.

Dum de dum.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Mmmmmm, hmmmm, hmmmmm.


{clear throat}


Have you figured out what was missing?

Did you guess it to be his party affiliation?

Also, just for shits and giggles, would the media have done the same thing if he were Republican?

And I've not even gotten into the issue of the sexual haraassment charges having been between two people of the same sex!

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 04:08 PM    avatar
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Another “social” conundrum

OK, boys and girl. Which way should this one go?

The down and dirty: woman likes to smoke. Judge says, "not in front of your kids" In a fit of defiance, she does so anyway. Now she is subject to jail.

What I do not have: proof the kids are asthmatic or suffer debilitating harm from her smoking.

What I do not like: smoking

What I hate even worse: activist asshole judges telling people how to live their lives.

OBTW: this all started when she filed for full custody from her ex husband from whose home had come multiple 911 calls for domestic disputes.

One more OBTW: the judge also said she can't drink in front of her kids.

This pair really does not strike me as being overly bright parents but this judicial activism crap is beginning to wear thin and I would not be surprised to see a spate of "judge killings" if it continues.

What say you?

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 09:44 AM    avatar
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Leftist Distortions of Our Vocabulary

Thomas Sowell, as usual, writes another brilliant piece about an issue near and dear to my heart---the distortion of the American language to accommodate leftists.

He gives example after example of how the left has taken terms we were used to using and distorts them in such a way that it has changed how we feel about what those words used to represent.

To his list I would add:

"investment" for taxes

"freedom fighter or insurgent" for terrorist (a favorite of Reuters)

"gay" for homosexual (someone please explain to me just what the fuck is so "gay" about being homosexual? Do we see them parading around dancing and laughing all the time? What a nasty distortion of what used to be a good word.) We need to get that one back. For my part I refuse to use the word in general conversation only doing do to illustrate my point (as above)

And another one?

"partner." FUCK! I can't use that term anymore to discuss someone in a business deal or sporting activity without someone thinking I've gone queer and am shacking up with Liberace, Barney Frank or Elton John.

Y'all got any more?

UPDATE: add 2 to the list "Undocumented Alien" for illegal alien and "rainbows" to represent homosexuals

I'm still considering the rest but most stand for what they really mean and did not supplant any other term we used to use (i.e. sanitation engineer for garbageman)

ANOTHER UPDATE: 3 more additions: "african-americans" for blacks and all that other politically correct racial ID crap; "entitlements" a codeword for government largesse; "holding center" for jail

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 07:43 AM    avatar
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Lance Armstrong Stripped of Title?

Found this on Boortz's site this morning:

We learn this morning of troubles for six-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong.

It seems the French are preparing an announcement that Armstrong will be stripped of his 6th title due to negative results from a random check for contraband.

Residues of three substances banned by the French have been found in tests: toothpaste, deodorant and soap.

(HA!! Had you going, eh? It had me!) Thanks, Neal!

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 07:23 AM    avatar
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S(ure) H(appy) I(t’s) T(hursday) Bizarreness

This is why the Third World will forever remain the Third World. They may say Africa is the cradle of civilization and man has evolved but I guess some of the monkeys never left the trees.

These guys must think that the middle ages still exist in New Jersey. (more examples of the "monkeys never leaving the tree" theory.

Some may call it progress (given it's Iran we're talking about) but ask yourselves why, in the 21st Century, there are still hundreds of millions of people who treat women as second class citizens and human rights groups don't seem to care? But try to keep a Men's Club open to men only in the US and the shit hits the fan.

Looks like now the women in Iran will have a section of public parks walled off so that only they can go in there and dress down to athletic gear in comfort without the prying eyes of men.

They've got to feel pretty special now that they can:
"They can enjoy the sun, open air and greenery,"

Hey, ladies, where's the outrage for the "sis-tahs?"

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 07:06 AM    avatar
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Interesting Question

What should we do when luck interferes with man's justice?

In London a convicted rapist is finishing his sentence (after more than 20 years in prison) and is on "day release" when he buys a lottery ticket that wins him 7 million pounds. The British Parliament is introducing a bill that would force offenders who won the lottery to contribute to a compensation fund for victims. The British public is up in arms and the criminal is being held in prison "for his own safety".

The man paid his debt to society but has a long record of criminal activity. Should he be let loose with all that money? Should the government grab some of his winnings for his victims? It's a thorny question, isn't it?

You tell me. What do you think should be done? Consider how you would feel if Charles Manson was released tomorrow and won the lottery. Hmmmm?

UPDATE: In a bit of good news, it looks like measures will soon to be taken to stop criminals fgrom benefiting from windfalls while in prison. Plus, victims may also be able to sue for damages.

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/12/2004 at 06:55 AM    avatar
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