Sarah Palin is the other whom Yoda spoke about.

calendar   Thursday - November 11, 2004

Another Burial Ceremony

Too bad it’s not permanent ....

Vic Harville, Little Rock, Arkansas—Stephens Media Group


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 11/11/2004 at 12:43 PM   
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calendar   Thursday - October 21, 2004

Three More For The S**T List

I am now making three new entries to the forons gracing my shit list.  See here for my original post and here for the followup post.

Now I have to add Matt Damon. What a fucktard.  He says he’d pay a million dollars to see Bush out of office.  Exactly how do you propose to do that, asshole?  You plan on bribing people?  Or selling votes?  All the more reason to see the movie:  TEAM AMERICA: THE WORLD POLICE where this numbnuts gets skewered.

The other is none other than this asshole known by many of you as Sting. I have some of his CDs.  I will buy no more.  Maybe a chimp can replace his dumb ass on the stage, too!

Lastly, it goes without saying these assholes are on my shitlist, too!  Maybe not every single one but as a group of people, pretty damn close.  And so, on our way to the top of the charts as the most despised and by virtue of such, meriting placement as number one on the LIST OF SHIT, here’s The Sheetheads!!!!

Yep, we free 50 million of their brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, and other assorted relatives to include sheep and camel and the ones here in ther states who have the freedom the aforementioned don’t, would rather have Fuckface as President. 

That’s gratitude for ya!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/21/2004 at 06:23 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - October 16, 2004


OK, who has gone to see, “Team America: World Police?”

What did you think?  Is it worth going to?  All I’ve read indicates the answer is “YES!”

Sound off!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/16/2004 at 06:08 PM   
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calendar   Monday - October 04, 2004

I Just Really Don’t Care!

Elton John is slinging mud at Madonna.

Ask me if I give a shit.

Go ahead.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/04/2004 at 07:12 PM   
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calendar   Saturday - September 25, 2004

They Don’t Make ‘Em Like This Any More

You know, before Hollywood became a Liberal Activist Looney Bin, movies were fun to watch. There were the good guys and the bad guys and the good guys always won. Honesty and toughness were desirable character traits. Real heros swept across the movie screens. Men were real men and women were good-looking dames. I miss those days .... and actors like Bogart ....


Memorable Lines From “The Maltese Falcon” ....

Sam Spade : I don’t mind a reasonable amount of trouble.
Sam Spade : People lose teeth talking like that. If you want to hang around, you’ll be polite.
Sam Spade : My guess might be excellent or it might be crummy, but Mrs. Spade didn’t raise any children dippy enough to make guesses in front of a district attorney, and an assistant district attorney, and a stenographer.
Joel Cairo : You always have a very smooth explanation…
Sam Spade : What do you want me to do, learn to stutter?
Sam Spade : When you’re slapped, you’ll take it and like it.
Sam Spade : I hope they don’t hang you, precious, by that sweet neck. Yes, angel, I’m gonna send you over. The chances are you’ll get off with life. That means if you’re a good girl, you’ll be out in 20 years. I’ll be waiting for you. If they hang you, I’ll always remember you.
And finally, this is how Sam Spade would have handled “RatherGate” ....

Brigid O’Shaughnessy : Help me.
Sam Spade : You won’t need much of anybody’s help. You’re good. Chiefly your eyes, I think, and that throb you get in your voice when you say things like ‘Be generous, Mr. Spade.’
Brigid O’Shaughnessy : I deserve that. But the lie was in the way I said it, not at all in what I said. It’s my own fault if you can’t believe me now.
Sam Spade : Ah, now you are dangerous.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/25/2004 at 02:18 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - September 08, 2004

Moore Pork

For some unexplained reason, I simply couldn’t resist this one ....



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/08/2004 at 06:26 AM   
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calendar   Monday - September 06, 2004

The Arrogant, Fat, Bloviated Bastard Goes Overboard

Michael Moore has decided not to submit “F-9/11” for Best Documentary at next year’s Oscars. This arrogant pig is instead going to submit the piece of sleaze on celluloid for BEST PICTURE. Can you believe the egotistical arrogance of this human jackal? Then again, the “picture” was more fiction than fact anyway. In fact, there was almost no fact in it. OK, let the Hollyweirdos vote on it. It’s for sure they’ll never give Best Picture to “Passion Of The Christ”. But hey, that’s Hollywood for you .. a modern day Babylon.

“For me the real Oscar would be Bush’s defeat on Nov. 2,” Moore told The Associated Press during a phone interview Monday from New York.

The $6 million film has become a sensation that collected $117.3 million in the United States this summer, despite an early roadblock when the Walt Disney Co. banned its Miramax Films division from distributing the political hot-potato.

In the midst of the presidential campaign, Moore’s announcement is a strategic move for his Oscar campaign. Documentaries and animated films have their own categories, but the conventional wisdom in Hollywood is that those niche awards can limit a film’s appeal in the overall best picture class.

Moore said he and his producing partner, Harvey Weinstein, agreed “Fahrenheit 9/11” would stand a better chance if they focused solely on the top Oscar.

I am simply amazed at this ignorant porker’s stupidity. If abortion would keep dipshits like this from growing up, I’d almost be for it. Almost.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/06/2004 at 08:13 PM   
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calendar   Saturday - August 28, 2004

Michael Moore And The Aladdin Casino

I found the following at Strange Cosmos and thought you all would be highly entertained by it. Enjoy ....

You may recall, the Aladdin Casino in Las Vegas "threw out" Linda Ronstadt for her anti American stance while performing. This caused Michael Moore to send a strong letter of complaint to the President of the Aladddin. Here is his letter, and the reply from Mr. Timmins' Response to Michael Moore's, "Open Letter to Bill Timmins, President Aladdin Casino and Hotel". As you most likely know, Michael Moore posted the following letter: After the letter, you will find the response... PLEASE READ MR. TIMMINS RESPONSE. IT IS EXCELLENT.

Bill Timmins
President Aladdin Casino and Hotel Las Vegas, NV
July 20, 2004

Dear Mr. Timmins:

I understand from the news reports I've read that, after Linda Ronstadt, one of America's greatest singers, dedicated a song to me from your stage on Saturday night, you instructed your security guards to remove her from the Aladdin, which they did.

What country do you live in? Last time I checked, Las Vegas is still in the United States. And in the United States, we have something called "The First Amendment." This constitutional right gives everyone here the right to say whatever they want to say. All Americans hold this right as sacred.

Many of our young people put on a uniform and risk their lives to defend it. My film is all about asking the questions that should have been asked before those brave soldiers were sent into harms way.

For you to throw Linda Ronstadt off the premises because she dared to say a few words in support of me and my film, is simply stupid and Un-American.

Frankly, I have never heard of such a thing happening. I read that you wouldn't even let her go back up to her room at your hotel! Are you crazy?

For crying out loud, it was a song DEDICATION! To "Desperado!" Every American loves that song! Sure, some people didn't like the dedication, and that's their right.

But neither they nor you have the right to remove her from your building when all she did was exercise her AMERICAN right to speak her mind.

Of all the things that go on in Las Vegas, this is what creates the need for serious action? What about the other half of the crowd at the Aladdin who, according to the Las Vegas Sun, cheered her when she made her remarks? Did you throw them out, too?

I think you owe Ms. Ronstadt an apology. And I have an idea how you can make it up to her -- and to the millions of Americans you have offended.

Invite her back and I'll join her in singing "America the Beautiful" on your stage. Then I will show "Fahrenheit 9/11" free of charge to all your guests and anyone else in Las Vegas who wants to see it.

Mr. Timmins, as the song "Desperado" says -- "Come to your senses!" How can you refuse this offer? I await your reply.

Yours, Michael Moore Director, "Fahrenheit 9/11"

Timmin's Response

July 21, 2004

Attention: Michael Moore,

In response to your letter dated July 20, 2004: You are correct that I had security remove Linda Ronstadt from Aladdin Casino and Hotel where the fun never ends and everybody wins.

How very interesting to learn you are such a fan of Ms. Ronstadt. You questioned where I live and surprisingly knew Las Vegas is in the United States. You should visit it sometime. There are thousands of wonderful 'All You Can Eat' buffets.

There are also a lot of casinos who's owners don't **** around. I am aware of the First Amendment and you have the right to talk about your hatred of America but once you are on my property and you are upsetting my guests, you will quickly learn about my rights.

I can't remember if it was Jesus or George W. Bush that said, "Freedom is a two-way street." Ms. Ronstadt learned this long before I had her thrown out of my casino. You question my actions? If you come onto my property and upset my guests, you will receive the same, if not worse, treatment than Ms Ronstadt received.

I am sure your mere presence would upset my guests.

You claim your film, " all about asking the questions that should have been asked before those brave soldiers were sent into harms way." I think your film does nothing but aid the enemy and hurt our troops. You have betrayed our troops, our leader and America. I have no respect for you or your vision of what America should be.

I paid Ms. Ronstadt to entertain my guests, not divide them. The half that did not leave probably thought the verse you mentioned, "Why don't you come to your senses" was addressed to you. Maybe she should have dedicated her song, 'You're No Good' to you. I would have asked her back, had she done that.

Regarding your request for me to apologize to her, have you and her on my stage singing anything about this Country and then playing your piece of **** film is ludicrous!

One of my workers is currently throwing away every complaint letter from brainless followers of you, claiming they will never visit my Casino. I could not be more pleased to know my casino and hotel will always be void of the kind of people who support you. Meanwhile, my hotel has been quickly booked solid for the rest of the year with true Americans who love this Country and support our efforts overseas.

They will see a framed copy of your letter and my response in the lobby to ensure they begin their experience with a laugh.


Bill Timmins
President Aladdin Casino and Hotel Las Vegas, NV


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/28/2004 at 07:39 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - August 24, 2004

The S**t List With A Side Trip

Since Hollyweirdoes insist on making public statements in matters political, I will make personal statements by banning them from my home.

For you new readers, my philosophy is this: Hollyweirdoes have a right to their opinion. No doubt. But when those opinions are carried by the media, thereby amplifying the voice of these moonbats a millionfold, well, that's where I draw the line.

You see, there are too many stupid fucking people in the US who actually formulate opinions about who to vote because of what actors say. I suspect it is some sort of misplaced hero worship related to not being able to differentiate the real person from the actor they portray.

Anyways, since my opinions and knowledge of matters political are usually MUCH GREATER than these barking moonbats' and I get NO CORRESPONDING TIME from the press, the only solution I have is to boycott these sons of bitches.

My original list is here.

A later update is here.

On to the two latest shitheels: Matt Damon and Scarlet Johannsen. I will not go to any of their movies, nor rent/buy any of their videotapes or DVDs. Doing so will compromise my principles by continuing to provide additional income to these assclowns. The more money they have, the richer and more influential they become. Their perception of self-importance grows and a willing and complicit media will, in turn, provide them ever larger outlets for spouting their nonsense.

That's that. So now let's go on a little side trip now but we stay with Hollywood as a uniting theme.

The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson finds Will Smith opening his yapper in Germany bemoaning what it's like in the US as a Black man. There are few places in the world where Will Smith is able to do what he's done in America. Now he drives a Bentley, lives VERY large, yet STILL bad mouths the white man who, for the most part, is the one who goes to his shows, attends his movies, and gave him his money.

Rev. Peterson goes on to skewer Denzel Washington, Danny Glover, Spike Lee, and others for their vast hypocrisy and willingness to use the race card to trump all arguments and attempt to show themselves as "victims" of white oppression.

Lastly on our little trip we have Helen "DEGENERATE" Degeneres about to play God (of all beings) in a remake of the huge success film in the late 70s starring George Burns.

Please, put this on your "BANNED AND NEVER WILL WATCH" list.

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/24/2004 at 07:38 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - August 14, 2004

Michael Moore Angers Arabs

Michael Moore sent copies of his movie "F-9/11" to the Mideast for review. Almost every country over there said "thanks, but no thanks ....
Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" is provoking strong Arab reaction. Kuwait banned it, Jordan tried to cut it, Syria has not decided, and Saudi commentators are denouncing it.
Why am I not surprised that the fat f**k's movie angered even our "Arab neighbors"?
Many Arab moviegoers say with a twinge of envy that they wish the region, where free speech is for the most part restricted, had its own Moore. Some say it reinforces their bad image of the United States and shows Americans what their own media does not.
They want their own "Moore"? Good. We have a very large one that we could cut up and ship quite large pieces to every country in the world if they want one. There's plenty to go around. Warning: you may still have trouble feeding even the "smaller" pieces of this bloated egomaniac.
"When he condemned the war in Iraq ... he pictured it this way: Baghdad was happy and safe until cowboys Bush and Blair came," Saudi columnist Reem al-Saleh wrote in Kuwait's Al-Siyassah daily.

"He ignored 30 years of muscle-flexing invasions, villages massacred by chemical weapons ... millions of bodies, and mass graves. He has no right to hide the full truth."
Yep, he ignored a lot of "truth" but that's what we've come to expect from Mr. Moore-on.
For Radwan Rizk, a 47-year-old Lebanese gym owner, the message was double-edged: Moore's presentation shook his idea of American democracy, yet reinforced it, too.

"I hope that we can come to a point where we can criticize our own governments the way he did — freely," Rizk said.
That's easy, Radwan. All you folks have to do is what the Americans did .... gather up as many firearms as you can and distribute them to the people so the people have more guns than the government does .... and never let them take those guns away from you. I guarantee you will be able to criticize your government whenever you want to.

And if you want Michael Moore, you can have him. And that's all I'm gonna say about that.

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/14/2004 at 08:51 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - July 21, 2004

Plane Ticket To Mongolia?

Linda Ronstadt recently had this to say after being canned at the Aladdin Casino in Las Vegas for starting a riot with her political statements urging people in the audience to go see Michael Moore's "F-9/11".
The state of the nation: "I saw a movie recently about a camel and these people in Mongolia, and I relate to them better than people here in this country. It looks like (Germany's) Weimar Republic to me here."
Weimar Republic, my ass!

Well, we here at BMEWS think Ms. Ronstadt should not be subjected to living under the cruel dictatorship in America even one day longer. We think Ms. Ronstadt deserves to be given a free one-way airplane ticket to Mongolia ASAP. There, at last, she can commune with the camels and the people she adores. Who knows, maybe the Mongolians can appreciate Michael Moore's bullshit truth and honesty.

Please send your donations to Ms. Ronstadt today and let her know how you feel about Mongolia and her political insights. Encourage her to get on that plane as quickly as possible .... and send us a postcard from Ulan Bator soon. We will miss her insightful political analysis but hey, we will muddle through somehow.

Send your donations (and encouragement) to:

Linda Ronstadt
Trident Media Group LLC
41 Madison Ave Fl 33
New York, NY 10010

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 07/21/2004 at 10:02 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - July 18, 2004

New Additions In The Library

If you look in the sidebar under the "Visitor Education Center", you will see two new additions. One is the "Armed Forces Tribute". Take a look at it and support our troops.

The second new addition is "Celebrity Addresses". This is the post from yesterday with contact information for badly behaving rock stars and Hollywood celebrities. Addresses, phone numbers and e-mails are there (where available). I'll keep updating the list so you can contact these people if you wish to let them know how you feel about their recent political statements. Today, I've added contact information for Danny Glover, Al Franken and Rosie O'Donnell. Keep checking back as the list will be updated regularly. If you have a particular in-DUH-vidual you want contact information for, just e-mail us here.

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 07/18/2004 at 10:01 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - July 17, 2004

You Asked For It ….

One of our readers asked about contact information for some of the rock and movie stars who are behaving badly. Elton John is the most recent. In accordance with your wishes, I have gained access to the largest on-line database of celebrities. Here are a few contacts you may wish to use should you wish to chastise them ....

Elton John
Singers House
32 Galena Road, LondonW6 0LT

Howard Rose Agency Ltd, The
9460 Wilshire Blvd #310, Beverly Hills, CA 90212USA

One Ho Productions
375 Greenwich St
Tribeca Film Center, New York, NY 10013USA

John Fogelman
William Morris Agency (WMA-LA)
151 El Camino Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 USA

Brad Cafarelli
9171 Wilshire Blvd #300, Beverly Hills, CA 90210USA

Arnold Rifkin
Cheyenne Enterprises
406 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90401 USA

Endeavor Agency LLC (LA)
9701 Wilshire Blvd Fl 10, Beverly Hills, CA90212 USA

Ariel (Ari) Emanuel
Endeavor Agency LLC (LA)
9701 Wilshire Blvd Fl 10, Beverly Hills, CA90212 USA

The Dixie Chicks
Firm, The
9465 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 USA

Creative Artists Agency LCC (CAA-LA)
9830 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 USA

Simon Renshaw
Firm, The
9465 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 USA

Danny Glover
P O Box 170069, San Francisco, CA 94117 USA

John Burnham
International Creative Management (ICM-LA)
8942 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Mark Burg
Evolution Entertainment
901 N Highland Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90038

Al Franken
Company: Special Artists
345 N Maple Dr, #302, Beverly Hills, CA90210

Creative Artists Agency LCC (CAA-LA)
9830 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA90212

Rosie O'Donnell
Company: Bernie Young Agency
9800 Topanga Canyon Blvd, #D, Chatsworth, CA91311

Steve Lezine
International Creative Management (ICM-LA)
8942 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Let me know who else you wish to contact and I will research it and provide the contact information for you as quickly as possible. Remember, if you contact these people, try to remain polite and do not make any threats. Just let them know how you feel about their mixing politics and entertainment. For the lawyers out there: the information provided above is publicly available information so back off.

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 07/17/2004 at 03:03 PM   
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Goodbye Yellow Brickhead

"Sir" Elton John is complaining about censorship in America, according to a recent article from the BBC. For those who don't know, Elton John lives in America and calls Atlanta home nowadays. He is tremendously rich. I've enjoyed his music over the years but I beg to differ with him on this occasion. In fact, I am now convinced that Elton John is full of s**t after reading this.

He says, "There's an atmosphere of fear in America right now that is deadly. Everyone is too career-conscious".

Well, that makes sense. I'm career-conscious too. The economy is going through a recovery and the unemployment rate is still high even though it is finally falling and the economy is improving. Even in normal times, I'm conscious of my job performance.

But then he goes on to say, "Stars are scared to speak out against war in Iraq because of "bullying tactics" used by the US government to hinder free speech.

I'm sorry. Did I miss something here? When did the government pass legislation censoring performers? Did I miss that part about black-cloaked FBI agents storming the stage and carrying off some singer to a secluded torture chamber somewhere? Elton John is obviously privy to certain acts of the US Government that I missed. The last time I checked, the blithering idiots in Hollywood and elsewhere were all howling away against the war on terror without FBI intervention.

To date, there have been exactly zero acts against performers by the US Government for taking an anti-war stance. As far as the Bush administration has been concerned these performers have been free to make complete asses of themselves if they so wished .. and many have.

But Elton continues, ".. voiced concern that it appeared acceptable to speak out if you were pro-Bush, using the example of country singer Toby Keith, but not if you were critical of the President, as in the case of country rock band, the Dixie Chicks.

Again, I ask Elton where the storm troopers are? What do you mean it is "not acceptable" to be critical of the President, like the Dixie Sluts Chicks? And why do you think Toby Keith's speaking out for President Bush is considered "acceptable"?

Aaaahhhhh, here we finally start to get to the bottom of the matter. It's not actually the government at all that is hurting your feelings is it, Elton? It's not the government that's not accepting your criticism either? It's the fans, isn't it? The people who buy your records and those of the Dixie Chicks and Toby Keith and all the others. You can't stand it when you and your ilk stand up and preach politics at your fans and they turn away, can you? Who the f**k do you think you are, "Sir" Elton? Do you think the people who buy concert tickets and record albums should just blindly buy whatever you spit out. If so, you can go directly to hell. Do not pass "GO". Do not collect $200.

Once again, an egotistical entertainer confuses the fans with the government. "Sir" Elton, you need to remember that it's a free market out there and if we don't like what you're selling we don't have to buy it, OK? There are 290 million people out there in this great country and not all of them go along with your agenda. In fact, most of them feel we did the right thing to defend ourselves after 9/11 and that we did the right thing to remove a dangerous dictator in Iraq. We believe the Bush administration did the right thing to make the world a safer place for people like you to make lots of money and enjoy a good life in safety.

So don't point the finger of blame at the government. George Bush probably couldn't care less how you feel about the war. Your job is to make music. His job is to protect and defend the people of this great nation. So why don't you and your friends make all the music you want to. Make anti-war songs if you wish. Help yourselves. The government won't stop you. Under our Constitution the government can't stop you even if they wanted to. The people who buy records and attend concerts, now that's another matter. We will spend our money where we damn well please and if we like what Toby Keith is offering and dislike what the Dixie Chicks are offering, that's just our choice .. and we make it freely without any intervention from the US Government .. or from you either. So piss off with your talk of censorship.

And while we're on the subject, "Sir" Elton .. we don't have an aristocracy here in America. We don't believe in lords and ladies and barons and such. If the Queen Of England knighted you, that's her business. So drop the "Sir" shit while you're here. Around here, we call people "sir" out of respect, not because they hold some bloody foreign title .. and after reading your remarks I sure as hell have no respect for you.

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 07/17/2004 at 12:30 PM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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