Sarah Palin is allowed first dibs on Alaskan wolfpack kills.

calendar   Monday - July 13, 2020

China Is Bugging Me Again

This year’s destructive insect from China in our area

image  image

I’m really getting tired of this. First it was the brown marmorated stinkbug. Then it was the ash borer, which cost our condo park dozens of trees. Now it’s the spotted lanternfly. We’ve got so damn many of them I felt the need to look them up online.

And what a surprise, we’re under lockdown for this bug. Quarantine. Gee, wonderful. And their favorite tree to munch around here is the Eastern Black Walnut, one of which grows right over our patio. I call it the toilet tree, because all it does is drop shit on us all year long. Now there are so many of these bugs, which suck sap and pee out “honeydew” in copious quantities, that it feels like a light misty rain out there. And we’ve got dozens and dozens of the little black ones, dead, all over the patio.

Spotted Lanternflies Land in New Jersey
Invasive Pest Identified in Warren County [ and Hunterdon and half a dozen other counties in NJ ]

Some people may think it is a moth but it’s really the Asian plant hopper known as the spotted lanternfly (SLF), Lycorma deliculata (White) and is a member of the order Hemiptera, family Fulgoridae. In the USA, spotted lanternfly is an invasive species that could be very devastating to some New Jersey crops and hardwood trees.

This insect was accidentally introduced into Pennsylvania and was confirmed in the state in September 2014. At first it was only found in Berks County, however, today it has spread throughout Pennsylvania and to neighboring states, including New Jersey.

New Jersey populations were first detected in 2018 are currently primarily distributed along the state’s border with Pennsylvania. In response, the NJ Department of Agriculture has issued an eight-county quarantine. People and businesses travelling in and out of these counties (Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, Hunterdon, Mercer, Salem, Somerset, and Warren) should inspect vehicles for hitchhiking SLF and inspect outdoor items such as packing bins, firewood, paving stones, lawn equipment, etc. for egg masses (see checklist). Quarantine compliance will reduce the spread of SLF to new areas and counties thereby protect New Jersey resources including forests and agriculture.

I tipped off the condo association here, and submitted a report to the Ag Department at Rutgers. Hey, if they want to come and chop down that tree, fine by me. We hate it.

All 3 of these bugs first showed up in eastern PA. I wonder what massive Chinese import center is there?

China is asshoe.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/13/2020 at 06:00 PM   
Filed Under: • CHINA in the newsDaily Life •  
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Time to Recall Another Rep Or Two

With the good news that a judge has approved the petition to recall Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkin (D), I’d like to suggest another elected official that needs to be recalled. Or canceled.

Yeah, and I’m more than a week behind with this story too. Sorry.

PA Dem Backs Off Vile Screed To Destroy Gettysburg

A Pennsylvania county commissioner recently called for Confederate statues at Gettysburg National Park to be removed, then deleted the online post due to major criticism.

“The only thing I could think of to do was, okay, I’ll just take it down. I actually unpublished my page for a little bit. Next week, I’ll probably bring it back up,” said Adams County Commissioner Marty Qually (D).

Qually claimed he was not trying to erase history but pointed to what happened when counterprotesters showed up at Gettysburg over the Independence Day weekend in response to online rumors about an Antifa flag burning.

And good for those who arrived to defend the place.* I hope they came dressed in period uniforms bearing period weapons with period bayonets.  And acted in concert, brothers in arms, regardless of which side they supported. Period. (Alas, no such luck. OTOH they weren’t actors or re-enactors. They were real Americans.) Because it’s easy to say that this was a rumor, a hoax, but if they hadn’t shown up, I guarantee you it would have been a news story instead, and far worse than a protest gesture flag burning.

Proof? Read this:

Commissioners Randy Phiel & Jim Martin released this statement to FOX43:

“Along with celebrating our nation’s independence, this Independence Day in Gettysburg was held with threats and rumors of flag burning, monument damage and other forms of violent and non-violent protest. As a result, Federal, State, County and Local Law enforcement mobilized in force to react to any incidents.  With extensive planning, preparation and resources, fortunately, there were only few incidents. Any protesters were greatly outnumbered by counter-protesters, as anticipated by law enforcement.

Which says that the protestors were there, but kept from doing anything by the vast LEO turnout and the support of hundreds and hundreds of armed loyal Americans. Hoax my ass.

But back to the story ...

Friday, ABC 27 provided screenshots of what appeared to be the commissioner’s since-deleted Facebook post.

It read:

Today, armed racist morons have come to our community responding to an obvious flag burning hoax. These racists have come to protect the confederate monuments, a made up situation which our local law enforcement had well in hand. They are walking in our community with semi-automatic weapons and confederate flags. Our local law enforcement doesn’t need the expense or the risk.

If this is the cost of having confederate monuments in Gettysburg and if this is the lesson we are to learn, then I’m out of the middle of the road. Take the confederate statues down. Our economy cannot survive a pandemic and a morondemic at the same time.

“We cannot allow our county to become a holiday destination for hate, racism, and false patriotism,” he wrote, adding that among them were “clear white supremacists, Klan members, coming to protect our monuments.”

Qually said he removed the post because it got so many comments and became difficult to monitor.

Later, State Rep. Dan Moul (R) of Adams County commented that “Those people who carry those symbols of hate have no place here. Don’t bring your hate here. That’s not what this town’s all about.”

However, Moul added that Qually’s call to bring down the Confederate monuments at Gettysburg was “insanity.”

“If you wipe our history away, we are bound to repeat it. And, that’s a place we never want to go again in this country,” he continued.

After receiving so much criticism, Qually said Thursday that the removal should only be a last resort.

“If we can’t educate the public to the point where people aren’t driving from eight hours away to come here to protect [statues], then I think we have to look at their removal as an option,” Qually noted.

Throw this Quisling Chamberlain appeaser under the bus as well. “a last resort”? No. No, not ever. Never.  To even slightly entertain the thought is total anathema. We can see through your misdirection. You favor it.

Rumors of a left-wing protest happening July 4 at Gettysburg National Military Park drew hundreds of right-wing counter-protesters.

The counter-protesters descended on the national park Saturday, concentrating in an area near Gettysburg National Cemetery. Many came armed in anticipation of a possible flag-burning event.

“And people think, `Why are you carrying a gun?`” said Robert Wall, who identified himself as a concerned citizen and a member of the Pennsylvania Militia. “I’m here to defend myself. I don’t know what they’re going to bring.”

Counter-protesters said they had prepared to guard monuments and other structures at the national park from desecration or damage by protesters.

If you’ve never been to Gettysburg, the cemetery there isn’t very large. It’s at the top of the ridge just north of where Pickett’s Charge happened (although Pettigrew’s troops actually attacked this area). It’s where President Lincoln stood to deliver the Gettysburg address. I’ve been there, and read the inscription while surrounded by clueless Japanese tourists taking pictures. I could not even read the words to myself without coming to prideful tears over the glory of those words.


read them here

This is what would have been vandalized and destroyed had not the armed forces of law and order and true patriots been there. “Racist morons”.

Run this hater out of office.


* The cannon shown in the early part of the video is one of the indestructible 3” rifled guns made by the Phoenix Iron Company. See where it says “PIC” on the muzzle? You knew I’d point that out, with my old bridges hobby and my love of Phoenix columns.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/13/2020 at 01:03 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsHistory •  
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Oh Shut Up You Commies

Um, teacher? Your red stripe is showing.

LA Teacher’s Union: Defund The Cops And Pay Us More
Also, Free Healthcare For All
Because White Privilege

United Teachers Los Angeles recently released a research paper on steps needed to safely reopen public schools amid the coronavirus outbreak and pointed to the need to free up additional funding by defunding the police.

“Police violence is a leading cause of death and trauma for Black people [ yes, nearly 5 dozen blacks are killed by cops every year. Meanwhile, every weekend in Chicago ... ], and is a serious public health and moral issue,” the paper said, citing the American Public Health Association. “We must shift the astronomical amount of money devoted to policing, to education and other essential needs such as housing and public health.”

Teachers unions have long been criticized by Republicans as an extension of the Democrat Party. Republicans will likely use the paper to support that claim. The union’s paper also took aim at charter schools and reportedly called for a federal Medicare-for-All program.

The union’s paper did not offer a dollar amount to cut from the police. The Los Angeles City Council already cut the LAPD budget by $150 million and said the money will be earmarked for disadvantaged communities.  The union did not immediately respond to an after-hours email from Fox News.

LAUSD said that educators want to get back into their classrooms, but asked, “given broader societal conditions, how do we open physical schools in a way that ensures that the benefits outweigh the risks, especially for our most vulnerable students and school communities?” [ except that students are absolutely the least COVID vulnerable part of the population ]

The paper pointed out that minority “working communities, where people are more likely to have ‘essential’ jobs” oftentimes have insufficient healthcare and face other risk factors while “the rewards of economic recovery accrue largely to white and well-off communities that have largely been shielded from the worst of the pandemic’s effects.”

Oddly, the LAPD spends an enormous amount of money policing the LA schools, protecting some of the students from the rest of the students.

And damn, don’t all those working poor now have universal ObamaCare already? With massive public stipends to pay for it? By law??? So what’s this “insufficient healthcare BS??


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/13/2020 at 09:34 AM   
Filed Under: • CommiesDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsEducationUnions-Labor •  
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EZ Solution for NZ

Another misleading click bait headline

New Zealand To Quarantine People For Months, Years

A leading epidemiologist says “thousands of people” will continue to go through a 14-day stint in isolation facilities for months - and possibly years - into the future.

University of Otago professor of public health Michael Baker’s appearance on Newshub Nation on Saturday comes after multiple cases of people breaking out of their facilities.

Prof Baker says while New Zealand is doing “exceptionally well” so far, we need to be prepared for a “long-term risk management challenge”.

“Mistakes happen, and we have to learn from them and improve our systems so we don’t repeat those errors,” he tells host Simon Shepherd.

“We’re going to have thousands of people sitting in these facilities, quarantined in isolation facilities for months, maybe years ahead.

“Sensible risk management says when a mistake happens you figure out what went wrong, and you improve the system.”

The latest escapee, a person in their 60s, broke the window of the Waipuna Hotel in Auckland on Friday and climbed out of the building. They then scaled the fence and began to knock on the doors of neighbouring homes.

Their escape is the fourth since last Saturday, when a woman scaled two fences to escape from Auckland’s Pullman Hotel. She was out of isolation for more than an hour.

On Tuesday, a 32-year-old man snuck through a gap in the Stamford Plaza fencing and visited an inner-city supermarket. The following day he tested positive for COVID-19.

The third person to have allegedly escaped from managed isolation was Martin James McVicar. He allegedly absconded from the Distinction Hotel in Hamilton on Thursday evening before entering a nearby liquor store and reportedly buying a four-pack of Leffe Blonde and a bottle of pinot noir.


•  Don’t go to New Zealand. Period. If you have to conduct business there, do it online or by Zoom. The place lives for tourism, and this quarantine stuff will kill it, leaving them nothing but sheep and hobbits. Oh well.

•   Anyone foolish enough to go there and get stuck in quarantine gets issued plenty of booze, 2 cartons of smokes when entering. Rooms have free internet, free Kindle, and porn enabled TV. All rooms have an open window and “push out” ventilation That controls any airborne virus bits too.

,•   Airlines and cruise lines should have their own on-site COVID testing facilities. Want to get on our plane? Here, stick this up your nose, spit in this, and stick your finger with this thing. Now go sit in our “New Zealand style” individual waiting cells for the next 2 hours. Test negative and you can board. For really long flights or cruises, maybe have quick testing at the end too. Got sick onboard? We fly you home for free and refund your ticket.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/13/2020 at 09:15 AM   
Filed Under: • Pandemic Pandemonium •  
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calendar   Sunday - July 12, 2020

Unmitigated Gall

MN: Feds, Bail Us Out For Rioting Damages!!
Feds: FOAD

Feds deny Walz’s request for aid to rebuild after riots
More than 1,500 buildings suffered damage in the unrest after George Floyd’s death.

The federal government has denied Gov. Tim Walz’s request for aid to help rebuild and repair Twin Cities structures that were damaged in the unrest following George Floyd’s death.

Walz asked President Donald Trump to declare a “major disaster” for the state of Minnesota in his request to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on July 2. More than 1,500 buildings were damaged by fires, looting and vandalism in the days of unrest that followed Floyd’s May 25 death in Minneapolis police custody, racking up more than $500 million in damages, according to Walz.

The governor’s spokesman, Teddy Tschann, confirmed late Friday that the request for federal aid was denied.

“The Governor is disappointed that the federal government declined his request for financial support,” Tschann said in a statement. “As we navigate one of the most difficult periods in our state’s history, we look for support from our federal government to help us through.”

Many small businesses and grocery stores, pharmacies and post offices were damaged during the unrest. In his letter to FEMA, Walz said what happened in the Twin Cities after Floyd’s death was the second most destructive incident of civil unrest in U.S. history, after the 1992 riots in Los Angeles.

The Walz administration conducted a preliminary damage assessment that found nearly $16 million of eligible damages related to fires. The federal funds would have been used to reimburse local governments for repairs and debris removal.

If you give them “room for destruction” and excuse and encourage their behavior then you assume the liability.

The friggin’ gall of this asshat. I’d call it beyond belief, but it’s utter typical. And Atlanta, DC, NYC, and all the other cities that encouraged this can all go jump on a sharp stick too. Not. One. Cent.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/12/2020 at 12:52 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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calendar   Friday - July 10, 2020

Karens Down Under

Major lockdown still in place in Australia. Karens hard at work ensuring adherence.

An all-night KFC gets an order for a lot of chicken at 1:30 in the morning. They rang it up on a credit card, cooked up the food, and tipped off the cops, who followed the delivery guy and then busted everybody at the destination where an illegal gathering of less than two dozen people was taking place. Fined them $18,000. No word on whether they got to enjoy the chicken.

A group celebrating a birthday party in Melbourne, Australia, was slapped with a $18,050 fine for violating coronavirus lockdown rules after police followed a KFC delivery order to its destination.

The partygoers had apparently ordered 20 meals at a KFC in the Melbourne suburb, Dandenong, at around 1:30 a.m. Friday, The Guardian reported.

The group was issued 16 fines for breaking lockdown orders.

Police were reportedly tipped off about the large order. The officials then followed the delivery car to the townhouse that had placed the order and discovered the gathering – despite guests attempting to hide in the backyard and under beds, the outlet shared.

The group was issued 16 fines for breaking lockdown orders.

The Victorian police commissioner, Shane Patton, called the behavior “absolutely ridiculous” in a statement to The Guardian.

The police commissioner did not call the citing of the fine ridiculous, he was referring to a small group of people having the temerity to actually have a party in somebody’s home. HOW DARE THEY.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/10/2020 at 03:32 PM   
Filed Under: • CrimeInternationalPandemic Pandemonium •  
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Maff Be Raycis

BLM Advocate: 2 + 2 = Cultural Oppression
Straight Outta Compton ... and Straight Outta Orwell’s 1984

This from a PhD candidate. Who is a teacher.

the idea of 2 + 2 equaling 4 is cultural and because of western imperialism/colonization, we think of it as the only way of knowing

Cuz, back in Afrika, when we wuz Kangs an sheet, we din nee no numbas.


I’m slightly reminded of this old joke ... works for any ethic group you want, but this is the Cajun version ...

A construction site boss was interviewing men for a job, when along came Boudreaux. The boss thought to himself, “I’m not hiring that ole lazy cajun...”

He decided to set a test for Boudreaux, hoping he wouldn’t be able to answer the questions, and he’d be able to refuse him the job without any problems.

The first question the boss asked was, “Without using numbers, represent the number 9.” Boudreaux says, “Dat’s easy,” and draws three oak trees. The boss says, “What the hell’s that?” Boudreaux says, “Tree ‘n’ tree ‘n’ tree makes nine.”

The boss says, “Fair enough.” “Second question, same rules, but this time represent 99.”

Boudreaux stares into space for a while, then makes a smudge on each tree. “Dere ya go, sir,” he says. The boss scratches his head and asks, “How on earth do you get that to represent 99?” Boudreaux says, “Each tree is dirty now! so it’s dirty tree, ‘n’ dirty tree, ‘n’ dirty tree...dat’s 99!”

The boss, now is getting worried he’s going to have to hire him, so he says, “All right, question three. Same rules once again, but this time represent the number 100.”

Boudreaux stares into space again, then shouts, “I got it!” He then makes a little mark at the base of each tree, and says “Dere ya go, sir. 100.” The boss looks at Boudreaux’s attempt and thinking that he’s got him this time.

“Go on Boudreaux, you must be crazy if you think that represents a hundred.”

Boudreaux leans forward and points to the marks at the tree bases, and says, “A little dog comes along and craps by each tree, so now ya got, dirty tree an’ a turd, dirty tree an’ a turd, an dirty tree an’ a turd, which makes a hundred! So when can I start workin’?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/10/2020 at 03:18 PM   
Filed Under: • HumorStoopid-People •  
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calendar   Thursday - July 09, 2020

A Rare Gem In Pandora’s Box o’COVID

Alas, it has now been repressed.

One NJ County Gets It Right. State Shuts Them Down.


Warren County is the next county to the north of us. With 109,000 residents in 360 square miles, they’re about 20% smaller than us with about 20% fewer people. They’re also at least as Red Corner as we are, maybe more.

Their COVID updates are through a document, instead of the interactive dashboard our county uses. But it’s a well written document that explains things, instead of just dumping numbers and putting up graphs. They are not stoking the hysteria. Well done.

I read the local and state news sites, and the comments, nearly every day to try and stay abreast of this pandemic situation. While Warren County has been hit a bit harder than we have here in Hunterdon, they are also in the small group of least affected counties in the state. But those comments I read ... OMG, reading comments online can be torture ... so many people having a hissy fit because “they” are hiding the truth, hiding the good data, everything is politics, Murphy sucks, Trump sucks, you suck. Oy. But a big complaint is that “nobody” is putting out anything on how many people have recovered. Another is that the LTC data is hard to get locally, and misleading. I reply to a lot of these comments, and I’ve seen that my concept of active public cases has been picked up by several other folks.

But I didn’t know until yesterday that any county was actually publishing data that supported my idea. Warren has been. But now the state, NJDOH, has squashed recovery data. No longer going to look into it. Interesting, given that NJ has about 40% more contact tracers than needed. So instead of complaining, I politely asked why. You really do catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Dear Warren County Public Information Department:

I read in the latest copy of the Warren COVID-19 weekly report that NJDOH ended recovery tracking on July 6.

With the latest spikes in the top of the state news, why was this done? I have read elsewhere that NJ has at least 1,000 more contract tracers than minimally required, which allows them to get the job done quickly. So insufficient staff can’t be the reason.

I think the COVID report put out by Warren County is excellent and informative. It may not be as high tech as Hunterdon’s interactive dashboard, but it provides clearly written explanations for the data presented. so it isn’t just numbers and graphs.

It also provides data analysis that few other counties have done, such as segregating the LTCF data from the rest of it. The patient recovery data is almost unique and is very reassuring.  Being able to subtract “restricted access” case numbers (LTCF and prison inmates) and recovered patient numbers from the overall cumulative case numbers is illuminating.  With these two data sets and the death numbers any person can quickly estimate how many active cases there are in public in the county. This goes a very long way towards calming the hysteria and giving the residents a more realistic awareness of the local situation. So why stop the recovery tracking, and the publication of that data? The sensible among us realize that masks and social distancing are going to be with us for quite some time, even long after the daily numbers approach zero.

Obviously Warren County has not been unique in making the effort to acquire patient recovery data, or else NJDOH wouldn’t have stopped this practice statewide. But Warren is the only county I’m aware of that has published this information and I think the lack of it going forward will not benefit the members of the public who have tried to stay well informed about this pandemic in their area.

I looked for information about this new practice at the NJDOH site but could find no mention of it, or the new software package being used by the contact tracers.

I got a response in under an hour. My query has been forwarded, and if they don’t respond in a couple days here’s a number you can call. And thanks for actually thinking ...

Again, thank you. It’s nice to hear from someone who reads beyond a photo and headline. Best wishes, and have a nice day.

The new case rate in Warren has fallen so much that they decided several weeks ago that it was no longer worth updating their documents daily, and switched over to weekly. Why spend the labor money for nothing? And they also publish the recovered numbers right on the main page of the county site, broken down into every township. Unfortunately they don’t list the deaths that way, like Hunterdon does.  And you still have to hit the state dashboard if you want the nursing home specific LTC numbers which have been God awful in Warren.

I think “self reported recovery” data is better than my 6 week approximation algorithm, or at least as good and rather more factual than hypothetical. I wish this were done everywhere. Because active public is the only number we need to know.

Cumulative cases for some area (with or without probables) minus “restricted access” cases (LTC and inmates) minus deaths not in LTC minus recovered. Adjust recovered by the fraction of cumulative cases not in LTC

Or more simply: Cumulative cases minus deaths minus recoveries. This works if you don’t have lots of nursing homes or prisons.

In Hunterdon today, that’s about 55 people; active public cases.
In Warren today, that’s about 74 people; active public cases.

So 129 active public cases from two county combined population of 225,000 people, in almost exactly 800 square miles. 1 per 1,744 folks you might run across in a store. A hair over 2 per square mile. Assuming they aren’t self isolating at all.

Yeah, it’s nearly over, all over over here.

But if you knew that, you might not wear your mask in public or practice excessive social distancing, or hide in your basement in terror. Now be a good sheep and behave.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/09/2020 at 12:24 PM   
Filed Under: • Governmentpandemic and epidemic diseases •  
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calendar   Wednesday - July 08, 2020

a little color



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/08/2020 at 04:16 PM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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Mazda Builds An Audi, Mostly

This is what I told them they should have done 4 years ago. Take your little car, make it AWD, and throw a big turbo on it. Because “Zoom Zoom” is how you made your name.

The Mazda 3 Turbo Has 250 HP and 320 Lb-Ft of Torque, But No Manual Gearbox

Mazda USA has released details and specs on the turbocharged 3 that’s coming to our market. The good news? We’re getting more horsepower than we originally thought. The bad news? There’s definitely no manual transmission available.

Like the Mexican Mazda 3 Turbo, the U.S. version will be powered by the company’s 2.5-liter turbocharged inline-four, currently found in the Mazda 6 and CX-5. It cranks out 250 horsepower and 320 lb-ft of torque on 93-octane fuel, or 227 horsepower and 310 lb-ft of torque on 87 octane. The company says the engine has been specially tuned “to deliver the unique driving dynamics expected by our most passionate drivers.”

The current Mazda 3 can be had with 186hp and 185lb/ft of torque. This year’s model is available with AWD too. But no turbo. And it’s not a MazdaSpeed ... but maybe it’s the more adult version. A 73% boost in torque is monumental. I had a Mustang GT back in the 80s that I think made 260lb/ft. It was a butt puckering grin machine, utterly worthless in the snow. It ate parts left and right too, but it was fun to play in.

Maybe I’ll wait until the 2nd model year of this, when my 2017 is paid off and most of the first year tweaks have been worked out. Granted, it’s the same engine they’ve had in their big SUVs for several years now, so it should be stable. Power is all done by 4500rpm, fuel cutoff at 5100rpm, so it’s no rev machine. But that much torque in a little car should be like ... curl your toe on the gas and get punched in the gut. But AWD should cure torque steer.

Like I said, it’s an Audi. Mostly. From Japan. For half the price, with equal build quality and interior levels. Sweet.

Sadly, Mazda AWD is not full time, it only activates when the computer thinks it’s needed. So it’s not the same as the Audi AWD experience of turning on a dime while being nailed to the road. Too bad.

Oddly, back in 2006 Mazda made a MazdaSpeed 6 turbo with their AWD and a manual. So the parts are essentially just sitting around.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/08/2020 at 03:10 PM   
Filed Under: • Fun-Stuff •  
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Tyrants Gotta Tyrant

NJ Gov Murphy: Now you’d better wear a mask outdoors too or else

NEW JERSEY – Gov. Phil Murphy on Wednesday said he’s ordering people to wear masks outside if they can’t social distance.

Murphy told MSNBC’s Morning Joe that face coverings are a “game-changer” and the policy has to change.

“We’re gonna turn that up a notch today and say, ‘We’re gonna ask you: If you can’t socially distance, it’s gonna be required,‘ “ Murphy said.

Murphy did tell “Morning Joe” that you’re not going to get cited if you’re by yourself or with your family. But if you’re congregating “with a lot of other folks and there’s no social distancing, you’re going to at least get a warning, if not something stronger,” he said.

Murphy did tell NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday that he believes there should be a national mask order, saying: “It’s become almost not even debatable, certainly when you’re going out and absolutely indoors.”

If this is such a “game changer” that it’s not even debatable (I guess “the science is settled”? ) then why is it that the rules allow you to wear just about any POS over your face? To hell with fashion, everyone should be wearing a mask rated at least N97, and probably with a cheap cloth mask over that if the mask has exhale valves. That would protect the rest of us from your breath if you haven’t tested negative lately. But let’s all be woke, and we’ll all suffer so that no Typhoid Mary stigma is attached to any double mask wearer.

The manufacturers have had months now to ramp up, and the PPE crisis is long over at most hospitals. We should be hip deep in N95+ rated masks by now. Good luck trying to find any, especially any made in the USA.

It’s also “almost not even debatable” that eye coverings can help too. So why not googles, face shields, or swim goggles?

Or is this just a total load? Duh, of course it is. Tyrants gotta tyrant no matter what. Murphy also just recently extended his Emergency Powers for another month, while cases in NJ continue to diminish. The media hype over our “spikes” is overdone and misleading. Specific data that identifies the demographics of the latest crop is not being fully released, other than the info that most new cases are with younger people. Anything more detailed would be raycis, even though true (eg it’s the same groups who won’t wear masks properly or do effective social distancing and have to be subponaed to cooperate with the tracers. So now we all have to suffer. Typical. ).

Expect fellow tyrannical Dem governors and mayors in NY, PA, MA, CA, etc to follow his lead within a day or two at most. Expect the media to dog-pile on President Trump when he opposes this or says this is a state issue.



On the other hand, His Imperial State Majesty has also kindly allowed restaurants to have indoor dining ... IF they can provide “wallspace” by opening doors and windows on at least two sides of the dining area AND also have a covered veranda where outdoor seating can be had. Duh, this limits a whole lot of eateries, but it fits our little Thai restaurant downtown perfectly. So who knows, maybe I can go sit down and eat in a restaurant by Friday. Course, it’ll be hot an muggy inside, because this is NJ in the summertime.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/08/2020 at 10:10 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsPandemic Pandemonium •  
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This Week’s Hate Hoax

Stolen Valor Oregon Politician Sends Himself Hate Mail
Guy also has extensive criminal record

Gee, you think maybe he should withdraw his committee membership, either now or from prison in the near future?

UMATILLA COUNTY, Ore.—A man who claimed he received a hate-filled, racist letter from an anonymous person allegedly wrote the letter himself, Hermiston Police say.

Chief Jason Edmiston tells KEPR-TV News that the criminal investigation for second-degree intimidation due to the racist, hate-filled letter received by Jonathan Lopez on June 23 has been closed. The matter will be referred this week to the Umatilla County District Attorney’s Office for initiating a false report - a Class A misdemeanor in Oregon.

Edmiston says the investigation has shown that Jonathan Lopez wrote the letter himself and made false statements to the police and on social media. The end result is a verbal and written admission by Lopez that the letter was fabricated.

Additionally, the Hermiston Police are sending the Office of the District Attorney verifiable information of potential election fraud as it pertains to the Stolen Valor Act of 2013 and other false credentials presented by Mr. Lopez during his run for county commissioner. This in conjunction with a lengthy criminal history record may result in the filing of additional charges.

Lopez posted the hateful letter filled with racist, homophobic and misogynist slurs.

Lopez admits the whole thing and tried to make excuses. He was just raising awareness!!

Lopez initially stated that it was a big misunderstanding. He said he just meant to speak with Edmiston about racism in Umatilla County and use the letter as an example of the type of racism people experience, but often don’t speak out about publicly.

“I never meant to file a report, it just kind of spiraled out,” he said. He also said he “never meant to mislead” the public.

When questioned further about his statements on Facebook and the fact that he told an East Oregonian reporter on June 24 that he had found the letter in his mailbox when he got home, he confirmed that he had told a police officer the same story.

Lopez ran for a seat on the Umatilla County Board of Commissioners during the May 2020 primary and placed fourth. He is also a member of the city of Hermiston’s Hispanic Advisory Committee.

Edmiston said his department was also forwarding information to the district attorney’s office about possibly fraudulent statements in Lopez’s entry in the May 2020 voter’s guide about his background and education. Those claims were also reported in the East Oregonian leading up to the election.

Edmiston also alleged that HPD has learned that Lopez never served in the U.S. Coast Guard as stated, which would be a violation of the 2013 Stolen Valor Act. Lopez has not provided documentation to the East Oregonian to confirm his claim of Coast Guard service when asked.

Fake letter, fake hate hoax, fake military service, fake educational credentials, hid his criminal record. Sounds like a perfect Democrat.

I hope they throw the book at him, but as a swish who can play a race card, thus having double immunity, I expect nothing to happen. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/08/2020 at 09:53 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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BroFo Sux

This isn’t even worth a blog post.

Ilhan Omar calls for America to be torn down. Because she’s so oppressed.

Meanwhile, the amoral scandalous wanton homewrecker incestuous bigamist jihadi is spending a full third of her campaign contributions on her new husband’s publicity company. This puts a whole lot of extra cash in their pocket. Spending nears $900K.

My question is, what dipwads would be donating money to this thing?

She disgusts me. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/08/2020 at 07:30 AM   
Filed Under: • CommiesDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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calendar   Tuesday - July 07, 2020

China Is Asshoe, part 3 million and 4

Got Your Data? So Does China.

FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday warned Americans that the Chinese government’s theft of American information is taking place on so large a scale, suspected incidents make up nearly half of his bureau’s counterintelligence cases.

Speaking at an event hosted by the Hudson Institute in Washington, Wray said that Chinese thefts amount to “one of the largest transfers of wealth in human history,” and that the American people are the victims.

“Of the nearly 5,000 active FBI counterintelligence cases currently under way across the country, almost half are related to China,” Wray said. “And at this very moment, China is working to compromise American health care organizations, pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions conducting essential COVID-19 research.”

In fact, Wray said that most Americans have already been affected.

“If you’re an American adult, it is more likely than not that China has stolen your personal data,” he said.

As an example, Wray noted that in 2014 Chinese hackers stole more than 21 million records from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

On the one hand, China Is Asshoe. They lie and cheat and steal and distort the truth.

On the other hand, this report is from the FBI. They lie and cheat and steal and distort the truth.

I don’t trust either of them. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/07/2020 at 04:48 PM   
Filed Under: • CHINA in the newsCrime •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
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  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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