Sarah Palin's presence in the lower 48 means the Arctic ice cap can finally return.

calendar   Thursday - November 13, 2008

MSNBC changes its name to CYA

"We was fooled!! We’re the victims here!” More BS from the Majorly Stupid News Broadcasting Company ...

MSNBC Retracts False Palin Story

MSNBC was the victim of a hoax when it reported that an adviser to John McCain had identified himself as the source of an embarrassing story about former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, the network said Wednesday.

David Shuster, an anchor for the cable news network, said on air Monday that Martin Eisenstadt, a McCain policy adviser, had come forth and identified himself as the source of a FOX News Channel story saying Palin had mistakenly believed Africa was a country instead of a continent.

Eisenstadt identifies himself on a blog as a senior fellow at the Harding Institute for Freedom and Democracy. Yet neither he nor the institute exist; each is part of a hoax dreamed up by a filmmaker named Eitan Gorlin and his partner, Dan Mirvish, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

The Eisenstadt claim had mistakenly been delivered to Shuster by a producer and was used in a political discussion Monday afternoon, MSNBC said.

“The story was not properly vetted and should not have made air,” said Jeremy Gaines, network spokesman. “We recognized the error almost immediately and ran a correction on air within minutes.”

The hoax was limited to the identity of the source in the story about Palin—not the FOX News story itself. While Palin has denied that she mistook Africa for a country, the veracity of that report was not put in question by the revelation that Eisenstadt is a phony.

And the source, this Eisenstadt, has fooled members of the media several times before too, at least 3 times. Whoever it is thinks the whole thing is a big joke, and did it all to show us that you can’t believe anything you find on the internet. Well, that’s true, because of jerks like him. But the real point is that the PMSM runs with anything they think sounds “truthy”, and that they do a piss poor job of verifying sources. And that’s what supposedly differentiates a professional journalist from us unwashed legions in our jammies. I’d give them a great big FAIL.

The Times has an in depth background piece on this story. It figures.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/13/2008 at 09:19 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - November 01, 2008

Another “failed policy”

Looking back to one year ago ....


The U.S. budget deficit fell to the lowest level in five years last week, but three of America’s leading newspapers—the New York Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times—couldn’t find the space to mention the dramatic drop.

Journalists who have spent years trashing President Bush’s tax cuts appeared to suddenly lose interest when the budget picture brightened. That’s not surprising, however, considering that mainstream reporters frequently ignore upbeat economic news.

For 49 straight months, dating back to August 2003, the U.S. economy has added jobs. More than 8 million, in fact. Yet the only time economic news seems to hit the front page is when there’s something bad to report. No wonder Bush gets little credit.

A study by the Business and Media Institute last month revealed the “past four years of media coverage on jobs have been marred by pessimistic predictions, omissions, lack of economic context and focus on job losses instead of gains.” One of the biggest offenders was Katie Couric of the “CBS Evening News,” but she’s hardly alone.

More here at RedPlanetCartoons. MUCH more.


It’s all connected. Perception is how we see things, but for the most part we see things that are pointed out to us. In other words, we get led around. By those who show how how reality “is” every day of the year. And you know the other reality they’re sticking in your eyes as well ...


PS - for more great political cartoons, check out the Rhysind Sketchbook. Outstanding!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/01/2008 at 02:04 PM   
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calendar   Friday - October 31, 2008

A Taste of Things To Come?

Obama boots 3 newspaper’s reporters from his Obaplane

All 3 papers had endorsed McCain

Journalists from three major newspapers that endorsed John McCain—the Washington Times, the New York Post and the Dallas Morning News—have been booted from Barack Obama’s campaign plane for the final leg of the presidential race.

The Washington Times reported Friday that it was notified of the Obama campaign’s decision Thursday evening—even though the paper has covered Obama from the start.

Executive Editor John Solomon told that the Obama campaign said it didn’t have enough seats on the plane, but “I don’t think the explanation makes sense to us.”

“We’ve been traveling since 2007 with him. ... We’re a relevant newspaper—every day we break news,” Solomon said. “And to suddenly be kicked off the plane for people who haven’t covered it as aggressively or thoroughly as we are ... it sort of feels unfair.”

He said the newspaper protested but was turned down again by the campaign.

“I can only hope that the candidate who describes himself as wanting to unite the nation doesn’t have some sort of litmus test for who he decides gets to cover the campaign,” Solomon said, noting that the Obama campaign’s decision came just two days after the paper endorsed McCain.

According to the Web site The Drudge Report, the three newspapers’ reporters were told to find alternative transportation by Sunday so that the plane could accommodate “network bigwigs” and reporters from two black magazines, Essence and Jet.

Via Drudge:
“The Obama campaign has decided to heave out three newspapers from its plane for the final days of its blitz across battleground states—and all three endorsed Sen. John McCain for president!
The NY POST, WASHINGTON TIMES and DALLAS MORNING NEWS have all been told to move out by Sunday to make room for network bigwigs—and possibly for the inclusion of reporters from two black magazines, ESSENCE and JET, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. Despite pleas from top editors of the three newspapers that have covered the campaign for months at extraordinary cost, the Obama campaign says their reporters—and possibly others—will have to vacate their coveted seats so more power players can document the final days of Sen. Barack Obama’s historic campaign to become the first black American president. ”

Via the Washington Times:
“This feels like the journalistic equivalent of redistributing the wealth. We spent hundreds of thousands of dollars covering Senator Obama’s campaign, traveling on his plane, and taking our turn in the reporter’s pool, only to have our seat given away to someone else in the last days of the campaign,” said Washington Times Executive Editor John Solomon. News organizations typically pay campaigns for the cost of traveling on the candidate’s planes.

The Washington Times endorsed Mr. McCain on Tuesday.

“I hope the candidate that promises to unite America isn’t using a litmus test to determine who gets to cover his campaign,” Mr. Solomon said. ”

There ya go. Given the boot. Because of their paper’s views? Or because they weren’t elite bigwigs? Or because a couple black reporters needed those seats?

Signs and portents folks, signs and portents.


“And stay out!”

or maybe not? Looks like McCain has played a similar game himself.

Dallas Morning News Editor Bob Mong told that the “indication” from the Obama campaign was that they were kicked off the plane since they don’t represent a national outlet and they don’t represent a swing state.

“We argued that [considering] the size of the Morning News and stature, we obviously would want to be on board,” Mong said. “We’re obviously not happy about it, and continue to protest.”

He said, in fairness, that the McCain campaign recently pulled Morning News staff off the Republican’s plane when space became an issue—but he said the Morning News would be back on McCain’s plane again this weekend.

Obama is not the only candidate to play hardball with the press. McCain’s campaign has reportedly barred Time columnist Joe Klein and New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, who have been critical of the Republican candidate, from the Republican candidate’s plane.

Well, I’d say banning Klein and Dowd is understandable. “critical” is the understatement of the decade with regards to them. And Mong’s case was obviously temporary and due to actual overcrowding.

maybe this is just a case of uppity reporters getting their noses out of joint over losing a free ride


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/31/2008 at 12:12 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - October 22, 2008

SSDD Part 2

More Utterly Predictable Socialist Crap from MSNBC

Let’s get rid of the Electoral College! That’s Change You Can Believe In!!

As dependable as the sun coming up in the morning. This is the first iteration of this old saw I’ve seen, but you can expect every single news outlet to run something just like it.

Yeah, get rid of the Electoral College. Because it’s too complicated for us stupid Americans to understand. Because it’s OLD therefore no good. And most especially, because it would remove the quarantine around Chicago style ballot box stuffing, allowing that corrupt practice to have impacts beyond the Illinois border.

Ooh, looky, several of the stupider lefty states have this new idea, one that totally ignores how their citizens voted but allows them all to climb up on the Winner’s Bus. And isn’t that more important in the long run? Good looks and popularity; that’s all that really matters, right?

Is it time to scrap the Electoral College?

Is the Electoral College, America’s quirky system of choosing its presidents, on its way to extinction? Americans do not vote directly for president. They vote for slates of electors in each state.
All but two states (Maine and Nebraska) use the winner-take-all system. This means that the candidate who gets the most popular votes in a state gets all of its electoral votes.
The system is a relic of the early days of the republic when electors were supposed to be independent agents exercising their judgment in choosing a presidential candidate from a list of several contenders.

Today, electors are party loyalists who almost always vote for their party’s nominee.

And this is a bad thing why?

Scrapping the electoral vote system would likely require a constitutional amendment since the Constitution itself created the electoral system (Article II, section 1).

No, it would ABSOLUTELY require an amendment. And that ain’t happening if I have even the smallest say in the matter. Because we actually already HAVE an amendment about this. It’s number 12. Go read it. The original method stopped working when people formed political parties, which we weren’t really supposed to do! (damn, but those Founding Father guys were smart, huh?)

But a group called National Popular Vote says it has found another way.

So far, it has persuaded four Democratic-controlled legislatures (in Maryland, Illinois, Hawaii, and New Jersey) to pass a law which commits those states to give their electoral votes to whomever wins the national popular vote.  The accord takes effect once states with a combined 270 electoral votes agree to it.The states would pledge to award their electoral votes to the popular vote winner even if he or she had not been the majority choice in their state.

Take Maryland as an example. Say 80 percent of voters in that state cast their ballots for the Democratic presidential candidate. But if a Republican candidate wins the national popular vote, under the state law, Maryland’s 10 electoral votes would go to that candidate.

This is perhaps the stupidest idea that has ever been. Let’s wait until all the votes are counted everywhere and then dole out the electoral votes based on that. Which not only guts the Electoral College system, it removes all the “representative” from “representative democracy”. Your state picks a winner based on how the other states voted. Which means that the few states with the highest populations effectively control the outcome of the election. Eff that!

And now we get down to the brass tacks ... the part where the MSM’s agenda comes bubbling up, like the more rancid floaters down at the waste treatment plant:

A margin of one-half of one percent
The difference between Al Gore and George W. Bush in 2000 was 540,000 votes out of more than 105 million total votes cast, a victory margin of only one-half of one percent.  With such a slim margin, there’d be every incentive for both the loser and winner to seek recounts so as to get more votes in the states that each one won by a large margin. Another 50,000 votes for Bush in Utah, Georgia and Texas, for example, could have helped him erase the tiny popular vote edge that Gore had.

You DO see the BS way they’re trying to hide their BS here, right? Ooh look, if we’d done it that way last time BUSH could have won bigger! NO. That’s subterfuge. The real idea is “every incentive to seek recounts” which leads directly to the unspoken “and we’d win if we could stuff some more ballot boxes, and get those lazy dead people to vote more often!”

At the MIT conference, Yale University law professor Akhil Amar dismissed the dire nationwide recount scenario as an exaggerated fear.

Nothing to see here, move along. This could never happen. BS. This is exactly what WILL happen, and exactly what the left WANTS to happen. So ignore your gut reaction, it simply could never be true. Asshats.

Not even the most populous states pick their governors through an Electoral College system, Amar pointed out. If the popular vote is good enough to elect a governor in a state of 8.5 million voters, such as California, then it would work in a national electorate of 120 million voters.

If the States wish to do things their own way, that is their right. And that a system works at a small scale does not imply or prove that it works at a large scale. What if the states adopted an Electoral system based on land area? New York is utterly dominated by New York City - half or more of the population lives there, and another fifth within a 10 mile radius. Yet NYC isn’t 1/2 of 1% of the land area. Why not X Electoral Votes per square mile, which would utterly shift the power to the rural areas? What if some state decided on some other allocation system? Who cares? At the national level we use the Electoral College specifically to limit the power of states with large urban populations. It’s already weighted plenty in favor of population anyway: each state gets one Electoral Vote for each Representative they have, and the Reps are doled out based on population.

Amar said a direct national election would create healthy incentives for states to compete with each other in getting more of their people to vote — for example by allowing voter registration on Election Day and by mandating that Election Day be a day off, with pay, for all workers.

And free pony rides and ice cream and balloons too. Sheesh, what a load. Anytime you hear this crapola you know there’s a leftist behind it. “Incentives”? Horry Clap. To hell with opening the window to corruption, let’s take the doors right off the house!

Dream on lefties. The Founding Fathers were smarter than you, and they knew what you’d try to do, 200 years before you were ever born. And that’s why they put this system in place. It’s only too bad that it doesn’t absolutely specify Winner Take All at the state level, because I think that the two states that went and did apportionment ought to be flogged. We stick with the system until we all decide together to change it.

Learn more about the Electoral College here and also here.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/22/2008 at 02:52 PM   
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CNN reminds us that it’s the Republicans that are out to rig and steal the election.

“It almost felt to me like an election might have been stolen”

Ex-GOP operative tells cautionary tale about ‘how to rig an election’

Allen Raymond is living proof that political dirty tricksters do exist. The former Republican political operative went to federal prison after he pleaded guilty to charges of phone harassment. He jammed the phone lines of New Hampshire’s Democratic Party on Election Day six years ago. 
The operation also jammed the lines inside a firefighter’s union hall in Manchester, New Hampshire, where Jeff Duval and other local firefighters were lining up car rides to help senior citizens get to the polls.

“It almost felt to me like an election might have been stolen,” Duval said. “I know for a fact that we received calls a few days later from people saying ‘we tried to call you.’ And I say ‘did you get out and vote?’ And they said ‘no.’ ”

In his book, “How to Rig an Election: Confessions of a Republican Operative,” Raymond details how he got caught. An hour and a half into the jamming operation he received an e-mail from a Republican official, frantically telling him to shut down the calls. The e-mail read: “Chairman wishes not to proceed with this project ... insists it violates federal law.”

One of Raymond’s alleged co-conspirators, James Tobin, was a top official with the National Republican Senatorial Committee that year. He went on to serve as George W. Bush’s Northeastern regional re-election chairman in 2004. Tobin was initially convicted. But he succeeded in having that decision overturned by an appellate court. Just last week, Tobin was again indicted in the case on two counts of making false statements to a federal agent. His lawyer had no comment.

Another co-conspirator and former chairman of New Hampshire’s Republican Party, Charles McGee, pleaded guilty to phone harrassment in the case and served seven months in prison.  Democrats insist the phone jamming operation in New Hampshire had national implications. The balance of power in the U.S. Senate was on the line that year and the Senate race between Democrat Jeanne Shaheen and Republican John Sununu was decided by just 19,000. Sununu won.

Some state Democrats remain convinced the phone jamming operation resulted in some votes lost.

“I think they were willing to do whatever it took to win, even if that meant breaking the law,” Sullivan said.

Allen Raymond learned that winning elections at all costs can come at a heavy price.

“I’m a felon,” Raymond said. “I think about it everyday. Everyday, everything that I do every day, I try to do in such a way that makes up for that mistake.”

Raymond doesn’t plan to stop talking about his trip to the political dark side. He told CNN a major Hollywood studio plans to begin production on a film version of his cautionary tale.

Oooh look! CNN puts this bit in to show how Fair & Balanced they are!

Conservative author and Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund points out there are dirty tricksters in both parties.

“No party has a monopoly on virtue,” said Fund.

Fund has also written a book about the problem, “Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens our Democracy.” His book focuses on the allegations facing more liberal groups like ACORN.

What, am I supposed to add some comment here? This is merely example 86,591,174 of media bias. Just a little reminder that Republicans are crooks. One guy messed with the phones of one office for an hour, therefore the election was rigged. Because that town must have had 25,000 senior citizens, all Democrats, who had never voted before and just had to call up DNC headquarters to find out where to vote.  Because none of them figured it out ahead of time. And then they couldn’t call the union hall to arrange for a ride, because none of them had any means of personal transportation. Republicans, EVIL!! And then the crooks behind this horror rigged the judiciary system to get off scott-free! Republicans, CORRUPT!!!

And that all that exists against the other groups like ACORN (like implies some other group THAN actually ACORN) are mere allegations. Probably false. Made by evil corrupt Republicans!!!!!

Is this bullshit over yet? I can’t wait until November 5th. I’m just sick to death of the whole damn thing.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/22/2008 at 01:14 PM   
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calendar   Monday - October 13, 2008

Because it would be evidence of a huge lie, that’s why

CNN’s Campbell Brown: So what if Obama was a Muslim or an Arab?

I guess this is another one of those daily moonbat posts. Well, maybe not moonbattery in the pure form, but a certain kind of willfull blindness seems to be in evidence.

You may find it hard to believe that this remains an issue in this campaign, but it does. The candidates, both candidates, are still getting questions about Barack Obama’s ethnicity and religion. If you are even semi-informed, then by now you already know that of course, Barack Obama is an American.image

Of course, Barack Obama is a Christian. Yet just a few days ago, there was a woman at a rally for John McCain incorrectly calling Obama an Arab

Of course? Willfull blindness much? Actually Campbell dear, he is an arab. If being 50% black allows you to be black, and being less than 50% black allows you to be black, then being significantly arabic on your father’s side allows you to be an arab. His father was, at most, the child of an arab and a black person. Or perhaps the child of two arabic black people. So daddy Barack is at least half arabic. The muslims in Kenya are black people, but they are also arabs. And they identify very strongly with being arabs. That’s why they have arabic names. The Christian blacks there have Christian names. Very simple.

So what if Obama was Arab or Muslim? So what if John McCain was Arab or Muslim? Would it matter?  When did that become a disqualifier for higher office in our country? When did Arab and Muslim become dirty words? The equivalent of dishonorable or radical? Whenever this gets raised, the implication is that there is something wrong with being an Arab-American or a Muslim. And the media is complicit here, too. We’ve all been too quick to accept the idea that calling someone Muslim is a slur.

Not true Campbell darlin. Calling someone a flea bitten, goat raping, carpet stealing, wife beating, pedophilic, 7th century dune coon is a slur. Calling anyone a jihadist is a slur, IF they’re innocent. But since you ask, so sorry to let you down, but you do remember 9/11? You do remember the 1972 Olympics? You do recall all those years in between with the endless series of terrorist acts all carried out by guys named Mohammed? Guess what? Islam - or if you must keep at least part of your so pretty head buried in the sand - “radical” or “fundamental” Islam is our enemy. And they’ve said so a billion times, for 1400 years now. It’s what violent jihad is all about. So maybe the lines have become just a wee bit blurred lately, and members of that faith are viewed with a bit of skepticism by the rest of us. Lie down with dogs, get up with a suicide vest. Smart muslims over here probably know enough to speak out against terrorism and violence, and the smartest ones know not to take their religion too too seriously. So yeah, unpleasant as it may be, we have “good muslims” and “bad muslims” in our midst. Until this thing is over, they’re going to have to walk on eggshells. But we aren’t shooting them in the street, we aren’t beating them in the dark (90% or more of these “islamaphobia” cases turn out to be self-induced, ie faked) and we have neither deported them nor rounded them up in camps. They aren’t even being fired from their jobs, and the police and other public services have bent over backwards to see that they aren’t getting unfair treatment. That’s as good as it’s ever going to get for people who share some major core identity with an avowed and active enemy of the United States.

There are more than 1.2 million Arab-Americans and about 7 million Muslim-Americans, former Cabinet secretaries, members of Congress, successful business people, normal average Americans from all walks of life. These are the people being maligned here, and we can only imagine how this conversation plays in the Muslim world. We can’t tolerate this ignorance—not in the media, not on the campaign trail. Of course, he’s not an Arab. Of course, he’s not a Muslim. But honestly, it shouldn’t matter.

I don’t know why you break those populations up, since 95% of all Arab-Americans are muslims, or at least were muslims when they came here. And honestly, they aren’t being maligned. Hardly at all. Less than us evil white males are, that’s for sure. And all the ones who might suffer a little malignment need to do is to change out of the Immigrant Pants, dress like Americans, and assimilate a little. At which point we wouldn’t be able to tell them from Hindus, which everyone knows are hard working, very well educated people with excellent family values.

But you were talking about Obama. Are you high sweetheart? Are you that naive? Or is this just more of CNN’s bias creeping in, trying to lay down some more guilt against us whiteys?

Let’s say he was, and had been up front about it:

“Hello, my name is Barrrrrrackkk Huzzzzein Obama. I’m an Arab-American Muslim who happens to be part African and part White. And I’m running for President, because I believe in a Change for Socialism, and I Hope you do too!”

He would have been allowed to campaign. But people would have somehow listened more to what he was saying. And taken a good hard look at his background, his family, and his friends. And wondered if it was a Good Thing, and likely decided it Wasn’t. And that’s all, really.

Now, let’s say he is, always was, and has been keeping it a secret. Which is what many people suspect right now, because so much of his past is locked away. This means he’s been lying to us. This means he is a total phony, a fake, a fraud, a pretender. And we don’t like that. So if these turned out to be true, believably true, then the evidence of a campaign of lies would be overwhelming. And he’d get about 8.2 million votes (your 1.2 plus your 7) at most. We’d reject him utterly. Because he tried to put one over on the whole damn country. Not because he was a member of the wrong religion or ethnic group. Because he was a liar. And maybe because he was a far left Socialist too.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/13/2008 at 09:19 PM   
Filed Under: • Media-BiasPoliticsRacism and race relationsTypical White People: Stupid, Evil, Willfully Blind •  
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calendar   Thursday - September 18, 2008

olbie gets caught telling fibs about sarah

a short video from our very own Bruchy.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/18/2008 at 03:29 PM   
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calendar   Thursday - September 11, 2008


Cricky rinky. You rikey!

Warning: linked article contains “Big Words” like “exculpation”, “conspicuous”, “repudiation”, and “multifarious”. Word processor may contain peanuts or tree nut by-products. If you only read at the “Dumas” level (because I can’t let a good comment thread go) then let this one pass by; I’ll give you the Bottom Line instead: Smashing on Palin is backfiring and it’s funny to watch the NY Times grasping at straws gyrating in the vortex dancing real fast trying to rationalize show why they’re right. See? I just saved all our dum basses a good 10 minutes. To the other 1083 readers: wasn’t that a great bit of writing? Most enjoyable, smirk smirk!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/11/2008 at 09:14 PM   
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calendar   Monday - September 08, 2008

Michael Moore: the stupidest white man. ( Moore is someone I admit I’d love to have in gun sight)

I really don’t HATE that many people. Honestly I don’t.  Lets see, there’s the MIL but I don’t wanna shoot her.
I’m not even sure I hate OBL as much as I do Moore.  I see him, Moore, as a prime traitor and a gross lying SOB.  So yeah, I’d probably take a pot shot at the bastard if given a chance.  I imagine that looks pretty bad here in print but hey.  It’s how I feel about that slug.
Apparently a writer for the Telegraph doesn’t think much of him either.

Some of the comments on this are a bit over the top.  Don’t ya just love these “experts” who know about America and haven’t a clue.

By Daniel Hannan
The Telegraph

I’ve just walked past a poster in Victoria Station plugging Michael Moore’s new book. “Bring back the draft - but only draft the rich. If they have to serve, they won’t be so eager to start ridiculous wars,” it says.

Hmm, let’s see where these political shirkers are skulking, shall we? Why not start at the very top, with the presidential and vice-presidential candidates? Sarah Palin’s son Track is being deployed to Iraq next week.

Joe Biden’s son Beau is scheduled to go on 3 October. John McCain’s son Jimmy had been quietly serving in the desert without his father making a fuss: the old boy was furious when the news leaked. (Moore plainly finds such modesty incomprehensible). The only one not to be risking his children is Barack Obama, whom one can hardly blame since a) he opposed the war throughout and b) his beautiful little girls are 10 and 7.

In fact, the skiver here seems to be Moore himself, who managed to shoot the whole of Fahrenheit 9/11 without at any stage risking his generous arse by actually visiting Iraq, where much of the action is set. Falstaff-like, the greasy tallow-catch prefers to roar from the sidelines: “A plague on all cowards - give me a cup of sack, boy”.

(shiver, lazy person who shirks work and responsibility. not to be trusted.)


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 09/08/2008 at 07:32 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - August 27, 2008

Don’t Stop Believing

Talking heads on the news are running wild. Gosh, because of the way the DNC rules are set up, the delegates could nominate Hillary for VP!!!!!!!1111!!! And then Biden would be out and she would be on the ticket.

They just won’t let go. Ever. Even the ones on Fox News.

The spirit of Dan Rather lives on in each of them, denying reality until after the bitter end.



4:50pm Denver time:

Hillary Clinton: “And I move, that we suspend the rules, and that by acclaimation, we nominate Barack Obama as our candidate for President of the United States.”

Motion seconded ... approved ... and the crowd gives voice. Barack Hussain Obama is now officially their choice. Why bother counting? Can we all go the hell home now? Um, no. Now they need to tell us how wonderful he is for the next hour or so, then we have to watch the Biden Bullshit Nomination Nonsense.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/27/2008 at 02:35 PM   
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calendar   Friday - August 08, 2008

No John Edwards posts here

The Silky Pony is all over the news again. Today it’s a big story on the networks that a week or two ago he was caught in a hotel with his mistress and his love child. Oh, scandal!! Oh hypocrisy!! Oh boredom. Oh yawn. Every network has entire gangs of talking heads yammering on by the friggin hour.

Anybody who looked into this ambulance chaser 4 years ago knew he had something on the side. While his wife was home bravely surviving cancer for another day, the Breck Girl was out gittin him some. It wasn’t news then either. It wasn’t news the dozen or so times he’s headlined in the tabloids since then. But this week it’s news.

Now the Mr. Two Americas is off the campaign trail, out of the running again, gone back to channeling the unborn and whatever else greaseball lawyers like him do ... suddenly the MSM discovers he has a mistress? Suddenly they’re all uppity because this is the guy who was preaching Family Values? Well, fine, hmmpph!!

I question the timing of this.

I think the one and only reason that this is MSM news now is because it’s nearly a sure thing that Obama is not going to pick Hitlery as his VP choice. And OBullshit has to make a choice damn soon. And Edwards may have been a contender. At least the Silky Pony has name recognition. Hey, and nickname recognition too! And he did manage to grab enough votes this time to be #3. But the media wants Hillary, and by gumbo, it will dish whatever dirt and smears are necessary to get what it wants. Because they run the country you know. And they’ve made no bones about that since Watergate. Just ask them. Do you think they also have a special event planned for BO some point after his inauguration ... maybe in Memphis? They won’t want to leave Hillary off to the side for too long you know.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/08/2008 at 10:50 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - July 22, 2008

New York Times rejects John McCain opinion piece after running Barack Obama editorial

May I assume you folks already knew this?  If not ....

The New York Times has rejected an opinion piece on Iraq by Senator John McCain, the Republican presidential candidate, less than a week after publishing a similar article by his Democratic rival Senator Barack Obama.

By Alex Spillius in Washington
Last Updated: 12:26AM BST 22 Jul 2008

David Shipley, the op-ed page editor of America’s most prestigious paper asked Mr McCain to rewrite his piece, a move likely to revive allegations of bias in the media towards the young Democratic contender.

A recent study found that the news television networks had run more than double the number of stories about Mr Obama than Mr McCain since early June.

Mr Shipley told the McCain campaign that he was “very eager” to publish the senator but suggested a new “approach”.

“The article would have to articulate, in concrete terms, how Senator McCain defines victory in Iraq. It would also have to lay out a clear plan for achieving victory - with troops [sic] levels, timetables and measures for compelling the Iraqis to cooperate,” he wrote.

The McCain campaign was stunned by the email, which seemed to be trying to dictate its policy. Not setting a timetable is at the core of the Arizona senator’s views on Iraq.

Taylor Griffin, a spokesman for the campaign, said: “John McCain believes that victory in Iraq must be based on conditions on the ground, not arbitrary timetables. Unlike Barack Obama, that position will not change based on politics or the demands of the New York Times.”

The campaign noted that Mr Shipley was a former speechwriter for former Democrat president Bill Clinton.

The New York Times issued a statement, which pointed out it had published at least seven op-ed pieces by Mr McCain since 1996.

“It is standard procedure on our Op-Ed page, and that of other newspapers, to go back and forth with an author on his or her submission. We look forward to publishing Senator McCain’s views in our paper just as we have in the past.”

Though the New York Times is known for its liberal stance, the “op-ed” or comment page routinely runs articles by Centre-Right columnists, some of whom are supportive of Mr McCain.

The opening of the senator’s submitted article read: “In January 2007, when General David Petraeus took command in Iraq, he called the situation ‘hard’ but not ‘hopeless’.

“Today, 18 months later, violence has fallen by up to 80 per cent to the lowest levels in four years, and Sunni and Shiite terrorists are reeling from a string of defeats. The situation now is full of hope, but considerable hard work remains to consolidate our fragile gains.”


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 07/22/2008 at 04:18 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsMedia-Bias •  
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calendar   Monday - July 14, 2008

Associated Press now making snuff films for the Taliban

Anti-war journalism my ass. AP is an active enemy agent. We used to call them “Associated (with terrorists) Press”. Now they should be A(l-Jazeera) Propoganda. Because, well, maybe once or twice you can cross the line. By mistake. Maybe because you don’t know better. But when it becomes a habit, when it becomes regular behavior ... you’re on the other side forever.

Via Dr. Rusty Shackleford at Jawa Report:

AP Stringer Stands by as Taliban Murder 2 Women, Gets Snuff Footage

We would remind the AP that the act of the Taliban inviting a reporter to the murder means they wanted this news out there. The AP was clearly being used as a propaganda outlet for the Taliban.

Once again the AP is aiding and abetting the enemy. This time with a group listed as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the U.S. and which several U.N. Security Council Resolutions forbid giving any assistance to.

Will the AP be given a Pulitzer this time?

Jawa has the grisly Before & After pictures, and the (thankfully taken at night) snuff video with very disturbing audio (don’t watch it). Allah pundit questions AP’s ethics. I don’t. THEY DON’T HAVE ANY.  Ace says they’re “Not anti-American, just pro-terrorist.” I disagree a bit. THEY ARE TERRORISTS, actively working for the other side. The enemy side. This is not objective journalism. At All. Hunt them down, and kill them.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/14/2008 at 04:51 PM   
Filed Under: • Media-BiasWar On Terror •  
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calendar   Saturday - June 21, 2008

A Shot Across The Bows … With a BB Gun

Sometimes it’s hard to spot the media bias. Sometimes it’s bloody easy, as this weak attempt shows.

Ties to Bush on offshore drilling may hurt McCain this fall

As he tries to woo independent voters, Sen. John McCain is relying on his image as a maverick, making it clear he’s no President Bush. 

But the timing of Bush’s support for offshore oil drilling this week may spell trouble for McCain’s efforts to distance himself from the embattled White House.  The president on Wednesday urged Democratic leaders in Congress to lift the ban on offshore drilling—just as McCain has been making his own energy pitch for the same.

“The next president must be willing to break with the energy policies, not just of the current administration, but the administrations that preceded it, and lead a great national campaign to achieve energy security for America,” McCain said Wednesday in Springfield, Missouri.

Riiight. So McCain’s finally coming around to reality makes him another Bush. What a crock. I got news for you, CNN. With regular over $4 and diesel over $5, anybody on any ticket up for votes in November had better be behind massively expanded energy resourcing. Or else they’re gone. It’s the Big Issue.

“I know the Democratic leaders have opposed some of these policies in the past,” Bush said. “Now that their opposition has helped drive gas prices to record levels, I ask them to reconsider their positions.”

But Sen. Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee, argues that offshore drilling will not help lower gas prices in the short term.

Typical misdirection. No shit, Sherlock. Tell us what we don’t know. You think the voters are so stupid that they can’t tell the difference between a short term FIX and a long term SOLUTION? Hmmph. I think I’m offended by his patronising attitude towards us Typical Voters.

Congressional Democrats are determined to block the president’s push for offshore drilling, prohibited by a 1981 law and a 1990 executive order.

“When Congress lifts the legislative ban, I will lift the executive prohibition,” Bush said.  The issue also makes for a fascinating family drama since the president’s father, President George H.W. Bush, signed the order banning offshore drilling, while his brother Jeb more recently opposed such drilling when he was governor of Florida.

Florida’s current governor, Charlie Crist, has been an opponent of offshore drilling, but he now has an open mind about it since McCain’s embrace. Crist’s name has come up as a possible vice presidential running mate on the GOP ticket.

Nice try, but lame. Neither Daddy Bush nor Brother Bush did anything more than support the will of their constituents at the time. But views change. We call that “learning”. Trying to pin the tale on the elephant fails, since even the smallest amount of research shows that the tail (ie, blocking new energy) needs to be nailgunned right up the donkey’s ass.

Obama’s solution, a push for plug-in hybrid cars and other alternatives to oil, will not give consumers short-term relief either.

Gosh, a bit of balanced reporting! How did that get in there? Oh, and O-baloney? At least a quarter of the electorate can’t afford a new plug-in car. And plug-in cars don’t save any energy anyway. It still has to be created. Unless suddenly you’re on the More Nukes platform, just like John McCain? Which would make Obama ... just like Bush!!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/21/2008 at 11:10 AM   
Filed Under: • Media-BiasPolitics •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
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It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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