Sarah Palin is the other whom Yoda spoke about.

calendar   Wednesday - October 30, 2013

B.R.A., in brief

There are other useful figures from the same Census report that did not make the CNS or Newsmax stories. The government figures were broken down by race. While 20.5% of White and 27.9% of Asian households receive some form of means-tested benefits, 50.9% of Black households and 53.3% of Hispanic households receive welfare assistance. The figure for Hispanic households should dispel any notions that the Republican Party will gain any advantage from immigration reforms that increase the size of this voting bloc. Communities with a high dependence on welfare will vote for the party that promises to keep the benefits flowing. There is a reason every Democrat in Congress supports comprehensive immigration reform that would open a path to the voting booth to those who came into the country illegally.

And for those in the business world (or who look to the business world for guidance) who think “cheap labor” is truly inexpensive, the Census figures show again that taxpayers subsidize the “working poor” who do not earn subsistence incomes. Research done at the Heritage Foundation, particularly by Robert Rector, successfully countered the propaganda of the Chamber of Commerce on this point the last time immigration reform was pending, and should do so again.

The truth is out there. How conservatives present it will determine where the public thinks it is credible or not. Advocates must be wary of giving critics easy points to dispute that can cloud the real issues at stake.

This number does NOT include the approximately 1 in 4 to 1 in 5 black males (youths?) who are incarcerated, and thus (whatever else) receiving government benefits 24 hours a day. And because these stats are about assistance programs, they do not include a single Black or Hispanic person who is employed by the government at any level, and those numbers ARE legion: when government cutbacks seem to be looming on the horizon, “Black leaders” are the first to decry how cuts would be “racist”, given the highly disproportional percentage of people of these demographics who have employment with the government.

So ... 10% of the Black population lives in jail. 50.9% lives on welfare. Another ... quarter? a third? a half? works for the government. Add it all up ... we’re looking at 80% AT A MINIMUM. All of them, dependent on the Man, one way or another, more or less. And don’t forget the $50,000 checks for Pigford II. Thanks Obama!

So white boy ... who’s the slave now? B.R.A. Black Run America; a nation that exists primarily for the benefit of a small segment of the population, who are coddled cradle to grave. And it’s all your fault, forever.

Jive-ass cracka, you da big sucka, mutha fukka.

Oh ... meanwhile ... I guess they were just bored?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/30/2013 at 07:43 PM   
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calendar   Monday - October 21, 2013

more pat, that racist


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/21/2013 at 02:04 PM   
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calendar   Friday - September 20, 2013

This One Doesn’t Count

Not A Mass Shooting

Just Another Night In Da Hood

13 People Shot, Including 3-Year-Old Boy, In Back Of The Yards

Thirteen people, including a 3-year-old boy, were shot at a park in the Back of the Yards neighborhood overnight, when two gunmen opened fire on a crowded basketball court.

CBS 2’s Courtney Gousman reports the victims were taken to six different hospitals after they were shot around 10:15 p.m. at Cornell Square Park, near 51st and Wood streets. Dozens of police officers swarmed the park after the shooting.

Three-year-old Deonta Howard Jr. was with his mother at the park when a bullet struck him in the face. He was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital in critical condition, but was expected to survive.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel was in Washington, D.C., on Friday, but cancelled his schedule there and was flying back to Chicago. His office issued a written statement from the mayor:

“Senseless and brazen acts of violence have no place in Chicago and betray all that we stand for. The perpetrators of this crime will be brought to justice and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I encourage everyone in the community to step forward with any information and everyone in Chicago to continue their individual efforts to build stronger communities where violence has no place.”

As of early Friday, no one was in custody for the shooting, but police were hoping security cameras at the park would lead them to the gunmen.

Just another night in Chicago’s hood. A whole bunch of folks - adults, teens and small children - out playing ball after 10pm on a school night. Two homies who can’t shoot for shit show up and just start poppin’.

Meanwhile, other folks are wondering about Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis’ possible connection to jihad, and how this not-well-paid guy managed to get to Thailand for vacations. Hmmm.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/20/2013 at 09:36 AM   
Filed Under: • Politically Correct B.S.Racism and race relationsWar On Terror •  
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calendar   Tuesday - September 10, 2013

a few italians reject multi-culture and diversity crap to protect their kids and culture

Caught this one by accident cos the wife saw it and told me. Take a look.

Apparently this multi culture and diversity crap doesn’t play too well with some Italians.

Can’t say as I blame the parents.

Italians removing children from racially mixed schools

Classroom aversion to immigrants may reflect tensions in politics and society in general


Italy’s racial tensions are now manifesting themselves in the country’s schools, with evidence that Italian parents are removing their children from classrooms that they consider contain too many immigrants.

In perhaps the most clear cut case so far, in the village of Corti, near the northern city of Bergamo, all seven Italian children have been withdrawn from a first-year elementary school class where they were outnumbered by non-Italian pupils. The remaining 14 children are mainly Africans (mostly Moroccans) with some Albanians and Romanians.

Marinella Ducoli Bertoni, 57, the school’s head teacher, said:  “Until July, the parents assured me that they were going to send their children to the school. Then one by one the families changed their minds. I’ve returned to school and I found that they’re all gone.”

It started with “little things, such as the fear of not being able to celebrate Christmas. It was a feeling of uncertainty that spread slowly and changed the minds even of those who’d had their other children with us for five years,” she told La Repubblica newspaper.

“I don’t think you can talk of racism,” she said. “In all these years there’s never been a problem with the holidays of different religions. The Arab families never complained if we spoke about Christmas; they understood that at school it’s a cultural thing, not a religious one.”

The area around Bergamo is a stronghold of Lega Nord, the populist, anti-immigrant party that has led the racist abuse hurled at Italy’s first black minister, Cecile Kyenge.

But schools in other parts of the country, from Milan to Palermo, have experienced similar incidents. In Rome in 2009, a mother withdrew her sons from the Carlo Pisacane elementary school because she said there were too many foreign children.

And in July this year in Reggio Emilia, a group of Italian parents wrote to the mayor complaining that over two thirds of the pupils there were non-Italian.

The previous Berlusconi government introduced guidelines in January 2010 that said the proportion of foreign students per school should not exceed 30 per cent, a level that appears to have been exceeded in some cases.

Ms Kyenge, the minister for integration, this morning called for children to remain integrated at school to avoid the creation of ghettos.

“It’s wrong to refuse to stay with foreign students,” she said. “It’s not easy to judge, but the school cannot give up its role as place for integration.

The Congolese-born minister of has enraged racists by quietly but insistently pressing ahead with her equality agenda.

She wants legislation that will automatically grant citizenship to the children of legal immigrants who are born in Italy – as already occurs in many other western countries.

But the plans have angered extremists in Lega Nord, and activists in neo-fascist parties.

Ms Kyenge, obviously a foreign and possibly african name, wants legislation that will automatically grant citizenship to the children of legal immigrants who are born in Italy – as already occurs in many other western countries.  Yeah. And we know how that ends.  What with their birth rate and all.  Italy is a small country. They need another Duce to eject these folks.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/10/2013 at 05:03 AM   
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calendar   Friday - September 06, 2013

Today’s ChimpOut

h/t to Vilmar

Mob of Black Teens Kills White Iowa Fisherman

Also Beats Would-Be Rescuers

Horrible. And highly  racist of me  honest of me to mention the colors involved. This was a hate crime, pure and simple. Mob violence against an innocent bystander, just for the fun of it. This happens every day in America, with the blessing of our pResident, his chief officers, and the compliant and utterly biased media.  In case you haven’t figured it out yet, there is a race war going on in America. It’s almost exclusively one directional, and while it’s still small scale it gets bigger every month. And it’s beyond high time to speak truth to power and call a spade a spade.


arrested and charged with murder: Russell, Shorter, Tyler

Police are still trying to figure out why a black mob beat to death a Des Moines, Iowa, man at a popular downtown fishing spot one week ago.

Richard Daughenbaugh, a father of six and construction worker, did not know his killers, say police. But at 1 a.m., he found himself exchanging words with members of a mob that numbered in the dozens.

The Des Moines Register picks up the narrative with a sterile account that understates the violence and ignores the race of the attackers:

“The suspects allegedly beat Daughenbaugh using no weapons other than their own bodies while others in the group tried to stop anyone from helping, police said,” the paper reported. “A woman fishing nearby tried to step in and stop the assault and was struck, police said. Her companion was attacked as he jumped in to defend her. And when the woman tried to call 911, two women from the group allegedly grabbed her phone and threw it. She eventually retrieved it and called 911.”

Translation: Several people beat Daughenbaugh. Several people beat the fishermen who tried to help. And several people beat the witnesses who tried to dial 911. And lots of others watched and cheered.

Richard Daughenbaugh died soon after.


Officers found Richard Daughenbaugh, 40, severely beaten in a parking lot near the Center Street bridge around 1 a.m. Sunday. He later died from his injuries at a local hospital.

The medical examiner ruled the cause of death as undetermined.

Des Moines Police Sgt. Jason Halifax said Daughenbaugh apparently got into a verbal altercation with one of the three suspects; Halifax declined to say which one. The altercation turned physical when one of the men attacked Daughenbaugh. The other two men – and likely several others – joined in.

“We feel there are probably more and if we can file charges, we will,” Halifax said.

Besides the three charged, there were apparently several dozen people gathered in the parking lot during the beating.

Police received only one 911 call, from a woman fishing with her boyfriend, who apparently tried to stop the attack. She was hit while trying to step in. Her boyfriend tried to defend her and was assaulted as well.

Le’Prese Derrion Williams, 21, of Des Moines, was charged with willful injury for that attack. Two others, Shanayia Hamer, 22, and Franreca Woods, 18, were charged with first-degree theft for allegedly taking and throwing the woman’s cell phone when she tried calling 911.

Detectives don’t know why the group had gathered and don’t know what Daughenbaugh was doing in the area.

“I don’t think we’ll ever really know,” Halifax said.

While some in the crowd were reportedly gang members, police said they don’t believe the beating was gang-related. There is no indication Daughenbaugh had anything to do with any gangs or knew anyone involved in the beating, Halifax said.

more links:


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/06/2013 at 11:28 AM   
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calendar   Monday - September 02, 2013

Second Baby This Week

those people can’t shoot for shit

Infant Shot In Head Dies

A 1-year-old boy has died after he was shot in the head Sunday evening in Brooklyn. reports the boy, identified as Antiq Hennis, was in a stroller crossing Livonia Avenue with his parents in the Brownsville section of the borough when shots were fired shortly before 7:30 p.m. Antiq was rushed to Brookdale Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

A witness told the New York Post that “three to four shots” were fired. The paper reported that police were looking into the possibility that the boy’s father, Anthony Hennis, was the intended target of the gunfire. A police source told the Post that the elder Hennis had a record of more than 20 arrests in New York and Pennsylvania, for offenses including narcotics, weapons possession, assault, and car theft and driving violations.

Sunday’s shooting was the second of a toddler in eight days in Brooklyn. Three-year-old Tharell Edward was shot in the head and wounded Aug. 24 as he slept in his family’s apartment where an acquaintance was watching him. Akeem Bernard, a friend of the baby sitter, was charged in that shooting.

rolleyes rolleyes 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/02/2013 at 10:57 AM   
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calendar   Monday - August 26, 2013

Guess They Were Bored Too

Spokane Police Chief Frank Straub says authorities believe they have arrested everyone involved in the beating death of an 88-year-old World War II veteran last week.

A second teen suspect was arrested without incident early Monday morning in a Spokane home. The first suspect turned himself in last week.

Both suspects are 16-years-old.

Straub said Monday morning that police believe they have in custody everyone involved in the robbery and beating death of Delbert Belton last Wednesday night.

Well, that’s nice. Now drown them.

Meanwhile, it’s indefinite leave WITH FULL PAY for the government employee calling for an all out race war. Because he’s Black. Only reason, no matter what the liars tell you.

And ... knock me over with a feather ... the CBC just might have admitted that race relations have NOT moved forward an iota under “the first post-racial pResident”. No kidding; they’ve become much worse. On purpose. And it ain’t YT’s fault, not one bit. Nor the GOP’s. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/26/2013 at 01:19 PM   
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calendar   Friday - August 23, 2013

The Thing About A Stopped Clock …

Pat Buchanan :

“The death of Trayvon was said to be reflective of the real America, a country where black folks live in constant fear of white vigilantes and white racist cops. What nonsense.

In the real America, interracial violence is overwhelmingly black-on-white. Even if the media will not report it, everybody knows it.

And journalists will not dig into the numbers that prove it, for the truth would undermine their ideology and contradict the narrative that governs and gives meaning to their lives.


And here’s tomorrow’s non-story today:

MEMPHIS TN: A man was reportedly set on fire in a vacant lot Tuesday evening. He was found by another man, who called police.

The victim has still not been identified, but he was brought The MED in extremely critical condition.

Memphis police received a call to 717 Glankler Street where the burned man was found on the ground in a vacant lot shortly before nightfall.

Investigators combed the area.

Ellis Dewald says he came across the victim and called police. He says the man was burned from the waist down.

“I ain’t ever seen nothing like that in my life. I don’t know what made them do something like that,” said Dewald. “That’s torture. I wouldn’t want my worst enemy to die like that.”


A Memphis man remains in the hospital at the burn unit after police say he was set on fire. Authorities identified two suspects wanted for the crime.

Police say the man suffered injuries to most of his body.
The victim was burned over 60 percent of his body and was initially hospitalized in extremely critical condition.

Arrest warrants have been issued for both Glasper and King charging the pair with one count each of criminal attempt first degree murder.
Prior arrests meant Memphis police already had mug shots on file for 26-year-old Robert Glasper and 19-year-old Renard King. Police identified the two Thursday for allegedly being responsible for a horrific crime two weeks ago.

Police at this point think they have identified the burned man. No details on that yet.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/23/2013 at 01:41 PM   
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You Might Be A Racist IF …

If you see the non mainstream news and notice that every single day there seems to be another White person killed for no reason at all by a group of younger Black males ... and you find this disturbing enough to talk about or even post on a blog ... then you might be a racist.

Yup, that’s me!

I didn’t cover yesterday’s similar story. Glenn Beck did over at The Blaze. I did the one before that, Australian ball player Chris Lane killed by Crips wannabees. They happen every day. No, they happen 10 or 20 or more times. EVERY SINGLE DAY. And now here is today’s story of random murder of White people by groups of young Black males ...

WWII Vet Dies After Beating; 2 Black Male Youths Sought


SPOKANE, Wash. - WWII veteran Delbert Belton survived being wounded in action during the Battle of Okinawa only to be beaten and left for dead by two teens at the Eagles Lodge in Spokane on Wednesday evening.

Belton, 88, succumbed to his injuries Thursday morning at Sacred Heart Medical Center.

Witnesses say Belton was in the parking lot of the Eagles Lodge at 6410 N. Lidgerwood, adjacent to the Eagles Ice-A-Rena, around 8 p.m. Wednesday when the two male suspects attacked him as he was about to head inside to play pool.

Police responded with K-9s to track the suspects’ scent but were not able to locate them.

“It does appear random. He was in the parking lot, it appears he was assaulted in the parking lot and there was no indication that he would have known these people prior to the assault,” Spokane Police Major Crimes Detective Lieutenant Mark Griffiths said.

Belton died from his injuries Thursday morning at Sacred Heart Medical Center.


Spokane police are looking for two male suspects in the attack. They said the suspects are African Americans between 16 and 19 years old. One suspect was described as heavy set and wearing all black clothing. The other was described as being about 6 feet tall and 150 pounds. There was no description of what clothing the second suspect was wearing other than a silk do-rag.

The mainstream media has been sweeping this problem under the rug for years. It isn’t news; Black on Black and Black on White crime, senseless unprovoked murder, is so common that they don’t even notice. Hell, if they had to cover it there wouldn’t be room for any other stories. But on the rare occasions it goes the other way, even when it’s a White Hispanic on the ground defending himself from becoming another one of these non-stories, then THAT is national news. And cause for outrage. And all the rest of that garbage.

I’m tired of that. So now I’m noticing. And posting. So I must be a racist too.

Fine by me.

UPDATE: Meanwhile, in Hollywood. WARNING: puke inducing story at link.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/23/2013 at 08:19 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - August 22, 2013

Lane Murder A Gang Initiation

Join The Crips, See The World (from inside your prison cell)

Proven Killers Only Please

Duncan, Oklahoma: Chris Lane was murdered as a part of a gang initiation, according to James Johnson, the father of a boy who was also allegedly targeted by the three youths accused of killing Mr Lane.

Police have not commented on the claim, though court documents confirm the accused were eventually arrested in front of the boy’s home.

In their car, police say they found a shotgun and the .22-calibre revolver they believe was used to kill Mr Lane, and a cache of ammunition.

Oh good, the pistol was found after all. Fingerprints baby. GSR on the shooter’s paw. Lock him up and throw away the key.

Mr Johnson told Fairfax Media that the three youths had been trying to recruit his 17-year-old son, Chris, into a gang, and that Chris had refused.
From inside the home, Chris rang Mr Johnson and said he had received a death threat from the accused boys, who he knew from school, via Facebook. As he put his mobile phone away, Mr Johnson saw the three youths, whom he has known all their lives, in a black car in the middle of the car park.
Court documents filed by police confirm that Mr Johnson called police to tell them three armed youths were in front of the home at 7.05pm, some four hours after Mr Lane was shot dead, and that officers were dispatched to the car park where they arrested the three accused.

But the documents also show that police believe that the .22-calibre revolver they allege was used to kill Mr Lane was by then hidden in the car’s air intake, while a second weapon, a shotgun, was disassembled.

“I don’t think it was an initiation – I know it was an initiation, my son told me it was an initiation,” Mr Johnson told Fairfax Media.


Meanwhile, Obama Don’t Know Nothin

White House spokesman ‘not familiar with’ Chris Lane murder

Josh Earnest, principal deputy White House press secretary, said he was not familiar with the murder of Australian jogger Chris Lane during Wednesday’s White House briefing.

When asked by Fox News chief White House correspondent Ed Henry about the Chris Lane case, Earnest responded, “I’m not familiar with it, actually.”

Henry explained the case in brief to Earnest looking for reaction to the Oklahoma shooting death of Lane at the hands of “bored” African-American teens who thought it would be “fun” to kill somebody.

“This sounds like a pretty tragic case. I wouldn’t want to get ahead of the legal process here and it’s clear that law enforcement officials are involved and are investigating,” Earnest said. “But any act of violence is something that — the president I think himself has spoken pretty eloquently about violence in our communities and he stood at this podium a few weeks ago where he talked about his concern about the impact that violence is having on, in particular, young people in this country.”

Henry pressed Earnest, noting that the President spoke about slain teen Trayvon Martin in the Rose Garden and in the briefing room.

“Why hasn’t [the president] spoken out about this? In this case, you said there was a judicial proceeding. There was one in the Trayvon Martin case. He spoke out extensively on that one,” Henry said.

Dog bites man: not news. Man bites dog: big news. Black kids kill a White boy, why should the pResident even notice? woof woof; it happens every damn day. Next?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/22/2013 at 07:48 AM   
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calendar   Friday - August 16, 2013

Heinous Murder Trial Underway

The trial began earlier this week for Mona Yvette Nelson, accused of killing Jonathon Foster. Foster was killed on Christmas Eve, 2010.

The trial is in Texas, in front of a judge. By the defendant’s own wishes. No jury. It is expected to last about two weeks.

Prosecutors are not seeking the death penalty.

The case is not getting much media attention. Which figures, because if the races of the deceased and his accused were reversed, this story would be 100 times bigger than the Trayvon thing. 1000 times.

And the rest of the story is simply too gruesome to tell here above the fold.

This is the most perverse hate crime you’ve ever never heard of. Which is why it isn’t being called a hate crime at all.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/16/2013 at 02:53 PM   
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calendar   Sunday - August 04, 2013

Obama’s Other Sons

Armed teen shot dead by police in New York City

NEW YORK — Police in New York City shot dead a 14-year-old US boy as he was chasing and shooting at another male before dawn on Sunday.

Two rookie officers heard shots around 3 a.m, the New York Police Department said in a statement.

The officers went to investigate and saw the teenager, identified as Bronx-resident Shaaliver Douse, armed with a nine millimeter handgun, pursuing and firing at the other young man.

“Ordered to ‘drop the gun’ by the uniformed officers who identified themselves as police, the male with the gun still in his hand, did not comply,” the statement said.

“One of the officers discharged one round from his service weapon, striking the armed male in the lower left jaw. The male was pronounced DOA at the scene.”

The two officers, aged 26 and 27 and with less than seven months experience on the force, were taken to the hospital due to trauma and ringing in their ears. No other injuries were reported.

“A black semi-automatic firearm (Astra A100- 9mm) was recovered at the scene,” the statement said.

An Astra A100 is pretty much a Spanish made clone of the SIG-Sauer P-220. It’s a 9mm DA/SA semi-automatic that usually holds a 17 round magazine, yet is small enough for concealed carry. Legal sale second hand price is about $300. Good solid firearm, albeit a bit top heavy for me, like all Sigs.

14 years old. Out at 3am, chasing some gun down the street and shooting left and right. Damn waste. I feel really bad ... for the two young cops.

And if the cops hadn’t been there, we’d be reading (maybe) about the other guy who wound up dead. Or maybe that wouldn’t even make the news.

Obama seems to lose a half dozen or so virtual sons just about every day. You’d think he’d talk to them, give them some of that Father Figure stuff they so desperately need. Assuming he has the spare time in between golf games.

From another web page:

… Shaaliver Douse, who admittingly led a troubled life. He had been arrested numerous times previously, including an attempted murder charge.

Do I agree with the cops shooting him in the face? Not really. He was only 14. Government officials should have gotten this kid help instead of allowing the police to murder him.

Young Shaaliver in front of some kind of photographic backdrop.

That’s half the problem in a nutshell right there: the government should have stepped in to help this kid out. A kid with an arrest record a mile long, obviously violent. And the cops murdered him. I guess they were supposed to just wait until he shot the other guy as much as he wanted, or at least ran out of bullets, then corralled him under a giant pile of stuffed Care Bears and carried him off to Rainbow Unicorn Land for some free love and ice cream?

And OF COURSE ... from news article #3 ... the other part of the nutshell ...

Quwana Barcene says her nephew was a student at Smith High School and was coming home from hanging out at a NYCHA-hosted block party at the Cortlandt Houses when he was shot. She denies that her nephew had a gun at the time of the shooting.

What, you mean THIS gun Quwana? The one with his blood and fingerprints all over it? Nah, he was a friggin’ choir boy. Who went to government funded block parties that lasted until 3am ... at the age of 14.


Douse, who was arrested in May on attempted murder charges for shooting a 15-year-old, fired at the man running on East 151st Street this morning, police said.


Douse had a court appearance scheduled for Aug. 23, for weapons possession, records show.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/04/2013 at 06:31 PM   
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calendar   Monday - July 29, 2013

Two Hate Crimes, No Waiting

A Typical Weekend In Baltimore, Now With Extra Excuses


This Is For Trayvon!

of course. what else would we expect?

I thought at first that this was the same story, just told from different angles. But apparently Bethesda MD is not Baltimore MD, but the tales are remarkably similar. Gangs of black teens (but they were unarmed!!!) siccing themselves on random white people. Thank God at least one is being labeled a hate crime.

Assault, Robbery Investigated as Hate Crime

Metropolitan Police are investigating a Saturday morning assault and robbery as a hate crime.

Police said a 28-year-old man from Bethesda, Md., was attacked in the 1700 block of Euclid Street NW in D.C.’s Adams Morgan neighborhood. The victim said he was approached by three black men who kicked and punched him to the ground around 1:20 a.m.

According the victim, one of the attackers yelled, “This is for Trayvon,” during the assault. The victim suffered lacerations to the face from the attack.

Police said the suspects took the man’s wallet and iPhone. The police report lists the incident as “robbery force violence, hate bias incident.”

Two of the men threw the victim to the ground and kicked him, Alali said. The three perpetrators then took the victim’s iPhone and wallet and fled.

The victim suffered minor injuries and declined medical attention, authorities said.

“There is no pattern in these types of crimes. These attacks are outrageous; we are doing everything in our power to see that they certainly don’t occur. If they do occur, we are going to aggressively investigate them and bring people to justice,” [police spokesman] Alali said.

A brutal attack in the heart of Little Italy. Police say a man walking home from work at an area restaurant is attacked and severely beaten near Bank and Exeter Streets by a mob of at least ten teens.

Four of the alleged attackers, three of them minors, have been arrested and charged.

It’s very upsetting because you feel suspect now. Now you see a group of kids, children, and you have to worry if they’re not going to pounce on you,” said Giovanna Blattermann, neighbor.

The assault happened in front of Giovanna Blattermann’s house. She’s also watched video of the attack–captured by her neighbors surveillance camera.

While the suspects took the man’s phone, Blattermann says that’s not what they were after.

“They beat this boy. He got up, he’d run, they beat him. He got up, he’d run, they beat him. He got up, he’d run, they beat him,” said Blattermann.

The suspects range in age from 16 to 19, but police say because of the brutality of the crime, the minors aren’t being charged lightly.

“The fact that they broke this gentleman’s jaw, the decision was made and they are going to be charged as adults,” said Sgt. Eric Kowalczyk, Baltimore City Police.

Blattermann and other neighbors believe the same mob has robbed other residents. they’re now banding together to protect their neighborhood.

Just another weekend here in Black Run America. The second story, of a more brutal attack, with a larger crowd of violent punks, the one where the police actually have suspects in custody, ISN’T being labeled a hate crime.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/29/2013 at 01:11 PM   
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calendar   Saturday - July 20, 2013

Whittle Me This

WARNING: Graphic content

Bill Whittle goes on a mean LEAN rant. And delivers a whole bag of   Skittles   facts that the media have blithely ignored for months. He did overlook that Blunt bit at the 7-11 though, perhaps properly because there was no direct proof of it.

I guess this means that Whittle is now a raaaaacis.

No, actually it doesn’t mean that at all. It means that an eloquent intelligent American is willing to look at the facts and then speak truth to power.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/20/2013 at 03:51 PM   
Filed Under: • Justice - LACK OFPolitically-IncorrectRacism and race relations •  
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The advantage to having a guide with you is thɑt an expert will haѵe very first hand experience dealing and navigating the river with гegional wildlife. Tһomas, there are great…
On: 07/28/23 10:37

The Brownshirts: Partie Deux; These aare the Muscle We've Been Waiting For
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Tracked at head to the Momarms site
The Brownshirts: Partie Deux; These aare the Muscle We’ve Been Waiting For
On: 03/14/23 11:20

Vietnam Homecoming
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On: 03/20/21 07:00

meaningless marching orders for a thousand travellers ... strife ahead ..
(1 total trackbacks)
Tracked at Casual Blog
On: 07/17/17 04:28

a small explanation
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Tracked at yerba mate gourd
Find here top quality how to prepare yerba mate without a gourd that's available in addition at the best price. Get it now!
On: 07/09/17 03:07



Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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GNU Terry Pratchett

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