Sarah Palin is allowed first dibs on Alaskan wolfpack kills.

calendar   Sunday - March 13, 2005

Looking For Stories

Lance in Iraq tells us of a possible engagement he has with The Learning Channel and that they are looking for stories. 

If you know someone, etc., etc., etc. well, just follow the link in his post. He’d appreciate it.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/13/2005 at 07:19 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - March 12, 2005

Do Unions Like The Military?

Thanks to Michelle Malkin, I found this article.

Don’t let anyone try and tell you our trade unions in the US are pro-Bush or pro-US or pro-military.

Not after you read what the UAW is doing to some Marines.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/12/2005 at 07:37 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsMilitary •  
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calendar   Thursday - March 10, 2005

Anyone Believe This Piece of Crap?

Sorry, but a marine who goes crying to the media is NOT a Marine in my book.  Plus the SOB is a Muslim with a seeming agenda.

So who you gonna believe?

OBTW, the Pentagon says he’s full of shit.

Isn’t it amazing, though, that the press will run with a story like this and attempt to get NO corroboration from any of the 2 dozen or so other soldiers/marines?  And the media calls itself non-biased.  My ass!!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/10/2005 at 07:33 AM   
Filed Under: • Media-BiasMilitary •  
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calendar   Tuesday - March 08, 2005

Rules Of Engagement


Afraid Or Just Smart?

recent article at MyWay News ran with the headline ”Army: Young Blacks Less Willing to Join”. On face value, that might be true. The article goes on to state that Blacks have a “fear of being sent to fight a war in Iraq they don’t believe in”. Fear of combat? I doubt that. Don’t believe in defending America against terrorim? I doubt that too. My experience with Blacks (or African-Americans if you wish to call them that) is that they are just as brave and courageous as any other race in the great American melting-pot. In fact, they may be braver than most considering the fact that most of them live in dangerous neighborhoods where gang warfare and drugs are the order of the day. No, I don’t think they’re afraid to fight and I don’t think they do not believe in the war against terrorism. My personal opinion is that the reason goes much deeper than that .... all the way back to Vietnam.

Vietnam was another war that was fought under rules of engagement that were slightly, shall we say, FUBAR. No, our problem here is probably not the war or the reasons for that war that are turning young people off from enlisting. It is more than likely the way the damned war is being fought. Once again, we are sending our young people into combat and telling them to play nice with the enemy. Horse shit! The recent incident with the Italian journalist only proves my point. Our soldiers have to not only contend with an army of journalists from every country in the world peering over their shoulder and questioning their every move but the troops have to play by completely ridiculous rules of combat to accommodate those self-righteous journalistic jerks.

The insurgents, as they are called, are roaming freely at will terrorizing the entire country and our troops are sequestered in forts like the Green Zone and other camps, occasionally being sent out into “injun country” to slap a few wrists. Do you have any idea how ridiculous that is? That is the same bullshit mentality that got us into so much shit in Vietnam. In Vietnam, we tried to build “forts” and send patrols out into enemy territory during the day but by night the VC would swarm back in and retake the ground and terrorize the Vietnamese people into submission. When that didn’t work, we resorted to high-level bombing of reported “enemy gathering areas” that, due to bad intelligence, turned out to be nothing more than truck parks. Our troops were ordered to pursue the enemy but had to stop at the border with Cambodia and Laos. The rules of engagement for that war called for American troops to follow the Geneva Convention as well as the bullshit rules of engagement.

Ulysses S. Grant and William T. Sherman must be rolling over in their graves at this crap. They practically invented the American Way Of War. From the Civil War to World War II, America fought wars with only one strategy: beat the living shit out of the enemy until he can’t take any more then beat him a little more just to prove the point. No holds barred, kill the sons of bitches wherever they hide and keep on killing them until they surrender .... unconditionally.

Sometime after World War II that all changed. Korea saw the first signs of the “kinder, gentler American way of war”. This bullshit escalated in Vietnam to the point where people in America got tired of it and forced a pullout, the first time we ever had to just give up and leave with our tails tucked between our legs. The war in Vietnam wasn’t the problem, it was the way it was fought. I firmly believe that is the reason why incidents like My Lai happened. Some troops just couldn’t handle the “hands tied behind their back” strategy and the rules of engagement that came down from the Puzzle Palace.

The American fighting man and woman simply cannot make sense of this way of fighting wars. The people in the brass hats need to come to grips with this and return to the fighting methods that kept us free and kept the world free for the last century. This pussification of the American military has to stop. ASAP.

I urge the Pentagon pencil pushers to listen to America’s youth. They are not enlisting because they refuse to fight for a bunch of dumbass officers and Pentagon planners who will probably never see combat and who obviously can’t see further than the end of the nose on their faces. These kids are not stupid. They are trying to tell the military something and unless the brass listen up, they may find themselves without an army at all.

We had a chance after Vietnam to regroup and rethink our global strategies. We seem to have succeeded quite nicely. Thanks to Ronald Reagan, we rebuilt the military in the 1980’s and managed to give our troops some measure of pride back to them. They fought bravely in the first Gulf War and performed outstandingly. Now, our young people are seeing the same lack of balls and/or brains in the military brass and Defense Department planners that got us into such a mess in Vietnam. Do you blame them for just saying “no”?

I urge the President, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, the Chiefs Of Staff and all the Pentagon planners to go back to the rules of engagement and rules of warfare that made us into a country to be reckoned with: (1) kick the journalists out of Iraq and tell them to get their news briefs from the military, (2) forget the Geneva Convention, it was created to establish rules of warfare between countries, not against terrorist insurgents, (3) make sure our troops understand that the first rule of engagement is to stay alive and if that means killing innocent civilians who act suspiciously, so be it, (4) forget offending Arab sensibilities and ship all the beer and Playboy magazines the troops want over there ASAP and give them time to relax, (5) once you unleash the fearsome US military machine, don’t hold them back .. let them keep kicking the living shit out of the terrorists until they are all dead and if Syria or Iraq want a piece of that action, they are more than welcome to our little party. Only this time, we’re playing for keeps .... no quarter given and none asked. Now that’s the American Way Of War. Screw with us at your own peril. Period.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/08/2005 at 03:20 PM   
Filed Under: • Military •  
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More Military News

In the “what’s good for the goose may not necessarily be good for the gander” department there’s a story about more hypocrisy and “good ol’ boy protectionism” taking place in the USAF.

A two star general who is hell on wheels as a lawyer and because of his zeal in prosecuting a Lt.Col. for an extramarital affair caused her to commit suicide in order to protect her family’s military benefits (she was about to be drummed out.)

An investigation into HIS life discovered he kept a harem of officer and enlisted women for consensual sex. 

What happened to him? Reduced in rank to Colonel and retired.  Mind you, a full colonel with 26 years’ service gets about $5700!!!!!!

So now he gets to continue to chase women, is still a lawyer, and gets $5700 a month for life.  Meanwhile, people he’s prosecuted for the same thing have had their lives destroyed.

Here’s a bit more background on Lt. Pantano’s situation.

Looks like the prosecution is going to use his “overzealousness” to go after him.

Take those fucking lawyers and throw them into Iraq with nothing but a .22 and see what THEY do!  Irresponsible FUCKHEADS!!

Military recruiters are beginning to sweat bullets (no pun intended) because their enlistment numbers are way down.

They are primarily concerned with the numbers of Black volunteers.

Charlie Mangler Wrangler has this to say:

“I have not found a black person in support of this war in my district,” he said. “The fact that every member of the Congressional Black Caucus - emotionally, politically and vigorously - opposes this war is an indication of what black folks think throughout this country.”

And, remember, he’s the one who keeps saying Bush will bring back the draft!!!  Can anyone else see the cross-purposes to which this son of a bitch is working?  He gets Black “leaders” and Black organizations to denounce the war and reduce enlistee numbers which, if successful, will FORCE the military to begin conscription which will then allow him to say, “I told you so!”

Another candidate to be sent to Fallujah armed this time with a slingshot.

I look at it this way:  the numbers are down because 1.) I estimate the total pool of Blacks from which the military can draw is based on the fact that they comprise about 13% of the US population which means of the 38 million or so aged 18-28, only about 5 million Blacks are eligible. 2.) We have about 1.5 million military personnel on duty and around 1.4 million Guard and Reserve 3.) if somewhat normal statistical distributions are accounted for, fully 65% of eligibles will not enlist simply because of sex and political persuasion factors.  That means the pool shrinks to 1.75 million. 4.) Thanks to Charlie Mangler Wrangler, let’s say another 30% are being persuaded not to join by organizations he adores or sponsors (Black Caucus, NAACP, Rainbow Coalition, Farakhans Follies, etc.) That leaves the pool at about 250 thousand.

It’s not rocket science.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/08/2005 at 07:56 AM   
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We Need THESE Kind Of Officers

Imagine if the officer corps in the Marines and Army all threatened to resign because their fellow soldiers and marines are (for politically correct reasons) being unjustly tried for murder in the deaths of terrorists in Iraq?  Case in point, Lt Pantano.  Read here and here.

That’s what’s going on in the UK with the SAS.

And we wonder why retention and recruitment numbers are down?

If our officers did the same thing then maybe all this politically correct bullshit that’s going on would come to a screeching halt.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/08/2005 at 07:06 AM   
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What Might Be

Cox and Forkum nail it with this one.


Hat Tip: AlanS


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/08/2005 at 07:01 AM   
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calendar   Monday - March 07, 2005

The Italian Kerfuffle

I started writing this a couple of days ago so as you read it you will see how the story has evolved and why I say what I say early on.

Of course our government will make apologetic mewling noises over this but I could care less what happened to that leftist, pro-communist Italian press bitch and her body guard.

All indications are that the driver was speeding towards an American checkpoint (why speed?  they were not being chased.  She did not break out.  They were not being pursued.)

So our guys fired on the car and killed the bodyguard.

The Italians, natutally, have their collective panties in a wad over the death of ONE (1) person!!!!  But that’s really not news either considering they have no idea what it’s like to fight anymore.  Hell, you ever see the Italian Navy?  Neither have I.  It’s at the bottom of the ocean.  (ha ha)

State funerals are in order, diplomatic notes are being traded, and this bitch will now launch a drive against the US for this “HEINOUS ACT OF WAR” against her person by the war-mongering imperialistic Americans.

If any punishment is due to American soldiers it is to the one who fired the bullet that killed the guard.  He should be taken to the range and taught how NOT to miss ranting, raving, lunatic communist bitches like this one.

But it gets better.

If you go to this link

“Sgrena said the driver began shouting that they were Italian, then “Nicola Calipari dove on top of me to protect me and immediately, and I mean immediately, I felt his last breath as he died on me.”

What melodramatic bullshit!  Remember, this bitch is a communist and hates the US.  She’s also had lots of time to dramatize her story.

She also wrote:

“that her captors warned her as she was about to be released not to signal her presence to anyone, because “the Americans might intervene.  If we had run into someone, meaning American troops, there would have been an exchange of fire, and my captors were ready and they would have responded."”

What the bitch does not admit is that her government BOUGHT her freedom!!  They paid ransom.  Of course her captors don’t want anyone to be signaled because then the jig is up.

If you go here you will see that she says:

“U.S. forces may have deliberately targeted her because Washington opposed Italy’s policy of dealing with kidnappers.”

Of course,

She offered no evidence for her claim

Every time I hear the news about this I hear that over and over and over and over and over and over how she claims we targeted her but “never offers evidence for her claim.”

So why the FUCK does the MSM continue to parrot that stupid accusation? It has no basis in fact.

Oh, that’s right-------bad for Bush and America , good for the press and leftists and America haters and Democrats.  And like CBS with the Bush papers, it does not matter if it’s true or not it only matters if they THINK there may be truth in it.  So the constant telling and re-telling of the lie becomes the truth.

Saving the best for last, here is an article from the Washington Times that lays out what most probably happened.  In it we find out Italian secret service weenies kept information about the negotiations from our CIA.  Sorry, but all this leads me to believe that our soldiers had no choice but to shoot.  Hell, if a car comes at them at 25-30 MPH and the driver does not stop after being signaled not to, then ---shoot at will, boys!!!!

What irks me even more about all this is all the attention being paid to one person who dies accidentally.  It’s a fucking war, people!  I wonder how many good soldiers will now get punished for this.  And we wonder why recruitment goals can’t be met?  Hell, if you call me a soldier but tie my hands so I can’t do anything and I then become nothing but fodder for the enemy, then why the hell would I want to be a soldier?

Good God!  Using today’s rationale for taking the littlest of stories and blowing it up out of proportion, aren’t you glad we are not fighting WW II today?  With today’s leftists we’d be paying the Japanese for damage to their airplanes in the attack on Pearl Harbor.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/07/2005 at 07:05 AM   
Filed Under: • InternationalMilitaryPoliticsWar-Stories •  
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calendar   Friday - February 25, 2005

Marines Take Care Of Their Own

It was good to read this. I now hold out more hope for Lt. Pantano who we covered here.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 02/25/2005 at 07:13 AM   
Filed Under: • Military •  
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calendar   Wednesday - February 23, 2005

Making A Difference

Some of our guys in Iraq are trying to make a difference for the locals.

One way they are doing so is with a drive to get shoes for kids.

Lance, a soldier with the 278th , ran this on his blog.

Go visit the Hands and Feet site, too.

The effort also got mention in Neal Boortz’s site. It’s the 5th item.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 02/23/2005 at 08:18 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - February 20, 2005

Sixty Years Ago

My Uncle Bibb was there and went ashore into that bloody mess. He was lucky enough to survive and come back home. Those were some tough men. Semper Fi!




Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 02/20/2005 at 04:15 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - February 19, 2005

In Memoriam

Any friend of Kim Du Toit is a friend of mine. I share the grief of this man’s fellow soldiers and extend my deepest sympathies and prayers to his family. More than that, I know not what to say .... except thank you. To Sgt. Plumondore’s family I can only say I am deeply saddened by the loss of your son. Would that there were many, many more like him. Peace be with you, Sgt. Plumondore. It is indeed a sad day for all of us when we lose a fine young man like you ....

Plumondore, a 2001 graduate of Gresham High School, died Wednesday in Mosul after an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle, according to the Defense Department. Family members said military officials told them he was filling in for another solider during a patrol and probably died because he was in a hatch that left him more exposed than others.

He was assigned to the 24th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division. He had spent most of his time in Iraq in Mosul, patroling with a tight bunch of comrades and working as a sniper.

According to his high school coach, Gary Stautz, “He was extremely likable and fairly quiet until you got to know him, and really hard-working on the field and in the weight room.”

“Plumondore was also extremely patriotic and made it clear that he wanted to join the military. Serving his country was something he was proud of and he wanted to do,” Stautz said.

Sgt. Adam J. Plumondore
1983 - 2005


To fallen soldiers let us sing
where no rockets fly nor bullets wing
Our broken brothers let us bring
to the mansions of the Lord

No more bleeding no more fight
No prayers pleading through the night
just divine embrace, eternal light
in the mansions of the Lord

Where no mothers cry and no children weep
We will stand and guard to the angels sleep
All through the ages safely keep
the mansions of the Lord


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 02/19/2005 at 05:50 PM   
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calendar   Friday - February 18, 2005

Support Our Troops, Especially This Marine

Lt. Pantano, the Marine accused by the politically correct crowd of cold-blooded murder in the death of two raghead terrorists, is back in the news.

Read an account from an embedded journalist who covered the Lt and his platoon for several days.

The Corps is also asking people who are furious that this is taking place to be patient. I suspect he will be cleared completely and the Corps is going through the motions to keep the hypocritical America-hating MSM from getting its collective panties in a wad and go running to the UN Human Rights Commission with their own complaint.

More disturbing, though, are the assholes who put up a website whose name very closely resembles that of the Lt.’s family which shows images of the Lt. with his head chopped off.

Retired Marines are providing security.  What would be sweet would be to find out the name of these assholes’ website, have someone trace it back to a bricks and mortar address and then beat the living shit out of all the fuckatrds living in there.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 02/18/2005 at 08:14 AM   
Filed Under: • Military •  
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calendar   Monday - February 14, 2005

More Humor In Uniform

The Navy found they had too many officers and decided to offer an early retirement.  They promised any officer who volunteered for retirement, a bonus of $1,000 for every inch measured in a straight line between any two points in his body. The officer got to choose what those two points would be.

The first officer who accepted, asked that he be measured from the top of his head to the tip of his toes. He was measured at six feet and walked out with a bonus of $72,000.

The second officer who accepted was a little smarter and asked to be measured from the tip of his outstretched hands to his toes. He walked out with $96,000.

The third one was a non-commissioned officer; a grizzly old Chief who, when asked where he would like to be measured replied, “from the tip of my penis to my testicles.”

It was suggested by the pension man that the Chief might want to reconsider, explaining about the nice big checks the previous two officers had received.  But the old Chief insisted and they decided to go along with him, providing the measurement was taken by a medical officer.

The medical officer arrived and instructed the Chief to “drop ‘em,” which he did.  The medical officer placed the tape measure on the tip of the Chief’s penis and began to work back. “My God!” he suddenly exclaimed, “Where are your testicles?”

The old Chief calmly replied . . “Vietnam”.

Posted by DR@HDfixit   United States  on 02/14/2005 at 04:35 PM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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