Death once had a near-Sarah Palin experience.

calendar   Tuesday - January 28, 2020

This Is Today’s Harvard

Holy cats.  The level of stoopit here is mind boggling.

This is a tweet for for the founders of the gun violence prevention movement started centuries ago by almost entirely black, brown and indigenous lgbtq women and non binary people that never got on the news or in most history books.

We may not know all your names but thank you.

— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) January 27, 2020

Moron this situation hear.

Equally Stupid, Florida Legislature Edition

Florida Bloomberg Republicans pass gun control out of legislative committee

“Bloomberg Republicans”?? Yeah, mini-Mike bought these clowns part and parcel for a mere half million, and now they are troo beleevers and sing his tunes on command.

Can this week’s Florida Man competition be won by their state assembly? Stay tuned.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 01/28/2020 at 08:12 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsGuns and Gun ControlStoopid-People •  
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calendar   Wednesday - December 18, 2019

Ever Seen A 15 Year Long Time Out?

China: While Parents Shop For New Audi, Their Kid Damages 10 New Cars In Lot

A three-year-old child racked up quite the bill for her parents after a recent trip to an Audi dealership in China. Local news reports that the small child managed to get creative on a number of brand new vehicles while the parents shopped around the showroom floor. The child reportedly used a small stone to doodle on the fresh paint and sheet metal of brand-new Audi cars and SUVs, as the photos published by Guilin News show below.

The nightmarish scenario (for both parties), took place in Guilin, China, and while most of the models that were damaged weren’t included in the news report, it does mention that some of the vehicles heavily scratched included an Audi Q3 and new 2020 Q8, which start at $34,700 and $68,200 in the U.S. Measurements taken by the dealership show that some of the scratches were as long as four inches, and in most cases, there were multiples per vehicle.


Because the parents and dealership couldn’t initially reach an agreement for the damages, the Lingui District People’s Court of Guilin City got involved in the matter. The dispute was finally settled this month with the court ordering the parents pay the dealership $10,025, a number that albeit lower than the original sum, was reportedly tough for the parents to swallow.

If the parents were shopping for a $68,000 car in China, then they’re bloody rich. The courts should have made them purchase all the damaged vehicles. Justice, according to the old Chinese proverb “you break it you buy it.” But no ... 10 grand will barely cover the repair cost.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/18/2019 at 11:18 AM   
Filed Under: • CHINA in the newsStoopid-People •  
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calendar   Sunday - December 08, 2019

the fleeting nature of performance art

Update to that banana on the wall bit of “art” that sold for $120,000 in Florida: somebody ate it.

The banana was consumed by another artist, perhaps in an act of hunger, or an act of jealousy, or as an even snider mock on the original piece that was mocking the art world. Gee, how ironic.

But never fear, the banana art comes with a certificate of authenticity and instructions for replacing the banana. So the concept is safe. Gosh, what an investment. Last time I checked, organic bananas were 59¢/lb locally. 120 grand could buy you more bananas than your whole neighborhood could eat in a lifetime. And a roll of duct tape is what, about $3.99?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/08/2019 at 10:45 AM   
Filed Under: • Art-PhotographyStoopid-People •  
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calendar   Friday - December 06, 2019

sorry, near zero effort today

I’m just not into it today. But I did see this one and it made me laugh.

Kaepernick workout leads to job with Redskins

But not the way you might think.

The Washington Redskins were one of the teams that attended Colin Kaepernick’s workout in Georgia last month. Their attendance was hard to explain because signing Kaepernick made no sense for the team.

But now, the Redskins have made a signing based (at least in part) on what they saw during the Kaepernick workout. The Skins signed to their practice squad one of the wide receivers to whom Kaepernick threw passes.

He’s Jordan Veasy, who played his college ball at Berkeley. Veasy was not drafted, but has been a member of the practice squads of four NFL teams. The Redskins will be his fifth.

Ok, maybe it isn’t the standard rich and famous contract, but Veasy got some kind of paying job out of it. And being that close to the Bigs, who knows what could happen with a bit of luck?

Not one team has made any kind of overture to Kunta Kinte Kaepernick. Good.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/06/2019 at 12:57 PM   
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calendar   Monday - November 25, 2019

Stupid Season Begins

Deer Season Opens In Wisconsin, Hunters Shoot Themselves And Each Other

Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources is currently asking for any information, “no matter how insignificant it may seem,” that might lead to the identification of a suspect who shot another hunter during the opening weekend of deer season.

The hunter was one of four people who were shot during separate hunting-related incidents over the course of the opening weekend for hunting with guns.
WDNR reported three other instances of hunters being injured on opening day of the season, two of which involved hunters shooting themselves in the feet – specifically their left feet – when their guns accidentally discharged. Another hunter, in Fond du Lac County, had also accidentally shot another hunter while trying to down a running deer.

Wisconsin’s firearm season for deer opened Nov. 23 and runs through Dec. 1, according to the WDNR.

The incidents detailed by the WDNR follow a similar spate of hunting-related accidents during opening weekend in Michigan, during which a man accidentally shot his own brother after mistaking him for a deer.

Good hunting tip: Don’t use your boot as a muzzle rest, especially when you’re carrying your gun by the trigger with the safety off. Not a good idea.

Better hunting tip: Stay the heck out of the woods if there’s anybody in there you may have had a recent disagreement with.

Best hunting tip: Win the lottery, go buy 2500 acres of semi wooded land (2 miles X 2 miles), and plant oak trees and other kinds of mast, like clover and corn. Tend the area well for a generation, and leave it to your heirs so they’ll have a place to hunt without random idiots suffering from buck fever behind every bush.

PS - I’m not picking on Wisconsin. This kind of thing goes on everywhere. There’s so many hunters in NJ, and so little accessible public land, that they’re like a blaze orange conga line in the forest. And accidents happen, whether they’re accidents or “accidents”.  [ “Man shoots wife wearing brown bathrobe in kitchen. ‘I thought she was a deer!!’ “ ]


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/25/2019 at 09:46 AM   
Filed Under: • Stoopid-People •  
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calendar   Thursday - June 23, 2016

Of Course They’re Locals

All right y’all, lizzen up. Billy Ray, Raylene, Bubba - we’re gonna sneak in nice and quiet see? Subtle. Ain’t nobody gonna even notice us. Then we’ll hit ‘em hard and fast, and zoom on the heck outta there, afore we catch some sicko Big City diz-zeaze.

Klown Posse Drives Klown Kar, Gets Kaught!


Three arrested outside NYC after weapons cache, ballistic vests found in vehicle
Three people were arrested when police discovered a weapons cache in a vehicle headed to New York City during a search at the Holland Tunnel on Tuesday, officials confirmed to Fox News.

Port Authority Police Department Superintendent Michael A. Fedorko said that Dean Smith, 53, John Cramsey, 50, and Kimberly Arendt, 20 were taken into custody after they were stopped around 7:40 a.m. in Jersey City, N.J.

Officials found multiple weapons—some loaded—including rifles and handguns in their vehicle, described by a law enforcement source as a “jacked up SUV.”

Fedorko said the weapons found in the vehicle included an AR-15 assault rifle, a 12-gauge shotgun and five semi-automatic handguns.

The group told officers they were on their way to New York to rescue a female friend who is on drugs and being held against her will, law enforcement sources told the New York Post.

The trio, from Pennsylvania, initially was stopped by Port Authority Police at a toll plaza for a cracked windshield, authorities said. An officer saw the weapons in plain view on the passenger side of the vehicle.

The vehicle, a Dodge truck, also bore the name Higher Ground Tactical, an indoor shooting range and gun dealership in Upper Milford Township, Pa., WNBC-TV reported.

A spokeswoman for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Kelly Langmesser, told Reuters that counter-terrorism agents weren’t involved and the case didn’t have a “terrorism nexus.”

“If it’s not terrorism, it’s criminal,” a source told Fox News.

Drugs were also recovered from the vehicle, which has been cleared from the scene but is still being processed for evidence.

Cramsey wrote on Smith’s Facebook page early Tuesday morning that he was driving to New York to “do an extraction” of a 16-year-old girl from a hotel room in Brooklyn after an issue involving drugs. Smith replied, “I’m there.” It was unclear what, if anything, the weapons had to do with their plans.

Cramsey’s 20-year-old daughter died from a heroin overdose four months ago Tuesday and he has since attended town hall meetings around the Allentown area to voice his concerns over the drug epidemic, The Morning Call newspaper in Allentown, Pennsylvania, reported.

“This is a plague and we are losing our brightest and most brilliant minds,” Cramsey told the newspaper shortly after his daughter was found dead of an overdose with another man inside an Allentown home.

Upper Milford Township is only about 32 miles west of here, a bit south of Allentown once you get across the border at the Delaware River. If “Milford” rings a small bell in your memory, that’s because the Milford here in NJ is down on the river, 10 miles from here in a bee line straight to the Township out in PA. Our Milford is the one where that guy who named all his kids after famous Nazis is from.  There isn’t much between the two Milford areas other than forest. A few farms, and a little town called Coopersburg.

I really can’t say what these three were trying to do, but good grief. Couldn’t you find a plain white van to drive? And check it out first to make sure all the bits work and so on? And wouldn’t it have been a better idea, Second Amendment Rights notwithstanding, to just put the guns away for a couple minutes so as to not provoke the security forces you know are out there in Liberal Land, already under orders to consider Bitter Clingers like you as bad as ISIS terrorists or worse??



On Tuesday, authorities in Brooklyn found the 16-year-old whom Cramsey had been seeking to rescue, along with the body of a 19-year-old woman who had fatally overdosed, a law enforcement source told The Daily Beast.

Michelle Plocinik, the mother of Kimberly Walker, 29, who was arrested with Cramsey, says her daughter knew the girl they were going to rescue from a camp for troubled youth.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/23/2016 at 08:37 AM   
Filed Under: • Stoopid-People •  
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calendar   Tuesday - May 31, 2016

Joe Biden would have made the best President… According to Joe Biden

Well, I’ve gone through one broken computer, one bed lost, a whole bunch of fidgety password recovery time, and a cold bordering on flu I’m stuck in the middle of. But I’m back.

It’s been too long, but I’m back.

So, how shall we celebrate?

Well, I’ll think I’ll start with a crowd pleaser on one of our favorite scumbags. And since it has been too long in my books since BMEWS has done it, I would like to propose an awarding of the BARKING MOONBAT AWARD, backdated to the appropriate time/week for this.

No, not Hitlery or Obummer sadly enough, but someone who is less powerful and more feckless but Really, REALLY should get more scorn than he has. And who I think needs to have his statements put under a floodlight given the latest report (which I’ll try and cover in a bit) that might make even the DNC think about a Clinton run.

I am talking about Lyin’ Joe Biden. Who earlier this month decided to put THIS lovely article up through some of the usual lap dogs. Read if you’ve got a strong stomach.

Biden: ‘I would have been the best president

... and it totally unrelated news, I’m going to put this here.

Because I really, Really don’t think it could fit anywhere better than this. Because the world has been way too kind to someone liek Joe Biden in the ways that matter to the public at large (and arguably given the death of his son a bit too harsh in the other ways, but as a citizen of this republic I have to prioritize what matters to The Public Thing than private grief).

We already Knew Biden was stupid and incompetent. This should not be a controversial thing to say; he was the person BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE joked about being Obama’s living anti-assassination insurance, in the same way that Charles II allegedly told his Catholic, tactless brother James. That much is fairly well known and it should be. But he’s so much worse than that, I just didn’t realize how much worse.

I knew that he was a liar since last - and especially since the absolutely DISGUSTING arse covering for Iran in claiming that their kidnapping of American servicemen and international law-shredding humiliation of them was “Standard Nautical Procedure” (Protip: It’s Not. Just imagine what the Golden Age Royal Navy would have done to somebody trying to claim such rights against their ships). That got cemented by his lies against Ted Cruz (which admittedly was all too common in the campaign). But those things? they “merely” establish that he’s inept, corrupt, and dishonest.

It isn’t until I read this article that I realized that in addition to these things, he is also A Fucking Megalomaniac. But apparently having just ONE in the White House with a job title that includes the word “President” wasn’t enough for Democratic National Party. Instead the sheer ARROGANCE has to jump off the page right at you.

“I think I would have been the best president,

Ohhoh! Look out Georgie Washington! Sure, you helped secure Virginia’s colonial frontier, endured terrible hardships to defeat THE MOST POWERFUL EMPIRE IN THE WORLD, helped unite the disparate states and factions of the Founders to crate the United States, the Constitution, and the institutions that endure to this day..... but Crazy Joe Biden is pretty sure he can take you.  Seriously… how much of an egotistical PRICK do you have to be to seriously believe this? Almost more importantly: how immensely, gravity-defyingly STUPID do you have to be to declare this belief IN PUBLIC?

While I realize that between two terms of Obama and a race that has seen Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump this is not an election season for the meek, I think that people still realize that on some level that one of the traits that has distinguished many of the greatest American Presidents has been modesty. Whether it’s the (somewhat affected/exaggerated) modesty Washington used even when he was at his most ambitious, to Lincoln making jokes about how ugly his face was, to Cool Caretaker Calvin Coolidge, to Teddy Roosevelt’s troubled childhood and soul-crashing end life. The knowledge of what you are NOT compliments knowledge and confidence in what you are, and some of the smartest things you can say in this life are admitting when you honestly don’t know the truth or aren’t capable of something, and when you ask someone who knows for help.

This is particularly important in a constitutional government, where you are Not the Monarch, you should not be a unilateral lawmaker, you do not have the right to rule unfettered by law, and being the head dog does not mean having a blank check to do whatever you want. It Is also particularly important in command of the most powerful job known because of how high the stakes are. And when you combine the two, well… no prizes for guessing how important this can be.

You are a Public Servant. You are meant to serve the public, and if the Public does not appreciate what you are doing it should retain the right to sack your rear end out the door. And if you try and make yourself more important than the system you damn well SHOULD suffer even harsher penalties. Which is another reason why our system suffers under the control of egotists and megalomaniacs: because they believe that they are the most important thing on the dance floor, and everybody else- hundreds of years of common law, local governance, and the like- can make way. this is also why I do think truly free republics prefer some degree of modesty from Presidents, and absolutely NEED people who will place the common good over their own petty things.

So, how’s crazy Joe on that note? >/br>

but it was the right thing not just for my family but for me,” not to run, Biden said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

I don’t usually dig into peoples’ family or private lives, because I believe that without Extreme circumstances that should be one thing the gasping, gaping maw of government and public rubbernecking should not go into.

But I also don’t usually have to deal with people who have this degree of runaway ego. And no, I do not think that the tragedy the Bidens have suffered- and I can only imagine what the loss of a son is like- can excuse their patriarch behaving like THIS.

So let’s notice one thing he did NOT spend any time focusing on when talking about how right this was for him, and right for his family.. Where in this sorry, hagiographic article does ANYBODY give a livy-livered DAMN about what is the right thing for America? Apparently not Mr. Wonderful the President we deserve but not the one we’ll have.

let’s get this straight.

Biden the shameless liar, incompetent, and proverbial living job insurance for Obama claims that he would have made the best President if he ran- at least among the people in the race but Very Likely of all time- but that he didn’t run because he had to take care of his Family. Oh no America, you could have had Crazy Joe the President who was better than Washington, Lincoln, Adams, Jefferson, Reagan, both Bushes, any Roosevelt, and the like put together…

.. but you can’t, because Crazy Joe decided not to run. And why is that? Because he decided that things like the common good, the state of the union, the survival of the Republic, protection for its’ citizens, and all of that are *Trifles.* As far as his family matters are concerned, the Union can go get SCREWED.

In the context that this is being said by Joe Biden now, I find it deeply repugnant. And I will get into those reasons later, especially given that he is still Vice President. But even on the surface there is something I find wrong here. It’s one thing to care for one’s family, we should know as the family is one of the cornerstones of Conservative values and Civilization itself. it’s one thing to decide to focus on your family to the expense of political office (such as the many millions of homemakers and parents who never even THINK of running for office because they are too busy).

But I think an already-elected office holding official standing in front of the world and *gloating* that he would have been the best possible outcome in this presidential election but he simply won’t give us that option is something else entirely. It’s Lyin’ Biden looking down at the Rubes that elected his boss and stating they the PEOPLE are not worth it, but by the way he’s going to guffaw about how he would have been So Good And Great And Wonderful IF he had. It is in effect doing the inverse of what great patriots (see that word? Same root as Patriarch, and Father) have done if they TRULY believed it was for the best. It is not only putting the personal baggage of a handful of people over the possible Lives(and yes, let’s take Crazy Joe at his word about this for a bit) of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS.

And to top it off, this also rubbed me of the kind of “I’m too good for you flyover gits” holier than thou nonsense that has permeated far, far too many people over the ages and in politics today, like every iota of Obama’s miserable Presidency. We Are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For, we are the Miracle Workers.... but you all just aren’t Worthy of our miracle working compared to things like my personal, precious emotions. Correct me if I’m wrong, but that is the sort of thing that I picked up.

I never thought I’d say it, but Biden managed to insult and offend me in an announcement about how he was NOT running. And it gets worse.

“No one should ever seek the presidency unless they’re able to devote their whole heart and soul and passion into just doing that.

Finally, something he and I can agree tentatively on. That to be President of the United States is to be the seniormost elected official of the US, the leader of the Free World, and the most powerful person on the Planet. It requires the great holders to be willing to put their petty issues aside and undertake the great task that can sometimes be keeping the system stable and doing nothing (like Coolidge). Let alone bigger conflicts like the Revolution, Civil War, or the global wars against the Central Powers, Axis, and Communists in the 20th century. It may be easy to forget with President Putt-Putt but the office is not always meant to be a golden hog to feast on. It often requires great, terrible sacrifices and it carries even greater responsibility.

So while I am not entirely sure if you truly must devote your whole heart and soul and passion to it (just because you may have to put your family and friends second to the job does not mean not caring about them), I generally appreciate what Biden said here.

But then you realize how this sentence rips a big gash into all of this family posturing, claims that he cannot seek political power, and so on. Because Joe Biden is the one who said it. Vice President Joe Biden.

Now Mr. Vice President, while you were waxing rhapsodical in this whole big long interview did you ever *ONCE* think what YOUR OFFICE TITLE MEANS? It means you the legal successor to the office of President if it is vacant. The Constitution states that if Obama keels over sometime between now and the swearing in of his successor the Vice President would have to step in and carry out all the actions and responsibilities of President until the end of that term. And as things stand, That Would Be You.

So Mr. President, if you truly were saying the truth in this interview, truly believed that you should not seek the Presidency unless you’re able to devote your whole heart and soul and passion ina a way you state you cannot....... WHY THE HECK HAVE YOU NOT TAKEN PAINS TO GET OUT OF THE OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT?

And this is not like this is some kind of super recent development that he was still reeling from and he didn’t have the time to file the paperwork over because he was so busy mourning. Beau Biden passed on a year ago. It was just a few weeks scant of being a year when this turd of an interview got dropped. So he cannot in good conscience claim that it was “Too Soon” or he did not have enough opportunities to lay down the burden.  He is still to my Eternal Regret our Vice President. And I REFUSE to accept any given excuse that a year of mourning, disorientation, and sorrow- no matter how bad- is a valid excuse for not doing what someone apparently feels is necessary when people like Lincoln and other great leaders worked through their friends and family DYING. So why on God’s Earth is he still Veep?

Is it because someone so wonderful and Best as you was Reckless or Stupid enough that you never considered this possibility? Is it because you were lying out of your rear end when you said those words and truly are willing to assume the mantle of power? Or were you being honest, but are just willing to stay in for the time even if it meant burdening yourself and the AMERICAN PEOPLE with you in an office You Are Not Up To Assuming Right Now *By Your Own Admission?*

I think I have my own ideas. But which one is it? And perhaps as importantly: how do Any of these possibilities make him good, much less gel with the unreal lauding he gave himself earlier in this very interview?

So what else is there? Well, of course he is confidently pulling for Hillary .... at least in public, considering how the DNC party machine works, the possible dirt Hitlery may have on him, and his urge to stay on the favored side of both. And there is the massive, shit eating quote here at the end where he says.

“My one regret is my Beau’s not here,” Biden said in the ABC interview. “I don’t have any other regrets.”

Like a lot of things coming out of this administration, superficially this looks heartening, feeling-driven, and all that fluffy stuff. While in actuality.... what kind of person on this world does NOT Regret the “reset” with Putin leading to invasion, the ineffectual withdrawal from Iraq, the kidnapping of American servicepeople in the Persian Gulf, colossal inability of the US to win or even break even on things as far afield as the Iranian Sanctions deal, Freedom for Cuba, or stopping the great migrant invasion in this position of power? Because whatever the answer to that question is, it is NOT A good thing. Not in any sense of the word.

Conclusion underneath the Cut. Because while this article is important in a number of ways, it’s not just about Biden. It’s also about us.

See More Below The Fold

Posted by Turtler   United States  on 05/31/2016 at 05:13 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsHildabeastMedia-BiasObama, The OnePolitically-IncorrectPoliticsREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLEStoopid-People •  
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calendar   Sunday - May 08, 2016

I hate stupid

I saw this on Facebook this morning. Yeah, I’m bored. I have an account there that I almost never use. But I’ve seen crap like this online in lots of places. Click bait maybe, but just poorly done, absolutely.

Crazy Math Problem Freaking Out Everyone!!

Math problems have been getting quite popular in social media. This one seems simple, but it’s actually pretty good. Give it a try before seeing the solution!

Looks pretty bad, yes? And it is! Follow their link and get annoyed by bad math, terrible English, and some kind of alien thought process. Sorry, but if what they wrote is how you think, then no wonder so much beyond your grasp. “Simple” as an antonym to “pretty good”? Dude, wrong.

I’ll put it all below the fold, then show you how to solve it in 3 seconds flat

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/08/2016 at 05:21 AM   
Filed Under: • Computers and CyberspaceStoopid-People •  
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calendar   Wednesday - April 27, 2016

File under WHAT THE HELL?: 9/11 Memorial Guards interrupt Choir students signing the National Anthem

I only wish I had nothing today. Because I think Nothing would be a better situation than this.  Choirs are proverbial for purity, honesty, and intelligence. When we talk of the scum of the day, what do we say? “He’s no choir boy.” So who has the nerve to hassle an actual choir?

Oh. That’s right.The people getting paid to guard the 9/11 memorial.

The Waynesville Middle School choir from Waynesville, N.C. was visiting New York City for a three-day trip last Wednesday when they stopped at the 9/11 memorial and decided to sing “The Star-Spangled Banner” out of respect for the dead.

They never got to finish.

Before the song was over, two National September 11 Memorial & Museum guards walked over and told the students they had to stop singing.

Some of these guards didn’t even remove their hats out of respect, as you can clearly see in the video.

So, why might you ask? So glad you did that! Let’s have a look see.

According to the 9/11 memorial’s website, groups wanting to perform must first obtain a permit.

What’s that you say? A Permit? Let’s find out more about this. And indeed, yours truly managed to dig another juicy fact up.... though it is from See-BS. But I think you’ll forgive me when I point out what this means…

Groups wishing to perform at the Sept. 11 memorial are supposed to apply for a $35 permit. The North Carolina group did not.

So, in short this was about monies. That you must apply for a permit to have a performance on public/gubment managed land. Ok, I have my misgivings with the extent the permit system has gotten to but this is a fairly reasonable limitation. HOWEVER....

Let’s look at that wording again. Really, Really, REALLY look at it.

Groups wishing to perform at the Sept. 11 memorial are supposed to apply for a $35 permit. 

Is there ANY INDICATION WHATSOEVER- has ANYBODY ALLEGED AT ALL- that the Choir *WISHED TO PREFORM* at the memorial beforehand? NO, I THINK NOT. What they Came Wishing To DO was to visit the memorial and pay respects to the three thousand~ murdered innocents that this memorial pays tribute to.

“We just wanted to show respect to the people who lost their lives,” another student added.

In short, the time during which they could in any way have been construed as “wishing to preform” must have been after they got into the Memorial itself, with a astonishingly small window of opportunity to file for a permit, pay the money, or solicit profit, publicity, new students, or in short ANYTHING THAT WOULD USUALLY MOTIVATE PEOPLE TO PREFORM. Which is what the law was mostly meant to REGULATE, mind: use of public spaces for premeditated agendas, ESPECIALLY for profit ones (which is a reason why you don’t see as many advertisements filmed at the White House even when a certain Neo-Bolshevik is not in it). And of course to make sure that the government gets its’ fair share (such as it is) for it.

But Wait. There’s more.

According to the 9/11 memorial’s website, groups wanting to perform must first obtain a permit. The Waynesville students didn’t have one, but did get verbal permission from a security guard that day, music teacher Martha Weathers Brown said.

Maybe she’s lying, but the See-BS page also echoes this.

Chorus teacher Martha Brown told Fox that one security guard at the memorial plaza had given the students permission to sing, but another guard told them to stop.

So in short: this started about monies. That you cannot preform certain acts of reverence (like a memorial tune, which just googling “Dirge” will show is one of the oldest forms of human musical expression known) on your own time, for nonprofit without bowing down and kissing the ring of BigGov for the privilege before paying up. Even if doing so would require a rather obscene expenditure for the occasion and- in this case- precognitive abilities. Because some half-wit overwrought bureaucrat somewhere decided that something like THIS could be reasonably viewed as a Performance.

And on the other hand: this is about Gov mugs not being able to get their right hand and left hand on the same page, because if we assume the teacher is honest (which granted may be a question) this NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED- the very thing that got the memorial staff wringing their panties out- unless ONE OF THEIR OWN hadn’t told them it was A-Ok. Only for a few others to go in and contradict it.

If there was one story to epitomize one reason to distrust government abilities and people- not the big, spectacular, horrifyingly damaging ones like Benghazi or Clinton’s email server, but the mundane, every day things- this would be one of them. It ENCAPSULATES just how greedy and incompetent this unfeeling blob that we pour trillions of dollars, many people, and immense trust in can be when given openings to get too big for its’ britches. I just wish it didn’t have to happen like this.

Which brings me to the final snippet.

Brown added that she understands why they were told to stop and used it as a teaching moment about respecting authority, showing students that these rules are in place to protect a sacred space from people who might want to be disrespectful.

I’m sorry, but WHAT?

How can you respect authority that Can’t even make up its’ own mind?

How is a permit based cash grab demand based on a Highly Tortured reading of the term “preform” going to protect this hallowed ground?

Let me emphasize that this land is not private property. This is a NATIONAL MEMORIAL. It belongs to WE THE PEOPLE. And if there is a reason for it to exist AT ALL it is to honor the memories and allow for mourning of the murdered dead (ya know, kinda like this!) And here we have tweedledee and tweedledum interrupting a CHOIR doing that and trying to state that their authority (which is again given in trust to them by WE THE PEOPLE) gives them the right to interpret bureaucratic minutiae like this.

I am not an anarchist. I am not even sure I agree with the saying that “The government that governs best governs least.” I do believe that governmental authority DOES play a highly important role in maintaining and preserving our freedoms and other things.


To quote the thing that empowers these authorities....

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

So now the Memorial staff are saying they’re oh so very sorry, the guy reacted incorrectly, you’re welcome to come back..blah blah blah. Maybe they even mean it. But I think in many ways that it is less important than the fact that this happened at all. That some small cogs in the Federal juggernaut honestly thought that This of all things was worth worrying about or treading on their coffers. And the fact that even the teacher is telling them this is a lesson about “respecting authority.”

If we cannot go to lawfully mourn and remember our dead at the location dedicated Specifically to it- if we are forced to put what is essentially Deeply Inoffensive expression under scrutiny for fear that it will offend some bit of overwritten and invasive statutory or regulatory law- then I do believe we will have lost just a little bit of our freedom, and the terrorists who committed this massacre will have won a victory. A little victory, not the war, not something that gives them the Bag-tinted dystopia they want all over the world. But something that makes that victory Just A Little Bit Closer. And honestly if an invasive state keeps sticking its’ nose in and forcing us to heed it on this invasive level, sooner or later people might think that the change over to caliphate will be a matter of convenience.

What can I even say about this? I’ve written enough… so I’ll just ask that you please, Please read the Fox link. It has the video in all its’ nature. And consider letting our dear *employees* in the government know exactly what we think of this.

Posted by Turtler   United States  on 04/27/2016 at 04:04 AM   
Filed Under: • Big BrotherDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsEducationGovernmentCorruption and GreedHomeland-SecurityJack Booted ThugsJustice - LACK OFNanny StateOutrageousStoopid-PeopleWar On Terror •  
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calendar   Thursday - February 25, 2016

Since when did CIA stand for Central Inclusion Agency?

Sorry for the delays. But I’ve been busy for more or less the past week and a half with family stuff, helping someone with travel prep, and getting ready for my Birthday (which is tomorrow on the 25th). So I’m just coming back out of my shell now. But it seems like the news keeps outpacing me. I began working on this analysis on Scalia’s funeral and Obama’s priorities (or lack thereof). Then I received news of a death and started work on an obituary. But now… Now...... I learn of THIS. THIS damn mess.

Yes, apparently the CIA has a “Diversity and Inclusion Strategy.” Heck, not only that, but an ANNUAL one. You want to read all that? I sure don’t. But I think the money quote is really on the first page, coming from John Brennan- the CIA Director HIMSELF. And what does this fine defender of America and secretive public servant go out and write when he comes out to justify the tax dollars he’s been given?

Embracing and leveraging diversity through an inclusive culture that fosters innovation, new ideas, and new insights which is at the heart of what we are charged to do and will drive mission success.”

Soooooo..... see a bit of a problem with this?

The CIA is a damn spy agency. The heart of what it is tasked to do is conducting covert operations against our enemies, try to keep our own stuff secret, and interdict operations and other threats against us. It is meant to Spy. In that line of work, diversity and especially inclusiveness are NOT virtues.

Why? Because spying and intelligence gathering are ultimately based on a bedrock of exclusiveness. Terms like “Need to Know” and “Security Clearance” are inherently exclusive and the very basis for the world these groups operate in, in large part because they need to. From the very start they are dependent on EXCLUDING those who Do Not Need To Know from those who Do. Excluding people who cannot be trusted with given intelligence from those that can. Exclude the people who might be vulnerable to external pressure or compromising things from those who are. On any given issue or operation the former categories will include the VAST MAJORITY of the people on this planet, including the country the agency or operation in question is working for. And all of this is before those select few who people do decide to trust are further shuffled and compartmentalized with their own, even more finely grained “Need to Know” restrictions, security clearances, and other dividers; all so that if there’s a break in one compartment the entire ship doesn’t go down.

This is not merely useful for these organizations, they are integral parts of what they are and what they need to do in order to Survive At All. Now, since we got here by asking why being inclusive and diverse is not always a good thing in the spook business, it’s only fair to ask “Why?” again. Why is this pervasive secrecy and exclusion needed for intelligence services?

Well, I decided to start this off with a snippet of this fascinating alternate history article from the BBC, dealing with a centuries old case. Namely, The Gunpowder Plot. Now, this was not an intelligence operation or something conducted by a government authority. It was in fact a highly murderous terrorist plot devised by people who wanted to utterly destroy a significant chunk of London and thousands of people just to get at the King and Parliament to (regardless of what the average Fawkestard or 4Chan apologist would have you believe) establish an even more repressive and absolutist government. But not only is this the kind of terrorist threat that modern intelligence organizations are supposed to per-empt, but it also featured people operating as spies, planning military (Emphasis in following is mine)

As history actually turned out, there are two very good reasons why the Gunpowder Plot had to fail. The first was that the plotters were caught in the double-bind of most early modern conspirators: in order to make a rebellion work, it had to involve a lot of people, but the more people who knew about the plot, the more it was likely to leak.

In the case of this one, the means of effecting it, by murdering most of the English political élite, was so sensational and so morally disturbing to most people, that the chances of somebody blowing the whistle on it were unusually high.

That is exactly what happened; one of the people brought into the plot in its later stages (probably the unstable Francis Tresham) told an opportunist peer, Lord Monteagle, who tipped off the government.

Whoever sent that letter to Baron Monteagle most likely was not disloyal to the plan or the cause (of establishing a tyranny more in line with the likes of 17th century Spain over the ashes of London). If he had been, he probably would have sent it to someone else. A player in the well-oiled Elizabethan network of spies and informants that James inherited, or actual authorities of the Crown rather than Lord Monteagle. Someone actually in the government rather than just standing in Parliament. The Monteagle Letter (as it’s called now) was probably sent by a sincere, loyal terrorist who wanted to avoid killing someone he thought could be an ally because Monteagle was a fellow Catholic.

So in many ways the Gunpowder Plotters were perversely lucky compared to a lot of modern spy rings, planners, and other operatives. And it still did them in. The letter was the crucial straw that led to the end, and within two weeks of the letter’s delivery the plan had collapsed and most of the group accounted for, and in less than two and a half months all the known conspirators were arrested or dead. 

This example helps demonstrate one of the key concepts of intelligence work, or really using any kind of lie or deception. That you should have as few people in the know as possible in order to make it work. Enough that (hopefully) whatever you have planned should be successful, but no more to avoid the risk that somebody will write something, say something, get caught, or otherwise expose it. It’s the reason why care must be taken in who investigates even the absolutely, gobsmackingly criminal security breaches Hillary made in her private server (which some investigators do not even have the authorization to look at, or didn’t).  In the case of the Gunpowder Plot the result was that Western Civilization and constitutionalism dodged a very nasty bullet, but these kind of breakdowns do not always work in favor of the good guys. All one has to do to see that is observe the resistance martyrs- like those of the World Wars and Cold Wars, but also people as far back as Nathaniel Hale- to see that. Here is just one sobering example out of countless thousands we know about and God only knows how more we do not.

Now, I can understand that overwhelming uniformity also can be a major problem. All I have to do to see that is observe how the Japanese spy rings in North America, the “White Dominions” of the Commonwealth (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc), and India crashed and burned during WWII. * . Part of the reason why the massive “Cambridge Ring” of Soviet spies within the higher echelons of the British Government happened was because the Brits tended to recruit too much from a upper crust students of a handful of “Ivy League” schools, who were the demographic most likely to be radicalized by Communist propaganda or student politics, were the most likely to be able to radicalize others in their orbit, and were likely to have even non-traitors who would defend them. 

But I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that being too diverse or inclusive would be the even greater risk for an intelligence organization, precisely because it runs against the very grain of what it is meant to do. Spying is about trying to manipulate and uncover the enemy without being manipulated or uncovered by them. Having a rainbow coalition of security risks just for the sake of inclusion or diversity will only undercut the ability to try that in a game where there are incredibly high stakes and the slightest trip up could tip the balance. I would hope our spymasters and intelligence dons and donas would understand that. But then, I am just an uninitiated civilian. However, one of my friends who decidedly Wasn’t one of that did have something to say about this, and gave me permission to quote him.

You do want diversity in intel analysis, but moreso diversity of THOUGHT than anything else. Now from a HUMINT** perspective, you do need diversity of race, to whit you need trusted and capable agents of the races which you need to infiltrate.
Beyond that, race is irrelevant.

That is broadly my thought as well. Intelligence is a field where it helps to be able to think outside the box and have a lot of different thoughts and methodologies working together( though with caveats that there is a limit to the use of diversity of thought when you start employing enemy sympathizers like Kim Philby, leader of the aforementioned Cambridge Ring). But I would argue that the explicit focus on diversity and inclusion is a good sign that- like in universities- diversity of thought is going out the window. And in particular trying to intentionally jigger with the race/sexuality/gender quotas is defeating the purpose.

He also had this to say.

Well sure, in that sense yes, if the existence of any restriction at all becomes definitively what can fairly be called “exclusive” then yeah, it’s exclusive. Except that logic doesn’t make sense. Or rather… If the existence of any restriction immediately disqualifies you from being able to be characterized as inclusive, then yeah, it’s not inclusive. Except, see, it doesn’t. You can be inclusive and not be all-inclusive.

And on some level I can understand this. I’m sure that if you ever wanted to spy from within the genocidal Islamist-Arab Supremacist nightmare ruling out of Khartoum you probably wouldn’t want to use a Black agent. Likewise if you wanted to deal with some genocidal Baptists or Transsexuals who want to murder all the “Heretics"/"Cis-Gens" it would probably help if you had somebody who could pass off as the former or was an actual transsexual.

But let’s be clear here. the differences and diversities of these people (no matter how vastly different they might seem in their private lives or as individuals) are not nearly as important in recruiting them as what they have In Common. Bravery, loyalty, discretion, and willingness to answer the call of duty is the common thread that we will rely on.  There have been many, very colorful and diverse heroes, heroines, and martyrs have served the cause of freedom. Take Neil Munro “Bunny” Roger, the camp, publicly gay fashion designer who served through WWII in glory.  Take Julia Child, the very het, very ‘50s celebrity chef who joined the OSS and served for years from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Take my Grandfather’s quasi-namesake “Garbo” the straitlaced, booky Spaniard anti-Communist and anti-Fascist who was turned down by the British and then decided to go work for German intelligence and sell them a line of bull in order to get SIS’s attention.

Are these people diverse enough for you? Yes, in many ways they are. But what makes them noteworthy is not what makes them diverse but what makes them SIMILAR. It is what made them all trusted agents and heroic figures.

Intelligence gatherers must be exclusive because the cost of failing to do so tends to be paid in blood and worse. And there must be limits to their diversity in order to avoid inviting enemy sympathizers, mercenaries, or other untrustworthy vessels into places where they can do incalculable, often irreplaceable damage.

Diversity and inclusion for the sake of diversity and inclusion alone is the death of serious intelligence gathering. When that is our first line of defense against another 9/11 and a new dark age (in whatever shape) that is something we CANNOT afford. I’d like to hope that this is just a PR stunt by the CIA Director while continuing on doing their work, but in this age of Obama I do not trust it. Would you?

Footnotes/snark below the fold. I’ll try and get back on my posting schedule now.

See More Below The Fold

Posted by Turtler   United States  on 02/25/2016 at 01:35 AM   
Filed Under: • DIVERSITY BSHomeland-SecurityMilitaryOutrageousPolitically Correct B.S.Stoopid-People •  
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calendar   Saturday - January 02, 2016

Pull her papers forever

Bridge Killer

Truck Driver Destroys 135 yo Iron Bridge Because She Can’t Do Math


The Lick Creek bridge located in downtown Paoli, Indian took a tragic fall on Christmas Day when when a 23 year old Semi-truck driver, Mary Lambright thought it was a good idea to take her 43,000 pounds of bottled water across the 100 year old bridge. Lambright who was accompanied by her 17 year old cousin in a leased Penske semi abstained no injuries as the time of the accident. She didn’t get out of the situation easy, the Paoli Police department cited her for overweight on a bridge, disregarding a traffic control device and reckless driving of her tractor-trailer. No one was injured at the time of the collapse

The old iron bridge on South Gospel Street in Paoli was destroyed when a truck driver disregarded the weight and height and drove a load weighing over 43,000 lbs. over it Christmas Day.

According to police, Mary Lambright, 23, of Fredricksburg, Ind., was operating a 2015 Volvo tractor pulling a 53-foot semi-trailer loaded with bottled water when she crossed the bridge at about noon. Authorities estimated the load of water weighed around 43,000 lbs.

As Lambright’s truck entered the bridge, the trailer’s top was ripped off due to its height. She continued across the bridge until the weight of the tractor and trailer caused it to collapse.

The craziest part isn’t that 23-year-old Mary Lambright drove her 30-ton truck onto this tiny bridge in Paoli, Indiana built in 1880. It’s that she knew that the bridge’s weight limit was six tons. She just didn’t know how many pounds that was.

Seriously, that’s what she told the police after the crash on Christmas, as they note in their report:

Ms. Lambright was aware of the iron bridge stating she had driven on it several times in her personal vehicle and was also aware of the posted signage “no semis, weight limit of 6 tons”. When asked by Paoli Police why she continued through the bridge knowing the weight limit was only 6 tons she admitted to not knowing how many pounds that was. She was advised the weight of the vehicle at the time of the crash was close to 30 tons.

Lambright, who got her CDL earlier this year, said she wasn’t comfortable backing up her Volvo truck, so she just chanced it on the bridge.

That bet didn’t exactly pay out.

She knew what the weight limits were, she knew what the clearance was, and if she had the awareness of half a jar of peanut butter she knew damn well her load exceeded both. But screw that, she “wasn’t comfortable” making a U-turn in her truck, so she went and did what she damn pleased. And this antique 8 panel pin-connected Pratt through-truss paid the price. The pity of it all is that the fines she will face are minuscule. A couple hundred bucks total, and that’s about it. And a piece of history is destroyed. [ commenters noted that parts of the bridge had to be cut away to allow the truck’s removal. ]

This nice example of an iron kit bridge - it wasn’t steel in 1880 it was iron - most likely won’t be repaired. Not with iron. And not to it’s original specification. They might rebuild it, but it will get “upgraded” with massive steel floor beams, one-piece giant I beam stringers, and welded chords. In other words, it will sort of look like an old bridge, but have the carrying capacity of something modern. And it won’t really even be a truss bridge anymore. These kit bridges were the real thing; every point where the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal beams came together was on an axle pin. They’re completely flexible structures until they’re complete, at which point they become as stiff as any solid structure. That’s the whole idea behind truss bridges, and it was the pin connected chord variety like this one that expressed that engineering principal most honestly. Welded plate bridges are stronger, and they are truss bridges too, but the flexing takes part in the welded plate itself, which is a little cheat on the pure theory of triangular sectional creation.

Oh, and note the upside down deck truss on the floor beams under the bridge. Very rare. This made the road bed a bit stronger, made the bridge a bit lighter, but most importantly it saved a town a couple of bucks and the need to move some really heavy I beams around. Like I said, these are kit bridges. Order one by mail, and the bridge company builds it for you, numbers all the parts, takes it apart, and ships it to you via rail car. Your local workers put Tab A in Slot B and assemble it, no training needed. And it stays up for 135 years. Or longer. Until the luck runs out.

It occurs to me that we have almost the exact same bridge right here in Hunterdon County. Same size, same age, same builder, same highly rare trussed floor beams. Better condition. It’s a beauty I visit every year. I wonder if theirs was put together using hydraulic rivets like ours was, or if they used hand hammered ones?

Thanks to Rich L for the link.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 01/02/2016 at 11:21 PM   
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calendar   Monday - December 28, 2015

ChimpOut Level 3.5

Dindu Goes To The Mall

2,000 nearly rioting “youfs” force KY mall to close early

50 or more cops on scene, no arrests made


Super rare footage of the excited crowd shows Dindu and all his pals. Clicky biggy.

This widely reported story about a massive flash-mob that didn’t ignite is all over the news. Not a single story mentions race, and almost none of them have a crowd shot in their videos. So, when in doubt, make the effort to track down the source report:

Multiple disturbances forces Mall St. Matthews to close early

LOUISVILLE, Ky. —Mall St. Matthews was supposed to close at 10 p.m. Saturday for holiday shoppers, but instead it closed more than hour before due to what some may describe as a riot.

“We started heading towards the exit and we saw larger numbers of teenagers and they started kind of running and congregating in one area, and then all the police, all the security started running that direction and then we decided it’s time to head the other direction,” said Chuck Hibbs. 

There were between 40 to 50 officers from various local law enforcement agencies on scene, surrounding the entire mall and trying to break up the large group of young people outside the mall. 

Around 7 p.m. police responded to several disturbances at Mall St. Matthews, including fights.

Officers also received reports about shots fired inside the mall and in the parking lot, but those reports have not been confirmed.

No injuries have been reported and no one has been arrested.

Police said the hundreds of young people were running around the mall, through doors and into the parking lot.

At one point, dozens of them were running toward the WLKY camera as we filmed.

Police believe the young people were middle schools and high schools ages. They said there were between 1,000 and 2,000 of the juveniles.

A police chopper was also monitoring the situation from above.

St. Matthews police spokesman Dennis McDonald said the Police Department’s command staff called TARC to request extra buses in the area to transport the young people, many who were without their parents, away from the area.

McDonald said it was tough to make any arrests, because officers were too busy breaking up the large group of disorderly young people.

“I don’t believe this was organized, I believe this was random. I believe this was a by-product of juveniles congregating and there being some disturbances growing out of that. Fights if you will. Those kind of things and escalating out of control. As quick as we would get there, they would disperse move to another location and what we’ve tried to do is just to keep them moving,” McDonald said.

There are no reports of theft or looting, no reports of wanton destruction, no reports of cars being torched in the parking lot, no gang shootings, no massive brawls. There were some reports of kids mouthing off at cops, and several reports by amazed authorities who saw crowds coalesce at one location, then disperse as police arrived to “contain” them, then magically coalesce at another location. In other words, they were being guided either by social media posts or by bulk texting. And that’s my point here: this crowd of kids was played like a violin. Puppets on a string. Except they couldn’t be made to explode, and laid back soft policing gave them no motivation either. So it was just a post-Christmas bit of fun. Or a dry run. Depends on how tight your tinfoil hat is tonight. And that’s why this is only a 3.5, when the crowd size alone is enough to make it a solid 5. It wasn’t really a riot, just a be-in. Sho-fizzle.

The day after:

A suburban Louisville mall reopened Sunday with extra security, a day after closing early when roving bands of unruly teens caused a series of disturbances that required police to bring in reinforcements to quell the violence.

The night before, up to 2,000 teens created mayhem at Mall St. Matthews as the shopping center was filled with post-Christmas shoppers, police said.

Dozens of officers from four police agencies responded to numerous reports of fights, harassment of customers and store employees and other problems Saturday night that spread throughout the shopping center, said Officer Dennis McDonald, a spokesman for suburban St. Matthews police.

Police started receiving reports of disorderly conduct about 7 p.m. EST Saturday, and the situation quickly escalated, he said. About an hour later, the decision was made to close the mall early, but teens tried to prevent some businesses from shutting their doors, he said.

No arrests were made, but “it wasn’t for the lack of criminal activity,” McDonald said Sunday.

Sputtering matches that couldn’t light the fuse.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/28/2015 at 04:46 AM   
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calendar   Monday - November 30, 2015

don’t bomb isis says co-star of bridge of spies.  we should negotiate with isis

9 out of 10 people in the entertainment biz are idiot progressive morons because they studied the “Arts”, which is where most of the 60’s and 70’s radicals went after the noise died down from Vietnam. So along with learning how to fake an English accent they learn how horrible free markets and democracy are.

Rich K

That was one reaction from our Rich K here at bmews when I told him about an actor named Mark Rylance, who is a Brit actor of some talent, who seems to believe that we should be trying to negotiate with the murderous vermin called Isis.
So I decided to to post the story and share with you because it is, I think, so bizarre.  It may very well be that Rylance is a kindly and good man in his private life.  I wouldn’t know on way or another.  But he is surely blind or in a world not shared by the rest of us.

It’s like Wardmom says from time to time, of people like Mr. Rylance.
Speaking of liberals ...

“Those kind of folks will get us all killed”.

Take a look. And there is a video statement at the link.

Rylance: Let’s talk to ISIS, not bomb them: Wolf Hall star called for open peace talks with terrorists

The Wolf Hall actor said the murderous extremists were ‘not enemies’
Said they were people who ‘feel there is injustice’ before rally yesterday
He added that the West was guilty of killing innocent people in Iraq
For full news coverage of the Islamic State visit

By Abul Taher for The Mail on Sunday


Wolf Hall star Mark Rylance claimed last night that Britain should open peace talks with Islamic State – and even likened the terrorists to Nelson Mandela.

The actor said the murderous extremists were ‘not enemies’ but people who ‘feel there is injustice’.

But he was immediately criticised by politicians for his ‘dangerous’ suggestion.

Mr Rylance made the extraordinary comments to The Mail on Sunday before giving a speech at a Downing Street rally organised by the Stop the War Coalition ahead of this week’s Commons vote on air strikes in Syria.

Asked how the Government could negotiate with people such as mass murderer and IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, he replied: ‘You have to talk to the people around him. Are you telling me that bombing the people around him will have any effect on him?’

Rylance claimed the only way peace was achieved in many cases was through communicating with people regarded as terrorists.

Referring to Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams and the late South African leader Nelson Mandela, he said: ‘We were told you can never talk to them. But eventually we do talk to them, and they are not enemies, they are people who are angry where they feel there is injustice.

‘They may be wrong, but they may be right.’

He added that the West was guilty of killing innocent people in Iraq – and was cheered by a crowd waving ‘Don’t bomb Syria’ placards as he repeated at the rally that David Cameron should not take military action but talk to those involved.

Other speakers included former Respect MP George Galloway and Labour frontbench MP Diane Abbott. But the actor’s remarks were condemned last night by former Tory Defence Secretary Liam Fox, who described IS as ‘murderous fanatics who hate us for who we are’.

He added: ‘To compare them to Nelson Mandela or Gerry Adams is not only wrong, it is dangerous.’

And Labour MP Keith Vaz, who chairs the Commons Home Affairs Committee, said: ‘Mark Rylance is a brilliant actor, but his analysis of the current situation regarding counter-terrorism is hopelessly wrong. Islamic State is unlike any other group the world has known.’

video here


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/30/2015 at 11:33 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - November 25, 2015

race row over oxford ball with new orleans theme … pc student idiots

More university idiots.
There must be billions ovem.  And they’re everywhere, they’re everywhere!

There really ought-ta-be a cull of these morons.  Seriously folks.  Wouldn’t western culture be way better off.  All these jerks do is get in the way.
Why isn’t there anyone doing something about them?

Take a look.

Oxford University in ‘race row’ over ‘problematic’ 1920s ball

Critics have wondered why the colleges are commemorating ‘an era of history steeped in racism’


By Helena Horton

Colleges at the University of Oxford have been drawn into a ‘race row’ after advertising New Orleans and 1920s-themed balls, to be held in May 2016.

Students have claimed that the balls may cause offense to female and ethnic minority students.

They have complained to the organising committees of the events.

Magdalen College’s £185-a-ticket ball, inspired by “The Great Gatsby”, promises to take students “back to 1926”. It has been marketed using the quote: “Can’t repeat the past? Why of course you can!”

Arushi Garg, a law student at the college, has spoken out about the “problematic” nature of the event.

OK, So as I understand it.  This foreigner with only basic knowledge of the Jazz Age, sees the time only through one lens. And one that apparently favors her POV . The colonial and a colored one.  And a female.  Yes, it all equals, VICTIM.  To Arushi, going back to the past for a ball ignores when movies first spoke.  She easily ignores the music, well of course she does.  She really isn’t ‘one of us’ and never will be, I don’t think.  There isn’t any thread to connect this dark faced foreign person who has little real knowledge of that era.  Well, except from the view thru the victim and race lens. 
And she’s a “law student”.  We can imagine what sort of mess she will contribute to in the future.
For this dim wit, the past has no glory and nothing to recommend it. 
Well ... for all it’s probable faults and at the end of the decade there was an terrible depression .... for all of that.

I sometimes think it was perhaps the last time America really had a great time.  They had a ball. And baseball and The Babe.
It really was what it was called.
An Era of Wonderful Nonsense.  And yeah I am aware. The country paid for it in 29.  But that is not the issue here. It’s idiot university, diversified, politically correct foreigners and those who follow them.  Read the rest of what what this loon has to say.

She told student paper The Cherwell: “1926 at Magdalen was a time when people of colour and women were entirely absent from college spaces. I felt uncomfortable with the advertising.

“Obviously my demographic (woman of colour from a former colony that remains a developing country) makes me less likely than others to uncritically long for a past that privileged some more than others.

“But it would be nice if they cut down on the nostalgia a bit, because if we were re-living the past, the corridors of institutional spaces like Magdalen/Oxford is definitely not where you would find people of my gender, race and nationality.

“I wrote to the Magdalen organisers and they engaged quite respectfully with me, and are communicating with me to understand why I think this is problematic.”

It never occurs to her that there is no “nostalgia” but a bit of a tribute to the style and dress and music of the age.

“they engaged quite respectfully with me”
No dear.  They were sucking up, more or less.

But they never would have had you been a white Christian of either gender. 

Lincoln college has faced criticism for “cultural appropriation” due to the marketing around its New Orleans-themed ball.

It promises “amazing jazz”, “spectacular Mardi Gras” and “clandestine magic”.

Students, including co-chairmen of the student union’s Campaign for Racial Awareness and Equality, have said that it promotes “nostalgia for an era steeped in racism.”

The Telegraph

“a former colony that remains a developing country”

In other words .... the Turd World.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/25/2015 at 07:07 AM   
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On: 03/20/21 07:00

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Tracked at Casual Blog
On: 07/17/17 04:28

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On: 07/09/17 03:07



Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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GNU Terry Pratchett

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