Death once had a near-Sarah Palin experience.

calendar   Thursday - December 12, 2019

The Truth Doesn’t Matter

You may have noticed that I’m hardly posting anything on the impeachment situation show trial witch hunt. That’s because the entire thing nauseates me, and most of us have been aware for more than 3 years that every aspect of this thing is a fake. The latest “report” is nearly a whitewash; par for the course from a government that did the same thing with their 9/11 Commission. CYA, CYA, lie, omit, denounce, project. And I’m utterly fed up with it. Not a grain of truth anywhere, but hate will always find a way out, so the clown show goes on. Forever.

Truth? We Don’t Need No Stinking Truth!!

Jordan’s Amendment To Impeachment Charges Struck Down

The House Judiciary Committee swiftly became the scene of a fresh partisan clash Thursday as lawmakers pressed ahead with two articles of impeachment against President Trump, with majority Democrats turning aside a last-ditch bid by Republicans to call witnesses of their choice before a looming committee vote.

That vote is poised to send the measures to the full House for a historically weighty floor vote in a matter of days. But first, lawmakers will finalize the text of the articles during Thursday’s all-day session.

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, began the debate Thursday morning by proposing an amendment that would strike the first article of impeachment altogether, claiming the evidence did not support the allegations of abuse of power.

“This amendment strikes article one because article one ignores the truth,” Jordan said. He pointed to the White House memorandum documenting President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, claiming it contained no evidence of a quid pro quo related to Ukraine investigating Trump’s political opponents.

“The day the transcript came out, even Chairman Nadler said there was no quid pro quo in the call transcript,” Jordan said. He went on to note that both Trump and Zelensky have stated there was no quid pro quo discussed or pressure placed on Ukraine, and that in the end Ukraine never took any action or made any announcement regarding any investigation.

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., supported Jordan’s amendment, arguing, “There was no impeachable offense here.”

He [ Doug Collins, R-GA ] and Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., each argued that unlike previous presidents who have faced impeachment, Trump was not accused of an offense actually defined by law: neither “abuse of power” nor “obstruction of Congress” is a recognized federal or state crime. Those are the two offenses outlined in the articles of impeachment before the committee. (The separate charge of contempt of Congress, according to the DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel, exempts the president for separation-of-powers reasons.)

So this is the biggest nothing burger in a whole series of nothing burgers. When the rules for impeachment say “high crimes and misdemeanors”, charge him with things that aren’t crimes. Ignore the facts, hide the real truth that this is one more eruption of the never-ending coupe attempt. All they’ve got is OrangeManBad and a big bowl of sour grapes. It’s getting pretty tiring. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/12/2019 at 11:43 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - December 11, 2019

I think it was the way to DC

$3 Million In Cash Found In Pork Barrels Headed To Mexico

Deputies found $3 million in cash hidden in barrels of raw pork meat on Saturday when they pulled over a tractor-trailer driving south on Interstate 85, according to the Cleveland County Sheriff’s Office in North Carolina.

“The Sheriff’s Office has reason to believe that the money was headed to the U.S./Mexico border and also believe that the money was a result of drug sales throughout the region,” according to a news release.

The driver, whom deputies described as a Hispanic man, was stopped for “failure to maintain lane control and impeding the flow of traffic,” the release states.

Illegal pork barrel money? Oh the irony.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/11/2019 at 03:26 PM   
Filed Under: • CrimePoliticsPorkbusters •  
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calendar   Thursday - December 05, 2019

And Here We Go !

Dems Move For Real Impeachment

Holy shit.

The Democrats have announced they will bring articles of impeachment against Donald Trump, making him just the fourth US president in history to face the move.

Nancy Pelosi, the most senior Democrat in the House of Representatives, announced that after more than two months of an impeachment inquiry the party had decided to table articles.

Ms Pelosi likened Mr Trump to a “king president” as she lent on history to justify the decision, talking about why America’s founding fathers created the power to impeach.

“With confidence and humility, with allegiance to our founders and a heart full of love for America, today I am asking our chairman to proceed with articles of impeachment,” Ms Pelosi said.

Debate now turns to which articles of impeachment will be brought against Mr Trump, how many and when they will be voted on.

Even yesterday’s hearings, featuring several “constitutional scholars”, some of whom who seemed quite barmy couldn’t turn this aside. So here we go. This is the biggest Hail Mary play in our nation’s history. Please God, let them fail. Let them fail utterly, and then face public and legal punishment of biblical proportion. If not, then our government is doomed no matter who gets elected, as the other side will do nothing other than to try to get that President fired.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/05/2019 at 10:47 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - December 03, 2019

And we bid the ‘toe goodbye

OK, that makes one less idiot in the mix

Kamala Harris Drops Out

California Sen. Kamala Harris on Tuesday announced that she is withdrawing from the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, after failing to capitalize on early enthusiasm for her campaign and watching her poll numbers collapse.

There’s a lot more at the link, but really, who cares?

You know that it will wind up being either be Creepy Uncle Joe or Fauxcahontas. I’m betting on her. “Mini Mike” doesn’t stand a chance, no matter how much money he throws at his campaign.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/03/2019 at 02:04 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - August 17, 2016

Leaving Home

Well, I know it’s been a while since you’ve heard from me, but now I have an announcement to make. And while I have been drafting posts about both the Iran Ransom and the Olympics (and how politics and cheating go hand in hand), but the big news I have to give is closer to home.

I am still committed to this blog and the Great Cause of our time, but tomorrow- possibly today for you- on August 17th I will be moving halfway across the country. I don’t make it a secret that while I am a man of the right, I have also been a Californian born and raised. And what’s more, someone that has lived on the dread, died-in-the-wool-left Coast itself. My parents came from the Middle of the country decades ago to live here, and I have lived here in this house my entire life.

Now I am doubling back on the path tread by them, the “Okies”, and the Miner 49ers and moving to Ohio. I have my misgivings about My Grandmother is getting on in years and could use our help, and above all the costs of uprooting from the home of 20~ years and moving halfway across the country to a place I scarcely know are less than the costs of staying. Taxes are high, a criminally insane water policy has all but insured drought will strike again, the “law” tried to abolish concealed carry, and I still remember the times when Bernie’s Brownshirts attacked a Trump Rally down the street while two married Jihadists slaughtered a Christmas Party.

This would be the chance where the jokes about the Far Left Coast would come up. But in all due honesty… I feel they’re mostly out of place for me personally. I am NOT blind to California’s innumerable flaws, chief among them the dual facts that it seems committed to being re-annexed by Mexican drug cartels and the fact that it has helped elect every Leftist president we have been cursed with. But the California I knew was generally good to me on the whole. Even with a hideously corrupt school system and government. The neighborhoods were good, The food’s delicious (especially if you know where to look), the climate’s generally above par (though anybody who thinks it shines all the time has never shivered in 30 degree F weather in the middle of Fall of in Santa Clara). And perhaps most surprisingly… almost everybody I have met- and I mean almost everybody- from school on was friendly or neutral. And hard as it may seem, many people know about my political and philosophical beliefs- including in school- and were accepting of it, sans a few individuals (two or three of whom I am proud to say I helped fire).

So on some level I think a part of me will always belong to here, even long after I leave. It is the land of my childhood and nothing I can do will change that. And I suppose I can see why many people might be drawn in by the warm, fuzzy glow of a Leftist, progressive utopia. After all, my life has largely been a demonstration of its’ better sides (to the extent that oxymoron exists).

But even then the underlying rot crept up from the cracks. That was all too obvious from when one of my (married) math Co-Teachers was arrested and dragged off for shagging a student, probably with the knowledge of the Principal.  Even though his wife also worked on the very campus. But more damning was the bitter, encrusted corruption that lies at the top of the school districts and how my parents had to use their legal skill and positions in the PTA to fight a years long, savage battle with a system run by people who will screw over their students- including the disabled- in order to serve themselves. The fact that I was framed for defusing a situation with a history professor blocking the door and physically threatening me was probably the nadir of it. And I think it mirrors the dozens of ways=- from water infrastructure to sanctuary cities to drugs to forest ires- that this dream fails. How it crumbles when even a handful of people with black hearts, greedy natures, avarice, or simple incompetence get high enough on the food chain, and how no amount of resources, Godly mercy, or well intentioned people are around.

I was just one of the ones lucky or blessed enough to not suffer the full consequences. The brilliant VDH has made a long, long series of posts that show a fuller story. It’s well worth reading, just in case you thought you knew everything about Leftist Lunacy.

So, what next for me? I don’t know. But regardless of what happens I do know I can look forward to one thing. Ohio’s a swing state, and we’re moving in time for voter re-registration for the General Election. Which means for whatever I’ve given up, I will have the chance to do something I really never have done before. Cast a vote in the General Election that might make a non-trivial difference. And ultimately, why else was America founded?

In any event, I look forward to getting back in the swing of things.

Posted by Turtler   United States  on 08/17/2016 at 02:14 AM   
Filed Under: • EconomicsFamilyNOSTALGIAPersonalPoliticswork and the workplace •  
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calendar   Tuesday - June 28, 2016

Nigel Farage jeered and booed as he tells MEPs they are ‘in denial’ over Brexit

Ukip leader Nigel Farage was jeered by the European Parliament after he told MEPs that they were “in denial” about Brexit and that they had “never had a proper job before”.

His astonishing speech at a special meeting of the European Parliament today ended with boos echoing through the Brussels chamber.

Mr Farage used his speech to declare that Brexit was “a beacon of hope” to other member states but he also infuriated MEPs when he said: “Now, I know that virtually none of you have ever done a proper job in your lives or worked in business or worked in trade or indeed ever created a job. But listen, just listen.”

When MEPs turned their backs to him and Martin Schulz, the president of the parliament, intervened, Mr Farage responded: “You’re quite right, Mr Schulz. Ukip used to protest against the establishment. Now the establishment protests against Ukip. So something has happened here.”

Video and transcript at the link, it’s good stuff. I’d not heard him speak before but damn, that was kinda fun to watch. 


Posted by Severa   United States  on 06/28/2016 at 04:00 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - June 22, 2016



Today I‘d like to share my thoughts about the stakes in this election.

People have asked me why I am running for President.

I have built an amazing business that I love and I get to work side-by-side with my children every day.

We come to work together and turn visions into reality.

We think big, and then we make it happen.

I love what I do, and I am grateful beyond words to the nation that has allowed me to do it.

So when people ask me why I am running, I quickly answer: I am running to give back to this country which has been so good to me.

When I see the crumbling roads and bridges, or the dilapidated airports, or the factories moving overseas to Mexico, or to other countries, I know these problems can all be fixed, but not by Hillary Clinton – only by me.

The speech starts off pretty then turns into a MASSIVE beatdown of Hillary Clinton the likes of which I have NEVER seen. PURE.GOLD. Here’s a few highlights:

Hillary Clinton who, as most people know, is a world class liar – just look at her pathetic email and server statements, or her phony landing in Bosnia where she said she was under attack but the attack turned out to be young girls handing her flowers, a total self-serving lie.

Hillary Clinton has perfected the politics of personal profit and theft.

No Secretary of State has been more wrong, more often, and in more places than Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton may be the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency.

Come November, the American people will have a chance to issue a verdict on the politicians that have sacrificed their security, betrayed their prosperity, and sold out their country. They will have a chance to vote for a new agenda with big dreams, bold ideas and enormous possibilities for the American people.Hillary Clinton’s message is old and tired. Her message is that can’t change.

There’s a LOOOOOT more in there. Well worth the read. I voted for Trump here in KY and I’ll be damned glad to pull the lever for him in Nov, the same month I turn 40 (on Thanksgiving Day! Doesn’t get much better than that, huh?) I remember Hillary Clinton in the White House when I was in high school (class of ‘1995) and I SURE AS HELL don’t want that witch back in our House....


Posted by Severa   United States  on 06/22/2016 at 04:54 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - May 31, 2016

Joe Biden would have made the best President… According to Joe Biden

Well, I’ve gone through one broken computer, one bed lost, a whole bunch of fidgety password recovery time, and a cold bordering on flu I’m stuck in the middle of. But I’m back.

It’s been too long, but I’m back.

So, how shall we celebrate?

Well, I’ll think I’ll start with a crowd pleaser on one of our favorite scumbags. And since it has been too long in my books since BMEWS has done it, I would like to propose an awarding of the BARKING MOONBAT AWARD, backdated to the appropriate time/week for this.

No, not Hitlery or Obummer sadly enough, but someone who is less powerful and more feckless but Really, REALLY should get more scorn than he has. And who I think needs to have his statements put under a floodlight given the latest report (which I’ll try and cover in a bit) that might make even the DNC think about a Clinton run.

I am talking about Lyin’ Joe Biden. Who earlier this month decided to put THIS lovely article up through some of the usual lap dogs. Read if you’ve got a strong stomach.

Biden: ‘I would have been the best president

... and it totally unrelated news, I’m going to put this here.

Because I really, Really don’t think it could fit anywhere better than this. Because the world has been way too kind to someone liek Joe Biden in the ways that matter to the public at large (and arguably given the death of his son a bit too harsh in the other ways, but as a citizen of this republic I have to prioritize what matters to The Public Thing than private grief).

We already Knew Biden was stupid and incompetent. This should not be a controversial thing to say; he was the person BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE joked about being Obama’s living anti-assassination insurance, in the same way that Charles II allegedly told his Catholic, tactless brother James. That much is fairly well known and it should be. But he’s so much worse than that, I just didn’t realize how much worse.

I knew that he was a liar since last - and especially since the absolutely DISGUSTING arse covering for Iran in claiming that their kidnapping of American servicemen and international law-shredding humiliation of them was “Standard Nautical Procedure” (Protip: It’s Not. Just imagine what the Golden Age Royal Navy would have done to somebody trying to claim such rights against their ships). That got cemented by his lies against Ted Cruz (which admittedly was all too common in the campaign). But those things? they “merely” establish that he’s inept, corrupt, and dishonest.

It isn’t until I read this article that I realized that in addition to these things, he is also A Fucking Megalomaniac. But apparently having just ONE in the White House with a job title that includes the word “President” wasn’t enough for Democratic National Party. Instead the sheer ARROGANCE has to jump off the page right at you.

“I think I would have been the best president,

Ohhoh! Look out Georgie Washington! Sure, you helped secure Virginia’s colonial frontier, endured terrible hardships to defeat THE MOST POWERFUL EMPIRE IN THE WORLD, helped unite the disparate states and factions of the Founders to crate the United States, the Constitution, and the institutions that endure to this day..... but Crazy Joe Biden is pretty sure he can take you.  Seriously… how much of an egotistical PRICK do you have to be to seriously believe this? Almost more importantly: how immensely, gravity-defyingly STUPID do you have to be to declare this belief IN PUBLIC?

While I realize that between two terms of Obama and a race that has seen Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump this is not an election season for the meek, I think that people still realize that on some level that one of the traits that has distinguished many of the greatest American Presidents has been modesty. Whether it’s the (somewhat affected/exaggerated) modesty Washington used even when he was at his most ambitious, to Lincoln making jokes about how ugly his face was, to Cool Caretaker Calvin Coolidge, to Teddy Roosevelt’s troubled childhood and soul-crashing end life. The knowledge of what you are NOT compliments knowledge and confidence in what you are, and some of the smartest things you can say in this life are admitting when you honestly don’t know the truth or aren’t capable of something, and when you ask someone who knows for help.

This is particularly important in a constitutional government, where you are Not the Monarch, you should not be a unilateral lawmaker, you do not have the right to rule unfettered by law, and being the head dog does not mean having a blank check to do whatever you want. It Is also particularly important in command of the most powerful job known because of how high the stakes are. And when you combine the two, well… no prizes for guessing how important this can be.

You are a Public Servant. You are meant to serve the public, and if the Public does not appreciate what you are doing it should retain the right to sack your rear end out the door. And if you try and make yourself more important than the system you damn well SHOULD suffer even harsher penalties. Which is another reason why our system suffers under the control of egotists and megalomaniacs: because they believe that they are the most important thing on the dance floor, and everybody else- hundreds of years of common law, local governance, and the like- can make way. this is also why I do think truly free republics prefer some degree of modesty from Presidents, and absolutely NEED people who will place the common good over their own petty things.

So, how’s crazy Joe on that note? >/br>

but it was the right thing not just for my family but for me,” not to run, Biden said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

I don’t usually dig into peoples’ family or private lives, because I believe that without Extreme circumstances that should be one thing the gasping, gaping maw of government and public rubbernecking should not go into.

But I also don’t usually have to deal with people who have this degree of runaway ego. And no, I do not think that the tragedy the Bidens have suffered- and I can only imagine what the loss of a son is like- can excuse their patriarch behaving like THIS.

So let’s notice one thing he did NOT spend any time focusing on when talking about how right this was for him, and right for his family.. Where in this sorry, hagiographic article does ANYBODY give a livy-livered DAMN about what is the right thing for America? Apparently not Mr. Wonderful the President we deserve but not the one we’ll have.

let’s get this straight.

Biden the shameless liar, incompetent, and proverbial living job insurance for Obama claims that he would have made the best President if he ran- at least among the people in the race but Very Likely of all time- but that he didn’t run because he had to take care of his Family. Oh no America, you could have had Crazy Joe the President who was better than Washington, Lincoln, Adams, Jefferson, Reagan, both Bushes, any Roosevelt, and the like put together…

.. but you can’t, because Crazy Joe decided not to run. And why is that? Because he decided that things like the common good, the state of the union, the survival of the Republic, protection for its’ citizens, and all of that are *Trifles.* As far as his family matters are concerned, the Union can go get SCREWED.

In the context that this is being said by Joe Biden now, I find it deeply repugnant. And I will get into those reasons later, especially given that he is still Vice President. But even on the surface there is something I find wrong here. It’s one thing to care for one’s family, we should know as the family is one of the cornerstones of Conservative values and Civilization itself. it’s one thing to decide to focus on your family to the expense of political office (such as the many millions of homemakers and parents who never even THINK of running for office because they are too busy).

But I think an already-elected office holding official standing in front of the world and *gloating* that he would have been the best possible outcome in this presidential election but he simply won’t give us that option is something else entirely. It’s Lyin’ Biden looking down at the Rubes that elected his boss and stating they the PEOPLE are not worth it, but by the way he’s going to guffaw about how he would have been So Good And Great And Wonderful IF he had. It is in effect doing the inverse of what great patriots (see that word? Same root as Patriarch, and Father) have done if they TRULY believed it was for the best. It is not only putting the personal baggage of a handful of people over the possible Lives(and yes, let’s take Crazy Joe at his word about this for a bit) of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS.

And to top it off, this also rubbed me of the kind of “I’m too good for you flyover gits” holier than thou nonsense that has permeated far, far too many people over the ages and in politics today, like every iota of Obama’s miserable Presidency. We Are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For, we are the Miracle Workers.... but you all just aren’t Worthy of our miracle working compared to things like my personal, precious emotions. Correct me if I’m wrong, but that is the sort of thing that I picked up.

I never thought I’d say it, but Biden managed to insult and offend me in an announcement about how he was NOT running. And it gets worse.

“No one should ever seek the presidency unless they’re able to devote their whole heart and soul and passion into just doing that.

Finally, something he and I can agree tentatively on. That to be President of the United States is to be the seniormost elected official of the US, the leader of the Free World, and the most powerful person on the Planet. It requires the great holders to be willing to put their petty issues aside and undertake the great task that can sometimes be keeping the system stable and doing nothing (like Coolidge). Let alone bigger conflicts like the Revolution, Civil War, or the global wars against the Central Powers, Axis, and Communists in the 20th century. It may be easy to forget with President Putt-Putt but the office is not always meant to be a golden hog to feast on. It often requires great, terrible sacrifices and it carries even greater responsibility.

So while I am not entirely sure if you truly must devote your whole heart and soul and passion to it (just because you may have to put your family and friends second to the job does not mean not caring about them), I generally appreciate what Biden said here.

But then you realize how this sentence rips a big gash into all of this family posturing, claims that he cannot seek political power, and so on. Because Joe Biden is the one who said it. Vice President Joe Biden.

Now Mr. Vice President, while you were waxing rhapsodical in this whole big long interview did you ever *ONCE* think what YOUR OFFICE TITLE MEANS? It means you the legal successor to the office of President if it is vacant. The Constitution states that if Obama keels over sometime between now and the swearing in of his successor the Vice President would have to step in and carry out all the actions and responsibilities of President until the end of that term. And as things stand, That Would Be You.

So Mr. President, if you truly were saying the truth in this interview, truly believed that you should not seek the Presidency unless you’re able to devote your whole heart and soul and passion ina a way you state you cannot....... WHY THE HECK HAVE YOU NOT TAKEN PAINS TO GET OUT OF THE OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT?

And this is not like this is some kind of super recent development that he was still reeling from and he didn’t have the time to file the paperwork over because he was so busy mourning. Beau Biden passed on a year ago. It was just a few weeks scant of being a year when this turd of an interview got dropped. So he cannot in good conscience claim that it was “Too Soon” or he did not have enough opportunities to lay down the burden.  He is still to my Eternal Regret our Vice President. And I REFUSE to accept any given excuse that a year of mourning, disorientation, and sorrow- no matter how bad- is a valid excuse for not doing what someone apparently feels is necessary when people like Lincoln and other great leaders worked through their friends and family DYING. So why on God’s Earth is he still Veep?

Is it because someone so wonderful and Best as you was Reckless or Stupid enough that you never considered this possibility? Is it because you were lying out of your rear end when you said those words and truly are willing to assume the mantle of power? Or were you being honest, but are just willing to stay in for the time even if it meant burdening yourself and the AMERICAN PEOPLE with you in an office You Are Not Up To Assuming Right Now *By Your Own Admission?*

I think I have my own ideas. But which one is it? And perhaps as importantly: how do Any of these possibilities make him good, much less gel with the unreal lauding he gave himself earlier in this very interview?

So what else is there? Well, of course he is confidently pulling for Hillary .... at least in public, considering how the DNC party machine works, the possible dirt Hitlery may have on him, and his urge to stay on the favored side of both. And there is the massive, shit eating quote here at the end where he says.

“My one regret is my Beau’s not here,” Biden said in the ABC interview. “I don’t have any other regrets.”

Like a lot of things coming out of this administration, superficially this looks heartening, feeling-driven, and all that fluffy stuff. While in actuality.... what kind of person on this world does NOT Regret the “reset” with Putin leading to invasion, the ineffectual withdrawal from Iraq, the kidnapping of American servicepeople in the Persian Gulf, colossal inability of the US to win or even break even on things as far afield as the Iranian Sanctions deal, Freedom for Cuba, or stopping the great migrant invasion in this position of power? Because whatever the answer to that question is, it is NOT A good thing. Not in any sense of the word.

Conclusion underneath the Cut. Because while this article is important in a number of ways, it’s not just about Biden. It’s also about us.

See More Below The Fold

Posted by Turtler   United States  on 05/31/2016 at 05:13 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsHildabeastMedia-BiasObama, The OnePolitically-IncorrectPoliticsREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLEStoopid-People •  
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calendar   Wednesday - May 11, 2016

On Trump

from teh Turtler:

I don’t trust him.

So why am I voting for him?

Well, because I’m a Buckley Conservative. I’m a Ted Cruz Conservative. I have my principles and they are the same as they were when I came onto this site years and years ago. I am fanatically anti-Left because I believe there is something better to be done, and I will live and die by the standard of voting for the most conservative candidate electable.

Right now that’s Trump.

And because I believe that Hillary is a particularly evil human being even within the great big mush pod of Leftist leadership- as someone who quite literally has blood on her hands and whose corruption is as open as can be- I believe it essential to keep her from taking political power again.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/11/2016 at 12:23 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - May 10, 2016

An Iron Essay

IronBear from the Rott writes a full bodied essay on why he’s a Trump supporter. Ok, he wrote it a bit more than a week ago, and some things have changed since then. But most of it still works.

Very convincing, it’s well worth the read.

Mainstream and Buckley Conservatism has been morally and intellectually bankrupt as an ideology for almost as many decades as I’ve been alive. They’ve been “opposing” the Left for so long now that the only thing that defines them is their nominal “opposition” to the Left.

Take away that opposition, and suddenly they have to face the reality that they no longer have anything to oppose, no idea what it is that they’re really conserving, and no idea of what to build on their victory.

That, I’m pretty sure, is why, no matter how many times the Right holds the White House, no matter how many Senate seats they have, no matter how many Congressional seats, no matter how many governorships and state legislatures they control, and no matter how large a portion of the Supreme Court…

They never seem to ever find a principle they can actually stand on and do anything with. And so it becomes increasingly obvious that they never really accomplish much of anything once they hold power.

A Conservative is something I’ll never be: wake me up when the Conservative Movement decides just what the hell it is and what it means, and I’ll decide whether I want to join or not. Until then, fight or piss off, but don’t waste my fucking time any more.

What I am is one hundred percent vehemently anti-Leftist. Period, full stop. Yes, I too define myself by what I oppose, and that’s opposing the Left. The difference is: I fight, and I know what I’m fighting for and against, and what I want to build if we manage to win in what remains of my lifespan.

Reasonable is something that I no longer am.

Sane is something I don’t concern myself with. Insanity doesn’t run in my family – it ambles along enjoying the scenery and waving at all of the nice people.

I am not nice people.

Which, I guess, makes Trump a perfect fit for me when you come right down to it.


Donald Trump is not “nice people.” He’s rude, he’s crude, he’s crass, he’s blunt and outspoken, he’s politically incorrect as all hell – hell, he gives the P.C. crowd absolute fits – and for a member of the “One Percent”, he’s pretty damned blue collar in presentation and outlook.

You don’t shoot at your friends, nor do you side with the enemy against your allies.

So… I stand with Trump now. And I stand against Ted Cruz. And I stand against the Right-wing Speckled Barking Moonbats on the “conservative” side, if needs be.

As Mike Hendrix said: “It ain’t the situation I’d prefer, but what I’d prefer isn’t on offer.” At least Trump knows what direction to shoot at.

The enemy is on the Left.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/10/2016 at 11:53 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - May 03, 2016

Somebody Warm Up Yogi Berra

CRUZ Gives Up, Trump Will Be GOP Nominee

“It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.” But is it over? Is there a large contralto lady getting ready to belt out an aria for us??

Cruz suspends campaign, clearing Trump path to GOP nomination

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz cleared the path Tuesday night for Donald Trump to claim the Republican presidential nomination, suspending his underdog campaign following a crushing defeat in the Indiana primary – allowing the billionaire businessman to effectively leave the raucous primary behind and turn his attention squarely to the general election.

“We’re gonna win in November,” Trump said.

John Kasich’s campaign said the Ohio governor would remain in the race until a candidate reaches the necessary 1,237 delegates. But with Cruz ending his bid, Trump would appear on a glide path to hitting that, having vanquished almost everyone in what was once a 17-person field – and now within easy reach of the party mantle, an outcome some pundits and power-brokers once refused to even contemplate.

Cruz announced his decision to dismayed supporters in Indianapolis.

“I said I would continue on as long as there was a viable path to victory. Tonight, I’m sorry to say it appears that path has been foreclosed,” Cruz said. 

While a Trump-Hillary Clinton match-up now appears inevitable, Sen. Bernie Sanders kept the race alive on the Democratic side Tuesday night by pulling off a projected upset victory in Indiana.

Trump vs. Clinton?  Be afraid.



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/03/2016 at 09:49 PM   
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calendar   Thursday - April 28, 2016

Socialism’s End Game

I’ve got to make this quick ... I have to get out and paint the speed bumps today. Oh boinky!!

Venezuela Sinking: Government Workers Draw Full Pay

For 2 Day Workweek. Union STILL Annoyed!!

Caracas [maybe that should be “Carcass”? ]– After President Nicolas Maduro’s announcement that public offices in Venezuela will now open only Mondays and Tuesdays, many employees are saying they will use the time off to stand in the crawling food lines that have become a common sight throughout the country.

Employees will see no changes in their salary, Maduro said during the televised announcement.

Victor Urbaez, who works at the state-owned communications company Cantv, said he has mixed feelings about the new measures.

“Seventy percent of Cantv employees reject this decision,” Urbaez, who is a union member, told Fox News Latino. “We think it affects production and, even though we are getting paid, we will be unable to do the overtime work that increased our wages,” he said.

Most Venezuelans reacted with disbelief to the news of the two-day workweek, a new emergency measure looking to contain the growing energy crisis.

The country’s socialist administration already gave nearly 3 million public workers Fridays off earlier this month, and on Monday initiated daily four-hour blackouts around the country.

Yet experts say it is unlikely the new measures will produce a real positive effect on the electricity crisis, since 63 percent of the country’s energy consumption is residential, according to official data — if people are not working or studying, the reasoning goes, they will be in their houses consuming more energy.

Venezuela. Where they have loads of oil, and are almost literally pumping money from the ground. Collapsing economy, energy crisis. Food lines. No toilet paper. Brown outs, grid shut downs.

And don’t you just love it? The government employees union is pissed that the austerity move pays their people 5 days wages for 2 days work. Which was all they were probably doing anyhow. But now, boo hoo, they can’t pile on the overtime. For doing more nothing. Horry Clap.

The one thing I like about South American tin pot nations is that it’s almost a guarantee that somewhere there are still a couple of warehouses full of old Mauser rifles. Thousands of them. Looks like it’s about time to start melting the Cosmoline off them once again. Viva la revolution!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/28/2016 at 08:57 AM   
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calendar   Monday - March 21, 2016

More Latinos Seek Citizenship to Vote Against Trump

Been a minute since I’ve been here, either commenting or posting. Time to hop back into things…
Moved back home to Louisville KY after being out of state for too damned long. Bought our first home. Kids are growing up too damned fast (16 and 19) About to turn the big 4-0 on Thanksgiving Day (!) this year.
Watching this election has been a real doozy.
This story just struck a nerve with me. My maternal grandparents were Cuban, went through Ellis Island before Castro got a hold of it, I can’t begin to imagine what they’d think if they were around to see this…

Donald J. Trump’s harsh campaign rhetoric against Mexican immigrants has helped him win a substantial delegate lead in the Republican primary, but it is also mobilizing a different set of likely voters — six of them alone in the family of Hortensia Villegas.

A legal immigrant from Mexico, Ms. Villegas is a mother of two who has been living in the United States for nearly a decade but never felt compelled to become a citizen. But as Mr. Trump has surged toward the Republican nomination, Ms. Villegas — along with her sister, her parents and her husband’s parents — has joined a rush by many Latino immigrants to naturalize in time to vote in November.

“I want to vote so Donald Trump won’t win,” said Ms. Villegas, 32, one of several hundred legal residents, mostly Mexicans, who crowded one recent Saturday into a Denver union hall. Volunteers helped them fill out applications for citizenship, which this year are taking about five months for federal officials to approve. “He doesn’t like us,” she said.

Uh huh. Couldn’t bother to go the legal way till your gravy train got threatened and NOW you’re gonna speed things up? Estupido. 


Posted by Severa   United States  on 03/21/2016 at 02:25 PM   
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calendar   Friday - March 18, 2016

Ann Arises

New Coulter column -

Rubio was the golden boy among GOP consultants, donors and their hired help, elected Republicans. He had unlimited money, resources, establishment support, conservative media cheerleaders and his own cable news channel.

His presidential bid was supported by 14 Republican governors, 22 Republican senators and more than two dozen Republican representatives, Washington think tanks, lobbyists, the Chamber of Commerce, Chipotle and Taco Bell. Time magazine put him on its cover as “Republican Savior.”

And on Tuesday, he lost his own state in a landslide. Rubio lost every single county in Florida to Trump but one. He went 1 for 66 in a state where he is not only a U.S. senator, but also a former house speaker. He outspent Trump by about 500 percent and still lost his home state by 20 points.

Ouch. Looks like she’s recovered from being a Romney shill.

Read the rest.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 03/18/2016 at 01:12 PM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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