Sarah Palin is allowed first dibs on Alaskan wolfpack kills.

calendar   Wednesday - December 09, 2015

Germans to Greeks.  Do as you’re told. Again. IMF wants monies on loan paid on time. lol!

Germany to Greece.  Shut up and do as you’re told.  Again.

Couldn’t resist that line.  That isn’t an exact quote but close enough.
Not that it’s a major story.  Just a short bit in the business section, which I rarely read.
But it caught my eye and attention. 

One headline reads;

Tension grows over IMF’s role in Greek program

Another reads;

Lay off the IMF, Germany warns.

Woo-hoo.  Is it to be war then?

To boil it down without reading the whole thing, which I’ll post for anyone interested.  And I am , cos I see it as a sit-com. 

Greece to IMF.  “What?  Pay back a loan?  Why?  How long has that been going on”? 

The German finance minister warned Greece not to question the involvement of the IMF in its bailout program.  This was after the Greek PM, Alexis Tsipras said the global lender was making unrealistic reform demands on Greece.

That’s it in a nutshell.

However … things got kind of messy and the German finance minister felt the Greeks needed some advice.
Here’s the longer version.

IMF’s role in Greek program

Tension between Greece and its lenders grew on Tuesday when German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble seized on comments by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras regarding the involvement of the International Monetary Fund in the Greek bailout program.

During a TV interview on Monday night, Tsipras indicated that he is not keen on the IMF joining the program because of the demands it is likely to make.

“The Fund must decide if it wants a compromise, if it will remain a part of the program,” said Tsipras. “If it does not want to, it should come out publicly and say so.”

Speaking on the sidelines of Tuesday’s Ecofin meeting, Schaeuble slammed Tsipras’s stance. “It is not in Greece’s interests for it to question the IMF’s involvement in the bailout program,” he said.

· “I believe we negotiated at length with Mr Tsipras in July and August,” added Schaeuble. “I also believe that he signed the agreement and then held elections to get a mandate from the Greek people so he could implement what he signed.”

The German finance minister also indicated that he has the impression Tsipras is having second thoughts about adopting some of the measures demanded by Greece’s lenders.

“They should focus their attention on doing what they have to do,” he said. “As always, they are behind schedule. Maybe questioning the agreement is necessary for domestic reasons; he has a slim majority I have noticed. This may be the easy route but it is not in Greece’s interests.”

Schaeuble’s comments prompted an immediate response from Athens. “We remind that the Greek government is responsible for deciding what is in the country’s interests,” said government spokeswoman Olga Gerovasili.

“We expect the German Finance Ministry to separate its stance from the unacceptably tough stance of the IMF,” she added. “Europe should and is able to solve its problems on its own.”

Greek government sources believe that Schaeuble’s comments indicate there is a split within the German government over Greece.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/09/2015 at 07:36 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - November 28, 2015

the life of a trucker on the road with migrant swarm … like roaches they infest europe

Don’t know how many looking in today.

Checking emails first time in a couple of days and found this.

H/T LyndonB for forwarding it to me.

I do not understand a single word he is saying as it’s (I presume) Hungarian.  The music in from the cab drove me nuts to be honest, and since I didn’t understand him anyway, and had no translation, I turned off the sound.  Before then, it was pretty damn evident that the driver was totally pissed off over the migrant scum, as you will see.

From what Lyndon sent .... the driver said “I’ll kill you c***suck**s, and at one point drove his rig straight at the migrant maggots. I was really in great hopes that he’d nail a few but that didn’t happen.
Anyway .... I don’t think you folks back home in states see much of this on TV.  The drivers have not got a very safe or happy time of it.

To use Lyndon’s words, and I hope he won’t mind as I didn’t ask.

“its thousands of these roaches. Hopefully a few of them will soon become roadkill. I feel sorry for the drivers really putting up with this night after night.”

The video runs 14 minutes and you might think nothing much happening and at first there isn’t.  But stay with it cos after about 3 minutes, things start to get serious. 
Then imagine all this vermin in the USA on our roads doing the same.  Of course, not likely to happen as happily, our guys have guns. Over here,
people are absolutely defenseless. AND ...

Merkel is sticking to her guns and says she has a vision for Germany and won’t give in.

We can only hope some patriot will put a bullet in her and put a stop to her very unnecessary breathing.

Migrants in Germany are already bitching about ... “Too much sugar in the orange juice they are given”.  “The food is not spicy enough”. “Germany is too cold”.  “THERE IS NO CIGARETTE MONEY”!  “Internet connections are too slow”.

Sexual harassment on public transport is becoming commonplace. 

The video btw (sorry about getting sidetracked with the above but...)

The video is Calais, France.  The cockroaches looking for a ride in the back of these trucks want to be, HERE!

I just found another link at the Daily Mail.
If you view the video I have posted, you will note the maggots were throwing things at the trucks way before the driver of this one lost his temper.

But here’s how the Mail headlined the story.


Helpless my sick and tired ass. 


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/28/2015 at 01:33 PM   
Filed Under: • FRANCEIllegal-Aliens and ImmigrationInternational •  
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calendar   Saturday - November 21, 2015

Belgium on terror lockdown

It isn’t over yet.

And according to what we’ve been told, won’t be in this generation.

Damn.  I was in high hopes after Paris, I’d still be around for the end game.

Belgium on terror lockdown: Brussels metro closed and people warned to avoid public areas after ‘serious and imminent threat’ alert over Paris-style ISIS attack

Brussels’ metro network has been shut following security lockdown after terror threat level is raised in Belgium
People have been warned to avoid public gatherings in Brussels after warning of ‘imminent threat’
Decision based on ‘precise information’ of Paris style attack, according to Belgium Prime Minister
Belgian national arrested in Turkey under suspicion of scouting the ISIS target sites for Paris attacks

By Tom Wyke for MailOnline and Peter Allen In Paris for MailOnline

Brussels has been put into security lockdown after Belgian intelligence received ‘precise information’ of a planned Paris-style ISIS attack in the capital.

Belgium’s prime minister Charles Michel confirmed that the decision to raise the terror alert level in Brussels was taken ‘based on quite precise information about the risk of an attack like the one that happened in Paris.’

Service has been halted on the Brussels subway system and heavily armed police and soldiers are patrolling the Belgian capital amid a high security alert.

The country’s national security center has raised the terror threat level to Level four after fears of a ‘serious and imminent’ terror threat involving ‘weapons and explosives’.

Speaking at a news conference, the Belgium Prime Minister said the fear was that ‘several individuals with arms and explosives could launch an attack ... perhaps even in several places’.

‘We urge the public not to give in to panic, to stay calm. We have taken the measures that are necessary,’ Mr Michel added.

People in Brussels have been told to avoid public gatherings, including concerts, train stations and airports.

Belgium’s interior minister Jan Jambon said the country’s situation is ‘serious’ but under control with the nation at its highest state of alert.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/21/2015 at 10:44 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationInternationalmuslimsREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLETerrorists •  
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calendar   Friday - October 30, 2015

dedicated to all the migrants here and those coming and the dead. especially the dead.

Just started reading the papers, saw this and quit. Booted desktop just to scan this shot.

The story isn’t much different from all the others.  But I though the visual here was the focus.

Unfortunately ... nobody died, so the riff-raff are all still here.  Ah well .... almost.

Meanwhile ,,,, the unter menschen here appear to be having a disagreement over something.
You can see from this alone, without any script, what Europe is in store for.


There is some upbeat news on this front. 
A boat overturned and another 16 uninvited guests have drowned.  The bad news is that over 200 were saved.

Well, that led me to an old Satchmo tune from many year ago.  The original title being, “I’ll be glad when you’re dead you rascal you”.
I’m quite obviously not a song writer, but hey.  It kept me from using bad language so maybe that’s a point in my favour.

I couldn’t resist changing the words here and there. 

I’m glad that you’re dead, you rascal you,
I’m so glad that you’re dead, you rascal you,
If I let you in my home, you won’t leave my woman alone
I’m glad that you’re dead, you maggot you

I’m glad when you die, you rascal you, uh-huh
I’ll be glad, oh I’ll be cheering, when you finally give up breathing.
When you’re lyin’ six feet deep, no more halal will you eat

I’m glad that you’ve drowned you vermin you,

Ah, you just ain’t no good and that’s a fact,

Now listen here, I’m happy when you die you rascal you,

I’ll be standin’ on the corner high, when they drag your body by
I’ll be glad that you’re dead, we all will be so happy when you’re gone

With your body on the beach, no more borders will you breach
You’re a nuisance and a bother only Merkel types will want ya

I’ll be glad when you’re all dead, you vermin you.

with acknowledgment and apologies to:
Theard, Sam

Published by
Lyrics © EMI Music Publishing


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/30/2015 at 05:42 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - October 29, 2015

Austrian Chancellor does a U-Turn and joins EC president on immigration.  F*****g idiots

I don’t know what to say that I haven’t said at least a hundred times before.
I can’t even say whatever I have already said, in a different way.

Bmews readers already know what my idea regarding a solution is.

So then, for anyone just surfing through the site for the first time, ..... napalm, poison gas and bullets. Any one of or all three just for fun.
Let the culling start and don’t stop until there are none left.  Easy.  The problem however is ... these folks do not have the will to survive.

Meanwhile ....

The EC (European Commission) president and the Austrian Chancellor issued a joint statement, this is AFTER Austria announced it was going to build a fence.  Looks like someone did a U Turn.


ONE MILLION more migrants could head for Europe over the winter because of the Syrian war, warns Turkey, as official says the EU risks
‘disintegration’ if it fails to tackle the crisis
· Escalating violence in Syria is expected to lead to more migrants leaving

· Turkey is expecting over one million migrants to cross the border in winter

· Many of the migrants are likely to try and make the dangerous journey to Europe

By Tom Wyke for MailOnline

Over a million more Syrians are expected to flee to neighbouring Turkey following the beginning of Russia’s campaign of air strikes and fresh rebel clashes in the war-torn country.


Many of the migrants are unlikely to hang around in Turkey and are expected to try and make the dangerous journey across Europe.
With winter fast approaching, violence continues to spread across the country, particularly in the northern regions where air strikes are being carried out on an almost daily basis.

The country, has been struggling with security problems following the suspected ISIS bomb attack ( in Suruc and Ankara ). Turkey already has over one million migrants.

The news comes as one top foreign policy chief warned the European Union risks disintegrating if it fails to respond to its worst migration crisis since World War II collectively.

Federica Mogherini said that if the EU merely relied on national responses to a European issue, ‘the crisis will get worse, with chain reactions from public opinion and national governments’.

To prevent this, she told the Il Sole 24 Ore newspaper, the bloc needed to be equipped with ‘instruments up to the challenge’ without which, she warned, ‘there is the risk of disintegration’.

The comments came a day after Austria announced plans to build a fence at a major border crossing with fellow EU state Slovenia to ‘control’ the migrant influx.

The move would be a blow to the bloc’s cherished passport-free Schengen zone.

After hastily arranged talks between European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann, the two issued a statement stating that ‘fences have no place in Europe’.


more to see and read


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/29/2015 at 10:48 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEEUro-peonsIllegal-Aliens and ImmigrationInternational •  
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calendar   Wednesday - October 21, 2015

fuhrer merkel in deal to hand turks cash and EU visas as insanity now firmly in charge

There are a dozen photos at the link.

This time in Slovenia. 

A few days ago, Hungry finally closed their border with Croatia, which sent thousands of these lice in another direction. And they showed up here.

Fire tears through Slovenian camp housing thousands of migrants after refugees ‘torch tents in protest at a lack of food and water and delays processing them’

Hundreds of migrants including women and children evacuated as blaze ripped through camp near Croatian border
Cause of the blaze was not clear but migrants had been lighting fires outside their tents to ward off the cold weather
Slovenia yesterday accused neighbouring Croatia of sending thousands of refugees to its borders ‘without control’
EU leaders have been summoned to Brussels summit on Sunday in an effort to better co-ordinate flow of migrants

By Simon Tomlinson for MailOnline


invaders, pix and story continues

And as if things can’t get any worse .... Der Fuhrer, Frau Merkel of the former Fatherland now Germanistan, is concerned about the huge “influx” of migrants.
Apparently our Fuhrer in a skirt, (ok, she wears pants) was out of town when she invited all these scum to her country to enjoy the benefits of a rich and successful country.  Of course, it won’t remain that way, but she’s deaf, dumb and blind to the threat.  Europe is being over run and the UN has the gall to openly accuse Germany and the UK of not doing enough.  Good Grief.
Anyway .... Merkel has offered EU membership if the Turks stem the migrant tide washing away Europe.

Merkel pushes Turkey for EU migrant plan

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has traveled to Turkey to meet leaders and hash out a plan aimed at managing the migration flow into Europe. It may include an aid package and revitalized EU membership talks for Turkey.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel held talks on Sunday with Turkish leaders in a bid to stem the flow of asylum seekers and migrants entering the EU.

Prior to arriving in Turkey, Merkel said that “all the issues will be on the table,” including the conflict in Syria, visa restrictions and the struggle against terrorism.

Officials have said that the EU offered Ankara an aid package of at least 3 billion euros ($3.4 billion) along with easing EU visa restrictions for Turkish citizens and revitalizing EU membership talks.

However, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday that he was unimpressed with the EU’s initial offer.

“Europe’s security and stability is contingent on our security and stability. They have accepted this now,” Erdogan told an audience in Turkey’s largest city Istanbul.

“We are hosting 2.5 million refugees but nobody cares,” Erdogan said.

Turk/Merkel continues

And then of course ... there’s France, where authorities have taken Marine Le Pen to court and are prosecuting her for what they claim was hate speech.  Her high crime was to be critical of muslim prayer on streets, blocking pedestrians and traffic in some places, and saying it felt like a Nazi occupation. Or words to that effect. 
Here’s what you need to know .... and it is note worthy.  Even the public prosecutor says she has not broken any law.
BUT ... the usual ass wipes who are offended on the behalf of others, the usual folks who call themselves anti-fascists, thus justifying any outrage they commit, are the ones bringing charges. And her remarks btw, date back to 2010. 
See below.

French spend $1million a year to fly migrants away from Calais...then let them come straight back!

Scandal throws new light on policies that have overpopulated Calais
There are 6,000 migrants sleeping rough in Calais area trying to reach UK
French are pouring money into dispersing them around France using Beechcraft 1900 turbo-jet planes, at a cost of £2,500 an hour
But after a few hours at detention centre, almost always go back to Calais

By Peter Allen for the Daily Mail


France: Marine Le Pen goes on trial over Muslim remarks

French National Front leader Marine Le Pen has appeared in court in Lyon, to answer charges of inciting racial hatred, for comparing Muslims praying in the street to the Nazi occupation.

She made the comments at a rally in the city in 2010 when she was fighting for the leadership of the party.

Ms Le Pen insisted on Tuesday she did not commit any offence.

And the prosecutor called for her acquittal, saying she was not referring to the whole Muslim community.

The National Front (FN) leader had only spoken about a specific number of people and was exercising her freedom of speech, Bernard Reynaud told the court.

The case was originally dropped last year by the Lyon court of appeal but revived by anti-racism groups who made a civil complaint.

Ms Le Pen’s anti-immigration and anti-EU message is attracting increasing support in France and her party is hoping to win two French regions in December local elections.

The judge in Lyon will deliver a ruling on the case in December.
Timing of trial

It was during a campaign speech in Lyon in 2010, a few months before she became leader, that Marine Le Pen spoke out about Muslims worshipping in the streets because mosques were full.

“I’m sorry, but some people are very fond of talking about the Second World War and about the occupation, so let’s talk about occupation, because that is what is happening here,” she told National Front supporters.

“There are no tanks, no soldiers, but it is still an occupation, and it weighs on people.”

Outside court on Tuesday she questioned the timing of the trial.

“We’re a month away from a regional election and this affair dates back five years,” she told reporters.

An opinion poll at the weekend suggested her niece, Marion Marechal-Le Pen, could wrest control of the key southern region of Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur (Paca) from the governing Socialists.

Le Pen continued


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/21/2015 at 11:04 AM   
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calendar   Friday - October 09, 2015

Austrian Member of Parliament Goes Ballistic on Muslim Hypocrisy. But nothing changed

While I applaud this fellow, whoever he is, I find it depressing that since this video was posted four long years ago, not one thing has changed except to get worse.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/09/2015 at 10:52 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - October 07, 2015



Pot-a-pult at it again!

Border Patrol Seizes 1,377 pounds of pot that was launched over border

Stone the castle!  {I don’t think this is what they meant!}

Border Patrol agents seized 1,377 pounds of marijuana in dozens of bundles that the agency says had somehow been launched over the fence along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Agent Matthew Eisenhauer says agents using thermal-imaging cameras spotted the bundles apparently being launched over the border fence near Douglas Saturday night.

Agents responded and found approximately 80 bundles within 150 yards of the border.

Eisenhauer says officials aren’t sure how the bundles were launched over the border.

In previous incidents, smugglers have thrown drug bundles over the border or shot them over with devices such as air-powered cannons and catapults.

Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a frog! A frog??? Well, a flying Square Green Grouper. Don’t see many of them outside the Bahamas. ‘Specially not in west Texas.

Elsewhere in Narcoland Texas, other Border Patrol agents seized nearly a ton of grass when the mules got skittish and ran back home.

RIO GRANDE VALLEY – U.S. Border Patrol agents confiscated nearly 2,000 pounds of marijuana in three seizures early Friday morning, a more than $1.5 million worth of marijuana bust.

Early Friday, agents assigned to the Brownsville Station were advised of possible illegal activity on the eastside of Brownsville, CBP says. As the agents reached the area, they saw a white SUV driving north from the Rio Grande.

Border Patrol agents say the alleged marijuana driver noticed the agents and decided to make a U-turn, headed back to the river. The vehicle was then submerged in water. CBP says the driver swam back to Mexico, abandoning more than 1,100 pounds of marijuana.

Before the largest seizure, agents confiscated two smaller loads of marijuana in Garceno and Escobares, bringing the total amount seized to nearly 2,000 pounds.

Every year along about this time it all goes dry
There’s nothing ‘round for love or money that’ll get you high
Henry got pissed off and said he’d run to Mexico
To see if he could come back holdin’ 20 keys of gold.

Now the road to Acapulco is very far indeed.
It isn’t any better if you haven’t any weed.
Henry’s driving hard and straight on twisty mountain roads
Fifty people waiting back at home for Henry’s load.

And now he’s rollin’ down the mountain
Going fast, fast, fast
And if he blows it this one’s gonna be his last
Run to Acapulco to turn the golden keys
Henry keep your brakes on for this corner if you please!



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/07/2015 at 01:55 PM   
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calendar   Monday - October 05, 2015

Part 2 … hungary in the crosshairs

Everybody and their brother as the old expression goes, by which I mean the politically correct leaders of some other EU countries and the usual bullshit from the bastards at Amnasty Intl.  Oh how I’d love to ( censored ) those commie creeps to hell. Everyone is screaming RAACE!!!!


Hungary is doing what any country is supposed to do.

They are trying to protect their border and doing a better job of it than anyone else.

And perhaps they are a bit racist. So F*****g what?

Hungarians have said and their PM has said it openly.  We do not want to become a muslim country. Should they not have that politically incorrect right?

Their prime minister has pointed at the problems faced here in the UK as just one example of many mistakes made with regard to migrants. Invaders to you and I and the Hungarians as well.

The video below at the very left wing Trotsky friendly paper, is worth looking at however.  It shows the Hungarian authorities are not willing to lay down like so many others and let the invaders use their country as a highway or a new settlement.  The ones who got through have caused enough problems already.

So F*** the UN secretary general and the Guardian and all the other bed wetters on the left who are so damned eager for Hungarians to give away their birthright to foreign invaders.

Hungarians know about occupation. Oh boy do they know.  They most likely treasure sovereignty, which makes me wonder why they ever joined the EU to begin with. 

The Guardian-Sep 17, 2015

The UN secretary general has condemned the Hungarian government’s treatment of refugees on its southern border.
Hungary’s treatment of refugees is shocking and unacceptable, says UN

UN secretary general expresses outrage over use of teargas and water cannon, as thousands of people enter Croatia

Hungary triggered outrage from the international community on Wednesday after firing gas canisters and spraying water at crowds of frustrated refugees who had briefly broken through a border gate in protest at being prevented from crossing from Serbia.

the video is here, the BS can be ignored

Now take a look at this.

Addressing Hungary, the UN chief, Ban Ki-moon, said: “I was shocked to see how these refugees and migrants were treated. It’s not acceptable ... since they are the people who are fleeing the violence and persecution, we must ensure our compassionate leadership.”

I think what I hate so much is the BS.  Tens of thousands of them are NOT fleeing the things mr moonbeam says they are. I see an awful lot of military aged healthy looking invaders .  Why is it they don’t stay in their home country and fight or work for a way to make things better?  Dumb question. Sorry.  Those vermin have been that way for the last thousand years or more. Anyway, most likely they are avoiding military service in their home countries.  Sometimes forgotten but still mentioned in passing by a few (very few) reporters, is that the swarm invading Europe now are destroying ID papers and passports, thus making it more difficult for authorities to deport any. 

Hungary has portrayed its reaction as a legitimate response to an invasion, claiming without giving further details that a known terrorist was among one of the 29 people arrested during the clashes on Wednesday. In response, Serbian politicians condemned what they saw as an infringement of Serbian sovereignty.

Serbia’s prime minister accused Hungary of brutal and ”non-European” behaviour and urged the EU to respond. “We will not allow anyone to humiliate us. I call on the European Union to react, for its members to behave in line with European values,” Aleksandar Vučić told Serbian state television. “If the EU does not react, we will find a way to protect our borders and European values as well,” he said.

Yeah … and European “behaviour” so far has been to suck up and roll over. 
Two women in Germany have been told they must vacate their homes of 16 and 23 years, to make way for migrants needing homes.
I’d say the Hungarians know about that.

The leaders of the various countries being invaded, are not listening to their people. Except for the appeasers.  They have a voice it seems, that carries more weight. So far.

I’d have been very happy to see the Hungarians use deadly force rather than water.
With luck it may come to that, because killing invaders is the only way to stop them. It can’t be done with kind words and excuses and appeasement.
It just can’t!

And finally .... Back on this side of the English channel.

Groups of 100 well organized and armed migrants with rocks and whatever else is handy, and largely organized by a group of anarchists, Brits reported among them, invaded the chunnel, which is a rail link under the English channel linking France and the UK.
The vermin were able to go some ten miles in, blocking and delaying trains for up to 8 hours. This occurred last week.
Their friends outside meanwhile threw stones at trucks, and when a truck came to a stop they tried to board.
It’s so clear most are a lawless rabble, following another law all to themselves.  And all the while, the worthless UN secretary general bleats on about the poor badly treated migrant invader. 

The only good news to report from that sector, is that two vermin were electrocuted in the tunnel.  Sure hope it hurt and wasn’t over too fast.
I understand a third died as well but not clear as to how. Not that it matters.  Dead is good any way it happens to invaders.

and .... God Bless Hungary


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/05/2015 at 07:37 AM   
Filed Under: • Border SecurityIllegal-Aliens and ImmigrationInternational •  
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hungary in the crosshairs Pt. 1

It might just be me and the pc and software or…? 

Don’t know about others but since the Daily Mail changed things, it takes forever for their pages to load. And … I now get the addition of locked screens on some stories.
This one especially.

So anyway …. I wanted to post about Hungary, who have a 110 mile razor wire fence and now are closing the border with Croatia, and are much in the news. 

This is my third attempt to post this. This time I might make it. In spite of the DM or my computer.  I think it’s an important story, and Hungary is being ravaged by the media.  And not just the left.  The surprise would be if the left had nothing to say.
They are being raked over the coals because they are worried, as well they should,
about the future and the culture of their homeland.

I wouldn’t normally copy this much of a story, but I really think it’s worth it.

Read on.

Racist or just brutal realism? Hungary’s been condemned for building a new Iron Curtain to keep out migrants.

But its PM says he’s done it to avoid multicultural Britain’s mistakes… and his popularity is soaring
· 110-mile-long fence is brainchild of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban
· The 4m-high barrier spans entire length of the country’s border with Serbia
· Waiting on other side of the barricade are squads of Hungarian riot police
· 82 per cent of Orban’s citizens are in favour of tighter immigration controls

By Paul Bracchi for the Daily Mail

The razor-wire fence has become a defining symbol of the migrant crisis. The barricade — 4m high and constructed in six weeks on the back of prison labour — runs the length of the country’s 110-mile border with Serbia.
The Berlin Wall, by comparison, was 96 miles long. This hinterland between Hungary and the Balkans was once the main entry point to the European Union for the diaspora pouring out of the Middle East.

Today, on the Hungarian side, waiting for anyone who breaches the barricade, are squads of police reinforced by SWAT teams from Hungary’s elite Counter Terrorism Centre (TEC).

The role of these officers, in black commando uniforms, is to ‘capture persons that pose a danger for themselves and the public’ — a mission statement that leaves little doubt about the way Budapest views the wave of asylum seekers we have all seen on the TV news.

There is another, more fundamental, sub-plot to Hungary’s brutally effective migrant policy, though.
It is encapsulated in Mr Orban’s inflammatory public statements about ‘Christian Europe’ being under threat. ‘If you’re being overrun, you can’t accept migrants,’ he wrote in a German daily newspaper.

‘We must not forget that those who are coming in have been brought up under a different religion and represent a profoundly different culture.

‘The majority are not Christians but Muslims. That is an important question because Europe and European culture have Christian roots. Is it not already, and in itself, alarming that Europe’s Christian culture is barely able to uphold Europe’s own Christian values? The people want us to control the situation and protect our borders.’

The Crusader rhetoric conjures up an image of Muslim hordes at the gates of fortress Hungary. Indeed, to understand the psychological forces behind the hatred you need to understand how Christian-Muslim conflict is deeply embedded in the Hungarian DNA just as mutual suspicion and hatred have historically existed between Arab and Jew in the Middle East or Catholic and Protestant in Northern Ireland.

Mr Orban is both reflecting — and many, would say, exploiting — this primal fear of ‘outsiders’, especially Muslim outsiders, in Hungary.

The origins of that legacy can be found in Mohacs, a small town on the Danube, near the Croatian border. It was here in 1526 that a heavily outnumbered Hungarian army suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of Ottoman invaders under Suleiman the Magnificent.

The Battle of Mohacs was Hungary’s equivalent of the Battle of Hastings; one defeat led to the Norman conquest of England, the other to 150 years of Ottoman rule in Hungary.

The battlefield on the outskirts of Mohacs is now a memorial site. An inscription inside proclaims: ‘Here began the ruination of a once strong Hungary.’
Mohacs, in fact, marked the end of the old independent Kingdom of Hungary. In the immediate aftermath, Christian churches were converted into mosques, a poll tax was levied on non-Muslims, and Hungarian landlords were dispossessed.

Children in Hungary are taught about this at school, just as British children are taught about 1066. Foreign domination, first by the Ottoman Turks, followed by Austria, then — after World War II — by the Soviet Union, lasted almost five centuries, with Hungary properly emerging only in 1989 as a fully independent republic, following round-table talks which led to the end of communist rule.

Viewed through the prism of history, recent events in Hungary become, if not acceptable, then at least more understandable.
The politician at the centre of the controversy, of course, is Viktor Orban, who insists that Hungarians have ‘the right not to live together with populous Muslim communities’.

One statistic, in particular, has been used to justify the government’s hardline position on migrants. The figure is 291,000 — the number of migrants who entered the country illegally this year before the border was fenced off. Of these, 80 per cent were single young men, according to the latest UN data.

The Hungarian authorities have no idea who these people are. They could be potential terrorists or economic migrants. But one thing is for sure, the Hungarians reason: they couldn’t have been genuine refugees, otherwise why would they have entered the country illegally?

Mr Orban has described this most recent ‘influx’ as an invasion. The figure he quotes (291,000) does not include genuine asylum seekers.

Under the EU’s controversial Dublin regulation, refugees have to claim asylum in the first ‘safe’ EU country they arrive in. Serbia is not in the EU and Greece, which would normally be responsible for registering many of those now crossing the Aegean Sea, is no longer considered a ‘safe state’ because of its austerity programmes.

So the burden has fallen on Hungary, because, geographically, it is first EU country that migrants travelling through the Balkans reach.
This, despite the fact that the country is run by an anti-immigration, Right-wing government. And this is the great irony at the heart of Hungary’s migrant crisis.

Will Hungary back down? Having spent the past week here, I can tell you that the answer to that is categorically no. The migrant crisis is a vote winner for Mr Orban.

Will Hungary be kicked out of the EU? Perhaps that question can be answered with another one. When was the last time anyone got kicked out of the EU? French President François Hollande says: ‘States that don’t respect European values should ask if they belong within the EU.’

We know Mr Orban’s response: ‘I think we have a right to decide that we don’t want to have a large number of Muslim people in our country.

I don’t see any reason to force us into a way of living together in Hungary that we don’t want to see.’ He has no wish to repeat the West’s ‘failed experiments’ in multiculturalism. In Britain, Mr Orban says, we have de facto segregation, with parallel societies in towns and cities.

Anyone who has been to Dewsbury in West Yorkshire, where even the ice cream lady wears a burka, might recognise what he is saying.

In Hungary, by contrast, less than one per cent of the population of just under 10 million is Muslim. There are a mere 15 mosques in the country. They are small, mostly based in converted homes, and are without minarets which, significantly, are not allowed.
The Muslim community is, to all extents and purposes, invisible.
The Hungarian Islamic Community (HIC) is housed in a mosque in an old pharmacy in the back streets of Budapest.
Muslim women from this mosque are reluctant to wear Islamic clothing on public transport. Two Muslim women were threatened on a bus a few days ago by a woman with a knife because they were wearing traditional headscarves.
For its part, Hungary is a predominantly Catholic country. Earlier this month, Pope Francis called on every Catholic parish across Europe to help alleviate the migrant crisis.

The tensions were laid bare in an extraordinary interview given by a Hungarian bishop. ‘They’re not refugees,’ declared Laszlo Kiss-Rigo, Bishop of Szeged-Csanad in southern Hungary.

Like Mr Orban, he called what is happening an ‘invasion’. But he went further. ‘They come here with cries of ‘Allahu Akbar’,’ he said. ‘They want to take over. The Pope doesn’t know the situation. Most of them behave in a way that is arrogant and cynical.’
Back in Roszke, Jozsef Turi, who runs the village supermarket, showed me the bushes outside his shop where migrants used to hide when they saw police.

On other occasions, they came into his store to buy SIM cards for their iPhones and other mobiles. Some female staff were too scared to start work early in the morning in case they ran into them.

Over at Istvan Molnar’s home, there is a discarded blanket near a chicken coop at the back of his house where he once found a migrant sleeping.
Almost every night, he said, huge groups would pass by. Sometimes they would knock on his window and shout: ‘Taxi, taxi.’


Hope you have no problems with the link I have posted.  Sometimes (I finally got lucky) it opens all the way without freezing up.
I suppose also it could be my connection. But then, why not everywhere else as well? 

And by the way.  Speaking of migrants and invaders.  It’s interchangeable.

Groups of 100 strong and armed with sticks and whatever else is handy, and organized by an anarchist group containing some Brits, forced their way into the Chunnel, that is, the rail link that runs under the English channel to France.  They managed to hold up rail movement for some 8 or 10 hours.  They tore down fences, ambushed trucks by throwing stones and when trucks stopped they tried to board.  So those two things were happening at the same time last week.  As usual and especially when anarchists are involved, there’s damage.
There really is a crying need for some sort of military action that should be taken against all these vermin.  Hit squads that have as targets, anarchists wherever they are found, and migrants simply for target practice to hone their skills.

Hungary has posted signs and taken out ads , some in English.  While most invaders especially the younger ones can speak some English, I wonder if they can also read it.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/05/2015 at 05:01 AM   
Filed Under: • Homeland-SecurityIllegal-Aliens and ImmigrationInternationalmuslimsREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLE •  
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calendar   Saturday - October 03, 2015

a quick note. and all it takes is betrayal of your country

I came across this line late today while hunting for something else unrelated.
Couldn’t resist posting it, even if she doesn’t win. 

I guess there are a lot of well meaning ppl who are not necessarily left wing wankers, who want to help people and causes etc. 
And I also guess that what she tried, at the expense of her country’s future, could come under the heading of seeking peace.

I see things in a different light tho.  I think she created the 2015 version of a Munich Pact.  And for a very short time, that did work.
But we can all recall what happened next.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel tipped to win Nobel Peace Prize after opening her country’s doors to desperate refugees

Ahead of the Nobel prize season, which begins on Monday, Germany’s influential Bild newspaper declared that Angela Merkel, 61, had ‘a good chance’ of being crowned winner of the Peace Prize


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/03/2015 at 10:21 AM   
Filed Under: • International •  
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calendar   Saturday - June 06, 2015

just like the plague. they are everywhere

None of this is surprising. 
An earlier headline covering a different story read, Romania is top of the EU fraud league. 

More than a third of probes into alleged corruption involving EU cash centered on Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria.
Romania had 36 investigations opened against it last year, Hungary 13 and Bulgaria 11, according to OLAF, the European Anti-Fraud Office.
Then of course there are the gypos, I call Europe’s cancer.  We have some close friends just up the road, we visit often having what Brits call, coffee morning.
Just friends staying in touch on a fairly regular basis. Anyway, this particular couple travel a lot, and have shared a number of horror stories about travel in Europe, being confronted by gypsies.  An old story. Been going on for years but made worse by the open borders as enacted by the members of the EU. A bad idea made worse by the kind of people you do not want in your country, much less next door to you.

Folks in USA can’t have no idea how bad it can get in some places. No reason why you should know with so much going on at home and other higher concerns re. isis etc.  Just be thankful these creeps haven’t discovered America.  Yet. 

Romanian gang arrested for robbing female tourists at Alicante and Murcia airports and even following holidaymakers back to their accommodation

· Spanish police arrested nine people in connection with robberies at Murcia and Alicante airports
· Subjects had even followed holidaymaker to accommodation to rob them
· Part of a wider programme to catch criminals who prey on tourists
· Travel advice is to stay alert and keep your valuables close

By John Hutchinson for MailOnline

Holidaymakers are being warned to be on their guard after a spate of robberies in Spanish cities and airports popular with tourists.

At the end of last month, Spanish police arrested nine people in connection with a series of robberies at Murcia and Alicante airports.

The group had targeted foreign visitors, with the crimes being committed at the airport and even claims that some travellers have been followed back to their accommodation.

Alicante is a popular summer destination for British tourists, yet they will have to be on their guard following a spate of recent robberies
Spanish news agency Murcia Today report that the nine were Romanian nationals.

The arrests are part of a wider clampdown on stolen goods in the provinces of Almería and Granada and the region of Murcia.

Police officers arrested 20 people in connection with 35 robberies last month, with 13 searches discovering a raft of stolen goods.
Computers, jewellery, cars and money are just some of the items recovered.

A spokesperson for ABTA told MailOnline Travel: ‘We are really pleased to see that the Spanish authorities has brought this group of thieves to justice. Airports can represent rich pickings for thieves as they know that there will be large numbers of people carrying valuables either on their person or in their luggage.

‘People may also be distracted if they’ve arrived in an unfamiliar airport and are trying to find their bearings. So although it is incredibly easy to let your guard down particularly after a long flight, keep alert, place your wallet, passport etc in an inside jacket pocket and keep an eye on your luggage.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/06/2015 at 07:00 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationInternationalTravelers/Gypsies/Squatters •  
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calendar   Tuesday - June 02, 2015

No, really, Honest ur honor, I didn’t know smoking was bad for me. boo-hoo. nobody said a word.

I happen to see these today .... I’m not posting the articles but merely sharing.

It’s pure bull**** and you all know it is.  How in the freekin world can a court come down in favor of a lying no good shit and his lying pretty good but still a shit, lawyer.

Oh big surprise.


As I understand the news on radio, one of em died. Good and I hope it hurt and I hope the lawyers get the same.

This is such miserable underhanded bullpoo.  After all these years someone did not know?  Can anyone believe that?
Does Canada not have warnings on their packs?

It just plain pisses me off when things like this happen.  I’m not a smoker but if you are, you’ll be paying for this.
I hope the companies have an appeal in place and the the liar dies before he gets to spend a penny of this theft.  And the same kind thoughts for the judge or judges.  I really do not understand.  What have I missed?

Oh well, lets move on.


Golly boys and girls ... what do we have here?

Lets hope Britain (dragging France by the hand, as Churchill once put it) no longer has a treaty with Poland in which they:

Guarantee Poland’s Territorial Integrity.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/02/2015 at 07:12 AM   
Filed Under: • International •  
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calendar   Monday - June 01, 2015

and they keep coming, with no end in sight.

Don’t be fooled by a headline here and there that may appear reasonable.

Europe is doomed.  Their future has been cancelled.

France and Germany especially and of course this place that ppl continue to forget is an island.

When this place fills up I guess the excess will try and make it to the USA.

Thank heaven for guns in your hands, cos some day folks, I really believe it could come to that.  You think things are bad on the borders over there now?  Hey .... there’s billions in hard cash in people smuggling. That’s one hell of an incentive unless somehow someway you figure a way to stop them.  Without btw allowing the SOBs access to lawyers paid for by you and by not recognizing this “human rights” industry thing.

Just ranting cos I don’t see an end to this.

France and Germany reject EU migrant quota plan and say Italy and Greece need to do more to strengthen their borders

They insist the plan doesn’t take into account ‘efforts already undertaken’

Added that Italy and Greece make it too easy for migrants to enter Europe

European Commission hopes to ease pressure on Italy and Greece

Med countries are struggling to deal with thousands of immigrants arriving

5,000 migrants crossing from Libya saved from the Med in just three days

By Imogen Calderwood For Mailonline

France and Germany have slammed an EU plan to ease migrant pressures in the southern member states, claiming it doesn’t take into account their ‘efforts already undertaken’.

The emergency proposals are designed to relieve Italy and Greece, which are struggling to deal with thousands of immigrants crossing the Mediterranean from Libya.

But the interior ministers of France and Germany released a joint statement today claiming that the proposals are insufficiently ‘balanced’.

Ministers Bernard Cazeneuve and Thomas de Maiziere insisted a better balance between ‘responsibility’ and ‘solidarity’ was needed.

They added that the ‘efforts already undertaken’ by countries to admit asylum seekers should be ‘better taken into account’.


The statement pointed out that nearly three-quarters of asylum applications in the EU are made in five member states – Germany, France, Sweden, Italy and Hungary.

Spain and eastern European states have also expressed concerns.

The European Commission issued the proposal last week, in an attempt to share out the 40,000 Syrian and Eritrean migrants reaching Italy and Greece with other member countries.

But Germany and France, under the current proposal, would take nearly 40 per cent between them.

The statement said: ‘This temporary relocalisation mechanism must be founded on two principles of equal importance: responsibility and solidarity. We believe that the balance between these two principles has not yet been reached in the proposal presented by the Commission.’

The EU plan takes into account a country’s GDP, unemployment figures, population size and past number of asylum-seekers.

Hey .. some of you may get a laff outta this.  Last year sometime, or maybe it was early in this one, the EU changed something with regard to dues paid by member states. Monies based on GDP I believe.
Well ... the EU decided that the UK had to include monies earned by prostitutes in their GDP.

Now how that’s done I have no way of knowing.




Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/01/2015 at 02:00 PM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationInternational •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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